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The Cassini–Huygens mission, comprising the NASA Saturn Orbiter and the ESA Huygens Probe, arrived at Saturn in late June 2004. The Huygens probe descended under parachute in Titan’s atmosphere on 14 January 2005, 3 weeks after separation from the Orbiter. We discuss here the breakthroughs that the Huygens probe, in conjunction with the Cassini spacecraft, brought to Titan science. We review the achievements ESA’s Huygens probe put forward and the context in which it operated. The findings include new localized information on several aspects of Titan science: the atmospheric structure and chemical composition; the aerosols distribution and content; the surface morphology and composition at the probe’s landing site; the winds, the electrical properties, and the implications on the origin and evolution of the satellite.  相似文献   

Titan is the only body, other than the Earth where liquid is present on the surface. In the present work we consider behavior of methane in the pores of Titan's regolith. Using numerical model we investigate quantitative conditions necessary for the onset of convection. We have found that the methane convection in Titan's regolith is possible. It can be expected in regions where the regolith has sufficiently high porosity, independently of the geothermal heat flux.  相似文献   

Some 20% of Titan’s surface is covered in large linear dunes that resemble in morphology, size and spacing (1-3 km) those seen on Earth. Although gravity, atmospheric density and sand composition are very different on these two worlds, this coincident size scale suggests that the controlling parameter limiting the growth of giant dunes, namely the boundary layer thickness (Andreotti et al., 2009). Nature, 457, 1120-1123], is similar. We show that a ∼3 km boundary layer thickness is supported by Huygens descent data and is consistent with results from Global Circulation Models taking the distinctive thermal inertia and albedo of the dune sands into account. While the boundary layer thickness on Earth controlling dunes can vary by an order of magnitude depending on the proximity of oceans, which have very different thermal properties from dry land, the relative invariance of dune spacing on Titan is consistent with relatively uniform thermal properties near the dunes and no prominent variation with latitude is seen.  相似文献   

A procedure is shown for extracting weak resonances from the responses of electromagnetic systems excited by electric discharges. The procedure, based on analysis of the late-time system response, is first checked using an analytical function and later with the data for the electric field generated by the computational simulation of Titan's atmosphere using the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method. Finally, the low frequency spectrum of the natural electric field in Titan's atmosphere sent by the mutual impedance sensor (MIP) included in the Huygens probe is analyzed employing this technique. The MIP sensor was initially designed to measure the horizontal component of the electric field during a quiet descent. Fortunately, the swinging that occurred during the descent allowed the MIP to measure the radial component of the electric field mixed with the horizontal one. Application of the late-time analysis technique shown in this paper confirms the signature of lightning reported by preliminary data observations, bringing out the expected eigenfrequencies of the Titan-ionosphere electromagnetic cavity, known as Schumann resonances. These resonances are the resonant frequencies of the lower TMr (transverse magnetic to r) modes, which are quasi-transverse electromagnetic modes because they present vertical or radial components of the electric field two orders of magnitude higher than the associated horizontal, azimuthal and zenithal, components. The sequence of Schumann resonances is unique for each celestial body with an ionosphere, since these resonances are fully determined by the dimensions of the planet or satellite and the corresponding atmospheric conductivity profile. Detecting these frequencies in an atmosphere is clear proof of electrical activity, since it implies the existence of an electromagnetic-energy source, which is essential to create and maintain them.  相似文献   

We describe for the first time the generation and measurement of capillary waves in a water surface in a wind tunnel running with air at pressures of 15-1000 mbar. These experiments suggest a stronger dependence of wave generation on atmospheric density than the simple proportionality that might be expected from energy transfer arguments. Additionally, airflow over a nonaqueous fluid (kerosene) was found to produce waves of higher amplitude than for water under the same conditions. These preliminary results may indicate different efficiencies of wave generation on other planets, for which empirical terrestrial relations therefore do not apply, and thus may have a bearing on the lack of strong shoreline features on Mars and the possibility of specular glints from hydrocarbon lakes on Titan.  相似文献   

We model the thermal evolution of a subsurface ocean of aqueous ammonium sulfate inside Titan using a parameterized convection scheme. The cooling and crystallization of such an ocean depends on its heat flux balance, and is governed by the pressure-dependent melting temperatures at the top and bottom of the ocean. Using recent observations and previous experimental data, we present a nominal model which predicts the thickness of the ocean throughout the evolution of Titan; after 4.5 Ga we expect an aqueous ammonium sulfate ocean 56 km thick, overlain by a thick (176 km) heterogeneous crust of methane clathrate, ice I and ammonium sulfate. Underplating of the crust by ice I will give rise to compositional diapirs that are capable of rising through the crust and providing a mechanism for cryovolcanism at the surface. We have conducted a parameter space survey to account for possible variations in the nominal model, and find that for a wide range of plausible conditions, an ocean of aqueous ammonium sulfate can survive to the present day, which is consistent with the recent observations of Titan's spin state from Cassini radar data [Lorenz, R.D., Stiles, B.W., Kirk, R.L., Allison, M.D., del Marmo, P.P., Iess, L., Lunine, J.I., Ostro, S.J., Hensley, S., 2008. Science 319, 1649-1651].  相似文献   

Possible trajectories of passive balloons in Titan's troposphere are simulated with the instantaneous wind field predicted by a GCM (general circulation model). In most areas the basic motion of a balloon is a predominantly eastward or westward drift, depending on altitude, latitude and season of the balloon release point. Some meridional oscillation is always superposed on this basic motion, resulting in a wavy trajectory, with a maximum extent (of 40°) at high latitudes of the winter hemisphere. As a general rule, the meridional oscillation can be maximised if a balloon is deployed in altitudes and latitudes where the mean zonal wind is eastward and smaller than the phase speed of Saturn's gravitational tide on Titan. A balloon's groundtrack does not repeat as it makes successive circuits around Titan, but rather makes a spiral or braided pattern. The summer pole is rather difficult to access for a balloon not directly introduced there because of small meridional oscillation, while the winter pole can be readily accessed and left several times. A preferred zonal drift direction can be achieved by choosing a proper altitude and hemisphere, but choosing a preferred meridional direction is not possible.  相似文献   

Cassini radar images show a variety of fluvial channels on Titan's surface, often several hundreds of kilometers in length. Some (predominantly at low- and mid-latitude) are radar-bright and braided, resembling desert washes where fines have been removed by energetic surface liquid flow, presumably from methane rainstorms. Others (predominantly at high latitudes) are radar-dark and meandering and drain into or connect polar lakes, suggesting slower-moving flow depositing fine-grained sediments. A third type, seen predominantly at mid- and high latitudes, have radar brightness patterns indicating topographic incision, with valley widths of up to 3 km across and depth of several hundred meters. These observations show that fluvial activity occurs at least occasionally at all latitudes, not only at the Huygens landing site, and can produce channels much larger in scale than those observed there. The areas in which channels are prominent so far amount to about 1% of Titan's surface, of which only a fraction is actually occupied by channels. The corresponding global sediment volume inferred is not enough to account for the extensive sand seas. Channels observed so far have a consistent large-scale flow pattern, tending to flow polewards and eastwards.  相似文献   

Space probes entering planetary atmospheres are used for in situ study of their physical structures. During the entry phase aerodynamic forces exerted on the probe depend on atmospheric density. As a consequence accelerations measured by on-board sensors can be used to derive probe trajectory as well as atmospheric density, pressure and temperature profiles. In this work acceleration data acquired by the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) have been used to reconstruct the probe trajectory and the Titan's atmospheric structure from down to of altitude. An accurate six degree of freedom model of Huygens during the entry phase has been developed and a new reconstruction technique based on Kalman filtering is presented. This technique estimates simultaneously the probe trajectory, the attitude profile consistent with measured data and the atmospheric density, pressure and temperature.  相似文献   

The orientation of the atmospheric angular momentum vector of Titan and its temporal variation predicted by a general circulation model are analysed and interpreted. The atmospheric angular momentum vector is tilted by a few degrees from the polar axis and the vector rotates (precesses) westward with a constant period of 1 Titan day. The fast westward rotation is likely to be caused by migrating diurnal thermal tides. The tilt is almost cancelled out in the troposphere by the wavenumber 2 pattern of Saturn's gravitational tide, but is more pronounced in the stratosphere, where thermal tides are significant. The predicted tilt angle and the equatorial angular momentum vary with season and maximize when the hemispheric asymmetry of the axial angular momentum or superrotation attains its peak.  相似文献   

Tetsuya Tokano 《Icarus》2009,204(2):619-636
The detection of large hydrocarbon seas/lakes near the poles by the Cassini spacecraft raises the question as to whether and how polar seas affect the meteorology on Titan. The polar meteorology and methane hydrological cycle in the presence of seas are investigated by a three-dimensional atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a one-dimensional sea energy balance model considering the observed sea/lake geography. The sea composition has a large control on the seasonal evolution of seas, temperature and wind system in the polar region, particularly in the north where large seas are located. The surface of ethane-rich seas, which do not evaporate methane, undergo a large seasonal temperature variation and the sea surface is often warmer than the surrounding land surface. Land breeze in summer towards the seas causes a moisture convergence over the seas, which leads to enhanced summer precipitation in the sea area. On the other hand, methane-rich seas evaporate some methane and are therefore colder than the surroundings. This causes a sea breeze across the north pole in summer, which blows away the moisture from the polar region, so precipitation becomes scarce in the north polar region. The breeze can become stronger than the tidal wind. Sea evaporation peaks in winter, when the temperature and average methane mixing ratio in the planetary boundary layer become lowest. The sea level predominantly rises in summer by precipitation and retreats in winter by evaporation. The meteorology in the south polar region is less sensitive to the composition of the lakes because of the paucity and smallness of southern lakes. Lake-effect precipitation can occur either by moisture convergence by the breeze or humidity enhancement over the seas, but is more characteristic of warm seasons than of cold seasons.  相似文献   

Tetsuya Tokano 《Icarus》2005,173(1):222-242
The latitudinal profile of near-surface air temperature on Titan retrieved by Voyager 1 has been difficult to understand and raised several speculations about possible exotic processes that might be occurring near Titan's surface, while the thermal properties of the surface itself are unknown. This study systematically investigates the seasonal and spatial variation of the surface temperature and air temperature in the lower troposphere by a 3-dimensional general circulation model for different putative surface types (porous icy regolith, rock-ice mixture, hydrocarbon lakes). For any viable surface type the surface temperature is unlikely to be constant through the year and should more or less vary seasonally and even diurnally, most likely by a few K. Recent observations of tropospheric clouds may be evidence of seasonal variation of the surface temperature and the model predicts in the case of solid surface the development of a convective layer with superadiabatic lapse rates near the surface exactly at those latitudes and seasons where clouds have been identified. The latitudinal profile of the surface temperature retrieved from Voyager 1 infrared spectra can be explained without invoking exotic effects, provided the thermal inertia of the surface is relatively small and/or the surface albedo is low. A dominance of water ice (high thermal inertia and high albedo) at the surface is unfavorable to reproduce the observation. The latitudinal gradient of the surface temperature is particularly large at the hydrocarbon lake surface due to low albedo and small surface drag. Local anomalies of the surface albedo or surface thermal inertia are likely to cause substantial inhomogeneities of the surface temperature. Quasi-permanent accumulation of stratospheric haze at both poles would create a perennial equator-to-pole contrast of the surface temperature, but also a substantially lower global-mean surface temperature due to an enhanced anti-greenhouse effect in summer. The air temperature in the lower troposphere exhibits a tiny latitudinal gradient and a pole-to-pole gradient due to the presence of a pole-to-pole Hadley circulation, indicating that the temperature within the planetary boundary layer may exhibit a vertical profile characteristic of season, location and scenario. There may be a shallow near-surface inversion layer in cold seasons and a shallow convective layer in warm seasons.  相似文献   

Dune-forming winds on Titan and the influence of topography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tetsuya Tokano 《Icarus》2008,194(1):243-262
Numerous extended dunes on Saturn's moon Titan detected by the Cassini RADAR constrain the long-term pattern of surface winds. We analyse the statistics of surface wind speed and direction and their spatial and temporal variability predicted by a general circulation model (GCM) in order to constrain surface wind predictions of this GCM by dune observations. The model shows that modern winds are sufficient for saltation and dune formation at low latitudes, in agreement with the presence of dunes there. The best condition for the dune-forming wind occurs with a threshold friction speed of 0.02 m s−1 or slightly less. The equatorial region is conducive to longitudinal dunes because of a combined effect of a high sand drift potential and obtuse bimodal wind pattern oblique to the equator caused by the seasonal reversal of the Hadley circulation. The cross-equatorial wind is steady, and is characterised by a high Weibull shape parameter (k∼4). The wind pattern at higher latitudes is more complex and gusty, and neither longitudinal nor transversal dunes would be able to form. Putative large-scale topography is found to have a profound influence on the near-surface wind pattern. Generally mountains cause a convergence and speeding up on the flank, while basins weaken the wind and cause a divergent flow. Longitudinal dunes can be deflected on the foot of mountains by up to 90°. If Xanadu is a hypothetical large mountain, a wind pattern converging in Xanadu that entirely disagrees with the dune observations is predicted. If instead Xanadu is a large basin, the wind arcs clockwise north of Xanadu and anti-clockwise west and southwest of Xanadu, in agreement with the dune orientations in the vicinity of Xanadu. The albedo pattern has comparatively little influence on the wind field. Isolated mountain chains cause only local-scale change in the wind pattern. However, the persistent surface easterlies in Belet, which are in conflict with the dune orientations, do not disappear by any combination of large-scale topography.  相似文献   

Morente et al. [Morente, J.A., Portí, J.A., Salinas, A., Navarro, E.A., 2008. Icarus. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.02.004] have recently presented a new analysis of the Permittivity, Wave and Altimetry (PWA) measurements made during the descent of the Huygens Probe through the atmosphere of Titan. They claimed the identification of several Schumann resonance harmonics and concluded in favor of a lightning activity on Titan. We report here several reasons for not endorsing this paper.  相似文献   

Xun Zhu  Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》2005,176(2):331-350
Titan's atmospheric winds, like those on Venus, exhibit superrotation at high altitudes. Titan general circulation models have yielded conflicting results on whether prograde winds in excess of 100 m s−1 at the 1 mbar level are possible based on known physical processes that drive wind systems. A comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) model for Titan's stratosphere was constructed to systematically explore the physical mechanisms that produce and maintain stratospheric wind systems. To ensure conservation of angular momentum in the limit of no net exchange of atmospheric angular momentum with the solid satellite and no external sources and sinks, the zonal momentum equation was solved in flux form for total angular momentum. The relationships among thermal wind balance, meridional circulation, and zonal wind were examined with numerical experiments over a range of values for fundamental input parameters, including planetary rotation rate, radius, internal friction due to wave stresses, and net radiative drive. The magnitude of mid-latitude jets is most sensitive to a single parameter, the planetary rotation rate and results from the conversion of planetary angular momentum to relative angular momentum by the meridional circulation, whereas the strength of meridional circulation is mainly determined by the magnitude of the radiative drive. For Titan's slowly rotating atmosphere, the meridional temperature gradient is vanishingly small, even when the radiative drive is enhanced beyond reasonable magnitudes, and can be inferred from zonal winds in gradient/thermal wind balance. In our 2D model large equatorial superrotation in Titan's stratosphere can be only produced through internal drag forcing by eddy momentum fluxes, which redistribute angular momentum within the atmosphere, while still conserving the total angular momentum of the atmosphere with time. We cannot identify any waves, such as gravitational or thermal tides, that are sufficiently capable of generating the required eddy forcing of >50 m s−1 Titan-day−1 to maintain peak prograde winds in excess of 100 m s−1 at the 1 mbar level.  相似文献   

The Huygens probe returned scientific measurements from the atmosphere and surface of Titan on 14 January 2005. Knowledge of the trajectory of Huygens is necessary for scientific analysis of those measurements. We use measurements from the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) to reconstruct the trajectory of Huygens during its mission. The HASI Accelerometer subsystem measured the axial acceleration of the probe with errors of 3E−6 m s−2, the most accurate measurements ever made by an atmospheric structure instrument on another planetary body. The atmosphere was detected at an altitude of 1498 km. Measurements of the normal acceleration of the probe, which are important for determining the probe's attitude during hypersonic entry, were significantly less accurate and limited by transverse sensitivity of the piezo sensors. Peak acceleration of 121.2 m s−2 occurred at 234.9 km altitude. The parachute deployment sequence started at 157.1 km and a speed of 342.1 m s−1. Direct measurements of pressure and temperature began shortly afterwards. The measured accelerations and equations of motion have been used to reconstruct the trajectory prior to parachute deployment. Measured pressures and temperatures, together with the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium and the equation of state, have been used to reconstruct the trajectory after parachute deployment. Uncertainties in the entry state of Huygens at the top of the atmosphere are significant, but can be reduced by requiring that the trajectory and atmospheric properties be continuous at parachute deployment.  相似文献   

The low-frequency data collected with the antenna of the Permittivity, Wave and Altimetry experiment on board the Huygens Probe that landed on Titan on 14 January 2005 have been thoroughly analyzed considering different possible natural and artificial effects. Although a definite conclusion is still subject to the outcome of complementary inquiries, it results from our analysis that the observations can be explained, for the most part, in term of natural phenomena rather than being artifacts. Extremely-low frequency waves generated in the ionosphere of Titan, driven by the corotating Saturn's frozen plasma flow, are assumed to be the most likely source for the observation of the second eigenmode of a Schumann-like resonance at around 36 Hz in the moon-ionosphere cavity. This particular mode is thought to be enhanced with respect to other harmonics because of the particular location of the landing site with respect to that of the supposed sources. The power budget of the observed wave amplitude seems to be consistent with a rough model of the global current of the wake-ionosphere circuit. Broadband low-frequency noise events which are observed sporadically during the descent are probably due to shot noise on the antenna when the Probe is crossing aerosol clouds, an interpretation supported by post-flight ground tests. Contrary to the situation encountered on Earth, atmospheric lightning does not appear to be the source of a conventional Schumann resonance on Titan.  相似文献   

The first two swaths collected by Cassini's Titan Radar Mapper were obtained in October of 2004 (Ta) and February of 2005 (T3). The Ta swath provides evidence for cryovolcanic processes, the possible occurrence of fluvial channels and lakes, and some tectonic activity. The T3 swath has extensive areas of dunes and two large impact craters. We interpret the brightness variations in much of the swaths to result from roughness variations caused by fracturing and erosion of Titan's icy surface, with additional contributions from a combination of volume scattering and compositional variations. Despite the small amount of Titan mapped to date, the significant differences between the terrains of the two swaths suggest that Titan is geologically complex. The overall scarcity of impact craters provides evidence that the surface imaged to date is relatively young, with resurfacing by cryovolcanism, fluvial erosion, aeolian erosion, and likely atmospheric deposition of materials. Future radar swaths will help to further define the nature of and extent to which internal and external processes have shaped Titan's surface.  相似文献   

Laboratory spectra of methane-nitrogen mixtures have been recorded in the near-infrared range (1.0-1.65 μm) in conditions similar to Titan's near surface, to facilitate the interpretation of the DISR/DLIS (DISR—Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer) spectra taken during the last phase of the descent of the Huygens Probe, when the surface was illuminated by a surface-science lamp. We used a 0.03 cm−1 spectral resolution, adequate to resolve the lines at high pressure (pN2∼1.5 bar). By comparing the laboratory spectra with synthetic calculations in the well-studied ν2+2ν3 band (7515-7620 cm−1), we determine a methane absorption column density of 178±20 cm atm and a temperature of 118±10 K in our experiment. From this, we derive the methane absorption coefficients over 1.0-1.65 μm with a 0.03 cm−1 sampling, allowing for the extrapolation of the results to any other methane column density under the relevant pressure and temperature conditions. We then revisit the calibration and analysis of the Titan “lamp-on” DLIS spectra. We infer a 5.1±0.8% methane-mixing ratio in the first 25 m of Titan's atmosphere. The CH4 mixing ratio measured 90 s after landing from a distance of 45 cm is found to be 0.92±0.25 times this value, thus showing no post-landing outgassing of methane in excess of ∼20%. Finally, we determine the surface reflectivity as seen between 25 m and 45 cm and find that the 1500 nm absorption band is deeper in the post-landing spectrum as compared to pre-landing.  相似文献   

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