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Using observations obtained with the Clark Lake radioheliograph we determined the diameter of the Sun in the decameter wavelength range. Both equatorial and polar diameters increase with decreasing frequency, as D=Af . The eccentricity of the brightness distribution appears to remain constant in the frequency range (30–74 MHz) in good agreement with the optical results in a corresponding height range. The smaller size of the polar diameter is attributed to coronal holes covering the poles during the period of our observations, while streamers were observed at the equator most of the time.  相似文献   

The new TeePee Tee array of the Clark Lake Radio Observatory has been used to observe the quiet Sun at 121.5, 73.8 and 26.3 MHz. The equatorial brightness distributions at all three frequencies, and the polar brightness distributions at the two higher ones have been measured. From the observed total fluxes and half-power diameters we have derived the peak brightness temperatures of the solar disk as well as of some sources of the slowly varying component.On leave of absence from Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía, Argentina.  相似文献   

The positions and motions of solar bursts in the range 20 to 60 MHz have been measured by the means of a sweep-frequency grating interferometer with angular resolution of 5 arc at 60 MHz decreasing to 15 arc at 20 MHz. The positional characteristics of the decameter wavelength bursts are discussed in terms of the commonly accepted theories of the origin of radio bursts from plasma and synchrotron radiations.  相似文献   

A new high-speed digital solar radio spectrograph has been designed and is being operated at the Clark Lake Radio Observatory in California. The spectrograph design attempts to optimize sensitivity, dynamic range, and frequency-time resolution while utilizing modern high-speed computer data-handling techniques. The system is described and initial data observations are presented.  相似文献   

Spectral characteristics of extragalactic radio sources of synchrotron emission with spectral flux density maxima located at decameter wavelengths are studied on the basis of the Grakovo catalog data. Physical processes in space that can give rise to such spectra are considered. Angular sizes and possible characteristics of relevant cosmic plasma are determined for a number of sources.  相似文献   

We report multifrequency observations of storm continuum and other radio bursts. Based on their positional study and their correlation with other coronal and photospheric features, we deduce that the storm source is located in the magnetic field lines lying above a single bipolar active region. Energetic electrons trapped in the magnetic structures above the spots must be responsible for the storm radiation. We show that spontaneous emission of Langmuir waves by anisotropic distributions can explain both storm continuum and bursts self-consistently. Whenever the collisional damping ( c ) is more than the growth (- A ), there is a steady emission responsible for the continuum, and whenever c = - A (which may be satisfied randomly) there is a sudden jump in T b giving rise to bursts. The number density of energetic particles required to explain the storm continuum at 73.8, 50, and 30.9 MHz frequencies is estimated to lie in the limits n b /n e 10–10–10–9 in the context of the present observations. The brightness spectrum of the storm continuum is computed and compared with observations.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India.  相似文献   

Decametric storm radiation during the period July–August 1970 has been observed simultaneously with a high sensitivity spectrograph at Arecibo Observatory and with the log-periodic, swept-frequency array of the Clark Lake Radio Observatory. The observations complement each other; different types of fine structure emissions can be easily identified on the spectrograph records and their position can be determined from the swept-frequency recordings. We study the relative positions of the different emissions which have been observed during the storms. Four distinct sources appeared to be present. The continuum emission, the type I bursts and the flare-related type III's were all emitted at different locations. The storm type III bursts, type IIIb's and drift pairs overlapped in position, but appeared at different locations than the previously mentioned sources.On leave of absence from Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia, Argentina.  相似文献   

The fluctuations in the tropospheric attenuation constitute a major problem when S-component source variations are studied. On records made by means of ‘single beam’ antenna systems, separating solar variations from spurious effects can be very difficult. The twin-beam, beam ratio technique circumvents this problem by deriving a ratio with respect to a reference beam which is identically affected by the tropospheric attenuation and by receiver gain variations.  相似文献   

Comparison of maps of the Sun obtained over the period June 29 to July 8, 1982 at 169 MHz with the Nançay Radioheliograph and at 73.8, 50, and 30.9 MHz with the Clark Lake Radioheliograph shows that the slowly varying component at meter and decameter wavelengths is not always thermal emission. During the period under study weak noise storm continua were the most frequent sources of slowly varying component at 169 and 73.8 MHz. Most filaments show no radio counterpart on the disk. A streamer has been detected on the disk from 169 to 30.9 MHz with an optimum observability at 50 MHz. The brightest source of the slowly varying component from 73.8 to 30.9 MHz for most of the period was located above an extended coronal hole in a region where a depression was observed at 169 MHz. In favorable cases, electron densities can be derived from the positions of noise storms and radio streamers; these are in agreement with previous K-corona eclipse observations.  相似文献   

A sample of 36 S-component sources observed by the radio telescope RATAN-600 was compared with calculations of gyromagnetic emission and bremsstrahlung based on recent sunspot models. The diagnostic possibilities of the spectral distributions in the radio flux, the degree of polarization, and the source sizes for the estimation of magnetic scale heights and other source parameters were checked by different methods.Depending on the magnetic field structure, the observations show different types of polarization spectra. Most regular spectra and highest values of the degree of polarization were observed from sources above the leading part of the associated spot group. Magnetic scale heights were found to be intrinsically associated with the source size of the gyromagnetic emission.The flare production rate of active regions appears to be related to their S-component flux and magnetic scale heights.  相似文献   

We have observed the slowly varying component of solar radio emission at a frequency of 34.5 MHz with half power beam widths of 26/40 in the east-west and north-south directions, respectively. It is found that the observed brightness temperatures vary within the limits of 0.3×106K to 1.5×106K, and the average half power widths of the brightness distribution on the Sun is about 3R . Thermal emission from coronal regions of various electron densities and temperatures with and without the magnetic field has been computed and compared with the observed results.  相似文献   

We analysed multifrequency 2-dimensional maps of the solar corona obtained with the Nançay radioheliograph during two solar rotations in 1986. We discuss the emission of the quiet Sun, coronal holes and local sources and its association with chromospheric and coronal features as well as with large-scale magnetic fields. The brightness temperature of the quiet Sun was 5 to 5.5 × 105 K at 164 MHz and 4.5 to 5 × 105 K at 408 MHz. A coronal hole, also detected in the 10830 Å He i line, had a brightness temperature of 4.5 × 105 at 164 and 2.5 × 105 at 408 MHz. We give statistics of source brightness temperatures (on the average 8% above the background at 164 MHz and 14% at 408 MHz), as well as distributions in longitude and latitude. Although we found no significant center-to-limb effect in the brightness temperature, the sources were not visible far from the central meridian (apparently a refraction effect). The brightest sources at 164 MHz were near, but not directly above active regions and had characteristics of faint type I continua. At 408 MHz some sources were observed directly above active regions and one was unambiguously a type I continuum. The majority of the fainter sources showed no association with chromospheric features seen on H synoptic charts, including filaments. Most of them were detected at one frequency only. Sources identified at three frequencies (164, 327, and 408 MHz) were located in regions of enhanced large-scale magnetic field, some of them at the same location as decayed active regions visible one rotation before on synoptic H charts. Multifrequency sources are associated with maxima of the green line corona. The comparison with K-corona synoptic charts shows a striking association of the radio sources with dense coronal regions, associated with the coronal neutral sheet. Furthermore, we detected an enhanced brightness region which surrounds the local sources and is stable over at least one solar rotation. We call this feature a coronal plateau and we identify it with the radio counterpart of the coronal neutral sheet.  相似文献   

On fourteen days in July and August 1992 and June 1993, we used the 7-element synthesis radio telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory to make full-disc, arc-min resolution images of the Sun at 21 cm, with the objective of budgetting the contributions to the slowly-varying component of solar radio emission. This instrument has the advantage that the mapping field at this wavelength is about 2.5° wide. However, it has also the severe disadvantage that with only 12 hours to record each image, the brightness distribution is severely undersampled. This difficulty, along with solar rotation and declination motion during each observation, required development of special image correction procedures.The two observing sessions spanned about 25% of the activity range over a solar cycle. Over this range, comparable contributions to the slowly-varying component came from active region sources and a weak emission, widely-distributed over the solar disk. Both these contributions are correlated with the total photospheric magnetic flux and with the 10.7 cm flux.  相似文献   

P. Steffen 《Solar physics》1980,67(1):89-100
From solar maps at 8.6 mm wavelength and total flux measurements at wavelengths of 1.7 cm to 122 cm, various spectra of the slowly varying component have been studied. The main distinction between these various types of spectra is the slope of the spectra toward wavelengths of less than 2 cm.It has been shown that the probability of flare occurrence is correlated with the type of the source spectra. It is proposed that enhanced flare production occurs from a source of SVC whose spectrum has a peak around 6–10 cm wavelength but whose slope is flatter around 8 mm, but steeper toward longer centimeter wavelengths, than in the case of normal SVC-spectra attributed to gyro resonance radiation. The implications of such spectra in terms of changes in magnetic field structure before the occurrence of a flare are discussed.  相似文献   

We present observations of the corona at 169 MHz with the Nançay Radioheliograph during the summer of 1984. We compare synoptic maps of the metric radio emission on the solar disk with synoptic charts of the K-corona as well as of the green and the red lines. Local sources of radio emission are not located near regions of enhanced green or red line emission which, in turn, are in general above chromospheric faculae. Thus the radio emissions located in the surroundings of faculae are apparently related to different loop systems, with lower density. The comparison of the radio data with the K-corona showed one radio source associated with enhanced emission both at 1.3 and at 1.7 R , apparently a streamer. Other radio sources did not show any clear associations, but were nevertheless located within the coronal plasma sheet, delineated by the large-scale K-corona emission. Moreover the large-scale structure of the corona at 169 MHz was quite similar to the coronal plasma sheet observed at 1.3 R above the limb. The extent of the radio emission in latitude is very similar to that of the K-corona, while the coronal line emission is more concentrated near the solar equator.  相似文献   

With the soft X-ray detector (0.2–0.284 keV) aboard the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS) we have searched for X-ray emission from hot star coronae and peculiar stars. On Sirius ( CMa) and Capella ( Aur) X-ray emission has been measured at 6 and 5 level, respectively, above background. In all other cases the search revealed no evidence for soft X-ray emission. Upper limits to the luminosities of about 25 star coronae (main-sequence stars, (sub)giants, and supergiants) and of 4 peculiar stars ( Sco, Lyr, P Cyg, and Car) have been obtained.Paper presented at the COSPAR/IAU Symposium on Fast Transients in X-and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

We present multi-frequency observations and model computations of the microwave emission of a solar active region. The radio observations were obtained with the RATAN-600 at several wavelengths between 0.8 and 31.6 cm and with the VLA at 6 and 20 cm. The active region was also observed in the EUV O Iv lines by the HRTS instrument aboard the Space Shuttle Spacelab-2 mission. These lines are formed in the chromosphere-corona transition region and their intensity ratio is sensitive to pressure. Photospheric magnetograms provided both the longitudinal and the transverse component of the magnetic field. The microwave observations were checked against model computations taking into account both the free-free and the gyro-resonance emission mechanisms and using the pressure data from the O IV lines. The magnetic field was computed through constant- force-free extrapolations of the longitudinal photospheric field. We computed both the flux from 2 to 20 cm and the spatial structure of the microwave emission at 6 and 20 cm. The comparison of the computed and observed flux spectra allowed us to estimate the magnetic field strength at the base of the transition region and in the low corona, as well as the values of the conductive flux and the height of the base of the transition region. The model maps at 6 cm and 20 cm showed that was not constant above the active region; the same conclusion was reached on the basis of the photospheric observations. The use of pressure measurements allowed us to identify microwave structures which were determined by pressure enhancements. At 6 cm the computations confirmed the fact that the magnetic field is the principal factor that determines the structure of sunspot-associated sources and showed that the effect of pressure variations was small. Pressure variations were more important at 20 cm, where the peak of the emission was associated with the sunspot and a diffuse component was associated with the plage which had an average pressure higher by a factor of 1.54 than the sunspot.  相似文献   

Experimental results on limb darkening and specific intensities imply more ultraviolet continuous opacity than that predicted by theoretical calculations. Some atomic and molecular processes, not yet studied from this standpoint are investigated as to their importance on the continuous absorption coefficient. The negative results obtained suggest some arguments about the importance of iron as photo-absorber.  相似文献   

We consider some statistical characteristics of radio sources at 22 GHz in the framework of the preparatory works on the RadioAstron space mission. The expected density of radio sources with inverted spectra is estimated. Based on the observations of the radio sources from the preliminary RadioAstron sample, we compare the expected and measured angular densities of the radio sources with inverted spectra. The optical characteristics of the objects with inverted spectra and of the sources from the complete sample are compared as well. We present some spectral parameters of the radio sources observed at two different frequencies. Some conclusions about the completeness and reliability of the preliminary RadioAstron catalog are made.  相似文献   

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