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Gas flux measurements have for the first time been taken from vents and soil of eastern Romania mud volcanoes, the largest geological structures in Europe releasing methane into the atmosphere. In the quiescent phase, the methane emission from single vents is up to 28 t yr?1. Diffuse soil microseepage is of the order of 102?105 mg m?2 day?1. A total output of at least 1200 tonnes of CH4 per year can be conservatively estimated over the area investigated alone (~ 2.3 km2). Helium fluxes are up to five orders of magnitude higher than the average flux in a stable continental area, pointing to a close link between mud volcanoes and crustal degassing through faults crossing the deep hydrocarbon reservoirs. These data represent a key contribution towards refining global CH4‐emission estimates, which indicate mud volcanoes as a significant and unavoidable source of greenhouse gases for the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Provenance analysis of the sediments from foredeep basins is crucial in understanding the contemporaneous orogenic exhumation processes. We report in this paper complex sediment provenance analysis using sandstone petrography and mudstone geochemistry, combined with magnetic susceptibility of the Upper Miocene to Pliocene deposits from Focşani foredeep basin (Romania). Data show a change of source area between 5 and 6 Ma, from an active volcanic arc towards a recycled orogenic belt, concurrent with an important increase of accumulation rate. This change was triggered by exhumation and erosion of the outer nappes from East Carpathians.  相似文献   

We address the question of the predictability of skarn textures and their role in understanding the evolution of a skarn system. Recent models of skarn formation show that skarns are ideal for application of self-organisation theory, with self-patterning the rule in fluid-rock interaction systems rather than the exception. Zonation in skarn deposits, a consequence of infiltration-driven metasomatism, can also be treated in terms of self-organisation. Other less commonly described features, such as scalloping, fingering and mineral banding, can be understood by application of reactive infiltration and hydrodynamics at the skarn front. Devolatilisation may trigger formation of back-flow fluxes that overprint previously formed skarn. The range of textures formed from such events can be used to discriminate between prograde and retrograde stages. Refractory minerals, such as garnet, magnetite and pyrite, readily retain overprinting events. Skarns are also composed largely of minerals from solid solution series (garnet, pyroxene, pyroxenoids, etc.) and therefore skarn mineralogy helps to establish trends of zonation and evolution. The same minerals can act as ‘chemical oscillators’ and record metasomatic trends.The Ocna de Fier-Dognecea deposit was formed in a 10 km deep skarn system. Zonation and evolution trends therefore represent only the result of interaction between magmatically derived fluids emerging at the source and limestone. From the same reason, the transition from prograde to retrograde regime is not influenced by interaction with external fluids. Thirdly, the mineralisation comprises Fe, Cu and Zn-Pb ores, thus facilitating comparison with skarn deposits that commonly are formed in shallower magmatic-hydrothermal environment. Copper-iron ores (magnetite+Cu-Fe sulphides), hosted by magnesian (forsterite+diopside) skarn, occur in the deepest and central part of the orefield, at Simon Iuda. Their petrological character allows interpretation as the core of the skarn system formed from a unique source of fluids emerging from the subjacent granodiorite. It formed first as a consequence of the local setting, where a limestone indented in the granodiorite permitted strong reaction at 650 °C and focussed the up-streaming, buoyant fluids. The first sharp front of reaction is seen at the boundary between the Cu-Fe core and Fe ores hosted by calcic skarn (Di70-90-And70-90), where Cu-Fe sulphides disappear, and forsterite gives way to garnet in the presence of diopside (Di90). Following formation of forsterite, devolatilisation and transient plume collapse is interpreted from a range of piercing clusters and trails. We presume lateral flow to have been initiated at the source, as the emerging fluids are in excess to the fluids driven into reaction by the plume. Formation of the other orebodies, up to 5 km laterally downstream in both directions, is interpreted as skarn fingering at the limestone side. The metasomatic front is perpendicular to the flow along the channel of schists placed between the limestone base and the granodiorite.A metal zonation centred onto the source is defined, based on metal distribution: Cu-Fe/Fe/Zn-Pb. The second front of reaction, at the boundary between the Fe and Zn-Pb zone, has a sulphidation/oxidation character, with diopside giving way to a Fe-Mn-rich pyroxene, (HedJoh)>60+pyroxmangite±bustamite; garnet is minor. Johannsenite-rich pyroxene (Di20-40Hed20-40Joh40) is found in proximal skarn at the upper part of Simon Iuda, stable with Zn0.95Fe0.05S, at an inferred 570 °C. In distal skarn from Dognecea and Paulus, Mn-hedenbergite (Di<10Hed70Joh20-30) formed at 400 °C is stable with Zn0.84Fe0.16S. Extensive compositional fields, eutectic decomposition and lamellar intergrowths characterise pyroxene in the Zn-Pb zone, formed at the magnetite-hematite buffer in the presence of pyrite. Distal skarn has a reducing character, in comparison with the proximal. A drop in both fS2 and O2, with the zoned system moving closer to the pyrite-pyrrhotite buffer, is induced from the temperature gradient. Based on pyroxene mineralogy and calculated fS2, the metal zonation is confirmed as being formed upwards and outwards from the source.The Fe and Zn-Pb zones both have a patterned side coexisting with the unpatterned one. Patterning is seen at scales from macroscopic (rhythmic banding, nodular, spotted, orbicular, mossy, mottled textures) to microscopic scales (oscillatory zonation in garnet and silica-bearing magnetite). Following plume updraft, the path of decarbonation reaction controlled the motion of the skarn front until, towards the end of the prograde stage, a multiple steady state regime developed and produced rhythmic patterns on all scales. The activation of powerful patterning operators, represented by Liesegang banding alone, or coupled with competitive particle growth, show that the skarn front had the characteristics of an unstable coarsening front of reaction.A second retrograde event, carbofracturing, triggered by erratic decarbonation after cessation of infiltration, can be interpreted from overprinting textures in the Fe and Zn-Pb zone. A major drop in fO2 is inferred from extensive, pseudomorphous replacement of hematite by magnetite. Textures show progressive destruction of prograde assemblages, i.e., piercing clusters, shock-induced, fluid-pressure assisted brecciation and deformation, followed by healing of the disrupted assemblages. Release of trace elements accompanies both retrograde events, with a Bi-Te-Au-Ag association common to both. The importance of shock-induced textures is emphasised in the context of Au enrichment, especially when the retrograde fluids cross the main buffers in fO2-fS2 space.The presence of Bi-sulphosalt polysomes in the Fe zone indicates that patterning extends down to the nanoscale. The key role played by polysomatism in stabilising compositional trends that cannot otherwise be formed at equilibrium is a fertile ground yet to be adequately explored.  相似文献   

The preliminary study of streams and rivers from the Roşia Montană area revealed that the concntration of heavy metals— Cd, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Zn—are above accepted limits. The gold extraction method is based on flotation. The most important pollution sources are mine tailings. The determinations were performed for samples collected in: April 2004, July 2004, September 2004, November 2004, February 2005 and May 2005. The highest concentrations were found for cadmium in September 2004: 0.17 mg/L; for copper in September 2004: 1.38 mg/L; for manganese in July 2004: 239.4 mg/L; for lead in May 2005: 0.54 mg/L; and for zinc in September 2004: 35.37 mg/L;. This study involved three small rivers (streams) that flow into the Mureş River and finally into the Danube River, having a great impact on human health and environmental stability in the area. In May 2005, a sample of drinking water from the mining district was also collected.  相似文献   

Fluid flow characteristics of cleat systems in coalbed methane reservoirs are crucial in reservoir management and field development plans. This paper aims to evaluate the cleat system properties including cleat porosity, permeability, and aperture as well as the impact of permeability growth on production performance in the Bandanna Coal Formation of the Fairview Field, eastern Queensland. Owing to the presence of bad hole conditions and poor core recovery of the coal intervals, the petrophysical well logs and laboratory measurements cannot be used as a source of information for this purpose. Hence, a new approach is employed that utilises early water production data to measure water in place and absolute permeability of the coal. In addition, micro-computed tomography (CT) scan method is used to investigate the cleat system that is preserved in a core sample and results are compared with the ones obtained by analysis of production data. Cleat system evaluation by analysis of production data and micro-CT scan technique provides a comprehensive approach that brings confidence in measurements and helps to obtain cleat properties at the sufficient scale for reservoir engineering purposes. The necessary information including production data and core samples are collected from a dewatering well and the nearby observation well in the study area. Analysis of early water production data (single-phase flow) indicates that coal permeability is 189 mD and the average cleat porosity is approximately 5%. High cleat porosity describes the large volume of water produced over the life of the study well. The 3D model of the fossilised cleat system constructed by the micro-CT scan method reveals that coal is well-cleated and cleat spacing and mean cleat aperture are 4 and 0.136 mm, respectively. The average cleat porosity that is measured by the micro-CT scan method is 5.7%, which is fairly close to the cleat porosity measured by analysis of production data. Production data analysis indicates that effective permeability to gas starts to grow at the midlife of the well and it strongly controls the shape of the production profile. The results of this study help in future field development and infill drilling programs in the Fairview Field and provide important insights into cleat system of Bandanna Coal Formation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study about the perception of landslide risk. Following a major set of landslides in the eastern part of Austria in June 2009, we surveyed local experts, residents who had suffered losses from the landslides, and others living in the affected communities. Overall, the risk perception was significantly higher among those who had been personally affected by a landslide, had knowledge of the geology in the study region, had been affected by another natural hazard, or spent a lot of time outdoors and in touch with nature. Non-experts viewed natural factors as the main causes for the occurrence of landslides, while experts viewed anthropogenic factors as more important. Likewise, non-experts placed a greater emphasis on hard measures (such as retaining walls) to reduce the risk, whereas the experts tended to focus on better information and land-use planning. In terms of responsibility for mitigative actions, a majority of inhabitants believed that public authorities should undertake most of the costs, whereby those who had personal experience with landslides were more likely to favor the government paying for it.  相似文献   

The Zone of Samedan is part of a fossil, early Mesozoic rift system originally situated in the distal, Lower Austro-Alpine domain of the Adriatic passive continental margin. An early Mesozoic configuration of asymmetrical rift basins bounded by relative structural highs compartmentalized Late Cretaceous active margin tectonics; Jurassic half-grabens were folded into arcuate synclines, whereas relative structural highs engendered thin, imbricated thrust sheets. West-directed thrusting and folding initiated at the surface and continued to depths favoring mylonitization under lower greenschist-facies conditions. At this time Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites were accreted to Lower Austro-Alpine units directly underlying the Zone of Samedan. Late Cretaceous orogenic collapse of the Adriatic active margin involved the reactivation of west-directed thrusts as low-angle, top-to-the-east, normal faults. These faults accommodated extensional uplift of Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites and Lower Austro-Alpine units beneath and within the Zone of Samedan. During Paleogene collision, some Late Cretaceous faults in the Zone of Samedan were reactivated under lower anchizonal conditions as north-directed thrusts. The latter stages of this early Tertiary thickening were transitional to brittle, high-angle normal faulting associated with top-to-the-east extension and spreading above the warm, uplifting Lepontine dome.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of meander development and sedimentation are assessed for a meander loop on the River Rheidol. Several scales and rates of change are distinguished for which different observational approaches are helpful. The meander loop itself developed over approximately 100 years while primary high-flow bedforms grew and migrated within the loop modifying its form. These were themselves variously dissected and embellished at intermediate discharges, but their residues are preserved as a major component of floodplain sedimentation. The characteristic and irregular pattern of point bar micro-relief common to rivers in mid-Wales suggests some adjustment of ideas on meander activity is required.  相似文献   

This article describes the well-exposed landform/sediment assemblage of a Pliocene palaeouvala and Pleistocene (Saalian) ice-pushed ridge in a large quarry in Upper Cretaceous marls near Rejowiec, eastern Poland. The site provides a rare opportunity to study the development of glacial depositional and deformational processes on morphologically and structurally variable bedrock. The internal structures of both chronostratigraphic units which comprise this assemblage provide evidence of two principal stages of deformation associated with an ice advance on a karstified foreland, each stage preceded by stabilization of the ice mass. The first deformational stage was characterized by the development of imbricate structures in outwash sediments (the initial ice-pushed ridge) and listric faults at the contact between the bedrock and palaeouvala fills (caused by an increasing ice load). Shallow subglacial folding of the proximal fan deposits, and a listric thrust which limited the extent of the ice-pushed ridge under development occurred in the second deformational stage. The data assembled indicate that the formation of push moraines (in a general sense) during ice-sheet advance is controlled by the substratum undulations. Closed depressions with loose fills in the foreland of advancing ice sheets can control the deformational style, geometry and extent (both lateral and vertical) of the push moraines.  相似文献   

Exhumation of subcontinental mantle rocks and its exposure at the seafloor is known from different magma-poor passive continental margins. However, the transition from largely amagmatic passive rifting to seafloor spreading is still poorly documented. In this contribution we use MOR-type gabbroic and basaltic rocks to characterize the magmatism associated with the formation of an ancient ocean-continent transition preserved in the Platta nappe, eastern Switzerland. Gabbros form individual small intrusions into exhumed serpentinized subcontinental mantle rocks. Mineral and bulk-rock chemistry and simple modeling indicate that each gabbro body records different magmatic processes ranging from predominantly fractional crystallization to solidification without fractionation. Mg numbers and Ni contents of equilibrium olivine calculated from basalts and gabbros indicate that few mafic rocks are primary melts but most represent fractionated compositions ranging from T- to N-MORB. Whereas most mafic rocks may be explained by low to moderate degrees of melting of an N-MORB-type mantle, the source of some basalt is enriched in incompatible elements. This compositional variation seems to correlate with the spatial distribution of the mafic rocks within the ocean-continent transition whereby mafic rocks with T-MORB signatures occur close to the continental margin whereas N-MORB signatures are predominantly found oceanwards. As in an opening system time and space are closely linked, the chemical evolution of the mafic rocks along the ocean-continent transitions suggests continuous thinning of the subcontinental mantle and associated uplift of the underlying asthenosphere during the time between the crustal and the lithospheric breakup.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion is a major threat to the rapidly depleting groundwater resources in the coastal areas of India. Groundwater-based irrigation, significant industrial development and rapid urbanization are some of the key contributors exacerbating the stress on groundwater resources. Vulnerability to seawater intrusion in the Ramanathapuram district of Eastern India is assessed here utilizing the GALDIT method, for a period of 10 years (2001–2010). Results revealed a drastic increase in percent area coverage under moderate vulnerability, from 19.5 to 53.88 %, between the years 2001 and 2010. On the contrary, areas classified as highly vulnerable underwent minor changes over the span of the study. Vulnerability of the study area was also analyzed for the year 2050 considering an average global mean sea level rise of 3.1 mm/year. Results from the analysis for the year 2050 showed that, almost, the entire study area (~97 %) was classified under moderate vulnerability. As a remedial measure to this imminent threat, favorable zones for artificial recharge were delineated on the basis of overlay analysis with weightage values for important controlling factors. Subsequently, the quantity of artificial recharge required to inhibit the intrusion of seawater, at specified favorable zones were estimated to be 674.87, 599.18 and 1,450.66 m3/year.  相似文献   

The development of watershed basins to increase groundwater recharge potential is becoming a major issue in India due to an acute shortage of groundwater resources, resulting from the marked expansion of land-use activities and the explosive growth in population. It is necessary to study the regional characteristics in order to identify potential artificial groundwater recharge zones. A combination of morphometric analysis coupled with hydrogeological information is used to prepare a generalized scenario for watershed development plans. A numerical scheme is, thus, proposed for the relative evaluation of surface rock-permeability in relation to morphometry (stream order, stream length, drainage density, channel maintenance, overland flow, basin shape, etc.). An attempt is made, from the morphometrical studies of the Varaha watershed of the Precambrian Eastern Ghats basement terrain in Eastern India, to illustrate how the numerical scheme is helpful as a tool in watershed development planning programs. This method involves the designation of various recharge-related measures, based upon the relative ranking of surface-material permeability after comparison with the hydrogeological conditions of sub-basins of the river basin. The scheme can also help to pin-point areas of study on a local scale, and thus facilitate developmental programs to augment groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Early Paleozoic peraluminous granites are abundant in the eastern part of the Qilian orogen, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. A combined study involving geochronology, whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions for three Early Paleozoic peraluminous granitic plutons (Jishishan, Ledu and Shichuan plutons) from the eastern Qilian orogen was carried out to evaluate the causes of chemical variations and generation mechanisms of peraluminous granitic magmas. These granitic plutons have magma crystallization ages of 455–427 Ma and are moderately to strongly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.03–1.18). Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic data indicate that they consist substantially of crust-derived melts. The Jishishan and Ledu peraluminous granites were dominantly produced by partial melting of Precambrian orthogneisses. The Shichuan monzogranites, with low HREE contents (e.g., Yb = 0.80–1.83 ppm) and slightly negative εNd(t) (− 5.3 to − 2.3) and positive εHf(t) (+ 1.6 to + 3.4), could be derived from immature crustal materials. Relatively high average zircon saturation temperatures (> 750 °C for each pluton), obvious negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.28–0.80) and low Pb/Ba ratios (0.03–0.16) for the Jishishan, Ledu and Shichuan granites are consistent with crustal melting involving biotite breakdown under fluid-absent conditions. Our results suggest that compositional variations of moderately to strongly peraluminous granitic magmas are mainly controlled by source compositions and melting conditions, while the processes such as mixing with mantle-derived magma, fractional crystallization, restite unmixing and peritectic assemblage entrainment were insignificant (or only play secondary roles) in their genesis. Late Ordovician to Middle Silurian crustal anatexis in the eastern Central Qilian was probably linked with slab break-off which may be an important mechanism in addition to lithospheric delamination for the generation of moderately to strongly peraluminous granites in a post-collisional setting.  相似文献   

The water leakage in the urban areas causes a continuous rise in the water table, with harmful effects. An experimental drainage system, based on horizontal well technology, was designed and implemented in a populated area. Groundwater flow modeling was used to assess the hydrodynamic efficiency of the system through drain conductance parameter estimation.  相似文献   

The Jharia coalfield is the most important and active minig region; it experiences groundwater inflow and affects groundwater levels in overlying aquifers, and it provides the basis for a conceptual model of the hydrogeological impacts of coal mining. The several sandstone aquifers of the overburden are separated by aquitards that limit vertical hydraulic connection, but the inflow responds to seasonal events and seems to be linked to shallow groundwater behavior. The mine drainage behavior suggests a hydraulic connection between the mine and the shallower groundwater system. The greatest declines are directly above the panels, with an immediate response to coal mining. The inflow is localized by natural and induced fracture zones and is mostly into recent workings. The groundwater behavior is controlled by hydraulic property changes caused by mine-induced fracturing. The hydrological and chemical qualities of the shallow groundwater regime in 13 mining collieries in Mukunda Block have been investigated. Water samples collected from 30 shallow monitoring dug wells were chosen for the study. Rainfall, runoff, and infiltration rates have been calculated in the area. The water-quality plottings were used to interpret the distribution of individual chemical parameters and in predicting the water quality. The underground mine water has been classified as: (1) unconfined groundwater in the calcareous siltstone and sandstone—its composition is Na, Ca, SO4 and Na-MgHCO3 with moderate total dissolved solids (TDS) 200–1480 ppm; (2) the deep groundwater originating from the coal seams and associated sediments in the near-surface environments—this is a Na-HCO3 water with higher TDS; and (3) spoil dump waters are essentially Na-HCO3 with high TDS. This article presents some hydrologic results and conclusions relating to the hydrogeological and environmental impacts of the coal mining in the Jharia coalfield.  相似文献   

寒武纪初期不仅发生了宏体生物大爆发,而且也出现了地质历史时期少见的蓝细菌鞘体大规模钙化事件。埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪之交海水化学性质的转变对真核生物的演化起到了重要作用,但是这种转变对微生物岩发育特征以及蓝细菌钙化事件的产生有无影响,目前尚不明确。鉴于此,对华南上扬子北缘汉南—米仓山地区上埃迪卡拉统—寒武系第二统多个典型微生物岩发育剖面进行了系统野外调查和室内岩石学分析,结果表明:上埃迪卡拉统灯影组叠层石广泛发育,以平铺状、缓波状特征为主,而凝块石既可以呈补丁状分布于叠层石纹层间,又可以呈细小的凝絮状、粘结状特征构成厚层岩层;寒武系第二统仙女洞组叠层石丰度显著降低,以高大、坚硬的丘状隆起为特点,包括单独的凝块石丘,以及微生物与古杯的联合建丘。虽然寒武系第二统微生物岩的层状结构和凝块结构与埃迪卡拉系相比并无太大差异,但是寒武系微生物岩内部保存有大量的钙化微生物化石,已识别出附枝菌(Epiphyton)、肾形菌(Renalcis)和葛万菌(Girvanella)等多种类型。在收集、整理前人有关微生物岩特征和发育资料的基础上,本次研究初步整理出华南寒武系第二统微生物岩的时空分布特点,发现寒武纪第二世第三期是钙化微生物大量发育的一个时期,在随后的第四期达到一个小的高峰。对于此次蓝细菌钙化作用幕的启动机制,除前人提出的海水高钙离子浓度和蓝细菌体内二氧化碳浓缩机制等认识外,寒武纪早期海水性质的转变(方解石质原生矿物受成岩改造程度较低)、适度的陆源碎屑输入(黏土组分保护作用)也有利于钙化微生物结构的保存,应引起重视。  相似文献   

This study examined topographic influence on spatial and temporal variability in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre-Vegetation at the regional and landscape scales in the Jiaodong Peninsula. The generalized additive models were used to quantify the spatial variation of NDVI attributable to local terrain and topographically related variables including altitude, exposure to incoming solar radiation, topographic wetness index, distance to the nearest stream and distance from the coast. NDVI distribution shows significant dependence on topography. The variables explained 38.3 % of variance in NDVI at the peninsula, and 30–45.3 % of variance in NDVI at the woodland, cropland, and grassland landscapes. At the Jiaodong Peninsula scale, NDVI is influenced primarily by distance from the coast. However, topographic wetness index has the most explanatory power for NDVI at the woodland, cropland, and grassland landscapes. Through a statistical nonparametric correlation analysis (Spearman’s r), the study indicates that spatial distribution of NDVI changes during the period 1998–2009 and future change trend of persistence determined by Hurst exponent is closely associated with topography and topography-based attribution. These results highlight the importance of topographic changes at landscape and regional scales as an important control factor on NDVI patterns.  相似文献   

Changes in the stress field of an aquifer system induced by seismotectonic activity may change the mixing ratio of groundwaters with different compositions in a well, leading to hydrochemical signals which in principle could be related to discrete earthquake events. Due to the complexity of the interactions and the multitude of involved factors the identification of such relationships is a difficult task. In this study we present an empiric statistical approach suitable to analyse if there is an interdependency between changes in the chemical composition of monitoring wells and the regional seismotectonic activity of a considered area. To allow a rigorous comparison with hydrochemistry the regional earthquake time series was aggregated into an univariate time series. This was realized by expressing each earthquake in form of a parameter “e”, taking into consideration both energetic (magnitude of a seismic event) and spatial parameters (position of epi/hypocentrum relative to the monitoring site). The earthquake and the hydrochemical time-series were synchronised aggregating the e-parameters into “earthquake activity” functions E, which takes into account the time of sampling relative to the earthquakes which occurred in the considered area. For the definition of the aggregation functions a variety of different “e” parameters were considered. The set of earthquake functions E was grouped by means of factor analysis to select a limited number of significant and representative earthquake functions E to be used further on in the relation analysis with the multivariate hydrochemical data set. From the hydrochemical data a restricted number of hydrochemical factors were extracted. Factor scores allow to represent and analyse the variation of the hydrochemical factors as a function of time. Finally, regression analysis was used to detect those hydrochemical factors which significantly correlate with the aggregated earthquake functions.This methodological approach was tested with a hydrochemical data set collected from a deep well monitored for two years in the seismically active Vrancea region, Romania. Three of the hydrochemical factors were found to correlate significantly with the considered earthquake activities. A screening with different time combinations revealed that correlations are strongest when the cumulative seismicity over several weeks was considered. The case study also showed that the character of the interdependency depends sometimes on the geometrical distribution of the earthquake foci. By using aggregated earthquake information it was possible to detect interrelationships which couldn't have been identified by analysing only relations between single geochemical signals and single earthquake events. Further on, the approach allows to determine the influence of different seismotectonic patterns on the hydrochemical composition of the sampled well. The method is suitable to be used as a decision instrument in assessing if a monitoring site is suitable or not to be included in a monitoring net within a complex earthquake prediction strategy.  相似文献   

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