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Development studies and postcolonial studies conceptualize and examine the Third World in different ways, yet works associated with the two fields can usefully be combined to illuminate key issues in our time. This article focuses on postcolonial transitions in parts of Africa where the state actively injures or kills a local citizenry, sometimes in the name of development. Using Zimbabwe and Rwanda as very different examples of such transitions, and drawing on selected development and postcolonial writings – fact and 'fiction'– I argue for framing such cases as examples of the 'bare life', 'camp' biopolitics articulated by Georgio Agamben. These concepts enable us to see the widening spaces of exception to law that a postcolonial state can create in periods of crisis and defend on the grounds of post-coloniality, that is, as states always already injured by colonialism and its biopolitical development project. The terrain such states enter might be termed 'fascism'– a location of political economy that development studies has generally neglected in recent years but that novels depicting postcolonial contexts can make vivid.  相似文献   

中国城市空气质量时空演化特征及社会经济驱动力   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
蔺雪芹  王岱 《地理学报》2016,71(8):1357-1371
城市空气污染是中国在快速城镇化和经济发展过程中亟待解决的难题。利用2013年和2014年全国城市空气质量数据,综合ArcGIS空间分析和统计分析,从年度、季节、月份、小时4个时间尺度比较归纳了全国城市空气质量的时空间演化特征,并采用空间计量模型,从全国和区域两个空间尺度,量化分析了城市空气质量变化的社会经济驱动力。结果表明:① 全国城市空气质量全年达标天数比例增加,但空气污染程度加重,高污染区域恶化态势明显;② 城市空气质量与生产生活活动表现出一定的时间耦合性,基本呈现“日出趋差、日落趋优”的态势;③ 全国城市空气污染表现出“东重西轻、北重南轻”的空间格局,区域一体化态势明显;④ 区域城市空气污染的总体程度和分布结构具有明显的分异特征,区域空气污染形成和演化路径可基本归纳为:“重点城市污染加重—重点城市污染扩散—区域整体污染加重—重点城市引领治污—区域污染联防联控—区域整体污染减轻”;⑤ 从全国层面看,能源消耗、工业化和技术进步是推动城市空气质量恶化的重要因素,经济发展对城市空气质量改善具有显著的推动作用。⑥ 受各地区资源环境基础和社会经济发展阶段影响,各类社会经济因素对城市空气质量改善的驱动方向和驱动强度差异明显。在结论的基础上,讨论了中国经济发展和环境变化关系的区域分异以及发展理念。  相似文献   

Anthropoecological approaches in investigating regional formation patterns of the quality of life are considered. Existing interpretations of the notion of the quality of life are discussed. The necessity of assessing the quality of life within the context of human development is demonstrated from the perspective of management problems. In the array of indicators and criteria of assessing the quality of life, the notions of ??public health?? and ??quality of the population?? are analyzed. The need to study the formation processes of the quality of life on the basis of the principles of ecological interaction is substantiated.  相似文献   

We give a comparative characteristics to cities involving big business in the Baikal region. Three groups of cities have been identified according to the level of economic development.  相似文献   

在“一带一路”倡议背景下,深入开展俄罗斯城镇化研究具有突出意义。在明晰俄罗斯城市空间分布特征的基础上,构建城镇化评价指标体系,研究俄罗斯83个联邦主体2005—2016年人口、经济、社会城镇化发展水平、空间格局及其影响因素。结果表明:俄罗斯初步形成了两核、多极、一横、四纵、多团的城市空间格局。2005—2016年,俄罗斯人口与社会城镇化增幅不大,经济城镇化发展显著,多数联邦主体的人口、经济、社会城镇化发展低于平均水平;空间上,城镇化高值区除集中在莫斯科与圣彼得堡外,还分布在达吉斯坦-伊尔库茨克等联邦主体的带状区域,低值区分布在远东区最东北端、西伯利亚区最南端、西北区最北端,核心高-边缘低、中部高-南北低、西部高-东部低的空间分异特征显著。俄罗斯城镇化受到历史形成与发展、地理基础与自然资源、政策与制度、工业化发展、国际市场和周边国家等因素的影响。  相似文献   

中国西部经济社会地域分异规律研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
本文应用定性与定量相结合的方法及GIS技术 ,选取反映地区发展状况的 12项主要指标 ,对西部 10 6个地州市的经济社会发展状况进行了综合评价 ,分析了西部经济社会地域分异特征 ,揭示了西部经济社会发展的地域分异规律。文章认为 ,影响西部经济社会地域分异的主要因素包括 :西部自然环境地域分异决定了社会经济地域分异的基本格局 ;农业资源的地域组合决定着农业生产的地域分异 ;能矿资源的地域组合及开发决定了能矿工业基地和一些矿业城镇的地域分异 ;重要城市和经济较发达区域沿主要河流沿岸和交通沿线扩展的点 轴式地域分异规律 ;区位、资源、劳动力、技术、市场、政策等要素的地域组合 ,决定着经济地域类型 ;西部经济社会发展在地域分异上较高的相关性 ,导致社会经济与生态环境不相协调的矛盾十分尖锐 ,生态环境已经对社会经济发展形成了强约束。  相似文献   

从居民生活质量角度评价区域发展程度长期以来备受关注。本文以北京山区经济薄弱村为例,在抽样农户调查基础上,基于小康监测体系中的生活质量指标体系,采用因子分析法构建的主观评价体系,分别测算了村级客观、主观生活质量指数,运用聚类法与差异贡献率法,开展北京山区经济薄弱村居民主客观生活质量的对比评价及影响因素分析。研究表明:1客观指数上,99.29%的村庄低于北京农村的平均水平,村间差异显著,高指数村庄主要分布在地势平坦的近郊区;2主观指数上,具有一定地域趋同性,离城区越近主观满意度越低;3综合来看,深山区与近郊区的村庄自身存在较大的主—客观差异,18.95%的村庄综合生活质量较差,文化娱乐、信息教育、生态环保等生活品质是限制居民生活质量的主要因素;4差异扶贫、提升人口综合素质、扶持生活质量高维度相关产业发展以及开展扶贫动态监测与开发规划,是进一步改善居民生活质量、提升区域发展水平的主要驱动力。主客观生活质量评价能够深入反映区域发展与居民生活质量间的关系,可作为区域综合发展决策的重要辅助方法。  相似文献   

The importance of Russia's largest macroregion, Siberia, in the economic development of the country is demonstrated. The emphasis is on examining the delimitation of Siberia, and on substantiating its paramount spatial, resource and ecological significance. An economicgeographical analysis of the consequences of the macroregion's inland location is carried out.  相似文献   

The economy of Western Australia has long been characterized by a heavy dependence on extractive industries. The past decade, however, has seen the mining industry expand very rapidly, with significant implications for the small towns that support the sector. In this article, we consider the socio-economic performance of these towns through an assessment of unemployment, welfare dependence and incomes. In contrast to many other studies of resource boomtowns that typically focus on a single locality or time period, in this study we focus explicitly on spatial and temporal variability. We examine the ways in which place-specific characteristics—the commodity produced, local economic diversity and basic demographic features of a town—interact and have contributed to change in socio-economic well-being of mining communities across Western Australia over a 10-year period.  相似文献   

The importance of rare-earth metals in the advancement of scientific and technological progress, the geographical features characteristic for the development of the rare-earth sector in the world and in Russia, and the raw-material base of its development in Russia are considered. Emphasis is placed on the special significance of the Tomtorskii composite rare-metal/rare earth deposit in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).  相似文献   

We examine the theoretical and applied aspects related to the concept of the ecological potential of vegetation as an important factor for pursuing of the public environmental policy. Taking into consideration the ecological potential in the nature management system is essential. A map fragment illustrating the ecological potential of the Baikal region is provided.  相似文献   

地缘环境研究是当前国内政治地理研究的重点和热点,在概念、内涵、分析框架、空间分异、系统模拟等领域已取得较大进展,但对于地缘战略交汇区这一特殊地缘政治区域的地缘环境研究鲜有涉及.论文基于地缘战略的空间和权力属性,融合政治地理学的地缘环境、地缘位势,国际关系学的现实主义、自由主义和建构主义等理论,兼顾主体间性的哲学思想,构...  相似文献   

要实现黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展,需解决流域生态环境与社会经济发展的可持续问题。运用系统动力学方法,构建社会、经济、资源与环境4个子系统,设计维持现状、优先发展社会、优先发展经济、优先节约资源、优先保护环境以及协同发展6个情景,在对不同情景进行模拟仿真的基础上,探寻实现黄河流域生态环境与社会经济可持续发展的最优方案。结果表明:在协同发展情景中,黄河流域的社会经济得到较快发展,总人口和国内生产总值(GDP)于2030年将分别增长10.93%和499.05%;资源的使用效率得到提高,单位GDP水耗和能耗于2030将分别下降78.31%和68.16%;污染物的排放量可有效降低,工业化学需氧量(COD)排放量和工业二氧化硫(SO2)排放量于2030将分别下降80.64%和80.17%。相较于其他情景,协同发展是黄河流域实现生态环境与社会经济可持续发展的最优方案。  相似文献   

Elana Wilson 《Area》2007,39(3):323-330
In this article, I trace the efforts of a development team working to promote a Canadian approach to natural resources management in the Russian North. These development workers used two communication strategies related to time and history to render Canadian knowledge mobile and applicable to a new location: (1) imagining today's Russian North as equivalent to the Canadian northern past and (2) reframing and idealising the Canadian past and present to make the governance export less discursively 'messy' for an outside audience. The relative failure of these communicative strategies points to the need for richer dialogue in efforts to move knowledge cross-culturally.  相似文献   

Central to socio-geographical research is the principle of determinism which provides a means for analyzing the development patterns of social systems in the context of their geographical location and natural and territorial factors that are responsible for the geographical heterogeneity of social phenomena and processes reflecting the quality of human life.  相似文献   

俄罗斯东北航道沿线港口发展潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着北极冰层不断融化,未来东北航道商业化通航成为可能,俄罗斯东北航道沿线港口发展潜力和开发价值日益受到关注。本研究构建包括自然条件、基础设施、港口运营、腹地环境、地理位置等5方面内容的评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对俄罗斯东北航道沿线13个港口的发展潜力进行评价。研究结果表明:(1)对港口发展潜力影响程度由大到小依次是地理位置、腹地环境、自然条件、基础设施、港口运营因素。(2)可将港口发展潜力由强到弱划分为3个等级:第一等级包括摩尔曼斯克、阿尔汉格尔斯克、普罗维杰尼亚、季克西,第二等级为纳里扬马尔、萨别塔、佩韦克、乌厄连、阿姆杰尔马,第三等级为迪克森、哈坦加、维尔霍扬斯克、安巴奇克。(3)港口发展潜力自西向东大致呈现“W”型格局,摩尔曼斯克、季克西、普罗维杰尼亚的港口发展潜力较大,分别位于俄罗斯东北航道沿岸的西、中、东段位置,位于三者之间的港口发展潜力较小。  相似文献   

Two alternative projections of future population trends in Russia are presented up to the year 2005. The projections were prepared by the Center for Economic Analysis, an official body of the Government of the Russian Federation. Both alternatives show a projected decline in total population size from the 1992 population, varying from 9.6 million to 16.8 million fewer people in 2005.  相似文献   

Based on analyzing long-term (1968–2010) national monitoring data from Rosgidromet and other agencies as well as on research results for the Lower-Don and Kuban’ river basins, we identified observation posts on water bodies with a stably high pollution level and gave a characterization of the spatiotemporal tendencies of its changes. Long-term changes in water quality are exemplified by an alternation of periods of increasing and declining pollution; its level showed a decrease from the period 1980–1990 to the end of the last decade.  相似文献   

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