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Radiative control of surface temperature is a key characteristic of the martian environment and its low-density atmosphere. Here we show through meteorological modeling that surface temperature can be far from radiative equilibrium over numerous sloping terrains on Mars, where nighttime mesoscale katabatic winds impact the surface energy budget. Katabatic circulations induce both adiabatic atmospheric heating and enhancement of downward sensible heat flux, which then becomes comparable to radiative flux and acts to warm the ground. Through this mechanism, surface temperature can increase up to 20 K. One consequence is that warm signatures of surface temperature over slopes, observed through infrared spectrometry, cannot be systematically associated with contrasts of intrinsic soil thermal inertia. Apparent thermal inertia maps retrieved thus far possibly contain wind-induced structures. Another consequence is that surface temperature observations close to sloping terrains could allow the validation of model predictions for martian katabatic winds, provided contrasts in intrinsic thermal inertia can be ruled out. The thermal impact of winds is mostly discussed in this paper in the particular cases of Olympus Mons/Lycus Sulci and Terra Meridiani but is generally significant over any sloped terrains in low thermal inertia areas. It is even general enough to apply under daytime conditions, thereby providing a possible explanation for observed afternoon surface cooling, and to ice-covered terrains, thereby providing new insights on how winds could have shaped the present surface of Mars.  相似文献   

Alberto G. Fairén 《Icarus》2010,208(1):165-48
Water on Mars has been explained by invoking controversial and mutually exclusive solutions based on warming the atmosphere with greenhouse gases (the “warm and wet” Mars) or on local thermal energy sources acting in a global freezing climate (the “cold and dry” Mars). Both have critical limitations and none has been definitively accepted as a compelling explanation for the presence of liquid water on Mars. Here is considered the hypothesis that cold, saline and acidic liquid solutions have been stable on the sub-zero surface of Mars for relatively extended periods of time, completing a hydrogeological cycle in a water-enriched but cold planet. Computer simulations have been developed to analyze the evaporation processes of a hypothetical martian fluid with a composition resulting from the acid weathering of basalt. This model is based on orbiter- and lander-observed surface mineralogy of Mars, and is consistent with the sequence and time of deposition of the different mineralogical units. The hydrological cycle would have been active only in periods of dense atmosphere, as having a minimum atmospheric pressure is essential for water to flow, and relatively high temperatures (over ∼245 K) are required to trigger evaporation and snowfall; minor episodes of limited liquid water on the surface could have occurred at lower temperatures (over ∼225 K). During times with a thin atmosphere and even lesser temperatures (under ∼225 K), only transient liquid water can potentially exist on most of the martian surface. Assuming that surface temperatures have always been maintained below 273 K, Mars can be considered a “cold and wet” planet for a substantial part of its geological history.  相似文献   

Y. Moudden  J.C. McConnell 《Icarus》2007,188(1):18-34
In this paper we present the design and some results of an on-line chemical model of the atmosphere of Mars using a three-dimensional dynamical-chemical model. A chemistry module has been added to the 3D Mars Global Multiscale Model (GM3), a general circulation model based on the Canadian weather forecast model. As water is a major fuel for chemistry on Mars, we have taken care to simulate the atmospheric water vapor content, taking into account evaporation from and condensation to the polar caps and in the atmosphere we allow for freezing and formation of a bulk cloud and sedimentation. The chemical module includes the main neutral carbon-oxygen-hydrogen-nitrogen species and associated relevant reactions. The outputs of the model are analyzed in the light of our current understanding of the chemistry on Mars. The results are in general accordance with 1D models and with two other 3D models with more limited chemistry. The model does not require elevated diffusion coefficients to fit observational data in the thermosphere as was suggested in some 1D studies. The large scale transport and the downward thermospheric transport in the winter pole appear to have a significant role in the concentrations of some trace species.  相似文献   

Terrestrial and Martian atmospheres are both characterised by a large variety of mesoscale meteorological events, occurring at horizontal scales of hundreds of kilometres and below. Available measurements from space exploration and recently developed high-resolution numerical tools have given insights into Martian mesoscale phenomena, as well as similarities and differences with their terrestrial counterparts. The remarkable intensity of Martian mesoscale events compared to terrestrial phenomena mainly results from low density and strong radiative control. This is exemplified in the present paper by discussing two mesoscale phenomena encountered in the lowest atmospheric levels of both planets with notable differences: nighttime katabatic winds (drainage flow down sloping terrains) and daytime boundary layer convection (vertical growth of mixed layer over heated surfaces). While observations of katabatic events are difficult on Earth, except over vast ice sheets, intense clear-cut downslope circulations are expected to be widespread on Mars. Convective motions in the daytime Martian boundary layer are primarily driven by radiative contributions, usually negligible on Earth where sensible heat flux dominates, and exhibit turbulent variances one order of magnitude larger. Martian maximum heat fluxes are not attained close to the surface as on Earth but a few hundreds of metres above, which implies generalised definitions for mixing layer scales such as vertical velocity w?. Measurements on Mars of winds in uneven topographical areas and of heat fluxes over flat terrains could be useful to assess general principles of mesoscale meteorology applicable to both terrestrial and Martian environments.  相似文献   

We present a Mars General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical investigation of the physical processes (i.e., wind stress and dust devil dust lifting and atmospheric transport) responsible for temporal and spatial variability of suspended dust particle sizes. Measurements of spatial and temporal variations in airborne dust particles sizes in the martian atmosphere have been derived from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) spectral and emission phase function data [Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002057. 1-1; Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Christensen, P.R., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002058. 2-1]. The range of dust particle sizes simulated by the NASA Ames GCM is qualitatively consistent with TES-derived observations of effective dust particle size variability. Model results suggest that the wind stress dust lifting scheme (which produces regionally confined dust lifting) is the process responsible for the majority of the dust particle size variability in the martian atmosphere. Additionally, model results suggest that atmospheric transport processes play an important role in the evolution of atmospheric dust particles sizes during substantial dust storms on Mars. Finally, we show that including the radiative effects of a spatially variable particle size distribution significantly influences thermal and dynamical fields during the dissipation phase of the simulated global dust storm.  相似文献   

Data from the Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) instrument suite and results from numerical simulations of subsurface ground-ice stability have been used to estimate the depth of martian ground-ice. Geographic correlation between these estimates is remarkable; the relative ice table depth distributions also agree well. However, GRS-based estimates of ice table depth are generally deeper than predictions based on ground-ice stability simulations. This discrepancy may be related to heterogeneities in the martian surface such as rocks, dust, and albedo variations. We develop a multi-dimensional numerical model of ground-ice stability in a heterogeneous martian subsurface and use it to place the first quantitative constraints on the response of the ice table to meter-scale heterogeneities. We find that heterogeneities produce significant undulations/topography in the ice table at horizontal length scales of a few meters. Decimeter scale rocks create localized areas of deep ice, producing a vertical depression of 10-60 cm in the ice table over a horizontal range of 1-2 rock radii. Decimeter scale dust lenses produce locally shallow ice; however the magnitude of the vertical deflection of the ice table is small (1-4 cm). The effects of decimeter scale albedo variations on the ice table are nearly negligible, although albedo very weakly enhances the effects of dark rocks and bright dust on the ice table. Additionally, we investigate the role played by rocks in estimates of ice table depth based on orbital data. Surface rocks can account for more than half of the discrepancy between ice table depths inferred from GRS data and those predicted by theoretical ice-stability simulations that utilize thermophysical observations. Our results have considerable relevance to the up-coming Mars Scout Mission, Phoenix, because they indicate that the uncertainty in the ice table depth of a given region is greater than differences between current depth estimates. Likewise, small-scale depth variability due to heterogeneities at the eventual landing site is potentially greater than differences between current depth estimates.  相似文献   

The atmospheres of Mars and Titan are loaded with aerosols that impact remote sensing observations of their surface. Here we present the algorithm and the first applications of a radiative transfer model in spherical geometry designed for planetary data analysis. We first describe a fast Monte-Carlo code that takes advantage of symmetries and geometric redundancies. We then apply this model to observations of the surface of Mars and Titan at the terminator as acquired by OMEGA/Mars Express and VIMS/Cassini. These observations are used to probe the vertical distribution of aerosols down to the surface. On Mars, we find the scale height of dust particles to vary between 6 km and 12 km depending on season. Temporal variations in the vertical size distribution of aerosols are also highlighted. On Titan, an aerosols scale height of 80 ± 10 km is inferred, and the total optical depth is found to decrease with wavelength as a power-law with an exponent of −2.0 ± 0.4 from a value of 2.3 ± 0.5 at 1.08 μm. Once the aerosols properties have been constrained, the model is used to retrieve surface reflectance properties at high solar zenith angles and just after sunset.  相似文献   

The following problems related to the origin of methane on Mars have been considered. (1) Laboratory simulations of the impact phenomena confirm effective heterogeneous chemistry between the products of the fireball. This chemistry lowers the fireball freezing temperature from 2000 to 750 K for methane and to 1100 K for CO/CO2. Production of methane on Mars by cometary impacts is 0.8% of the total production. A probability that the observed methane on Mars came from impact of a single comet is 0.0011. (2) The PFS observations of variations of methane on Mars require a very effective heterogeneous loss of methane. Heterogeneous effect of dust is half that of the surface rocks. Thermochemical equilibrium requires production, not loss, of methane. Existing kinetic data show a very low efficiency of heterogeneous reactions of methane. Highly reactive superoxide ions generated by the solar UV photons on the martian rocks cannot remove methane. The required efficiency of heterogeneous loss of methane on Mars is higher than that on Earth by a factor of ?1000, although the expected efficiency on Earth is stronger than that on Mars because of the liquid ocean and the abundant oxygen. All these inconsistencies may be removed if variations of the rock reflectivity contribute to the PFS observations of methane on Mars. The PFS data on H2CO, HCl, HF, and HBr also raise doubts. (3) Although geologic sources of methane are possible, the lack of current volcanism, hydrothermal activity, hot spots, and very low seepage of gases from the interior are not favorable for geologic methane. Any proposed geological source of methane on Mars should address these problems. Some weak points in the suggested geologic sources are discussed. (4) Measurements of 13C/12C and D/H in methane would be difficult because of the low methane abundance. These ratios are mostly sensitive to a temperature of methane formation and cannot distinguish between biogenic and low-temperature geologic sources. Their analysis requires the carbon isotope ratio in CO2 on Mars, which is known with the insufficient accuracy, and D/H in water, which is different in the atmosphere, polar caps, regolith and interior. Therefore, the stable isotope ratios may not give a unique answer on the origin of methane. (5) Ethane and propane react with OH much faster than methane. If their production relative to methane is similar to that on Earth, then their expected abundances on Mars are of a few parts per trillion. (6) Loss of SO2 in the reaction with peroxide on ice is smaller than its gas-phase loss by an order of magnitude. The overall results strengthen the biogenic origin of martian methane and its low variability.  相似文献   

Stephen D. Eckermann  Jun Ma 《Icarus》2011,211(1):429-442
Using a Curtis-matrix model of 15 μm CO2 radiative cooling rates for the martian atmosphere, we have computed vertical scale-dependent IR radiative damping rates from 0 to 200 km altitude over a broad band of vertical wavenumbers ∣m∣ = 2π(1-500 km)−1 for representative meteorological conditions at 40°N and average levels of solar activity and dust loading. In the middle atmosphere, infrared (IR) radiative damping rates increase with decreasing vertical scale and peak in excess of 30 days−1 at ∼50-80 km altitude, before gradually transitioning to scale-independent rates above ∼100 km due to breakdown of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We incorporate these computed IR radiative damping rates into a linear anelastic gravity-wave model to assess the impact of IR radiative damping, relative to wave breaking and molecular viscosity, in the dissipation of gravity-wave momentum flux. The model results indicate that IR radiative damping is the dominant process in dissipating gravity-wave momentum fluxes at ∼0-50 km altitude, and is the dominant process at all altitudes for gravity waves with vertical wavelengths ?10-15 km. Wave breaking becomes dominant at higher altitudes only for “fast” waves of short horizontal and long vertical wavelengths. Molecular viscosity plays a negligible role in overall momentum flux deposition. Our results provide compelling evidence that IR radiative damping is a major, and often dominant physical process controlling the dissipation of gravity-wave momentum fluxes on Mars, and therefore should be incorporated into future parameterizations of gravity-wave drag within Mars GCMs. Lookup tables for doing so, based on the current computations, are provided.  相似文献   

We are using observations obtained with Mars Express to explore the structure and dynamics of the martian lower atmosphere. We consider a series of radio occultation experiments conducted in May-August 2004, when the season on Mars was midspring of the northern hemisphere. The measurements are widely distributed in latitude and longitude, but the local time remained within a narrow range, 17.0-17.2 h. Most of the atmospheric profiles retrieved from these data contain a distinct, well-mixed convective boundary layer (CBL). We have accurately determined the depth of the CBL and its spatial variations at fixed local time through analysis of these profiles. The CBL extends to a height of 3-10 km above the surface at the season and locations of these measurements. Its depth at fixed local time is clearly correlated with variations in surface elevation on planetary scales, with a weaker dependence on spatial variations in surface temperature. In general, the CBL is deep (8-10 km) where the surface elevation is high, as in Tharsis Montes and Syrtis Major, and shallow (4-6 km) where the surface elevation is low, as in Amazonis and Utopia. This variability results from the combined effects of conditions near the surface and in the atmosphere above the CBL. Convection arises from solar heating of the ground, and the impact of this heat source on thermal structure is largest where the surface pressure and atmospheric density are smallest, at high surface elevations. The vertical extent of the CBL is in turn constrained by the static stability of the overlying atmosphere. These results greatly reduce the long-standing uncertainty concerning the depth of the CBL.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest methane in the martian atmosphere is variable on short spatial and temporal scales. However, to explain the variability by loss reactions requires production rates much larger than expected. Here, we report results of laboratory studies of methane adsorption onto JSC-Mars-1, a martian soil simulant, and suggest that this process could explain the observations. Uptake coefficient (γ) values were measured as a function of temperature using a high-vacuum Knudsen cell able to simulate martian temperature and pressure conditions. Values of γ were measured from 115 to 135 K, and the data were extrapolated to higher temperatures with more relevance to Mars. Adsorptive uptake was found to increase at lower temperatures and larger methane partial pressures. Although only sub-monolayer methane surface coverage is likely to exist under martian conditions, a very large mineral surface area is available for adsorption as atmospheric methane can diffuse meters into the regolith. As a result, significant methane may be temporarily lost to the regolith on a seasonal time scale. As this weak adsorption is fully reversible, methane will be re-released into the atmosphere when surface and subsurface temperatures rise and so no net loss of methane occurs. Heterogeneous interaction of methane with martian soil grains is the only process proposed thus far which contains both rapid methane loss and rapid methane production mechanisms and is thus fully consistent with the reported variability of methane on Mars.  相似文献   

Current surface conditions (strong oxidative atmosphere, UV radiation, low temperatures and xeric conditions) on Mars are considered extremely challenging for life. The question is whether there are any features on Mars that could exert a protective effect against the sterilizing conditions detected on its surface. Potential habitability in the subsurface would increase if the overlaying material played a protective role. With the aim of evaluating this possibility we studied the viability of two microorganisms under different conditions in a Mars simulation chamber. An acidophilic chemolithotroph isolated from Río Tinto belonging to the Acidithiobacillus genus and Deinococcus radiodurans, a radiation resistant microorganism, were exposed to simulated Mars conditions under the protection of a layer of ferric oxides and hydroxides, a Mars regolith analogue. Samples of these microorganisms were exposed to UV radiation in Mars atmospheric conditions at different time intervals under the protection of 2 and 5 mm layers of oxidized iron minerals. Viability was evaluated by inoculation on fresh media and characterization of their growth cultures. Here we report the survival capability of both bacteria to simulated Mars environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented of wind induced grain detachment under Mars simulation conditions. A simple force balance equation is applied to quantify the wind shear stress required for removal of glass spheres from a sand bed. The transport of fine grained martian dust is simulated by the detachment of hollow glass spheres which resemble low mass density dust aggregates observed to form during simulations when using Mars analogue material. The results agree well with observations of dust removal and wind speed measurements made by the NASA Viking landers at the martian surface. This work supports the suggestion that dust aggregate fragmentation allows wind induced dust entrainment at substantially lower wind shear than that of solid sand grains and has direct application to the study of global dust transport and martian climatology.  相似文献   

The Thermal Emission Spectrometer aboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has produced an extensive atmospheric data set, beginning during aerobraking and continuing throughout the extended scientific mapping phase. Temperature profiles for the atmosphere below about 40 km, surface temperatures and total dust and water ice opacities, can be retrieved from infrared spectra in nadir viewing mode. This paper describes assimilation of nadir retrievals from the spacecraft aerobraking period, LS=190°–260°, northern hemisphere autumn to winter, into a Mars general circulation model. The assimilation scheme is able to combine information from temperature and dust optical depth retrievals, making use of a model forecast containing information from the assimilation of earlier observations, to obtain a global, time-dependent analysis. Given sufficient temperature retrievals, the assimilation procedure indicates errors in the a priori dust distribution assumptions even when lacking dust observations; in this case there are relatively cold regions above the poles compared to a model which assumes a horizontally-uniform dust distribution. One major reason for using assimilation techniques is in order to investigate the transient wave behavior on Mars. Whilst the data from the 2-h spacecraft mapping orbit phase is much more suitable for assimilation, even the longer (45–24 h) period aerobraking orbit data contain useful information about the three-dimensional synoptic-scale martian circulation which the assimilation procedure can reconstruct in a consistent way. Assimilations from the period of the Noachis regional dust storm demonstrate that the combined assimilation of temperature and dust retrievals has a beneficial impact on the atmospheric analysis.  相似文献   

Winter polar warmings in the middle atmosphere of Mars occur due to the adiabatic heating associated with the downward branch of the cross-equatorial meridional circulation. Thus, they are the manifestation of the global meridional transport rather than of local radiative effects. We report on a series of numerical experiments with a recently developed general circulation model of the martian atmosphere to examine the relative roles of the mechanical and thermal forcing in the meridional transport. The experiments were focused on answering the question of whether the martian circulation is consistent with the thermally driven nearly inviscid Hadley cell, as was pointed out by some previous studies, or it is forced mainly by zonally asymmetric eddies. It is demonstrated that, under realistic conditions in the middle atmosphere, the meridional transport is maintained primarily by dissipating large-scale planetary waves and solar tides. This mechanism is similar to the “extratropical pump” in the middle atmosphere on Earth. Only in the run with artificially weak zonal disturbances, was the circulation reminiscent of thermally induced Hadley cells. In the experiment with an imposed dust storm, the modified atmospheric refraction changes the vertical propagation of the eddies. As the result, the Eliassen-Palm fluxes convergence increases in high winter latitudes of the middle atmosphere, the meridional transport gets stronger, and the polar temperature rises. Additional numerical experiments demonstrated that insufficient model resolution, increased numerical dissipation, and, especially, neglect of non-LTE effects for the 15 μm CO2 band could weaken the meridional transport and the magnitude of polar warmings in GCMs.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki K.M. Tanaka 《Icarus》2007,191(2):603-615
In order to evaluate the obliquity-driven atmospheric-density path length effect on nuclide production rate on Mars, we performed a Monte-Carlo simulation to produce the number of secondary particles such as muons, neutrons and protons in the martian atmosphere and to simulate that production of 10Be and 36Cl in the martian regolith by muons and neutrons depends on how much atmosphere had been present for the past 10 million years. The vertical profile of the present martian atmosphere to generate secondary particles has been determined based on the data provided by the Viking missions. For other thickness profiles, we scaled Linsley's atmospheric model. Atmospheric shower has been generated with the SIBYLL 2.1 for high-energy hadronic interactions and EHSA for low energy photonuclear interactions. With increasing atmospheric thickness, more primary interactions occur in the atmosphere. Consequently the proton flux is reduced and the secondary cosmic ray flux, such as muons or energetic neutrons increases at surface. The result indicates that the muon production is more sensitive to obliquity-driven atmospheric variations than proton reduction. A thicker atmosphere would result in enhanced nuclide production at a place deeper than 5 m below the surface and the nuclides present in detectable concentrations. Application to the polar deposit is described.  相似文献   

Based on the Global Land Cover Characteristics Database (GLCCD) generated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), a new land cover dataset within a domain of 14.1–49.6°N, 84.6–140.5°E is extracted. This dataset is used to identify the achievements of constructing 3N (Northeast, North and Northwest of China) Shelterbelt in North China and to update the lower boundary conditions of the mesoscale model (MM5), a widely used mesoscale meteorological model. The model is then used to simulate the regional climate effects of the 3N Shelterbelt, the largest forestation engineering in the world. The simulation shows that the construction of the 3N Shelterbelt and the corresponding land use and land cover (LULC) variations in China have changed the roughness length in the cited model domain significantly. Consequently, the surface layer wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and the precipitation are all changed. As compared with the control run without the 3N Shelterbelt, the regional climate in North China is improved shown by the decreased wind speed, increased air humidity and precipitation. The paper also stresses that, in meteorological or climatic simulations, the lower boundary conditions related to the land cover has to be updated frequently by the satellite observed database since the LULC vary fast due to the increasing world population and human activities, this is especially true in developing countries like China.  相似文献   

We report on laboratory experiments in which we allowed an SNC-derived mineral mix to react with pure water under a simulated Mars atmosphere for 7 months. These experiments were performed at one bar and at three different temperatures in order to simulate the subsurface conditions that most likely exist where liquid water and rock interact on Mars today. The dominant cations dissolved in the solutions we produced, which may be characterized as dilute brines, are Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, and Na+, while the major anions are dissolved C, F, SO2−4 and Cl. Typical solution pH was in the range of 4.2-6.0. Abundance patterns of elements in our synthetic sulfate-chloride brines are distinctly unlike those of terrestrial ocean water or continental waters, however, they are quite similar to those measured in the martian fines at the Mars Pathfinder and Viking 1 and 2 Landing sites. This suggests that salts present in the martian regolith may have formed over time as a result of the interaction of surface or subsurface liquid water with basalts in the presence of a martian atmosphere similar in composition to that of today. If most of the mobile surface layer was formed during the Noachian when erosion rates were much higher than at present, and if this layer is homogeneous in salt composition, the total amount of salt in the martian fines is approximately the same as in the Earth's oceans. The minimum quantity of circulating water necessary to deposit this amount of salt is approximately equivalent to a global layer 625 m deep.  相似文献   

Experimental studies related to the sublimation of ice, in bulk or as small particles, alone or mixed with dust similar to that expected on the surface of Mars, are reported. The experiments, a cloud physics particle sublimation model, and a convection model presented by Ingersoll, all indicate a strong dependence of sublimation rate on temperature, and this appears to be the dominant factor, assuming that the relative humidity of the air is fairly low. In addition the rate of loss of water vapour appears to depend primarily on exposed surface area and less on particle size and the total mass of the sample, or the mass of ice in the sample. The 2007/8 Phoenix Scout mission plans to obtain and analyse samples of sub-surface ice from about 70° N on Mars. A concern is that these samples, in the form of ice chips of size about 1 mm diameter, could be prone to sublimation when exposed for prolonged periods (many hours) to a relatively warm and dry atmosphere. Our laboratory simulations confirm that this could be a problem if particles are simply left lying on the surface, but also indicate that samples kept suitably cold and collected together in confined piles will survive long enough for the collection and delivery (to the analysis instruments) procedure to be completed.  相似文献   

The planet Mars has many Earth like characteristics, but its evolution is different. An important future step in Mars’ geophysics is to deploy a network of stations at the surface of Mars inorder to study a wide range of properties of this planet, going from its deep interior structure to its atmosphere. Each ground station (small landers) will contain the same scientific instruments/experiments. The collected data will improve our knowledge of the Martian interior, surface and atmosphere, as well as its evolution. An important part of these objectives can only be achieved by a network of surface stations, as a network gives unique possibilities for performing studies of global scale phenomena and studies requiring simultaneous measurements from several sites.  相似文献   

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