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We have performed N-body simulations on the stage of protoplanet formation from planetesimals, taking into account so-called “type-I migration,” and damping of orbital eccentricities and inclinations, as a result of tidal interaction with a gas disk without gap formation. One of the most serious problems in formation of terrestrial planets and jovian planet cores is that the migration time scale predicted by the linear theory is shorter than the disk lifetime (106-107 years). In this paper, we investigate retardation of type-I migration of a protoplanet due to a torque from a planetesimal disk in which a gap is opened up by the protoplanet, and torques from other protoplanets which are formed in inner and outer regions. In the first series of runs, we carried out N-body simulations of the planetesimal disk, which ranges from 0.9 to 1.1 AU, with a protoplanet seed in order to clarify how much retardation can be induced by the planetesimal disk and how long such retardation can last. We simulated six cases with different migration speeds. We found that in all of our simulations, a clear gap is not maintained for more than 105 years in the planetesimal disk. For very fast migration, a gap cannot be created in the planetesimal disk. For migration slower than some critical speed, a gap does form. However, because of the growth of the surrounding planetesimals, gravitational perturbation of the planetesimals eventually becomes so strong that the planetesimals diffuse into the vicinity of the protoplanets, resulting in destruction of the gap. After the gap is destroyed, close encounters with the planetesimals rather accelerate the protoplanet migration. In this way, the migration cannot be retarded by the torque from the planetesimal disk, regardless of the migration speed. In the second series of runs, we simulated accretion of planetesimals in wide range of semimajor axis, 0.5 to 2-5 AU, starting with equal mass planetesimals without a protoplanet seed. Since formation of comparable-mass multiple protoplanets (“oligarchic growth”) is expected, the interactions with other protoplanets have a potential to alter the migration speed. However, inner protoplanets migrate before outer ones are formed, so that the migration and the accretion process of a runaway protoplanet are not affected by the other protoplanets placed inner and outer regions of its orbit. From the results of these two series of simulations, we conclude that the existence of planetesimals and multiple protoplanets do not affect type-I migration and therefore the migration shall proceed as the linear theory has suggested.  相似文献   

We have investigated the final accretion stage of terrestrial planets from Mars-mass protoplanets that formed through oligarchic growth in a disk comparable to the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN), through N-body simulation including random torques exerted by disk turbulence due to Magneto-Rotational Instability. For the torques, we used the semi-analytical formula developed by Laughlin et al. [Laughlin, G., Steinacker, A., Adams, F.C., 2004. Astrophys. J. 608, 489-496]. The damping of orbital eccentricities (in all runs) and type-I migration (in some runs) due to the tidal interactions with disk gas is also included. Without any effect of disk gas, Earth-mass planets are formed in terrestrial planet regions in a disk comparable to MMSN but with too large orbital eccentricities to be consistent with the present eccentricities of Earth and Venus in our Solar System. With the eccentricity damping caused by the tidal interaction with a remnant gas disk, Earth-mass planets with eccentricities consistent with those of Earth and Venus are formed in a limited range of disk gas surface density (∼10−4 times MMSN). However, in this case, on average, too many (?6) planets remain in terrestrial planet regions, because the damping leads to isolation between the planets. We have carried out a series of N-body simulations including the random torques with different disk surface density and strength of turbulence. We found that the orbital eccentricities pumped up by the turbulent torques and associated random walks in semimajor axes tend to delay isolation of planets, resulting in more coagulation of planets. The eccentricities are still damped after planets become isolated. As a result, the number of final planets decreases with increase in strength of the turbulence, while Earth-mass planets with small eccentricities are still formed. In the case of relatively strong turbulence, the number of final planets are 4-5 at 0.5-2 AU, which is more consistent with Solar System, for relatively wide range of disk gas surface density (∼10−4-10−2 times MMSN).  相似文献   

Junko Kominami  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,167(2):231-243
We have performed N-body simulations on final accretion stage of terrestrial planets, including the eccentricity and inclination damping effect due to tidal interaction with a gas disk. We investigated the dependence on a depletion time scale of the disk, and the effect of secular perturbations by Jupiter and Saturn. In the final stage, terrestrial planets are formed through coagulation of protoplanets of about the size of Mars. They would collide and grow in a decaying gas disk. Kominami and Ida [Icarus 157 (2002) 43-56] showed that it is plausible that Earth-sized, low-eccentricity planets are formed in a mostly depleted gas disk. In this paper, we investigate the formation of planets in a decaying gas disk with various depletion time scales, assuming disk surface density of gas component decays exponentially with time scale of τgas. Fifteen protoplanets with are initially distributed in the terrestrial planet regions. We found that Earth-sized planets with low eccentricities are formed, independent of initial gas surface density, when the condition (τcross+τgrowth)/2?τgas?τcross is satisfied, where τcross is the time scale for initial protoplanets to start orbit crossing in a gas-free case and τgrowth is the time scale for Earth-sized planets to accrete during the orbit crossing stage. In the cases satisfying the above condition, the final masses and eccentricities of the largest planets are consistent with those of Earth and Venus. However, four or five protoplanets with the initial mass remain. In the final stage of terrestrial planetary formation, it is likely that Jupiter and Saturn have already been formed. When Jupiter and Saturn are included, their secular perturbations pump up eccentricities of protoplanets and tend to reduce the number of final planets in the terrestrial planet regions. However, we found that the reduction is not significant. The perturbations also shorten τcross. If the eccentricities of Jupiter and Saturn are comparable to or larger than present values (∼0.05), τcross become too short to satisfy the above condition. As a result, eccentricities of the planets cannot be damped to the observed value of Earth and Venus. Hence, for the formation of terrestrial planets, it is preferable that the secular perturbations from Jupiter and Saturn do not have significant effect upon the evolution. Such situation may be reproduced by Jupiter and Saturn not being fully grown, or their eccentricities being smaller than the present values during the terrestrial planets' formation. However, in such cases, we need some other mechanism to eliminate the problem that numerous Mars-sized planets remain uncollided.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2008,198(1):156-162
Sedimentation rates of silicate grains in gas giant protoplanets formed by disk instability are calculated for protoplanetary masses between 1 MSaturn to 10 MJupiter. Giant protoplanets with masses of 5 MJupiter or larger are found to be too hot for grain sedimentation to form a silicate core. Smaller protoplanets are cold enough to allow grain settling and core formation. Grain sedimentation and core formation occur in the low mass protoplanets because of their slow contraction rate and low internal temperature. It is predicted that massive giant planets will not have cores, while smaller planets will have small rocky cores whose masses depend on the planetary mass, the amount of solids within the body, and the disk environment. The protoplanets are found to be too hot to allow the existence of icy grains, and therefore the cores are predicted not to contain any ices. It is suggested that the atmospheres of low mass giant planets are depleted in refractory elements compared with the atmospheres of more massive planets. These predictions provide a test of the disk instability model of gas giant planet formation. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn were found to be ∼0.25 M and ∼0.5 M, respectively. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn can be substantially larger if planetesimal accretion is included. The final core mass will depend on planetesimal size, the time at which planetesimals are formed, and the size distribution of the material added to the protoplanet. Jupiter's core mass can vary from 2 to 12 M. Saturn's core mass is found to be ∼8 M.  相似文献   

E.W. Thommes  M.J. Duncan 《Icarus》2003,161(2):431-455
Runaway growth ends when the largest protoplanets dominate the dynamics of the planetesimal disk; the subsequent self-limiting accretion mode is referred to as “oligarchic growth.” Here, we begin by expanding on the existing analytic model of the oligarchic growth regime. From this, we derive global estimates of the planet formation rate throughout a protoplanetary disk. We find that a relatively high-mass protoplanetary disk (∼10 × minimum-mass) is required to produce giant planet core-sized bodies (∼10 M) within the lifetime of the nebular gas (?10 million years). However, an implausibly massive disk is needed to produce even an Earth mass at the orbit of Uranus by 10 Myrs. Subsequent accretion without the dissipational effect of gas is even slower and less efficient. In the limit of noninteracting planetesimals, a reasonable-mass disk is unable to produce bodies the size of the Solar System’s two outer giant planets at their current locations on any timescale; if collisional damping of planetesimal random velocities is sufficiently effective, though, it may be possible for a Uranus/Neptune to form in situ in less than the age of the Solar System. We perform numerical simulations of oligarchic growth with gas and find that protoplanet growth rates agree reasonably well with the analytic model as long as protoplanet masses are well below their estimated final masses. However, accretion stalls earlier than predicted, so that the largest final protoplanet masses are smaller than those given by the model. Thus the oligarchic growth model, in the form developed here, appears to provide an upper limit for the efficiency of giant planet formation.  相似文献   

R. Helled  P. Bodenheimer 《Icarus》2010,207(2):503-508
The final composition of giant planets formed as a result of gravitational instability in the disk gas depends on their ability to capture solid material (planetesimals) during their ‘pre-collapse’ stage, when they are extended and cold, and contracting quasi-statically. The duration of the pre-collapse stage is inversely proportional roughly to the square of the planetary mass, so massive protoplanets have shorter pre-collapse timescales and therefore limited opportunity for planetesimal capture. The available accretion time for protoplanets with masses of 3, 5, 7, and 10 Jupiter masses is found to be and 5.67×103 years, respectively. The total mass that can be captured by the protoplanets depends on the planetary mass, planetesimal size, the radial distance of the protoplanet from the parent star, and the local solid surface density. We consider three radial distances, 24, 38, and 68 AU, similar to the radial distances of the planets in the system HR 8799, and estimate the mass of heavy elements that can be accreted. We find that for the planetary masses usually adopted for the HR 8799 system, the amount of heavy elements accreted by the planets is small, leaving them with nearly stellar compositions.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Attay Kovetz 《Icarus》2006,185(1):64-71
We follow the contraction and evolution of a typical Jupiter-mass clump created by the disk instability mechanism, and compute the rate of planetesimal capture during this evolution. We show that such a clump has a slow contraction phase lasting ∼3×105 yr. By following the trajectories of planetesimals as they pass through the envelope of the protoplanet, we compute the cross-section for planetesimal capture at all stages of the protoplanet's evolution. We show that the protoplanet can capture a large fraction of the solid material in its feeding zone, which will lead to an enrichment of the protoplanet in heavy elements. The exact amount of this enrichment depends upon, but is not very sensitive to the size and random speed of the planetesimals.  相似文献   

As planetary embryos grow, gravitational stirring of planetesimals by embryos strongly enhances random velocities of planetesimals and makes collisions between planetesimals destructive. The resulting fragments are ground down by successive collisions. Eventually the smallest fragments are removed by the inward drift due to gas drag. Therefore, the collisional disruption depletes the planetesimal disk and inhibits embryo growth. We provide analytical formulae for the final masses of planetary embryos, taking into account planetesimal depletion due to collisional disruption. Furthermore, we perform the statistical simulations for embryo growth (which excellently reproduce results of direct N-body simulations if disruption is neglected). These analytical formulae are consistent with the outcome of our statistical simulations. Our results indicate that the final embryo mass at several AU in the minimum-mass solar nebula can reach about ∼0.1 Earth mass within 107 years. This brings another difficulty in formation of gas giant planets, which requires cores with ∼10 Earth masses for gas accretion. However, if the nebular disk is 10 times more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula and the initial planetesimal size is larger than 100 km, as suggested by some models of planetesimal formation, the final embryo mass reaches about 10 Earth masses at 3-4 AU. The enhancement of embryos’ collisional cross sections by their atmosphere could further increase their final mass to form gas giant planets at 5-10 AU in the Solar System.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Morris Podolak 《Icarus》2008,195(2):863-870
We present a calculation of the sedimentation of grains in a giant gaseous protoplanet such as that resulting from a disk instability of the type envisioned by Boss [Boss, A.P., 1998. Earth Moon Planets 81, 19-26]. Boss [Boss, A.P., 1998. Earth Moon Planets 81, 19-26] has suggested that such protoplanets would form cores through the settling of small grains. We have tested this suggestion by following the sedimentation of small silicate grains as the protoplanet contracts and evolves. We find that during the course of the initial contraction of the protoplanet, which lasts some 4×105 years, even very small (>1 μm) silicate grains can sediment to create a core both for convective and non-convective envelopes, although the sedimentation time is substantially longer if the envelope is convective, and grains are allowed to be carried back up into the envelope by convection. Grains composed of organic material will mostly be evaporated before they get to the core region, while water ice grains will be completely evaporated. These results suggest that if giant planets are formed via the gravitational instability mechanism, a small heavy element core can be formed due to sedimentation of grains, but it will be composed almost entirely of refractory material. Including planetesimal capture, we find core masses between 1 and 10 M, and a total high-Z enhancement of ∼40 M. The refractories in the envelope will be mostly water vapor and organic residuals.  相似文献   

In this chapter, we will give a brief overview on our current theoretical understanding how planets form from the solid material in circumstellar disks in the core accretion-gas capture model. This chapter will not be as concise and complete as a review on this matter, yet will serve as an introductory text to generate interest in the subject. Students are referred to comprehensive text books and some important reviews.This chapter will discuss “dusty storms”, e.g. the dust transport in turbulent protoplanetary disks, followed by the latest model of planetesimal formation, e.g. gravoturbulent planetesimal formation, which deals with particle concentration in turbulence and N-body simulations thereof. We also briefly describe the core accretion-gas capture process and talk about nascent planets, e.g. the observability of planet–disk interaction concluding with the migration of young planets and the final arrangement of planetary systems.  相似文献   

Althea V. Moorhead 《Icarus》2005,178(2):517-539
This paper presents a parametric study of giant planet migration through the combined action of disk torques and planet-planet scattering. The torques exerted on planets during Type II migration in circumstellar disks readily decrease the semi-major axes a, whereas scattering between planets increases the orbital eccentricities ?. This paper presents a parametric exploration of the possible parameter space for this migration scenario using two (initial) planetary mass distributions and a range of values for the time scale of eccentricity damping (due to the disk). For each class of systems, many realizations of the simulations are performed in order to determine the distributions of the resulting orbital elements of the surviving planets; this paper presents the results of ∼8500 numerical experiments. Our goal is to study the physics of this particular migration mechanism and to test it against observations of extrasolar planets. The action of disk torques and planet-planet scattering results in a distribution of final orbital elements that fills the a-? plane, in rough agreement with the orbital elements of observed extrasolar planets. In addition to specifying the orbital elements, we characterize this migration mechanism by finding the percentages of ejected and accreted planets, the number of collisions, the dependence of outcomes on planetary masses, the time spent in 2:1 and 3:1 resonances, and the effects of the planetary IMF. We also determine the distribution of inclination angles of surviving planets and the distribution of ejection speeds for exiled planets.  相似文献   

We investigate the survivability of Trojan-type companions of Neptune during primordial radial migration of the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. We adopt the usual planet migration model in which the migration speed decreases exponentially with a characteristic time scale τ (the e-folding time). We perform a series of numerical simulations, each involving the migrating giant planets plus ∼1000 test particle Neptune Trojans with initial distributions of orbital eccentricity, inclination, and libration amplitude similar to those of the known jovian Trojans asteroids. We analyze these simulations to measure the survivability of Neptune's Trojans as a function of migration rate. We find that orbital migration with the characteristic time scale τ=106 years allows about 35% of preexisting Neptune Trojans to survive to 5τ, by which time the giant planets have essentially reached their final orbits. In contrast, slower migration with τ=107 years yields only a ∼5% probability of Neptune Trojans surviving to a time of 5τ. Interestingly, we find that the loss of Neptune Trojans during planetary migration is not a random diffusion process. Rather, losses occur almost exclusively during discrete prolonged episodes when Trojan particles are swept by secondary resonances associated with mean-motion commensurabilities of Uranus with Neptune. These secondary resonances arise when the circulation frequencies, f, of critical arguments for Uranus-Neptune mean-motion near-resonances (e.g., fUN1:2, fUN4:7) are commensurate with harmonics of the libration frequency of the critical argument for the Neptune-Trojan 1:1 mean-motion resonance (fNT1:1). Trojans trapped in the secondary resonances typically have their libration amplitudes amplified until they escape the 1:1 resonance with Neptune. Trojans with large libration amplitudes are susceptible to loss during sweeping by numerous high-order secondary resonances (e.g., fUN1:2≈11fNT1:1). However, for the slower migration, with τ=107 years, even tightly bound Neptune Trojans with libration amplitudes below 10° can be lost when they become trapped in 1:3 or 1:2 secondary resonances between fUN1:2 and fNT1:1. With τ=107 years the 1:2 secondary resonance was responsible for the single greatest episode of loss, ejecting nearly 75% of existing Neptune Trojans. This episode occurred during the late stages of planetary migration when the remnant planetesimal disk would have been largely dissipated. We speculate that if the number of bodies liberated during this event was sufficiently high they could have caused a spike in the impact rate throughout the Solar System.  相似文献   

Stephen J. Kortenkamp 《Icarus》2005,175(2):409-418
Numerical simulations of the gravitational scattering of planetesimals by a protoplanet reveal that a significant fraction of scattered planetesimals can become trapped as so-called quasi-satellites in heliocentric 1:1 co-orbital resonance with the protoplanet. While trapped, these resonant planetesimals can have deep low-velocity encounters with the protoplanet that result in temporary or permanent capture onto highly eccentric prograde or retrograde circumplanetary orbits. The simulations include solar nebula gas drag and use planetesimals with diameters ranging from ∼1 to ∼1000 km. Initial protoplanet eccentricities range from ep=0 to 0.15 and protoplanet masses range from 300 Earth-masses (M) down to 0.1M. This mass range effectively covers the final masses of all planets currently thought to be in possession of captured satellites—Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars. For protoplanets on moderately eccentric orbits (ep?0.1) most simulations show from 5-20% of all scattered planetesimals becoming temporarily trapped in the quasi-satellite co-orbital resonance. Typically, 20-30% of the temporarily trapped quasi-satellites of all sizes came within half the Hill radius of the protoplanet while trapped in the resonance. The efficiency of the resonance trapping combined with the subsequent low-velocity circumplanetary capture suggests that this trapped-to-captured transition may be important not only for the origin of captured satellites but also for continued growth of protoplanets.  相似文献   

We study and review disk protoplanet interactions using local shearing box simulations. These suffer the disadvantage of having potential artefacts arising from periodic boundary conditions but the advantage, when compared to global simulations, of being able to capture much of the dynamics close to the protoplanet at high resolution for low computational cost. Cases with and without self sustained MHD turbulence are considered. The conditions for gap formation and the transition from type I migration are investigated and found to depend on whether the single parameter M p R 3/(M* H 3), with M p, M*, R, and H being the protoplanet mass, the central mass, the orbital radius and the disk semi-thickness, respectively, exceeds a number of order unity. We also investigate the coorbital torques experienced by a moving protoplanet in an inviscid disk. This is done by demonstrating the equivalence of the problem for a moving protoplanet to one where the protoplanet is in a fixed orbit which the disk material flows through radially as a result of the action of an appropriate external torque. For sustainable coorbital torques to be realized a quasi steady state must be realized in which the planet migrates through the disk without accreting significant mass. In that case, although there is sensitivity to computational parameters, in agreement with earlier work by Masset and Papaloizou [2003, ApJ, 588, 494] based on global simulations, the coorbital torques are proportional to the migration speed and result in a positive feedback on the migration, enhancing it and potentially leading to a runaway. This could lead to fast migration for protoplanets in the Saturn mass range in massive disks and may be relevant to the mass period correlation for extrasolar planets which gives a preponderance of sub Jovian masses at short orbital periods.  相似文献   

We numerically model the evolution of dust in a protoplanetary disk using a two-phase (gas+dust) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, which is non-self-gravitating and locally isothermal. The code follows the three dimensional distribution of dust in a protoplanetary disk as it interacts with the gas via aerodynamic drag. In this work, we present the evolution of a disk comprising 1% dust by mass in the presence of an embedded planet for two different disk configurations: a small, minimum mass solar nebular (MMSN) disk and a larger, more massive Classical T Tauri star (CTTS) disk. We then vary the grain size and planetary mass to see how they effect the resulting disk structure. We find that gap formation is much more rapid and striking in the dust layer than in the gaseous disk and that a system with a given stellar, disk and planetary mass will have a different appearance depending on the grain size and that such differences will be detectable in the millimetre domain with ALMA. For low mass planets in our MMSN models, a gap can open in the dust disk while not in the gas disk. We also note that dust accumulates at the external edge of the planetary gap and speculate that the presence of a planet in the disk may facilitate the growth of planetesimals in this high density region.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new semianalytical model of oligarchic growth of planets considering a distribution of planetesimal sizes, fragmentation of planetesimals in mutual collisions, sublimation of ices through the snow line, random velocities out of equilibrium and merging of planetary embryos. We show that the presence of several planetary embryos growing simultaneously at different locations in the protoplanetary disk affects the whole accretion history, specially for the innermost planets. The results presented here clearly indicate the relevance of considering a distribution of planetesimal sizes. Fragmentation occurring during planetesimal-planetesimal collisions represent only a marginal effect in shaping the surface density of solid material in the protoplanetary disc.  相似文献   

We have performed N-body simulation on final accretion stage of terrestrial planets, including the effect of damping of eccentricity and inclination caused by tidal interaction with a remnant gas disk. As a result of runway and oligarchic accretion, about 20 Mars-sized protoplanets would be formed in nearly circular orbits with orbital separation of several to ten Hill radius. The orbits of the protoplanets would be eventually destabilized by long-term mutual gravity and/or secular resonance of giant gaseous planets. The protoplanets would coalesce with each other to form terrestrial planets through the orbital crossing. Previous N-body simulations, however, showed that the final eccentricities of planets are around 0.1, which are about 10 times higher than the present eccentricities of Earth and Venus. The obtained high eccentricities are the remnant of orbital crossing. We included the effect of eccentricity damping caused by gravitational interaction with disk gas as a drag force (“gravitational drag”) and carried out N-body simulation of accretion of protoplanets. We start with 15 protoplanets with 0.2M⊕ and integrate the orbits for 107 years, which is consistent with the observationally inferred disk lifetime (in some runs, we start with 30 protoplanets with 0.1M⊕). In most runs, the damping time scale, which is equivalent to the strength of the drag force, is kept constant throughout each run in order to clarify the effects of the damping. We found that the planets' final mass, spatial distribution, and eccentricities depend on the damping time scale. If the damping time scale for a 0.2M⊕ mass planet at 1 AU is longer than 108 years, planets grow to Earth's size, but the final eccentricities are too high as in gas-free cases. If it is shorter than 106 years, the eccentricities of the protoplanets cannot be pumped up, resulting in not enough orbital crossing to make Earth-sized planets. Small planets with low eccentricities are formed with small orbital separation. On the other hand, if it is between 106 and 108 years, which may correspond to a mostly depleted disk (0.01-0.1% of surface density of the minimum mass model), some protoplanets can grow to about the size of Earth and Venus, and the eccentricities of such surviving planets can be diminished within the disk lifetime. Furthermore, in innermost and outermost regions in the same system, we often find planets with smaller size and larger eccentricities too, which could be analogous to Mars and Mercury. This is partly because the gravitational drag is less effective for smaller mass planets, and partly due to the “edge effect,” which means the innermost and outermost planets tend to remain without collision. We also carried out several runs with time-dependent drag force according to depletion of a gas disk. In these runs, we used exponential decay model with e-folding time of 3×106 years. The orbits of protoplanets are stablized by the eccentricity damping in the early time. When disk surface density decays to ?1% of the minimum mass disk model, the damping force is no longer strong enough to inhibit the increase of the eccentricity by distant perturbations among protoplanets so that the orbital crossing starts. In this disk decay model, a gas disk with 10−4-10−3 times the minimum mass model still remains after the orbital crossing and accretional events, which is enough to damp the eccentricities of the Earth-sized planets to the order of 0.01. Using these results, we discuss a possible scenario for the last stage of terrestrial planet formation.  相似文献   

John Chambers 《Icarus》2008,198(1):256-273
In the core-accretion model, giant-planet cores form by oligarchic growth from a population of planetesimals prior to the dispersal of the disk gas. Once a core reaches a critical mass of roughly 10 Earth masses, it begins to accrete a gaseous envelope, forming a giant planet. Collisions between planetesimals cause fragmentation. Planetesimal fragments are more easily captured by cores, speeding up growth, but fragments are also lost by radial drift, reducing the total solid mass in the disk. Interaction with the gas causes cores to undergo inward type-I migration. Migration allows a core to accrete planetesimals from a larger region, but migrating cores may be lost if they reach the star. Thus, migration and fragmentation have both a positive and a negative impact on core formation. Here we describe results of new simulations of oligarchic growth that include fragmentation and/or migration. In the absence of migration, cores grow until they reach their isolation mass, which increases with distance from the star, or until the disk gas disperses. Fragmentation increases the maximum core mass by increasing growth rates in the outer disk, allowing objects to reach their isolation mass during the disk lifetime. When migration is present, cores migrate inwards rapidly when they approach 1 Earth mass. Most migrating cores are lost. Migrating cores gain little extra mass since they are passing through regions that have been depleted by earlier generations of cores. For a disk viscosity parameter alpha=1e−3 and planetesimal radius = 10 km, the maximum core mass is roughly 4 and 0.5 Earth masses with/without fragmentation, respectively, with little dependence on the disk mass. Formation and survival of 10-Earth-mass cores, in the presence of migration, requires large alpha (1e−2) and a massive disk (0.1 solar masses). When alpha is large, type-I migration rates decrease rapidly with time, allowing large, late-forming cores to survive. The addition of a stochastic (random-walk) migration component makes little difference to the outcome, provided that stochastic migration affects only cores larger than 0.01 Earth masses. Stochastic migration becomes increasingly important if it also affects lower-mass objects.  相似文献   

Sean N. Raymond  Thomas Quinn 《Icarus》2005,177(1):256-263
‘Hot jupiters,’ giant planets with orbits very close to their parent stars, are thought to form farther away and migrate inward via interactions with a massive gas disk. If a giant planet forms and migrates quickly, the planetesimal population has time to re-generate in the lifetime of the disk and terrestrial planets may form [P.J. Armitage, A reduced efficiency of terrestrial planet formation following giant planet migration, Astrophys. J. 582 (2003) L47-L50]. We present results of simulations of terrestrial planet formation in the presence of hot/warm jupiters, broadly defined as having orbital radii ?0.5 AU. We show that terrestrial planets similar to those in the Solar System can form around stars with hot/warm jupiters, and can have water contents equal to or higher than the Earth's. For small orbital radii of hot jupiters (e.g., 0.15, 0.25 AU) potentially habitable planets can form, but for semi-major axes of 0.5 AU or greater their formation is suppressed. We show that the presence of an outer giant planet such as Jupiter does not enhance the water content of the terrestrial planets, but rather decreases their formation and water delivery timescales. We speculate that asteroid belts may exist interior to the terrestrial planets in systems with close-in giant planets.  相似文献   

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