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A new method to determine stress directions using the preferential orientation of plagioclase mechanical twins has been applied to high-temperature mylonitic rocks from the Além Paraíba shear zone, Ribeira fold belt, southeastern Brazil. We have measured the lattice-preferred orientation of plagioclase grains and calculated the orientation of the stress axes possible for the observed twin orientations. The maximum compressive stress direction (σ1), determined for all studied samples, is a function of the mechanical twin orientations of a number of distinct plagioclase populations. The σ1 direction is generally subperpendicular to the (010) plane. The statistical treatment for most of the plagioclase grains examined for each sample shows that σ1 is almost perpendicular to the foliation plane, suggesting a significant coaxial component in the deformation process of these rocks.  相似文献   

David Carr 《Geoforum》2006,37(1):94-103
Agricultural frontiers are hot spots for the most dramatic land cover change in the history of humankind: forest conversion to agriculture. They are also areas of unusually rapid population growth and acute poverty, with scant access to public services and infrastructure. Although a large body of literature explores the determinants of land cover change on the frontier, one issue that has been largely unstudied is that of frontier political and socio-economic development. This paper reports on data from 28 communities along an agricultural frontier in a core conservation zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR), where the predominant land tenure systems at the community level appear to be related not only to land use, but also to political organization and human development indicators.  相似文献   

We evaluated 193 K-Ar ages (10 newly determined) of basaltic and differentiated rocks of the Serra Geral (Paraná) flood-basalt province for indications of magmatism occurring systematically with progressive rifting and complete separation ( ≈130-105 Ma) of South America from Africa. The K-Ar ages represent basalt emplacement between 35° and 19°S covering about 1,200,000 km2. We note that volcanism appears ubiquitous across the province between about 140 and 115 Ma, and that there are no significant age differences within that relate directly to progressive south-to-north tectonism. On the other hand, the oldest samples, about 140–160 Ma, are among those nearest the Brazil coastline (rift margin), perhaps suggesting migration of activity away from the rift with time. Studies of other flood-basalt provinces now indicate short (<3 m.y.) eruption periods, thereby pointing to the need for re-examination of Serra Geral ages by 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating techniques.  相似文献   

The Yaoundé belt (Cameroon) and the Sergipano belt (NE Brazil) belonged to a major and continuous Neoproterozoic orogen at the northern margin of the ancient Congo-São Francisco craton. The Yaoundé belt comprises schists, quartzites, gneisses and migmatitic gneisses grouped into three domains; the low-grade Mbalmayo Group in south and the medium- to high-grade Yaoundé and Bafia Group in north. The Sergipano belt is divided into six domains, the three southernmost of which are mostly made up of clastic and chemical metasedimentary rocks whereas the others are more diverse with a migmatite–gneiss complex, and two metavolcanicplutonic complexes. In general, the two belts show structural vergence and decrease of metamorphic grade towards the craton; three main deformation phases are recognized in the Sergipano belt in contrast with two described in the Yaoundé belt. The minimum age of Pan-African-Brasiliano collision in the Sergipano belt is constrained at 628 ± 12 Ma on syn-collision granites, whereas in the Yaoundé belt collision took place between 620 and 610 Ma, i.e. the age of granulite facies metamorphism. Sm–Nd isotope geochemistry and U–Pb age dating indicate that most clastic metasedimentary rocks in both belts were derived from sources to the north and, to a lesser degree, from the cratons to the south.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relational approach to the study of poverty (Mosse, 2010), and uses this to critically evaluate state strategies for identifying and alleviating poverty in Kerala, India. It traces these from national planning documents through to their point of implementation, drawing on qualitative research in two of Kerala’s poorest Districts. Ideas of participatory poverty classification, economic self-reliance and political empowerment are laudable national policy goals, and Kerala has shown innovation in its adaptation of these within the State’s devolved structures of local governance. However, both the framing of policy and its implementation reproduce ideas of individual transitions out of poverty which indicate that the state pays insufficient attention to the highly unequal social and economic relationships reproducing poverty in contemporary Kerala – in short, to poverty’s inherently political nature.  相似文献   

The Camaquã Cu (Au, Ag) and Santa Maria Pb-Zn (Cu, Ag) deposits are the largest base-metal deposits discovered so far in the sedimentary clastic sequences of the Neoproterozoic-age Camaquã Basin. The origin of the Camaquã-Santa Maria deposits has been the centre of dispute, with three alternative genetic hypotheses proposed: a syngenetic model, a diagenetic model, and a magmatic hydrothermal model. In detail, this mineralization has been suggested to be related to sedimentary clastic-diagenetic processes, volcanic-related processes, or deep granitic magmatism.Reevaluation of previous data and new studies in the area yield the following conclusions: (1) mineralization is fracture-controlled and magmatic-hydrothermal in origin rather than stratiform syngenetic or diagenetic; (2) the temperature of deposition of the main ore minerals was 210 to 300°C; (3) the ∂34S of sulphides of around 0% indicates an external magmatic-hydrothermal source of sulphur; (4) Pb isotope ratios of sulphides indicate that metals were derived at the end of the Brasiliano Cycle from a large crustal source with very primitive Pb and that (5) the age of mineralization is 594 Ma, as constrained by U/Pb SHRIMP (Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe) determinations on zircons of the Lavras Granite.Thus, the Camaquã and Santa Maria deposits are interpreted to be of magmatic-hydrothermal origin, with the metals derived from an old crustal-basement source during the end of Dom Feliciano Collisional Orogeny, at 594 Ma, late in the Brasiliano Cycle.The interpretation above is critical for base-metal exploration in the Sul Riograndense Shield. Previous exploration methodologies mainly followed models based on a sedimentary hypothesis for the origin of the deposits. However, the occurrence of mineralization along fractures within specific wall-rocks requires consideration of alternative exploration parameters. These include: (1) ancient EW- and NW-trending regional fractures and their intersections, which are potential structural sites for base-metal mineralization, and (2) preferential wall-rock sites, either rocks with high initial porosity or secondary fracture-induced porosity or soluble rocks which are susceptible to replacement processes. Post-collisional plutonism of the Dom Feliciano Orogeny was the most likely heat source, and also the source of sulphur and base metals. Gravity surveys and alteration studies would be useful to determine the presence of intrusive bodies at depth which may have the potential to host porphyry-style Cu-Au deposits.  相似文献   

Many water-supply systems in South America utilize the waters of the Guarani aquifer at least as part of their networks. However, there is little present knowledge in Brazil of the factors affecting Rn presence in the water supplied for end-users, despite the economic importance of Guarani aquifer. 222Rn analyzes of 162 water samples were performed at 8 municipalities in São Paulo State, Brazil, with the aim of investigating the major factors affecting its presence in solution. The 222Rn activity concentration ranged from 0.04 up to 204.9 Bq/L, with three samples exceeding the World Health Organization maximum limit of 100 Bq/L. Aeration was confirmed as the most important factor for Rn release, as expected due to its gaseous nature. Accumulation in pipes and stratification in the water column were other significant factors explaining the data obtained in some circumstances. The Rn daughters 214Pb and 214Bi were also determined in a set of selected samples and their presence was directly related to the occurrence of Rn dissolved in water.  相似文献   

The late Archean, Luanga mafic-ultramafic complex intrudes an Archean greenstone belt, that is mainly composed of ultramafic and mafic metavolcanics. The Luanga intrusion consists of dunite, peridotite, gabbro and norite; chromitite seams and layers are present in the ultramafic rocks.A metamorphic overprint transformed the primary paragenesis into a serpentine-talc-chlorite-tremolite and magnetite association. The magnetite is commonly altered to Fe-hydroxides. Unaltered chromite commonly displays atoll-like textures and a chemical composition typical of stratiform chromites (Cr2O3 below 45 wt%).Base-metal sulfides, base-metal alloys, platimum-group minerals and platinum group element bearing phases are present in the form of inclusions in the silicate assemblages and in or on the edges of chromite grains. The main minerals detected are pentlandite, pyrrhotite, millerite, chalcopyrite and mackinawite, Fe---Ni alloy, braggite, sperrylite and platinum group elements (PGE) bearing sulfo-arsenides. Braggite is associated with the chromite, whereas sperrylite lies on the edges of or is included in silicates. The PGE content of the massive and disseminated chromities is dominated by Pt (up to 8900 ppb) and the chondrite-normalized PGE profile shows a cuspidal shape with a Pt peak.The main hypothesis for the source of the PGE-rich magma, which fractionated the chromitite-bearing ultramafic magma, consists of a relatively primitive mantle that partially melted in the late Archean.  相似文献   

Mohamed Riad 《GeoJournal》1986,13(3):201-210
The Geopolitics of the Arab Gulf region stems out of its geographic location on world important crossroads, and is dominated by its oil wealth which is sought after world-wide. Strategically, the Gulf is in the friction zone of world power. It is also located in the shatter zone of regional power, that is, Arabia, Persia, and India. Active membership in a non-aligned organization represents the official framework of Gulf politics, i.e., the Arab League, Islamic Congress, and the Arab Gulf Co-operation Council. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** ABI02027 00002  相似文献   

The increasing focus on new biological risks and threats together with unsatisfactory progress in international negotiations about biological disarmament have opened up new questions about the further development of the biological weapons regime. The present paper focuses on the politics of biological (post-)disarmament from the perspective of critical security studies and scrutinizes the changing role of scientific experts in relation to the shifting understanding of the threat of bioweapons. Specifically, it argues that the move toward a networked approach to biosecurity governance relying on an increasing role of experts and nonstate actors may be read in the context of a broader insecuritization of biological risks and threats and the evolution of new techniques of government. Drawing on sociological approaches in security studies, the paper unfolds the connections between the construction of biosecurity and the politics of expertise and explores the changing role of scientific experts in biological disarmament. The paper also finds that the attempts to manage bio-insecurity create demand for new types of expertise and empower actors with a specific form of knowledge who can navigate in the changed structural environment, and enable new forms of governing security.  相似文献   

Although five genera of procyonids are currently present in South America, only two of the extant genera, Procyon and Nasua are represented in the South American fossil record. A recent discovery of a procyonid lower second molar in Late Pleistocene deposits of Aurora do Tocantins, northern Brazil, offers potential to further our understanding of the stratigraphic and temporal range of South American fossil procyonids. We use geometric morphometric analysis of two-dimensional landmarks and semilandmarks to explore morphological variation in the lower second molars of extant Procyon lotor and Procyon cancrivorus and multivariate methods to support the identification of the Pleistocene specimen as P. cancrivorus. This material represents the second fossil record of P. cancrivorus in South America Procyonids entered South America in two phases: the first comprising by Cyonasua and Chapadmalania during the Late Miocene, and the other recent genera, beginning in the Late Pleistocene. These Late Miocene procyonids were more carnivorous than Late Pleistocene-Recent omnivorous taxa and possible went extinct due to competition with other placental carnivorans that entered South America and diversified during the latest Pliocene-Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The Bauru Basin was one of the great Cretaceous desert basins of the world, evolved in arid zone called Southern Hot Arid Belt. Its paleobiological record consists mainly of dinosaurs, crocodiles and turtles. The Bauru Basin is an extensive region of the South American continent that includes parts of the southeast and south of Brazil, covering an area of 370,000 km2. It is an interior continental basin that developed as a result of subsidence of the central-southern part of the South-American Platform during the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian–Maastrichtian). This sag basin is filled by a sandy siliciclastic sequence with a preserved maximum thickness of 480 m, deposited in semiarid to desert conditions. Its basement consists of volcanic rocks (mainly basalts) of the Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) Serra Geral basalt flows, of the Paraná-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province. The sag basin was filled by an essentially siliciclastic psammitic sequence. In lithostratigraphic terms the sequence consists of the Caiuá and Bauru groups. The northern and northeastern edges of the basin provide a record of more proximal original deposits, such as associations of conglomeratic sand facies from alluvial fans, lakes, and intertwined distributary river systems. The progressive basin filling led to the burial of the basaltic substrate by extensive blanket sand sheets, associated with deposits of small dunes and small shallow lakes that retained mud (such as loess). Also in this intermediate context between the edges (more humid) and the interior (dry), wide sand sheet areas crossed by unconfined desert rivers (wadis) occurred. In the central axis of the elliptical basin a regional drainage system formed, flowing from northeast to southwest between the edges of the basin and the hot and dry inner periphery of the Caiuá desert (southwest). Life in the Bauru Basin flourished most in the areas with the greatest water availability, in which dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, fish, amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans, and charophyte algae lived. The fossil record mainly consists of transported bones and other skeletal fragments. In the northeastern and eastern marginal regions fossils are found in marginal alluvial fan deposits, broad plains of braided streams and ephemeral alkaline water lakes. In the basin interior the fossil record is related to deposits in sand sheets with braided streams, small dunes, and shallow lakes. In the great Caiuá inner desert a few smaller animals could survive (small reptiles and early mammals), sometimes leaving their footprints in dune foreset deposits. The aim of this article is to present and link the basin sedimentary evolution, palaeoecological features and palaeontological record.  相似文献   

A series of peat monoliths was collected from Hjálmarvík, Kúðá and Bægístaðir, three abandoned farm sites located on a transect extending from the coast to 18 km inland in the Svalbarðstunga region (northeastern Iceland) in order to document the impact of human occupation and patterns of land use on landscape change and vegetation. Svalbarðstunga is of considerable interest because of the geographical and ecological features that distinguish it from other regions of Iceland, in particular by the more direct influence of the cold East Greenland Current (EGC). Plant and insect macrofossils and diatoms identified in peat monoliths provided proxy indicators of human settlement and land use that in some cases corroborate, and in others expand upon, existing archaeological and historical dates. Based on the presence of ecofacts (calcined bones, fish bones and charcoal), synanthropic insects and some anthropogenic plant‐indicators (e.g. weeds), we showed that there was a consistent occupation and use of the coastal site of Hjálmarvík since AD 970. At Kúðá, the scenario is quite different. Two periods of occupation or land use were identified: from prior to c. AD 960 to 1190 and from c. AD 1650 to 1870. In the 15th and into the 16th centuries, the decrease in the deposition of traces of fuel wastes around the inland farm sites (Kúðá and Bægístaðir) suggests that they were used much less frequently. The decline of such proxies for human occupation occurred shortly before the occurrence of the coldest conditions from the 16th to the 17th centuries as well as prior to the V1477 eruption, suggesting that these natural factors may not have been the primary or unique driver of changing modes of tenancy. A scenario of famine‐related depopulation would have played a significant role in this decrease in the human impact on vegetation.  相似文献   

Organic matter from two black shale units in the Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, NE Brazil, has been studied to investigate the palaeoenvironmental conditions prevailing during formation of this famous fossil lagerstätte. Optical and organic geochemical analyses indicate a predominantly autochthonous source with very limited terrestrial input. Molecular fossils of green sulphur bacteria show that the water column was stratified with euxinic conditions reaching up into the photic zone. Thus, mass‐mortality events of fish may be explained by intrusion of sulphide‐containing waters. The low quantity of material derived from land plants in this interior marine setting is interpreted to reflect a consequence of enhanced marine productivity, resulting in dilution of the continental signal. Different depositional scenarios are proposed to explain our findings including (1) coastal erosion and nutrient leaching during a transgressive event, (2) intrusion of euxinic waters during an early Albian OAE or (3) an estuarine circulation pattern associated with thermohaline stratification.  相似文献   

Jonathan Spencer 《Geoforum》2012,43(4):725-731
The paper examines the construction of the political as a space of contestation in Sri Lanka. Empirically, the article draws on two different field projects, one locating in a Sinhala village in the south of the country in the early 1980s, the other in a Muslim town in the East in the late 2000s. The case studies concentrate on the relationship between religion and politics, and specifically the way in which religion – Buddhism, Islam – is presented as a privileged space for expressions of community, unsullied by the agonistic consequences of the political. The paper at once draws on, and critiques, certain strands of radical democracy theory which have been widely discussed in recent political geography.  相似文献   

This paper reports the integrated application of petrographic and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for studying the provenance of the Neoproterozoic Maricá Formation, southern Brazil. This unit encompasses sedimentary rocks of fluvial and marine affiliations. In the lower fluvial succession, sandstones plot in the “craton interior” and “transitional continental” fields of the QFL diagram. Chemical weathering probably caused the decrease of the 147Sm/144Nd ratios to 0.0826 and 0.0960, consequently lowering originally > 2.0 Ga TDM ages to 1.76 and 1.81 Ga. 143Nd/144Nd ratios are also low (0.511521 to 0.511633), corresponding to negative εNd present-day values (− 21.8 and − 19.6). In the intermediate marine succession, sandstones plot in the “dissected arc” field, reflecting the input of andesitic clasts. Siltstones and shales reveal low 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.511429 to 0.511710), εNd values of − 18.1 and − 23.6, and TDM ages of 2.16 and 2.37 Ga. Sandstones of the upper fluvial succession have “dissected arc” and “recycled orogen” provenance. 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios are also relatively low, from 0.511487 to 0.511560, corresponding to εNd values of − 22.4 and − 21.0 and TDM of 2.07 Ga. A uniform granite–gneissic basement block of Paleoproterozoic age, with subordinate volcanic rocks, is suggested as the main sediment source of the Maricá Formation.  相似文献   

Precambrian banded iron formations (BIFs) in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero host a special kind of Au–Pd mineralization known as Jacutinga. The main orebodies are hosted within the Cauê Syncline, a SW-verging fold that involves Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Itabira District, a regional synclinorium with BIFs in the core of synclinal folds in the northeastern part of Quadrilatéro Ferrífero, Minas Gerais. Structural analysis reveals two important features of the district: the polydeformed character of the rocks and the importance of brittle structures in the control of the orebodies. Two deformational events are recognized in this area. The first event developed the main foliation, S1, that is the enveloping surface of the Cauê Syncline. The second event is better defined in the northern boundary of the structure where it is represented by a right-lateral wrench fault zone that has developed a foliation, S2, that truncates S1. This wrench fault was also responsible for the development of a system of fractures (Frm) that host the Au–Pd mineralization. The auriferous bodies of Cauê Syncline (Y, X, Área Central, Aba Norte, Noroeste and Aba Leste/Aba Leste Inferior) were generated during this second event. Shear fractures (R, R′ and P) and tension fractures (T) developed in response to the wrench fault system under brittle conditions. The best-developed, and most commonly mineralized fractures are R and T in all auriferous bodies. Elsewhere, the best mineralization occurs in the contacts of hematite bodies (soft/hard) and intrusive rocks with fractured itabirites. Other mineralization (Aba Norte, Área Central and X) is hosted on the contacts of other units.A system of fractures, as well as their intersections, thus represents the structural control on Jacutinga bodies and is responsible for the geometry of the orebodies. Of importance, there is no control by mineral/stretching lineations, fold axes and other ductile structure on the geometry and plunge of the orebodies.  相似文献   

The Morro dos Seis Lagos niobium deposit (2897.9 Mt at 2.81 wt% Nb2O5) is associated with laterites formed by the weathering of siderite carbonatite. This iron-rich lateritic profile (>100 m in thickness) is divided into six textural and compositional types, which from the top to the base of the sequence is: (1) pisolitic laterite, (2) fragmented laterite, (3) mottled laterite, (4) purple laterite, (5) manganiferous laterite, and (6) brown laterite. All the laterites are composed mainly of goethite (predominant in the lower and upper varieties) and hematite (predominant in the intermediate types, formed from goethite dehydroxylation). The upper laterites were reworked, resulting in goethite formation. In the manganiferous laterite (10 m thick), the manganese oxides (mainly hollandite, with associated cerianite) occur as veins or irregular masses, formed in a late event during the development of the lateritic profile, precipitated from a solution with higher oxidation potential than that for Fe oxides, closer to the water table. Siderite is the source for the Mn. The main Nb ore mineral is Nb-rich rutile (with 11.26–22.23 wt% Nb2O5), which occurs in all of the laterites and formed at expense of a former secondary pyrochlore, together with Ce-pyrochlore (last pyrochore before final breakdown), Nb-rich goethite and minor cerianite. The paragenesis results of lateritization have been extremely intense. Minor Nb-rich brookite formed from Nb-rich rutile occurs as broken spherules with an “oolitic” (or Liesegang ring structure). Nb-rich rutile and Nb-rich brookite incorporate Nb following the [Fe3+ + (Nb, Ta) for 2Ti] substitution and both contain up to 2 wt% WO3. The laterites have an average Nb2O5 content of 2.91 wt% and average TiO2 5.00 wt% in the upper parts of the sequence. Average CeO2 concentration increases with increasing depth, from 0.12 wt% in the pisolitic type to 3.50 wt% in the brown laterite. HREE concentration is very low.  相似文献   

Liquid immiscibility has been used for explaining several modern situations either in effusive or in intrusive rocks. Liquid immiscibility is also proposed for explaining the variolitic structures in the Archean rocks of the Abitibi Greenstone belt, Ontario.The volcanic sequence of the lower portion of the Greenstone belt of Piumhi (Minas Gerais, Brazil) shows the occurrence of variolitic structure, that may have been formed by liquid immiscibility.This possibility is supported by the following points: (a) the contact between varioles and matrix is very sharp; (b) spinifex texture occurs both in the varioles and in the matrix and the single crystal may cross the varioles; (c) the varioles and the matrix show contrasting compositions: the latter has the composition of a basaltic komatiite and the former varies form that of an alkali-basalt to andesite; and (d) a test by a thermodynamic model from literature shows that, although with some doubt, the free energy of the possible parent liquid is higher than that of the two unmixed liquids.  相似文献   

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