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An extensive region of low, sinuous ridges occupies the Hesperian plateau above Echus Chasma in the upper Kasei Valles, Mars. The ridges have lengths of up to 270 km, heights of 100 m and widths of 10 km. The total volume of the ridge material is 6×1011 m3. In this paper, volcanic flows, depositional and erosional features are discussed using Mars Observer Laser Altimeter (MOLA), THEMIS and Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) imagery and a chronology that places the ridge formation in the Late Hesperian is developed.The plateau is bounded to the north and west by more recent Late Hesperian and Amazonian lava flows. The plateau floor suddenly changes from being relatively smooth, to elevated, rough, hummocky terrain that extends eastwards to Echus Chasma. This rough terrain is penetrated by 2 km broad, shallow entrant channels that join with the canyons of Echus Chasma. The sinuous ridges appear to control the surface drainage associated with the entrant channels.The sinuous ridges’ size and morphology are similar to those associated with volcanic ridge eruptions. Their degraded structure is reminiscent of Moberg ridges. The rough, hummocky terrain is interpreted as glacial outwash, subsequently eroded by short-lived floods associated with ridge eruptions. The presence of both volcanic and glacial structures on the Echus Plateau raises the possibility that the ridge system arose from subglacial, volcanic events. The resulting jokulhlaups eroded the broad, entrant channels. As surface flow declined, groundwater flows dominated and canyon heads eroded back along the entrant channels, by sapping.  相似文献   

A number of martian outflow channels were carved by discharges from large dilational fault zones. These channels were sourced by groundwater, not surface water, and when observed on high-standing plateaus they provide indicators of elevated paleo-groundwater levels. We identify three outflow channels of Hesperian age that issued from a 750-km-long fault zone extending from Candor Chasma to Ganges Chasma. Two of these channels, Allegheny Vallis and Walla Walla Vallis, have sources >2500 m above the topographic datum, too high to be explained by discharge from a global aquifer that was recharged solely in the south polar region. The indicated groundwater levels likely required regional sources of recharge at low latitudes. The floodwaters that erupted from Ophir Cavus to form Allegheny Vallis encountered two ridges that restricted the flow, forming temporary lakes. The flow probably breached or overtopped these obstructions quickly, catastrophically draining the lakes and carving several scablands. After the last obstacle had been breached, a single main channel formed that captured all subsequent flow. We performed hydrologic analyses of this intermediate phase of the flooding, prior to incision of the channel to its present depth. Using floodwater depths of 30-60 m, we calculated flow velocities of 6-15 m s−1 and discharges in the range of . Locally higher flow velocities and discharges likely occurred when the transient lakes were drained. Variable erosion at the channel and scabland crossing of MOLA pass 10644 suggests that the upper 25-30 m may consist of poorly consolidated surface materials underlain by more cohesive bedrock. We infer that an ice-covered lake with a surface elevation >2500 m probably existed in eastern Candor Chasma because this canyon is intersected by the Ophir Catenae fault system from which Allegheny Vallis and Walla Walla Vallis originated. We introduce a new hydrology concept for Mars in which the groundwater system was augmented by recharge from canyon lakes that were formed when water was released by catastrophic melting of former ice sheets in Tharsis by effusions of flood basalts. This model could help to reconcile the expected presence of a thick cryosphere during the Hesperian with the abundant evidence for groundwater as a source for some of the circum-Chryse outflow channels.  相似文献   

We have used data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to study 30-80 m thick light-toned layered deposits on the plateaus adjacent to Valles Marineris at five locations: (1) south of Ius Chasma, (2) south of western Melas Chasma, (3) south of western Candor Chasma, (4) west of Juventae Chasma, and (5) west of Ganges Chasma. The beds within these deposits have unique variations in brightness, color, mineralogy, and erosional properties that are not typically observed in light-toned layered deposits within Valles Marineris or many other equatorial areas on Mars. Reflectance spectra indicate these deposits contain opaline silica and Fe-sulfates, consistent with low-temperature, acidic aqueous alteration of basaltic materials. We have found valley or channel systems associated with the layered deposits at all five locations, and the volcanic plains adjacent to Juventae, Ius, and Ganges exhibit inverted channels composed of light-toned beds. Valleys, channels, and light-toned layering along the walls of Juventae and Melas Chasmata are most likely coeval to the aqueous activity that affected the adjacent plateaus and indicate some hydrological activity occurred after formation of the chasmata. Although the source of water and sediment remains uncertain, the strong correlation between fluvial landforms and light-toned layered deposits argues for sustained precipitation, surface runoff, and fluvial deposition occurring during the Hesperian on the plateaus adjacent to Valles Marineris and along portions of chasmata walls.  相似文献   

A detailed examination of the location and orientation of sand dunes and other aeolian features within the north polar chasmata indicates that steep scarps strongly influence the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. These steep scarps are present at the heads and along the margins of the north polar chasmata. Topographic profiles of the arcuate head scarps and equator-facing wall of Chasma Boreale reveal unusually steep polar slopes ranging from ∼6°-30°. The relatively steep-sloped (∼8°), sinuous scarp at the head of two smaller chasmata, located west of Chasma Boreale, exhibits an obvious resistant cap-forming unit. Scarp retreat is occurring in places where the cap unit is actively being undercut by descending slope winds. Low-albedo surfaces lacking sand dunes or dust mantles are present at the base of the polar scarps. A ∼100-300 m deep moat, located at the base of the scarps, corresponds with these surfaces and indicates an area of active aeolian scour from descending katabatic winds. Small local dust storms observed along the equator-facing wall of Chasma Boreale imply that slope wind velocities in Chasma Boreale are sufficient to mobilize dust and sand-sized particles in the Polar Layered Deposits (PLD). Two amphitheater forms, located above the cap-forming unit of the sinuous scarp and west of Chasma Boreale, may represent an early stage of polar scarp and chasma formation. These two forms are developing within a younger section of polar layered materials. The unusually steep scarps associated with the polar chasmata have developed where resistant layers are present in the PLD, offering resistance during the headward erosion and poleward retreat of the scarps. Steep slopes that formed under these circumstances enhance the flow of down-scarp katabatic winds. On the basis of these observations, we reject the fluvial outflood hypothesis for the origin of the north polar chasmata and embrace a wind erosion model for their long-term development. In the aeolian model, off-pole katabatic winds progressively remove materials from the steep slopes below chasmata scarps, undermining resistant layers at the tops of scarps and causing retreat by headward erosion. Assuming a minimum age for the onset of formation of Chasma Boreale (105 yr) results in a maximum volumetric erosion rate of . Removal of this volume of material from the equator-facing wall and head scarps of chasma would require a rate for scarp retreat of .  相似文献   

The Valles Marineris canyon system of Mars is closely related to large flood channels, some of which emerge full born from chaotic terrain in canyon floors. Coprates Chasma, one of the largest Valles Marineris canyons, is connected at its west end to Melas Chasma and on its east end to chaotic terrain-filled Capri and Eos Chasmata. The area from central Melas to Eos Chasmata contains a 1500 km long and about 1 km deep depression in its floor. Despite the large volumes of groundwater that likely discharged from chaotic terrain in this depression, no evidence of related fluvial activity has thus far been reported. We present an analysis of the regional topography which, together with photogeologic interpretation of available imagery, suggests that ponding due to late Hesperian discharge of water possibly produced a lake (mean depth 842 m) spanning parts of the Valles Marineris depression (VMD). Overflow of this lake at its eastern end resulted in delivery of water to downstream chaos regions and outflow channels. Our ponding hypothesis is motivated primarily by the identification of scarp and terrace features which, despite a lateral spread of about 1500 km, have similar elevations. Furthermore, these elevations correspond to the maximum ponding elevation of the region (−3560 m). Simulated ponding in the VMD yields an overflow point at its eastern extremity, in Eos Chasma. The neighborhood of this overflow point contains clear indicators of fluvial erosion in a consistent east-west orientation.  相似文献   

R. Greve 《Icarus》2008,196(2):359-367
The martian polar caps feature large chasmata and smaller trough systems which have no counterpart in terrestrial ice sheets. Chasma Boreale cuts about 500 km into the western part of the north-polar cap, is up to 100 km wide and up to 2 km deep. One possible formation mechanism is by a temporary heat source under the ice due to tectono-thermal or volcanic activity, which melts the ice from below. It is demonstrated by model simulations that this process is feasible, a moderately increased heat flux of 0.5-1 W m−2, sustained over at least tens of thousands of years, producing a topographic depression which resembles the real chasma. Associated meltwater discharge rates are small (), but can exceed 10 km3 a−1 if a stronger heat flux of 10 W m−2 is assumed. Local ice-flow velocities during the process of chasma formation can exceed 1 m a−1 at the head and scarps of the chasma. However, if the thermal anomaly shuts down, glacial flow quickly decreases, so that the chasma can stay open for an indefinite amount of time without an ongoing, sustaining process under the climate conditions of the most recent millions of years.  相似文献   

M. Grott  E. Hauber  P. Kronberg 《Icarus》2007,186(2):517-526
Insight into the state of the early martian lithosphere is gained by modeling the topography above surface breaking thrust faults in the southern Thaumasia region. Crater counts of key surface units associated with the faulting indicate a scarp emplacement in the late Noachian-early Hesperian periods between 4.0 and 3.7 Gyr. The seismogenic layer thickness at the time of faulting is constrained to 27-35 km and 21-28 km for the two scarps investigated, implying paleo geothermal gradients of 12-18 and 15-23 K km−1, corresponding to heat flows of 24-36 and 30-46 mW m−2. The heat flow values obtained in this study are considerably lower than those derived from rift flank uplift at the close-by Coracis Fossae for a similar time period, indicating that surface heat flow is a strong function of regional setting. If viewed as representative for magmatically active and inactive regions, the thermal gradients at rifts and scarps span the range of admissible global mean values. This implies , with the true value probably being closer to the lower bound.  相似文献   

The analysis of six landing sites that were candidates for the two NASA Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) benefited from recently available image data from the Thermal Emission Imaging Spectrometer (THEMIS) onboard the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The combination of daytime and nighttime thermal infrared images from THEMIS supplemented by additional data sets has lead to new or expanded insights into the nature of each landing site. In Meridiani Planum, a layer of lighter-toned, higher thermal inertia material is observable just below the hematite-bearing layer. Gusev Crater displays a more complex stratigraphy than previously observed, including an upper layer with lobate margins. The highest inertia unit of southern Isidis Planitia is confined to topographic lows in the rim/basin margin and does not appear to be due to highland material transported onto the basin floor. The enigmatic, ovoid, blocky terrain on the floor of Melas Chasma displays higher thermal inertia than its surroundings, an indication that it contains coarser or more indurated material than the adjacent aeolian bedforms. The myriad channels of Athabasca Valles display distinctive thermal signatures despite the presence of a bright layer of dust covering the region. The presence of alluvial fans produced from spur-and-gulley erosion of the walls of Eos Chasma demonstrates that mass movements have occurred following the canyon scouring floods.  相似文献   

An extensive layered formation covers the high plateaus around Valles Marineris. Mapping based on HiRISE, CTX and HRSC images reveals these layered deposits (LDs) crop out north of Tithonium Chasma, south of Ius Chasma, around West Candor Chasma, and southwest of Juventae Chasma and Ganges Chasma. The estimated area covered by LDs is ∼42,300 km2. They consist of a series of alternating light and dark beds, a 100 m in total thickness that is covered by a dark unconsolidated mantle possibly resulting from their erosion. Their stratigraphic relationships with the plateaus and the Valles Marineris chasmata indicate that the LDs were deposited during the Early- to Late Hesperian, and possibly later depending on the region, before the end of the backwasting of the walls near Juventae Chasma, and probably before Louros Valles sapping near Ius Chasma. Their large spatial coverage and their location mainly on highly elevated plateaus lead us to conclude that LDs correspond to airfall dust and/or volcanic ash. The surface of LDs is characterized by various morphological features, including lobate ejecta and pedestal craters, polygonal fractures, valleys and sinuous ridges, and a pitted surface, which are all consistent with liquid water and/or water ice filling the pores of LDs. LDs were episodically eroded by fluvial processes and were possibly modified by sublimation processes. Considering that LDs correspond to dust and/or ash possibly mixed with ice particles in the past, LDs may be compared to Dissected Mantle Terrains currently observed in mid- to high latitudes on Mars, which correspond to a mantle of mixed dust and ice that is partially or totally dissected by sublimation. The analysis of CRISM and OMEGA hyperspectral data indicates that the basal layer of LDs near Ganges Chasma exhibits spectra with absorption bands at ∼1.4 μm, and ∼1.9 μm and a large deep band between ∼2.21 and ∼2.26 μm that are consistent with previous spectral analysis in other regions of LDs. We interpret these spectral characteristics as an enrichment of LDs in opaline silica or by Al-phyllosilicate-rich layers being overlain by hydroxylated ferric sulfate-rich layers. These alteration minerals are consistent with the aqueous alteration of LDs at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The walls of the Valles Marineris canyons are affected by about 45 landslides. The study of these landslides provides a test of the hypothesis of processes having affected Martian wallslopes after their formation. The dynamics of Valles Marineris landslides are controversial : either the landslides are interpreted as large debris flows or as dry rock avalanches. Their morphology and their topography are basic parameters to understand their dynamics. From topographic MOLA data and remote sensing images acquired with different spatial resolutions (Viking, THEMIS, MOC), the 3D geometry of 45 landslides of Valles Marineris has been studied. The landslides have been classified in 3 geomorphologic classes from the topography of the landslide deposits: the “chaotic” landslides without well identified structures, the “structured deposit without debris aprons” landslides with tectonic structures and small roughness at the deposit front and the “structured deposit with debris aprons” which display circular normal faults at the back of the deposit and several debris aprons at the front of the landslide. The spatial distribution of the three morphological types is in relation with the confinement of the canyons. The initial volume and the total deposited volume were also measured to compute volume balances. The deposited volumes range from 50 to . All volume balances display a maximum deficit ranging from 5% to 70%. The landslides with the largest deficits take place within an enclosed-canyon (Hebes Chasma). Lacking material exportation, these deficits could be interpreted as reflecting the porosity of the landslide source. This fact is in agreement with the hypothesis of a karstic origin of these enclosed-canyons. The Valles Marineris landslides have large mobilities (length/vertical drop) ranging from 1.8 to 12 implying low coefficients of friction and so fluidization mechanisms. The possible filling up of the porosity by volatile could be compatible with the fluidization patterns of Valles Marineris landslides.  相似文献   

The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) for the Mars Express mission is an infrared spectrometer optimised for atmospheric studies. This instrument has a short wave (SW) channel that covers the spectral range from 1700 to (1.2-) and a long-wave (LW) channel that covers 250- (5.5-). Both channels have a uniform spectral resolution of . The instrument field of view FOV is about 1.6° (FWHM) for the Short Wavelength channel (SW) and 2.8° (FWHM) for the Long Wavelength channel (LW) which corresponds to a spatial resolution of 7 and 12 km when Mars is observed from an height of 250  km. PFS can provide unique data necessary to improve our knowledge not only of the atmosphere properties but also about mineralogical composition of the surface and the surface-atmosphere interaction.The SW channel uses a PbSe detector cooled to 200-220 K while the LW channel is based on a pyroelectric (LiTaO3) detector working at room temperature. The intensity of the interferogram is measured every 150 nm of physical mirrors displacement, corresponding to 600 nm optical path difference, by using a laser diode monochromatic light interferogram (a sine wave), whose zero crossings control the double pendulum motion. PFS works primarily around the pericentre of the orbit, only occasionally observing Mars from large distances. Each measurements take 4 s, with a repetition time of 8.5 s. By working roughly 0.6 h around pericentre, a total of 330 measurements per orbit will be acquired 270 looking at Mars and 60 for calibrations. PFS is able to take measurements at all local times, facilitating the retrieval of surface temperatures and atmospheric vertical temperature profiles on both the day and the night side.  相似文献   

With the collection of six years of MGS tracking data and three years of Mars Odyssey tracking data, there has been a continual improvement in the JPL Mars gravity field determination. This includes the measurement of the seasonal changes in the gravity coefficients (e.g., , , , , , ) caused by the mass exchange between the polar ice caps and atmosphere. This paper describes the latest gravity field MGS95J to degree and order 95. The improvement comes from additional tracking data and the adoption of a more complete Mars orientation model with nutation, instead of the IAU 2000 model. Free wobble of the Mars' spin axis, i.e. polar motion, has been constrained to be less than 10 mas by looking at the temporal history of and . A strong annual signature is observed in , and this is a mixture of polar motion and ice mass redistribution. The Love number solution with a subset of Odyssey tracking data is consistent with the previous liquid outer core determination from MGS tracking data [Yoder et al., 2003. Science 300, 299-303], giving a combined solution of k2=0.152±0.009 using MGS and Odyssey tracking data. The solutions for the masses of the Mars' moons show consistency between MGS, Odyssey, and Viking data sets; Phobos GM=(7.16±0.005)×10−4 km3/s2 and Deimos GM=(0.98±0.07)×10−4 km3/s2. Average MGS orbit errors, determined from differences in the overlaps of orbit solutions, have been reduced to 10-cm in the radial direction and 1.5 m along the spacecraft velocity and normal to the orbit plane. Hence, the ranging to the MGS and Odyssey spacecraft has resulted in position measurements of the Mars system center-of-mass relative to the Earth to an accuracy of one meter, greatly reducing the Mars ephemeris errors by several orders of magnitude, and providing mass estimates for Asteroids 1 Ceres, 2 Pallas, 3 Juno, 4 Vesta, and 324 Bamberga.  相似文献   

Niels Hovius 《Icarus》2008,197(1):24-38
Formation of chasms in the polar ice caps of Mars has been attributed to meltwater outburst floods, but the cause of melting has remained uncertain. In a cap re-entrant enveloping Abalos Colles, west of Casma Boreale in the north polar cap, we have found possible evidence of recent volcano-ice interaction and outburst flooding. In this paper we demonstrate that these two mechanisms can have acted together to form or expand the Abalos re-entrant. Flat-topped ridges and circular rims protruding above the ice cap surface in the re-entrant apex may be lava ridges and volcano craters, and can have caused melting of 3.3 to 7.7×103 km3 of ice. The surrounding cap surface appears to have subsided and the likely volume of missing ice matches the melt estimate. Outburst flooding from this area may have reached peak discharges of 0.3 to according to scour patterns in one of the re-entrant channels. This required ponding of melt water during lava eruption and catastrophic release through a sub- or englacial melt water tunnel, the collapse of which has left a chasm in the ice cap margin. The flood features are geologically recent, and volcano-ice interaction may have occurred within the last 20,000 years.  相似文献   

Remote-sensing observations of Gale Crater and Melas Chasma are synthesized to better understand the present surface layer in these two scientifically interesting regions. Data sets analyzed include geologic maps, Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) elevation, Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) albedo, TES thermal inertia, MOLA residual pulse width, TES rock abundance, and Viking and Mars Orbiter Camera images. Using these data sets, we constrain the properties of and processes acting on the present surface and create self-consistent models for the surface layer. Surface properties within Gale Crater are variable and complex, and interpreting the surface layer is not straightforward. Observations indicate that aeolian processes have shaped some of the intracrater surface, but other areas do not comply with this model and have counterintuitive surface characteristics. In contrast, aeolian activity appears to have played a large role in shaping the present-day physical structure of all surfaces in Melas Chasma and is reflected in the remote-sensing data sets. Here we summarize our analysis and discuss the surface attributes as determined from these data sets.  相似文献   

With 2 years of tracking data collection from the MRO spacecraft, there is noticeable improvement in the high frequency portion of the spherical harmonic Mars gravity field. The new JPL Mars gravity fields, MRO110B and MRO110B2, show resolution near degree 90. Additional years of MGS and Mars Odyssey tracking data result in improvement for the seasonal gravity changes which compares well to global circulation models and Odyssey neutron data and Mars rotation and precession (). Once atmospheric dust is accounted for in the spacecraft solar pressure model, solutions for Mars solar tide are consistent between data sets and show slightly larger values (k2 = 0.164 ± 0.009, after correction for atmospheric tide) compared to previous results, further constraining core models. An additional 4 years of Mars range data improves the Mars ephemeris, determines 21 asteroid masses and bounds solar mass loss (dGMSun/dt < 1.6 × 10−13 GMSun year−1).  相似文献   

Spectral images of Mars obtained by the Mars Express/OMEGA experiment in the near infrared are the result of a complex combination of atmospheric, aerosol and ground features. Retrieving the atmospheric information from the data is important, not only to decorrelate mineralogical against atmospheric features, but also to retrieve the atmospheric variability. Once the illumination conditions have been taken into account, the main source of variation on the CO2 absorption is due to the altitude of the surface, which governs atmospheric pressure variation by more than an order of magnitude between the summit of Olympus Mons down to the bottom of Valles Marineris. In this article we present a simplified atmospheric spectral model without scattering, specially developed for the OMEGA observations, which is used to retrieve the local topography through the analysis of the CO2 band. OMEGA atmospheric observations increase the horizontal resolution compared to MOLA altimetry measurements, and therefore complement the mineralogical studies from the same instrument. Finally, residual variations of the pressure can be related to atmospheric structure variation.  相似文献   

Layered deposits have been observed in different locations at the surface of Mars, as crater floors and canyons systems. Their high interest relies in the fact they imply dynamical conditions in their deposition medium. Indeed, in opposition to most of the rocks of the martian surface, which have a volcanic origin, bright layered deposits seems to be sedimentary outcrops.Capri Chasma, a canyon located at the outlet of Valles Marineris, exhibits such deposits called Interior Layered Deposits (ILD). A large array of visible and infrared spacecraft data were used to build a Geographic Information System (GIS). We added HiRiSE images, from the recent MRO mission, which offer a spatial resolution of 25 cm per pixel. It allowed the mapping and the analysis of morphologies in the canyon. We highlighted that the ILD are several kilometers thick and flat-top stratified deposits. They overlap the chaotic floor. They are surrounded and cut by several flow features that imply that liquid water was still acting after the formation of these stratified deposits. The density of crater on the floor of Capri Chasma was quantified. The current topography was aged to 3 Gyr. All these morphological information allow us to suggest a plausible geological history for Capri Chasma. We propose that the Interior Layered Deposits have formed during the Hesperian, during or after the opening of the canyon. Some observations argue that water discharges have happened at several times before and just after the formation of the ILD. Liquid water must have played a major role in the formation of these deposits after 3.5 Gyr, implying that it was present in surface at least locally and temporarily. If this can be applied to ILD in others canyons of Valles Marineris, it would imply that liquid water was stable in surface or sub-surface during the Hesperian. Or in the actual conditions, with a cold and dry martian surface, long-term standing water bodies are not possible. Thus we suggest that either the climate at the Hesperian was cold, but wetter, or as warm as the Noachian climate, what is less likely. Nevertheless, the global climate change which has occurred at the beginning of Mars history may have been later than announced.  相似文献   

We have used more than 4 years of Mars Express ion data to estimate the escape of heavy ions ( and ) from Mars. To take the limited field of view of the instrument into account, the data has been binned into spatial bins and angular bins to create average distribution functions for different positions in the near Mars space. The net escape flux for the studied low solar activity period, between May 2007 and May 2011, is 2.0 ± 0.2 × 1024 s−1. The escape has been calculated independently for four different quadrants in the YMSO − ZMSO plane, south, dusk, north and dawn. Escape is highest from the northern and dusk quadrants, 0.6 ± 0.1 × 1024 s−1, and smallest from the south and dawn quadrants, 0.4 ± 0.1 × 1024 s−1. The flux ratio of molecular ( and ) to O+ ions is 0.9 ± 0.1, averaged over all quadrants. The flux difference between the north and south quadrants is statistically significant, and is presumed to be due to the presence of significant crustal magnetic fields in the southern hemisphere, reducing the outflow. The difference between the dawn and dusk quadrants is likely due to the magnetic tension associated with the nominal Parker angle spiral, which should lead to higher average magnetic tension on the dusk side. The escape increases during periods of high solar wind flux and during times when co-rotating interaction regions (CIR) affect Mars. In the latter case the increase is a factor 2.4-2.9 as compared to average conditions.  相似文献   

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