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Abstract— Detailed field mapping has revealed the presence of a series of intra‐crater sedimentary deposits within the interior of the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic. Coarse‐grained, well‐sorted, pale gray lithic sandstones (reworked impact melt breccias) unconformably overlie pristine impact melt breccias and attest to an episode of erosion, during which time significant quantities of impact melt breccias were removed. The reworked impact melt breccias are, in turn, unconformably overlain by paleolacustrine sediments of the Miocene Haughton Formation. Sediments of the Haughton Formation were clearly derived from pre‐impact lower Paleozoic target rocks of the Allen Bay Formation, which form the crater rim in the northern, western, and southern regions of the Haughton structure. Collectively, these field relationships indicate that the Haughton Formation was deposited up to several million years after the formation of the Haughton crater and that they do not, therefore, represent an immediate, post‐impact crater lake deposit. This is consistent with new isotopic dating of impactites from Haughton that indicate an Eocene age for the impact event (Sherlock et al. 2005). In addition, isolated deposits of post‐Miocene intra‐crater glacigenic and fluvioglacial sediments were found lying unconformably over remnants of the Haughton Formation, impact melt breccias, and other pre‐impact target rock formations. These deposits provide clear evidence for glaciation at the Haughton crater. The wealth and complexity of geological and climatological information preserved as intra‐crater deposits at Haughton suggests that craters on Mars with intra‐crater sedimentary records might present us with similar opportunities, but also possibly significant challenges.  相似文献   

Abstract— Large impact crater formation is an important geologic process that is not fully understood. The current paradigm for impact crater formation is based on models and observations of impacts in homogeneous targets. Real targets are rarely uniform; for example, the majority of Earth's surface is covered by sedimentary rocks and/or a water layer. The ubiquity of layering across solar system bodies makes it important to understand the effect target properties have on the cratering process. To advance understanding of the mechanics of crater collapse, and the effect of variations in target properties on crater formation, the first “Bridging the Gap” workshop recommended that geological observation and numerical modeling focussed on mid‐sized (15–30 km diameter) craters on Earth. These are large enough to be complex; small enough to be mapped, surveyed and modelled at high resolution; and numerous enough for the effects of target properties to be potentially disentangled from the effects of other variables. In this paper, we compare observations and numerical models of three 18–26 km diameter craters formed in different target lithology: Ries, Germany; Haughton, Canada; and El'gygytgyn, Russia. Based on the first‐order assumption that the impact energy was the same in all three impacts we performed numerical simulations of each crater to construct a simple quantitative model for mid‐sized complex crater formation in a subaerial, mixed crystalline‐sedimentary target. We compared our results with interpreted geological profiles of Ries and Haughton, based on detailed new and published geological mapping and published geophysical surveys. Our combined observational and numerical modeling work suggests that the major structural differences between each crater can be explained by the difference in thickness of the pre‐impact sedimentary cover in each case. We conclude that the presence of an inner ring at Ries, and not at Haughton, is because basement rocks that are stronger than the overlying sediments are sufficiently close to the surface that they are uplifted and overturned during excavation and remain as an uplifted ring after modification and post‐impact erosion. For constant impact energy, transient and final crater diameters increase with increasing sediment thickness.  相似文献   

Abstract— Surface and subsurface structural studies undertaken under the Haughton impact structure study (HISS) project indicate that the 23 Ma-old Haughton impact structure, (Devon Island, Canadian Arctic) consists of a central basin of uplifted strata, an inner zone of uplifted megablocks at 3.5–5.5 km radius, a complex, faulted annulus of megablocks at 5.5–7.0 km radius and an outer zone of downfaulted blocks. No evidence of a previously suggested structural multi-ring form was found. The geophysical studies suggest an original diameter of 24 km, slightly larger than previous estimates and the seismic data indicate considerably more faulting in the western portion than has been mapped from surface exposures. Detailed studies of the allochthonous breccia deposits found no major radial variations in lithology and shock levels. The only anomaly is the concentration of highly shocked, cobble-sized clasts in the central area coincident with the maximum gravity and magnetic anomalies. It is suggested that this local component is related to the highly shocked rocks of the central uplift and may have been shed from the uplift during late stage adjustments. There is no visible central topographic peak of uplifted bedrock at Haughton but studies of the post-impact Haughton Formation suggest that the center of the structure subsided 300–350 m soon after formation. Breccia studies also indicate the occurrence of shock-melted sediments, including shales, but no evidence of shock melted carbonates, the most common target lithology. This may be ascribed to the ease with which carbonates are volatilized by relatively moderate shock levels. The large amount of volatiles released on impact helped disperse the highly shocked products leading to the formation of a relatively cool clastic and polymict breccia deposit in the interior, as opposed to a coherent melt sheet. In this regard, the breccia deposit is somewhat analogous to the suevite deposits within the Ries crater. Sedimentological studies indicate that the Cretaceous-age Eureka Sound Formation was present at the time of impact and that the Haughton area has undergone as much as 200 m of erosion since the time of impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— After the impact that formed Haughton crater, 22.4 ± 1.4 Ma ago (early Miocene), the cavity filled with water and began to accumulate lacustrine sediments. These preserve detailed evidence of pre-impact stratigraphy and post-impact morphology and development of the crater, as well as of the climatic and biotic regime in which it lay. In this report we formally designate these sediments as the Haughton Formation, of which only a 48 m thick remnant covering approximately 7 km2 still exists. Dolomite-rich, poorly-sorted silt, fine sand, and mud are the principal lithologies. The formation unconformably overlies a blanket of allochthonous impact breccia forming the floor of the original crater. Presence of a debris-flow deposit in the base of the sequence indicates that lacustine deposition began very shortly after crater formation. The Haughton Formation contains a moderately diverse and highly endemic vertebrate fauna as well as palynomorphs and plant macrofossils that indicate a cool-temperate climatic regime. A small percentage of reworked Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary palynomorphs point to the former existence of the Eureka Sound Formation in the drainage area of the crater. In addition, the distribution of the lake beds indicates the absence of an inner ring on the west side of the crater, and the 3° to 3.5° inward dip of Haughton strata implies that the central mass has subsided approximately 300 to 350 m since deposition began.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Haughton impact structure has been the focus of systematic, multi‐disciplinary field and laboratory research activities over the past several years. Regional geological mapping has refined the sedimentary target stratigraphy and constrained the thickness of the sedimentary sequence at the time of impact to ?1880 m. New 40Ar–39Ar dates place the impact event at ?39 Ma, in the late Eocene. Haughton has an apparent crater diameter of ?23 km, with an estimated rim (final crater) diameter of ?16 km. The structure lacks a central topographic peak or peak ring, which is unusual for craters of this size. Geological mapping and sampling reveals that a series of different impactites are present at Haughton. The volumetrically dominant crater‐fill impact melt breccias contain a calcite‐anhydrite‐silicate glass groundmass, all of which have been shown to represent impact‐generated melt phases. These impactites are, therefore, stratigraphically and genetically equivalent to coherent impact melt rocks present in craters developed in crystalline targets. The crater‐fill impactites provided a heat source that drove a post‐impact hydrothermal system. During this time, Haughton would have represented a transient, warm, wet microbial oasis. A subsequent episode of erosion, during which time substantial amounts of impactites were removed, was followed by the deposition of intra‐crater lacustrine sediments of the Haughton Formation during the Miocene. Present‐day intra‐crater lakes and ponds preserve a detailed paleoenvironmental record dating back to the last glaciation in the High Arctic. Modern modification of the landscape is dominated by seasonal regional glacial and niveal melting, and local periglacial processes. The impact processing of target materials improved the opportunities for colonization and has provided several present‐day habitats suitable for microbial life that otherwise do not exist in the surrounding terrain.  相似文献   

Abstract— Contrary to the previous interpretation of a single allochthonous impactite lithology, combined field, optical, and analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies have revealed the presence of a series of impactites at the Haughton impact structure. In the crater interior, there is a consistent upward sequence from parautochthonous target rocks overlain by parautochthonous lithic (monomict) breccias, through allochthonous lithic (polymict) breccia, into pale grey allochthonous impact melt breccias. The groundmass of the pale grey impact melt breccias consists of microcrystalline calcite, silicate impact melt glass, and anhydrite. Analytical data and microtextures indicate that these phases represent a series of impact‐generated melts that were molten at the time of, and following, deposition. Impact melt glass clasts are present in approximately half of the samples studied. Consideration of the groundmass phases and impact glass clasts reveal that impactites of the crater interior contain shock‐melted sedimentary material from depths of >920 to <1880 m in the pre‐impact target sequence. Two principal impactites have been recognized in the near‐surface crater rim region of Haughton. Pale yellow‐brown allochthonous impact melt breccias and megablocks are overlain by pale grey allochthonous impact melt breccias. The former are derived from depths of >200 to <760 m and are interpreted as remnants of the continuous ejecta blanket. The pale grey impact melt breccias, although similar to the impact melt breccias of the crater interior, are more carbonate‐rich and do not appear to have incorporated clasts from the crystalline basement. Thus, the spatial distribution of the crater‐fill impactites at Haughton, the stratigraphic succession from target rocks to allochthonous impactites, the recognition of large volumes of impact melt breccias, and their probable original volume are all analogous to characteristics of coherent impact melt layers in comparatively sized structures formed in crystalline targets.  相似文献   

Abstract— The central allochthonous polymict breccia of the Haughton impact structure is up to about 90 m thick and as much as 7.3 km in radial extent. It has been analyzed with respect to modal composition, grain-size characteristics, and degree of shock metamorphism for the grain-size ranges 10–~ 50, 1–10, 0.03–1, and <0.03 mm. The mineralogy of the breccia matrix is dominated by dolomite and calcite, with minor amounts of quartz, other silicate minerals, and rare melt particles. The following lithic clasts have been identified in the 1–10 mm size fraction (averages of vol.% given in parentheses): dolomitic rocks (51), limestones (29), crystalline rocks (10), sandstones and siltstones (3.7), chert (0.7), melt particles (1.9). The mineral clasts (1–0.03 mm) comprise (with decreasing frequency) dolomite, quartz, calcite, feldspar, biotite, amphibole, garnet, opaques, rounded quartz derived from sandstones and accessory minerals. Lithic and mineral clasts display various degrees of shock. Fragments of crystalline rocks are shocked in the 0–60 GPa range; whole rock melts from the crystalline basement are lacking and unshocked rocks are very rare. In contrast, shock-melted sandstones, shales, and chert were found in most samples. Large clasts of these melt rocks are highly concentrated near the center of the crater. Otherwise, no distinct change of the modal composition with radial range has been observed except that the frequency of limestone clasts increases slightly with radial range. The breccia near the center is more fine-grained than that beyond about 1 km radius and the sorting parameter increases somewhat with radial range. Except for the high concentration of shock-melted sedimentary rocks and highly shocked crystalline rocks near the center of the crater, the distribution of shock stages within the lithic clast population is quite uniform throughout the breccia formation. We conclude that the breccia constituents are derived from the lower part of the target stratigraphy (deeper than about 800 m) and that the total depth of excavation at Haughton is in the order of 2000 m. The mixing of sedimentary rocks of the Eleanor River Formation, Lower Ordovician, and Cambrian (~850 m thickness) with crystalline basement rocks is quite thorough and homogeneous throughout the breccia lens, at least for the analyzed part. This may require an air-borne mode of emplacement for the upper section of the breccia in analogy to the fall-back suevite in the Ries crater. A calculation of the excavation (Z-model) and of the shock pressure attenuation based on reasonable estimates of the energy and crater geometry of the Haughton impact confirms the observed maximum depth of excavation of about 2 km. Shock-melted crystalline basement rocks, if present at all, must be confined to the very center of the structure below the excavation cavity.  相似文献   

The Kamenetsk impact structure is a deeply eroded simple crater that formed in crystalline rocks of the Ukrainian Shield. This study presents structural, lithologic, and shock metamorphic evidence for an impact origin of the Kamenetsk structure, which was previously described as a paleovolcano. The Kamenetsk structure is an oval depression that is 1.0–1.2 km in diameter and 130 m deep. The structure is deeply eroded, and only the lower part of the sequence of lithic breccia has been preserved in the deepest part of the crater to recent time, while the predominant part of impact rocks and postimpact sediments was eroded. Manifestations of shock metamorphism of minerals, especially planar deformation features in quartz and feldspars, were determined by petrographic investigations of lithic breccia that allowed us to determine the impact origin of the Kamenetsk structure. The erosion of the crater and surrounding target to a minimal depth of 220 m preceded the deposition of the postimpact sediments. The time of the formation of the Kamenetsk structure is bracketed within a wide interval from 2.0 to 2.1 Ga, the age of the crystalline target rocks, to the Late Miocene age of the sediments overlaying the crater. The deep erosion of the structure suggests it is probably Paleozoic in age.  相似文献   

Abstract— Field studies and analytical scanning electron microscopy indicate that a hydrothermal system was created by the interaction of water with hot, impact‐generated rocks following formation of the 24 km diameter, 23 Ma Haughton impact structure. Hydrothermal alteration is recognized in two settings: within polymict impact breccias overlying the central portion of the structure, and within localized pipes in impact‐generated concentric fault systems. The intra‐breccia alteration comprises three varieties of cavity and fracture filling: (a) sulfide with carbonate, (b) sulfate, and (c) carbonate. These are accompanied by subordinate celestite, barite, fluorite, quartz and marcasite. Selenite is also developed, particularly in the lower levels of the impact breccia sheet. The fault‐related hydrothermal alteration occurs in 1–7 m diameter subvertical pipes that are exposed for lengths of up 20 m. The pipes are defined by a monomict quartz‐carbonate breccia showing pronounced Fe‐hydroxide alteration. Associated sulfides include marcasite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. We propose three distinct stages in the evolution of the hydrothermal system: (1) Early Stage (>200 °C), with the precipitation of quartz (vapor phase dominated); (2) Main Stage (200‐100 °C), with the development of a two‐phase (vapor plus liquid) zone, leading to calcite, celestite, barite, marcasite and fluorite precipitation; and (3) Late Stage (<100 °C), with selenite and fibroferrite development through liquid phase‐dominated precipitation. We estimate that it took several tens of thousands of years to cool below 50 °C following impact. During this time, Haughton supported a 14 km diameter crater lake and subsurface water system, providing a warmer, wetter niche relative to the surrounding terrain. The results reveal how understanding the internal structure of impact craters is necessary in order to determine their plumbing and cooling systems.  相似文献   

Lockne is a concentric impact structure due to a layered target where weak sediments and seawater covered a crystalline basement. A matrix‐supported, sedimentary breccia is interlayered between the crystalline breccia lens and the resurge deposits in the crater infill. As the breccia is significantly different from the direct impact breccia and the resurge deposit, we propose a separate unit name, Tramsta Breccia, based on the type locality (i.e., the LOC02 drilling at Tramsta). We use granulometry and a novel matrix line‐log method to characterize the sedimentology of the Tramsta Breccia. The obliquity of impact combined with the layered target caused an asymmetric, concentric transient crater, which upon its collapse controlled the deposition of the breccia. On the wide‐brimmed downrange side of the crater where the sedimentary target succession was removed during crater excavation, wide, overturned basement crater ejecta flaps prevented any slumping of exterior sediments. Instead, the sediments most likely originated from the uprange side where the brim was narrow and the basement crater rim was poorly developed, sediment‐rich, and relatively unstable. Here, the water cavity wall remained in closer proximity to the basement crater and, aided by the pressure of the collapsing water wall, unconsolidated black mud would flow back into the crater. The absence of interlayered resurge deposits in the Tramsta Breccia and the evidence for reworking at the contact between the overlying resurge deposits and the Tramsta Breccia indicate that the slumping was a rapid process (<75 s) terminating well before the resurge entered the crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— Organic geochemistry applied to samples of bedrock and surface sediment from the Haughton impact structure detects a range of signatures representing the impact event and the transfer of organic matter from the crater bedrock to its erosion products. The bedrock dolomite contains hydrocarbon‐bearing fluid inclusions which were incorporated before the impact event. Comparison of biomarker data from the hydrocarbons in samples inside and outside of the crater show the thermal signature of an impact. The occurrence of hydrocarbon inclusions in hydrothermal mineral samples shows that organic matter was mobilized and migrated in the immediate aftermath of the impact. The hydrocarbon signature was then transferred from bedrock to the crater‐fill lacustrine deposits and present‐day sediments in the crater, including wind‐blown detritus in snow/ice. Separate signatures are detected from modern microbial life in crater rock and sediment samples. Signatures in Haughton crater samples are readily detectable because they include hydrocarbons generated by the burial of organic matter. This type of organic matter is not expected in crater samples on other planets, but the Haughton data show that, using very high resolution detection of organic compounds, any signature of primitive life in the crater rocks could be transferred to surface detritus and so extend the sampling medium.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Kärdla crater is a 4 km‐wide impact structure of Late Ordovician age located on Hiiumaa Island, Estonia. The 455 Ma‐old buried crater was formed in shallow seawater in Precambrian crystalline target rocks that were covered with sedimentary rocks. Basement and breccia samples from 13 drill cores were studied mineralogically, petrographically, and geochemically. Geochemical analyses of major and trace elements were performed on 90 samples from allochthonous breccias, sub‐crater and surrounding basement rocks. The breccia units do not include any melt rocks or suevites. The remarkably poorly mixed sedimentary and crystalline rocks were deposited separately within the allochthonous breccia suites of the crater. The most intensely shockmetamorphosed allochthonous granitoid crystalline‐derived breccia layers contain planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz, indicating shock pressures of 20–35 GPa. An apparent K‐enrichment and Ca‐Na‐depletion of feldspar‐ and hornblende‐bearing rocks in the allochthonous breccia units and sub‐crater basement is interpreted to be the result of early stage alteration in an impact‐induced hydrothermal system. The chemical composition of the breccias shows no definite sign of an extraterrestrial contamination. By modeling of the different breccia units with HMX‐mixing, the indigenous component was determined. From the abundances of the siderophile elements (Cr, Co, Ni, Ir, and Au) in the breccia samples, no unambiguous evidence for the incorporation of a meteoritic component above about 0.1 wt% chondrite‐equivalent was found.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Obolon impact structure, 18 km in diameter, is situated at the northeastern slope of the Ukrainian Shield near its margin with the Dnieper‐Donets Depression. The crater was formed in crystalline rocks of the Precambrian basement that are overlain by marine Carboniferous and continental Lower Triassic deposits. The post‐impact sediments comprise marine Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian) and younger Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits. Today the impact structure is buried beneath an about 300‐meter‐thick sedimentary rock sequence. Most information on the Obolon structure is derived from two boreholes in the western part of the crater. The lowest part of the section in the deepest borehole is composed by allogenic breccia of crystalline basement rocks overlain by clast‐rich impact melt rocks and suevites. Abundant shock metamorphic effects are planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz and feldspars, kink bands in biotite, etc. Coesite and impact diamonds were found in clast‐rich impact melt rocks. Crater‐fill deposits are a series of sandstones and breccias with blocks of sedimentary rocks that are covered by a layer of crystalline rock breccia. Crystalline rock breccias, conglomeratic breccias, and sandstones with crystalline rock debris have been found in some boreholes around the Obolon impact structure to a distance of about 50 km from its center. Those deposits are always underlain by Lower Triassic continental red clay and overlain by Middle Jurassic marine clay. The K‐Ar age of impact melt glasses is 169 Ma, which corresponds to the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) age. The composition of crater‐fill rocks within the crater and sediments outside the Obolon structure testify to its formation under submarine conditions.  相似文献   

Målingen is the 0.7 km wide minor crater associated to the 10 times larger Lockne crater in the unique Lockne–Målingen doublet. The craters formed at 458 Ma by the impact of a binary asteroid related to the well-known 470 Ma Main Belt breakup event responsible for a large number of Ordovician craters and fossil meteorites. The binary asteroid struck a target sequence including ~500 m of sea water, ~80 m of limestone, ~30 m of dark mud, and a peneplainized Precambrian crystalline basement. Although the Lockne crater has been extensively studied by core drillings and geophysics, little is known about the subsurface morphology of Målingen. We performed magnetic susceptibility and remanence, as well as density, measurements combined with gravity, and magnetic field surveys over the crater and its close vicinity as a base for forward magnetic and gravity modeling. The interior of the crater shows a general magnetic low of 90–100 nT broken by a clustered set of high-amplitude, short wavelength anomalies caused by bodies of mafic rock in the target below the crater and as allogenic blocks in the crater infill. The gravity shows a general −1.4 mgal anomaly over the crater caused by low-density breccia infill and fractured crystalline rocks below the crater floor. The modeling also revealed a slightly asymmetrical shape of the crater that together with the irregular ejecta distribution supports an oblique impact from the east, which is consistent with the direction of impact suggested for the Lockne crater.  相似文献   

Rocks from drill cores LB‐07A (crater fill) and LB‐08A (central uplift) into the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana, were analyzed for the presence of the cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be. The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which target rocks of various depths were mixed during the formation of the crater‐filling breccia, and also to detect meteoric water infiltration within the impactite layer. 10Be abundances above background were found in two (out of 24) samples from the LB‐07A core, and in none of five samples from the LB‐08A core. After excluding other possible explanations for an elevated 10Be signal, we conclude that it is most probably due to a preimpact origin of those clasts from target rocks close to the surface. Our results suggest that in‐crater breccias were well mixed during the impact cratering process. In addition, the lack of a 10Be signal within the rocks located very close to the lake sediment–impactite boundary suggests that infiltration of meteoric water below the postimpact crater floor was limited. This may suggest that the infiltration of the meteoric water within the crater takes place not through the aerial pore‐space, but rather through a localized system of fractures.  相似文献   

Abstract— The results of a new gravity survey show that the Haughton impact structure is associated with a 24 km diameter negative Bouguer gravity anomaly with a maximum amplitude of ?12 mgal. A local minimum with a half-width of 2 km and an amplitude of ?4 mgal is located at the center of the structure. A positive magnetic total field anomaly with a half-width of 0.6 km and an amplitude of 700 nT coincides with the local central gravity anomaly. The overall negative gravity anomaly is explained by lowered rock densities due to impact-related fracturing in the crater area. The central gravity and magnetic anomalies are believed to be due to highly shocked and heated sedimentary and crystalline basement rocks forming the unexposed peak of the central uplift in the Haughton impact structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— About 100 cobble-sized samples collected from the surface of the central polymict breccia formation of Haughton impact crater, Canada, have been studied microscopically and chemically. Breccia clasts derived from the 1700 m deep Precambian basement consist of 13 rock types which can be grouped into sillimanite- and garnet-bearing gneiss; alkali feldspar-rich aplitic or biotite-hornblende-bearing gneiss; biotite and hornblende gneiss; apatite-rich biotite and biotite-hornblende gneiss; calcitediopside gneiss; amphibolite; tonalitic orthogneiss; and basalts. The range of chemical compositions of these rocks is wide: e.g., SiO2 ranges from 40–85 wt.%; Al2O3 from 7–20 wt.%; CaO from 0.01–25 wt.%; or P2Os from <0.01–5 wt.%. Nearly all samples of crystalline rocks are shock metamorphosed up to about 60 GPa. Most conspicuous is the absence of whole-rock melts and the very rare occurrence of unshocked rocks. The 45 samples examined can be classified into the following shock stages: stage 0 (<5 GPa): 4.5%, stage Ia (10–20 GPa): 9.0%, stage Ib (20–35 GPa): 33%, stage II (35–45 GPa): 29%, stage III (45–55 GPa): 18%, stage III–IV (55–60 GPa): 6.5%. Among Paleozoic sedimentary rock clasts higher degrees of shock than within crystalline rocks were observed such as highly vesiculated, whole-rock melts of sandstones and shales. Within the northern and eastern sectors of the allochthonous breccia no distinct radial variation of the cobble-sized lithic clasts regarding abundance, rock type, and degree of shock was observed, with the exception that clasts of shock-melted sedimentary rocks and of highly shocked basement rocks (stage III–IV) are strongly concentrated near the center of the crater. Based on our field and laboratory investigations we conclude that vaporization and melting due to the Haughton impact affected the lower section of the sedimentary strata from about 900 to 1700 m depth (Eleanor River limestones and dolomites, Lower Ordovician and Cambrian limestones, dolomites, shales, and sandstones). The 60-GPa shock pressure isobar reached only the uppermost basement rocks so that whole rock melting of the crystalline rocks was not possible.  相似文献   

The existence of mass‐independent chromium isotope variability of nucleosynthetic origin in meteorites and their components provides a means to investigate potential genetic relationship between meteorites and planetary bodies. Moreover, chromium abundances are depleted in most surficial terrestrial rocks relative to chondrites such that Cr isotopes are a powerful tool to detect the contribution of various types of extra‐terrestrial material in terrestrial impactites. This approach can thus be used to constrain the nature of the bolide resulting in breccia and melt rocks in terrestrial impact structures. Here, we report the Cr isotope composition of impact rocks from the ~0.57 Ma Lonar crater (India), which is the best‐preserved impact structure excavated in basaltic target rocks. Results confirm the presence of a chondritic component in several bulk rock samples of up to 3%. The impactor that created the Lonar crater had a composition that was most likely similar to that of carbonaceous chondrites, possibly a CM‐type chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 3.4 km wide, so‐called Kgagodi Basin structure, which is centered at longitude 27°34.4′ E and latitude 22°28.6′ S in eastern Botswana, has been confirmed as a meteorite impact structure. This crater structure was first recognized through geophysical analysis; now, we confirm its impact origin by the recognition of shock metamorphosed material in samples from a drill core obtained close to the crater rim. The structure formed in Archean granitoid basement overlain and intruded by Karoo dolerite. The crater yielded a gravity model consistent with a simple bowl‐shape crater form. The drill core extends to a depth of 274 m and comprises crater fill sediments to a depth of 158 m. Impact breccia was recovered only between 158 and 165 m depth, below which locally brecciated basement granitoids grade into fractured and eventually undeformed crystalline basement, from ~250 m depth. Shock metamorphic effects were only found in granitoid clasts in the narrow breccia zone. This breccia is classified as suevitic impact breccia due to the presence of melt and glass fragments, at a very small abundance. The shocked grains are exclusively derived from granitoid target material. Shock effects include multiple sets of planar deformation features in quartz and feldspar; diaplectic quartz, and partially and completely isotropized felsic minerals, and rare melt fragments were encountered. Abundances of some siderophile elements and especially, Ir, in suevitic breccia samples are significantly elevated compared to the contents in the target rocks, which provides evidence for the presence of a small meteoritic component. Kgagodi is the first impact structure recognized in the region of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. Based on lithological and first palynological evidence, the age of the Kgagodi structure is tentatively assigned to the upper Cretaceous to early Tertiary interval. Thus, the crater fill has the potential to provide a long record of paleoclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study serves as a proof‐of‐concept for the technique of using visible‐near infrared (VNIR), short‐wavelength infrared (SWIR), and thermal infrared (TIR) spectroscopic observations to map impact‐exposed subsurface lithologies and stratigraphy on Earth or Mars. The topmost layer, three subsurface layers and undisturbed outcrops of the target sequence exposed just 10 km to the northeast of the 23 km diameter Haughton impact structure (Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada) were mapped as distinct spectral units using Landsat 7 ETM+ (VNIR/SWIR) and ASTER (VNIR/SWIR/TIR) multispectral images. Spectral mapping was accomplished by using standard image contrast‐stretching algorithms. Both spectral matching and deconvolution algorithms were applied to image‐derived ASTER TIR emissivity spectra using spectra from a library of laboratory‐measured spectra of minerals (Arizona State University) and whole‐rocks (Ward's). These identifications were made without the use of a priori knowledge from the field (i.e., a “blind” analysis). The results from this analysis suggest a sequence of dolomitic rock (in the crater rim), limestone (wall), gypsum‐rich carbonate (floor), and limestone again (central uplift). These matched compositions agree with the lithologic units and the pre‐impact stratigraphic sequence as mapped during recent field studies of the Haughton impact structure by Osinski et al. (2005a). Further conformation of the identity of image‐derived spectra was confirmed by matching these spectra with laboratory‐measured spectra of samples collected from Haughton. The results from the “blind” remote sensing methods used here suggest that these techniques can also be used to understand subsurface lithologies on Mars, where ground truth knowledge may not be generally available.  相似文献   

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