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This paper describes the evolution of landforms in Atlantis and Gorgonum basins, using a geomorphologic approach which interprets landform distribution and hierarchy. Rather than looking at the distribution of large-area (>106 km2) geologic sequences, this study focuses on interpreting the local-scale (<103 km2) cratered terrains, tectono-structural basins, and local manifestation of exogenic processes. Specifically, the evolution of fluvio-lacustrine landforms is interpreted as being functionally subordinated to the evolution of the cratered terrains and to the tectono-structural modifications of the landscape. Results show that three major phases of landscape evolution in Atlantis and Gorgonum basins can be identified: (a) major impact cratering during the heavy-bombardment period; (b) tectonic displacements in response to volcano emplacement in the Tharsis region, and simultaneous landform creation by fluvial and lacustrine processes; and (c) exogenic modification of the older landforms through weathering and eolian processes. Our results show that the smaller morphological features, which form on the older geological units, are not necessarily old themselves and can in fact be relatively recent (e.g. Amazonian). The main implication of these results is that martian morphology did not form only during a period immediately following the heavy bombardment, as commonly postulated, but rather that landform evolution continued throughout the entire martian history.  相似文献   

The value of slope stability analyses for gaining insight into the geologic conditions that would facilitate the growth of gully alcoves on Mars is demonstrated in Gasa crater. Two-dimensional limit equilibrium methods are used in conjunction with high-resolution topography derived from stereo High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery. These analyses reveal three conditions that may produce observed alcove morphologies through slope failure: (1) a ca. >10 m thick surface layer that is either saturated with H2O ground ice or contains no groundwater/ice at all, above a zone of melting H2O ice or groundwater and under dynamic loading (i.e., seismicity), (2) a 1-10 m thick surface layer that is saturated with either melting H2O ice or groundwater and under dynamic loading, or (3) a >100 m thick surface layer that is saturated with either melting H2O ice or groundwater and under static loading. This finding of three plausible scenarios for slope failure demonstrates how the triggering mechanisms and characteristics of future alcove growth would be affected by prevailing environmental conditions. HiRISE images also reveal normal faults and other fractures tangential to the crowns of some gully alcoves that are interpreted to be the result of slope instability, which may facilitate future slope movement. Stability analyses show that the most failure-prone slopes in this area are found in alcoves that are adjacent to crown fractures. Accordingly, crown fractures appear to be a useful indicator of those alcoves that should be monitored for future landslide activity.  相似文献   

A circular albedo feature in the Arabia Terra province was first hypothesized as an ancient impact basin using Viking-era information. To test this unpublished hypothesis, we have analyzed the Viking era-information together with layers of new data derived from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Odyssey (MO) missions. Our analysis indicates that Arabia Terra is an ancient geologic province of Mars with many distinct characteristics, including predominantly Noachian materials, a unique part of the highland-lowland boundary, a prominent paleotectonic history, the largest region of fretted terrain on the planet, outflow channels with no obvious origins, extensive exposures of eroded layered sedimentary deposits, and notable structural, albedo, thermal inertia, gravity, magnetic, and elemental signatures. The province also is marked by special impact crater morphologies, which suggest a persistent volatile-rich substrate. No one characteristic provides definitive answers to the dominant event(s) that shaped this unique province. Collectively the characteristics reported here support the following hypothesized sequence of events in Arabia Terra: (1) an enormous basin, possibly of impact origin, formed early in martian history when the magnetic dynamo was active and the lithosphere was relatively thin, (2) sediments and other materials were deposited in the basin during high erosion rates while maintaining isostatic equilibrium, (3) sediments became water enriched during the Noachian Period, and (4) basin materials were uplifted in response to the growth of the Tharsis Bulge, resulting in differential erosion exposing ancient stratigraphic sequences. Parts of the ancient basin remain water-enriched to the present day.  相似文献   

In the western sector of Nepenthes Mensae, Mars, there are some geomorphological features that could be related to a standing water sheet in the area, such as fluvial terraces, deltas and shorelines. A detailed analysis of these features reveals two variations in water level, probably related to tectonic processes, as suggested by the existence of a fissural volcano at this site.  相似文献   

HiRISE images together with other recent orbital data from Mars define new characteristics of enigmatic Hesperian-aged deposits in Sirenum Fossae that are mostly 100-200 m thick, drape kilometers of relief, and often display generally low relief surfaces. New characteristics of the deposits, previously mapped as the “Electris deposits,” include local detection of meter-scale beds that show truncating relationships, a generally light-toned nature, and a variably blocky, weakly indurated appearance. Boulders shed by erosion of the deposits are readily broken down and contribute little to talus. Thermal inertia values for the deposits are ∼200 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2 and they may incorporate hydrated minerals derived from weathering of basalt. The deposits do not contain anomalous amounts of water or water ice. Deflation may dominate degradation of the deposits over time and points to an inventory of fine-grained sediment. Together with constraints imposed by the regional setting on formation processes, these newly resolved characteristics are most consistent with an eolian origin as a loess-like deposit comprised of redistributed and somewhat altered volcanic ash. Constituent sediments may be derived from airfall ash deposits in the Tharsis region. An origin directly related to airfall ash or similar volcanic materials is less probable and emplacement by alluvial/fluvial, impact, lacustrine, or relict polar processes is even less likely.  相似文献   

Several hydrated silicate deposits on Mars are observed within craters and are interpreted as excavated Noachian material. Toro crater (71.8°E, 17.0°N), located on the northern edge of the Syrtis Major Volcanic Plains, shows spectral and morphologic evidence of impact-induced hydrothermal activity. Spectroscopic observations were used to identify extensive hydrated silicate deposits, including prehnite, chlorites, smectites, and opaline material, a suite of phases that frequently results from hydrothermal alteration in terrestrial craters and also expected on Mars from geochemical modeling of hydrothermal environments. When combined with altimetry and high-resolution imaging data, these deposits appear associated predominantly with the central uplift and with portions of the northern part of the crater floor. Detailed geologic mapping of these deposits reveals geomorphic features that are consistent with hydrothermal activity that followed the impact event, including vent-like and conical mound structures, and a complex network of tectonic structures caused by fluid interactions such as fractures and joints. The crater age has been calculated from the cumulative crater size-frequency distributions and is found to be Early Hesperian. The evidence presented here provides support for impact-induced hydrothermal activity in Toro crater, that extends phyllosilicate formation processes beyond the Noachian era.  相似文献   

Uzboi Vallis (centered at ∼28°S, 323°E) is ∼400 km long and comprises the southernmost segment of the northward-draining Uzboi-Ladon-Morava (ULM) meso-scale outflow system that emerges from Argyre basin. Bond and Holden craters blocked the valley to the south and north, respectively, forming a Late Noachian-to-Hesperian paleolake basin that exceeded 4000 km3. Limited CRISM data suggest lake deposits in Uzboi and underlying basin floor incorporate relatively more Mg-clays and more Fe-clays, respectively. The short-lived lake overflowed and breached Holden crater’s rim at an elevation of −350 m and rapidly drained into the crater. Fan deltas in Holden extend 25 km from the breach and incorporate meter-sized blocks, and longitudinal grooves along the Uzboi basin floor are hundreds of meters long and average 60 m wide, suggesting high-discharge drainage of the lake. Precipitation-derived runoff rather than regional groundwater or overflow from Argyre dominated contributions to the Uzboi lake, although the failure of most tributaries to respond to a lowering of base level indicates their incision largely ended when the lake drained. The Uzboi lake may have coincided with alluvial and/or lacustrine activity in Holden, Eberswalde, and other craters in southern Margaritifer Terra, where fluvial/lacustrine activity may have required widespread, synoptic precipitation (rain or snow), perhaps associated with an ephemeral, global hydrologic system during the Late Noachian into the Hesperian on Mars.  相似文献   

Recent geomorphic, remote sensing, and atmospheric modeling studies have shown evidence for abundant ground ice deposits in the martian mid-latitudes. Numerous potential water/ice-rich flow features have been identified in craters in these regions, including arcuate ridges, gullies, and small flow lobes. Previous studies (such as in Newton Basin) have shown that arcuate ridges and gullies are mainly found in small craters (∼2-30 km in diameter). These features are located on both pole-facing and equator-facing crater walls, and their orientations have been found to be dependent on latitude. We have conducted surveys of craters >20 km in diameter in two mid-latitude regions, one in the northern hemisphere in Arabia Terra, and one in the southern hemisphere east of Hellas basin. In these regions, prominent lobes, potentially ice-rich, are commonly found on the walls of craters with diameters between ∼20-100 km. Additional water/ice-rich features such as channels, valleys, alcoves, and debris aprons have also been found in association with crater walls. In the eastern Hellas study region, channels were found to be located primarily on pole-facing walls, whereas valleys and alcoves were found primarily on equator-facing walls. In the Arabia Terra study region, these preferences are less distinct. In both study regions, lobate flows, gullies, and arcuate ridges were found to have pole-facing orientation preferences at latitudes below 45° and equator-facing orientation preferences above 45°, similar to preferences previously found for gullies and arcuate ridges in smaller craters. Interrelations between the features suggest they all formed from the mobilization of accumulated ice-rich materials. The dependencies of orientations on latitude suggest a relationship to differences in total solar insolation along the crater walls. Differences in slope of the crater wall, differences in total solar insolation with respect to wall orientation, and variations in topography along the crater rim can explain the variability in morphology of the features studied. The formation and evolution of these landforms may best be explained by multiple cycles of deposition of ice-rich material during periods of high obliquity and subsequent modification and transport of these materials down crater walls.  相似文献   

In the Xanthe Terra region of Mars, two forms of flow fields are observed on the walls of Mojave Crater, a fresh impact site with a maximum age of Late Hesperian. Flow fields with steep, lobate margins are consistent with emplacement of a highly viscous medium. The focus of this report is on fan-shaped landforms that share many morphologic attributes in common with terrestrial alluvial fans, including a semi-conical form, branching tributary networks, distributary channels and incised channels. Collectively, these sub-kilometer-scale landforms have attributes consistent with overland flow of fluids and formation of fans by water and gravity-driven alluvial sedimentation. Superposition and cross-cutting relationships indicate that fan formation occurred in multiple phases that may have been a single event or multiple, temporally distinct episodes. Many aspects of the fan formation are ill-constrained, including the amount and source of fluid as well as the duration of fan formation and modification. Fans are concentrated on the crater walls and the ejecta blanket shows minimal evidence of fluvial erosion. Similar fan-shaped landforms to those in Mojave Crater are extremely rare on Mars. The localization of fans to Mojave Crater implies that the impact event played a role in the formation of these sub-kilometer fans. This is the first geologic evidence on Mars that tentatively supports a link between impact crater events and the liberation of water for surface runoff.  相似文献   

Pingos are small hills with cores of ice, formed by injection and freezing of pressurized water. The possibility of pingos on Mars is of particular interest because of the associated implications for liquid water. We have systematically searched for candidate pingos using images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. Since pingos are expected to develop surface fractures due to extension of the frozen ground over the ice core, we have searched for fractured features and identified a variety of mounds. These features are confined to the martian mid-latitudes, in the bands where gullies are also most common. The observed fractured mounds have a variety of morphologies and are likely of multiple origins. Isolated fractured mounds found on the floors of gullied craters in the southern hemisphere match the general morphologic characteristics of terrestrial pingos and are the best candidates for martian pingos, but there is currently no direct evidence for presence of ice cores and it is difficult to produce the necessary water volumes, so these features should still be interpreted with caution. Other fractured mounds appear more likely to be erosional remnants of an unusual mantling layer or possibly thermokarst structures. Flat-topped mounds in Utopia have some characteristics (fracture pattern and latitudinal distribution) consistent with pingos but differ in other aspects such as shape and setting. While we do not rule out a pingo origin, we prefer an erosional model for these enigmatic features.  相似文献   

Eileen M. McGowan 《Icarus》2011,212(2):622-628
The largest areal concentration of pitted cones on Mars is located in the southwest section of Utopia basin. This particular area of pitted cones has been attributed to mud volcanism; several factors may have facilitated extensive mud volcanism at this location. The concentration of pitted cones is located where Utopia basin intersects Isidis basin; both features are multi-ring impact basins. On Earth, seismic investigations have shown that the outer rings of the Chicxulub multi-ring impact basin extend to the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity (Moho). If this is true on Mars as well, the fractures could act as conduits for water from Utopia Planitia, the site of a large, putative water body. It has been shown that methane can be generated at the mantle on Earth. On Mars this possible source of methane could combine with the infiltrated water to generate clathrates. While methane is not currently being released at the location of the pitted cones it could have been in the past. Three locations of methane release have been observed on Mars, two of which are located on the same outer ring of Isidis basin that intersects the pitted cone population. The area of Utopia basin that contains the large population of pitted cones is adjacent to the highland/lowland boundary where extensive deposition would have occurred. Extensive deposition combined with the potential for methane release may have contributed to the large population of pitted cones in this area of the Utopia basin.  相似文献   

Higher outflow channel dissection in the martian region of southern circum-Chryse appears to have extended from the Late Hesperian to the Middle Amazonian Epoch. These outflow channels were excavated within the upper 1 km of the cryolithosphere, where no liquid water is expected to have existed during these geologic epochs. In accordance with previous work, our examination of outflow channel floor morphologies suggests the upper crust excavated by the studied outflow channels consisted of a thin (a few tens of meters) layer of dry geologic materials overlying an indurated zone that extends to the bases of the investigated outflow channels (1 km in depth). We find that the floors of these outflow channels contain widespread secondary chaotic terrains (i.e., chaotic terrains produced by the destruction of channel-floor materials). These chaotic terrains occur within the full range of outflow channel dissection and tend to form clusters. Our examination of the geology of these chaotic terrains suggests that their formation did not result in the generation of floods. Nevertheless, despite their much smaller dimensions, these chaotic terrains are comprised of the same basic morphologic elements (e.g., mesas, knobs, and smooth deposits within scarp-bound depressions) as those located in the initiation zones of the outflow channels, which suggests that their formation must have involved the release of ground volatiles. We propose that these chaotic terrains developed not catastrophically but gradually and during multiple episodes of nested surface collapse. In order to explain the formation of secondary chaotic terrains within zones of outflow channel dissection, we propose that the regional Martian cryolithosphere contained widespread lenses of volatiles in liquid form. In this model, channel floor collapse and secondary chaotic terrain formation would have taken place as a consequence of instabilities arising during their exhumation by outflow channel dissection. Within relatively warm upper crustal materials in volcanic settings, or within highly saline crustal materials where cryopegs developed, lenses of volatiles in liquid form within the cryolithosphere could have formed, and/or remained stable.In addition, our numerical simulations suggest that low thermal conductivity, dry fine-grained porous geologic materials just a few tens of meters in thickness (e.g., dunes, sand sheets, some types of regolith materials), could have produced high thermal anomalies resulting in subsurface melting. The existence of a global layer of dry geologic materials overlying the cryolithosphere would suggest that widespread lenses of fluids existed (and may still exist) at shallow depths wherever these materials are fine-grained and porous. The surface ages of the investigated outflow channels and chaotic terrains span a full 500 to 700 Myr. Chaotic terrains similar in dimensions and morphology to secondary chaotic terrains are not observed conspicuously throughout the surface of Mars, suggesting that intra-cryolithospheric fluid lenses may form relatively stable systems. The existence of widespread groundwater lenses at shallow depths of burial has tremendous implications for exobiological studies and future human exploration. We find that the clear geomorphologic anomaly that the chaotic terrains and outflow channels of southern Chryse form within the Martian landscape could have been a consequence of large-scale resurfacing resulting from anomalously extensive subsurface melt in this region of the planet produced by high concentrations of salts within the regional upper crust. Crater count statistics reveal that secondary chaotic terrains and the outflow channels within which they occur have overlapping ages, suggesting that the instabilities leading to their formation rapidly dissipated, perhaps as the thickness of the cryolithosphere was reset following the disruption of the upper crustal thermal structure produced during outflow channel excavation.  相似文献   

The discovery of gullies on Mars suggests liquid water activity near the surface of the planet in recent times. Since liquid water is unstable under the present-day P-T martian conditions, the formation mechanisms of the gullies, and the source of the putative water, have been a matter of debate for the last years. To provide new insights into these matters, we have approached the problem studying the gullies in relation to their regional setting. A major point in our study relates to the geographic orientation of gullies, an aspect that has been previously regarded as a crucial matter in different models, and has profound implications regarding their origin. We present a comprehensive and detailed survey of the Gorgonum-Newton region, and a study of the Dao and Nirgal Vallis regions. The survey was carried out with the aid of 965 high-resolution MOC images (752 for Gorgonum-Newton, 102 for Nirgal Vallis and 111 for Dao Vallis regions), and MOLA-derived DEMs. We found that gullies display a clear regional pattern, geographically and topographically consistent with a decreasing regional slope. We interpret the results in terms of the existence of several groundwater flow systems operating at different scales, which ultimately may have led to gully formation by seepage at the slopes of craters and canyons. We suggest that aquifers discharging at gully systems may have recharged from the surface, in response to the melting of young partially eroded ice-rich deposits.  相似文献   

N.L. Lanza  G.A. Meyer  H.E. Newsom 《Icarus》2010,205(1):103-112
The morphologies of some martian gullies appear similar to terrestrial features associated with debris flow initiation, erosion, and deposition. On Earth, debris flows are often triggered by shallow subsurface throughflow of liquid water in slope-mantling colluvium. This flow causes increased levels of pore pressure and thus decreased shear strength, which can lead to slide failure of slope materials and subsequent debris flow. The threshold for pore pressure-induced failure creates a distinct relationship between the contributing area supplying the subsurface flow and the slope gradient. To provide initial tests of a similar debris flow initiation hypothesis for martian gullies, measurements of the contributing areas and slope gradients were made at the channel heads of martian gullies seen in three HiRISE stereo pairs. These gullies exhibit morphologies suggestive of debris flows such as leveed channels and lobate debris fans, and have well-defined channel heads and limited evidence for multiple flows. Our results show an area-slope relationship for these martian gullies that is consistent with that observed for terrestrial gullies formed by debris flow, supporting the hypothesis that these gullies formed as the result of saturation of near-surface regolith by a liquid. This model favors a source of liquid that is broadly distributed within the source area and shallow; we suggest that such liquid could be generated by melting of broadly distributed icy materials such as snow or permafrost. This interpretation is strengthened by observations of polygonal and mantled terrain in the study areas, which are both suggestive of near-surface ice.  相似文献   

The Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) is an extensive deposit (2.2 × 106 km2, Bradley, B.A., Sakimoto, S.E.H., Frey, H., Zimbelman, J.R. [2002]. J. Geophys. Res. 107, 5058) of wind-eroded material of widely debated origin, which unconformably overlies a considerable area of the crustal dichotomy boundary on Mars. The MFF shows a variety of layering patterns, erosional styles and channel-like forms and has been mapped into five main outcrops and three geological members according to exposure and stratigraphy (Scott, D.H., Tanaka, K.L., 1986. USGS Map I-1802-A; Greeley, R., Guest, J.E., 1987. Map I-1802-B; Zimbelman, J.R., Crown, D., Jenson, D., 1996. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII. Abstract #1748.). Away from the three main lobes are numerous outliers of MFF materials. These have mainly been reported in the northern lowlands regions (Keszthelyi, L., Jaeger, W.L., and HiRISE team, 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX. Abstract #2420.) but few studies have examined the possibility of MFF outliers on high ground south of the dichotomy boundary. We have searched Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle (MOC NA) images for outliers in this region. Our observations show that there are many MFF outliers on the southern highlands. The characteristics of the outliers indicate materials which overlie the underlying terrain for they appear widely in dips, craters and topographic lows. The surfaces are typified by yardang fields and have a similar patchy and discontinuous nature to materials of the upper member of the MFF. Most have consistent lineation orientations across the wider area which match the dominant orientation of yardangs in the main MFF outcrops. Furthermore, elevation data shows that the maximum, minimum and mean elevations of these newly discovered outliers are closest to those of the upper member of the MFF. We therefore conclude that these deposits are MFF outliers and that they probably represent remnant upper member material. We suggest that there might be two possible explanations for these outliers: (1) the MFF had a much greater pre-erosional extent than previously estimated, or (2) materials from the main outcrops were eroded and then blown south to accrue in the highland areas, where they were subsequently reworked. We suggest that the topography of the region favors the first option. We outline an “overflowing” layer-cake deposition model, in which layers of sediment stacked up against the dichotomy boundary until they reached the topographic level of the highlands. Further materials (that went onto become upper-member MFF material and outliers) were then deposited across a wider area, including south of the dichotomy boundary. Severe erosion subsequently removed much of this material.  相似文献   

Arnus Vallis (AV) is a >300-km-long sinuous, rille located on the northeastern flank of the Syrtis Major volcano on Mars. Observational evidence presented here suggests that AV formed as an open lava channel that was at least partly incised into the pre-existing terrain. The lava source area consists of a sub-circular pit at the southwestern end of a 7-km-long straight section of channel. AV trends down slope from this source with an average bottom slope of 0.26% or 0.14°. Width varies from ∼1 km at the source to ∼0.6 km near the distal end, with a mean of 0.76 km. Depth decreases from ∼180 m at the source to ∼25 m near the distal end. The AV terminus is obscured by a large impact crater. We suggest that the material that flowed in AV must have been a relatively high temperature, low viscosity lava dynamically and perhaps compositionally similar to terrestrial komatiite or some lunar basalt lavas. If correct, this finding has implications for the mode of construction of Syrtis Major.  相似文献   

There is now widespread agreement that the surface of Mars underwent some degree of fluvial modification, but there is not yet full understanding of its surface hydrological cycle and the nature of standing bodies of water, rivers, and precipitation that affected its surface. In this paper we explore Erythraea Fossa (31.5 W, 27.3 S), a graben adjacent to Holden crater, which exhibits strong evidence that it once housed a chain of three lakes, had overland water flow, and was subject to precipitation. The inlet valley, outlet valley, and fan morphologies in the paleolakes are used to qualitatively discern the hydrologic history of the paleolakes; based on topography constraints, the three basins combined once held 56 km3 of water. Depositional features within the basins that change with drainage area and nearby valleys that start near drainage divides indicate that the paleolakes may have been fed by precipitation driven runoff. This suggests the presence of an atmosphere, at least locally, that was capable of supporting a hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Evidence of recent gully activity on Mars has been reported based on the formation of new light toned deposits within the past decade, the origin of which remains controversial. Analogous recent light toned gully features have formed by liquid water activity in the Atacama Desert on Earth. These terrestrial deposits leave no mineralogical trace of water activity but rather show an albedo difference due to particle size sorting within a fine-grained mudflow. Therefore, spectral differences indicating varying mineralogy between a recent gully deposit and the surrounding terrain may not be the most relevant criteria for detecting water flow in arid environments. Instead, variation in particle size between the deposit and surrounding terrain is a possible discriminator to identify a water-based flow. We show that the Atacama deposit is similar to the observed Mars gully deposits, and both are consistent with liquid water activity. The light-toned Mars gully deposits could have formed from dry debris flows, but a liquid water origin cannot be ruled out because not all liquid water flows leave hydrated minerals behind on the surface. Therefore, the Mars deposits could be remnant mudflows that formed on Mars within the last decade.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a basaltic Mars simulant that is available as whole rocks, sand and dust. The source rock for the simulant is a basalt mined from the Tertiary Tropico Group in the western Mojave Desert. The Mojave Mars Simulant (MMS) was chosen for its inert hygroscopic characteristics, its availability in a variety of forms, and its physical and chemical characteristics. The MMS dust and MMS sand are produced by mechanically crushing basaltic boulders. This is a process that more closely resembles the weathering/comminution processes on Mars where impact events and aerodynamic interactions provide comminution in the (relative) absence of water and organics. MMS is among the suite of test rocks and soils that was used in the development of the 2007/8 Phoenix Scout and is being used in the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) missions. The MMS development team is using the simulant for research that centers on sampling tool interactions in icy soils. Herein we describe the physical properties and chemical composition of this new Mars simulant.  相似文献   

Our study investigates possible formation mechanisms of the very recent bright gully deposits (BGDs) observed on Mars in order to assess if liquid water was required. We use two models in our assessment: a one-dimensional (1D) kinematic model to model dry granular flows and a two-dimensional (2D) fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D (O’Brien et al., 1993, FLO Engineering), to model water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. Our modeling utilizes a high-resolution topographic model generated from a pair of images acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. For the 1D kinematic modeling of dry granular flows, we examine a range of particle sizes, flow thicknesses, initial velocities, flow densities, and upslope initiation points to examine how these parameters affect the flow run-out distances of the center of mass of a flow. Our 1D modeling results show that multiple combinations of realistic parameters could produce dry granular flows that travel to within the observed deposits’ boundaries. We run the 2D fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D, to model both water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. We vary the inflow volume, inflow location, discharge rate, water-loss rate (water-rich models only), and simulation time and examine the resulting maximum flow depths and velocities. Our 2D modeling results suggest that both wet sediment-rich and water-rich flows could produce the observed bright deposits. Our modeling shows that the BGDs are not definitive evidence of recent liquid water on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

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