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The reliability of the Thellier method for determining the paleointensity of a geomagnetic field is explored on recent igneous rocks of Kamchatka. The main magnetic mineral in the studied rocks is titanomagnetite with different degree of oxidation. It is obtained that the reliability of the results can be assessed based on the deviations of the check points of the partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) during the Thellier experiment. Besides, for different rocks, it is found that the stability of titanomagnetites to heating during the experiments can be insufficient for validating the reliability of the results of paleointensity determination; however, at the same time, the reliability may depend on the initial (oxidation) state of the magnetic minerals of the studied rocks.  相似文献   

Well-preserved pillow lavas in the uppermost part of the Early Archean volcanic sequence of the Hooggenoeg Formation in the Barberton Greenstone Belt exhibit pronounced flow banding. The banding is defined by mm to several cm thick alternations of pale green and a dark green, conspicuously variolitic variety of aphyric metabasalt. Concentrations of relatively immobile TiO2, Al2O3 and Cr in both varieties of lava are basaltic. Compositional differences between bands and variations in the lavas in general have been modified by alteration, but indicate mingling of two different basalts, one richer in TiO2, Al2O3, MgO, FeOt and probably Ni and Cr than the other, as the cause of the banding. The occurrence in certain pillows of blebs of dark metabasalt enclosed in pale green metabasalt, as well as cores of faintly banded or massive dark metabasalt, suggest that breakup into drops and slugs in the feeder channel to the lava flow initiated mingling. The inhomogeneous mixture was subsequently stretched and folded together during laminar shear flow through tubular pillows, while diffusion between bands led to partial homogenisation. The most common internal pattern defined by the flow banding in pillows is concentric. In some pillows the banding defines curious mushroom-like structures, commonly cored by dark, variolitic metabasalt, which we interpret as the result of secondary lateral flow due to counter-rotating, transverse (Dean) vortices induced by the axial flow of lava towards the flow front through bends, generally downward, in the tubular pillows. Other pillows exhibit weakly-banded or massive, dark, variolitic cores that are continuous with wedge-shaped apophyses and veins that intrude the flow banded carapace. These cores represent the flow of hotter and less viscous slugs of the dark lava type into cooled and stiffened pillows.  相似文献   

Six new analyses of young basaltic rocks from the Bayuda field show the predominant rock types to be strongly undersaturated basanites and nepheline trachybasalts. Both types are believed to represent magmas of deep-seated origin. Similar rocks are widely distributed in north-east Africa but mildly alkaline to tholeiitic basalts were erupted along the eastern margin of the continent in early and late Cainozoic times, whereas along the Tripoli-Tibesti zone to the west mildly alkaline basalts were probably confined to the early Tertiary. The Tripoli-Tibesti zone was one of uplift and strongly tensional tectonics in the late Mesozoic and early Cainozoic, and at this time may have been a line of potential lithospheric rifting, but a period of quiescence followed and resurgence of activity in the late Cainozoic produced weaker tensional structures and more strongly alkaline basic magmas. The region between these two main zones of activity was characterized throughout by intermittent alkaline volcanicity and weak tectonism. Neverthless, fracture zones which apparently controlled the volcanicity are beginning to be recognized in this area. It is argued that African volcanic activity is related to linear, rather than circumscribed, areas of mantle activity. Possible connections with epeirogenic movements within the Alpine orogenic belt appear to have been neglected in the debate on the causes of African igneous activity.  相似文献   

The Society Islands of French Polynesia (south-central Pacific Ocean) are formed predominatly by basaltic lavas of alkaline affinities. These intraplate rocks are either Ne- or Hy-normative. Ne-normative basaltic lavas are lower in Si and heavy rare earth elements and higher in Ti, V and Sr than Hy-normative. The differences are attributed to the contrasting behaviour of amphibole during melting of the upper mantle, which, in turn, may be related to the variation in the depth of melting. Compared to pyrolite, the upper mantle source of the lavas was enriched in incompatible elements.  相似文献   

Some recent calc-alkaline andesites and dacites from southern and central Martinique contain basic xenoliths belonging to two main petrographic types:
  • The most frequent one has a hyalodoleritic texture (« H type ») with hornblende + plagioclase + Fe-Ti oxides, set in an abundant glassy and vacuolar groundmass.
  • The other one exhibits a typical porphyritic basaltic texture (« B type ») and mineralogy (olivine + plagioclase + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + Fe-Ti oxides and scarce, or absent hornblende).
  • Gradual textural and mineralogical transitions occur between these two types (« I type ») with the progressive development of hornblende at the expense of olivine and pyroxenes. Mineralogical and chemical studies show no primary compositional correlations between the basaltic xenoliths and their host lavas, thus demonstrating that the former are not cognate inclusions; they are remnants of basaltic liquids intruded into andesitic to dacitic magma chambers. This interpretation is strengthened by the typical calc-alkaline basaltic composition of the xenoliths, whatever their petrographic type (« H », « I » or « B »). The intrusion of partly liquid, hot basaltic magma into colder water-saturated andesitic to dacitic bodies leads to drastic changes in physical conditions. The two components; the basaltic xenoliths are quenched and homogeneized with their host lavas with respect to To;fO2 andpH2O conditions. « H type » xenoliths represent original mostly liquid basalts in which such physical changes lead to the formation of hornblende and the development of a vacuolar and hyalodoleritic texture. The temperature increase of the acid magma depends on the amount of the intruding basalt and on the thermal contrast between the two components. The textural diversity which characterizes the xenoliths reflects the cooling rate of the basaltic fragments and/or their position relative to the basaltic bodies (chilled margins or inner, more crystallized, portions). In addition to physical equilibration (T, fO2) between the magmas, mixing involves:
  • mechanical transfer of phenocrysts from one component to another, in both directions;
  • volatile transfer to the basaltic xenoliths, with chemical exchanges.
  • It is here demonstrated that a short period of time (some ten hours to a few days) separates the mixing event from the eruption, outlining the importance of magma mixing in the triggering of eruption. The common occurrence of basaltic xenoliths (generally of « H » type) in calc-alkaline lavas is emphasized, showing that this mechanism is of first importance in calc-alkaline magma petrogenesis.  相似文献   

    Experimental data and numerical modelling were used to study the effect of local geology on the seismic response of the Catania area. The town extends on a marly clays bedrock and terraced deposits made up by coastal sands and alluvial conglomerates. This sedimentary substratum is deeply entrenched by paleo-valleys filled by lava flows and pyroclastics. Available borehole data and elastic parameters were used to reconstruct a geotechnical model in order to perfome 1D numerical modeling. Seismic urban scenarios were simulated considering destructive (M w = 7.0), strong (M w = 6.2) and moderate (M w = 5.7) earthquakes to assess the shaking level of the different outcropping formations. For each scenario seven real accelerograms were selected from the European Strong Motion Database to assess the expected seismic input at the bedrock. PGA and spectral acceleration at different periods were obtained in the urban area through the equivalent linear numerical code EERA, and contour maps of different levels of shaking were drawn. Standard and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios were achieved making use of a dataset of 172 seismic events recorded at ten sites located on the main outcropping lithotypes. Spectral ratios inferred from earthquake data were compared with theoretical transfer functions. Both experimental and numerical results confirm the role of the geological and morphologic setting of Catania. Amplification of seismic motion mainly occurs in three different stratigraphic conditions: (a) sedimentary deposits mainly diffused in the south of the study area; (b) spots of soft sediments surrounded by lava flows; (c) intensely fractured and scoriaceous basaltic lavas.  相似文献   

    The paper continues the series of our works on recognizing the areas prone to the strongest, strong, and significant earthquakes with the use of the Formalized Clustering And Zoning (FCAZ) intellectual clustering system. We recognized the zones prone to the probable emergence of epicenters of the strongest (M ≥ 74/3) earthquakes on the Pacific Coast of Kamchatka. The FCAZ-zones are compared to the zones that were recognized in 1984 by the classical recognition method for Earthquake-Prone Areas (EPA) by transferring the criteria of high seismicity from the Andes mountain belt to the territory of Kamchatka. The FCAZ recognition was carried out with two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects of recognition.  相似文献   

    New paleomagnetic determinations satisfying the up-to-date methodical and instrumental standards of paleomagnetic studies are obtained from the lava flows and volcanic ash of the Northern Group of Kamchatka volcanoes. In the past 4000 years, 12 stratigraphic levels with tephrostratigraphic ages are explored. The obtained directions of the geomagnetic field fill a gap in the data on the secular variation for northeastern Asia and can be used for developing global models. Besides, a promising outlook for the use of the variations of the geomagnetic field for the regional correlation of volcanic events is demonstrated.  相似文献   

    Trachytic lavas of Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan, show a peculiar geochemical variation across lava flow units. Samples collected systematically in a vertical cross section from a lava flow unit with a thickness of about 20 m are nearly homogeneous in major element compositions. However, some trace elements, including Li, B and Cs, are considerably depleted in samples collected from the main part of the flow unit, compared to those obtained from the surface of the lava flow (clinker layer). In particular, Cs content of the main flow unit is as low as ∼30% of the clinker layer. 11B / 10B ratios of samples from the main flow unit are also slightly lower than those of the clinker samples, and the isotope compositions positively correlate with boron concentrations. These geochemical variations cannot be explained by magmatic processes in magma chambers, post-eruptive weathering, or alteration process. Rather, we infer these systematics resulted from escape of these elements from the lava flow unit during post-eruptive degassing. Vapor phases in which Li, B and Cs dissolved are suggested to have been transported through veins formed in the main flow unit as fractures due to slight shearing along the flow planes after lava emplacement. In the Tanetomi lava, only rocks of the clinker layer preserve original composition of magmas, although they are porous and brownish due to extensive oxidization. On the other hand, rocks of the main flow unit do not retain original magma compositions, although they are dense and grayish, and seem to be much fresher compared to the clinkers. A similar geochemical modification of lavas can occur in other volcanic systems, especially for lavas consisting of relatively thick flow units.  相似文献   

    Segregation structures in vapor-differentiated basaltic flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
     Vesicle cylinders represent a spectacular kind of segregation structure involving residual liquids formed in situ during the cooling of lava flows. These vertical pipes, commonly found within basalt flows typically 2–10 m thick, are interpreted as the product of a vapor-driven differentiation process. The olivine phenocrysts and the earliest generation of groundmass olivines found in cylinder-bearing basalts appear to have been generally affected by magmatic oxidation, resulting in high-temperature iddingsite (HTI) alteration. This feature is also observed within cylinder-free basalt flows which exhibit other kinds of vesicular segregation structures, such as vesicle-rich pegmatoid segregation sheets and/or segregation vesicles. Detailed textural, petrological, and geochemical characteristics of two types of cylinders, three types of vesicle sheets, and five types of segregation vesicles are described, based on the study of 12 occurrences of HTI-bearing basalt flows from oceanic shield volcanoes or continental basalt plateaus. We propose a general classification of these segregation structures likely to derive from vapor differentiation. Flow thickness is probably the main factor influencing their morphology. Finally, we suggest that the concomitant occurrence of olivine oxidation and vapor-differentiation effects results from the late persistence of water oversaturation after eruption, perhaps due to a high rate of magma ascent. Received: 27 March 1999 / Accepted: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

    Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Winter thunderstorms in Kamchatka are a rare meteorological phenomenon. Temporal variations of the quasi-static electric field and meteorological values at the Paratunka...  相似文献   

    In the subaqueous growth and emergence of a basaltic volcano clasts are formed by one or a combination of (1) explosive release of magmatic volatiles; (2) explosive expansion and collapse of steam formed at magma-water contact surfaces; (3) explosive expansion of steam following enclosure of water in magma, or entrapment of water close to magma; and (4) cooling-contraction. These processes, named respectivelymagmatic explosivity, contact-surface steam explosivity, bulk interaction steam explosivity, andcooling-contraction granulation, can be enhanced by mutual interaction and feedback. The first three (explosive) processes are limited at certain water depths (hydrostatic pressures) and become increasingly vigorous at shallower levels. The depth of onset of magmatic explosivity depends largely on juvenile volatile content; it is up to 200 m for tholeiitic magmas and up to 1 km for alkalic magmas. At the depth where formation of clastic deposits becomes predominant over effusion of lavas, magmatic explosivity is subordinate to steam explosivity as a clast-forming process. The upward transition to accumulation of dominantly clastic deposits is not simply related to the onset of substantial exsolution of magmatic volatiles and can occur without it. Contact-surface explosivity commonly requires initiation by a vigorous impact between magma and water and, although no certain depth limit is known, likelihood of such explosivity decreases rapidly with depth. Clast generation by bulk interaction explosivity appears to be restricted to depths much shallower than that of the critical pressure of water, which in sea water is at about 3 km. Cooling-contraction granulation can occur in any depth of water, but at shallow levels may be replaced by contact-surface explosivity. During continuous eruption under water, tephra can be ejected and deposited within a cupola of steam such that rapid quenching does not occur. Emergent volcanoes are characterized by distinctive steam-explosive activity that results primarily from a bulk interaction between rapidly ascending magma and a highly mobile slurry of clastic material, water, and steam. The water gets into the vent by flooding across or through the top of the tephra pile, and violent explosions cease when this access is sealed. The eruptions during emergence of Surtsey and Capelinhos typify the distinctive explosive activity, the style and controls of which are different from those of maar volcanoes.  相似文献   

    Ocean Dynamics - We used historical CTD observations and Argo data to obtain the characteristics of the Kamchatka Current halocline and its eddies. Kamchatka Current eddies have a cold low salinity...  相似文献   

    Based on the uniform catalogue of earthquakes of the minimum energy class 8.5 for 1962–2008, multiharmonic models of seismic activity in Kamchatka are developed. The main harmonic components with periods from a few days to 12 years are identified. Both the entire catalogue and its modified versions obtained by the elimination of aftershocks and clusters, as well as nonoverlapping time series were used to study the stability of the models. The forward-prediction testing showed that in the models with weekly averaged initial data, periods of increased and reduced seismic activity lasting for several weeks are predicted with high confidence on an interval of up to 1.8% of the education period. This testifies for the presence of deterministic components in the seismic activity.  相似文献   

    —The 1952 Kamchatka earthquake is among the largest earthquakes of this century, with an estimated magnitude of M w = 9.0. We inverted tide gauge records from Japan, North America, the Aleutians, and Hawaii for the asperity distribution. The results show two areas of high slip. The average slip is over 3 m, giving a seismic moment estimate of 155×1020Nm, or M w = 8.8. The 20th century seismicity of the 1952 rupture zone shows a strong correlation to the asperity distribution, which suggests that the large earthquakes (M > 7) are controlled by the locations of the asperities and that future large earthquakes will also recur in the asperity regions.  相似文献   

    3He/4He ratios in lavas erupted during the last 360 years at Mt. Vesuvius are between 2.2 and 2.7 RA (RA = atmospheric ratio of 1.39 × 10−6), and are among the lowest values measured in young volcanic rocks. They are also identical to values measured in summit crater fumaroles sampled during 1987–1991. This agreement indicates that the 3He/4He ratio in the crater fumaroles faithfully tracks the magmatic value. The relatively low and uniform 3He/4He ratio in the lavas reflects either a mantle source enriched in (U + Th)/3He, or a mixture of magmatic and crustal components.  相似文献   

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