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This paper reviews, compiles and comprehensively analyzes spatial variations in hydrogeologic characteristics of shallow and deep groundwater aquifers in Kathmandu Valley. To estimate transmissivity (T) (and then hydraulic conductivity) as a function of specific capacity (SC), an empirical relationship between T and SC is developed for shallow and deep aquifer. The results show that T and SC are log linearly related by an equation T = 0.8857(SC)1.1624 [R 2 = 0.79] in shallow and T = 1.1402(SC)1.0068 [R 2 = 0.85] in deep aquifer. The estimated T ranges from 163 to 1,056 m2/day in shallow aquifer and 22.5 to 737 m2/day in deep aquifer. Finally, mapping of spatial distribution in hydrogeologic characteristics (thickness, T, hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient) in shallow and deep aquifers are accomplished using ArcGIS9.2 and such maps would be useful in delineating potential areas for groundwater development and simulating groundwater flow in the aquifer system.  相似文献   

Water samples were analyzed for DOC and trace metals from Bagmati River within Kathmandu valley, Nepal, to understand the variation trends of DOC and trace metals and their relationship along the drainage network. The variability in organic matter and wastewater input within the Bagmati drainage basin appeared to control DOC and most of the trace metal concentration. The large input of organic matter and wastewater creates anoxic condition by consuming dissolved oxygen and releasing higher concentrations of DOC, trace elements such as nickel, arsenic, barium, cadmium, and copper with downstream distance. Concentrations of DOC and trace metals like barium and zinc showed strong relationships with human population density and suggest that human activities have strong control on these parameters along the drainage network. The DOC and most of the trace metal concentration increased with downstream distance and appeared to be directly associated with human activities. The variation trends of most of the trace metals appeared to be the same; however, concentration varied widely. Inputs of organic matter and wastewater due to human activities appeared directly to be associated for the variation of DOC and trace metals along the Bagmati drainage network within Kathmandu valley.  相似文献   

An engineering and environmental geological map of the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal has been elaborated within a project of German-Nepalese cooperation. In the Kathmandu Valley, the major geo-environmental problems arise from haphazard exploitation of geologic resources, local landslide zones, severe problems of garbage disposal, river flooding and a dramatic river pollution. The map was prepared by the use of GIS techniques. It contains all basic geological and environmental data, as geotechnical risk zones (landslide-prone areas or those of poor foundation conditions), areas for preferable extraction of construction material and those not to be allowed to be exploited, areas of immediate need of reforestation in order to prevent landslide or badland development, groundwater protection zones, and suitable garbage disposal sites. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The identification of extremely high indoor radon concentrations in the village Umhausen (Tyrol, Austria) initiated a scientific program to get information about the source and distribution of this noble gas. The high concentrations can not be related to U anomalies or large-scale fault zones. The nearby giant landslide of Koefels, with its highly fractured and crushed orthogneisses, are the only possible source of radon, despite the fact that the U and Ra content of the rocks is by no means exceptional. The reasons for the high emanation rates from the landslide are discussed and compared to results gained from a similar examination of the giant landslide of Langtang Himal (Nepal). The exceptional geologic situation in both cases, as well as the spatial distribution of different concentration levels, indicate that both landslides must be considered as the production sites of radon. Independent of the U and Ra contents of the rocks, the most important factors producing high emanation rates are the production of a high active surface area and circulation pathways for Rn-enriched soil air by brittle deformation due to the impact of the landslidemass.  相似文献   

The Kathmandu Valley is an intermontane basin in the center of a large syncline of the Lesser Himalayas. The sedimentary basin fill comprises three units of Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene age. The study aimed at modeling the paleogeographic evolution of the basin, with emphasis on sedimentary series of fossil fuels and non-metallic deposits. The lithological setting of the basin and the tectonic framework were instrumental to basin subsidence. Alluvial through lacustrine sedimentation during incipient stages is a direct response to uplift in the hinge zone of the synclinorium. Axial parallel sediment dispersal gave way to fluviodeltaic sedimentation mainly from the limbs of the synclinorium. Ongoing compression and renewed uplift in the core zone of the synclinorium drove the uplift of a NW–SE running divide and a subdivision of the mono-lake into two basins. This ridge blocked the flow of transverse rivers and the northern subbasin became gradually choked. Ongoing uplift of the entire basin during the recent geological history caused a reorganization of the drainage pattern and triggered linear erosion in the southern mountain range. Step-by-step the remaining lacustrine basins disappeared. Fan aggradation coincide with cold dry or warm seasons, fluvial dissection and discharge increased during warmer and more humid periods. High lake levels exist during phases of increased humidity. The results of this basin analysis may be used predictively in the exploration for coal, natural gas, diatomaceous earths and quarrying for sand or clay. The gas potential is at its maximum in the lacustrine facies, sand and clay for construction purposes may be quarried economically from various fluvial and deltaic deposits. Diatomaceous earths predominantly accumulated in marginal parts of the lake and some landslide-dammed ponds. Lignitic brown coal can be mined together with combustible shales from poorly drained swamps.  相似文献   

Evaluation of groundwater environment of Kathmandu Valley   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kathmandu Valley aquifer in central Nepal is continuously under stress since the commencement of mechanized extraction of groundwater resources in early 1970s. Many wells have been drilled in shallow and deep aquifers of the valley; and numerous studies have been made in last four decades to understand the aquifers. However, up-to-date information on well inventory, water extraction, water quality and overall situation of groundwater environment are not yet known in the absence of institutional responsibility in groundwater management. This study attempts to evaluate current state of the groundwater environment considering natural and social system together; to better understand origin of stresses, their state, expected impact and responses made/needed to restore healthy groundwater environment. The analysis reveals increasing population density (3,150–4,680 persons/km2), urbanization (increase in urban population from 0.61 to 1.29 million) and increasing number of hotels due to tourism (23–62 hotels) during a decade are acting as driving forces to exceed groundwater extraction over recharge (extraction = 21.56 and recharge = 9.6 million-cubic meter-a-year), decrease in groundwater levels (13–33 m during 1980–2000 and 1.38–7.5 m during 2000–2008), decline in well yield (4.97–36.17 l/s during mid-1980s to 1998) and deterioration in water quality. In the absence of immediate management intervention with institutional responsibility for groundwater development, regulation and knowledgebase management (i.e. to facilitate collection, integration and dissemination of knowledge); situation of groundwater environment are expected to deteriorate further. Groundwater modeling approach may help to suggest appropriate management intervention under current and expected future conditions.  相似文献   

Water quality in less-developed countries is often subject to substantial degradation, but is rarely studied in a systematic way. The concentration and flux of major ions, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, and trace metals in the heavily urbanized Bagmati River within Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, are reported. The concentrations of all chemical species increased with distance downstream with the exceptions of protons and nitrate, and showed strong relationships with population density adjacent to the river. Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dominated by NH4, was found in high concentrations along the Bagmati drainage system. The export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and TDN were 23 and 33 tons km?2 year?1, respectively, at the outlet point of the Kathmandu Valley, much higher than in relatively undeveloped watersheds. The cationic and silica fluxes were 106 and 18 tons km?2 year?1 at the outlet of the Bagmati within Kathmandu Valley, and 36 and 32 tons km?2 year?1 from the relatively pristine headwater area. The difference between headwaters and the urban site suggests that the apparent weathering flux is three times higher than the actual weathering rate in the heavily urbanized Bagmati basin. Fluxes of cations and silica are above the world average, as well as fluxes from densely populated North American and European watersheds. End-member composition of anthropogenic sources like sewage or agricultural runoff is needed to understand the drivers of this high rate of apparent weathering.  相似文献   

Situated over the Himalayan tectonic zone, Kathmandu Valley as a lake in geological past has a long history of destructive earthquakes. In recent years, the earthquake risk of the valley has significantly increased due mainly to uncontrolled development, poor construction practices with no earthquake safety consideration, and lack of awareness among the general public and government authorities. Implementation of land use plan and building codes, strengthening of design and construction regulations, relocation of communities in risky areas, and conduction of public awareness programs are suitable means of earthquake disaster risk management practice. Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is still lacking earthquake disaster risk management plans. So, this paper highlights some initiatives adopted by both governmental and nongovernmental organizations of Nepal to manage earthquake disaster risk in the Kathmandu Valley. It provides some comprehensive information on recent initiatives of earthquake disaster risk management in the valley and also highlights the outcomes and challenges.  相似文献   


A complex of crustally derived leucogranitic sills emplacedinto sillimanite-grade psammites in the upper Langtang Valleyof northern Nepal forms part of the Miocene High Himalayan graniteassociation. A series of post-tectonic, subvertical leucograniticdykes intrude the underlying migmatites, providing possiblefeeders to the main granite sills. The leucogranite is peraluminous and alkali-rich, and can besubdivided into a muscovite–biotite and a tourmaline–muscovitefacies. Phase relations suggest that the tourmaline leucogranitescrystallized from a water-undersaturated magma of minimum-meltcomposition at pressures around 3–4 kbar. Potential metasedimentaryprotoliths include a substantial anatectic migmatite complexand a lower-grade mica schist sequence. Isotopic constraintspreclude the migmatites as a source of the granitic melts, whereastrace-element modelling of LILEs (Rb, Sr, and Ba), togetherwith the Nd and Sr isotopic signatures of potential protoliths,strongly suggest that the tourmaline-bearing leucogranites havebeen generated by fluid-absent partial melting of the muscovite-richschists. However, REE and HFSE distributions cannot be reconciledwith equilibrium melting from such a source. Systematic covariationsbetween Rb, Sr, and Ba can be explained by variations in protolithmineralogy and PT–aH2O. Tourmaline leucogranites with high Rb/Sr ratios represent low-fraction-melts(F{small tilde} 12%) efficiently extracted from their protolithsunder conditions of low water activity, whereas the heterogeneoustwo-mica granites may result from melting under somewhat higheraH2O conditions. The segregation of low-degree melts from sourcewas probably by deformation-enhanced intergranular flow andmagma fracturing, with the mechanisms of migration and emplacementcontrolled by variations in the uppercrustal stress regime duringlate–orogenic extensional collapse of the thickened crust.  相似文献   

In this paper, groundwater aquifer vulnerability map has been developed by incorporating the major geological and hydro-geological factors that affect and control the groundwater contamination using GIS based DRASTIC model. This work demonstrates the potential of GIS to derive a map by overlying various spatially referenced digital data layers that portrays cumulative aquifer sensitivity ratings across the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, providing a relative indication of groundwater vulnerability to contamination. In fact, the groundwater is the major natural resources in Kathmandu for drinking purpose. The decline in groundwater levels due to the over exploitation and thus extracted water from shallow aquifer has been contaminated by the infiltration of pollutants from polluted river and land surface is continuous and serious. As the demand for water for human and industrial use has escalated and at the same time, the engineering and environmental costs are much higher for new water supplies than maintaining the existing sources already in use. Management of groundwater source and protecting its quality is therefore essential to increase efficient use of existing water supplies. Aquifer vulnerability maps developed in this study are valuable tools for environmental planning and predictive groundwater management. Further, a sensitivity analysis has been performed to evaluate the influence of single parameters on aquifer vulnerability assessment such that some subjectivity can be reduced to some extent and then new weights have been computed for each DRASTIC parameters.  相似文献   

Palynological and sedimentological studies of a series of slimes collected from a 284 m-long drill-well from the Kathmandu Basin reveal paleoclimatic records and environmental changes within the Kathmandu Valley during the last 2.5 myr. The slimes are composed of fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine sediments comprising sand beds of 66.3 m and mud beds of 218 m in length. Pollen analyses show Quercus and Cyclobalanopsis are predominant, with frequencies exceeding 70%. Pinus, Alnus and Gramineae are the next dominant taxa. Three fossil pollen zones were discriminated; each zone reflects major climatic change: Zone I, the oldest stage, indicates a cool and rather wet climate during 400 kyr from ca. 2.5 to 2.1 Ma; Zone II, the middle stage, reflects a warm and relatively dry climate without remarkable fluctuation; Zone III is characterized by seven cycles of warm-and-wet and cold-and-dry climate, which reflect the alternation of glacial and interglacial periods. The last cold maximum, 11 m deep, corresponds to the last glacial age around 20 kyr bp, judging from the 14C dating of the uppermost part of the lacustrine sediments.The Paleo-Kathmandu Lake is likely to have been initiated at around 2.1 Ma and to have been filled with black organic mud, the Kalimati Clay. The top of the Kalimati Clay is eroded and was overlain by fluvial sand after the last glacial age. The abrupt appearance of a 4 m-thick fossiliferous sand bed at the top of the middle member suggests a lowering of water level at around 1 Ma.  相似文献   

三角洲在坳陷盆地沉积中所占比例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对全球现代三角洲体系统计分析的基础上,将坳陷盆地沉积体系简化为河流-三角洲-湖泊,建立沉积体系模型。后期沉积体系叠置在前期沉积体系之上,同时也对前期沉积体系进行改造。每期沉积体系体系均发育有河流-三角洲-湖泊,将其作为整体进行研究。假设盆地规模不变,沉积基准面下降-进积过程表现为河流沉积在盆地中所占比例增大,沉积基准面上升-退积过程表现为湖泊沉积在盆地中所占比例增大。变化过程中,三角洲在盆地中所占的比例变化较小;相对于沉积盆地,三角洲体系不占主体地位,而是处于一定的比例范围(三角洲总面积/盆地面积在0~10%之间)。因此三角洲的规模,取决于沉积盆地的规模,开展沉积相研究必须考虑宏观盆地尺度背景。  相似文献   

The surficial deposits and landforms of the middle Dyfi Valley, Wales, are examined and a sequence of glacial, glacio-fluvial and glacio-lacustrine sediments is identified. This is considered to relate to a late stage in the wastage of the Late-Devensian Merioneth ice-cap. A sequence of terrace gravels overlying the giacigenic succession represents dissection during early Flandrian times.  相似文献   

One of the long recognized features of Himalayan geology is the apparent inversion of metamorphic sequences, as evidenced in both metamorphic parageneses and thermobarometric data. With the aid of an extended thermobarometric dataset from the Langtang Valley section of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines, it can be demonstrated that the relatively large uncertainties associated with traditional thermobarometric techniques severely limit the tectonic interpretation of metamorphic gradients across the Himalayas. We apply the recently developed Δ PT  approach, which significantly improves the precision to which pressure and temperature differences between samples may be calculated. High-precision thermobarometric data reveal an isothermal, rather than inverted, temperature array at Langtang, while the pressure data suggest significant structural complexity, with the Higher Himalayan Crystallines in the Langtang section comprising two distinct, possibly duplicated sequences, each having experienced considerable structural attenuation following metamorphism.  相似文献   


Sedimentary serpentinite and related siliciclastic-matrix mélanges in the latest Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous lower Great Valley Group (GVG) forearc basin strata of the California Coast Ranges reach thicknesses of over 1 km and include high-pressure (HP) metamorphic blocks. These units crop out over an area at least 300 km long by 50 km wide. The serpentinite also contains locally abundant blocks of antigorite mylonite. Antigorite mylonite and HP metamorphic blocks were exhumed from depth prior to deposition in the unmetamorphosed GVG, but the antigorite mylonite may be mistaken for metamorphosed serpentinite matrix in localities with limited exposure. These olistostrome horizons can be distinguished from intact slabs of serpentinized peridotite associated with the Coast Range Ophiolite (CRO) or serpentinite mélanges of the Franciscan subduction complex (FC) on the basis of internal sedimentary textures (absent in CRO), mixing/interbedding with unmetamorphosed siliciclastic matrix and blocks (differs from CRO and FC), and preserved basal sedimentary contacts over volcanic rocks of the CRO or shale, sandstone, and conglomerate of the GVG (differs from CRO and FC). Even in the relatively well-characterized Palaeo trench–forearc region of the California Coast Ranges the GVG deposits are difficult to distinguish from similar units in the FC and CRO. In typical orogenic belts that exhibit greater post-subduction disruption, distinguishing forearc basin olistostrome deposits, subduction complex, and opholite mantle sections is much more difficult. Forearc basin olistostromal deposits have probably been misidentified as one of the other trench–forearc lithologic associations. Such errors may lead to erroneous interpretations of the nature of large-scale material and fluid pathways in trench–forearc systems, as well as misinterpretations of tectonic processes associated with HP metamorphism and exhumation of the resultant rocks.  相似文献   

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