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This paper discusses the results of the investigation of Pleistocene sediments at the Royal Oak Portal (ROP) site on the new Crossrail scheme near Paddington Station, London. The site was sampled and recorded in May 2011 by archaeologists from Oxford Archaeology commissioned by Crossrail Ltd. The investigation revealed a sedimentary sequence associated with cool climate waterlain deposition towards the edge of the River Westbourne floodplain. During excavation an assemblage of around 100 identifiable large mammal bones was recovered, dating to the Late Pleistocene. The major concentration of bones, from bison and reindeer, was located and excavated from a shallow sequence of sediments. Analysis of the bones indicates that they represent a natural death assemblage, scavenged and subsequently disarticulated, transported by water, exposed and further dispersed and broken by trampling. The site is of regional and national importance because the assemblage derives from a well-constrained geological context, with associated dating evidence suggesting accumulation during the later parts of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 and continuing within MIS 4. The site is also of significance because it is one of a growing number of recently discovered sites away from the main fluvial archive for the British Middle and Upper Pleistocene. These sites have the potential to add significantly to our understanding of parts of the Pleistocene record that remain difficult to document through the investigation of the more active systems associated with major rivers such as the Thames, Severn or Trent.  相似文献   

<正>Fourteen graptolite species of the Late Tremadoc and Early Floian are described from the Nanba section in the Yiyang area,Hunan Province.Among them,Paradelograptus onubensis, Kiaerograptus bulmani,K.kutchini and Paratemnograptus isolatus of the Late Tremadoc are first found in China.Based on the current graptolite materials,the correspondingly complete graptolite zones of Upper Tremadocian in China are recognized as follows(in ascending order):the Adelograptus tenellus Zone,the Aorograptus victoriae Zone,the Araneograptus murrayi Zone and the Hunnegraptus copiosus Zone.In the Nanba section,the Hunnegraptus copiosus Zone is overlain directly by the Tetragraptus approximatus Zone,there is no hiatus below the base of Floian.  相似文献   

晚震旦世至早寒武世扬子地台北缘碳同位素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
震旦-寒武交变期是地史上一个重大转折期,亦是一个具有特殊意义的过渡时期.运用碳同位素地球化学方法,探讨扬子地台北缘四川南江地区晚震旦世-早寒武世交变期,碳同位素地球化学异常与环境变化和生物演化的相互联系.南江剖面沉积岩有机碳同位素组成在-35.8‰~-30.1‰间变化;碳酸盐碳同位素组成从-3.5‰~+0.5‰.在灯影组顶部、牛蹄塘组下部和上部,变化的碳、硫同位素组成和不同的黄铁矿与有机碳含量反映了有机碳埋藏量和环境的变化.下寒武统富有机碳和黄铁矿的黑色页岩沉积,暗示了早寒武世早期缺氧环境的存在.  相似文献   

林宝玉  任纪舜  李明  武振杰 《地质学报》2018,92(10):2002-2017
根据中国主要块体奥陶纪达瑞威尔期地层学、古生物学和岩石学的特点,本文主要论述了中国9个块体,其中包括5个主要块体(扬子克拉通、中朝克拉通、塔里木克拉通、拉萨地块和喜马拉雅北坡)中达瑞威尔晚期—凯迪期早期海相红层的分布、岩性特征和古动物群。它们的岩性特征:如红色灰岩;古生物群特征:如牙形石Pygodus serra动物群,P.anserinus动物群和Hamarodus europaeus动物群,珊瑚Yohophyllum动物群,以及头足类Sinoceras chinense动物群均十分相似或相同。这就充分阐明,中华古陆块群(包括扬子、中朝和塔里木克拉通等)与冈瓦纳古陆北缘古陆块群(包括拉萨地块和喜马拉雅北坡等)之间的关系十分密切,可能在此之前它们同属于冈瓦纳古陆。这对于阐明中华古陆块群与冈瓦纳古陆之间的关系具有重要意义。此外,还将海相红层分为两类:陆棚红层和大洋红层。陆棚红层主要见于寒武纪至三叠纪,大洋红层主要见于白垩纪至现代。  相似文献   

M. P. Atherton  A. A. Ghani 《Lithos》2002,62(3-4):65-85
None of the existing models for calc-alkaline “Late Granite” (Siluro–Devonian) genesis in the metamorphic Caledonian orogenic belt of Ireland and Scotland fully explains their spatial, age or chemical character. A consistent model must involve the closure of Iapetus Ocean, where slab breakoff is a natural consequence of attempted subduction of continental crust. Expected outcome is a long linear belt of high-K, calc-alkaline magmas, some with characteristic trace element signatures, specifically high Ba, Sr and Zr. Other features include the critical magmatic association of coeval appinite and granite, rapid uplift, erosion and the low-grade regional metamorphism in the Southern Uplands. The linear heat pulse on breakoff is spatially, intensity and time limited producing small volume melts emplaced as separated plutons, over a short time span. Magmatism in the Caledonian metamorphic belt is accurately accounted for by slab breakoff on collision of Baltica with the Scoto–Greenland margin during the Scandian orogeny, following Iapetus Ocean closure. The two chemically, isotopically and areally distinctive suites in the metamorphic belt in Scotland, viz. the Argyll and Cairngorm Suites, can be modelled by reference to the Donegal granites where sequential partial melting of new, lamprophyric underplated crust, then shallower old crust, as heat conduction moved up through the crust on slab breakoff, produced magmas characteristic of the two suites.  相似文献   

藏北羌塘盆地上三叠统那底岗日组呈近东西带状展布,下部主要为凝灰岩、凝灰质砂岩夹流纹岩、玄武岩,上部主要为含砾砂岩、泥质粉砂岩和生物碎屑泥灰岩。笔者等野外调查中首次在下伏的上三叠统肖茶卡组顶部发现古风化壳,结合在那底岗日组底部识别出来的不同底界类型和底砾岩特征,证实那底岗日组与下伏地层之间存在沉积间断。早期磁性地层研究中也曾发现了该沉积间断的存在,间断时间被认为约2Ma。运用已有的生物地层资料确定肖茶卡组地层的沉积时间(晚三叠世诺利期一瑞替期),从而推测那底岗日组火山岩形成时代略晚于这个时间,很可能早于前人关于该套地层的时代认识。那底岗日组火山岩可能对研究东特提斯地区的晚三叠世生物绝灭、气候变化以及海退事件有重要意义。  相似文献   

刘亮  邱检生  李真  李友连 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3993-4006
沐尘岩体呈北北东向出露于浙江龙游县沐尘至遂昌县双溪口一带,为早白垩世晚期(112Ma)岩浆活动的产物。岩体主体岩性为石英二长岩,岩体中普遍发育形态多样的暗色镁铁质微粒包体。包体岩性主要为黑云母二长闪长岩,包体多呈椭球形或卵形等塑性形态,大小不一,从几厘米到几十厘米不等。主量元素组成上,寄主石英二长岩具有中酸性、准铝质、富碱、富钾等特征;镁铁质包体则偏基性、贫钾。微量和稀土元素组成上,寄主岩富集Rb、K、Th、U,贫Sr、P、Nb、Ta、Ti,且Zr、Hf含量相对较高,具中-强的铕负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.12~0.60)。镁铁质包体具有相似的微量元素特征,但相对富集Sr、P,贫Zr、Hf,铕负异常中等或不明显(Eu/Eu*=0.43~0.93)。寄主岩及镁铁质包体具有相似的初始Sr、Nd同位素组成,ISr分别为0.7062~0.7065和0.7058~0.7070,εNd(t)值均偏高,分别为-3.19~-2.43和-2.60~0.58。在主量元素氧化物比值相关图解及微量元素与同位素协变图解上,镁铁质包体与寄主岩之间呈现出良好的协变关系,从地球化学角度为成岩过程中存在岩浆混合作用提供了可靠证据。温压计算表明沐尘岩体为温度偏高(797~851℃)的中深成岩体(6~7km)。综合岩石学、元素地球化学与Sr-Nd同位素组成特征,表明沐尘石英二长岩及镁铁质包体最可能是在引张构造背景下,由亏损的地幔组分及其诱发的地壳物质部分熔融形成的长英质岩浆经混合后,并经进一步的分异演化形成。  相似文献   

A piston core from the Maldives carbonate platform was investigated for carbonate mineralogy, grain‐size distributions, calcium carbonate content and organic carbon. The sedimentary record was linked to Late Pleistocene sea‐level variations, using an age model based on oxygen isotopes obtained from planktonic foramanifera, nannofossil biostratigraphy and 14C age determinations. The correlation between the sedimentary record and Late Pleistocene sea‐level showed that variations in aragonite and mud during the past 150 000 years were clearly related to flooding and sea floor exposure of the main lagoons of the atolls of the Maldives carbonate platform. Platform flooding events were characterized by strongly increased deposition of aragonite and mud within the Inner Sea of the Maldives. Exposure events, in contrast, can be recognized by rapid decreases in the values of both proxy records. The results show that sediments on the Maldives carbonate platform contain a continuous record of Pleistocene sea‐level variations. These sediments may, therefore, contribute to a better understanding of regional and even global sea‐level changes, and yield new insights into the interplay between ocean currents and carbonate platform morphology.  相似文献   

在新藏公路奇台达坂东约10krn、海拔5600m的晚三叠世花岗岩之上发现厚约10m的玄武岩和粗面英安岩.地球化学数据显示,该火山岩高碱,富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损重稀土元素,Eu中等负异常,高Sr,低Nd,属钾玄岩系列,可能源于壳幔混合层.测定全岩~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar坪年龄为8.27Ma±0.32Ma(900~1400℃,~(39)Ar累积释放量为66%),与受火山岩烘烤后花岗岩的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄(7.9Ma±1.0Ma)在误差范围内一致,表明该火山岩喷发于约8Ma的晚中新世,与相邻的大红柳滩火山岩的时代(7.97Ma±0.14Ma)相近.新藏公路奇台达坂晚中新世火山岩的发现丰富了青藏高原西北缘晚新生代岩浆活动的资料,表明在晚中新世-上新世康西瓦-泉水沟一带火山活动非常频繁,并显示火山活动与大型断裂带运动的关系非常密切.  相似文献   

Detailed clay mineralogical analyses were carried out on Late Permian/Early Triassic carbonate sediments exposed on the Chaotian section (Sichuan Basin, Central China). The clay assemblages are dominantly composed of illite in platform carbonates and clay seams, and illite–smectite mixed-layers (I/S) in tuff layers (K-bentonites) intercalated in the carbonate succession. Detrital and authigenic volcanogenic clay minerals have been partially replaced through illitisation processes during burial, raising questions about diagenetic effects. The precise determination of I/S occurring in K-bentonites shows that the sediments reached a temperature of about 180 °C, which is consistent with (1) previous estimates based on fluid-inclusion homogenisation temperature analysis, (2) the burial depth of the sedimentary series deduced from the post-Palaeozoic geological history of the Sichuan Basin and (3) the new data (Tmax) obtained on organic matter indicating the transition between oil and gas windows. The Wangpo Bed, located close to the Guadalupian–Lopingian Boundary, is interpreted either as a volcanic acidic tuff or as a clastic horizon. This controversial origin probably results from mixed volcanogenic and detrital influences. The Wangpo Bed is therefore interpreted as a reworked bentonite as revealed by the occurrence of I/S similar to those found in tuff layers, together with preserved detrital kaolinite.  相似文献   

The northern Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, is one of the key global sites for understanding marine cyclic sedimentation during the Quaternary. This paper presents the first evidence of marine cyclic sedimentation from its central-southern parts. Sedimentological, micropalaeontological and palynological analyses on a 280-m-deep borehole encountered units dating back to MIS 10. The sequence includes four marine cycles spanning MIS 9–5, which are overlain by terrestrial fluvial aggradation surfaces dating from MIS 4–2. Each marine unit represents a progressively shallowing depositional environment from the mid-shelf to coastal plain. This is overlain by a terrestrial sequence of lowstand fluvial terraces. Localized fault movements appear to have influenced the sedimentary character of the sequence during MIS 7a and 5e producing basement highs which provided protection to the shoreline. The cyclothems described in this paper now extend the already extensive, previously described record from MIS 17–10 to produce a combined eustatic record of Quaternary sea level change within the basin to MIS 5. They also provide an excellent example of the sedimentary response of a coastal basin to a progressive loss of sedimentation accommodation space.  相似文献   

The Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP) was one of the largest and relatively well preserved Mesozoic platforms in the Mediterranean region (central Tethys). The peninsula Istria, in the northwestern part of the ADCP, is built up predominantly of shallow-water carbonates of the Middle Jurassic (Dogger) to Eocene age and, to a lesser extent, of Paleogene clastic deposits (flysch and calcareous breccia). This study focuses on a Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) succession of strata at five localities in western Istria. Stratigraphic determinations are based on identification of nine microfossil assemblages (benthic foraminifera and calcareous algae Dasycladales) and on using their taxa as index fossils. The age of strata with these microfossil assemblages, however, is questionable. Most of the age uncertainties are associated with a regional emersion, which occurred on the ADCP during the Aptian or close to the Aptian-Albian transition. It is unclear what portions of the Upper Aptian and/or Lower Albian are missing along this unconformity. A stable isotope study was conducted on homogenous micritic matrix samples in an attempt to resolve some of these uncertainties. Variations in carbon isotope compositions proved useful for stratigraphic correlation between the examined successions of strata, for improving their age determination, and for relating them to other coeval successions that span an important time interval of major oceanographic changes and carbon-cycle perturbations associated with the Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a).  相似文献   

The Gottero unit of the Northern Apennines, Italy, is representative of the sedimentary cover of the Ligure-Piemontese oceanic lithosphere. This unit consists of a thick sedimentary sequence that includes Valanginian-Santonian pelagic deposits and Campanian-early Paleocene turbiditic deposits. The latter are overlain by early Paleocene trench deposits related to frontal tectonic erosion of the accretionary wedge slope. This sequence is interpreted as recording trenchward motion of the oceanic lithosphere.

The Gottero unit records a pre-Late Oligocene, complex deformation history related to subduction and accretion events. This deformation history has developed through underthrusting (D1a), underplating (D1b and D1c) and later exhumation (D2a and D2b) episodes. The folding phase related to the main underplating sub-phase (D1b) is predated by a sub-phase (D1a) connected to rapid fluid escape and followed by a sub-phase dominated by the development of shear zones (D1c). The D1b sub-phase is characterized by similar folds and a slaty cleavage developed under P/T conditions of 0.4GPa/210°-270 °C. The D1c sub-phase, characterized by west-verging thrusts, is particularly signficative in understanding the dynamics of the Ligure-Piemontese accretionary wedge because it testifies active shortening of the Gottero unit also after its transfer to the prism. In addition, sub-phase D1c represents the transition from the sub-phases connected to accretion and the tectonics dominated by extension, characterized by parallel folds and low-to high-angle normal faults. The gravity driven extension is represented by the D2a and D2b sub-phases and can be interpreted as the result of the thicknening of the Ligure-Piemontese accretionary wedge, produced by continuous underplating at its base but also by shortening of the previously underplated units. These final tectonic events resulted in the exhumation of the Gottero unit to the surface during the Early Oligocene, when this Unit became one of the source areas of the conglomerates deposited in the Tertiary Piedmont basin.

This deformation history suggests the occurrence of a complex sequence of deformations during the transition from accretion to exhumation, even in the intermediate levels of the accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

The Wexford Basin (south-eastern Ireland) is a NE–SW-trending sedimentary basin containing carbonates and evaporites deposited during the Late Tournaisian and Viséan. Two separate depositional areas are defined on the basis of facies and facies associations. Sediments were deposited in inner ramp, lagoonal and peritidal environments near Rosslare, and in a more open-marine, shallow- to moderately deep-water, mid to outer ramp environment in the western area around Duncormick. Thick breccia deposits that occur in the Wexford Basin formed as a result of (i) fault movement that produced syn-sedimentary debris flows in the Late? Chadian (Breccia type I); (ii) dissolution of anhydrite/gypsum and subsequent collapse of sedimentary strata (Breccia type II); and (iii) fracturing and brecciation of porous rock caused by the movement of high temperature, late diagenetic fluids along fault planes (Breccia type III). The NE–SW facies polarity displayed by both sedimentary successions was the result of NW–SE extension and the reactivation of the NE–SW-trending Wexford Boundary Fault during the Chadian. Extension at the SE margin of the basin with downthrow to the NNW gave the basin a half-graben character. Thickening of the debris flow deposits to the SW suggests that while the half-graben was being tilted it also underwent a NE–SW block rotation due to an axial component of that normal fault.  相似文献   

Investigation of sediment samples from Sites 1039 and 1040 (ODP Leg 170) drilled off the Nicoya peninsula (Costa Rica) by organic geochemical and organic petrological methods has revealed that subduction has only little influence on the composition of the sedimentary organic matter. Organic carbon contents reached 1.5% in the Pleistocene samples but Miocene and Pliocene sediments had an average organic carbon content of less than 0.5%. Organic carbon/sulfur ratios are generally below 2.8, reflecting an intense sulfate reduction in the uppermost sediments which was enhanced by sulfate supply both from sea water and deeper strata. Microscopical examinations indicate that the organic matter is mainly derived from marine sources. A small amount of terrigenous organic matter is, however, present as well according to n-alkane and fatty acid distributions. The alkenone unsaturation index U37k′ shows only a slight decrease during the Miocene and Pliocene, and stronger variations in the Pleistocene, probably indicating more stable sea surface temperatures during the Miocene and Pliocene. Variations in the Pleistocene can possibly be related to glacial/interglacial changes.  相似文献   

杨航  吴鹏  韩润生  姜龙燕  陶琴  江小均  管申进 《地质学报》2020,94(12):3726-3745
滇中老街子Pb-Ag矿床和白马苴Au(Cu)矿床位于金沙江-红河富碱斑岩成矿带中段,是楚雄盆地中与喜山期富碱斑岩体时空关系密切的两个矿化中心,二者相距仅2km,但是矿种和矿化类型均不同,金属矿物组合差异显著。两个矿化中心同空间、不同矿化类型的深部结构不清,成因联系不明,制约了姚安富碱斑岩区多金属矿床的理论认识与深部勘查。通过岩石组合、赋矿岩体组构及地球化学特征对比,总结矿化元素空间分布规律,研究认为:(1)老街子正长斑岩具斑状结构,斑晶为正长石,岩体内发育脉岩;白马苴正长斑岩具似斑状结构,斑晶为正长石和少量斜长石。岩石组合和组构特征差异反映后者形成深度较前者更深;(2)岩石地球化学特征总体一致,均明显富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Ba和LREE等),相对亏损高场强元素(Ta、Nb、P和Ti等),系中酸性富碱、高钾的正长岩-石英二长岩钾玄质准铝-过铝质系列岩石组合,为同源同期岩浆演化的产物。主要差异为老街子正长斑岩稀土总量及Rb/Sr比值整体较白马苴正长斑岩高,反映其岩浆结晶分异演化程度较白马苴正长斑岩高;(3)对比老街子矿床深部三个中段矿化元素异常分布特征,显示Cu-Mo异常往深部逐渐...  相似文献   

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