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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of light intensity and enhanced nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthesis of the green-tide macroalga, Ulva prolifera. Thalli of U. prolifera were grown in natural or NH 4 +-enriched seawater under two different light intensities for 7 days, and then the growth rate, pigmentation, and photosynthetic performance of the thalli were evaluated. The results show that the relative growth rate(RGR) was markedly higher under the high light level than under the low light level. Enrichment with NH 4 + enhanced the RGR under high light intensity, but did not affect RGR under low light intensity. In low light conditions, NH 4 +-enrichment resulted in a marked decrease in the maximal photosynthetic rate( P m) and the maximum carbon fixation rate( V max), but it did not affect the half saturation constant for carbon( K 0.5) or the ratio of V max to K 0.5, which reflects the carbon acquisition efficiency. In high light conditions, P m, K 0.5, and the dark respiration rate( R d) increased under NH 4 + enrichment, but V max and the V max / K 0.5 ratio decreased. Regardless of the light intensity, NH 4 +-enrichment did not affect the apparent photosynthetic efficiency( α), which refl ects the ability of the alga to use light energy at low light levels. Under both low and high light intensities, the chlorophyll a(Chl a), chlorophyll b(Chl b), and carotenoids(Car) contents in thalli were higher in NH 4 +-enriched than in natural seawater, except that there was a decrease in the Chl b content of thalli in NH 4 +-enriched seawater under low light intensity. Therefore, NH 4 + enrichment improved the growth and photosynthetic performance of U. prolifera under high light intensity, but not under low light intensity. We discuss the possible mechanisms underlying these physiological responses.  相似文献   

DAX 1,a member of nuclear receptor superfamily,has a function in the sex determination and gonadal differentiation of several vertebrate species.However,little information about DAX1 of invertebrates is available.Here we cloned a homolog of scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones and Preston 1904) dax1,Cf-dax1,and determined its expression characteristics at mRNA and protein levels.The cDNA sequence of Cf-dax1 was 2093 bp in length,including 1404 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 467 amino acids.Unlike those of vertebrates,no conserved LXXLL-related motif was found in the putative DNA binding region of Cf-DAX1.Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that Cf-dax1 located on the short arm of a pair of subtelocentric chromosomes.Tissue distribution analysis using semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that Cf-dax1 expressed widely in adult scallop tissues,with the highest expression level found in adductor muscle,moderate level in mantle,gill and testis,and low level in kidney,ovary and hepatopancreas.The result of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that the expression of Cf-dax1 was significantly higher (P<0.05) in testis than in ovary at the same stage,showing a sex-dimorphic expression pattern.Furthermore,immunohistochemical detection found that Cf-DAX1 mainly located in spermatogonia and spermatocytes of testis and in oogonia and oocytes of ovary,implying that DAX1 may involve in gametogenesis of bivalves.  相似文献   

Elm (Ulmus pumila), widely distributed in the north temperate zone, contributes to a special savanna-like woodland in typical grassland region in the northeastern China. This woodland performs a variety of ecological functions and environmental significance, such as decreasing soil erosion, stabilizing sand dunes, preserving species diversity. However, in the last approximate 30 years, the species composition, productivity and distribution area of elm woodland has decreased severely. A series of studies have been carried out to find out whether the climate changes or human disturbances caused the degradation of elm woodland and how these factors affected elm woodland. In this study, undisturbed, plowing and grazing elm woodland were investigated in 1983 and 2011 by using Point-Centered Quarter method. The relationship between vegetation changes and environmental factors was analyzed by Bray-Curtis ordination. The results show that in 2011, species diversity and understory productivity of undisturbed elm woodland decrease slightly compared to those of undisturbed elm woodland in 1983. However, nearly 60% of the species is lost in the plowing and grazing elm woodland relative to the species undisturbed elm woodland in 1983. Interestingly, plowing stimulates the growth of elm and certain understory species through furrowing soil and accelerating soil nutrient turnover rate. Grazing disturbance not only leads to species loss and productivity decrease, but also induces changes in elm growth (small, short and twisted). The mean age of the elm was 29 ± 2 yr in undisturbed and plowing elm woodland, while only 15 yr in the grazing elm woodland. The results of Bray-Curtis ordination analysis show that all sample stands clustered to three groups: Group I including the undisturbed sample stands of 83UE (undisturbed elm woodland in 1983) and 11UE (undisturbed elm woodland in 2011); Group II including sample stands of PE (elm woodland disturbed by plowing); Group III including samples stands of GE (elm woodland disturbed by grazing). The results indicate that the long time disturbance of the plowing and grazing have converted elm woodland to different community types. Climate change is not the primary reason causing the degradation of elm woodland, but plowing and grazing disturbance. Both plowing and grazing decrease the vegetation composition and species diversity. Grazing further decreases vegetation productivity and inhibits the growth of elm tree. Therefore, we suggest that reasonable plowing and exclusive grazing would be favorable for future regeneration of degraded elm woodland.  相似文献   

K.  K.  I.  U.  Arunakumarat  张学成 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2009,27(2):383-388
The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a model organism known for its unique combination of highly desirable molecular genetic, physiological and morphological characteristics, was employed in the present study. The species was cultured in BG11 liquid medium contained various initial concentrations of Pb2+ and Cd2+ (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mg/L). The experiment was conducted for six days and the metal induced alterations in the ultrastructure, growth and pigment contents were assessed. Alterations in the ultrastructure of the Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells became evident with the increased (>4 mg/L Pb2+) metal concentration. The photosynthetic apparatus (thylakoid membranes) were found to be the worst affected. Deteriorated or completely destroyed thylakoid membranes have made large empty spaces in the cell interior. In addition, at the highest concentration (8 mg/L Pb2+), the polyphosphate granules became more prominent both in size and number. Despite the initial slight stimulations (0.2, 3.8 and 6.5% respectively at 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L Pb2+), both metals inhibited the growth in a dose-dependent manner as incubation progressed. Pigment contents (chlorophyll α, β carotene and phycocyanin) were also decreased with increasing metal concentration. Cells exposed to 6 mg/L Pb2+, resulted in 36.56, 37.39 and 29.34% reductions of chlorophyll α, β carotene and phycocyanin respectively over the control. Corresponding reductions for the same Cd2+concentrations were 57.83, 48.94 and 56.90%. Lethal concentration (96 h LC50) values (3.47 mg/L Cd2+ and 12.11 mg/L Pb2+) indicated that Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is more vulnerable to Cd2+ than Pb2+. Supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council  相似文献   

Fenneropenaeus chinensis distributed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea of China and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Different geographical populations represent potentially different genetic resources. To learn further the characteristics of different geographical population, crosses among two wild and three farmed populations were produced. The two wild populations were from the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (WYP), and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and coast (WKN). The three farmed populations included the offspring of first generation of wild shrimp from coast in Korea (FKN), the Huang Hai (the Yellow Sea in Chinese) No.1 (HH1), and JK98. The phenotypes growth and survival rates of these populations were compared to confirm the feasibility for crossbreeding. The body length (BL), carapace length (CL). carapace width (CW), height of the second and third abdominal segment (HST), width of the second and third abdominal segment (WST), length of the first abdominal segment (LF), length of the last abdominal segment (LL), live body weight (BW), and survival rate were measured, Different combinations were statistically performed with ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results show that the survival rate of JK98(♀)×WKN(♂) was the highest, followed by WYP(♀)×WKN(♂), FKN(♀)×WYP(♂), FKN(♀)×HHI(♂) and WYP(♀)×FKN(♂); the body weight of FKN(♀)×HHI(♂) was the highest, followed by FKN(♀)×WYP(♂), WYP(♀)×WKN(♂), WYP(♀)×FKN(♂) and JK98(♀)×WKN(♂); the total length had the same ranking as the body weight. All growth traits in hybrids JK98(♀)×WKN(♂) were the lowest among all combinations. F1 hybrids had significant difference (P〈0.05) in BL, CL, HST, LL, and BW; and insignificant difference (P〉0.05) in other growth traits and survival rate. The results of Duncan's Multiple Range Test are that BL and CL of J  相似文献   

For the reconstruction of past climate variations,investigations on the history of glaciers are necessary.In the Himalaya,investigations like these have a rather short tradition in comparison with other mountains on earth.At the same time,this area on the southern margin of Tibet is of special interest because of the question as to the monsoon-influence that is connected with the climate-development.Anyhow,the climate of High Asia is of global importance.Here for the further and regionally intensifying answer to this question,a glacial glacier reconstruction is submitted from the CentralHimalaya,more exactly from the Manaslu-massif.Going on down-valley from the glacial-historical investigations of 1977 in the upper Marsyandi Khola(Nadi) and the partly already published results of field campaigns in the middle Marsyandi Khola and the Damodar- and Manaslu Himal in the years 1995,2000,2004 and 2007,new geomorphological and geological field- and laboratory data are introduced here from the Ngadi(Nadi) Khola and the lower Marsyandi Nadi from the inflow of the Ngadi(Nadi) Khola down to the southern mountain foreland.There has existed a connected ice-stream-network drained down to the south by a 2,100-2,200 m thick and 120 km long Marsyandi Nadi main valley glacier.At a height of the valley bottom of c.1,000 m a.s.l.the Ngadi Khola glacier joined the still c.1,300 m thick Marsyandi parent glacier from the Himalchuli-massif(Nadi(Ngadi) Chuli) – the south spur of the Manaslu Himal.From here the united glacier tongue flowed down about a further 44 km to the south up to c.400 m a.s.l.(27°57'38 "N/84°24'56" E) into the Himalaya fore-chains and thus reached one of or the lowest past ice margin position of the Himalayas.The glacial(LGP(Last glacial period),LGM(Last glacial maximum) Würm,Stage 0,MIS 3-2) climatic snowline(ELA = equilibrium line altitude) has run at 3,900 to 4,000 m a.s.l.and thus c.1,500 altitude meters below the current ELA(Stage XII) at 5,400-5,500 m a.s.l.The reconstructed,maximum lowering of the climatic snowline(ΔELA = depression of the equilibrium line altitude) about 1,500 m corresponds at a gradient of 0.6°C per 100 altitude meters to a High Glacial decrease in temperature of 9°C(0.6 × 15 = 9).At that time the Tibetan inland ice has caused a stable cold high,so that no summer monsoon can have existed there.Accordingly,during the LGP the precipitation was reduced,so that the cooling must have come to more than only 9°C.  相似文献   

The Yalu Tsangpo River basin is a typical semi-arid and cold region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where significant climate change has been detected in the past decades. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how the regional vegetation, especially the typical plant types, responds to the climate changes. In this study, the model of gravity center has been firstly introduced to analyze the spatial-temporal relationship between NDVI and climate factors considering the time-lag effect. The results show that the vegetation grown has been positively influenced by the rainfall and precipitation both in moving tracks of gravity center and time-lag effect especially for the growing season during the past thirteen years. The herbs and shrubs are inclined to be influenced by the change of rainfall and temperature, which is indicated by larger positive correlation coefficients at the 0.05 confidence level and shorter lagging time. For the soil moisture, the significantly negative relationship of NDV-PDI indicates that the growth and productivity of the vegetation are closely related to the short-term soil water, with the correlation coefficients reaching the maximum value of o.81 at Lag 0-1. Among the typicalvegetation types of plateau, the shrubs of low mountain, steppe and meadow are more sensitive to the change of soil moisture with coefficients of -0.95, -0.93, -0.92, respectively. These findings reveal that the spatial and temporal heterogeneity between NDVI and climatic factors are of great ecological significance and practical value for the protection of eco-environment in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

N-(2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldene)-4-aminoantipyrine has been synthesized. The structure is determined by X-ray diffraction method and elemental analysis. The crystal system belongs to orthorhombic space group P(2)2(1)2(1). The geometry has been ob-tained from the density functional theory (DFT) method and the B3LYP method employing the 6-31G* basis sets. The calculated results propose that the latter is close to the experimental data. The structural parameters from the theory are close to those of the crystal and the calculated total energy of coordination is -31677.172 eV. The energy of HOMO and LUMO and the energy gap are 5.179 eV, -1.603 eV and 3.577 eV, respectively.  相似文献   

复合光催化剂Cu_2(OH)PO_4/Ni(OH)_2的制备及其光催化性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用水热合成法在Cu2(OH)PO4表面原位沉积Ni(OH)2,制备异质结型的复合光催化剂Cu2(OH)PO4/Ni(OH)2;利用X线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、紫外-可见漫反射光谱仪(UV-Vis-DRS)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等,对其相结构、光吸收性能和微观形貌进行表征.结果表明:该复合光催化剂具有良好的紫外光吸收特性,是一类新型的光催化剂.复合光催化剂在紫外光下可以有效降解亚甲基蓝(MB)溶液,当Cu2(OH)PO4与Ni(OH)2的摩尔比为0.2时,Cu2(OH)PO4/Ni(OH)2具有最大催化活性.根据光催化中加入不同活性物种牺牲剂的实验,推测该异质结型材料光催化过程中光生载流子的传输方向及活性物种.Cu2(OH)PO4/Ni(OH)2的催化活性增强主要归结为复合时在两者之间形成有效的异质结,结区的内建电场能够促进光生载流子的分离,同时·OH和h+在光催化降解过程中是主要的活性物种.  相似文献   

This review article commences with a comprehensive historical review of the evolution and application of various density surfaces in atmospheric and oceanic studies. The background provides a basis for the birth of the neutral density idea. Attention is paid to the development of the neutral density surface concept from the nonlinearity of the equation of state of seawater. The definition and properties of neutral density surface are described in detail as developed from the equations of state of seawater and the buoyancy frequency when the squared buoyancy frequency N2 is zero, a neutral state of stability. In order to apply the neutral density surface to intermediate water-mass analysis, this review also describes in detail its practical oceanographic application. The mapping technique is focused for the first time on applying regularly gridded data in this review. It is reviewed how a backbone and ribs framework was designed to flesh out from a reference cast and first mapped the global neutral surfaces in the world's oceans. Several mapped neutral density surfaces are presented as examples for each world ocean. The water-mass property is analyzed in each ocean at mid-depth. The characteristics of neutral density surfaces are compared with those of potential density surfaces.  相似文献   

Three polysaccharides(EW,EH and EA) were prepared from a red alga Eucheuma denticulatum by sequential extraction with cold water,hot water and sodium hydroxide water solution.Their monosaccharide compositions,relative molecular mass and structural characterization were determined by gas chromatography,high performance 1iquid chromatography,fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods.EW was hybrid ι/κ/ν-carrageenan(70 ι/17κ/13ν-carrabiose),EH was mainly ι-carrageenan,and EA was mainly α-1,4-Glucan(88%) but mixed with small amount of ι-carrageenan(12%).The relative molecular mass of EW,EH and EA was 480,580 and 510 kDa,respectively.The anti-influenza A(H1N1) virus activity of these three polysaccharides was evaluated using the Madin-Darby canine kidney cells model.EW showed good anti-H1N1 virus activity,its IC 50 was 276.5 μg mL-1,and the inhibition rate to H1N1 virus was 52% when its concentration was 250 μg mL-1.The IC 50 of ι-carrageenan EH was 366.4 μg mL-1,whereas EA showed lower anti-H1N1 virus activity(IC 50 >430 μg mL-1).Available data obtained give positive evidence that the hybrid carrageenan EW from Eucheuma denticulatum can be used as potential anti-H1N1 virus inhibitor in future.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the seasonal variations in copepod community structure and prosome length of dominant species from March 2009 to January 2010 around artificial reefs in Xiaoshi Island,Yellow Sea,Weihai,China.Samples were collected using two types of plankton net(Model I and Model II) for different-sized copepods.The number of taxon was calculated from the data of both the net types,while the copepod abundance was done using the samples from Model II only.Sixteen species of planktonic copepods,including 5 dominant species,were recorded.Results reveal that Oithona similis was the first dominant species from March to June,and was replaced by Paracalanus parvus in September;both dominated the copepod community in January.Acartia hongi was the second dominant species from March to September.Centropages abdominalis was the third dominant species from March to June,and was replaced by O.similis in September and Corycaeus affinis in January.C.affinis was the fourth dominant species in September.Population density of the dominant copepods was compared with that of other similar regions.We found that the dominant species were mostly small copepods(<1 mm) except for adult Centrapages abdominalis.Seasonal variation in prosome length of O.similis,C.abdominalis,and C.affinis,and their copepodites were studied for the first time in China.For P.parvus and A.hongi,seasonal trends in prosome length variation were similar with those in Jiaozhou Bay,Yellow Sea,Qingdao,China,in a similar temperate domain.The results are helpful for future calculation of copepod biomass and production,and for investigation of the relationship between copepods and fish resources.  相似文献   

The southeast depression of Qinnan Sag is a potential oil-gas exploration region in the Bohai Sea area.With the analysis of large quantity of rock thin sections, scanning electron microscope and the physical property data of reservoir, the authors studied the petrological characteristics and the evolution of pore and fluid of sandstone in the deeper strata in 29-2 structure in Qinhuangdao area.The results show that the evolutionary tendency of Paleogene sandstone reservoir porous fluid in research area is changed from alkaline porous fluid to acidic porous fluid, and back to alkaline porous fluid.There are three stages of reservoir porous evolution in Qinhuangdao area, namely sharp decrease in porosity due to mechanical compaction, increase in porosity because of corrosion and dissolution, and remarkable reduction owing to carbonate cementation.  相似文献   

Jin  Zuquan  Zhao  Xia  Zhao  Tiejun  Hou  Baorong  Liu  Ying 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(3):681-692
The corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete in marine environments causes significant damage to structures built in ocean environments. Studies on the process and mechanism of corrosion of rebar in the presence of multiple ions may help to control damage and predict the service life of reinforced concrete structures in such environments. The effect of interactions between sulfate and chloride ions and calcium hydroxide on the electrochemical behavior of rebar are also important for evaluation of structure durability. In this work, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) plots of rebar in Ca(OH)_2 solution and cement grout, including NaCl and Na_2SO_4 as aggressive salts, were measured for different immersion times. The results show that corrosion of rebar was controlled by the rate of charge transfer as the rebar was exposed to chloride solution. In the presence of high concentrations of sulfate ions in the electrolyte, generation and dissolution of the passive film proceeded simultaneously and corrosion was mainly controlled by the diffusion rate. When Na_2SO_4 and NaCl were added to Ca(OH)_2 solution, the instantaneous corrosion rate decreased by a factor of 10 to 20 as a result of the higher p H of the corroding solution.  相似文献   

At the study area of Xigu District in Lanzhou City, using RS & GIS as tools we apply Diversity, Dominance, Fragmentation, Isolation and so on to study the quantitative, fractal and spatial characters of landscapes structures in the four sub-regions divided by the morphological features. Using the Fractal Theory to establish the fractal structure models, we analyze the complexity and stability of various landscapes distribution with fractal dimension value. The spatial distribution characteristics of landscape mosaic structure are also expounded. At the end of the paper we discuss the relevant problems on the main factors which control and effect on the spatial pattern of landscapes as well as on landscape optimization and management. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40171069). Biography: XU Jian-hua (1965 - ), male, a native of Gansu province, professor. His research interest includes Geo-computation and GIS.  相似文献   

通过PCR方法克隆草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)NEDD4结合蛋白基因1(简称CiN4BP1)的开放阅读框(ORF)序列,将扩增产物与pET-32a(+)表达载体相连接,构建原核表达载体pET-N4BP1,对重组质粒进行酶切和测序鉴定,然后将其导入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导,检测该蛋白表达情况。SDS-PAGE分析表明,在温度为37℃,IPTG浓度为0.06 mmol/L,诱导时间为4 h时,N4BP1重组融合蛋白的表达量最高,蛋白分子质量为40.2 ku,与软件预测值大小相符,该蛋白主要以包涵体形式表达。利用His Trap HP亲和柱纯化目的蛋白;Western blot分析表明,N4BP1融合蛋白能与鼠抗His-tag单克隆抗体发生特异性反应,说明该表达的蛋白为目的蛋白。  相似文献   

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