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Mars Express observations give ozone abundances that are smaller than those from the ground-based infrared heterodyne and HST observations at low and middle latitudes. Both ground-based and Mars Express observations of the O2 dayglow at 1.27 μm, which originates from photolysis of ozone, are in mutual agreement after correction for the local time variability. Therefore a problem appears: whether the MEX ozone data are compatible with (1) the observed O2 dayglow intensities and (2) the photochemical model by Krasnopolsky [Krasnopolsky, V.A., 2006. Icarus 185, 153-170] within uncertainties of its reaction rate coefficients. That model involves heterogeneous loss of H2O2 on water ice and agrees with the observations of the O2 dayglow, H2O2, and the ground-based and HST ozone. The answers are ‘yes’ to both questions. A version of the model is given that fits the MEX ozone as well as the observed O2 dayglow and H2O2. Laboratory studies of two reaction rate coefficients could indicate a preferable version of the model and a preferable set of the ozone data (MEX versus the ground-based and HST). The predicted seasonal behavior of H2O2 is different from that in the model by Lefevre et al. [Lefevre, F., Bertaux, J.L., Clancy, R.T., Encrenaz, T., Fast, K., Forget, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Perrier, S., 2008. Nature 454, 971-975], and future observations may help to choose between the models.  相似文献   

Planetary atmospheres are complex dynamical systems whose structure, composition, and dynamics intimately affect the propagation of sound. Thus, acoustic waves, being coupled directly to the medium, can effectively probe planetary environments. Here we show how the acoustic absorption and speed of sound in the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, Titan, and Earth (as predicted by a recent molecular acoustics model) mirror the different environments. Starting at the surface, where the sound speed ranges from ∼200 m/s for Titan to ∼410 m/s for Venus, the vertical sound speed profiles reveal differences in the atmospheres' thermal layering and composition. The absorption profiles are relatively smooth for Mars, Titan, and Earth while Venus stands out with a noticeable attenuation dip occurring between 40 and 100 km. We also simulate a descent module sampling the sound field produced by a low-frequency “event” near the surface noting the occurrence of acoustic quiet zones.  相似文献   

Michael D. Smith 《Icarus》2009,202(2):444-452
We use infrared images obtained by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instrument on-board Mars Odyssey to retrieve the optical depth of dust and water ice aerosols over more than 3.5 martian years between February 2002 (MY 25, Ls=330°) and December 2008 (MY 29, Ls=183°). These data provide an important bridge between earlier TES observations and recent observations from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. An improvement to our earlier retrieval [Smith, M.D., Bandfield, J.L., Christensen, P.R., Richardson, M.I., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002114] to include atmospheric temperature information from THEMIS Band 10 observations leads to much improved retrievals during the largest dust storms. The new retrievals show moderate dust storm activity during Mars Years 26 and 27, although details of the strength and timing of dust storms is different from year to year. A planet-encircling dust storm event was observed during Mars Year 28 near Southern Hemisphere Summer solstice. A belt of low-latitude water ice clouds was observed during the aphelion season during each year, Mars Years 26 through 29. The optical depth of water ice clouds is somewhat higher in the THEMIS retrievals at ∼5:00 PM local time than in the TES retrievals at ∼2:00 PM, suggestive of possible local time variation of clouds.  相似文献   

We present the seasonal and geographical variations of the martian water vapor monitored from the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer Long Wavelength Channel aboard the Mars Express spacecraft. Our dataset covers one martian year (end of Mars Year 26, Mars Year 27), but the seasonal coverage is far from complete. The seasonal and latitudinal behavior of the water vapor is globally consistent with previous datasets, Viking Orbiter Mars Atmospheric Water Detectors (MAWD) and Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS/TES), and with simultaneous results obtained from other Mars Express instruments, OMEGA and SPICAM. However, our absolute water columns are lower and higher by a factor of 1.5 than the values obtained by TES and SPICAM, respectively. In particular, we retrieve a Northern midsummer maximum of 60 pr-μm, lower than the 100-pr-μm observed by TES. The geographical distribution of water exhibits two local maxima at low latitudes, located over Tharsis and Arabia. Global Climate Model (GCM) simulations suggest that these local enhancements are controlled by atmospheric dynamics. During Northern spring, we observe a bulge of water vapor over the seasonal polar cap edge, consistent with the northward transport of water from the retreating seasonal cap to the permanent polar cap. In terms of vertical distribution, we find that the water volume mixing ratio over the large volcanos remains constant with the surface altitude within a factor of two. However, on the whole dataset we find that the water column, normalized to a fixed pressure, is anti-correlated with the surface pressure, indicating a vertical distribution intermediate between control by atmospheric saturation and confinement to a surface layer. This anti-correlation is not reproduced by GCM simulations of the water cycle, which do not include exchange between atmospheric and subsurface water. This situation suggests a possible role for regolith-atmosphere exchange in the martian water cycle.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been suggested as a possible oxidizer of the martian surface. Photochemical models predict a mean column density in the range of 1015-1016 cm−2. However, a stringent upper limit of the H2O2 abundance on Mars (9×1014 cm−2) was derived in February 2001 from ground-based infrared spectroscopy, at a time corresponding to a maximum water vapor abundance in the northern summer (30 pr. μm, Ls=112°). Here we report the detection of H2O2 on Mars in June 2003, and its mapping over the martian disk using the same technique, during the southern spring (Ls=206°) when the global water vapor abundance was ∼10 pr. μm. The spatial distribution of H2O2 shows a maximum in the morning around the sub-solar latitude. The mean H2O2 column density (6×1015 cm−2) is significantly greater than our previous upper limit, pointing to seasonal variations. Our new result is globally consistent with the predictions of photochemical models, and also with submillimeter ground-based measurements obtained in September 2003 (Ls=254°), averaged over the martian disk (Clancy et al., 2004, Icarus 168, 116-121).  相似文献   

Michael D Smith 《Icarus》2004,167(1):148-165
We use infrared spectra returned by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) to retrieve atmospheric and surface temperature, dust and water ice aerosol optical depth, and water vapor column abundance. The data presented here span more than two martian years (Mars Year 24, Ls=104°, 1 March 1999 to Mars Year 26, Ls=180°, 4 May 2003). We present an overview of the seasonal (Ls), latitudinal, and longitudinal dependence of atmospheric quantities during this period, as well as an initial assessment of the interannual variability in the current martian climate. We find that the perihelion season (Ls=180°-360°) is relatively warm, dusty, free of water ice clouds, and shows a relatively high degree of interannual variability in dust optical depth and atmospheric temperature. On the other hand, the aphelion season (Ls=0°-180°) is relatively cool, cloudy, free of dust, and shows a low degree of interannual variability. Water vapor abundance shows a moderate amount of interannual variability at all seasons, but the most in the perihelion season. Much of the small amount of interannual variability that is observed in the aphelion season appears to be caused by perihelion-season planet-encircling dust storms. These dust storms increase albedo through deposition of bright dust on the surface causing cooler daytime surface and atmospheric temperatures well after dust optical depth returns to prestorm values.  相似文献   

An intense impact flux upon a planet having a CO2 + N2 atmosphere, such as Mars, provides energy to synthesize nitric oxide, NO, which is likely converted into nitrate minerals. The same impact flux can decompose nitrate minerals if present in the crust. We build a numerical model to study the effects of early impact processes on the evolution of nitrogen in a dominantly CO2 atmosphere. We model the period of intense post-accretionary bombardment, the roughly 500 Myr period after crustal stabilization that locks in previously accreted volatiles. A best-guess, “fiducial” set of parameters is chosen, with a fixed “veneer” of post-accretionary impactors (δR=950 m thick), assumed to contain carbon at 1 wt% (fg=0.01), with a molar C/N ratio of 18, an initial atmospheric pressure of 1 bar (with CO2/N2 = 36), and a power law impactor mass distribution slope b=0.75. This model produces a nitrate reservoir RNO3?0.5×1019 moles, equivalent to ∼30 mbars of N2, during the intense impact phase. Starting with 1 bar, the atmosphere grows to 2.75 bars. Results of models with variations of parameter values show that RNO3 responds sluggishly to changes in parameter values. To significantly limit the size of this reservoir, one is required to limit the initial total atmospheric pressure be less than about 0.5 bars, and the impactor volatile content fg to be less than 0.003. The value of fg substantially determines whether the atmosphere grows or not; when fg=0.01, the atmosphere gains about 1.7 bars, while for fg=0.003, the atmosphere gains less than 200 mbars, and for fg=0.001, it loses about 400 mbars. Impact erosion is a minor sink of N, constituting generally less than 10% of the total supply. The loss of impactor volatile plumes can take almost 50% of incoming N and C under fiducial parameters, when atmospheric pressures are low. This nitrogen does not significantly interact with Mars, and hence is not properly delivered. When the initial N is greater than the delivered N, most of the nitrogen ends up as nitrates; when delivered N is larger, most nitrogen ends up in the atmosphere. The reason for this dichotomy seems to be that initial nitrogen is present during the whole bombardment, while delivered N, on average, only experiences half the bombardment. The operating caveat here is that the above results are all conditioned on the assumption that impact processes dominate this period of Mars atmospheric evolution.  相似文献   

Accelerometer measurements made by Spirit and Opportunity during their entries through the martian atmosphere are reported. Vertical profiles of atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature with sub-km vertical resolution were obtained using these data between 10 and 100 km. Spirit's temperature profile is ∼10 K warmer than Opportunity's between 20 and 80 km. Unlike all other martian entry profiles, Spirit's temperature profile does not contain any large amplitude, long wavelength oscillations and is nearly isothermal below 30 km. Opportunity's temperature profile contains a strong inversion between 8 and 12 km. A moderate dust storm, which occurred on Mars shortly before these two atmospheric entries, may account for some of the differences between the two profiles. The poorly known angle of attack and unknown wind velocity may cause the temperature profiles to contain errors of tens of Kelvin at 10 km, but these errors would be an order of magnitude smaller above 30 km. On broad scales, the two profiles are consistent with Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) pressure/temperature profiles. Differences exist on smaller scales, particularly associated with the near-isothermal portion of Spirit's profile and the temperature inversion in Opportunity's profile.  相似文献   

We have derived new results concerning thermal tides on Mars from a combination of radio occultation measurements and numerical simulations by a Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM). This investigation exploits a set of concurrent observations by Mars Express (MEX) and Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) in mid-2004, when the season on Mars was midspring in the northern hemisphere. The MEX occultations sampled the atmosphere near the evening terminator at latitudes ranging from 54° N to 15° S. The MGS occultations provided complementary coverage near the morning terminator at latitudes of 35° N and 71° S. The geopotential field derived from these measurements contains distinctive modulation caused by solar-asynchronous thermal tides. Through careful analysis of the combined observations, we characterized two prominent wave modes, obtaining direct solutions for some properties, such as the amplitude and phase, as well as constraints on others, such as the period, zonal wave number, and meridional structure. We supplemented these observations with MGCM simulations. After evaluating the performance of the MGCM against the measurements, we used the validated simulation to deduce the identity of the two tidal modes and to explore their behavior. One mode is a semidiurnal Kelvin wave with a zonal wave number of 2 (SK2), while the other is a diurnal Kelvin wave with a zonal wave number of 1 (DK1). Both modes are known to be close to resonance in the martian atmosphere. Our observations of the SK2 are more complete and less ambiguous than any previous measurement. The well-known DK1 is the dominant solar-asynchronous tide in the martian atmosphere, and our results confirm and extend previous observations by diverse instruments.  相似文献   

The residual south polar cap of Mars (RSPC) is distinct from the residual north polar cap both in composition and in morphology. CO2 frost in the RSPC is stabilized by its high albedo during southern spring and summer despite the relatively large insolation during that period. The morphology of the RSPC in summer displays a bewildering variety of depressions that are formed in relatively thin layers of CO2. The increase of the size of these depressions between each of the first three years of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) observations may possibly signal some sort of climate change on the planet. For example, the erosion of the bright plateaus might reduce the RSPC albedo and affect the energy balance. The Mars Orbiter Cameras (MOC) on MGS observed Mars for four consecutive martian years before contact with the spacecraft was lost in late 2006. During this period coverage of the polar regions was particularly dense because MGS flew over them on every orbit. In this paper we report on the four-year behavior of the morphological features in the RSPC and on the large-scale variability in RSPC albedo over the period. The changes in the size of the surface features in the RSPC due to backwasting that were first observed between Mars years (MY) 24 and 25 and subsequently between MY25 and M26 was observed to continue at the same rate through MY 27. The results indicate that on average thicker layers in the RSPC retreat faster than thinner ones, roughly in proportion to their thickness. We argue that a simple difference in porosity between the A and B layers can explain this difference although other factors could be involved. The large-scale albedo of the RSPC decreases as the depressions are uncovered by sublimation of seasonal CO2. However, any interannual differences in albedo due to the backwasting process are masked by interannual differences in the summer dust opacity in the RSPC region.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

We are using observations obtained with Mars Express to explore the structure and dynamics of the martian lower atmosphere. We consider a series of radio occultation experiments conducted in May-August 2004, when the season on Mars was midspring of the northern hemisphere. The measurements are widely distributed in latitude and longitude, but the local time remained within a narrow range, 17.0-17.2 h. Most of the atmospheric profiles retrieved from these data contain a distinct, well-mixed convective boundary layer (CBL). We have accurately determined the depth of the CBL and its spatial variations at fixed local time through analysis of these profiles. The CBL extends to a height of 3-10 km above the surface at the season and locations of these measurements. Its depth at fixed local time is clearly correlated with variations in surface elevation on planetary scales, with a weaker dependence on spatial variations in surface temperature. In general, the CBL is deep (8-10 km) where the surface elevation is high, as in Tharsis Montes and Syrtis Major, and shallow (4-6 km) where the surface elevation is low, as in Amazonis and Utopia. This variability results from the combined effects of conditions near the surface and in the atmosphere above the CBL. Convection arises from solar heating of the ground, and the impact of this heat source on thermal structure is largest where the surface pressure and atmospheric density are smallest, at high surface elevations. The vertical extent of the CBL is in turn constrained by the static stability of the overlying atmosphere. These results greatly reduce the long-standing uncertainty concerning the depth of the CBL.  相似文献   

The non-thermal escape of neutral O atoms from Mars at the current epoch is largely due to dissociative recombination of :

Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to compute the escape flux of atomic nitrogen for the low and high solar activity martian thermospheres. The total escape of atomic nitrogen at low and high solar activities was found to be 3.03×105 and , respectively. The escape flux of atomic nitrogen at low and high solar activities from photodissociation of N2 was found to be 2.75×105 and , respectively. The remainder of the contribution is from dissociative recombination, which is only important at high solar activity were it comprises about 25% of the total escape. The relative contributions to the total N escape flux from thermal motion of the background atmosphere, winds and co-rotation, and photoionization and subsequent solar wind pickup are also considered here. We find that the total predicted escape fluxes are observed to increase by 20 and 25% at low and high solar activities owing to thermal motion of the background atmosphere. At low and high solar activities, we find that the co-rotation and wind velocities combined translate to a maximum transferable energy of ∼0.0103 and 0.0181 eV, respectively, and that the total escape flux contribution from winds and co-rotation is negligible. Photoionization was found to be a minor process only impacting those source atoms produced with energies close to the escape energy, between 1.5 and 2 eV. The contributions to the total escape fluxes at low and high solar activities from photoionization and subsequent solar wind pickup are found to be about 8 and 13%, respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotopes appear to be escaping from Mars at approximately the primordial ratio 14N/15N ≈ 275 and to have an atmospheric nitrogen depletion time scale of about 800 Myr. For the standard model of a progressive decline of an initial inventory of atmospheric nitrogen, having no source of N, the agreement of the isotopic ratio of escaping N with primitive nitrogen would be coincidental. Here we propose a steady state model in which nitrates, produced early in Mars' history, are later decomposed by the current impact flux. The detection of near-surface nitrates can discriminate between the standard and the steady state models. Based on current estimates of N loss to space, we predict a quantity of nitrates equivalent to 60 ± 30 mbars for a steady state, or a global layer of about 3 m of pure NaNO3.  相似文献   

Wavenumber spectra of the martian atmosphere covering zonal wavenumbers s=1-6 were obtained as a function of latitude and season for the first time from the temperatures measured by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer onboard the Mars Global Surveyor. The stationary component tends to peak at s=2, where the martian topography has large amplitude, and drops rapidly at higher wavenumbers. The transient component in the middle and high latitudes tends to peak at s=1, which is lower than the most unstable wavenumber based on linear theories, and exhibits spectral slopes much flatter than the stationary component. In the equatorial region, the spectra of the transient component are almost flat, indicating that the organization of large-scale structures is less efficient in this region. The spectral shapes are similar between the 0.5 and 2.2 hPa surfaces, except that the slopes are slightly steeper at 0.5 than at 2.2 hPa, probably due to selective vertical transmission at low wavenumbers. The seasonal variation is relatively large in the middle and high latitudes, where the maximum power occurs in winter and the minimum occurs in summer, with an exception that the transient component is maximum in spring in the southern hemisphere. Intensification of s=1 transient waves is observed around the period of the initiation of global dust storms.  相似文献   

The Viking Orbiters imaged early morning, long, linear wave clouds along the flanks of the Tharsis volcanoes during late northern spring and early summer. These clouds are believed to be a product of either an atmospheric bore wave or a hydraulic jump generated by nightly katabatic winds. The Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System was used to study the interaction of the katabatic flows with the surrounding atmosphere to determine what mechanism is responsible for the clouds. Simulations at Ls=90°, 100°, 142°, 180°, 270°, and 358° were conducted focusing on the eastern flank of Olympus Mons. Model results compare well with Viking observations and closely approximate theoretical treatments of atmospheric bores. Strong downslope flows are simulated during the night, with a bore wave forming on and behind a well-defined katabatic front. The observed seasonality of the clouds was reproduced in the simulations; the bore was deeper and faster during northern summer and weakest during the winter. When the bore was strong, it was undular in form, and generated vertically propagating gravity waves in the atmosphere above. During the winter, the atmospheric structure was such that any gravity waves generated damped with height. Less atmospheric water vapor abundance during northern winter, as compared to the summer, is also a factor in the seasonality of the wave clouds. This study concludes that bore waves are the most likely mechanism for the generation of the observed linear wave clouds.  相似文献   

We study the propagation of gravity waves in the martian atmosphere using a linearized one-dimensional full-wave model. Calculations are carried out for atmospheric parameters characteristic of Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (on Mars Global Surveyor MGS) observations of apparent gravity waves in high latitude clouds and MGS radio occultation measurements of temperature variations with height suggestive of gravity wave activity. Waves that reach the thermosphere produce fluctuations in density comparable in amplitude with the density variations detected in Mars Odyssey aerobraking data. Gravity waves of modest amplitude are found to deposit momentum and generate significant heating and cooling in the martian atmosphere. The largest heating and cooling effects occur in the thermosphere, at altitudes between about 130 and 150 km, with heating occurring at the lower altitudes and cooling taking place above.  相似文献   

A general circulation model is used to evaluate changes to the circulation and dust transport in the martian atmosphere for a range of past orbital conditions. A dust transport scheme, including parameterized dust lifting, is incorporated within the model to enable passive or radiatively active dust transport. The focus is on changes which relate to surface features, as these may potentially be verified by observations. Obliquity variations have the largest impact, as they affect the latitudinal distribution of solar heating. At low obliquities permanent CO2 ice caps form at both poles, lowering mean surface pressures. At higher obliquities, solar insolation peaks at higher summer latitudes near solstice, producing a stronger, broader meridional circulation and a larger seasonal CO2 ice cap in winter. Near-surface winds associated with the main meridional circulation intensify and extend polewards, with changes in cap edge position also affecting the flow. Hence the model predicts significant changes in surface wind directions as well as magnitudes. Dust lifting by wind stress increases with obliquity as the meridional circulation and associated near-surface winds strengthen. If active dust transport is used, then lifting rates increase further in response to the larger atmospheric dust opacities (hence circulation) produced. Dust lifting by dust devils increases more gradually with obliquity, having a weaker link to the meridional circulation. The primary effect of varying eccentricity is to change the impact of varying the areocentric longitude of perihelion, l, which determines when the solar forcing is strongest. The atmospheric circulation is stronger when l aligns with solstice rather than equinox, and there is also a bias from the martian topography, resulting in the strongest circulations when perihelion is at northern winter solstice. Net dust accumulation depends on both lifting and deposition. Dust which has been well mixed within the atmosphere is deposited preferentially over high topography. For wind stress lifting, the combination produces peak net removal within western boundary currents and southern midlatitude bands, and net accumulation concentrated in Arabia and Tharsis. In active dust transport experiments, dust is also scoured from northern midlatitudes during winter, further confining peak accumulation to equatorial regions. As obliquity increases, polar accumulation rates increase for wind stress lifting and are largest for high eccentricities when perihelion occurs during northern winter. For dust devil lifting, polar accumulation rates increase (though less rapidly) with obliquity above o=25°, but increase with decreasing obliquity below this, thus polar dust accumulation at low obliquities may be increasingly due to dust lifted by dust devils. For all cases discussed, the pole receiving most dust shifts from north to south as obliquity is increased.  相似文献   

New insight into the seasonal, diurnal and spatial distribution of water vapor on Mars has been obtained from analyzing the spectra of the short-wavelength channel (SW) of the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard Mars Express. The processed dataset, recorded between January 2004 and April 2005, covers the seasons from LS=331° of Mars Year 26 to LS=196° of the following year. In this period the mean column density around vernal equinox was 8.2 pr. μm. The maximum values during northern summer were about 65 pr. μm, located around 75° N latitude with a longitudinally inhomogeneous distribution. Regarding the atmospheric transport, the majority of polar water vapor remains in the north polar region while only about a quarter is transported southward. Geographically there are two water vapor maxima visible, over Arabia Terra and the Tharsis plateau, that are most likely caused both by atmosphere-ground interaction and by atmospheric circulation. A comparison with other instruments generally shows a good agreement, only the SPICAM results are systematically lower. Compared to the results from the PFS long-wavelength channel the results of this work are slightly higher. A strong discrepancy is visible northward of about 50° N during the northern summer that is possibly explained by a non-uniform vertical H2O mixing. In particular, a confinement of the water to the lower few kilometers yields a much better agreement between the retrieved column densities of the two PFS channels.  相似文献   

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