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The trends of the sea surface temperature(SST) and SST fronts in the South China Sea(SCS) are analyzed during2003–2017 using high-resolution satellite data. The linear trend of the basin averaged SST is 0.31°C per decade,with the strongest warming identified in southeastern Vietnam. Although the rate of warming is comparable in summer and winter for the entire basin, the corresponding spatial patterns of the linear trend are substantially different between them. The SST trend to the west of the Luzon Strait is characterized by rapid warming in summer, exceeding approximately 0.6°C per decade, but the trend is insignificant in winter. The strongest warming trend occurs in the southeast of Vietnam in winter, with much less pronounced warming in summer. A positive trend of SST fronts is identified for the coast of China and is associated with increasing wind stress. The increasing trend of SST fronts is also found in the east of Vietnam. Large-scale circulation, such as El Ni?o, can influence the trends of the SST and SST fronts. A significant correlation is found between the SST anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index, and the ENSO signal leads by eight months. The basin averaged SST linear trends increase after the El Ni?o event(2009–2010), which is, at least, due to the rapid warming rate causing by the enhanced northeasterly wind. Peaks of positive anomalous SST and negatively anomalous SST fronts are found to co-occur with the strong El Ni?o events.  相似文献   

吴进群  陈戈 《海洋通报》2015,34(4):407-414
采用1982-2012年NOAA最优插值海表温度(第二版)数据资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析海表气温数据资料,利用均方差分析法,分析海表温度和海表气温的年际变化特征。将31年数据按照El Nin軌o/La Nin軌a事件分为a,b,c 3组,利用超前/滞后相关性分析法,将中低纬度海域海表温度异常(SSTA)与海表气温异常(SATA)做超前/滞后相关分析,得到每个格点SSTA与SATA之间相关性最显著的时间,从而确定SSTA与SATA之间的超前/滞后相关关系。研究结果表明:中纬度海域以SATA超前SSTA为主,SATA滞后SSTA主要分布在20°S-20°N的热带海域。SATA与SSTA超前/滞后天数统计结果均呈现双峰型分布,SATA超前峰值出现在10 d左右,SATA滞后峰值出现-7 d左右。El Nin軌o/La Nin軌a事件的出现,对海气超前/滞后相关关系具有一定影响。  相似文献   

A three dimensional time-dependent baroclinic hydrodynamic model, including sediment transport and incorporating a turbulence energy sub-model, is used in cross sectional form to examine sediment movement at the shelf edge off North West Iberia at 42°40.5’N where measurements were made as part of the OMEX-II programme. These calculations are complemented by a simpler, in essence time-independent model, which is used to examine the sensitivity of the sediment distribution over the slope (from a shelf-break source) to changes in the specified values of horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients. The philosophy of the paper is to use idealized tidal, wind and wind wave forcing to examine changes in sediment distribution resulting from these processes. Calculations with the time-dependent and steady state models give insight into both the role of events and long-term effects. The steady state model focuses on the off-shelf region, whilst the time-dependent model considers on-shelf events.Tidal calculations showed that for the stratification used here the internal tide in the OMEX region was primarily confined to the shelf edge and ocean. A mean on-shelf sediment transport in the surface layer and off-shelf transport at the bed was found. Across-shelf circulations produced by up-welling/down-welling favourable winds gave rise to on-shelf/off-shelf currents in the bottom boundary layer with an opposite flow in the surface layer. In the case of an up-welling favourable wind, sediment suspension was at a maximum in the near coastal region, with sediment being advected off shore in the surface layer. With a down-welling favourable wind, surface sediment was advected towards the shore, but there was offshore transport at the bed. Near the shelf edge any upwelling flow had the tendency to return this sediment to the surface layer from whence it was transported on-shore. So in essence the sediment was trapped within an on-shelf circulation cell. Wind waves effects increased the total bed stress and hence the sediment concentration and its transport, although its pattern was determined by tidal and wind forcing.The time independent model with increased/decreased lateral diffusivity gave an enhanced/reduced horizontal sediment distribution for a given settling velocity. As the settling velocity increases, the down-slope movement of sediment is increased, with a reduction in the thickness of the near-bed sediment layer, but with little change in its horizontal extent.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of a roughed sea surface and the dispersion of photons over pathlengths on the time characteristics of a pulsed oceanologic airborne lidar. We have derived equations describing the first two temporal moments of a return signal for two types of lidar (a lidar with an isotropic receiver directional pattern and a lidar with an extremely narrow receiver pattern). It is shown that the delay of the return signal and its effective width depend substantially on both the characteristics of the lidar itself and on the parameters of the sea-surface roughness and inherent optical properties.  相似文献   

During the West Coast Experiment in March 1977, a test was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of using remote sensing techniques to estimate sea surface temperature (SST) from infrared (IR) emissions of the sea surface. Aircraft flights were made over three buoys moored in southern California coastal waters, and data was collected of sea surface emissions at thermal IR wavelengths (7.95-13.5 mum). SST obtained from the remote sensing measurements were compared with in situ SST measured with thermistors mounted on the buoys. The remotely determined SST were from1.4-2.9degC lower than the in situ measurements. Several factors are discussed that could account for the differences.  相似文献   

基于随机森林的香港海域海表盐度遥感反演模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于随机森林反演海盐的算法模型,基于研究海域的实测数据,分析并筛选出与海表盐度敏感性较高的影响因子(总氮、悬浮固体、温度),利用2003-2008年共6期ASTER影像数据,从中提取、计算敏感因子的光谱参数,结合相应实测盐度,作为模型的原始数据集,运用R语言构建随机森林算法对数据进行训练,将训练得到的随机森林用于海表盐度的预测。结果显示,预测值与实测值之间平均相对误差较小,吻合度高,R2均在0.85以上,多数达0.95以上。研究表明,基于多因子参数的随机森林反演海表盐度是可行且高效的。  相似文献   

Alterations in sea ice and primary production are expected to have cascading influences on the food web in high Arctic marine ecosystems. This study spanned four years and examined the spring phytoplankton production bloom in Disko Bay, West Greenland (69°N, 53°W) (using chlorophyll a concentrations as a proxy) under contrasting sea ice conditions in 2001 and 2003 (heavy sea ice) and 2002 and 2004 (light sea ice). Satellite-based observations of chlorophyll a, sea ice and sea surface temperature were used together with in situ depth profiles of chlorophyll a fluorescence collected at 24 sampling stations along the south coast of Disko Island (5-30 km offshore) in May 2003 and 2004. Chlorophyll a and sea surface temperatures were also obtained from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS: EOS-Terra and AQUA satellites) between March 2001 and July 2004. Daily SMMR/SSMI sea ice data were obtained in the same years. An empirical regional algorithm was developed to calibrate ratios of remotely sensed measurements of water leaving radiance with in situ chlorophyll a fluorescence. The optimal integration depth was 0-4 m, explaining between 70% and 91% of the variance. The spatial development of the phytoplankton bloom showed that the southwestern corner of the study area had the earliest and the largest spring phytoplankton bloom. The eastern part of Disko Bay, influenced by meltwater outflow from the glaciers, shows no signs of an early phytoplankton bloom and followed the general pattern of an accelerated bloom soon after the disappearance of sea ice. In all four years the coupling between phytoplankton and sea ice was bounded by average open water between 50% and 80%, likely due to the combined availability of light and stable open water. The daily incremental growth in both mean chlorophyll a density (chlorophyll a per volume water, μg l−1) and abundance (density of chlorophyll a extrapolated to ice free areas, tons) estimated by linear regression (chlorophyll a vs. day) between 1 April and 15 May was highest in 2002 and 2004 (light ice years) and lowest in 2001 and 2003 (heavy ice years). In years with late sea ice retreat the chlorophyll a attained only slightly lower densities than in years with early sea ice retreat. However, the abundance of chlorophyll a in light ice years was considerably larger than in heavy ice years, and there was an obvious effect of more open water for light-induced stimulation of primary production. This observation demonstrates the importance of estimating chlorophyll a abundance rather than density in sea ice covered areas. This study also presents the first regional calibration of MODIS chlorophyll a data for Arctic waters.  相似文献   

Field investigation was carried out during 4 to 15 April 2001 around the Changjiang River Estuary. The similar distribution of sea surface nutrients and suspended sediment (SS) concentration is attributed to the physical mixing of Changjiang diluted water (CDW) with the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). On the basis of the observed positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS concentration, the sea surface TP is inversed from satellite SS data. SS is believed to be an ideal eutrophic state assessing index substitution for TP, the eutrophication classification critical value of SS adopted in this research was based on the linear model: cTP=0.000 6cSSsat 0.016 3, r2=0.564 5, n=32. Although lack of in-situ chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) measurement, a good relationship was observed between the in-situ DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) concentration with near real time SeaWiFS absorption coefficient of CDOM (ACD) data: cDIN=1.406 5AACBsat-0.035 9,r2=0.741 5,n=16. This empirical regression algorithm was also utilized for inversing the DIN concentration from SeaWiFS ACD data, and for establishing the eutrophication classification critical value of satellite ACD data. The established remote eutrophication classification system was later used for seawater eutrophic state assessment. The evaluation suggested that the Zhoushan Fishing Ground especially the western border is affected seriously with the nutrient input. The nutrient is mainly from the terrestrial source transported by the Changjiang River runoff. The seawater quality classification precision was assessed by in-situ data, which suggested the seawater quality distribution is similar to the two classification systems, and the remote classification error is below 25%.  相似文献   

Seabed distributions of 234Th excess (Thxs) were determined in the upper centimetres of 38 sediment cores from the north-western Iberian Margin, sampled from 41–44°N and from 9–12°E during five OMEX II cruises. Three main areas, a northern, and at 42°38 and 42°N, were investigated during representative seasons (winter, spring and summer). Low 234Thxs activities in summer 1998 (18–252 Bq per kg) were similar to those measured in summer 1997. In winter 234Th also showed moderate excess. The highest values were observed in spring with surface 234Thxs values up to 402 Bq kg−1. Maximum penetration depths of 234Thxs ranged from a few mm to 3 cm. 234Thxs activities always showed a smooth decrease with depth, without any evidence of non-local mixing. Thus particle mixing on a short time scale can be described as an eddy diffusive process, and bioturbation rates, calculated on this basis, range from 0.02 to 3.07 cm2 per year. Data (activities, inventories, bioturbation rates) are discussed in order to relate the observed surface and down-core variations to spatial and seasonal trends. Using 234Thxs data in sediment as a substitute for sediment trap estimates, particle fluxes were calculated from 234Thxs inventories. The range of 234Th-derived particle fluxes for the north-western Iberian Margin is 16–1418 mg.m−2.d−1. Mean values indicate a gradual decrease of mass fluxes from the shelf to the open ocean. On a 100-day scale, the northern area (43–44°N) represents a low sedimentation regime. Further south, around 42°–43°N, particle inputs are more important. On the middle slope, around 1000 to 2000 m depth, high inventories and bioturbation rates indicate enhanced, and probably organic-rich, particle fluxes to the seafloor, particularly in spring.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and surface POC concentration in the South Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several SeaWiFS products have been compared with shipboard data to assess the possibility of using remote sensing to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration in surface waters. Transmissometer data were collected during six South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment (SAVE) hydrographic expeditions conducted between November 1987 and March 1989 from R/V Knorr, and Melville. A total of 361 beam attenuation profiles were made with a SeaTech transmissometer interfaced with a CTD/rosette. In order to calculate the POC concentration from transmissometer profiles, a regression between beam attenuation and POC for open Atlantic Ocean waters derived from our research in the North Atlantic (North Atlantic Bloom Experiment, NABE) and enhanced by data from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS) was applied. The profiles were processed and examined as vertical sections of the surface 250 m. The data were collected in two successive years, during the same season, which allowed us to compile a combined data set over the austral summer for examination. Beam attenuation/POC concentrations were integrated down to one attenuation depth with the intent of making comparisons with satellite optical data. No satellite optical data were available for 1987–1989, so the only option was to compare our integrated data with SeaWiFS-derived variables from later years averaged over the same season as SAVE data. Analysis of four SeaWiFS products acquired from 1997 to 2002 demonstrated very low variations from year to year for seasonally averaged data, suggesting that making comparisons of the beam attenuation/POC fields with averaged satellite optical products from later years is a valid (though not optimal) approach for this area. The highest correlation between beam attenuation/POC concentration and remotely derived products was found with normalized water-leaving radiance at 555 nm. Other SeaWiFS-derived variables—chlorophyll concentration, diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and integral chlorophyll (integrated over one attenuation depth)—were also compared but showed a slightly less satisfactory correlation.  相似文献   

一维综合孔径微波辐射计能够有效提高观测的空间分辨率,其观测入射角通常在0°~55°范围内变化。为了开发适用于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的海面温度反演算法,需要评估其观测亮温对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性。利用海面发射率模型和大气辐射传输模型,构建了适用于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的微波海洋大气辐射传输模式,研究了C波段垂直和水平极化微波辐射亮温在不同入射角下对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性变化情况,并定量计算了相应的敏感系数。结果表明:垂直和水平极化亮温对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性表现出不同的特性。随着入射角的增大,垂直极化亮温对海面温度的敏感性增强,对海面风场的敏感性相对减弱;水平极化亮温则相反。由大气水汽含量和云液态水含量误差引入的垂直和水平极化亮温误差随入射角增大而增大,但是,即使在55°的大入射角下垂直和水平极化亮温误差仍小于0.12 K。对于海面温度反演精度优于1 K的要求,一维综合孔径微波辐射计的测温精度需优于0.6 K。研究结果对于一维综合孔径微波辐射计海面温度反演算法的研究和载荷设计具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

The results of lidar sensing of the sea surface carried out from an oceanographic platform in the Black Sea under different hydrometeorological conditions are considered. It is found that the frequency, time, and intensity of the mirror-reflected lidar specks of light vary essentially when the wind wave structure anomalies appear, which arise owing to some physical processes evolving in the air-sea boundary layers. The effects conditioned by an unsteady and non-uniform wind, the hydrological front, the slicks related to internal waves and Langmuir circulation, industrial pollution of the sea surface by surface-active substances, and rainfall are estimated quantitatively. A conclusion about the prospects of application of the lidar specks indication method for ecological monitoring and control of the sea surface state and internal basins is drawn.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

叶绿素荧光遥感算法为探测近岸海域二类水体叶绿素浓度开辟了新途径.基于大连湾及邻近海域的实测数据,本文研究了海水叶绿素浓度的荧光遥感算法.结果表明:随着海水叶绿素质量浓度的增高,荧光峰出现显著的红移现象,叶绿素质量浓度与荧光峰波长存在着正相关关系.此外,基于MODIS、MERIS及GLI传感器荧光波段建立的荧光基线高度算法较差,不适用于该研究海域.选择680、685、690、695、700、705nm作为荧光峰波长建立的荧光基线高度算法,随着选定波长的增大,该算法拟合的相关性逐渐增高,最大相关系数(R2)可达0.91;而以实测荧光峰波长建立的荧光基线高度算法最佳,乘幂函数拟合优于线性拟合,拟合方程为P(chl)=3.167×10^5 FLH^1.45(R2=0.93).本研究为新一代海洋水色卫星传感器的开发、建造提供了科学依据,并为已有高光谱传感器在叶绿素荧光遥感反演方面的应用打下了基础.  相似文献   

连续台风对海表温度和海表高度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多卫星观测资料,分析了2008年9月3个连续台风前后的海表温度(SST)和海表高度距平(SSHA)的时空变化特征,并探讨了影响其变化的主要因子。结果表明:(1)3个台风引起了强烈的上升流(1×10-5~150×10-5 m/s),海表显著降温(1~6 ℃),海表高度也有不同程度降低(10~50 cm);(2)台风引起的SST最大降温中心与SSHA负值或中尺度冷涡的区域中心十分吻合,同时台风使得先前存在的海洋中尺度冷涡得到加强;(3)同一区域台风对SST影响程度大小受台风的强度、移动速度以及台风对海面强迫时间等因素控制;(4)在原先SSHA为正值的海域,3个台风连续强迫下使得局地洋面形成一个SSHA为负值的中尺度涡,这与单一"打转"台风强迫海洋生成中尺度涡的现象不同。因此,对于西北太平洋海域而言,频发的台风在中尺度涡生消演变过程中的影响应不容忽视。  相似文献   

An empirical method has been developed for estimation of sea surface temperature (SST) at dawn and noon in local time from microwave observations at other times of the day. By using solar radiation, microwave sea surface wind, and SSTs, root-mean-square differences were reduced to approximately 0.75 and 0.8 °C for dawn and noon, respectively. The pseudo SST variation and spatial patterns found in daily mean SST values by simple averaging of samples were damped down by use of diurnal correction. The satellite SST with the diurnal correction shows highly significant coherent variation with in-situ measurements.  相似文献   

通过研究国家相关海洋观测标准对海水温度观测的规约,结合当前船载水温观测的现状,提出了基于总线的船载磁吸附温度链式观测方法,并对其在结构设计、理论模型、算法等多方面进行了阐述。本方法通过多个竖直分布的温度传感器实时观测,采用自适应参数化算法,有效减少了风浪、海流、热辐射等方面的影响,具有观测层深相对固定、精度高等特点,可实现船载全航次的自动观测。同时,设计制造了相关的模拟实验装置进行现场实验,验证了船载磁吸附温度链式观测方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

利用1985-2005年间AVHRR辐射计获取的东海海表温度资料,研究其时空变化特征.1985-2005年间东海海表平均温度总体呈上升趋势.对东海海温距平(SSTA)进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解,得到其2个主要变化模态,EOF1占总方差变化的34.8%,主要变化周期为3~5 a,表示1985-2005年中东海绝大部分...  相似文献   

We analyze the statistical structure of the data of remote sensing of the fields of surface temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll in the northwest part of the Black Sea with an aim to apply the method of optimal interpolation to the restoration of the maps of these fields according to the restricted amounts of data. We determine the scales of smoothing for the selection of the random components of the fields and estimate their difference from the statistical model uniform and isotropic over the space correlation coefficients. The functions of spectral densities are constructed along various sections and the best intervals of discretization of the fields required to perform the optimal interpolation with given accuracy are determined. It is shown that the construction of the maps of fields under the conditions of controlled accuracy of reconstruction of their values remains possible even if the amounts of the input satellite data are significantly decreased. We consider a procedure of evaluation of the best possible amounts of data required for the use of the method of optimal interpolation. Some examples of application of this procedure to the data of remote sensing of the fields of surface temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll are presented.  相似文献   

An algorithm for estimating the chlorophyll concentration from the fluorescence intensity at 685nm in upward irradiance observed just below the sea surface is presented and discussed. The observed chlorophyll concentration is closely related to the ratio of the fluoresced quanta to the total incident quanta (downward plus upward quanta) in the spectral range between 350nm and 600nm. The correlation between them, however, is not good and the rate of increase of the ratio decreases as the chlorophyll concentration increases. This is due to the fact that the number of fluoresced quanta varies with attenuation of the incident light by various materials in the sea.A better correlation is obtained between the ratio of the fluoresced quanta to the upward quanta at wavelengths around 480nm. This is explained by the fact that dividing by the upward quanta at the appropriate wavelength compensates for apparent variation of fluorescence intensity with attenuation by the sea water. In this method, upward quanta at the four wavelengths of 480nm, 640nm, 685nm and 740nm are necessary for estimation of chlorophyll concentration. The quanta at 640nm and 740nm are used for interpolating the quanta at 685nm in the absence of fluorescence.It is also shown that the correlation of the observed chlorophyll concentration with the ratio of upward quanta at the wavelengths of 685nm and 480nm is also good. Use of this ratio is recommended for remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration since the number of spectral channels required by the remote multispectral imager can be minimized.  相似文献   

台风背景下海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪作为海-气界面中重要的物理过程,对海洋上混合层的近表面分布具有重要作用。本文以台风"威马逊"和"麦德姆"为背景,基于FVCOM耦合模式模拟了台风浪及上层海洋的响应过程,探讨了海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响。结果表明耦合模式能够较准确地模拟出有效波高,台风过境后海表流场在海浪的作用下反映出与台风相对应的气旋性特性,改变的流场量级可达0.4 m/s;海表温度出现不同程度的下降,最大降温约4℃,最大降温中心与流场变化区域相对应,且降温区相对台风路径呈显著的"右偏性"。最大降温滞后台风中心过境2 d左右,恢复时间一般超过10 d,与实况相吻合。  相似文献   

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