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We bring up the issue related to the need and importance of undertaking an assessment of the present status of vegetation in Prebaikalia. The vegetation of this region has long been experiencing strong anthropogenic destructions, especially in the southern, more developed, areas. Anthropogenic impacts on vegetation continue to be enhanced thus influencing the processes of spontaneous development of vegetation and decreasing its ecological potential. Assessment of the present status of vegetation as a complex self-evolving autotrophic natural entity having its own evolutionary history of development and dynamical potential is used in reference to identifying and evaluating the degree of disturbance of its native (spontaneous) florocenotic structure. To improve objectivity of research results uses a cartographic method supported by GIS technologies. On the basis of the principles of a structural-dynamical classification of plant communities as suggested by V. B. Sochava, we compiled a universal geobotanical medium-scale (1:500 000) map for Prebaikalia. The map was generated for two purposes: inventory, i.e. identifying the typological belonging of existing plant communities in the region, and for assessment–dynamical purpose to identify the epitaxon structure of the entire vegetation cover. These efforts were accompanied by a formalized assessment of the age structure of tree stands of the region’s forest communities as well as a clear differentiation between forest and non-forest vegetation by identifying new burns and felling areas. The findings formed the basis for generating a detailed 1:500 000 map of disturbances to Prebaikalia’s vegetation displaying 11 kinds of vegetation disturbances ranging from the persisting native communities to those substituted by agrocenoses and introductions of urban settlements. A general outline of the present status of vegetation is provided as well as the main directions for nature management optimization in the region within the framework of the state ecological policy.  相似文献   

基于时间序列植被特征的内蒙古荒漠化评价   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
殷贺  李正国  王仰麟  蔡福 《地理学报》2011,66(5):653-661
荒漠化是中国北方干旱、半干旱地区面临的主要生态环境问题。从植被特征着手,关注其年际动态变化特征,已经成为国内外荒漠化评价的发展趋势。选取遥感反演的高时间分辨率的植被降水利用率作为评价指标,利用时间序列分析方法,评价了内蒙古自治区1999-2009 年的荒漠化发展态势,并对荒漠化逆转问题进行了初步讨论。结果表明:内蒙古自治区11 年来生态环境总体趋于改善,荒漠化发展态势并不明显。其中,鄂尔多斯高原的东部至大青山南麓、大兴安岭及燕山北部余脉是内蒙古自治区生态环境改善最为明显的地区,反映出该区的植被保护政策发挥了积极的作用;荒漠化土地空间分异特征表明,降水因子和植被恢复有着密切的联系,300mm以上降水量的地区,其植被恢复能力要明显大于降水稀少的地区;干旱、极干旱地区的荒漠界限极不稳定,对荒漠化是否逆转的判断必须在特定的时间尺度,结合当年的气候条件进行综合分析。  相似文献   

We consider some theoretical and methodological issues relating to stability assessment of natural development of vegetation in geosystems. We have ascertained the evolutionary-genetic essentials of vegetation stability and presented the cartographic states of its assessment. The stability map for plant communities has been developed on a conjugate scale of predictive-cartographic products.  相似文献   

基于文献分析的土地退化评价指标研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
许宁  郭旭东  洪友堂  张聪  董华 《地理科学》2008,28(3):425-430
中英文献综合统计,土地退化评价应用频次较高的指标有植被盖度、坡度、经济收入水平、有机质含量和土地利用类型等;土壤侵蚀应用频次较高的有植被因子、坡度、地貌类型、有机质含量和土地利用类型等;沙化有植被覆盖度、沙地占地率、土地利用类型、有机质含量、人口数量等。土地退化、土壤侵蚀和沙化遥感监测指标也集中在植被盖度、坡度、土地利用类型等指标。  相似文献   

东北地区植被分布全球气候变化区域响应   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18  
根据东北地区生态气候环境和生物地理规律对Holdridge生命地带分类系统进行修正,将东北地区植被分为寒温带湿润森林、寒温带潮湿森林、温带湿润森林、暖温带湿润森林、温带半湿润森林草甸草原、温带半湿润草甸草原、温带半干旱典型草原、暖温带半湿润草甸草原和暖温带半干旱典型草原等9 个生命地带并分析了其空间分布特征。运用大气环流模式分析东北地区由于温室气体增加导致的气候变化趋势。以此为基础评价东北地区植被分布的区域响应。全球气候变暖情景下,东北地区暖温带和温带范围明显扩大,而寒温带范围缩小甚至退出东北地区,植被分布界限显著北移;同时湿润区面积减少半湿润区和半干旱区扩大,导致森林面积缩小草原面积扩大。  相似文献   

莫兴国  刘苏峡  胡实 《地理学报》2022,77(7):1730-1744
全球变化下黄河源区水文过程的演变影响流域生态系统的水源涵养功能,流域植被改变也影响水循环。本文基于气候、植被信息和VIP分布式生态水文模型,开展黄河源区水碳循环要素变化的集成模拟,分析了气候—植被—水文要素的协同演变机制。结果表明,2000年以来黄河源区气候呈暖湿化趋势;植被绿度明显提高,2010—2019年比2000—2009年平均增加了4.5%;生长季延长了至少10 d;植被生产力(GPP)显著上升,倾向率为4.57 gC m-2 a-1;植被恢复措施对GPP变化的贡献约为23%,气候变化和大气CO2升高的施肥效应的贡献为77%。源区植被蒸散量(ET)呈增加趋势,倾向率为2.54 mm a-1,水分利用效率(WUE)亦提高,平均相对上升率为5.1% a-1。GPP、ET和WUE年总量及其变化率在海拔4200 m以下随高度上升而减小,之后变化趋缓。源区植被绿度和径流系数与当年和前一年降水呈显著正相关,反映降水蓄存于植物根层土壤的遗留效应。蒸散增强在一定程度上有利于源区地表—大气之间的水分再循环,帮助缓解生态恢复引起的产水能力下降,促进降水—植被—径流之间的良性互馈关系的形成。揭示水文对气候变化和植被恢复的响应和互馈机制,可为生态恢复措施对源区水源涵养功能的影响及效应的定量评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Shaanxi Province in China has been exposed to climate variability and dramatic land‐use policies. The aim here is to examine vegetation changes in this area on a regional scale from 2000 to 2004 in relation to land‐use changes and climate traits. The data in this assessment include remote sensing information from moderate‐resolution imaging spectro‐radiometer normalized difference vegetation index from 2000 to 2004, and climate data (precipitation and temperature) from 1956 to 2000. The results show an increase in vegetation production from 2000 to 2004, particularly in the north, which cannot be explained solely by climate impacts. Since the vegetation in the north is more dependent on climate variation than the other parts of Shaanxi due to more serious water limitation, the results suggest that the large‐scale land‐use policy implemented over the last decade, with a focus on northern Shaanxi, is possibly having an impact on the overall vegetation.  相似文献   

青海湖流域防沙治沙生态效益现状评价及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
展秀丽  严平 《中国沙漠》2012,32(6):1773-1778
本研究选择了青海湖周边沙漠化防治区,对研究区内的土壤和植被指标进行了野外观测,并对周边农牧户基本状况及生态环境保护意识进行了调查,建立了青海湖沙漠化治理生态效益评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定了指标权重,通过模糊评价的方法计算得出各指标的隶属度,最终得出以下结论:①通过专家系统打分建立判断矩阵,经计算得出生态效益各指标权重,明显看出,植被在青海湖沙漠化防治过程中具有非常重要的作用。②根据模糊评价结果得出研究区内目前防沙治沙生态效益差,说明青海湖防沙治沙工程生态恢复还处于初级阶段,综合治理生态系统建设未达到标准,生态系统仍非常脆弱。③通过农牧户基本情况及生态意识调查,发现研究区的农牧户生态环境保护意识较差,对生态环境了解及认识程度远远不够,还需要加强农牧民的生态环境保护意识。  相似文献   

The accuracy of the Mexican National Forest Inventory (NFI) map is derived in four distinct ecogeographical areas, using an assessment design tailored for the project. A main achievement of the design was to integrate the high diversity of classes encompassed at the most detailed subcommunity level of the classification scheme within a cost‐controlled statistically sound assessment. A hybrid double sampling strategy was applied to the 2.5 million‐ha study area. A total of 5955 reference sites were verified against their NFI map label. The availability of detailed quasi‐synchronous reference data for the 2000 Landsat‐derived NFI and the high diversity of mapped classes allowed a careful thematic analysis on the selected regions, relevant for national extrapolation. Global accuracy estimates of 64–78 per cent were registered among the four ecogeographical areas (two with mainly temperate climate and the other two with mainly tropical climate), with the lower accuracy levels found in areas more densely covered with forests. According to the estimates, the NFI map tends to underestimate the presence of temperate forest (especially oak) and overestimate the presence of tropical forest in the areas investigated. The analysis of confusions reveals difficulties in unambiguously interpreting or labelling forests with secondary vegetation, herbaceous and/or shrub‐like vegetation as well as distinguishing between aquatic vegetation types. The design proved useful from the perspective of accuracy assessments of regional maps in biodiverse regions.  相似文献   

生态干扰度:一种评价植被天然性程度的方法   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
地球上现存的植物或森林群落都是植被与其环境长期适应及人类长期干扰影响的结果 ,因此 ,现实的植被反映着历史上人类对它们不同程度的影响。‘生态干扰’的概念常常被用来描述历史上人类对植被或森林影响的大小 ,即‘生态干扰度’;或用来表示现实植被离开它的‘天然植被’的距离 ,即现实植被的‘天然性程度’。如此的‘天然植被’可以是 :( 1 )历史上从未受过人类任何干扰的‘原始植被’;( 2 )基于当前立地的‘潜在的自然植被’。然而 ,成百上千年以来人类对自然的利用干扰 ,致使真正的‘原始植被’现在几乎无处可寻。因此 ,‘潜在的自然植被’被用来作为生态干扰度估计或植被天然性程度评价的参照系。作为一种很实用的生态分析手段 ,生态干扰度的方法已被广泛地应用在农、林、水、景观、城市及自然保护等诸多领域的生态评价上。为此 ,本文论述了生态干扰度的概念、原理、方法和应用实例。  相似文献   

遥感对地观测为理解陆地植被动态与全球环境变化规律提供了数据基础,基于卫星观测的全球植被遥感数据产品近年来层出不穷,但缺乏基于数据使用者视角的系统梳理。本文回顾了全球植被遥感数据产品的发展历程,梳理了相关卫星计划及对应数据产品,分析了从植被光谱指数到生物物理特征参量、传统光学遥感反演到叶绿素荧光及星载微波反演产品、从单一传感器生产到多数据源—多数据集融合产品的发展脉络,阐述了全球植被遥感数据产品的来源、特征与关联关系。认为当前全球植被遥感数据产品的生产与应用存在一定脱节,遥感产品精度制约了对地球系统的深入理解。全球植被遥感数据产品正从宏观状态监测向专业化、精细化、标准化转变,建议未来制备全球遥感数据产品应充分利用目前已积累的长时序观测数据,融合多源观测资料,提升现有数据集的时空分辨率、精度及连续性;注重提高特殊区域与特定类型生态系统的反演精度,加强多维植被特征的一体化监测;建立全球植被产品数据共享平台,提供标准的全流程数据处理与分发服务,将数据不确定性信息高效、清晰提供给用户。  相似文献   

杨靖  戴君虎  姚华荣  陶泽兴  朱梦瑶 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2787-2802
横断山区位于青藏高原东缘和多条重要江河的上游,是全球生物多样性最丰富的地区和生态保护的优先区域之一,区域植被对维系区域生态安全和可持续发展起着十分重要的作用。20世纪90年代以来,中国在横断山区实施了多项重大生态恢复和建设工程,但囿于资料和调查不足,对于横断山区全域性、长时段的植被变化及其与海拔关系研究相对较少。鉴此,本文结合使用1992—2020年间多种基于卫星遥感资料生产的土地覆被数据和2000—2020年间MODIS的归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,采用转移矩阵、Theil-Sen Median趋势分析与偏相关分析等方法研究不同植被类型转换、植被覆被面积与平均海拔变化关系以及植被活动的时空变化趋势,并分析时空变化的主要影响因素。结果表明:① 横断山区分布最广泛的植被类型是常绿针叶林与灌丛—草地镶嵌类型。植被发生变化的区域集中分布在河谷和南部低海拔区域,草地多向森林特别是常绿针叶林转换,植被覆被逐渐向好。这表明封山育林、植树造林、退耕还林等生态保护政策起到重要积极作用。时间序列数据显示,植被覆被面积变化剧烈的时期往往处在政策实施的起始阶段。② 植被活动整体呈现增强趋势。在植被类型未变化的区域中,75%以上区域植被活动增强,其中超20%的区域显著增强(P < 0.05),且森林植被活动增强趋势大于草地。③ 对植被活动影响较大的环境因子主要是气候变化和地形条件。尽管大部分区域植被活动受气候变暖影响而增强,但在干热河谷的植被活动明显受到降水减少的限制。有近1/4面积的植被活动在减弱,主要分布在山地东坡或南坡,或与降水较多、山高坡陡而造成滑坡、泥石流等自然灾害有关。这些发现可为横断山区生态保护政策效益评估、自然灾害综合风险评估和未来气候变化影响下的植被变化预测提供参考。  相似文献   

The entire land of Southern Iran faces problems arising out of various types of land degradation of which vegetation degradation forms one of the major types. The Qareh Aghaj basin (1 265 000 ha), which covers the upper reaches of Mond River, has been chosen for a test risk assessment of this type. The different kinds of data for indicators of vegetation degradation were gathered from the records and published reports of the governmental offices of Iran. A new model has been developed for assessing the risk of vegetation degradation. Taking into consideration nine indicators of vegetation degradation the model identifies areas with “Potential Risk” (risky zones) and areas of “Actual Risk” as well as projects the probability of the worse degradation in future. The preparation of risk maps based on the GIS analysis of these indicators will be helpful for prioritizing the areas to initiate remedial measures. By fixing the thresholds of severity classes of the nine indicators a hazard map for each indicator was first prepared in GIS. The risk classes were defined on the basis of risk scores arrived at by assigning the appropriate attributes to the indicators and the risk map was prepared by overlaying nine hazard maps in the GIS. Areas under actual risk have been found to be widespread (78%) in the basin and when the risk map classified into subclasses of potential risk with different probability levels the model projects a statistical picture of the risk of vegetation degradation.  相似文献   

新疆生态系统健康遥感评估及关键驱动因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为我国陆地面积最大的省级行政区,新疆维吾尔自治区具有多样的生态系统结构和丰富的动植物物种资源,是我国西北地区重要的生物多样性热点研究区域.通过以新疆维吾尔自治区为研究对象,结合区域特点和定量遥感数据实时、易获取、周期性等优势,选取归一化植被指数、动物物种丰富度、干旱度、人类扰动指数四类单因子指标,依据"活力-组织-恢...  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷土地荒漠化评价指标体系研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
土地荒漠化的评价是土地荒漠化研究中的重要理论问题,根据多年对金沙江干热河谷土地荒漠化形成机制、影响因子及荒漠化土地的表现特征等的研究,提出了土地荒漠化评价的原则,并通过对各影响因子在土地荒漠中贡献率的分析和筛选,选择出能显著评价土地荒漠化程度的三个因子,五个指标,即地貌因子的切割密度和坡度,土壤因子的土壤厚度和有机质含量,植被因子的植被指数。在大量样方测算和样品分析的基础上给出每个指标的量化标准,首次建立了金沙江干热河谷土地荒漠化的评价指标体系。针对土地景观生态系统的复杂性和模糊性,在建立评价指标体系的基础上,采用模糊综合评判的方法,对土地荒漠化程度进行定量评价,为荒漠化土地的预防和治理提供科学依据和决策支持。  相似文献   

We present a remotely-sensed degradation assessment technique based on the measurement of landscape heterogeneity (a key determinant of degradation status). The moving standard deviation index (MSDI) is derived by passing a moving standard deviation filter across the Landsat TM band 3 (red band). Degraded/unstable landscapes exhibit higher MSDI values than their undisturbed/stable counterparts. Significant differences in MSDI were detected (p<0·001) across four fence-lines which separated rangeland of contrasting condition. The relationship of the index to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was tested in five different ecosystems and significant correlations were obtained in all cases (p<0·001). We propose the MSDI as a powerful adjunct to vegetation indices.  相似文献   

The need to improve the assessment of the wildfire hazard in nature reserves is considered. It is suggested that the natural vegetation fuel map compiled by using a specially developed determinant of the types of main conductors of burning having regard to the period of a fire-hazardous season should be used for such purposes. The types of prime conductors of burning constitute the major group of vegetation fuels which determines the possibility of the spread of burning across the territory covered by vegetation. A classification of this group was carried out on the basis of long-term pyrological investigations in different regions of the RF. The vegetation fuel maps are presented for the Stolby nature reserve, separately for the spring (autumn) and summer seasons, because the southern-taiga forests are characterized by a predominance of the grass forest types with the involvement of gramineous species. The map of the current wildfire hazard is compiled and presented as an example, on the basis of the vegetation fuel map for the spring (autumn) periods of the season for drought class II according to the weather conditions. This map is representative of the possibility or impossibility of the spread of burning for each area in the nature reserve in the event that the source of fire (of anthropogenic or natural origins) appears. It is shown that vegetation fuel map can be compiled for any nature reserve by using the determinant of the types of prime conductors of burning.  相似文献   

气候和人为因素对植被变化影响的评价方法综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
系统评价气候变化和人为因素引起的植被退化,对有效开展生态工程建设、实现生态环境的可持续发展具有重要意义。目前绝大多研究主要分析气候因素对植被变化的影响,分析气候因素和人类活动对植被变化的双重影响少有研究。本文主要介绍这一双重影响对植被变化的贡献程度的主要研究方法——定性-半定量法、回归分析法、残差趋势法、基于净第一生产力的评价方法。综述分析了气候和人为因素对植被变化驱动的主要结论,总结目前各研究方法存在的问题,提出了未来需要重点加强气候和人为因素对植被变化驱动因素的分解研究,加强模型评价和不确定性量化研究等。  相似文献   

The Cerrado , the tropical savanna covering 22% of Brazil's territory, or approximately 1.783 million km2, has suffered significant human impacts during the past three decades. This paper re-examines estimates of Cerrado vegetation change dynamics using high-resolution satellite remote sensing data from an area of interest extracted from eastern Mato Grosso State. This region has undergone a high degree of typical agricultural development since the early 1970s. Results indicate significant loss of original vegetation as well as high levels of regeneration, suggesting Cerrado vegetation may be more resilient to human impacts than catastrophic estimations suggest. The paper concludes with a critical review of Cerrado land-cover change studies and the implications of evidence for vegetation regeneration, land-cover dynamism and land-use intensification, paying particular attention to spatial scale and research methods. The discussion concludes that Cerrado land-cover change studied at a higher resolution and larger scales (smaller area) is required to represent more effectively the complexity of land conversion for better assessment of human impacts and environmental policy.  相似文献   

Monitoring and assessment of landslide hazard is an important task for decision making and policy planning in the landslide area. Massive landslides, caused by the catastrophic Chi‐Chi earthquake in 1999, occurred in Central Taiwan, especially at Chiufenershan area in Nantou county. This study proposed two useful indicators coupled with the Self‐organizing map (SOM) neural network and the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) technique to quickly extract accurate post‐quake landslides from multi‐temporal Système Probatoire de l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) images. A GIS‐based system was developed to simplify and integrate the procedures such as image pre‐processing, the SOM training, the PROMETHEE calculation, landslide extraction and accuracy assessment. The evaluated result shows that the landslide area soon after the earthquake is 209.50 ha (Kappa coefficient 96.88%). Over seven years of vegetation recovery, the denudation area has declined to 112.64 ha (Kappa coefficient 90.64%). Most earthquake‐induced landslides could be restored by natural vegetation succession. The developed system is a useful decision‐making tool for landslide area planning.  相似文献   

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