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Recent observations of the surface of Mars have shown several fresh mid-latitude craters. Some of these craters show exposed ice (Byrne, S. et al. [2009]. Science 325, 1674-1676.). In some craters, albedo of ice slowly decreases, while in others, it remains nearly constant. We attempt to determine influence of the regolith structure on the rate of sublimation of ice. For this purpose we performed numerical simulations describing evolution of the exposed ice in model craters located at middle latitudes.We consider a new model for the structure and evolution of the material at- and beneath the crater floors. In contrast to the previous study by Dundas and Byrne (Dundas, C.M., Byrne, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 716-728.) we do not investigate sublimation of dirty ice, and the related formation of a sublimation lag. Instead, we consider sublimation of a pure ice layer on top of layered regolith. In our model the observed reflectivity decreases due to the sublimation-driven changes of the optical properties of thinning clean ice. This offers an alternative to the deposition of the dust embedded in ice (sublimation lag).We have shown that in our model among many parameters affecting ice sublimation rate, volumetric fraction of water ice in the subsurface beneath the crater has the strongest influence. Hence observed darkening of the ice patch on the crater floor might be sufficient to determine the content of water ice in the subsurface. Our calculations show that an albedo decrease of fresh ice patches in mid-latitude craters can be explained by either strong dust sedimentation or, if this is excluded, by sublimation of a thin layer of water ice from the regolith with large thermal inertia. This is consistent with a large volumetric fraction of water ice beneath the crater floor and contributes to evidence for an extended subsurface water reservoir on Mars.The overall conclusion of our work is that a thin post-impact surface ice coating over ice-rich ground beneath the crater floors is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

We use Viking and new MGS and Odyssey data to characterize the lobate deposits superimposed on aureole deposits along the west and northwest flanks of Olympus Mons, Mars. These features have previously been interpreted variously as landslide, pyroclastic, lava flow or glacial features on the basis of Viking images. The advent of multiple high-resolution image and topography data sets from recent spacecraft missions allow us to revisit these features and assess their origins. On the basis of these new data, we interpret these features as glacial deposits and the remnants of cold-based debris-covered glaciers that underwent multiple episodes of advance and retreat, occasionally interacting with extrusive volcanism from higher on the slopes of Olympus Mons. We subdivide the deposits into fifteen distinctive lobes. Typical lobes begin at a theater-like alcove in the escarpment at the base of Olympus Mons, interpreted to be former ice-accumulation zones, and extend outward as a tongue-shaped or fan-shaped deposit. The surface of a typical lobe contains (moving outward from the basal escarpment): a chaotic facies of disorganized hillocks, interpreted as sublimation till in the accumulation zone; arcuate-ridged facies characterized by regular, subparallel ridges and interpreted as the ridges of surface debris formed by the flow of underlying ice; and marginal ridges interpreted as local terminal moraines. Several lobes also contain a hummocky facies toward their margins that is interpreted as a distinctive type of sublimation till shaped by structural dislocations and preferential loss of ice. Blocky units are found extending from the escarpment onto several lobes; these units are interpreted as evidence of lava-ice interaction and imply that ice was present at a time of eruptive volcanic activity higher on the slopes of Olympus Mons. Other than minor channel-like features in association with lava-ice interactions, we find no evidence for the flow of liquid water in association with these lobate features that might suggest: (1) near-surface groundwater as a source for ice in the alcoves in the lobe source region at the base of the scarp, or (2) basal melting and drainage emanating from the lobes that might indicate wet-based glacial conditions. Instead, the array of features is consistent with cold-based glacial processes. The glacial interpretations outlined here are consistent with recent geological evidence for low-latitude ice-rich features at similar positions on the Tharsis Montes as well as with orbital dynamic and climate models indicating extensive snow and ice accumulation associated with episodes of increased obliquity during the Late Amazonian period of the history of Mars.  相似文献   

Experimental studies related to the sublimation of ice, in bulk or as small particles, alone or mixed with dust similar to that expected on the surface of Mars, are reported. The experiments, a cloud physics particle sublimation model, and a convection model presented by Ingersoll, all indicate a strong dependence of sublimation rate on temperature, and this appears to be the dominant factor, assuming that the relative humidity of the air is fairly low. In addition the rate of loss of water vapour appears to depend primarily on exposed surface area and less on particle size and the total mass of the sample, or the mass of ice in the sample. The 2007/8 Phoenix Scout mission plans to obtain and analyse samples of sub-surface ice from about 70° N on Mars. A concern is that these samples, in the form of ice chips of size about 1 mm diameter, could be prone to sublimation when exposed for prolonged periods (many hours) to a relatively warm and dry atmosphere. Our laboratory simulations confirm that this could be a problem if particles are simply left lying on the surface, but also indicate that samples kept suitably cold and collected together in confined piles will survive long enough for the collection and delivery (to the analysis instruments) procedure to be completed.  相似文献   

The South Polar Layered Deposits (PLD) are of fundamental importance to martian climatology, as they may comprise the largest reservoir of near-surface water on Mars. The South PLD exhibit relatively young crater retention surface ages, which are widely attributed to recent resurfacing. However, we show that both constructional and destructional resurfacing mechanisms (such as dust deposition and water ice sublimation, respectively) are inconsistent with the size, depth, and spatial distributions of South PLD craters. We demonstrate that another process—viscous creep relaxation of dusty water ice—is more compatible with the observed cratering of South PLD surfaces. The results of our finite element relaxation simulations suggest that, despite their apparent youthfulness, the PLD have been stable for at least several hundred million and perhaps even over a billion years. Consequently, our modeling implies that the time scales for the formation and preservation of the layers characteristic of the South (and possibly North) PLD are much longer than generally assumed.  相似文献   

The Mars Orbiter Camera onboard the Mars Global Surveyor has obtained several images of polygonal features in the southern polar region. In images taken during the end of the southern spring, when the surrounding surface is free of the seasonal frost, CO2 ice still appears to be present within the polygonal troughs. In Earth's polar regions, polygons such as these are indicative of water ice in the ground below. We analyzed the seasonal evolution of the thermal state and the CO2 content of these features. Our 2-D model includes condensation and sublimation of the CO2 ice, a self consistent treatment of the variations of the thermal properties of the regolith, and the seasonal variations of the local atmospheric pressure which we take from the results of a general circulation model. We find that the residence time of seasonal CO2 ice in troughs depends not only on atmospheric opacity and albedo of the CO2 ice, but also and most significantly on the distribution of water ice in the regolith. Optical properties of the atmosphere and surface CO2 ice can be independently obtained from observations. To date this is not true about the distribution of water ice below the surface. Our analysis quantifies the dependence of the seasonal cycle of the CO2 ice within the troughs on the assumed distribution of the water ice below the surface. We show that presence of water ice in the ground at a depth smaller than the depth of the troughs reduces winter condensation rate of CO2 ice. This is due to higher heat flux conducted from the water ice rich regolith toward the facets of the troughs.  相似文献   

Previous spectroscopic studies have shown the presence of hydrated minerals in various kinds of sedimentary accumulations covering and encircling the martian North Polar Cap. More specifically, gypsum, a hydrated calcium sulfate, has been detected on Olympia Planum, a restricted part of the Circum-Polar Dune Field. To further constrain the geographical distribution and the process of formation and accumulation of these hydrated minerals, we performed an integrated morphological, structural and compositional analysis of a key area where hydrated minerals were detected and where the main polar landforms are present. By the development of a spectral processing method based on spectral derivation and by the acquisition of laboratory spectra of gypsum-ice mixtures we find that gypsum-bearing sediment is not restricted to the Olympia Planum dunes but is also present in all kinds of superficial sediment covering the surface of the North Polar Cap and the Circum-Polar Dune Field. Spectral signatures consistent with perchlorates are also detected on these deposits. The interpretation of landforms reveals that this gypsum-bearing sediment was released from the ice cap by sublimation. We thus infer that gypsum crystals that are now present in the Circum-Polar Dune Field derive from the interior of the North Polar Cap. Gypsum crystals that were initially trapped in the ice cap have been released by sublimation of the ice and have accumulated in the form of ablation tills at the surface of the ice cap. These gypsum-bearing sublimation tills are reworked by winds and are transported towards the Circum-Polar Dune Field. Comparison with sulfates found in terrestrial glaciers suggests that gypsum crystals in the martian North Polar Cap have formed by weathering of dust particles, either in the atmosphere prior to their deposition during the formation of the ice cap, and/or in the ice cap after their deposition.  相似文献   

New impacts in the martian mid-latitudes have exposed near-surface ice. This ice is observed to slowly fade over timescales of months. In the present martian climate, exposed surface ice is unstable during summer months in the mid-latitudes and will sublimate. We model the sublimation of ice at five new impact sites and examine the implications of its persistence. Even with generally conservative assumptions, for most reasonable choices of parameters it is likely that over a millimeter of sublimation occurred in the period during which the ice was observed to fade. The persistence of visible ice through such sublimation suggests that the ice is relatively pure rather than pore-filling. Such ice could be analogous to the nearly pure ice observed by the Phoenix Lander in the “Dodo-Goldilocks” trench and suggests that the high ice contents reported by the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer at high latitudes extend to the mid-latitudes. Our observations are consistent with a model of the martian ice table in which a layer with high volumetric ice content overlies pore-filling ice, although other structures are possible.  相似文献   

In springtime on HiRISE images of the Southern polar terrain of Mars flow-like or rheologic features were observed. Their dark color is interpreted as partly defrosted surface where the temperature is too high for CO2 but low enough for H2O ice to be present there. These branching streaks grow in size and can move by an average velocity of up to about 1 m/day and could terminate in pond-like accumulation features. The phenomenon may be the result of interfacial water driven rheologic processes. Liquid interfacial water can in the presence of water ice exist well below the melting point of bulk water, by melting in course of interfacial attractive pressure by intermolecular forces (van der Waals forces e.g.), curvature of water film surfaces, and e.g. by macroscopic weight, acting upon ice. This melting phenomenon can be described in terms of “premelting of ice”. It is a challenging consequence, that liquid interfacial water unavoidably must in form of nanometric layers be present in water ice containing soil in the subsurface of Mars. It is the aim of this paper to study possible rheologic consequences in relation to observations, which seem to happen at sites of dark polar dunes on Mars at present. The model in this work assumes that interfacial water accumulates at the bottom of a translucent water-ice layer above a dark and insolated ground. This is warmed up towards the melting point of water. The evolving layer of liquid interfacial water between the covering ice sheet and the heated ground is assumed to drive downward directed flow-like features on slopes, and it can, at least partially, infiltrate (seep) into a porous ground. There, in at least temporarily cooler subsurface layers, the infiltrated liquid water refreezes and forms ice. The related stress built-up is shown to be sufficient to cause destructive erosive processes. The above-mentioned processes may cause change in the structure and thickness of the covering ice and/or may cause the movement of dune grains. All these processes may explain the observed springtime growing and downward extension of the slope streaks analyzed here.  相似文献   

We report on observations made of the ∼36 km diameter crater, Louth, in the north polar region of Mars (at 70° N, 103.2° E). High-resolution imagery from the instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft has been used to map a 15 km diameter water ice deposit in the center of the crater. The water ice mound has surface features that include roughened ice textures and layering similar to that found in the North Polar Layered Deposits. Features we interpret as sastrugi and sand dunes show consistent wind patterns within Louth over recent time. CRISM spectra of the ice mound were modeled to derive quantitative estimates of water ice and contaminant abundance, and associated ice grain size information. These morphologic and spectral results are used to propose a stratigraphy for this deposit and adjoining sand dunes. Our results suggest the edge of the water ice mound is currently in retreat.  相似文献   

Tetsuya Tokano 《Icarus》2003,164(1):50-78
In an effort to test and to understand the global hydrogen distribution in the shallow subsurface of Mars retrieved by the Mars Odyssey gamma-ray spectrometer, the present state and movement of water are investigated by a coupled global subsurface-atmosphere water cycle model. It was found that the observed global subsurface hydrogen distribution is largely consistent with the modeled global water cycle, so a large fraction of hydrogen is likely to exist as water, at low and mid latitudes in the form of adsorbed water. Under the present climate the water content in the shallow subsurface becomes higher in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere as a result of global water cycle, regardless of the initial water distribution in the soil or adsorptive capacity. The higher annual maximum soil temperature in the south, stronger net northward transport of atmospheric water vapor, and the emission of vapor from the northern residual polar cap in northern summer contribute to this hemispheric asymmetry. The generally higher adsorptive capacity of clay minerals in the northern plains may further increase this bias. The longitudinal inhomogeneity is caused by several factors, such as thermal inertia, adsorptive capacity, and atmospheric surface pressure. The water abundance is locally high in low thermal inertia regions (e.g., Arabia Terra) and at deep places where the surface pressure is high (e.g., Hellas); it is low in soil with a low adsorptive capacity (e.g., Tharsis) and high thermal inertia regions (e.g., Solis Planum). Most of the soil humidity near the surface at low and mid latitudes may originate from the atmosphere. The model implies that the upper soil layer should be largely ice-free because otherwise an excessive sublimation and vapor emission into the atmosphere in warm seasons would violate the observational constraints. Moreover, the more uniform latitudinal variation of the observed hydrogen abundance near the surface compared to that of deeper layers is indicative of the presence of adsorbed water instead of ground ice because the adsorbed water content does not as steeply depend on latitude as the ground ice stability. Concerning the regolith mineralogy, montmorillonite can much better account for the observed water cycle than palagonite. While the presence of permanent ground ice appears likely in the polar region below a thin layer, large seasonal cycle of phase change between pore ice and adsorbed water may be possible. Regolith adsorption/desorption is neither negligible nor crucial for the seasonal atmospheric water cycle, but the surface-atmosphere coupling is a major prerequisite for the long-term evolution of subsurface water distribution.  相似文献   

Internal layers in ice masses can be detected with ice-penetrating radar. In a flowing ice mass, each horizon represents a past surface that has been subsequently buried by accumulation, and strained by ice flow. These layers retain information about relative spatial patterns of accumulation and ablation (mass balance). Internal layers are necessary to accurately infer mass-balance patterns because the ice-surface shape only weakly reflects spatial variations in mass balance. Additional rate-controlling information, such as the layer age, the ice temperature, or the ice-grain sizes and ice-crystal fabric, can be used to infer the absolute rate of mass balance. To infer mass balance from the shapes of internal layers, we solve an inverse problem. The solution to the inverse problem is the best set or sets of unknown boundary conditions or initial conditions that, when used in our calculation of ice-surface elevation and internal-layer shape, generate appropriate predictions of observations that are available. We also show that internal layers can be used to infer martian paleo-surface topography from a past era of ice flow, even though the topography may have been largely altered by subsequent erosion. We have successfully inferred accumulation rates and surface topography from internal layers in Antarctica. Using synthetic data, we demonstrate the ability of this method to solve the corresponding inverse problem to infer accumulation and ablation rates, as well as the surface topography, for martian ice. If past ice flow has affected the shapes of martian internal layers, this method is necessary to infer the spatial pattern and rate of mass balance.  相似文献   

In this work we consider when and how much liquid water during present climate is possible within the gullies observed on the surface of Mars. These features are usually found on poleward directed slopes. We analyse the conditions for melting of H2O ice, which seasonally condenses within the gullies. We follow full annual cycle of condensation and sublimation of atmospheric CO2 and H2O, accounting for the heat and mass transport in the soil. During the summer, once the facets of the gullies are exposed to the Sun the water ice can melt and evaporate. Two mid latitude locations in both hemispheres are considered. The model includes both the rough geometry of the gullies as well as the slope of the surface where the gullies appear. It is an extension of the model developed to calculate condensation of CO2 ice in troughs of different sizes, including polygonal features on Mars (Kossacki and Markiewicz, 2002, Icarus 160, 73; Kossacki et al., 2003, Planet. Space Sci. 51, 569). We have found, that water ice accumulated during winter can undergo transition to the liquid phase after complete sublimation of CO2 ice. The amount of liquid water depends on water content in the atmosphere and on the local wind speed. It is probably not enough to destabilise the slope and cause flow of the surface material. However, even the small amounts of liquid water predicted, can play an important role in surface chemistry, in increasing the cohesive strength of the soil's surface layer and possibly may have some exobiological implications.  相似文献   

A. Lefort  P.S. Russell  N. Thomas 《Icarus》2010,205(1):259-268
The Peneus and Amphitrites Paterae region of Mars displays large areas of smooth, geologically young terrains overlying a rougher and older topography. These terrains may be remnants of the mid-latitude mantle deposit, which is thought to be composed of ice-rich material originating from airfall deposition during a high-obliquity period less than 5 Ma ago. Within these terrains, there are several types of potentially periglacial features. In particular, there are networks of polygonal cracks and scalloped-shaped depressions, which are similar to features found in Utopia Planitia in the northern hemisphere. This area also displays knobby terrain similar to the so-called “basketball terrains” of the mid and high martian latitudes. We use recent high resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) along with data from previous Mars missions to study the small-scale morphology of the scalloped terrains, and associated polygon network and knobby terrains. We compare these with the features observed in Utopia Planitia and attempt to determine their formation process. While the two sites share many general features, scallops in Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae lack the diverse polygon network (i.e. there is little variation in the polygon sizes and shapes) and large curvilinear ridges observed in Utopia Planitia. This points to a more homogeneous ice content within the substrate in the Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae region and implies that scallop formation is independent of polygon formation. This work shows that, as in Utopia Planitia, sublimation of interstitial ice is a likely process explaining the formation of the scalloped depressions in the region of Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae. Therefore, we provide a simplified scallop formation model based on sublimation of interstitial ice as proposed for Utopia Planitia. We also show that the differences in scallop morphologies between the two regions may be explained by differences in near-surface ice content, sublimation rates and age of formation of the scalloped terrains.  相似文献   

Lobate debris aprons in the martian mid- to high-latitudes (northern and southern hemispheres) have been interpreted as ice-related features that indicate periglacial climate conditions as recently as late Amazonian. Using MOLA topographic profiles perpendicular to apron flow fronts, we surveyed 36 debris aprons in the northern hemisphere found in the regions of Mareotis, Protonilus, and Deuteronilus Mensae and Acheron Fossae. The profiles of these aprons were compared with idealized simple plastic and viscous power law models for ice-rock mixtures. All aprons studied exhibit convex profiles similar to a simple plastic model. This confirms previous interpretations that debris aprons are ice-rich mixtures with rheologies similar to stagnant ice sheets, thus indicating high ice concentrations (>40% by volume). About 60% of the surveyed debris apron population significantly deviates from the idealized simple plastic model profile; this may be due to locally reduced ice content, which primarily controls apron topography. Although post-emplacement modification due to near-surface ice sublimation plays a secondary role in defining the overall shape of aprons, it causes conspicuous surface textures. Degradation by ice sublimation probably results in pitted and ridge-and-furrow surface textures revealed by high resolution MOC images. Such textures may indicate decreased near-surface ice stability since the formation of the aprons, possibly due to Mars' current low obliquity after their emplacement. High ice content inferred from topography suggests some debris aprons have ice cores: potentially exploitable water resources for future robotic/human operations that could prove invaluable for missions remote from polar regions.  相似文献   

Pingos are small hills with cores of ice, formed by injection and freezing of pressurized water. The possibility of pingos on Mars is of particular interest because of the associated implications for liquid water. We have systematically searched for candidate pingos using images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. Since pingos are expected to develop surface fractures due to extension of the frozen ground over the ice core, we have searched for fractured features and identified a variety of mounds. These features are confined to the martian mid-latitudes, in the bands where gullies are also most common. The observed fractured mounds have a variety of morphologies and are likely of multiple origins. Isolated fractured mounds found on the floors of gullied craters in the southern hemisphere match the general morphologic characteristics of terrestrial pingos and are the best candidates for martian pingos, but there is currently no direct evidence for presence of ice cores and it is difficult to produce the necessary water volumes, so these features should still be interpreted with caution. Other fractured mounds appear more likely to be erosional remnants of an unusual mantling layer or possibly thermokarst structures. Flat-topped mounds in Utopia have some characteristics (fracture pattern and latitudinal distribution) consistent with pingos but differ in other aspects such as shape and setting. While we do not rule out a pingo origin, we prefer an erosional model for these enigmatic features.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

In order to advance our understanding of the long-term stability of subsurface ice, the diurnal martian water cycle, and implications for liquid water, we determined diffusion coefficients and adsorption kinetics for the water vapor produced by the sublimation of ice buried beneath various layers of fine-grained (<63, 63-125, and 125-250 μm) basaltic powder under simulated martian conditions. Sublimation rates at shallower depths, <10 mm, were determined to be affected by mass transfer through the atmosphere in addition to the basalt layer. For greater depths, the measured diffusion coefficients for water vapor moving through basalt grains were 1.56±0.53×10−4, 2.05±0.82×10−4, and for the <63, 63-125, and 125-250 μm basaltic layers, respectively. Through the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) isotherm, which assumes multiple molecular layers of adsorbed water, we determined the adsorption constants of 52.6±8.3 at 270 K for <63 μm, 39.0±6.4 at 267 K for 63-125 μm, and 54.3±9.3 at 266 K for 125-250 μm, resulting in surface areas of 2.6±0.1×104, 1.7±0.3×104, , respectively. These results suggest that while diffusion is too rapid to explain the purported diurnal cycle in water content of the atmosphere, adsorption is efficient and rapid, and does provide an effective mechanism to explain such a cycle. The present diffusion data suggest that very thin, <50 pr μm, shallow, 10 mm, ice deposits would last for >10 h at ∼224 K, just above the freezing point of saturated CaCl2. Temperatures can remain above ∼224 K over most of the planet, which means that water, even as saturated brine, will sublimate before the freezing point is reached and liquid could be formed. On the other hand, 1 m ice layers below 1 m of fine-grained basaltic regolith at 235 K and 10 Pa of atmospheric water could last 600 to 1300 years. At deeper depths and lower temperatures, ice could last since the last major obliquity change 400,000 years ago.  相似文献   

We have studied the sublimation of ice and water vapor transport through various thicknesses of clay (<63 μm grain size). We experimentally demonstrate that both adsorption and diffusion strongly affect the transport of water, and that the processes of diffusion and adsorption can be separately quantified once the system comes to a steady state. At shallow depths of clay, water vapor transport is determined by diffusion through both the atmosphere and the clay layer, whereas at greater depth the rate of sublimation of the ice is governed only by diffusion through the clay. Using two different models, we determine the diffusion coefficient for water vapor through unconsolidated clay layer to be 1.08±0.04×10−4 and . We also determined the adsorption isotherms for the clay layer, which follow the Langmuir theory at low water vapor pressure (<100 Pa, where a monolayer of water molecules forms on the surface of the clay) and the BET theory at higher pressure (where multiple water layers form). From our analysis of both types of isotherms we determined the adsorption constants to be and c=30±10, respectively, and specific surface areas of 1.10±0.2×105 and , respectively. Finally, we report a theoretical kinetic model for the simultaneous diffusion and adsorption from which we determine adsorption kinetic constants according to the Langmuir theory of and . If the martian regolith possesses diffusive properties similar to those of the unconsolidated montmorillonite soil we investigated here, it would not represent a significant barrier to the sublimation of subsurface ice. However, at the low subsurface temperatures of high latitude (180 K on average), ice could survive from the last glaciation period (about 300 to 400,000 years ago). Higher subsurface temperatures in the equatorial regions would prevent long-timescale survival of ice in the shallow subsurface. In agreement with previous work, we show that adsorption of water by a clay regolith could provide a significant reservoir of subsurface water and it might account for the purported diurnal cycle in the water content of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

An extensive layered formation covers the high plateaus around Valles Marineris. Mapping based on HiRISE, CTX and HRSC images reveals these layered deposits (LDs) crop out north of Tithonium Chasma, south of Ius Chasma, around West Candor Chasma, and southwest of Juventae Chasma and Ganges Chasma. The estimated area covered by LDs is ∼42,300 km2. They consist of a series of alternating light and dark beds, a 100 m in total thickness that is covered by a dark unconsolidated mantle possibly resulting from their erosion. Their stratigraphic relationships with the plateaus and the Valles Marineris chasmata indicate that the LDs were deposited during the Early- to Late Hesperian, and possibly later depending on the region, before the end of the backwasting of the walls near Juventae Chasma, and probably before Louros Valles sapping near Ius Chasma. Their large spatial coverage and their location mainly on highly elevated plateaus lead us to conclude that LDs correspond to airfall dust and/or volcanic ash. The surface of LDs is characterized by various morphological features, including lobate ejecta and pedestal craters, polygonal fractures, valleys and sinuous ridges, and a pitted surface, which are all consistent with liquid water and/or water ice filling the pores of LDs. LDs were episodically eroded by fluvial processes and were possibly modified by sublimation processes. Considering that LDs correspond to dust and/or ash possibly mixed with ice particles in the past, LDs may be compared to Dissected Mantle Terrains currently observed in mid- to high latitudes on Mars, which correspond to a mantle of mixed dust and ice that is partially or totally dissected by sublimation. The analysis of CRISM and OMEGA hyperspectral data indicates that the basal layer of LDs near Ganges Chasma exhibits spectra with absorption bands at ∼1.4 μm, and ∼1.9 μm and a large deep band between ∼2.21 and ∼2.26 μm that are consistent with previous spectral analysis in other regions of LDs. We interpret these spectral characteristics as an enrichment of LDs in opaline silica or by Al-phyllosilicate-rich layers being overlain by hydroxylated ferric sulfate-rich layers. These alteration minerals are consistent with the aqueous alteration of LDs at low temperatures.  相似文献   

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