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Recent sedimentological and palynological research on subfossil Holocene banded sediments from the Severn Estuary Levels suggested seasonality of deposition, registered by variations in mineral grain‐size and pollen assemblages between different parts of the bands. Here we provide data that strengthen this interpretation from sampling of modern sediments and pollen deposition on an active mudflat and saltmarsh on the margin of the Severn Estuary, and comparison with a vegetation survey and contemporary records of climate, river and tidal regimes. The results of grain‐size analysis indicate deposition of comparatively coarse‐grained silts during the relatively cool and windy conditions of winter and comparatively fine‐grained sediments during relatively warm and calm summer months. Pollen analysis demonstrates the significance of long‐term storage of pollen grains and fern spores in the estuarine waterbody, superimposed on which seasonal variations in pollen inputs from local and regional vegetation remain detectable. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对海南岛昌化江入海口110个底表沉积物样品进行了粒度分析,并利用二维沉积物粒径趋势分析模型对沉积物粒度参数开展趋势分析.研究结果表明,按照Folk沉积物分类三角图解法,昌化江入海口外底表沉积物可划分为含砾砂、砂、砾质泥质砂、砂质砾、粉砂、泥、砂质泥、砾质砂、砂质粉砂和粉砂质砂共10种沉积物类型,其中砂和砾组分的分布范围...  相似文献   

The Ipswichian high‐tide coast in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary at the time of the highest sea‐levels (5–10 m OD) was wave‐dominated almost everywhere. It is defined by raised beaches and inshore sand shoals, and only in comparatively long but narrow inlets (Somerset Levels) are estuarine conditions evident. The modern Holocene seaway is wave‐dominated at high tide only up to and including the inner Bristol Channel. A muddy upper shore typifies the large, tide‐dominated Severn Estuary to the east and northeast. The larger depth and width of the Ipswichian seaway may explain its greater wave‐dominance, but it is also possible that differences in the sediment regime also contribute to the contrast observed. With water levels continuing to rise, the Holocene seaway could reach Ipswichian depths within a few thousand years and evolve toward greater wave‐dominance. A secondary effect may be the transgression and substantial removal of the Holocene estuarine sequence associated with the Severn Estuary Levels. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

C. Fisher   《Cretaceous Research》2003,24(6):633-651
Planktic foraminiferal porosity analyses can be used as a water mass proxy and were conducted on samples from above the latest Cenomanian Neocardioceras or B bentonite from the Western Interior Seaway of North America. This time slice provides a snapshot of water mass characteristics in this vast epicontinental sea during the early phase of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Mean sample porosity decreases northward and is interpreted as northward decrease in water temperature at the depth Hedbergella delrioensis (Carsey) calcified. Four water masses are defined by porosity, their boundaries are extremely similar to water mass boundaries previously identified by others using the distributions of macrofossils, microfossils and lithology. The boundary between the Subtropical–Tropical Water Mass and Central Subtropical Water Mass was located in southern Colorado. The boundary between the Central Subtropical Water Mass and the Northern Temperate Water Mass lay at approximately 48°N latitude. This boundary is displaced northward approximately 8° latitude as compared to the Holocene planktic foraminiferal temperate ocean province. Within-sample porosity variation suggests all water masses except the Temperate Water Mass were thermally stratified. Samples from the south indicate that the Subtropical–Tropical Water Mass was the most stratified. The porosity data support a previously published data-based paleoceanographic circulation of the southwestern seaway.  相似文献   

刘红  何青  吉晓强  王亚  徐俊杰 《沉积学报》2008,26(5):833-843
通过对崇明东滩两个海滩剖面、表层沉积物和悬沙粒度以及同步水沙资料的分析,探讨波流共同作用下表层沉积物和地貌的分异规律。受波流共同作用的影响,表层沉积物中值粒径由破波带向两侧逐渐变细,分选由破波带向两侧逐渐变差,偏度由极正偏变为正偏,峭度由很窄尖变为宽平和中等峭度。由破波带向岸方向,流速逐渐减小,含沙量逐渐增加。悬沙和表层沉积物粒度特征的对比分析表明,潮间带上部的悬沙主要来源于破波带泥沙的再悬浮。破波带内泥沙以“波浪掀沙”引起的分选运移为主,而破波带两侧的泥沙以潮流对破波带水体的“平流输移”为主。以潮汐水位和高精度海滩剖面数据对崇明东滩微地貌类型按高程进行了新的划分。  相似文献   

Settling and traction velocities were measured on optimally preserved tests of larger foraminifera using a settling tube and flume tank. Within larger foraminifera with porcelaneous tests, the peneroplids, Peneroplis antillarum, P. planatus, P. pertusus and Dendritina cf. D. zhengae, are distinguished by low test densities (ca 1·2) that do not change with growth. Buoyancy is high because of low Reynolds numbers and increases in large individuals because of the allometric change of test shape. The fusiform Alveolinella quoyi, with test densities ca 1·6, is characterized by high Reynolds numbers, inducing the weakest buoyancy within porcelaneous larger foraminifera. The highest buoyancy was recorded for the three soritids, Parasorites orbitolitoides, Sorites orbiculus and Amphisorus hemprichii, because of their low test densities (ca 1·25) and the extremely flat, biconcave, plate‐like shape. Flat tests, however, reduce traction and entrainment from smooth surfaces. Within hyaline larger foraminiferat, the amphisteginids show thick‐lenticular (Amphistegina lobifera, A. radiata) to thin‐lenticular tests (A. bicirculata, A. papillosa), influencing buoyancy. Here, high test densities (ca 1·8) decrease with growth in A. lobifera, A. lessonii and A. bicirculata, and remain constant in A. radiata and A. papillosa. Minimum velocities required for entrainment are lower for thick‐lenticular tests and higher for thin‐lenticular tests. Test densities remain constant with growth in the calcarinid Baculogypsina sphaerulata (ρ ∼ 1·78) and decrease slightly in Calcarina gaudichaudii and Neorotalia calcar (starting at ρ ∼ 1·85), all living under extreme hydrodynamic conditions. Density decreases the most in Baculogypsinoides spinosus (starting at ρ ∼ 1·8), resulting in higher buoyancy through low Reynolds numbers. Traction is promoted in spherical tests of Baculogypsina and Baculogypsinoides. Within nummulitids, the thick‐lenticular Palaeonummulites venosus (test density decreasing with size; starting at 1·78) is less buoyant, expressed in high Reynolds numbers, but easily entrained. Thick‐lenticular juveniles and extremely flat adults distinguish Operculinella cumingii, Heterostegina depressa and the giant Cycloclypeus carpenteri. Test densities increase during growth, starting from ca 1·6 and attaining a maximum of 1·8. Buoyancy is low in small tests and high in large tests, while entrainment velocities are reduced as the tests flatten. High buoyancy is also a characteristic of the entirely flat tests in Operculina ammonoides (from deeper regions) and Planostegina operculinoides, which is expressed in the lowest Reynolds numbers within larger foraminifera.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of foraminifera, testate amoebae and diatoms was investigated in saltmarshes in the Taf estuary (south Wales), the Erme estuary (south Devon) and the Brancaster marshes (north Norfolk), to assess the use of multiproxy indicators in sea‐level reconstructions. A total of 116 samples were subjected to regression analyses, using the program calibrate, with duration of tidal flooding as the dependent variable. We found that the relationship between flooding duration and taxa was strongest for diatoms and testate amoebae and weakest for foraminifera. The vertical range of testate amoebae in saltmarshes is small. Their lower tolerance limit in present‐day saltmarshes occurs where tides cover the marsh less than a combined total of 7 days (1.9%) in a year. However, they are important sea‐level indicators because information for sea‐level reconstruction is best derived from sediments that originate in the highest part of the intertidal zone. Diatoms span the entire sampled range in intertidal and supratidal areas, whereas the upper limit of foraminifera is found very close to the highest astronomical tide level. Local training sets provide reconstructions with higher accuracy and precision than combined training sets, but their use is limited if they do not represent adequate modern analogues for fossil assemblages. Although analyses are time consuming, a regional training set of all three groups of micro‐organisms yields highly accurate (r2 = 0.80) and precise (low value of root mean square error) predictions of tidal level. This approach therefore could improve the accuracy and precision of Holocene sea‐level reconstructions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The marine Oligo-Miocene units of western Taurides, deposited under different tectonic regimes (in Bey Da?lar? platform in foreland and coeval sequences in hinterland), were studied to establish a high-resolution biostratigraphic framework. Biometric study of the full spectrum of larger foraminifera in a regional scale allowed us correlating them with the shallow benthic zonation (SBZ) system introduced by [Cahuzac, B., Poignant, A., 1997. Essai de biozonation de l’Oligo-Miocène dans les bassins européens à l’aide des grands foraminifères néritiques. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 168, 155–169], and to determine the ages of these sites on zonal precision for the first time. In correlating these assemblages to standard shallow benthic zones, planktonic data were also used whenever possible. Taxa, classified under the genera Nummulites, Miogypsina, Miolepidocyclina, Nephrolepidina, Eulepidina, Heterostegina, Operculina and Cycloclypeus (?) and their assemblages, closely resemble to the fauna described from European basins. These groups characterize the SBZ 22B to 25 zones referring to a time interval from early Chattian to Burdigalian. However, a main gap in late Chattian (SBZ 23) and in early part of the Aquitanian (SBZ 24) is also recorded in the platform succession. In the meantime, rare Eulepidina in the Burdigalian levels suggest a clear Indo-Pacific influence. Based on the discovery of early Chattian (SBZ 22B) deposits (previously mapped under Eocene/Miocene units), the Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy of the Bey Da?lar? platform is also revised. A more precise chronology for regional Miocene transgression is presented based on the miogypsinid evolutionary scale.  相似文献   

对渤海湾西部潮间带和浅海区106个表层底质样品的活体与死有孔虫进行分析,筛选出8个优势种。利用死体有孔虫研究了优势种随水深(高程)变化的垂直分布特征,讨论了不同属种、不同有孔虫垂直组合带与地质环境、海面的定量关系。结果表明,有孔虫属种和组合的指示范围决定其作为地质环境及海面变化指标的灵敏性和精度。确立了研究区有孔虫海相性评价指数及与水深(高程)的相关性。根据对研究结果的实例应用的分析,恢复了研究区一个局部地点的相对海面变化曲线,为全新世地质环境和海面变化研究提供了一个新的尝试案例。  相似文献   

The barrier islands of the southern North Sea were formed during the Holocene sea‐level rise. These islands form part of a highly dynamic environment whose evolution continues today. Subjected to sea‐level changes, tides and storm events, the sedimentary record reflects processes occurring under varying energy conditions. This article presents geochemical, mineralogical and diatom investigations carried out in the salt marsh of the East Frisian barrier island of Langeoog, which is re‐exposed to a rising sea‐level due to de‐embankment. The major aim of this study is to improve the knowledge of the sedimentological and geochemical development of these deposits under the influence of sea‐level rise, with a special focus on the geochemistry and distribution of heavy mineral‐associated elements. Correlation diagrams between FeO, TiO2 and MnO, as well as ternary plots (Al2O3–SiO2–Zr or TiO2), clearly indicate the variable appearance of heavy minerals in different lithological facies, comprising marsh soil, mixed and sand flat, and relocated beach sands. A dominating abundance of ilmenite followed by zircon, garnets and some other heavy minerals is evidenced by Scanning Electron Microscope‐Energy Dispersive X‐ray measurements. The data presented here suggests that these geochemical proxies are useful tools for characterizing depositional energy conditions. Increasing depositional energy is evident for the lithological units in the following order: marsh soil, mixed flat, sand flat and relocated beach sand. The energetic conditions during sediment deposition, as well as the sedimentary history, are confirmed by diatom analyses as an additional independent indicator. Depending on source rock composition, the geochemical parameters used in this study may also help to investigate depositional energy regimes of other siliciclastic sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

Invertebrate burrow distributions (neoichnology) across a modern tidal flat are presented as an analogue for interpreting the ichnology of palaeo‐tidal‐flat successions. Burrow distributions are linked to physical and chemical (physicochemical) stresses to establish the main controls on the distribution of biosedimentary structures. Across the tidal flat, there is clear heterogeneity in both the diversity of traces and the intensity of burrowing. This heterogeneity reflects a myriad of physicochemical stresses, with the sedimentation rate dominating burrow distributions. Across all substrates, the total area occupied by organisms rarely exceeds 3% of the tidal‐flat surface, and is commonly <1%; this equates to a bioturbation index value of one. To reach bioturbation index values of two to six, sediments must be available to biogenic reworking and/or recolonization. With an increasing sedimentation rate, substrates are rapidly buried and re‐exposed, which limits the time when a substrate is available to colonization. For palaeo‐ichnological studies, this research presents several key results. (i) Burrow cross‐cutting relationships in tidal‐flat successions commonly reflect natural heterogeneities in the areal distribution of infaunal communities, rather than infaunal tiering. (ii) Ichnofabric analysis of palaeo‐tidal flats with a high sedimentation rate would yield fabrics that reflect heterogeneities in the areal distribution of infaunal communities rather than variability in the physicochemical stresses of the environment. (iii) The composite trace‐fossil assemblage of tidal flats cannot be attributed to a single ichnofacies, but instead comprises elements typical of multiple ichnofacies. (iv) The main controls on trace assemblages across tidal flats in fully marine settings are sedimentological and include the sedimentation rate and, to a lesser extent, grain size.  相似文献   

Porosity and permeability may be preserved in deep sandstone reservoirs by clay coating (mainly chlorite) which limits quartz overgrowths. Chloritization around quartz grains results mainly from mineralogical transformations of pre‐existing clays. It is fundamental to study those clay precursors to better understand and predict the location and distribution of clay coatings in subsurface sandstones for petroleum or geothermal prospecting. This paper reports a high‐resolution analysis of the composition, distribution and fabric of clays along a modern estuary, the Gironde (south‐west France). The scale of the study ranges from thin sections, through sand bar bodies, up to the entire estuary. Results show that clays are detrital and deposited at the same time as sand grains despite strong hydrodynamic conditions. Clays bind to medium‐grained sands forming detrital clay grain coats. On average, 26% of detrital sand grains are coated along the entire length of the estuary. Coat thickness varies from 1 μm to more than 200 μm, and coat coverage exceeds 30% in some samples. The turbidity maximum zone position (surface water turbidity from 1 to 10 g l?1) in the estuary, which is controlled by seasonal variations in hydrodynamic processes, significantly impacts the location of the maximum clay content and the abundance of coated grains in sandy facies along the estuary. Flocculation in the water column results in the accumulation of suspended matter and contributes to the high turbidity in the estuary. Exopolymeric substances produced by diatoms are observed both in the field and by cryo‐scanning electron microscopy, suggesting that they may play a major role in binding detrital clay around sand grains. Finally, tidal bars and heterolithic point bars in the estuary funnel and estuarine channels are prime sedimentological targets for finding clay coatings and potentially good reservoir quality in deeply buried sandstones.  相似文献   

Laminated sediments in Lake Ohau, Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand, offer a potential high‐resolution climate record for the past 17 kyr. Such records are particularly important due to the relative paucity of detailed palaeoclimate data from the Southern Hemisphere mid‐latitudes. This paper presents outcomes of a study of the sedimentation processes of this temperate lake setting. Hydrometeorological, limnological and sedimentological data were collected over a 14 month period between 2011 and 2013. These data indicate that seasonality in the hydrometeorological system in combination with internal lake dynamics drives a distinct seasonal pattern of sediment dispersal and deposition on a basin‐wide scale. Sedimentary layers that accumulate proximal to the lake inflow at the northern end of the lake form in response to discrete inflow events throughout the year and display an event stratigraphy. In contrast, seasonal change in the lake system controls accumulation of light (winter) and dark (summer) laminations at the distal end of the lake, resulting in the preservation of varves. This study documents the key processes influencing sediment deposition throughout Lake Ohau and provides fundamental data for generating a high‐resolution palaeoclimate record from this temperate lake.  相似文献   

<正>This study examined spatial variations in the concentration,grain size and heavy mineral assemblages on Cedar Beach(Lake Erie,Canada).Magnetic studies of heavy mineral-enriched,dark-reddish sands present on the beach showed that magnetite(~150μm) is the dominant magnetic mineral.Surficial magnetic susceptibility values defined three zones:a lakeward region close to the water line(Zone 1),the upper swash zone(Zone 2) and the region landwards of the upper swash zone (Zone 3).Zone 2 showed the highest bulk and mass susceptibility(κ,χ) and the highest mass percentage of smaller grain-size(250μm) fractions in the bulk sand sample.Susceptibility(i.e.κandχ) values decreased and grain size coarsened from Zone 2 lakewards(into Zone 1) and landwards (into Zone 3),and correlated with the distribution of the heavy mineral assemblage,most probably reflecting preferential separation of large,less dense particles by waves and currents both along and across the beach.The eroded western section of Cedar Beach showed much higher concentrations of heavy minerals including magnetite,and finer sand grain sizes than the accreting eastern section, suggesting that magnetic techniques could be used as a rapid,cost-effective way of examining erosion along sensitive coastline areas.  相似文献   

Flume experiments were performed to study the flow properties and depositional characteristics of high‐density turbidity currents that were depletive and quasi‐steady to waning for periods of several tens of seconds. Such currents may serve as an analogue for rapidly expanding flows at the mouth of submarine channels. The turbidity currents carried up to 35 vol.% of fine‐grained natural sand, very fine sand‐sized glass beads or coarse silt‐sized glass beads. Data analysis focused on: (1) depositional processes related to flow expansion; (2) geometry of sediment bodies generated by the depletive flows; (3) vertical and horizontal sequences of sedimentary structures within the sediment bodies; and (4) spatial trends in grain‐size distribution within the deposits. The experimental turbidity currents formed distinct fan‐shaped sediment bodies within a wide basin. Most fans consisted of a proximal channel‐levee system connected in the downstream direction to a lobe. This basic geometry was independent of flow density, flow velocity, flow volume and sediment type, in spite of the fact that the turbidity currents of relatively high density were different from those of relatively low density in that they exhibited two‐layer flow, with a low‐density turbulent layer moving on top of a dense layer with visibly suppressed large‐scale turbulence. Yet, the geometry of individual morphological elements appeared to relate closely to initial flow conditions and grain size of suspended sediment. Notably, the fans changed from circular to elongate, and lobe and levee thickness increased with increasing grain size and flow velocity. Erosion was confined to the proximal part of the leveed channel. Erosive capacity increased with increasing flow velocity, but appeared to be constant for turbidity currents of different grain size and similar density. Structureless sediment filled the channel during the waning stages of the turbidity currents laden with fine sand. The adjacent levee sands were laminated. The massive character of the channel fills is attributed to rapid settling of suspension load and associated suppression of tractional transport. Sediment bypassing prevailed in fan channels composed of very fine sand and coarse silt, because channel floors remained fully exposed until the end of the experiments. Lobe deposits, formed by the fine sand‐laden, high‐density turbidity currents, contained massive sand in the central part grading to plane parallel‐laminated sand towards the fringes. The depletive flows produced a radial decrease in mean grain size in the lobe deposits of all fans. Vertical trends in grain size comprised inverse‐to‐normal grading in the levees and in the thickest part of the lobes, and normal grading in the channel and fringes of the fine sandy fans. The inverse grading is attributed to a process involving headward‐directed transport of relatively fine‐grained and low‐concentrated fluid at the level of the velocity maximum of the turbidity current. The normal grading is inferred to denote the waning stage of turbidity‐current transport.  相似文献   

青藏高原及其邻区石炭纪—二叠纪地层中广泛分布的漂砾层、杂砾岩、含砾板岩等是一套特殊的冰海相沉积岩,称为冰海杂砾岩,前人已对它的成因环境做了初步的研究,但没有获得统一的结论。本次以青藏高原羌塘南部冈玛错地区冰海杂砾岩的砾石为研究对象,观察它们的野外特征和镜下特点,并对与冰海杂砾岩互层产出的石英砂岩做了粒度分析。结果表明,冰海杂砾岩是在冈瓦纳大陆冰川呈消融状的情况下,冰阀搬运沉积的产物。通过碎屑锆石和岩性对比,初步认为冰海杂砾岩的物源为冈瓦纳大陆,并简单论述了冰海杂砾岩各类砾石的可能来源。以上研究成果为探讨冈瓦纳大陆的沉积环境提供了依据。  相似文献   

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