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The surface rainfall processes and diurnal variations associated with tropical oceanic convection are examined by analyzing a surface rainfall equation and thermal budget based on hourly zonal-mean data from a series of two-dimensional cloud-resolving simulations. The model is integrated for 21 days with imposed large-scale vertical velocity, zonal wind, and horizontal advection obtained from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) in the control experiment. Diurnal analysis shows that the infrared radiative cooling after sunset, as well as the advective cooling associated with imposed large-scale ascending motion, destabilize the atmosphere and release convective available potential energy to energize nocturnal convective development. Substantial local atmospheric drying is associated with the nocturnal rainfall peak in early morning, which is a result of the large condensation and deposition rates in the vapor budget. Sensitivity experiments show that diurnal variations of radiation and large-scale forcing can produce a nocturnal rainfall peak through infrared and advective cooling, respectively.  相似文献   

2010年汛期长江中游对流降水日变化特征分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
赵玉春  徐明  王叶红  徐桂荣  崔春光 《气象》2012,38(10):1196-1206
利用2010年6月16日至7月31日每3h一次的探空资料、逐小时地面加密观测和卫星云图黑体辐射亮温(TBB)等资料,对长江中游的对流降水及大气物理量的日变化特征进行了分析。结果发现:对流降水具有明显的日变化特征,降水在15时(01时)左右具有峰(谷)值。地面气象要素和大气探空物理量也具有明显的日变化特征。地面温度的日变化特征最为明显,平均日变化幅度约9℃,露点温度的日变化幅度不到1℃,相对湿度的日变化主要由温度日变化造成。地面温度日变化的空间分布受到地形的影响,白天(夜间)高地形区升温(降温)幅度较平原地区大。地形差异造成的温度梯度日变化可驱动地形性热力流,白天山峰(平原)地区为地形性辐合(辐散)热力流,夜间恰好相反。白天低层大气稳定度降低和对流有效位能增大,有利于热对流的发展;夜间抬升凝结高度降低、相对湿度升高和大气可降水量增大有利于清晨长生命史对流系统的发展。  相似文献   

滕昱盛  唐晓东 《气象科学》2024,44(3):462-473
最新观测统计分析表明台风生成前对流活动存在周期性特征,周期集中在18~26 h,峰值多出现在夜间。本文通过一系列理想的云分辨数值控制试验和辐射敏感性对比试验讨论了台风生成阶段周期性对流爆发的成因以及辐射日变化在此过程中产生的影响。结果表明,在给定无日变化的恒定太阳辐射情况下,台风生成过程中也会出现与观测一致的周期性对流爆发,说明辐射日变化不是该周期性形成的控制因素。对湿静力能扰动的收支分析发现边界层中湿静力能的周期性增减是导致周期性深对流爆发的关键因素。深对流爆发形成的冷池通过平流作用降低了边界层内的湿静力能,需要通过辐射与海表面通量过程使其恢复,才能再次触发对流。辐射日变化对于一些较弱的热带低压涡旋有调制作用,能使其周期性对流爆发的峰值时间相位改变并趋于在夜晚出现;但对于较强的涡旋,辐射的这种调制作用并不显著,涡旋会保持其最初对流爆发的周期和相位。本研究对观测到的台风生成阶段对流峰值出现在白天或夜间的情况都可以作出合理解释,也深化了对台风生成过程对流和辐射的作用和影响科学问题的理解。  相似文献   

Direct air-sea flux measurements were made on R/V Kexue #1 at 4 ° S, 156 ° E during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Response Experiment (COARE) Intensive Observation Period (IOP). An array of six accelerometers was used to measure the motion of the anchored ship, and a sonic anemometer and Lyman-α hygrometer were used to measure the turbulent wind vector and specific humidity. The contamination of the turbulent wind components by ship motion was largely removed by an improvement of a procedure due to Shao based on the acceleration signals. The scheme of the wind correction for ship motion is briefly outlined. Results are presented from data for the best wind direction relative to the ship to minimize flow distortion effects. Both the time series and the power spectra of the sonic-measured wind components show swell-induced ship motion contamination, which is largely removed by the accelerometer correction scheme. There was less contamination in the longitudinal wind component than in the vertical and transverse components. The spectral characteristics of the surface-layer turbulence properties are compared with those from previous land and ocean results. Momentum and latent heat fluxes were calculated by eddy correlation and compared to those estimated by the inertial dissipation method and the TOGA COARE bulk formula. The estimations of wind stress determined by eddy correlation are smaller than those from the TOGA COARE bulk formula, especially for higher wind speeds, while those from the bulk formula and inertial dissipation technique are generally in agreement. The estimations of latent heat flux from the three different methods are in reasonable agreement. The effect of the correction for ship motion on latent heat fluxes is not as large as on momentum fluxes.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the recent progress in studies of the diurnal variation of precipitation over con- tiguous China. The main results are as follows. (1) The rainfall diurnal variation over contiguous China presents distinct regional features. In summer, precipitation peaks in the late afternoon over the south- ern inland China and northeastern China, while it peaks around midnight over southwestern China. In the upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River valley, precipitation occurs mostly in the early morning. Summer precipitation over the central eastern China (most regions of the Tibetan Plateau) has two diurnal peaks, i.e., one in the early morning (midnight) and the other in the late afternoon. (2) The rainfall diurnal variation experiences obvious seasonal and sub-seasonal evolutions. In cold seasons, the regional contrast of rainfall diurnal peaks decreases, with an early morning maximum over most of the southern China. Over the central eastern China, diurnal monsoon rainfall shows sub-seasonal variations with the movement of summer monsoon systems. The rainfall peak mainly occurs in the early morning (late afternoon) during the active (break) monsoon period. (3) Cloud properties and occurrence time of rainfall diurnal peaks are different for long- and short-duration rainfall events. Long-duration rainfall events are dominated by strat- iform precipitation, with the maximum surface rain rate and the highest profile occurring in the late night to early morning, while short-duration rainfall events are more related to convective precipitation, with the maximum surface rain rate and the highest profile occurring between the late afternoon and early night. (4) The rainfall diurnal variation is influenced by multi-scale mountain-valley and land-sea breezes as well as large-scale atmospheric circulation, and involves complicated formation and evolution of cloud and rainfall systems. The diurnal cycle of winds in the lower troposphere also contributes to the regional differences  相似文献   

利用1994~2013年5~9月喀什市气象站逐小时降水资料,分析喀什近20a降水日变化特征。研究表明,20时至翌日06时为降水量的高值阶段,最大值出现在01时,07时至19时为降水量的低值时段,最小值出现在16时。降水频次的高值区为00时至07时,降水最不易产生的时间为17时。降水强度最高值在20时,次高值为01时,也是累积降水量较大时刻,降水强度最低值出现在15时也是累积降水量的低值区。喀什的降水主要以短时性降水(1~3h)为主,多发生在傍晚至夜间,1h降水频次最多的是量级≤1mm的降水,但1.1mm≤R1≤3.0mm量级的降水贡献率最高。小雨、中雨及大雨降水过程最易发生时段均为前半夜,下午为各量级降水过程发生最少的时段。  相似文献   

原韦华 《大气科学进展》2013,30(6):1679-1694
Atmospheric Intercomparison Project simulations of the summertime diurnal cycle of precipitation and low-level winds over subtropical China by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report models were evaluated. By analyzing the diurnal variation of convective and stratiform components, results confirmed that major biases in rainfall diurnal cycles over subtropical China are due to convection parameterization and further pointed to the diurnal variation of convective rainfall being closely related to the closure of the convective scheme. All models captured the early-morning peak of total rainfall over the East China Sea, but most models had problems in simulating diurnal rainfall variations over land areas of subtropical China. When total rainfall was divided into stratiform and convective rainfall, all models successfully simulated the diurnal variation of stratiform rainfall with a maximum in the early morning. The models, overestimating noon-time (nocturnal) total rainfall over land, generally simulated too much convective rainfall, which peaked close to noon (midnight), sharing some similarities in the closures of their deep convection schemes. The better performance of the Meteorological Research Institute atmospherer. ocean coupled global climate model version 3 (MRI-CGCM3) is attributed to the well captured ratio of the two kinds of rainfall, but not diurnal variations of the two components. Therefore, a proper ratio of convective and stratiform rainfall to total rainfall is also important to improve simulated diurnal rainfall variation.  相似文献   

天津市夏季降水日变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用1954-2007年天津市夏季逐时自记降水资料,分析了天津市夏季降水(包括逐小时降水量、降水频次、降水强度以及不同持续时间降水)日变化规律。结果表明:天津市一日内不同时次的多年累积降水量具有显著的日变化特征,呈明显的双峰型,高值分别出现在午后17时和午夜02时。逐小时降水强度与降水量的变化特征非常一致,而多年累积降水频次在凌晨02时至08时较高,之后至11时逐步降低,11时至24时变化不大。降水量与降水频次及降水强度的关系均达到显著性水平(P < 0.001),但逐小时降水强度与降水量相关性明显高于降水频次,表明降水量变化与降水强度有直接的关系,而降水频次对累积降水量的贡献占较小的权重。持续不同时间降水事件的发生次数在一日内的变化特征明显不同,长时性降水峰值集中在清晨,而短时性降水尤其是1-3 h降水主要以午后为主。  相似文献   


采用1981-2010年安徽省逐时降水资料, 从降水量、降水频次和降水强度三个方面对不同量级降水日变化进行分析, 研究表明:(1)降水量和降水频次呈双峰结构, 降水强度则无明显峰值。小雨和中雨降水量峰值时间主要在下午, 大雨呈现出上下午双峰结构, 暴雨的峰值则出现于上午。经分析, 这是由于不同日降水量级下持续性降水事件的构成不同所导致; (2)在空间分布上, 各量级降水日变化有明显区域性特征。总体来看量级较小的降水峰值出现时间的空间分布较为一致, 量级越大则一致性越差; (3)近30 a出现在下午的降水量峰值和降水强度峰值的年际变化较为一致, 均在1993-2001年间有所加强。且在东亚夏季风较强的年份, 安徽省降水峰值时间主要集中在午后; 而在弱季风年, 峰值时间出现于早晨的站点偏多。


Forecasts of the intensity and quantitative precipitation of tropical cyclones(TCs) are generally inaccurate, because the strength and structure of a TC show a complicated spatiotemporal pattern and are affected by various factors. Among these, asymmetric convection plays an important role. This study investigates the asymmetric distribution of convection in TCs over the western North Pacific during the period 2005–2012, based on data obtained from the Feng Yun 2(FY2)geostationary satellite. The asymmetric distributions of the incidence, intensity and morphology of convections are analyzed.Results show that the PDFs of the convection occurrence curve to the azimuth are sinusoidal. The rear-left quadrant relative to TC motion shows the highest occurrence rate of convection, while the front-right quadrant has the lowest. In terms of intensity, weak convections are favored in the front-left of a TC at large distances, whereas strong convections are more likely to appear to the rear-right of a TC within a 300 km range. More than 70% of all MCSs examined here are elongated systems, and meso-β enlongated convective systems(MβECSs) are the most dominant type observed in the outer region of a TC. Smaller MCSs tend to be more concentrated near the center of a TC. While semi-circular MCSs [MβCCSs, MCCs(mesoscale convective complexes)] show a high incidence rate to the rear of a TC, elongated MCSs [MβECSs, PECSs(persistent elongated convective systems)] are more likely to appear in the rear-right quadrant of a TC within a range of 400 km.  相似文献   

Diurnal Variation of Southwest Monsoon Rainfall at Indian Stations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DiurnalVariationofSouthwestMonsoonRainfallatIndianStationsJ.M.Pathan(IndianInstituteofTropicalMeteorology,Pashan,Pune-411008,...  相似文献   

利用2012—2020年CLDAS格点小时温度数据,通过插值、合成分析等技术,分析江西省不同天气背景下气温的日变化特征。结果表明:1) 江西省气温日变化曲线呈单峰形,整体上表现为06—15时为气温上升阶段,其中08—12时为快速上升阶段;16—05时为气温下降阶段,其中17—20时为快速下降阶段。2) 不同地形和季节日最高(最低)气温出现时间略有差异,平均而言高山地区最高气温出现于14时,较平原、丘陵早1 h;冬季最低气温出现在07时,较其他季节迟1 h。3) 不同地形大部分时段气温表现为丘陵>平原>高山,丘陵地区气温高于平原在12—17时最明显,温差为1—2 ℃,高山地区较两者低4—5 ℃。4) 不同天气背景下,气温日变化曲线仍呈单峰形,日最高气温大概率出现在14—16时,日最低气温在23时—次日06时各时次出现概率大致相同。气温日较差在有雨条件下最小,为2—3 ℃;晴天不同云量条件下,气温日较差最大,为6—8 ℃,阴天最小,为3—5 ℃;气温日较差在强降温天气大于强回暖天气。  相似文献   

根据2007—2013年宁波市每日8次地面观测气象资料,运用罗氏法和统计分析法计算大气混合层高度,分析其在霾日和非霾日的不同日变化特征。结果表明宁波市霾日与非霾日混合层高度均呈白天高,夜晚低的日变化特征,夏季两者差值的日变化波动最明显,波峰时间比其他季节晚3 h。混合层高度日变化趋势与风速、气温、能见度趋于一致,霾等级越重,混合层高度越低。霾日与非霾日的气温差值除冬季呈正变温外,其他季节呈负变温,冬季14时差值最小,夜间加大,春夏季凌晨差值最小,14时最大,秋季波动不明显;风速差值除冬季夜间为正值外,其余季节为负值,秋冬季差值最小、夏季最大。大气处于不稳定状态时,混合层高度随着稳定度增加而逐渐处于稳定状态时,随着稳定度增加而降低,中性大气是宁波易致霾的大气层结。霾日与非霾日大气稳定度表现不一致,中午霾日中性大气占多数,非霾日则是不稳定大气;夜间霾日稳定—弱稳定大气和中性大气所占比例相当,非霾日稳定—弱稳定大气占多数。另外,PM_(2.5)浓度在霾日和非霾日均为白天低、夜间高的日变化特征,但霾日波动大,波峰时间晚于非霾日2 h,峰值浓度也高于非霾日2.7倍;早晨或下午到上半夜是霾日的PM_(2.5)浓度两个上升时段,上午为下降时段;非霾日的两个浓度缓升(降)时段分别出现凌晨和下午(上午和前半夜)。研究成果有助于预报员了解大气混合层高度及其对霾的可能影响,从而提高霾预报预警能力。  相似文献   

杨军勇  苏爱芳 《暴雨灾害》2021,71(2):153-159

利用2010—2018年河南省371个气象观测站(包含122个国家站和249个骨干区域站)逐时降水资料,对河南省暖季(5—9月)小时极端降水时空分布特征进行了统计分析。主要结果如下:(1)河南省暖季第99.9百分位小时极端降水阈值、强度、频次和贡献率的局地差异明显,其高值区主要分布在伏牛山南部、黄淮平原东部和淮河流域西南部。(2)河南小时极端降水事件主要发生7、8月,其中7月最多,且有1/4以上为区域性极端降水事件;全省小时极端降水频次日变化表现为明显的双峰型,主峰值出现在傍晚;80 mm·h-1以上小时极端降水频次日变化呈多峰结构,主峰值出现在夜间。(3)山地、丘陵、城市和平原四类下垫面区域的小时极端降水指标存在差异,城市小时极端降水强度最大,频次最低;山地小时极端降水强度最低,频次最高。(4)四类下垫面小时极端降水日变化虽均表现为双峰型,但也存在明显差异:山地其峰值以夜间为主,傍晚为辅;丘陵其峰值夜间、傍晚并存,且峰值强度接近;平原以及城市则以午后峰值为主,其中城市午后峰值强度更高。


对基本气候态和降水日变化的分析是检验模式模拟性能、理解模式误差来源的重要手段。为了评估出对热带气候模拟效果较好的物理参数化方案组合,本文应用WRF带状区域模式,主要比较了四种积云对流参数化方案:NewTiedtke、Kain-Fritsch、newSAS、Tiedtke,和两种辐射参数化方案:RRTMG和CAM,对热带带状区域的气候模拟结果。研究表明:使用NewTiedtke积云对流参数化方案和RRTMG辐射方案的试验,表现出对气温、降水及降水日变化等综合性最好的模拟性能;NewTiedtke积云对流参数化方案能模拟出较好的降水空间分布和降水日变化位相分布特征;与RRTMG辐射方案相比,CAM辐射方案会使温度模拟偏低,特别是陆地上更明显,这种陆地上的冷偏差可能主要来源于Tmin的模拟偏冷。  相似文献   

汪栩涛  邹晓蕾 《气象科学》2024,44(1):125-137
本研究通过将GOES-16 ABI观测亮温和ERA5再分析资料的全天空模拟亮温进行对比分析,发现观测亮温和模拟亮温对流低值区位置大体接近,也能够定性反映出对流从发展到减弱的日变化过程,但亮温低值区域的强度存在较大差异。即使把高分辨率ABI通道13观测亮温平均到ERA5分辨率(0.25°×0.25°),在热带对流区的低亮温强度仍然高于ERA5全天空模拟亮温。因此利用主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)和离散傅里叶变换(Discrete Fourier Transform,DFT)对任意选择的两对流区域内的观测和模拟亮温进行了尺度分析和对比。在其中对流较强的区域内,当ABI观测亮温的主成分分量从1增加到9时,水平特征尺度从700 km逐渐减小到150 km。ERA5全天空模拟亮温从主成分1增加到4时,水平特征尺度从950 km减小到270 km空间尺度,但当主成分4增加到9时,特征尺度几乎不变。在对流较弱的另一区域也能够发现ERA5模拟亮温对对流水平特征尺度有明显高估。ERA5模拟亮温各主成分的相位和观测亮温存在2 h以内的误差。由于ERA5全天空...  相似文献   

This study examined the variability in frequency of tropical night occurrence (i.e., minimum air tem- perature >25℃) in Beijing, using a homogenized daily temperature dataset during the period 1960-2008. Our results show that tropical nights occur most frequently in late July and early August, which is consis- tent with relatively high air humidity associated with the rainy season in Beijing. In addition, year-to-year variation of tropical night occurrence indicates that the tropical nights have appeared much more frequently since 1994, which can be illustrated by the yearly days of tropical nights averaged over two periods: 9.2 days of tropical nights per year during 1994-2008 versus 3.15 days during 1960-1993. These features of tropical night variations suggest a distinction between tropical nights and extreme heat in Beijing. We further investigated the large-scale circulations associated with the year-to-year variation of tropical night occurrence in July and August, when tropical nights appear most frequently and occupy 95% of the annual sum. After comparing the results in the two reanalysis datasets (NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40) and considering the possible effects of decadal change in the frequency of tropical nights that occurred around 1993/94, we conclude that on the interannual time scale, the cyclonic anomaly with a barotropic structure centered over Beijing is responsible for less frequent tropical nights, and the anticyclonic anomaly is responsible for more frequent occurrence of tropical nights over Beijing.  相似文献   

Boreal wintertime extratropical circulation is studied in relation to the tropical convection during the 1982/83 El Nino and 1988/89 La Nina. The anomaly structure of 1982/83 and 1988/89 over the extratropics reveals remarkably different features as the longitudinal tropical forcing region changes. The Rossby wave source (Positive) shows the largest maximum over East Asia in both years due to the persistent heating from the western Pacific warm pool area. However, the sink term shows contrasting features over the subtropics and extratropics between the two years. In the El Nino year, enhanced tropical convection over the eastern Pacific produces the Rossby wave sink at 10?N and shifted eastward over the North Pacific, while in the La Nina year, the sink area is shifted westward over the North Pacific. The contrasting features between the two events in mean-eddy interaction appears especially over the downstream area of the East Asian Jet. The extension (retraction) of the meanflow eastward (westward) to  相似文献   

彭莉莉  邓剑波  谢傲 《湖北气象》2020,39(2):201-206
利用南岳山南坡不同海拔高度上的3个气象观测站2015年9月1日-2018年8月31日逐时降水资料,分析了南岳山降水日演变特征。结果表明:从山底到山顶总降水量逐渐增加,存在3个降水峰值时段,分别在清晨、午后和傍晚,清晨雨量峰值主要由该时段降水频次较高所致,午后与傍晚雨量峰值主要与该时段降水强度较大有关,山顶高山站与山底站降水量差异主要体现在午后与傍晚时段;小时最大降水量主要出现在午后至傍晚,山底站短时强降水出现时段较分散,山腰和山顶高山站短时强降水主要集中在午后至傍晚时段;持续时间小于等于6 h的短持续降水频次多于持续时间大于6 h长持续降水频次,其主要出现在午后至傍晚,长持续降水过程多出现在凌晨至中午,其对总降水量的贡献大于短持续降水。  相似文献   

利用2014-2018年5-9月间山东大监站逐日降水资料、Micaps常规资料以及NCEP再分析资料等,将山东暖区暴雨分为锋前型、暖切变型、副高边缘型和急流型4大类,并对山东暖区暴雨的垂直结构、对流特性以及环境参量特征进行统计。主要结论为:(1)山东暖区暴雨的低空风场主要以西南风或东南风为主,且整层风场随高度顺转。高湿区主要集中在对流层中低层。大气的自由对流高度和云底高度较低,湿层和暖云层深厚,其中急流型湿层和暖云层最为深厚。(2)山东暖区暴雨发生时,K≥30.5℃, 0.72≥SI≥-6.87,假相当位温≥334K,垂直锋区的北界位于37-39°N之间,暴雨落区位于锋区北界南侧2-3个纬距范围内。(3)暖区暴雨上空辐合中心平均值为-3×10-5 s-1,辐合中心均出现在700hPa以下;垂直速度中心的平均值为-1.1×10-5 hPa.s-1,大值中心出现在对流层中低层;涡度中心的平均值为5×10-5 s-1,正涡度主要在低层,且随高度的增加而减小;q925≥16g.kg-1,q850≥12g.kg-1,q700≥9g.kg-1,暖区暴雨的水汽输送主要集中在低层,水汽通量散度平均值,850 hPa是-2.3×10-6 g.cm-2.hPa-1.s-1, 700 hPa 为-1.2×10-6 g.cm-2.hPa-1.s-1。  相似文献   

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