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The End-Triassic mass extinction event [ETE] (201.5 Ma) marks a drastic turnover and loss of > 50% of marine biodiversity. Suggested environmental factors include extreme climate change and global carbon-cycle perturbations linked to Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) volcanism. Considerable attention has been paid to disentangling the causes and selectivity of the ETE, whilst downplaying the patterns of change in the structure and functioning of marine paleofauna. Here we provide detailed quantitative information from across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at Waterloo Bay, Larne, Northern Ireland, to describe patterns of changes in different palaeoecological parameters across the ETE. The analysis was based on abundance data of species sampled from approximately 1 m intervals through the sequence. Dominance and richness were estimated using rarefaction techniques and β-diversity index, and distinctness diversity indices were calculated. Changes in species composition were evaluated by multivariate analysis (nMDS, ANOMSIM and SIMPER). Rank abundance models were fitted, and functional diversity were estimated based on an ecospace model, applied to each sampled unit to detect changes in structure and ecological complexity. Across the ETE three distinctive states were identified: the pre-extinction state (Westbury Formation), characterised by an assemblage with high species richness and ecological redundancy, and with low taxonomic variation and functional diversity. The extinction state (Cotham and Langport members) represents a shift of the marine ecosystem, where > 70% marine species disappears decreasing the ecosystems functioning the marine ecosystem around 80%. The recovery state (Lias Group), commencing some ~ 150 ky after the extinction, with ecologically complex assemblages as new taxa colonised, increasing variation in taxonomic distinctness and new contributing ecological traits and functional richness through the Hettangian. The palaeoecological patterns described here are robust enough to discount possible facies effects, but more important, is consistent with other studies reported globally, and demonstrates that the ecological signals detected in this study are real.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the Cenozoic stratigraphic record in the Sahara, and shows that the strata display some remarkably similar characteristics across much of the region. In fact, some lithologies of certain ages are exceptionally widespread and persistent, and many of the changes from one lithology to another appear to have been relatively synchronous across the Sahara. The general stratigraphic succession is that of a transition from early Cenozoic carbonate strata to late Cenozoic siliciclastic strata. This transition in lithology coincides with a long-term eustatic fall in sea level since the middle Cretaceous and with a global climate transition from a Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene “warm mode” to a Late Eocene–Quaternary “cool mode”. Much of the shorter-term stratigraphic variability in the Sahara (and even the regional unconformities) also can be correlated with specific changes in sea level, climate, and tectonic activity during the Cenozoic. Specifically, Paleocene and Eocene carbonate strata and phosphate are suggestive of a warm and humid climate, whereas latest Eocene evaporitic strata (and an end-Eocene regional unconformity) are correlated with a eustatic fall in sea level, the build-up of ice in Antarctica, and the appearance of relatively arid climates in the Sahara. The absence of Oligocene strata throughout much of the Sahara is attributed to the effects of generally low eustatic sea level during the Oligocene and tectonic uplift in certain areas during the Late Eocene and Oligocene. Miocene sandstone and conglomerate are attributed to the effects of continued tectonic uplift around the Sahara, generally low eustatic sea level, and enough rainfall to support the development of extensive fluvial systems. Middle–Upper Miocene carbonate strata accumulated in northern Libya in response to a eustatic rise in sea level, whereas Upper Miocene mudstone accumulated along the south side of the Atlas Mountains because uplift of the mountains blocked fluvial access to the Mediterranean Sea. Uppermost Miocene evaporites (and an end-Miocene regional unconformity) in the northern Sahara are correlated with the Messinian desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea. Abundant and widespread Pliocene paleosols are attributed to the onset of relatively arid climate conditions and (or) greater variability of climate conditions, and the appearance of persistent and widespread eolian sediments in the Sahara is coincident with the major glaciation in the northern hemisphere during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

西太平洋中段位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块的交汇处,是全球沟弧盆体系最为发育的地区,主要发育弧后盆地、弧前盆地和陆架边缘盆地。文中通过综合研究西太平洋中段17个盆地的大地构造背景、盆地的形成与演化和沉积特征后认为:(1)各类盆地的构造-沉积演化均经历4个期次。弧前盆地和弧后盆地的构造-沉积演化可分为俯冲期(K2-E)、盆地发育期((N -N3)、沉降期(N4-N5)和挤压期(N2-Q):俯冲期发育火山岩和变质岩基底,局部为海相碎屑岩;盆地发育期以海相沉积为主,伴有火山活动,局部发育陆相沉积;沉降期以海相和三角洲相沉积为主;挤压期以三角洲相和海相沉积为主,局部发育河湖相沉积。陆架边缘盆地的构造-沉积演化也分为4期,分别为前裂陷期(K2-E1)、裂陷期(E2-(E3)、拗陷期(E32-N3)和沉降期(N4-Q):前裂陷期和裂陷期主要发育冲积扇—河流—湖泊沉积体系,火山活动强烈;拗陷期沉积环境由陆相向海陆过渡相演化;沉降期以海相和海陆过渡相沉积为主。(2)不同类型盆地的构造-沉积演化特征各不相同:弧前盆地构造以挤压和板块俯冲为主,平均沉积厚度为3.6,km,总体由海陆过渡相向陆相演化;弧后盆地构造受板块俯冲后撤和弧后洋壳扩张作用控制,平均沉积厚度为4.8,km,总体由海相向海陆过渡相演化;陆架边缘盆地构造呈下断上拗双层结构,平均沉积厚度超过10,km,总体由陆相演化为海相。  相似文献   

Permian sediments are continuous between the Sydney and Bowen Basins west of the Hunter‐Mooki fault system and its probable northern continuation, the Goondiwindi Fault. Both fault systems appear to have influenced sedimentation in Early Permian time. A disconformity between Lower Permian coal measures (dated by plant microfossils) and Upper Permian sandstones and shales (dated by marine macrofossils) is present in the northern extension of the Sydney Basin. This hiatus may be correlated with a similar break in sedimentation in the southeastern part of the Bowen Basin. It is probably related to a Mid‐Permian diastrophism which folded Lower Permian and older sediments east of the Mooki and Peel Faults. Marine connection between the Sydney and Bowen Basins appears to have been interrupted during the event so that the two basins may have been temporarily isolated. The difference in the fossil faunas of the Sydney and Bowen Basins may well reflect this isolation.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS “Volcanic belts”) was used for analyzing the spatial and temporal relationship between tectono-magmatic cycles in the Cenozoic that took place at the convergent plate boundaries, mostly in volcanic arc-back-arc systems. The onset of back-arc basins and subaerial arc volcanism and their main evolutionary stages are shown to have occurred about the same time. These processes are still ongoing, which is indicated by today’s active volcanoes, high heat flows, and high deep-focus seismicity. The crust underlying both tectonic structures undergoes transformation, which results in a significant thinning of the “granite” layer within the volcanic belts, whereas crust within the back-arc basins changes its properties to the transitional (suboceanic) and oceanic type crusts. All processes that occur at the convergent plate boundaries can be described within the arc-back-arc system, the principal dynamic components of which are the asthenospheric plume upwelling above the continent edge and the oceanward-spreading plume head. This was accompanied by a gradual crustal thinning in the back-arc region and the formation of areas with oceanic crust, as well as by involvement of crustal material, together with rocks of the subducting slab, into subduction processes. As a result, the continental crust is removed from the tectonosphere and stored in the “slab cemetery.” Only a minor portion of the crustal materials is returned to the surface as subduction-related magmatism.  相似文献   

南海北部大陆架莺琼盆地新生代海平面变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南海北部大陆架莺琼盆地是建立西太平洋新生代海平面变化的关键地区之一。基于有孔虫和钙质超微化石资料所建立的莺歌海盆地和琼东南盆地新生代相对分辨率较高的年代地层格架,通过南海海域表层建立的浮游有孔虫含量与水深的定量关系,辅以古生态、成因相及特征沉积构造分析和反射地震剖面的海岸上超分析,编制了海平面变化曲线。识别出包含三个完整二级海平面变化旋回和半周期的海平面上升旋回。海平面变化幅度在0~200 m之间。海水最深的时期在早中新世晚期至中中新世早期以及上新世早期,与Haq曲线较为吻合。  相似文献   

海南岛周邻发育有4个重要的新生代沉积盆地,即莺歌海盆地、北部湾盆地、琼东南盆地和珠江口盆地珠三凹陷。根据最新的地球物理数据,重新厘定这些盆地的构造与沉积演化及其与海南岛陆上构造的关联。这些盆地发育NE和NW向断裂构造,但存在极大差异性。前者受红河哀牢山断裂构造影响,表现为张扭性的拉分盆地。而后三个盆地则总体表现为裂陷盆地,夹于江绍 博白断裂与丽水 南澳断裂南段之间。伸展始于古新世,具有四次裂陷作用,并发育NW向走滑伸展断层。晚期岩浆对沉积盆地具有一定改造作用,表现岩浆喷发、热流值高。我们厘定了这些NE向断裂在海南岛延伸,滨海断裂可能延至海南岛东南缘,并表现出明显的地震活动性,推断海南岛新生代构造演化与南海北部陆缘演化具有一致性。  相似文献   

The geological evolution of the external domains of the Northern Carpathians and Southern Apennines is compared and two models of flysch basins are proposed. The first, related to a tensile stage of the orogeny, is applied only to the Northern Carpathian area during the Cretaceous; the latter, related to a compressive stage, is present in both areas during the Cenozoic. The different evolutions of the basins have counterparts in the present-day continental margin and the thinning of the crust during the tensile stage controls the flysch sedimentation in the first model and, during the compressive stage of subduction along mobile plate junctions, enables the accumulation of deposits in trench-like basins to take place.  相似文献   

沾化凹陷东北部中新生代盆地演化过程研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据层长守恒原则对沾化凹陷东北部北东和北西向,各3条连井地震剖面进行了平衡剖面恢复,并分析了各剖面在地质历史时期内伸展率的变化特征,以了解该地区中、新生代盆地发育演化特征。沾化凹陷东北部中、新生代盆地演化可以划分为如下几个主要阶段:早—中三叠世为大型内陆坳陷发育阶段,地层横向沉积稳定;晚三叠世本区整体挤压抬升剥蚀,并开始发育北西向逆冲断层;早—中侏罗世为对前期地势高差起伏填平补齐的均夷化过程,地层沉积具充填-披覆式特征;晚侏罗世—白垩纪原北西向逆冲断层负向反转,转为张性伸展,本区进入断陷盆地发育阶段,局部发育有挤压逆冲构造;古近纪本区仍为断陷盆地发育阶段,除北西向断层继承性活动外,大量北东(东)向正断层开始活动;新近纪本区进入区域性坳陷沉降阶段。  相似文献   

The drowning of carbonate platforms is a fascinating topic because it may be induced by several concomitant factors. A key setting to investigate carbonate platform drowning is a foreland basin. The Nummulitic Limestone ramp developed in the foreland of the western Alps during the Bartonian, while the Lithothamnion and Bryozoan Limestone ramp deposited in the foreland of the central Apennines between the Burdigalian and Serravallian. The drowning of Nummulitic Limestone is related to the reduction in light for the photo‐dependent biota according to the progressively increasing depth and poor efficiency of aphotic carbonate factory. The drowning of the Lithothamnion and Bryozoan Limestone ramp is attributed to the deterioration of the environmental conditions that predate tectonic subsidence related to the Apennine orogenesis. Eutrophication triggered by upwelling events induced a crisis in the shallow‐water carbonate production, while during the following tectonic subsidence the shallow‐water carbonate factory was definitively inactive.  相似文献   

“红黑”耦合沉积建造是中国北方中—新生代盆地(简称北方盆地)砂岩型铀矿的重要控矿要素之一,在勘查实践中得到了广泛证实和应用,指导发现找矿靶区和矿产地300余处,在成矿理论方面取得重要进展。本文系统总结了北方产铀盆地的60万余米铀矿岩芯钻探成果,通过典型矿床赋矿层沉积学、地球化学等对比研究,系统分析了北方盆地侏罗系、白垩系、新近系等赋矿层形成的沉积环境、物质组成等,进一步明确了制约成矿流体运移、铀矿物沉淀的赋矿层条件。结果显示:① 北方盆地自侏罗纪以来,发育了Ⅰ中侏罗世—晚侏罗世早期(Bathonian- Oxfordian)、Ⅱ早白垩世早期(Valanginian)、Ⅲ早白垩世晚期(Aptian)、Ⅳ晚白垩世早期(Cenomanian)、Ⅴ晚白垩世晚期—早古近纪(Campanian- Thanetian)、Ⅵ早新近纪(Aquitanian- Burdigalian)和Ⅶ晚新近纪(Zanclean- Piacenzian)7期红层,与下伏富还原性组分的黑色层构成了典型的对偶沉积建造,为北方盆地大规模成矿奠定了赋矿层基础。② 地球化学指标显示:红层中Fe2+/Fe3+比值介于0. 29~1. 47(n=78),黑层Fe2+/Fe3+比值介于0. 57~53. 96(n=223),赋矿层Fe2+/Fe3+比值介于1. 00~26. 45(n=52)。赋矿层、黑层Fe2+/Fe3+比值一般大于1,以发育黄铁矿、炭屑、油斑为特征,为相对较还原的环境。红层Fe2+/Fe3+比值一般小于1,以发育钙质结核为特征,为相对较强氧化的环境。③ 总有机碳含量显示红层为0~0. 16%(n=107),含矿层为0. 01%~2. 65%(n=137),黑层为0. 01%~2. 66%(n=339),含矿层总有机碳含量略低于黑层,与铀矿的富集沉淀有密切关系。④ 砂岩型铀矿体呈“板状”或“楔状”产出于黑层顶部的灰色、灰绿色砂岩和细砂岩,甚至泥岩,红层为含氧含铀流体的运移通道,黑层为含氧含铀流体的富集沉淀的化学屏障。因此,北方盆地红层和黑层对偶沉积、旋回充填是大规模铀成矿必要的地层条件,这些认识打破常规思维,“红黑”旋回叠加导致了北方盆地多层成矿的现象,矿体一般呈板状就位于红层和黑层的过渡带,这对深入理解砂岩型铀矿成矿环境、成矿规律及成矿机理等工作和勘查工作部署具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

西藏北部新生代大型逆冲推覆构造与唐古拉山的隆起   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
西藏北部唐古拉山地区新生代发育一大型逆冲推覆构造,推覆构造带走向与唐古拉山脉延伸方向一致,主体呈NW-SE向展布,由北部乌兰乌拉湖—巴庆构造带(锋带)、雀莫错—改纳构造带(中带)和南部各拉丹东—鄂碎玛构造带(根带)构成,构造样式上由根带到锋带表现为:高角度叠瓦逆冲构造、褶皱—逆冲构造和中低角度叠瓦逆冲构造,逆冲推覆运动方向由南西向北东,并在推覆构造带北侧发育新生代沱沱河前陆盆地。同构造岩浆侵入体同位素年代学和前陆盆地沉积充填序列演化表明,推覆构造形成时限为67.1~23.8Ma。推覆构造形成演化受控于印度—欧亚板块碰撞造山和其后印度板块持续向北俯冲动力学体制,并造成唐古拉山地区地壳在始新世—渐新世的强烈缩短、增厚和唐古拉山脉的隆起。  相似文献   

The results of geological, structural, tectonic, and geoelectric studies of the dry basins in the Baikal Rift Zone and western Transbaikalia, combined under the term Baikal region, are integrated. Deformations of the Cenozoic sediments related to pulsing and creeping tectonic processes are classified. The efficiency of mapping of the fault-block structure of the territories overlapped by loose and poorly cemented sediments is shown. The faults mapped at the ground surface within the basins are correlated with the deep structure of the sedimentary fill and the surface of the crystalline basement, where they are expressed in warping and zones of low electric resistance. It is established that the kinematics of the faults actively developing in the Late Cenozoic testifies to the relatively stable regional stress field during the Late Pliocene and Quaternary over the entire Baikal region, where the NW-SE-trending extension was predominant. At the local level, the stress field of the uppermost Earth’s crust is mosaic and controlled by variable orientation of the principal stress axes with the prevalence of extension. The integrated tectonophysical model of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic rift basin is primarily characterized by the occurrence of mountain thresholds, asymmetric morphostructure, and block-fault structure of the sedimentary beds and upper part of the crystalline basement. The geological evolution of the Baikal region from the Jurassic to Recent is determined by alternation of long (20–115 Ma) epochs of extension and relatively short (5.3–3.0 Ma) stages of compression. The basins of the Baikal Rift System and western Transbaikalia are derivatives of the same geodynamic processes.  相似文献   

江苏东台廉贻地区大湾组动物群的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
<正> 1979年,在东台县廉贻公社张岳庄村边的荻3井2747—2827.5米井段钻遇一套灰岩地层,在岩芯中,陈永祥首次发现三叶虫和腕足类化石,古生物组确定该段地层为大湾组。我们对该井段的岩芯和岩屑进行了系统分析,获得了多种化石。其中大湾组牙形刺14属16种(包括4个未定种),三叶虫5属5种(包括1个未定种),腕足类5属,腹足类2属,  相似文献   

The ultimate cause of the onset of glaciations remains elusive, but in the case of northem hemisphere glaciation it is probable that several factors acted in combination. General global cooling resulted from reduction of atmospheric C02 by weathering of silicate rocks exposed by erosion of late Cenozoic uplifts. Uplifts in south Asia, southwestern North America and Scandinavia occurred at distances appropriate for the generation of quasi-permanent Rossby waves in the atmosphere. The resulting winds, given suitable moisture sources, were favourable for causing large-scale precipitation at mid-latitudes on the northern continents. Moisture sources were provided by the closure of the Central American isthmus. Gulf Stream flow increased, carrying warm subtropical waters to high latitudes. The Denmark Strait deepened permitting greater outflow of deep water from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The relative importance of each of these factors should be investigated by additional atmospheric and ocean climate model sensitivity studies.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic Song Hong Basin, situated on the northern part of the Vietnamese shelf, has been only sporadically explored for hydrocarbons. A review of the results of the exploration efforts so far shows that the distribution of potential source rocks and their time of hydrocarbon generation are the critical risks for finding commercial amounts of hydrocarbons. In the Song Hong Basin, including the Hanoi Trough, the rocks most likely to have source potential are: (1) oil-prone Eocene–Lower Oligocene lacustrine mudstones and coals, (2) oil- and gas-prone Middle Miocene coal beds, (3) gas-prone Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene coals, and (4) gas- and oil-prone Miocene marine mudstones. To assess the time of hydrocarbon generation from these units, relative to the formation of traps, the generation history was modelled at 32 well and pseudo-well locations. The modelling demonstrates that the two first-mentioned source rock units are especially important. In the northern and northeastern part of the basin and along its western margin traps may have been charged by Eocene–Lower Oligocene source rocks. In the Hanoi Trough, the excellent Middle Miocene coal beds have probably generated hydrocarbons within the last few million years. Thus the huge and still underexplored Song Hong Basin provides attractive areas for further exploration.  相似文献   

New data obtained on the Khao Que-Tam Tao gabbro-granite pluton (Northern Vietnam) are discussed. It was established that this pluton was formed at the Permian-Triassic boundary (250.5 ± 3.2 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar isotopic age). Morphologically, it represents a hypabyssal fracture intrusion. The first stage was marked by the intrusion of the picrobasaltic melt, the differentiation of which resulted in the formation of the layered peridotite-gabbro series and the quartz-bearing monzodiorites and granophyres in its endocontact at the final stage. At the second stage, the Khao Que peridotite-gabbro massif was broken in its central part by a fault, along which the Tam Tao granodiorite-granite massif was localized. Numerical simulation using the COMAGMAT program for the basic system and geochemical estimates for the granite system allow the statement that the mafic and granitic melts evolved independently, and their final products were quartz-bearing monzodiorite and granophyre, on the one hand, and aplites and pegmatites, on the other hand. The compositional correlation of the Permian-Triassic magmatic associations in Northern Vietnam (the Nui Chua gabbro pluton and the Khao Que-Tam Tao gabbro-granite and Pia Bioc granite plutons) and in Southeast China (flood basalts) allows these complexes to be regarded as a part of a single large igneous province produced by the Emeishan plume activity.  相似文献   

A diverse fossil vertebrate record in the Devonian of coastal southeastern Australia includes at least 30 genera and species representing all three major groups of extant jawed vertebrates (bony and cartilaginous fishes, and tetrapods), and both extinct groups (placoderm and acanthodian fishes). A bone recorded by W. B. Clarke in 1860 from Twofold Bay is the first published record of a Devonian vertebrate from the Southern Hemisphere. Abundant plant remains at some localities include large impressions of arborescent lycopsids, indicating one of the earliest forest environments for the Gondwana supercontinent. An early terrestrial invertebrate fauna is evidenced by fossil millipede remains. A review of the evidence for age control using paleontology and isotopic dating suggests that the lower part of the Devonian sequence (Bunga beds, Boyd Volcanic Complex) may be somewhat older (Emsian – Eifelian) than recently proposed; the tetrapod trackways at Genoa River in Victoria (lower part of the Combyingbar Formation) may correlate with the lowermost Twofold Bay Formation of the Merrimbula Group, which is overlain by the marine Bellbird Creek Formation, a manifestation of the global late Frasnian marine transgression and extinction event. Abundant placoderm remains at all higher fossil fish horizons in the overlying Worange Point Formation indicate a latest Devonian rather than Carboniferous age for the upper Merrimbula Group.  相似文献   

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