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On the basis of cartographic materials and the theory of atmospheric electricity, the concept of forest flash fires in the Far East is suggested. A statistical correlation between the onset time of disastrous natural phenomena (floods, droughts) and the time of impulse of the zonal atmospheric circulation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

New approaches to the study of population growth, spatial distribution, and urbanization in the USSR are presented. "Quantitative analysis of historical trends in city growth rates within Moscow Oblast (1926-1984) reveals two major components or city types: a group of cities with below-(oblast) average rates for each of five periods of analysis (1926-39, 1939-59, 1959-70, 1970-79, 1979-84) and a second category experiencing above-average growth until 1970, with subsequent reduction of rates below the oblast average."  相似文献   

东海海岸带作为中国经济发展的战略重心,更是发展海洋经济的前沿阵地,分析其经济与环境的协调问题有利于揭示区域经济与生态间的矛盾与差异,从而促进沿海城市生态文明建设、缓解人地资源矛盾.基于2005-2018年东海海岸带52个沿海县区城市的投入产出面板数据,利用传统DEA和超效率SBM模型评价了区域经济效率和生态效率,以TO...  相似文献   

基于距离与规模的中国城市体系规模结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市规模结构是城市体系研究的重要内容。经济基础理论相关的研究忽视了城市体系中某一城市规模往往受到其他城市规模、距离的影响。本文以第五次人口普查的"市人口"作为城市人口规模标度指标,以铁路运行距离为两城市间距离的标度指标,证明了距离要素对解释中国城市体系结节结构的有效性。讨论了全国城市体系、北方城市、南方城市体系中城市i的规模Pi与最近距离城市n的规模Pn、城市体系首位城市s的规模Ps、区域中心城市c的规模Pc,及与相应城市间距离Din、Dis、Dic的定量关系,以及Din及其位序的定量关系。研究发现:(1)全国城市体系中,Pi可以用Pn、Din、Dic来说明,其中,Pn、Din为正向影响,Dic为负向影响,Pn影响最大,Din次之,Dic再次之。(2)北方城市体系中,Pn、Din、Pc均对Pi有正向影响,Din影响力最大,Pn次之,Pc再次之。(3)南方城市体系中Pi的解释因素及各因素的重要性与全国城市体系相同。南方城市体系与北方城市体系中Pi的解释因素的差异性源自南方城市体系中Dic、Pc/Pi较小。(4)Din与其位序R间存在与城市位序-规模律相同的内在定量关系。  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the changes in biotic components of landscapes during the Holocene Little Climatic Optimum on the island and mainland shores of the southern Far East which manifested themselves in all landscape zones. Some paleoclimatic parameters and the shift of landscape zones have been assessed.  相似文献   

This article is an English translation of the work cited in 46: 3092. The authors review the conclusions of Pivovarov (see 44: Title 3118) concerning the nature of the urbanization process and optimal city size in the USSR. The relationship between urbanization and the characteristics of a given socioeconomic system is examined, and the possibility of determining optimal size for cities of different functional types is evaluated  相似文献   

This paper lists difficult railway construction conditions that are typical for the northern areas of the Russian Far East. Permafrost-bound issues of railway and highway construction and operation are described. Some of the authors'' developments for subgrade stabilization in the foregoing conditions are given as examples.  相似文献   

Results from analyzing the cyclone paths over East Asia for the period 1997–2009 and the variability in chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in Primorskii Krai are discussed. It is shown that southwesterly cyclones over Primorskii Krai became more frequent during the time period under consideration. The increase in the number of cyclones forming in the polluted atmosphere of urbanized areas in North-Eastern Asia led to an increase in acid deposition, which is confirmed by data from the international acid deposition monitoring stations of the international EANET network.  相似文献   

流动人口市民化是以人为核心的新型城镇化的客观要求,系统探索流动人口的城市定居意愿既是促进流动人口市民化的前提,又能为城市管理提供决策依据,已成为当前地理学、社会学研究的重点。本研究基于2015年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,以安徽省为案例地,在探讨安徽省人口流动的总体特征上,运用Logistic回归模型,解析流动人口城市定居意愿及影响因素,探究流动人口城市定居意愿的代际差异。结果表明:(1)安徽省流动人口以跨省流动为主,人口流动家庭化趋势明显,流向省外人口主要向长三角城市集聚,但流动人口规模已呈现逐年下降的趋势,经济发展水平和空间距离是影响人口流动的主要原因。(2)安徽省流动人口的定居意愿较高,有随着流入地经济水平的提高而增加的趋势;从新生代与初代流动人口来看,初代流动人口更倾向于选择经济发展较好的城市定居,而新生代流动人口更倾向于选择经济发展中等和较弱的城市定居,但整体差异不大。(3)从流动人口城市定居意愿的影响因素来看,同住人数、流动原因、流动时长、流入地经济发展水平、户口所在地的影响最大;从代际之间来看,性别、就业收入、净收入、就业身份等因素显著影响新生代流动人口,而家属随迁、流动地经济水平、年龄对初代流动人口的影响较为显著。  相似文献   

Sallnow J 《Soviet geography》1989,30(9):670-683
"This article provides a general overview of trends in urban-rural population change and evolution of the settlement system in the Soviet Far East since 1966, incorporating data published in the recent national statistical yearbooks and the preliminary 1989 census report....Total population in the Soviet Far East increased from 5,435,000 in 1966 to 7,941,000 by January 12, 1989, with the share of the urban population now comprising over three-quarters of the total. Migration patterns into and out of the region are discussed and cities planned for expansion are identified."  相似文献   

确定东亚冬季风强度指数的一种方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘实 《地理科学》2007,27(Z1):10-18
利用1961-2000年美国NCEP/NCAR再分析的海平面气压资料,选择用亚洲一澳大利亚季风(A-A季风)系统中西伯利亚高压和澳大利亚低压两个大气活动中心之间标准化的气压差来表征东亚冬季风强度.分析表明,新指数对中国区域(青藏、云贵高原除外)冬季气温的影响显著,特别是与中国东北大部、西北部分区域和华北、华东大部区域的相关程度更好.对东亚冬季风强度的同期环流及海表温度场特征的分析结果显示,该指数可合理和客观地表述东亚冬季风的强度.东亚冬季风强度与同期印度洋西部海温有较显著的负相关.  相似文献   

We examine the time coincidence and spatial homogeneity of the annual stream runoff fluctuations in Siberia and the Far East. A regionalization of the study territory for the time coincidence of the stream runoff fluctuations has been carried out by analyzing the correlation matrix on the basis of the algorithm of automatic classification of objects through identification of groups with homogeneous attributes according to a specified homogeneity criterion. The territory’s spatial homogeneity was assessed by constructing and analyzing spatial correlation functions and accompanied by a checking for the possible anisotropy.  相似文献   

安徽省城市旅游规模差异及其规模分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳百萍 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1520-1527
借用城市地理学研究中较成熟的首位分布和位序—规模分布理论,采用标准差、变差系数、首位度、赫芬达尔系数等指标,对19992009年安徽省17个城市国内旅游收入数据进行分析。研究发现:旅游发展总体不均衡;安徽省城市旅游规模首位度小,分散分布明显;高位序城市旅游规模近年相对集中。通过对数据进行位序规模的回归分析:发现安徽省城...  相似文献   

Presented are the results from investigating the chemical composition dynamics of atmospheric precipitation in the Far-Eastern region of Russia for the last 25 years. It is shown that the increase in acidity of atmospheric precipitation is due to the trans-boundary transfer of acid-forming pollutants from industrial centers of East Asia, which is borne out by the results derived from analyzing synoptic data.  相似文献   

The author analyzes changes in population growth rates and in the structure of the labor force in Soviet cities where Japanese-supplied industrial plants are located. Data for cities of over 50,000 inhabitants were obtained from available Soviet statistical sources; operations research techniques were then used to yield information at the city level  相似文献   

资源型城市脆弱性研究对于当前我国落实新型城镇化战略,推动城市高质量发展具有重要意义。通过以黄土高原地区25个矿产资源型城市为研究对象,从经济、社会、生态环境和资源4个维度构建指标体系,采用TOPSIS法、灰色关联法和地理探测器等方法研究了2000—2015年的城市脆弱性格局及时空演化,并以人口这一流动性最强的社会资源为切入点,分析其脆弱性演变的区域效应。结果表明:(1)2000—2015年,黄土高原地区资源型城市以中低脆弱性为主,总体呈上升趋势,城市间极差化显著,但不平衡性趋缓;(2)该区域资源型城市脆弱性主要问题呈"生态环境-经济+社会-经济+资源"的转变特征,其中成熟型、衰退型城市的问题尤为突出;社会及生态环境脆弱性总体上均得以改善,资源脆弱性上升区集中在东部、南部;(3)综合脆弱性的人口响应程度呈下降趋势。城镇人口比重的响应程度最强,人口老龄化、社会总抚养比和流动人口比重的响应具有阶段性特征。(4)分维度脆弱性的人口响应呈现维度差异。经济和社会脆弱性的人口响应具有一致性,社会总抚养比是关键解释因子,生态环境脆弱性中流动人口比重的解释力较强且增幅显著,而资源脆弱性中城镇人口比重的响...  相似文献   

Cole JP 《Soviet geography》1990,31(3):160-172
"An overview of the dynamics of Soviet cities of over 100,000 population for the period 1979-1989 is presented, based largely on maps and tables depicting five key 'subsets' or city groupings: (a) cities increasing by over 100,000 inhabitants; (b) the fastest growing cities in percentage terms; (c) their comparison with fastest growing cities, 1959-1979; (d) the slowest growing cities in percentage terms; and (e) their comparison with slowest growing cities, 1959-1979. The paper, by focusing on these parameters and utilizing extensively graphic and cartographic methods of data presentation, provides...insights into city growth trends...."  相似文献   

初楠臣  张平宇  李鹤  李欣 《地理科学》2018,38(7):1069-1078
构建城镇化评价指标体系,研究俄罗斯西伯利亚与远东地区2005~2015年人口、经济、社会城镇化发展水平及空间分异。研究表明:俄罗斯西伯利亚与远东地区城镇化综合发展水平呈小幅上升,西伯利亚城镇化发展水平高于远东,两联邦区人口城镇化水平下降、经济与社会城镇化发展缓慢,多数联邦主体的城镇化发展低于平均水平;空间上,城镇化发展水平高值区集中在西伯利亚联邦区西部(鄂木斯克-新西伯利亚-阿尔泰边疆区-克麦罗沃-克拉斯诺亚尔斯克-伊尔库茨克联邦主体),低值区分布在远东联邦区东部(马加丹-楚科奇-勘察加联邦主体),西高东低格局特征显著;最后探讨了促进西伯利亚与远东人口、经济、社会城镇化发展的具体对策。  相似文献   

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