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The monthly mean values of the 500-hPa geopotential height (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis database) have been used to calculate the values of the zonal and meridional circulation indices spanning the time interval 1949–2007 for southern East Siberia. An analysis is made of the variation in atmospheric circulation intensity over the study territory.  相似文献   

The mean values of potential soil loss and of sediments that are removed from the gullies are calculated, and the data on the rates of erosion-accumulative processes on arable lands, in gully-dried-up river-bed systems are provided. For the Yelovka and Kuitunka rivers the basin component of the erosion-accumulative processes has been assessed qualitatively. The sequences of erosion loss to drainage basins of small rivers as well as of scouring and accumulation are determined.  相似文献   

Using three key areas as an example we examine the tendencies toward changes of the mountain geosystems in southern Siberia caused by fluctuations of climate. Presented are the quantitative parameters of the dynamics of nival-glacial geosystems (glaciers, perennial snow clusters, icings, and stony glaciers). Portions of large-scale maps for the key areas generated for a subsequent monitoring of the mountain geosystems are presented.  相似文献   

On the basis of cartographic materials and the theory of atmospheric electricity, the concept of forest flash fires in the Far East is suggested. A statistical correlation between the onset time of disastrous natural phenomena (floods, droughts) and the time of impulse of the zonal atmospheric circulation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We consider some theoretical and methodological issues relating to stability assessment of natural development of vegetation in geosystems. We have ascertained the evolutionary-genetic essentials of vegetation stability and presented the cartographic states of its assessment. The stability map for plant communities has been developed on a conjugate scale of predictive-cartographic products.  相似文献   

Basic patterns of contemporary functioning of the denudation systems are presented for the areas of southern Siberia. The denudation triggering mechanism is elucidated, which is associated with the climate-induced alternation of the zonal and extreme phases of denudation cycles. Three regional types of denudation with a different directedness of relief-formation, controlled by the structure of climatic fluctuations, are considered.  相似文献   

On the territory of East Siberia, the positive deviations of mean monthly air temperatures from long-term annual mean air temperatures for the past 30 years (1981–2010) were caused by the shortening of the low-temperature periods. The largest decrease of the number of days with a daily mean temperature below ?25 °C is recorded in the southern and middle parts of the macroregion under conditions of a moderate, strong and very strong discomfort. On the other hand, the resulting range of variation in the number of days with a mean daily temperature below ?25 °C and the duration of the heating period remain within the long-term values. A slight rise in mean temperature for the heating period entails a marked reduction in degree-days.  相似文献   

We examine the interaction of the ice complex with the coastal waters of the Arctic seas and with the waters of the land surface of East Siberia. We report on the development of cryogenic processes which are hazardous for the existence of residential centers on this territory under global climate warming.  相似文献   

The resource-ecological potential of forests is represented by the reserves of growing stock and total phytomass. Non-exhaustion forest exploitation can be based on a balance of deafforestation and appropriate regeneration of timber and other forest resources, and efficient protection against fires and other negative impacts for a stable development of the forest complex and for sustained resource and ecological functions of forests.  相似文献   

The pattern of carbon (C) allocation among the different pools is an important ecosystem structural feature, which can be modified as a result of changes in environmental conditions that can occur gradually (e.g., climatic change) or abruptly (e.g., management practices). This study quantified the C pools of plant biomass, litter and soil in an arid shrubland in Chile, comparing the natural condition (moderately disturbed by grazing) vs. the afforested condition (two-year-old plantation with Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L. Wendl.), each represented by a 60 ha plot. To estimate plant biomass, allometric functions were constructed for the four dominant woody species, based on the volume according to their shape, which showed high correlation (R2 > 0.73). The soil was the largest C pool in both natural and afforested conditions (89% and 94%, respectively) and was significantly lower in the afforested than natural condition at all five soil depths. The natural condition had in total 36.5 ton (t) C ha−1 compared to 21.1 t C ha−1 in the afforested condition, mainly due to C loss during soil preparation, prior to plantation of A. saligna. These measurements serve as an important baseline to assess long-term effects of afforestation on ecosystem C pools.  相似文献   

The diverse environment-protective role of vegetation is highlighted in the context of economic development of southern territories of Baikalian Siberia. Results from geobotanical forecasting for the purpose of minimizing ecological risks of nature management are presented.  相似文献   

We examine the time coincidence and spatial homogeneity of the annual stream runoff fluctuations in Siberia and the Far East. A regionalization of the study territory for the time coincidence of the stream runoff fluctuations has been carried out by analyzing the correlation matrix on the basis of the algorithm of automatic classification of objects through identification of groups with homogeneous attributes according to a specified homogeneity criterion. The territory’s spatial homogeneity was assessed by constructing and analyzing spatial correlation functions and accompanied by a checking for the possible anisotropy.  相似文献   

The main object for this study, Sibirskie Uvaly, is a small mountain ridge along the right bank of the Ob, the origin of which has been hotly debated. We have ascertained that the influence of ancient glaciation is manifested only indirectly in the structure of Sibirskie Uvaly. Their origin is associated to a greater extent with the self-development of the river network, tectonics and the advance of sea.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a methodological scheme that thoroughly accounts for natural-climatic conditions which can impair the stability and longevity of transport facilities (roadways), to ensure the best possible quality of the initial road design. Factors determining the formation of water-heating mode subgrade soils are allocated, and an information database for mathematical modeling of geocomplexes is shown. Values of strength and deformability of clay soils are calculated within the limits of the defined, homogeneous road districts in Western Siberia to provide the required level of reliability of design solutions.  相似文献   

The author analyzes changes in population growth rates and in the structure of the labor force in Soviet cities where Japanese-supplied industrial plants are located. Data for cities of over 50,000 inhabitants were obtained from available Soviet statistical sources; operations research techniques were then used to yield information at the city level  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the glaciation status of the mountains in the south of East Siberia to reveal a number of characteristics of changes in glacier systems. It is determined that the mountain systems are all experiencing a deglaciation caused by global climatic changes, while the rates of degradation have increased considerably since the late 1980s. It is established that over the last several decades the rate of thawing of glaciers has decelerated according to data for the key sites in the Kodar, Baikal’skii, Barguzin. Munku-Sardyk and Eastern-Sayan mountain ranges, which is associated with a decrease in mean annual air temperatures in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 after the maximum values in 1990, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2002 and 2007. The changes recorded in the amount of solid atmospheric precipitation do not produce any definite trends in all of the mountain systems analyzed. It is determined that, given a relatively small snow accumulation, the glaciers are fed by snow avalanches and persist due to accumulation of large reserves of cold throughout long and cold winters which impede an intense ablation and promote the sustenance of glaciation. It is pointed out that the thawing of glaciers (especially cirque glaciers) involves a decrease in their thickness, whereas their area changes little.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of 100 years of development of specially protected natural territories of Siberia. Attention is centered on the characteristic features of territorial nature conservation which are determined by the dependence on the political, economic and managerial factors. The analysis revealed the periods of formation, decline, opposite trends and negative dynamics in the establishment of new protected natural territories. Using the history of reserve management and studies of Russia as an example, it is shown that most innovations were tested in Siberia, starting from the establishment of Russia’s first state zapovedniks and zakazniks and ending with the setting up of joint directorates of specially protected natural territories in recent years. It is pointed out that the approaches in substantiating the system of protected natural areas were characterized by fundamental differences: from the organization of “pristine benchmarks” of nature with the ideology of total non-interference, to “farm zapovedniks” for breeding valuable game animals and active maintenance of the population of rare species accompanied by measures to eliminate “harmful” species. The rivalry between the geographical and biocentric approaches is described: in the former case, the preservation of typical natural systems was dominant; in the latter case, the preservation of rare and endangered species was paramount. It is concluded that the unevenness of distribution of zapovedniks, zakazniks and national and natural parks depends on the degree of development and exploration of a relevant territory, the likelihood of a total disappearance of the most valuable areas, and on the existence of lands of indigenous ethnic groups. It is demonstrated that the process of development of the system of territorial nature conservation is governed by the administrative initiative, consideration for the characteristics of a region’s economic development and changeable institutional conditions as well as by the factors of the country’s foreign and internal policy.  相似文献   

Separate mountain massifs, separated by a considerable distance from one another, exhibit in their evolutionary development some similar traits. On the other hand, mountain geosystems occurring in them show differences associated with the location of the mountains, their morphological structure and climatic conditions. Global warming has been producing changes in the dynamics of mountain geosystems over the last three decades. However, the response of nival-glacial intracontinental geosystems is different from that in near-oceanic regions.  相似文献   

The principle of structural-dynamical landscape science was used in mapping the taiga of the Ob’-Irtysh, Lower Irtysh and Tobol regions. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the regions’ geosystems is outlined, and their productivity is assessed from forest inventory data and NDVI indices as calculated on the basis of Landsat-5 TM images.  相似文献   

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