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Twenty soils from the Leuven region were tested in the laboratory with a rainfall simulator. Their texture varied from loam to loamy sand. On the basis of the results obtained, they were classified as a function of the runoff and splash erodibility. For every soil, several properties were determined and tentatively used to explain the classifications based on the runoff and splash erodibility. Significant negative correlations were found between silt content, aggregate stability, C5–10 index, water content at saturation, and cohesion on the one side and erodibility on the other; a positive correlation was found between sand content and erodibility.  相似文献   

During 1974 and 1975, measurements of splash and wash were carried out in the cultivated area, in a station installed on 6·5 per cent slope covered with a loess in which a grey-brown podzolic soil has developed. Splash has been measured using an apparatus prepared for this purpose and wash has been measured on plots of standard length (22·13m). The splash is some tens t/ha.year but the splash loss calculated using the results of the measurements of splash is only a few tens kg/ha.year. Splash is positively correlated with the erosion index of the rains and with the structural stability but negatively with the crop cover. As splash, wash is positively correlated with the erosion index of the rains and negatively with the crop cover, but unlike splash it is negatively correlated with structural stability. The mean value of the wash loss is a few t/ha.year but very important differences are observed from one plot to another with regard to the structural stability. However, on a given plot wash loss and splash are positively correlated because the particles of soil detached by splash are easily carried off by runoff, but the relation between wash loss and splash is very different from one plot to another because splash is positively and wash loss negatively correlated with the structural stability of soils.  相似文献   

Physical soil crusts likely have significant effects on infiltration and soil erosion, however, little is known on whether the effects of the crusts change during a rainfall event. Further, there is a lack of discussions on the differences among the crusting effects of different soil types. The objectives of this study are as follows: (i) to study the effects of soil crusts on infiltration, runoff, and splash erosion using three typical soils in China, (ii) to distinguish the different effects on hydrology and erosion of the three soils and discuss the primary reasons for these differences, and (iii) to understand the variations in real soil shear strength of the three soils during rainfall events and mathematically model the effects of the crusts on soil erosion. This study showed that the soil crusts delayed the onset of infiltration by 5 to 15 min and reduced the total amount of infiltration by 42.9 to 53.4% during rainfall events. For a purple soil and a loess soil, the initial crust increased the runoff by 2.8% and 3.4%, respectively, and reduced the splash erosion by 3.1% and 8.9%, respectively. For a black soil, the soil crust increased the runoff by 42.9% and unexpectedly increased the splash erosion by 95.2%. In general, the effects of crusts on the purple and loess soils were similar and negligible, but the effects were significant for the black soil. The soil shear strength decreased dynamically and gradually during the rainfall events, and the values of crusted soils were higher than those of incrusted soils, especially during the early stage of the rainfall. Mathematical models were developed to describe the effects of soil crusts on the splash erosion for the three soils as follows: purple soil, Fc= 0.002t- 0.384 ; black soil, Fc. =-0.022t + 3.060 ; and loess soil, Fc = 0.233 In t- 1.239 . Combined with the equation Rc= Fc (Ruc - 1), the splash erosion of the crusted soil can be predicted over time.  相似文献   

A model has been developed which predicts the dispersion of splash droplets produced by the impact of a water drop on a sloping soil surface. Experimental results of the ejection velocities and ejection angles of the splash droplets are generalized to a planar slope and the resulting splash distances are calculated taking into account the effects of air resistance. The predictions are presented in terms of the numbers of splash droplets from the impact point to surrounding squares arranged in a grid on the slope. The model explains many experimentally observed features of raindrop splash in terms of the mechanics of the processes involved and can make predictions of the effects of slope, wind, raindrop size, and soil properties on droplet dispersion. The component of the raindrop velocity parallel to the surface of the slope is identified as the main factor determining the degree and the direction of the asymmetry in the splash droplet dispersion. By combining the model with a theory of the entrapment of soil in the splash droplets it is possible to extend it to predict the dispersion of soil particles by raindrop impact, which is the basis of a model of soil erosion by rainsplash.  相似文献   

Daily rainfall data for four stations in Europe and east Africa are used to obtain, by means of magnitude-frequency analysis, a measure of the Cumulative Erosion Potential (CEP) that takes into account rainfall characteristics, soil water storage, and granulometric properties of soils. The CEP has the advantage of being calculated from generally available published rainfall data, so that wide regional coverage is possible. Together with additional data on the surface configuration and on seasonal variations of rainfall and plant cover, the CEP can provide a basis for estimating hillslope erosion by overland flow.  相似文献   

The enrichment of organic matter in interrill sediment is well documented; however, the respective roles of soil organic matter (SOM) and interrill erosion processes for the enrichment are unclear. In this study, organic matter content of sediment generated on two silts with almost identical textures, but different organic matter contents and aggregations, was tested. Artificial rainfall was applied to the soils in wet, dry and crusted initial conditions to determine the effects of soil moisture and rainfall and drying history on organic matter enrichment in interrill sediment. While erosional response of the soils varied significantly, organic matter enrichment of sediment was not sensitive to initial soil conditions. However, enrichment was higher on the silt with a lower organic matter content and lower interrill erodibility. The results show that enrichment of organic matter in interrill sediment is not directly related to either SOM content or soil interrill erodibility, but is dominated by interrill erosion processes. As a consequence of the complex interaction between soil, organic matter and interrill erosion processes, erodibility of organic matter should be treated as a separate variable in erosion models. Further research on aggregate breakdown, in particular the content and fate of the organic matter in the soil fragments, is required. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The soil erosion bridge is a simple, robust, cheap, lightweight device comprising a bar which, when mounted on two stakes, provides a stable datum for micro-profiling the soil surface beneath. Its main advantage over similar devices is the unique combination of mounting clamps, which allow for variation in the distance and angle with respect to the vertical of the mounting stakes without loss of accuracy. The design, installation and measurement procedures are described. Applications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of organic matter on splash detachment was investigated using soils with grass and peat treatments. The relationship between organic matter and aggregate stability to water disruption was positive for soils with grass treatment while it was negative for those with peat treatment. Organic matter from both treatments, however, reduced splash detachment by rainfall. Soils with grass did this by increasing aggregate stability while peat acted as a mulch on the soil surface. This implies that though organic matter always reduces splash detachment, different processes may be involved, depending on the form of the organic material. Because of the different processes involved, both negative and positive relationships between splash detachment and aggregate stability as reported in literature were obtained for the soils with grass and peat respectively.  相似文献   

The soil factor is crucial in controlling and properly modeling the initiation and development of ephemeral gullies (EGs). Usually, EG initiation has been related to various soil properties (i.e. sealing, critical shear stress, moisture, texture, etc.); meanwhile, the total growth of each EG (erosion rate) has been linked with proper soil erodibility. But, despite the studies to determine the influence of soil erodibility on (ephemeral) gully erosion, a universal approach is still lacking. This is due to the complex relationship and interactions between soil properties and the erosive process. A feasible soil characterization of EG erosion prediction on a large scale should be based on simple, quick and inexpensive tests to perform. The objective of this study was to identify and assess the soil properties – easily and quickly to determine – which best reflect soil erodibility on EG erosion. Forty‐nine different physical–chemical soil properties that may participate in establishing soil erodibility were determined on agricultural soils affected by the formation of EGs in Spain and Italy. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and in the field (in the vicinity of the erosion paths). Because of its importance in controlling EG erosion, five variables related to antecedent moisture prior to the event that generated the gullies and two properties related to landscape topography were obtained for each situation. The most relevant variables were detected using multivariate analysis. The results defined 13 key variables: water content before the initiation of EGs, organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, relative sealing index, two granulometric and organic matter indices, seal permeability, aggregates stability (three index), crust penetration resistance, shear strength and an erodibility index obtained from the Jet Test erosion apparatus. The latter is proposed as a useful technique to evaluate and predict soil loss caused by EG erosion. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mechanistic models have been proposed for soil piping and internal erosion on well‐compacted levees and dams, but limited research has evaluated these models in less compacted (more erodible) soils typical of hillslopes and streambanks. This study utilized a soil box (50 cm long, 50 cm wide and 20 cm tall) to conduct constant‐head, soil pipe and internal erosion experiments for two soils (clay loam from Dry Creek and sandy loam from Cow Creek streambanks) packed at uniform bulk densities. Initial gravimetric moisture contents prior to packing were 10, 12 and 14% for Dry Creek soil and 8, 12, and 14% for Cow Creek soil. A 1‐cm diameter rod was placed horizontally along the length of the soil bed during packing and carefully removed after packing to create a continuous soil pipe. A constant head was maintained at the inflow end. Flow rates and sediment concentrations were measured from the pipe outlet. Replicate submerged jet erosion tests (JETs) were conducted to derive erodibility parameters for repacked samples at the same moisture contents. Flow rates from the box experiments were used to calibrate the mechanistic model. The influence of the initial moisture content was apparent, with some pipes (8% moisture content) expanding so fast that limited data was collected. The mechanistic model was able to estimate equivalent flow rates to those observed in the experiments, but had difficulty matching observed sediment concentrations when the pipes rapidly expanded. The JETs predicted similar erodibility coefficients compared to the mechanistic model for the more erodible cases but not for the less erodible cases (14% moisture content). Improved models are needed that better define the changing soil pipe cross‐section during supply‐ and transport‐limited internal erosion, especially for piping through lower compacted (more erodible) soils as opposed to more well‐compacted soils resulting from constructing levees and dams. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Raindrop impact can be a major contributor to particle mobilization for soils and other granular materials. In previous work, water repellent soils, comprised of hydrophobic particles, have been shown to exhibit greater splash erosion losses under multiple drop impact. However, the underlying principle differences in splash behavior between hydrophobic and hydrophilic granular surfaces have not been studied to date. In this study the effects of particle hydrophobicity on splash behaviour by a single water drop impact were examined using high‐speed videography. Water drops (4 mm in diameter) were dropped on beds of hydrophilic and hydrophobic glass beads (sieved range: 350–400 µm), serving as model soil particles. The drop velocity on impact was 2.67 m s‐1, which corresponds to ~30% of the terminal velocity of a raindrop of similar size. The resulting impact behaviour was measured in terms of the trajectories of particles ejected from the beds and their final resting positions. The response to the impacting water drop was significantly different between hydrophilic and hydrophobic particles in terms of the distance distribution, the median distance travelled by the particles and number of ejected particles. The greater ejection distances of hydrophobic particles were mainly the result of the higher initial velocities rather than differences in ejecting angles. The higher and longer ejection trajectories for hydrophobic particles, compared with hydrophilic particles, indicate that particle hydrophobicity affects splash erosion from the initial stage of rainfall erosion before a water layer may be formed by accumulating drops. The ~10% increase in average splash distance for hydrophobic particles compared with hydrophilic particles suggests that particle hydrophobicity can result in greater net erosion rate, which would be amplified on sloping surfaces, for example, by ridges in ploughed agricultural soils or hillslopes following vegetation loss by clearing or wildfire. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural piping doubles the dynamic contributing area on the upper Maesnant stream in mid-Wales, mainly through linking points well beyond the riparian zones of seepage to the stream. Both discharge and sediment transport rates in the major pipes are closely related to the size of shallow surface microtopographic hollows in which they lie, and which themselves are largely created by piping erosion. However, pipe dischrges are frequently generated by contributing areas larger than these surface depressions and some pipes run counter to the surface topography. The redistribution and acceleration of hillslope drainage processes by piping has implications for theories of hillslope development, especially through plan-form modifications, and also for channel discharge and erosion.  相似文献   

A portable field wind tunnel was used to assess the sediment flux rates of loam and sand textured soils in the Mallee region of southeastern Australia. Three levels of crust disturbance (nil, moderate and severe) simulating stock trampling were investigated. The results demonstrated the importance of cryptogamic crusts in binding the soil surface and providing roughness after the soil was moderately disturbed. On the loamy soil, the crust helped maintain sediment flux rates below the erosion control target to 5 g m−1 s−1 for a 65 km h−1 wind measured at 10 m height. Once the crust was severely disturbed, sediment fluxes increased to 1·6 times the erosion target. On the sandy soil, even with no crust disturbance the sediment flux was 1·6 times the erosion control target. Disturbing the crust increased sediment fluxes to a maximum of 6·7 times the erosion control target. Removal of the crust also decreased the threshold wind velocity that resulted in an increase to the risk of erosion from <5 per cent to 20 per cent. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effects of the grain-for-green program on soil erosion in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Severe soil erosion is a serious environmental problem in China.In 1999 the Chinese government implemented the Grain-for-Green Program (herein referred to as the Program),a well rounded program of ecol...  相似文献   

Three high erosivity conditions (50 mm hr?1, 100 mm hr?1, and 200 mm hr?1) were generated in a laboratory using a rainfall simulator and coherent soil block samples from fourteen different soil erodibility conditions. The data acquired supports the theoretical contention that soil loss should not increase as a simple linear function of storm intensity. Rather, a variable relationship is caused by the rupturing of surface seals and the changing relative significance of splash, wash and rainwash processes. Slope angle appears to influence soil loss at the higher erosivity conditions of 100 mm hr?1 and 200 mm hr?1 on slopes that were either very steep (> 20°) or very shallow (< 3°), but on moderate slopes the relationship is unclear. Examination of the variation of soil loss with erosivity when soil loss for a specific high erosivity condition is known revealed that conversion and power factors are of doubtful value and little generality. A satisfactory predictive equation, a power curve, is seen to be of value only when comparing rainwash soil loss between the higher erosivity conditions. The relationship is most safely considered as soil and site specific. Where the influence of slope and soil erodibility are disregarded, a strong association between soil loss and rainfall intensity is found. That soil loss, and hence, soil erodibility varies non-uniformly with erosivity is clear. The findings indicate caution is required when comparing conclusions drawn from studies based upon different erosivity conditions.  相似文献   

Impact of rainfall pattern on interrill erosion process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The impact of rainfall pattern on the interrill erosion process is not fully understood despite its importance. Systematic rainfall simulation experiments involving various rainfall intensities, stages, intensity sequences, and surface cover conditions were conducted in this study to investigate their effects on the interrill erosion process. Five rainfall patterns designed with the same total kinetic energy/precipitation (increasing, decreasing, rising–falling, falling–rising and constant patterns) were randomly delivered to a pre‐wet clay loam soil surface at a 10° slope gradient. Significant differences in soil losses were observed among the different rainfall patterns and stages, but there was no obvious difference in runoff. Kinetic energy flux (KEr) was a governing factor for interrill erosion, and constant rainfall pattern (CST) produced nine times greater soil loss than runs with no KEr. Varied‐intensity patterns had a profound effect on raindrop‐induced sediment transport processes; path analysis results indicated that said effect was complex, interactive and intensity‐dependent. Low hydraulic parameter thresholds further indicated that KEr was the dominant factor in detaching soil particles, while overland flow mainly contributed to transporting the pre‐detached particles. This study not only sheds light on the mechanism of interrill sediment transport capacity and detachability, but also may provide a useful database for developing event‐based interrill erosion prediction models. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Obtaining good quality soil loss data from plots requires knowledge of the factors that affect natural and measurement data variability and of the erosion processes that occur on plots of different sizes. Data variability was investigated in southern Italy by collecting runoff and soil loss from four universal soil‐loss equation (USLE) plots of 176 m2, 20 ‘large’ microplots (0·16 m2) and 40 ‘small’ microplots (0·04 m2). For the four most erosive events (event erosivity index, Re ≥ 139 MJ mm ha?1 h?1), mean soil loss from the USLE plots was significantly correlated with Re. Variability of soil loss measurements from microplots was five to ten times greater than that of runoff measurements. Doubling the linear size of the microplots reduced mean runoff and soil loss measurements by a factor of 2·6–2·8 and increased data variability. Using sieved soil instead of natural soil increased runoff and soil loss by a factor of 1·3–1·5. Interrill erosion was a minor part (0·1–7·1%) of rill plus interrill erosion. The developed analysis showed that the USLE scheme was usable to predict mean soil loss at plot scale in Mediterranean areas. A microplot of 0·04 m2 could be used in practice to obtain field measurements of interrill soil erodibility in areas having steep slopes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A stochastic distributed model of soil erosion by overland flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model has been built to simulate runoff and erosion on slopes of varying form with soil of varying hydraulic conductivity, porosity, storage capacity, and particle size distribution. The model is based on known physical laws and takes into account spatially dependent random variation in the initial conditions of the soil. The rainfall is similarly both random and autocorrelated in space. Detailed results show how runoff is generated as a result of slow conductivity and high water table, how this leads to erosion, the degradation of the land surface, the capture of flow lines, and the development of networks of rills. The last accords well with results from laboratory experiments. Changing the initial conditions produces results that accord with intuition and reality.  相似文献   

The complex interactions between rainfall‐driven erosion processes and rainfall characteristics, slope gradient, soil treatment and soil surface processes are not very well understood. A combination of experiments under natural rainfall and a consistent physical theory for their interpretation is needed to shed more light on the underlying processes. The present study demonstrates such a methodology. An experimental device employed earlier in laboratory studies was used to measure downslope rain splash and ‘splash‐creep’, lateral splash, upslope splash and rainfall‐driven runoff transport (wash) from a highly aggregated clay‐rich oxisol exposed to natural rainfall in West Java, Indonesia. Two series of measurements were made: the first with the soil surface at angles of 0°, 5°, 15° and 40°; and the second all at an angle of 5° but with different tillage and mulching treatments. A number of rainfall erosivity indices were calculated from rainfall intensity measurements and compared with measured transport components. Overall storm kinetic energy correlated reasonably well with sediment transport, but much better agreement was obtained when a threshold rainfall intensity (20 mm h?1) was introduced. Rain splash transport measurements were interpreted using a recently developed theory relating detachment to sediment transport. Furthermore, a conceptually sound yet simple wash transport model is advanced that satisfactorily predicted observed washed sediment concentrations. The lack of replication precluded rigorous assessment of the effect of slope and soil treatment on erosion processes, but some general conclusions could still be drawn. The results stress the importance of experiments under conditions of natural rainfall. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aggregate disintegration is a critical process in soil splash erosion. However, the effect of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its fractions on soil aggregates disintegration is still not clear. In this study, five soils with similar clay contents and different contents of SOC have been used. The effects of slaking and mechanical striking on splash erosion were distinguished by using deionized water and 95% ethanol as raindrops. The simulated rainfall experiments were carried out in four heights (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m). The result indicated that the soil aggregate stability increased with the increases of SOC and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC). The relative slaking and the mechanical striking index increased with the decreases of SOC and LFOC. The reduction of macroaggregates in eroded soil gradually decreased with the increase of SOC and LFOC, especially in alcohol test. The amount of macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) in deionized water tests were significantly less than that in alcohol tests under the same rainfall heights. The contribution of slaking to splash erosion increased with the decrease of heavy fractions organic carbon. The contribution of mechanical striking was dominant when the rainfall kinetic energy increased to a range of threshold between 9 J m−2 mm−1 and 12 m−2 mm−1. This study could provide the scientific basis for deeply understanding the mechanism of soil aggregates disintegration and splash erosion.  相似文献   

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