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论冰碛石的形态特征及其与泥石流石的区别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周尚哲 《冰川冻土》2021,43(3):683-689
长期以来流行的球度和圆度概念不足以刻画冰碛石及其他成因砾石的细微特征,需要在其基础上进一步挖掘有判别价值的标志性特征。针对冰碛石与泥石流石辨识的疑难问题,提出外接圆特征、粗糙度特征、圆度-体积特征以及混杂堆积砾石形态构成特征等几个概念。通过这些特征研究,结合真实的冰川擦痕、颤痕等标志,可更加准确地进行冰川沉积物与其他成因沉积物的判定。  相似文献   

以曹妃甸原油商业储备基地工程项目为依托,根据工程特点,选用振冲碎石桩加固储罐地基。由于水压振冲扰动等原因,部分桩土复合地基检测沉降较大,无法满足设计要求,采用了沉管碎石桩加密处理的加固措施。实践证明,采用沉管碎石桩补强加固地基的处理方法,能消除原地基固结承载力不足,是一种经济合理的地基补强加固方法。  相似文献   

Dimension stone is a natural rock that must fulfil high qualitative standards defined by both geology-based factors and non-geological factors. The stone itself (appearance/soundness) and the market demand are the two most important aspects in the quality assessment. The process of geological dimension stone exploration is a systematic and stepwise procedure, including individual steps of desk study, field mapping, detailed examination, geo-radar survey, and core drilling. The location of all economically feasible dimension stone deposits is strictly controlled by geological factors. Knowledge of these factors is fundamental in identifying new sites with potential for dimension stone. In this work the geological constraint on the occurrence of dimension stone in three areas, in the Precambrian of southern Finland, has been investigated. The deposits are localized to part of an area in which different geological features in combination have produced rock of good dimension stone quality. The study shows that, for example, vertical movements in the crust, magmatic evolution of an intrusion, and metamorphic grade define the location of rocks suitable for dimension stone.  相似文献   

新疆地域广阔 ,石材资源储量丰富 ,且具有点多面广 ,品种多、品质优良等特点 ,发展石材工业具有得天独厚的资源优势。据初步统计 ,全疆有一半以上县 (市 )有石材资源分布 ,其中 2 0多个县(市 )已不同程度地开发和利用了石材资源。目前拥有各类石材生产企业近 1 0 0家 ,其中矿山企业30家 ,加工企业近 70家。石材企业主要集中分布在中心城市和资源地附近 ,乌鲁木齐、哈密、和硕、鄯善、托里等市县。已形成荒料 6万 、板材1 50万 生产能力。生产能力集中在以下几家较大石材生产企业 :新疆广汇晨晖花岗岩石材开发有限公司 (年板材生产能力达 1…  相似文献   

大同云岗石窟文物渗水病害防治方案探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大同云岗石窟是国家级重点文物保护单位.多年来其水害严重,造成了文物的损坏 ,对其治理已经列入文物保护部门的日程.本文分析了大同云岗石窟石质文物渗水病害的类型与成因,并提出了新的渗水病害防治方法,为我国石质文物的保护提供参考.  相似文献   

针对水泥-水玻璃注浆结石体(C-S结石体)在离子侵蚀环境下劣化机理研究较少之问题,通过无侧限抗压强度试验,分析了C-S结石体在3种不同浓度的硫酸盐、氯盐及二者混合液侵蚀后,不同龄期条件下的宏观力学性能变化规律;采用SEM、EDS和XRD相结合的方法观察C-S结石体细观结构及化学成分变化,揭示C-S结石体离子侵蚀损伤机理。研究结果表明:(1)侵蚀时间少于28 d时,离子溶液对C-S结石体强度增长并未产生明显影响;(2)侵蚀时间28 d到90 d时,高浓度离子溶液中C-S结石体劣化显著,${\rm{ SO}}_4^{2-} $离子溶液浓度20 g/L时,C-S结石体90 d强度值仅为28 d强度值的2.43%;(3)C-S结石体受离子侵蚀后,Ca2+离子析出,破坏了内部的溶解动态平衡,导致其内部发生改变,无侧限抗压强度大幅度折减;(4)C-S结石体受离子侵蚀影响主要以${\rm{ SO}}_4^{2-} $侵蚀为主,相同离子浓度侵蚀损伤程度为:${\rm{ SO}}_4^{2-}$>${\rm{ SO}}_4^{2-} $ & ${\rm{Cl}}^- $混合液>${\rm{Cl}}^- $>清水。研究结果可为海水倒灌、地下水污染等具有离子侵蚀环境条件下的注浆结石体劣化防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

浙江青田石矿物成分和成玉机理研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用x射线粉晶衍射、红外吸收光谱、扫描电子显微镜和差热分析等测试方法对浙江青田石进行了研究结果表明,青田石中多数品种属叶蜡石型,新发现有迪开石型、伊利石型和绢云母型等非叶蜡石型品种,并对其宝石学特征和成玉机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The Comblanchien limestone is a well-known building stone that deserves a quantitative characterization in order to be able to certify its origin. We compare petrographical and geochemical characteristics of limestones commercialized under the name of Comblanchien to those of one of their competitors (VATC, a Portuguese coated grain-bearing limestone). From macroscopic and microscopic observations, the distinction is somehow difficult but the coated grain-bearing Comblanchien samples have δ13C values (from +1.75 to +2.25‰) different from those of the VATC sample (negative δ13C value). As an example of application of these results, three samples from a building site near Paris are also studied in order to verify their provenance. We conclude that they do not come from quarries from the Comblanchien area, but likely from Portugal. The study shows that a detailed analysis of building limestones may provide a robust tool for discriminating between currently mined stones of different provenances, and thus open the possibility to attach to a given limestone a fingerprint, an identity card, and if required a commercial label.  相似文献   

The charm of the Isle of Wight, so much appreciated by visitors and the local population alike, is very much a combination of its delightful scenery and unique assemblage of vernacular buildings. These buildings range from isolated farmhouses to elaborate manor houses, castles and churches all constructed using the indigenous stone resources of the island. Today, these stone buildings, many of which date back to medieval times, are increasingly in need of conservation repair to maintain them for future generations. Essential to such conservation work is the safeguarding of the island's indigenous building stone sources as many of the stones used are unique to the island and no longer quarried. Protecting these stone sources could also provide stone for new building projects which would help to further enhance the character of the island's towns and villages.  相似文献   

山东临朐红丝石层中的古地震事件记录   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
红丝石是产于山东临朐中奥陶统下部的一类具红色丝线状弯曲纹层的用于加工工艺品(砚台、笔筒等)的微晶碳酸盐岩。产有红丝石的这部分地层,厚约60m,被称为“红丝石层”。根据野外观测、室内鉴定及地震地质对比,从临朐红丝石层中识别出了具卷曲变形(包括塑性和半塑性变形)、环形纹层变形、微断裂(包括阶梯状和共轭微断裂)、震裂隙和震碎角砾等地震成因岩石构造的震积岩层。这些震积岩是中奥陶世古地震事件的记录,红丝石仅是古地震作用形成的一种常见的震积岩,由于在中奥陶世郯庐带内也有震积岩生成,因此认为这些地震记录是古郯庐带在中奥陶世强烈活动的证据。  相似文献   

Revision of the Cenomanian echinoids deposited in the Cairo Geological Museum resulted in the erection of two new genera with two new species of regular echinoids. The first, Notatudiadema rekeibensis gen. and sp. nov. is established for specimens from the Cenomanian of Gabal El-Rekeib, southeast the Maghara massif, north Sinai to accommodate diadematoid echinoids having hemi-crenulate ambital and sub-ambital interambulacral tubercles with the adapical part of platform non-crenulate and the adoral one of same tubercle coarsely crenulate. The second is Aegyptiaris halalensis gen. and sp. nov., erected for material from the lower Cenomanian of Gabal El-Halal, northeast Sinai as an emiratiid echinoid with throughout polyporus ambulacra and extremely reduced adapical ambulacral tubercles. The functional morphology and paleobiology of these taxa are also discussed. A new family is established: family Monodiadematidae fam. nov.  相似文献   

吴广凤  王嘉学  杨李 《中国岩溶》2021,40(3):531-538
石花(方解石花、文石花和石膏花)是一种常见的岩溶洞穴次生化学沉积物,广泛分布于洞道周壁,以及石钟乳、石笋、崩塌堆积体表面,其成因不同,形态千差万别。云南多乐原溶洞中若干高悬的次生化学沉积物表面的石花,通过实地考察,发现是一种异位石花。其成因是石柱形成过程中,由滴水和溅水的协同作用所形成,而后石柱底座的古河流堆积体遭到侵蚀搬运,石柱悬空而成新的石钟乳或类石钟乳,附着其底部的石花相对抬高因而显露出来。此类异位石花为云南首次发现,可以作为指示溶洞内微地貌演化的重要依据。  相似文献   

对由深厚软弱土层组成的地基,采用粉煤灰碎石混凝土灌注桩法予以加固处理时,其施工机具相对简单,工期短,节约“三材”,投资省,具有显著的经济效益。由粉煤灰碎石混凝土灌注桩和深厚软弱土层共同构成的复合地基的工程特性,介于一般碎石桩复合地基与混凝土桩桩基之间,其基本特征是:承载力的提高,主要是置于深厚软弱土层中的粉煤灰碎石混凝土灌注桩的排水和垂直加筋作用的结果;其承载机理,部分具有一般碎石桩复合地基的特征;在结构物荷载作用下,其桩、土荷载分担特征,比较接近于普通混凝土桩桩基。  相似文献   

Granite fines are inorganic wastes produced in the elaboration of dimension stone. Because of the increasing development of that industry in NW Spain, some concerns related to their classification as type of waste and their environmental impact have been raised. We have performed a detailed physicochemical, mineralogical and geomechanical characterization of the fines and the results make up the basis of several modeling exercises addressed to give answers to particular topics: the impact of high pH waters on the environment and the mobility of some toxic metals. Based on our analyses, we conclude that granite fines do not constitute a significant hazard to the quality of natural waters.  相似文献   

邹佑学  王睿  张建民 《岩土力学》2019,40(6):2443-2455
采用砂土液化大变形弹塑性本构模型分析可液化砂土,采用模量随应力与应变变化的等效非线性模型增量形式分析碎石桩,应用FLAC3D有限差分软件对地震动力作用下可液化场地碎石桩复合地基进行三维动力响应分析。模拟分析了在地震作用下碎石桩刚度效应和排水效应对加固处理可液化场地的抗液化效果,从初始小变形到液化后大变形的变形发展,超静孔压累积与消散,及桩与土的变形与应力分配变化等。结果表明,所用模型与方法可合理描述可液化场地碎石桩复合地基在地震作用下场地的动力响应特性和抗液化效果;在地震作用下可液化场地中桩周土体与碎石桩体的竖向应力与水平向剪切应力向碎石桩体集中,竖向有效应力比可降至约1/6~1/3;桩周土体与桩体为非协调变形,剪应变比可达7~10;碎石桩抗液化影响范围约为2.5~3倍桩径,对超过3.5倍桩径范围影响较小;碎石桩与砂土渗透系数比大于100时对降低砂土中超静孔隙水压影响明显;碎石桩对场地的加密效应可显著降低超静孔隙水压力,而碎石桩刚度则对超静孔隙水压力变动影响较小,但有助于减低地面加速度响应峰值。  相似文献   

选取桂林丫吉试验场岩溶石山坡面上典型覆盖土壤的两个单元体为对象,对其土壤剖面层含水量的分布变化、土壤蒸发速率大小及其相关影响因素进行分析研究,结果表明:(1)土壤剖面最大含水率层位于土壤底部与基岩的交界处,中间过渡层土壤含水量最少,表层土壤水分受外界因素影响而变化显著;(2)在夏季岩溶石山区地表蒸发强烈,直径10cm的土壤柱日蒸发量为5~12mL之间,夜蒸发量在0~3mL之间;(3)几天内决定地表土壤日蒸发量(y)大小的因素主要是太阳辐射(x2)和土壤温度(x4),其关系式可表示为:y=18.018+0.001x2-0.691x4。   相似文献   

湘西地质公园红色碳酸盐岩石林发育特征与研究价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
红色碳酸盐岩石林是湘西地质公园最重要的地质遗迹之一。公园内的红色碳酸盐岩石林发育于奥陶系大湾组与牯牛潭组,集中分布于酉水-猛洞河两岸斜坡与峡谷地带,出露面积84 km2,是当前全球已知的面积最大的奥陶系红色碳酸盐岩石林地貌景观。红石林形态多样、成景效果好,发育了包括塔状、火焰状、墙状、剑状、柱状、锥状等十余种形态。红石林的形成经历了完整的地层沉积-构造抬升-风化剥蚀等阶段,适宜的古地理环境、有利的构造抬升运动和节理裂隙发育、温暖多雨的气候和丰富的地表地下水系是红石林发育的重要条件。因受成景地层的岩性组成复杂、地层偏薄、溶蚀作用差异等因素影响,红石林具有明显的垂直溶痕和水平溶痕叠加现象,具有独特的自然美,形态上与云南石林有较大不同,颜色上,红石林晴红雨黑、四季变幻,可能是石柱表面的藻类造成。除中国西南地区,其他国家或地区的奥陶系红色碳酸盐岩石林分布十分有限,仅泰国沙墩有报道,其稀有性非常突出,具有重要的科学意义和研究价值。但正由于其稀少,许多针对性的研究仍刚起步,值得未来各界学者进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   

The dry‐stone retaining walls (DSRW) have been tipped as a promising solution for sustainable development. However, before recently, their behavior is relatively obscure. In this study, discrete element method (DEM) approach was applied to simulate the plane strain failure of these walls. A commercial DEM package (PFC2D™) was used throughout this study. The authors used a fully discrete approach; thus, both the wall and the backfill were modeled as discrete elements. The methodology for obtaining the micromechanical parameters was discussed in detail; this includes the three mechanical sub‐systems of DSRWs: wall, backfill and interface. The models were loaded progressively until failure, and then the results were compared with the full‐scale experimental results where the walls were loaded, respectively, with hydrostatic load and backfill. Despite its complexity and its intensive calculation time, DEM model can then be used to validate a more simplified approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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