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Ground water studies that require long data collection periods may be affected by temporal changes in ground water chemistry. Seasonal fluctuations in ground water chemistry are particularly apparent in shallow aquifers. Of specific interest is the inclusion of temporal variability in the design of statistical surveys of agricultural chemicals in well water. Statistical treatment of temporal variability involves selecting a probability sample from temporal units. The selection strategy may include repeating the same spatial units in each temporal stratum or choosing an independent sample of spatial units for each temporal stratum. The appropriate strategy depends on the specific study objectives. Failure to account for temporal variability may compromise the validity of study conclusions. An example of a large-scale retrospective survey designed to estimate temporal averages of water quality across all wells is presented.  相似文献   

A process-based methodology was used to compare the vulnerability of public supply wells tapping seven study areas in four hydrologically distinct regional aquifers to volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination. This method considers (1) contributing areas and travel times of groundwater flowpaths converging at individual supply wells, (2) the oxic and/or anoxic conditions encountered along each flowpath, and (3) the combined effects of hydrodynamic dispersion and contaminant- and oxic/anoxic-specific biodegradation. Contributing areas and travel times were assessed using particle tracks generated from calibrated regional groundwater flow models. These results were then used to estimate VOC concentrations relative to an unspecified initial concentration (C/C0) at individual public supply wells. The results show that the vulnerability of public supply wells to VOC contamination varies widely between different regional aquifers. Low-recharge rates, long travel times, and the predominantly oxic conditions characteristic of Basin and Range aquifers in the western United States leads to lower vulnerability to VOCs, particularly to petroleum hydrocarbons such as benzene and toluene. On the other hand, high recharge rates and short residence times characteristic of the glacial aquifers of the eastern United States leads to greater vulnerability to VOCs. These differences lead to distinct patterns of C/C0 values estimated for public supply wells characteristic of each aquifer, information that can be used by resource managers to develop monitoring plans based on relative vulnerability, to locate new public supply wells, or to make land-use management decisions.  相似文献   

Survey of Rural Wells in Missouri for Pesticides and Nitrate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two hundred and one rural wells were sampled in eight agricultural areas of Missouri. Samples were analyzed for 25 pesticides and nitrate. Forty-three percent of the wells sampled had at least one pesticide detection. Thirteen percent of the wells had at least one detection ≧ 1 ppb and these concentrations were confirmed. Only one well exceeded U.S. EPA Health Advisory levels. Twenty-two percent of the wells exceeded the U.S. EPA Drinking Water Standard for nitrate. Pesticide detections were most strongly correlated to well depth. Nitrate levels were primarily related to well depth, well construction methods, and well siting.  相似文献   

Concern about the public health consequences of possible contamination of farmstead wells led to a random statewide survey in Kansas. Results of the analyses showed that 8 percent of tested wells had detectable amounts of pesticides, 2 percent had detectable amounts of volatile organic chemicals, and 37 percent had some inorganic contaminant exceeding the maximum contaminant level (MCL). Nitrate was the most common source of inorganic contamination, exceeding the MCL in 28 percent of the wells. Selenium levels exceeded the MCL in 9 percent of the wells. A multiple regression model for nitrate-N was developed. The factors included the age of the well, land use around the well, and the distance to the closest possible source of organic contamination.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1990, 2,588 wells were sampled within the Inner Coastal Plain of Georgia in an effort to assess the quality of ground water in this major farm belt. The project was one aspect of an EPA-sponsored program to assess ground-water quality statewide. Several variables were measured, including pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. In some wells sulfate, chloride, potassium, iron, and manganese contents were also determined. Particular emphasis was placed, however, on pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and nitrite/nitrate content. Generally, pH was between 6 and 8, and temperatures were within a range of 18° and 24°Celsius. Measurements of specific conductivity varied, but averaged 250–275 microsiemens/cm. Nitrite contamination was negligible, and nitrate contamination of the ground water within the shallow aquifers did not appear to be significant. In fact, 56% of the wells sampled showed no detectable signs of nitrate or nitrite contamination. There were, however, a few isolated wells where nitrate as nitrogen measurements exceeded the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Standard of 10 ppm. The general lack of contamination may be the result of the nature of the agricultural practices used in this region and/or the effect of natural denitrification.  相似文献   

The top‐soil samples were collected from urban, industrial, agricultural, and rural sites to investigate the modification in the elemental composition due to anthropogenic influence in one of the biggest city of Turkey, namely Izmir. The elemental profiles were dominated by lithophilic elements such as Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, K, and sea salt element, Na, which is typical for Mediterranean region. The trace elemental concentrations showed significant variation with higher concentrations in the industrial sites, particularly in the vicinity of iron‐steel producers from scrap materials (EAF‐Steels). Lead, Zn, and Cd around EAF‐Steels were found to be higher than other sites. Comparison to universal upper crusts and local reference soil has shown that Izmir top‐soils were contaminated in terms of many trace elements, most probably due to anthropogenic activities. Correlation matrix, crustal enrichment factors, and factor analysis were applied to investigate the extent of soil modification and possible sources. The results indicated that the elemental profiles of top‐soils were mainly determined by parent materials; however, anthropogenic activities were found to be factor effective on the profile.  相似文献   

Bottom sediments of a river and of two sites of well showed significant changes in relation to different water factors. Comparatively, organic carbon, organic matter and free CaCO3 concentration were higher in the Sutapatti well than at other sites which may affect the quality of potable water considerably.  相似文献   

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