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Equilibrium masses of slowly rotating interstellar gas clouds have been calculated using an equation of state for the interstellar gas developed by Penston and Brown. The rotation is found to increase the equilibrium masses, but still the cloud masses are not as large as indicated by other considerations.  相似文献   

We have constructed a chemical reaction model in a contracting interstellar cloud including 104 species which are involved in a network of 557 reactions. The chemical kinetic equations were integrated as a function of time by using gear package. The evolution of the system was followed in the density range 10–107 particles cm-3.The calculated fractional abundances of the charged species are in good agreement with those given by other investigators. The charge density has been followed in diffuse, intermediate and dense regions. The most dominant ionic species are metallic ions, HCO+ and H 3 + in the shielded regions and atomic ions H+, C+, Si+, He+, S+ and metal ions in the diffuse and intermediate regions. The abundances of negatively charged ions were found to be negligible. The results of the calculations on the different metallic ions are interpreted.  相似文献   

The interaction of an astrophysical shock with a cloud typically occurs at high Reynolds number, and in such cases will be highly turbulent. However, the formation of fully developed turbulence is usually prevented by the artificial viscosity inherent in hydrodynamical simulations. Upstream structures mean that the flow behind the shock is also likely to be turbulent, as it sweeps over such inhomogeneities. We study the nature of adiabatic shock-cloud interactions using a subgrid compressible kε turbulence model.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of a nonrotating isothermal gaseous disk permeated by a uniform frozen-in magnetic field is investigated using a fourth-order perturbation technique. From the results it is found that the disk is stable whenn/B 0 < (4/33 G)–1/2, wheren andB are the column density of the disk and unperturbed magnetic field, respectively, andG is the gravitational constant. The disk is gravitationally unstable only whenn/B 0 > (4/33 G)–1/2.  相似文献   

A survey of the distribution of long carbon chain molecules in interstellar clouds shows that their abundance is correlated. The various formation schemes for these molecules are discussed. We conclude that the ion-molecule type formation mechanisms are more promising than their competitors. They have also the advantage of allowing predictions which can be tested by observations. Acetylene C2H2 and diacetylene HCCCCH, may be very abundant in interstellar clouds.Invited contribution to the Proceedings of a Workshop onThermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 6–8 September, 1978.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism of formation of interstellar clouds in the Galaxy by aggregation from gas “cloudlets” ejected by red giants is considered. A numerical model of the motion of a “cloudlet” in the interstellar medium of the Galaxy is constructed. The resulting clouds are fractal with a fractal dimensionality that coincides with the observed one. The characteristic time of formation of a cloud agrees with observations. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 229–237, April–June, 2000.  相似文献   

We describe the results of a study of the mean lifetime of molecular clouds based on actual observations. Using the model of growth from cloud-cloud collision and observations of 13CO along the galactic equator between longitudes 27°.85 and 40°, we derive a lower limit of 1 × 109 yr for the lifetime of the interstellar molecular clouds  相似文献   

The question of grain mantle composition in dense clouds is examined in the light of new observational and theoretical results on atomic and molecular concentrations in the gas phase. It is shown that if grain temperatures are less than about 20K these mantles will be primarily solid CO. Methods of identifying CO coated grains are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effect of shock waves on the chemical structure of the interstellar clouds. A model of molecular cloud has been assumed. The chemistry is investigated in a time dependent model. Our chemical network contains 56 species in 251 reactions to including molecules of the elements H, O, C, N, S, and Si.The results indicate that the calculated fractional abundance of the molecules NS, H2O, CN, NH, CO, and SO agrees well with the observations. The molecules OH, H2S, CS, H2CS, HS, NO, SiO, CH, CH2, CH3, HCO, C2, and HCN reach high post-shock abundances.  相似文献   

Data on interstellar diffraction and refraction scintillation of pulsars are analyzed. Comparison between theory and the observational data shows that two types of spectra for electron density fluctuations are realized in the interstellar medium: pure power law and piecewise with a break. The distribution of turbulent plasma in the Galaxy has a three component structure. Component A is diffuse and it is distributed outside of the spiral arms of the Galaxy. Component BI is cloudy and associated with Galactic arms. Component BII is extremely nonuniform and associated with HII regions and supernova remnants. The origin of the interstellar plasma turbulence is considered, and possible sources of turbulent energy are discussed. The contribution of supernova bursts in the interstellar gas ionization and generation of turbulence are analyzed among other factors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Measurements of the strengths of the diffuse interstellar bands at 4430, 5780 and 5797 Å show that the bands tend to be week with respect to extinction in dense interstellar clouds. Data on 10 stars in the ? Ophiuchi cloud complex show further that the diffuse band-producing efficiency of the grains decreases systematically with increasing grain size. It is concluded that the diffuse bands are not formed in the mantles which accrete on the grains in interstellar clouds, but that they could be produced in the cores of grains or in some molecular species.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of the magnetic flux density in a magnetically supported molecular cloud driven by Hall and Ohmic components of the electric field generated by the flows of thermal electrons. Particular attention is given to the wave transport of the magnetic field in a cloud whose gas dynamics is dominated by electron flows; the mobility of neutrals and ions is regarded as heavily suppressed. It is shown that electromagnetic waves penetrating such a cloud can be converted into helicons – weakly damped, circularly polarized waves in which the densities of the magnetic flux and the electron current undergo coherent oscillations. These waves are interesting in their own right, because for electron magnetohydrodynamics the low-frequency helicoidal waves have the same physical significance as the transverse Alfvén waves do for a single-component magnetohydrodynamics. The latter, as is known, are considered to be responsible for the widths of molecular lines detected in dark, magnetically supported clouds. From our numerical estimates for the group velocity and the rate of dissipation of helicons it follows that a possible contribution of these waves to the broadening of molecular lines is consistent with the conditions typical of dark molecular clouds.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the formation of water ice mantles on grains in interstellar clouds. This occurs by direct accretion of monomers from the gas, be they formed by gas or surface reactions. The formation of the first monolayer requires a minimum extinction of interstellar radiation, sufficient to lower the grain temperature to the point where thermal evaporation of monomers is just offset by monomer accretion from the gas. This threshold is mainly determined by the adsorption energy of water molecules on the grain material; for hydrocarbon material, chemical simulation places this energy between 0.5 and 2 kcal mol−1, which sets the (true) visible extinction threshold at a few magnitudes. However, realistic distributions of matter in a cloud will usually add to this an unrelated amount of cloud core extinction, which can explain the large dispersion of observed (apparent) thresholds. Once the threshold is crossed, all available water molecules in the gas are quickly adsorbed, because the grain cools down and the adsorption energy on ice is higher than on bare grain. The relative thickness of the mantle, and, hence, the slope of  τ3( A v)  depend only on the available water vapour, which is a small fraction of the oxygen abundance. Chemical simulation was also used to determine the adsorption sites and energies of O and OH on hydrocarbons and study the dynamics of formation of water molecules by surface reactions with gaseous H atoms, as well as their chances to stick in situ.  相似文献   

The gravitational collapse of a spherically symmetric interstellar gas cloud has been investigated following the non-linear discontinuity waves propagation theory. It has been pointed out that macroscopic phenomena, such as the process of fragmentation, can arise (shock wave formation)-even in the case of spherical symmetry- at times smaller than the free-fall timet ff, provided the initial data of the Cauchy problem be discontinuous within a sphere of radius (caustic cases). It has also been proved that strong discontinuities outside the mentioned sphere may generate critical timest cr<t ff (depending on the typical non-linear structure of the differential system). The cooling-heating function plays an important role in contrasting the formation of shock waves.  相似文献   

The interstellar reddening law in the Taurus dark clouds is investigated from visual, infrared, and ground based ultraviolet photometric observations of heavily reddened stars HD 29647, HDE 283701, and HDE 283812. The star HD 29647 located in the center of a very dense dark cloud Khavtassi 278 shows a reddening law which is anomalous in the wavelengths shorter than 400 nm. When combined with observations by Snow and Seab from the IUE it can be represented by a single straight line from 1 m to 250 nm. Other two stars situated in less dense parts of the Taurus dark clouds show normal reddening law.  相似文献   

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