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Anisakid nematodes are common in Antarctic, sub-Antarctic, and Arctic areas. Current distributional knowledge of anisakids in the polar regions is reviewed. Climatic variables influence the occurrence and abundance of anisakids, directly influencing their free-living larval stages and also indirectly influencing their predominantly invertebrate (but also vertebrate) hosts. As these parasites can also be pathogenic for humans, the paucity of information available is a source of additional hazard. As fish are a major human dietary component in Arctic and Antarctic areas, and are often eaten without heat processing, a high risk of infection by anisakid larvae might be expected. The present level of knowledge, particularly relating to anisakid larval stages present in fishes, is far from satisfactory. Preliminary molecular studies have revealed the presence of species complexes. Contemporary climate warming is modifying the marine environment and may result in an extension of time during which anisakid eggs can persist and hatch, and of the time period during which newly hatched larvae remain viable. As a result there may be an increase in the extent of anisakid distribution. Continued warming will modify the composition of the parasitic nematode fauna of marine animals, due to changes in feeding habits, as the warming of the sea and any localised reduction in salinity (from freshwater runoff) can be expected to bring about changes in the species composition of pelagic and benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

微陨石对于人类研究地外环境和太阳系的演化而言,具有极其重要的意义。20世纪40年代开始,微陨石的收集便成了国际上的热点。尤其是80年代后,通过在南北两极开展微陨石收集,产出了大量的科学成果。我国的微陨石研究主要集中在20世纪80—90年代,而后便处于停滞的状态。本文简要介绍了各国在极地微陨石方面取得的成果,基于我国陨石和微陨石的研究现状,对我国开展极地微陨石研究提出了几点设想和规划。  相似文献   

Contrasting climate change in the two polar regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two polar regions have experienced remarkably different climatic changes in recent decades. The Arctic has seen a marked reduction in sea-ice extent throughout the year, with a peak during the autumn. A new record minimum extent occurred in 2007, which was 40% below the long-term climatological mean. In contrast, the extent of Antarctic sea ice has increased, with the greatest growth being in the autumn. There has been a large-scale warming across much of the Arctic, with a resultant loss of permafrost and a reduction in snow cover. The bulk of the Antarctic has experienced little change in surface temperature over the last 50 years, although a slight cooling has been evident around the coast of East Antarctica since about 1980, and recent research has pointed to a warming across West Antarctica. The exception is the Antarctic Peninsula, where there has been a winter (summer) season warming on the western (eastern) side. Many of the different changes observed between the two polar regions can be attributed to topographic factors and land/sea distribution. The location of the Arctic Ocean at high latitude, with the consequently high level of solar radiation received in summer, allows the ice-albedo feedback mechanism to operate effectively. The Antarctic ozone hole has had a profound effect on the circulations of the high latitude ocean and atmosphere, isolating the continent and increasing the westerly winds over the Southern Ocean, especially during the summer and winter.  相似文献   

在论述航空重力测量技术在目前重力场信息获取中不可替代性的基础上,回顾并简述了国际、国内航空重力测量技术的发展历史,介绍了航空重力测量的基本原理,总结了航空重力测量技术在极地航空地球物理勘探任务中的应用。指出航空重力测量技术是目前唯一兼顾高精度高分辨率并且能覆盖全南极区域的观测手段,在完善南极地区全球重力场模型、研究南极地区地质构造、质量变化等任务中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

We suggest methods for the analysis of the spatial distribution of plant species in a research area divided into a quadrat lattice. In particular, information about the topography and the spaces without plants is used for the analysis. At sites with a homogeneous substratum, we classify the topography by whether a target grid is concave or convex with respect to a standard surface of altitude. At other sites, we classify the topography according to whether the grid is located at the edge of rock and/or at a water pool. Information about the topography and the plant existence is used for constructing 2 × 2 contingency tables. In order to determine the strength of dependence between the topography and plant existence, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) is used. The methods are applied to data of the microtopography and distribution of mosses in continental Antarctica.  相似文献   

Nanscn's crossing of Greenland in 1888 galvanized Norwegians to a leading role in polar exploration. Subsequent expeditions include Nanscn's ‘Fram’ drift (1893-1896), Otto Sverdrup to Arctic Canada (1898-1902) and Roald Amundsen through the North-west Passage (1903-1906). Systematic exploration of Svalbard started in 1906. Norwegian Antarctic activities include Larsen's exploration of the Weddell Sea (1894), Borchgrcvinck's Antarctic expedition (1898-1900) and Amundsen at the South Pole (1911). Norwegian polar activities up to the present have resulted in about 200 topographic and thematic maps. Norwegian polar experience has led to efficient and safe operations, and Norwegian ships are preferred by many nations.  相似文献   

电离层时延为GPS测量中最棘手、最严重的误差源,而极区结构复杂波动较大,电离层延迟极大影响了GPS测量精度,故在极区选取一个简单有效的电离层模型极为重要。将GPS及BDS采用的不同Klobuchar模型以及Ne Quick模型计算的极区总电子含量,以欧洲定轨中心提供的GIM模型电离层产品作为参考标准,研究三种广播电离层模型在北极地区的均方根和模型改正率。选取了2009—2013年共计5年的时间数据进行分析。结果表明,纬度在57.5°以上地区电离层改正GPS系统采用的Klobuchar模型基本不适用,但改正效果依然优于BDS,而Ne Quick模型改正效果弱于中低纬度,改正率整体在40%左右。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and monthly/annual variation of foggy days in China are analyzed based on the monthly mean fog data collected from 604 observational stations for the period 1961–2000. Results show that there are six fog regions in China: the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, coastal areas, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, eastern Gansu–Shaanxi region, Huaihe River valley, Tianshan mountainous area and northern Xinjiang. On the whole the interannual variation trend of foggy days is descending, especially an obvious decline after the 1980s. The areas where the foggy days have obvious tendency present a southwest-northeast direction. The rising trend regions alternate with descending trend regions, forming a SE-NW directional wave structure. In general, the number of foggy days in autumn and winter is larger than in spring and summer over most fog regions. The monthly variation curves of foggy days are bimodal in the coastal area of the Yellow Sea and northern Xinjiang, and unimodal in other regions.  相似文献   

中国雾区的分布及其季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Fog is a weather phenomenon that horizontal visible distance is reduced within 1 km by plenty of water drops and particles of ice crystal. It not only has unfavorable influence on the traffic of water, land and air, but also brings serious …  相似文献   

Fan  Zemeng  Bai  Ruyu  Yue  Tianxiang 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(10):1625-1636
Journal of Geographical Sciences - For quantitatively explaining the correlations between the vascular plant species abundance (VPSA) and habitat factors, a spatial simulation method has been...  相似文献   

Air guns and air-gun arrays of different volumes are used for scientific seismic surveys with R/V Polarstern in polar regions. To assess the potential risk of these research activities on marine mammal populations, knowledge of the sound pressure field of the seismic sources is essential. Therefore, a broad-band (0–80 kHz) calibration study was conducted at the Heggernes Acoustic Range, Norway. A GI (2.4 l), a G (8.5 l) and a Bolt gun (32.8 l) were deployed as single sources, 3 GI (7.4 l), 3 G (25.6 l) and 8 VLF™ Prakla-Seismos air guns (24.0 l) as arrays. Each configuration was fired along a line of 3–4 km length running between two hydrophone chains with receivers in 35, 100, 198 and 263 m depth. Peak-to-peak, zero-to-peak, rms and sound exposure levels (SEL) were analysed as functions of range. They show the typical dipole-like directivity of marine seismic sources with amplitude cancellation close to the sea surface, higher amplitudes in greater depths, and sound pressure levels which continuously decrease with range. Levels recorded during the approach are lower than during the departure indicating a shadowing effect of Polarsterns's hull. Backcalculated zero-to-peak source levels range from 224–240 dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m. Spectral source levels are highest below 100 Hz and amount to 182–194 dB re 1 μPa Hz–1. They drop off continuously with range and frequency. At 1 kHz they are ∼30 dB, at 80 kHz ∼60 dB lower than the peak level. Above 1 kHz amplitude spectra are dominated by Polarstern's self-noise. From the rms and sound exposure levels of the deepest hydrophone radii for different thresholds are derived. For a 180 dB rms-level threshold radii maximally vary between 200 and 600 m, for a 186 dB SEL threshold between 50 and 300 m.  相似文献   

范泽孟  黄言  岳天祥 《地理学报》2018,73(1):164-176
如何充分利用离散的观测数据,通过对维管植物物种分布丰富度及其与生境因子之间的相互作用和影响机理的定量分析,实现维管植物物种丰富度的空间分布及其情景模拟,是目前生物多样性研究前沿和核心内容之一。针对这一问题,在实现青藏高原37个国家自然保护区的维管植物物种数量收集和边界数据矢量化的基础上,分别进行维管植物物种数量与土地覆盖类型、环境因子和景观生态指数等三大类生境因子之间的相关关系的定量计算和对比分析,筛选和确定最佳相关分析方程,进而构建青藏高原维管植物物种丰富度的空间模拟分析模型。该模型中,维管植物物种丰富度与生境因子之间的复相关系数为0.94,模型验证结果表明,青藏高原的维管植物物种的平均丰富度为496.79种/100 km2,其空间分布格局整体上呈东南向西北逐渐减少趋势;另外,除柴达木盆地荒漠区域以外,维管植物物种的空间分布随海拔的升高而减少。基于CMIP5 RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5三种气候情景模拟获得的青藏高原维管植物物种丰富度未来情景结果显示,在T0-T4(2010-2100)时段内,青藏高原维管植物物种丰富度整体将呈减少趋势。RCP 8.5情景下青藏高原维管植物物种丰富度的变化幅度最大,而RCP 2.6情景下的维管植物物种丰富度的变化幅度最小。研究表明,本文构建的模型能够对青藏高原维管植物物种丰富度的空间分布格局及其未来情景进行模拟分析,模拟结果可为青藏高原生物多样性及其对气候变化响应的综合评估和情景模拟提供方法和技术支持。  相似文献   

Tenebrionid species composition and activity level were studied, using pitfall traps, in two sandy (dune and stabilized sand field) and four compact soil (wadi, north- and south-facing slopes, and loess plain) habitats in the Negev Desert Highlands, Israel. Each soil type had a distinctive species composition but habitats within soft types were similar both in species composition and phenologies. The number of species was not correlated with habitat primary production; it was low in sandy habitats (19 spp.) and high in compact soil (33 spp.) habitats. Within the compact soil habitats, large-size species were abundant only in the high plant-cover wadi, and the low plant-cover slopes and plain were dominated by smaller species. We suggest that low plant cover on the slopes and plain exposes large tenebrionids to predation by birds and limits them to the wadi where they are concealed and find refuge in the plant cover.  相似文献   

An integrated program, “Microbiological and ecological responses to global environmental changes in polar regions” (MERGE), was proposed in the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007–2008 and endorsed by the IPY committee as a coordinating proposal. MERGE hosts original proposals to the IPY and facilitates their funding. MERGE selected three key questions to produce scientific achievements. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms in terrestrial, lacustrine, and supraglacial habitats were targeted according to diversity and biogeography; food webs and ecosystem evolution; and linkages between biological, chemical, and physical processes in the supraglacial biome.MERGE hosted 13 original and seven additional proposals, with two full proposals. It respected the priorities and achievements of the individual proposals and aimed to unify their significant results. Ideas and projects followed a bottom-up rather than a top-down approach. We intend to inform the MERGE community of the initial results and encourage ongoing collaboration. Scientists from non-polar regions have also participated and are encouraged to remain involved in MERGE.MERGE is formed by scientists from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK, Uruguay, USA, and Vietnam, and associates from Chile, Denmark, Netherlands, and Norway.  相似文献   

Landslides are common in steep mountainous areas of Puerto Rico where mean annual rainfall and the frequency of intense storms are high. Each year, landslides cause extensive damage to property and occasionally result in loss of life. Average population density is high, 422 people/km2, and is increasing. This increase in population density is accompanied by growing stress on the natural environment and physical infrastructure. As a result, human populations are more vulnerable to landslide hazards. The Blanco, Cibuco, and Coamo study areas range in surface area from 276 to 350 km2 and represent the climatologic, geographic, and geologic conditions that typify Puerto Rico. Maps of recent landslides developed from 1:20,000-scale aerial photographs, in combination with a computerized geographic information system, were used to evaluate the frequency and distribution of shallow landslides in these areas. Several types of landslides were documented—rainfall-triggered debris flows, shallow soil slips, and slumps were most abundant. Hillslopes in the study area that have been anthropogenically modified, exceed 12° in gradient, are greater than 300 m in elevation, and face the east-northeast, are most prone to landsliding. A set of simplified matrices representing geographic conditions in the three study areas was developed and provides a basis for the estimation of the spatial controls on the frequency of landslides in Puerto Rico. This approach is an example of an analysis of the frequency of landslides that is computationally simple, and therefore, may be easily transferable to other settings.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Artemisia halodendron(Asteraceae), a constructive and dominant species in Horqin Sandy Land,was investigated to examine the genetic relationships with different hydrothermal regions in Horqin Sandy Land. We sequenced chloroplast DNA(cp DNA) fragments(trn L–F) of 243 plants from 10 populations across the Horqin Sandy Land.The analyses of cp DNA variation identified seven haplotypes. A low level of haplotype diversity(H_d=0.706) and nucleotide diversity(π=0.0013) was detected. Haplotypes clustered into two tentative clades. Low genetic differentiation among regions was consistently indicated by hierarchical analyses of molecular variance(AMOVA). Across the sampled populations, the haplotype distributions were differentiated with hydrothermal gradients.  相似文献   

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