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Sediments of Lake Fidler, a meromictic lake in south-west Tasmania, contain distinctive laminae. In order to determine their composition and formation, these laminae were studied using a combination of X- ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectrometry. Results indicated that the laminae were composed of clay originating from the adjacent Gordon River estuary. The clay was also found as part of the general sediment matrix of the core. The evidence indicates that the laminae are formed during incursions of brackish water from the adjacent Gordon River estuary into Lake Fidler which cause the flocculation of clay minerals in the water column. These clay minerals then sink rapidly to the sediments to form laminae. Although the formation of these laminae pre-dates meromixis, their mode of formation corroborates the theory that meromixis is maintained ectogenically by periodic inflows of brackish water replenishing monimolimnetic salts.  相似文献   

Three meromictic lakes in the World Heritage Area of south-west Tasmania possess unusual microbiological communities. Their meromixis is maintained by periodic incursions of brackish water from the nearby Gordon River which, in its lower reaches, is a salt-wedge estuary. In 1977 the construction of a dam in the middle reaches of the river restricted penetration of the salt-wedge and meromixis rapidly declined in all three lakes. A palaeolimnological study was carried out on one of the lakes, Lake Fidler, firstly to determine the history of meromixis and its associated microbiological communities, and secondly to assess whether the recent and rapid decline of meromixis is inconsistent with natural rates of development of the Gordon River meromictic lakes. One part of this study included the analysis of the stratigraphy of fossil diatoms from a 17-metre sediment core dating back 8000 yrs. Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Analog Matching were used to compare diatom species assemblages in core samples with diatom samples from a reference dataset consisting of a selection of lake and river sites in the lower Gordon River valley. Five distinct stratigraphic zones were identified in the core. These zones indicated specific stages in the development of the Gordon River lakes from river backwaters to ectogenically-maintained meromictic lakes which will, finally, become terrestrialised by encroaching rainforest. The onset of a stratified water column was identified by the emergence of a dominant freshwater algal flora which suggested that the lake had developed a mixolimnion and become meromictic ca. 2070 ± 50 14C yrs ago. In the context of this long history of meromixis, the rapid demise in meromictic stability following construction of the dam is judged to be inconsistent with natural rates of development. The palaeolimnological studies, of which this paper is one part, prompt recommendations for a management strategy to prevent the further decay of these meromictic lakes in the World Heritage Area.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of fossil pigments is essential if they are to be used as biomarker compounds in palaeolimnological studies. In recent years High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) has greatly enhanced the efficiency with which fossil pigments can be characterised and quantified. Using HPLC, undegraded pigments are typically identified through retention times, absorbance spectra and co-chromatography with authentic reference standards. However, lake sediments may also contain degraded pigments for which there are often no standards, and which may be difficult to identify using HPLC alone. In this study, we submitted HPLC fractions of fossil pigments and pigment derivatives collected from a meromictic lake in south west Tasmania, to a combination of Mass Spectrometry (MS) techniques including Electron Impact (EI) and static Liquid Secondary Ion MS (LSIMS) to identify their molecular ion characteristics and organic chemical composition. Mass Spectrometry permitted the detection of specific mass ions which were used to verify the identity of pigments and their derivatives. These included five carotenoids, chlorophyll a and derivatives, three previously described bacteriochlorophyll c derivatives with molecular weights of 770, 784, and 802, and two undescribed derivatives of bacteriochlorophyll c with molecular weights of 766 and 788. With these improved identifications we speculate on the pathways and modes of pigment degradation in the lake and asses the value of the degraded pigments as biomarkers. The use of MS permitted the identification of a greater number of signature pigments of algal and bacterial communities thus increasing the palaeolimnological value of the sediments. These methods are best applied in fossil pigment studies where there are a large number of unknown pigments and pigment degradation products, and where there are no authentic standards for co-chromatography. Practical suggestions for pigment MS are included in the discussion.  相似文献   

Fossil plant pigments and Cladophora fragments were analyzed in a 6.53 m long sediment profile from Lake Mývatn, Iceland, covering most of its history of about 2300 years. A decrease in myxoxanthophyll (produced by Cyanobacteria) with time and an increase in the benthic Cladophora reflects a gradual shift from planktonic to benthic primary production as water depth is reduced (to 3.15 m at the core site) because of sediment accumulation.Two periods of relatively high concentrations of myxoxanthophyll coincided with relatively frequent deposition of tephra (volcanic ash) but did neither conform with tectonic activity which might have changed the water level nor the available climatic record. Sediment depth, tephra content and percent undegraded chlorophyll (an indicator of pigment preservation) together could explain 56.7% of the variation in myxoxanthophyll. It is hypothesized that temporary increases in myxoxanthophyll resulted from periodic nutrient enrichment by fresh tephra deposited in the watershed or because tephra increased the erosion of organic soil in the water catchment area.Fluctuations in Cladophora show an inverse relationship with myxoxanthophyll in the uppermost 4 m of the core, and may result from a shading effect of planktonic Cyanobacteria on the phytobenthos or competition for nutrients released by the bottom sediments.  相似文献   

Fairfax Lake is a small, oligotrophic to mesotrophic headwater lake situated in the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains of west-central Alberta (Latitude 52° 58 N; Longitude 116° 34 W). Through acquisition of a sediment core, and analyses of the diatoms, chrysophyte stomatocysts, pollen and sedimentary pigments, including myxoxanthophyll and oscillaxanthin, a palaeoenvironmental history of the lake has been determined. The sedimentary record spans ca. 13 200 years. An open tree-less vegetation existed in the region ca. 13 200–ca. 11 600 years BP. Maximum oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll concentrations, hence the largest blue-green algal populations, occurred during the same interval. With increasing temperature pioneering parkland vegetation appeared ca. 11 600 years BP but was replaced ca. 10 100 years BP by spruce forest. Pine appeared ca. 7800 years BP and this marked the development of the present day montane boreal forest. Diatoms were not found until ca. 11 255 years BP. Benthic taxa dominated but by ca. 10 100 years BP planktonic taxa had become more prominent. Lake levels are interpreted as having risen, and the lake water was probably more transparent. Maximum chlorophyll and total carotenoid concentrations occur ca. 11 255 to ca. 7000 years BP corresponding to the warm early to mid-Holocene period. Lake nutrient levels appear to have been higher prior to ca. 7000 years BP, and the lake has changed from being eutrophic during the early Holocene to its present status as an oligotrophic to mesotrophic lake. Subtle hydrological changes have also occurred in the catchment as water levels do not appear to have remained constant.  相似文献   

Aquatic invertebrates are intrinsically capable of rapid and sensitive response to changes in their lacustrine habitat. Fossil invertebrate assemblages preserved in the sediments of a climate-sensitive lake can thus produce high-resolution proxy records of past climate. In shallow lakes, however, a potential conflict exists between the sensitivity of biota to frequent habitat change in their fluctuating environment and the increased probability of disturbance of selected proxy records by bioturbation and physical mixing of sediments. I investigated this problem with tropical-African aquatic invertebrate faunas in a paleolimnological sensitivity study that incorporates both the response of biota to short-term habitat change and the taphonomic integrity of fossil assemblages in a small, shallow, and hydrologically closed lacustrine basin. Analysis of chironomid, cladoceran, and ostracode remains in a210Pb-dated short core from Lake Oloidien (Kenya) indicates that habitat changes accompanying the late 19th- and 20th-century fluctuations in lake level (Z max range: 3 to 18 m) and salinity (conductivity range:c. 400 toc. 2000–4000 µS cm–1) were sufficient to drastically alter the composition of local benthic and planktonic invertebrate faunas. This response remained relatively unaffected by taphonomic phenomena during its incorporation into the sediment record. Results indicate that tropical-African aquatic invertebrate faunas in suitable climate-sensitive lakes are a valuable tool to resolve paleoclimatic fluctuations on a timescale of decades.This paper was presented at the VI Palaeolimnology Symposium, held at Canberra in April 1993. Dr. Mark Brenner guest edited this contribution.  相似文献   

The specific composition, vertical distribution and daily migration of plankton in a meromictic salt lake, Lake Shira, have been investigated. The main structural components of the ecosystem are bacteria, algae and crustaceans. Since the late 1970s, blue-green algae are reported as dominant. Nowadays the phytoplankton is dominated byLyngbya contorta, Microcystis ichtyoblabe (Cyanophyta),Cyclotella tuberculata (Bacillariophyta) andDictyosphaerium tetrachotomum (Chlorophyta). The zooplankton of Lake Shira comprisesArctodiaptomus salinus (Copepoda),Brachionus plicatilis andHexarthra oxiuris (Rotatoria). Investigation revealed a stratified vertical distribution of all dominant species exceptCyclotella with a maximum at a depth of 12–15 m during the summer growth period. Zooplanktons differ in the pattern of distribution and daily migration, but most zooplankton tend to concentrate near the surface. The possible reasons for the vertical distribution of the plankton are discussed.  相似文献   

Cores of recent sediments were sampled along a depth gradient in a 23 m deep kettle lake with stagnant deep waters containing exceptionally high concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese. Sediment cores were taken on two occasions, in 1978 and 1997, before and after an incidence of full circulation. The aims of this study are to see how oxic and anoxic conditions in the water column influence stratigraphy and sediment focusing and, to compare cores from 1979 and 1998 to see how measured element fluxes and external events are reflected in the chemical stratigraphy. Element analyses show characteristic stratigraphic patterns that depend on the ability to undergo redox transformations, sorptive properties and chemical equilibria in the anoxic deep waters and porewaters. In sediments from the oxic part of the lake Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn Cu, Cd, and Pb were well correlated. Positive correlations are seen between elements associated with primary production and sulphur. In the anoxic part of the lake most metals were positively correlated with carbonate. Phosphorus correlated positively with iron in sediments from oxic waters and negatively with manganese and iron deep-water sediments. Porewater analyses indicate that recycling from the deep-water sediments was negligible. The stratigraphy of lead agrees with the historic variation in atmospheric input and is used as a chronological marker. Assessed deposition rates agree with measurements in sediment traps. Most elements more than double their rates of deposition towards the deepest point of the lake, while sulphur, manganese and carbonate had maxima around the depth of the redoxcline in the water. Variations in the external loading and variable redox conditions in the deep waters explain variations in the chemical composition of recent sediments.  相似文献   

Modern climate research has shown that the Asian summer monsoon water vapor transport is limited to the eastern part of the Qilian Mountains. On the Holocene millennial-scale, whether the northwest boundary of the summer monsoon varies according to climate change is a key scientific issue. Yanchi Lake is located in the northern Qilian Mountains and the middle of the Hexi Corridor, where the modern climate is less affected by the Asian summer monsoon. It is a key research area for examining the long-term variations of the Asian summer monsoon. Paleoclimatic data, including AMS ^14C dates of pollen concentrates and bulk organic carbon, lithology, grain-size, mineral composition and geochemical proxies were acquired from sediments of Yanchi Lake. The chronological results show that the lower part of the lacustrine section is formed mainly in the Late Glacial and early Holocene period, while the proxies' data indicate the lake expansion is associated with high content of mineral salts. The middle part of this section is formed during the transitional period of the early and middle Holocene. Affected by the reworking effect, the pollen concentrates AMS^14C dates from the middle part of the section are generally older than those from the lower part. Since the mid-Holocene, Yanchi Lake retreated significantly and the deposition rate dropped obvi- ously. The Yanchi Lake record is consistent with the Late Glacial and Holocene lake records in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the climatic records in typical monsoon domain, which indicate the lake expansion and the strong Asian summer monsoon during the Late Glacial and early Holocene. The long-term monsoonal pattern is different from the lake evolution in Central Asia on the Holocene millennial-scale. This study proves the monsoon impacts on the northwestern margin of the summer monsoon, and also proves the fact that the northern boundary of the summer monsoon moves according to millennial-scale climate change.  相似文献   

Gao  Xing  Kang  Shichang  Liu  Qingsong  Chen  Pengfei  Duan  Zongqi 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(9):1481-1494
Heavy metals,one of the most toxic classes of pollutants,are resistant to degradation and harmful to the biological environment.The lakes that have developed on the Tibetan Plateau are ideal regions to investigate historic heavy metal pollution,particularly through the use of the reliable 210 Pb dating technique.Environmental magnetism has been successfully applied to estimate heavy metal pollution in different environmental systems due to its characteristics of simple processing steps,good sensitivity,and non-destructibility.However,it has not yet been applied to assess heavy metal pollution in lake sediments on the Tibetan Plateau.A series of environmental magnetic investigations of Qiangyong Co Lake sediments(southern Tibetan Plateau) was therefore conducted to explore the relationship between magnetic minerals and mercury(Hg) concentrations.The results showed that the magnetic mineral species in lake sediments remained stable,with similar levels of four different components from 1899 to 2011.However,the proportion of component 1(C1,hematite) increased continuously with the corresponding decrease in the proportion of C2(goethite),while the proportions of C3 and C4(magnetite) did not change significantly.As a result,the bulk magnetic signals(e.g.,SIRM and clf) were unsuitable for the evaluation of the Hg concentration;however,the proportion of hematite had a strong positive correlation with the Hg concentration.It is possible that the Qiangyong Glacier(the main water supply for Qiangyong Co Lake) has experienced faster melting with global and local warming,and the Hg trapped in cryoconite and ice was released.Hematite,with a large specific surface area,has a strong capacity for absorbing Hg,and both materials are ultimately transported to Qiangyong Co Lake.The proportion of hematite in a sample is therefore a suitable semi-quantitative proxy that can be used to evaluate the Hg concentration in Qiangyong Co Lake sediments.This study confirmed that the variation of magnetic minerals can provide a new method to estimate the variation of Hg concentrations and to study the process of Hg deposition in lakes in the southern Tibetan Plateau on the basis of a detailed environmental magnetic analysis.  相似文献   

西藏羊卓雍湖流域近45 年气温和降水的变化趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜军  胡军  唐述君  鲍建华  拉巴 《地理学报》2008,63(11):1160-1168
利用西藏羊卓雍湖流域气象、水文观测站1961-2005 年逐月的平均气温、降水量等资 料, 分析了近45 年流域气温、降水的年际和年代际变化特征和异常年份, 以及羊湖水位变化趋势及影响因子, 结果表明: 近45 年流域年平均气温以0.25 oC/10a 的速率显著升高, 增温主要表现在秋、冬季。近25 年, 流域平均降水量除冬季呈减少趋势外, 其他各季节表现为显 著的增加趋势, 增幅为11.4~30.0 mm/10a, 夏季增幅最大; 年降水量以54.2 mm/10a 的速率明显增加。20 世纪60 年代至90 年代, 除夏季外, 其他3 季表现为逐年代增温趋势。在夏季, 降水量除80 年代偏少外, 其他3 个年代偏多; 而冬季相反, 80 年代降水偏多, 其他3 个年代偏少。流域年平均气温异常偏高年出现过3 次, 且发生在20 世纪90 年代末至21 世纪初; 60 年代后期和70 年代初降水多异常年份。自1997 年发电以来, 降水量呈增加趋势, 流域平均降水量达409.7 mm, 明显高于平衡降水量, 水位呈较明显的上升趋势。降水增多、日照减少, 以及气温明显升高、冰雪融水增加是造成水位上升的主要原因。  相似文献   

In Lake Constance, phosphorus concentrations and the seasonal development of phytoplankton communities in water samples from the pelagic zone were regularly recorded since the 1950's. Before the 1950's, there were occasional investigations of plankton communities since 1896. We compared these data with the sedimentary record in two sediment cores. Then, the eutrophication history of Lake Constance was inferred from diatoms. The record of biogenic silica in the cores is discussed with respect to diatom biomass increase.Diatom assemblages in the sediment cores precisely reflected the pelagic diatom development for the period 1971--1992. Both sediment cores and the water samples have a high interannual variability of diatom assemblages. Below a sediment depth of 27 cm (AD 1920), more than 50% of the diatoms were partly corroded, and we limited the reconstruction of trophic state changes to the interval of 1920--1993. Oligotrophic conditions of Lake Constance were indicated by the dominance of various Cyclotella taxa from 1920 to 1940. Since 1939/1940, increasing abundance of it Tabellaria fenestrata showed oligotrophic to mesotrophic conditions. Between 1953 and 1956, increasing Stephanodiscus hantzschii and disappearing Cyclotella indicated advanced eutrophication and total phosphorus values ranged between 8--10 mg m-3 during turnover in late winter. Further eutrophication was shown by disappearing T. fenestrata and increasing S. minutulus in 1963. Maximum TP concentrations of 87 mg m-3 occurred in 1979/80 and was accompanied by increasing abundances of Aulacoseira granulata. From 1986 to 1992, reoccurrence of Tabellaria fenestrata and Cyclotella indicate some recovery of Lake Constance.Biogenic silica and diatom abundances were similar among cores but indicate a 3--4 fold increase of diatom biomass only. This was far below the estimate of biomass increase from sedimentary pigment data (25 fold) and the estimate of phytoplankton data from the literature (70 fold).  相似文献   

Based on the geochemical elements Rb and Sr in sediments with three different grain size fractions from profile H3 on the northern lacustrine bottomland 13 m above the Huangqihai Lake surface in 1986, the paper investigates the record of palaeolake stand state, sedimentary environmental evolution, and winter monsoon change. First, these samples are separated into three different grain size fractions, i.e., total sediments, 77–20 μm and <20 μm. Second, the chemical elements—Rb and Sr—of the grain size separation were tested and analyzed systematically in this paper. Then the elements compositions of these samples are measured using VP-320 mode fluorescence spectrum instrument, respectively. The magnetic susceptibility of these samples is measured using Kappabridge KLY-3 mode instrument made in Czech AGICO Company. The results showed the elements and the ratios varied regularly with the grain size. But the ratio of Rb/Sr in the sediments <20 μm correlates positively with the magnetic susceptibility of these samples. Therefore, the ratio of Rb/Sr in the fraction <20 μm from the lake sediments reflected the strengthening of the weathering in the deposition sites. It is a good indicator of the summer monsoon-induced weathering and pedogenesis fluctuations and can be used to reconstruct the conditions of the paleoclimate and paleoen-vironment.  相似文献   

内蒙古黄旗海不同粒级湖泊沉积物Rb、Sr组成与环境变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on the geochemical elements Rb and Sr in sediments with three different grain size fractions from profile H3 on the northern lacustrine bottomland 13 m above the Huangqihai Lake surface in 1986,the paper investigates the record of palaeolake stand state, sedimentary environmental evolution,and winter monsoon change.First,these samples are separated into three different grain size fractions,i.e.,total sediments,77-20μm and〈20μm. Second,the chemical elements-Rb and Sr-of the grain size separation were tested and analyzed systematically in this paper.Then the elements compositions of these samples are measured using VP-320 mode fluorescence spectrum instrument,respectively.The magnetic susceptibility of these samples is measured using Kappabridge KLY-3 mode instrument made in Czech AGICO Company.The results showed the elements and the ratios varied regularly with the grain size.But the ratio of Rb/Sr in the sediments〈20μm correlates positively with the magnetic susceptibility of these samples.Therefore,the ratio of Rb/Sr in the fraction〈20 μm from the lake sediments reflected the strengthening of the weathering in the deposition sites.It is a good indicator of the summer monsoon-induced weathering and pedogenesis fluctuations and can be used to reconstruct the conditions of the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment.  相似文献   

内蒙古黄旗海不同粒级湖泊沉积物Rb、Sr组成与环境变化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
内蒙古黄旗海湖泊沉积物剖面层次结构清晰完整,通过对该剖面全样、77 μm~20 μm和小于20 μm三个不同粒级Rb、Sr含量和磁化率的系统测定,结果表明,湖泊沉积物中小于20 μm粒级成分的Rb、Sr含量和Rb/Sr值变化阶段明显,Rb/Sr值与磁化率分布曲线十分吻合,因此,小于20 μm粒级成分的Rb/Sr值与磁化率包含更加真实的古气候环境信息。Rb/Sr值反映了风化的强度,因而可以作为指示夏季风环流强度的代用指标。黄旗海湖泊沉积物的地球化学Rb、Sr元素含量和Rb/Sr值以及磁化率值波动特征具有深刻的环境演变背景,由此揭示的环境特征在一定程度上反映了全新世气候千百年尺度的波动变化,与全球气候波动有关。  相似文献   

lintroductionFlooddi~rbringsaboutgreatdamagestopropellesandseriouslossoflives.InChina,onetenthofterritory,500billionPeople,3300X104haofculhvatedland.morethan100largeandndddiecihesand70%ofindusthalandagricultoloutputvaluearethreatenedbyfloodings'l.Watershedflooddisastermanagementconcernsmonitoringandforecastingflood,assessingtheflooddamageandfloodcontrolanddiSasterreduchondecision-makinginthescopeofthewholewatershed.RemotesensingandGeographicalinfonnahonSystemarepowerfultoolstoconstIUctWate…  相似文献   

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