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We describe a model for SS 433 based on an accretion disk around a black hole. Due to the very high mass transfer rate in the system, the disk must be geometrically thick. Two narrow funnels are formed around the rotation axis and radiation pressure in the funnels accelerates matter to relativistic velocities in the form of two opposite jets. TheX and optical luminosities are evaluated and they agree well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

We study the X-ray variability of SS 433 based on data from the ASCA observatory and the MAXI and RXTE/ASM monitoring missions. Based on the ASCA data, we have constructed the power spectrum of SS 433 in the frequency range from 10?6 to 0.1 Hz, which confirms the presence of a flat portion in the spectrum at frequencies 3 × 10?5?10?3 Hz. The periodic variability (precession, nutation, eclipses) begins to dominate significantly over the stochastic variability at lower frequencies, which does not allow the stochastic variability to be studied reliably. The model in which the flat portion extends to 9.5 × 10?6 Hz, while a power-law rise with an index of 2.6 occurs below provides the best agreement with the observations. The nutational oscillations of the jets with a period of about three days suggests that the time for the passage of material through the disk is less than this value. At frequencies below 4 × 10?6 Hz, the shape of the power spectrum probably does not reflect the disk structure but is determined by external factors, for example, by a change in the amount of material supplied by the donor. The flat portion can arise from a rapid decrease in the viscous time in the supercritical or radiative disk zones. The flat spectrum is associated with the variability of the X-ray jets that are formed in the supercritical disk region.  相似文献   

we examine the effect of thermal conduction on the observational properties of a super critical hot magnetized flow. We obtained self-similar solution of a magnetized disc when the thermal conduction plays an important role. Follow of our first paper (Ghasemnezhad et al. in Astrophys. J. 750, 2012 (hereafter GKA12)) we have extended our solution on the observational appearance of the disc to show how physical condition such as thermal conduction, viscosity, and advection will change the observed luminosity of the disc, Continuous spectra and surface temperature of such discs was plotted. We apply the present model to black-hole X-ray binary LMC X-3 and narrow-line seyfert 1 galaxies, which are supposed to be under critical accretion rate. Our results show clearly that the surface temperature is strongly depends on the thermal conduction, the magnetic field and advection parameter. However we see that thermal conduction acts to oppose the temperature gradient as we expect and observed luminosity of the disc will reduce when thermal conduction is high. We have shown that in this model the spectra of critical accretion flows strongly depends on the inclination angle.  相似文献   

The recent discoveries of pulsed X-ray emission from three ultraluminous X-ray(ULX)sources have finally enabled us to recognize a subclass within the ULX class:the great pretenders,neutron stars(NSs) that appear to emit X-ray radiation at isotropic luminosities L~(39)X= 7 × 10 erg s~(-1)-1 × 10~(41) erg s~(-1) only because their emissions are strongly beamed toward our direction and our sight lines are offset by only a few degrees from their magnetic-dipole axes.The three known pretenders appear to be stronger emitters than the presumed black holes of the ULX class,such as Holmberg II IX X-1,IC10 X-1 and NGC 300 X-1.For these three NSs,we have adopted a single reasonable assumption,that their brightest observed outbursts unfold at the Eddington rate,and we have calculated both their propeller states and their surface magnetic-field magnitudes.We find that the results are not at all different from those recently obtained for the Magellanic Be/X-ray pulsars:the three NSs reveal modest magnetic fields of about 0.3–0.4 TG and beamed propeller-line X-ray luminosities of ~10~(36)-10~(37) erg s~(-1),substantially below the Eddington limit.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields are an important but largely unknown ingredient of planetary nebulae. They have been detected in oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and post-AGB stars, and may play a role in the shaping of their nebulae. Here we present SCUBA submillimetre polarimetric observations of four bipolar planetary nebulae and post-AGB stars, including two oxygen-rich and two carbon-rich nebulae, to determine the geometry of the magnetic field by dust alignment. Three of the four sources (NGC 7027, 6537 and 6302) present a well-defined toroidal magnetic field oriented along their equatorial torus or disc. NGC 6302 may also show field lines along the bipolar outflow. CRL 2688 shows a complex field structure, where part of the field aligns with the torus, whilst an other part approximately aligns with the polar outflow. It also presents marked asymmetries in its magnetic structure. NGC 7027 shows evidence for a disorganized field in the south-west corner, where the SCUBA shows an indication for an outflow. The findings show a clear correlation between field orientation and nebular structure.  相似文献   

We describe a model of spectral energy distribution in supercritical accretion disks (SCAD) based on the conception by Shakura and Sunyaev. We apply this model to five ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs). In this approach, the disk becomes thick at distances to the center less than the spherization radius, and the temperature dependence is Tr ?1/2. In this region the disk luminosity is L bolL Edd $\ln \left( {{{\dot M} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\dot M} {\dot M_{Edd} }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\dot M_{Edd} }}} \right)$ , and strong wind arises forming a wind funnel above the disk. Outside the spherization radius, the disk is thin and its total luminosity is Eddington, L Edd. The thin disk heats the wind from below. From the inner side of the funnel the wind is heated by the supercritical disk. In this paper we do not consider Comptonization in the inner hot winds which must cover the deep supercritical disk regions. Our model is technically similar to the DISKIR model of Gierlinski et al. The models differ in disk type (standard—supercritical) and irradiation (disk—wind).We propose to distinguish between these two models in the X-ray region of about 0.3–1 keV, where the SCAD model has a flat νF ν spectrum, and the DISKIR model never has a flat part, as it is based on the standard α-disk. An important difference between the models can be found in their resulting black hole masses. In application to the ULX spectra, the DISKIR model yields black hole masses of a few hundred solar masses, whereas the SCAD model produces stellar-mass (about 10M) black holes.  相似文献   

It is shown that the planetary nebulae can be divided into three types according to the values of the mass of shell and a central star. The criteria are given using which one can determine the mass type of the nebula. The distance scale of each mass-type planetary nebulae is given. The distribution of planetary nebulae in the Galaxy, their formation rate, scale-height and other physical and kinematic characteristics are investigated. A catalogue of planetary nebulae emitting in the radio range is given.  相似文献   

We report our findings on a new quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) and a long period from the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) X-2 in nearby galaxy NGC 4736 based on the Chandra and XMM-Newton archival data. To examine the timing properties, power density spectra of the source have been obtained using Fast Fourier Transform. Also the spectral parameters of the source have been calculated by obtaining and fitting the energy spectra. Power density spectrum of this source reveals a QPO peak at \(0.73_{-0.14}^{+0.16}~\mathrm{mHz}\) with an fractional rms variability of 16 % using the Chandra data (in the year 2000-lower state of the source). The XMM-Newton data analysis indicates a peak at \(0.53_{-0.35}^{+0.09}~\mathrm{mHz}\) with a fractional rms variation of 5 % (in the year 2006-higher state of the source). These recovered QPOs overlap within errors and may be the same oscillation. In addition, we detect a long periodicity or a QPO in the Chandra data of about (5.2±2.0)×10?5 Hz (~5.4 h) over 3 σ confidence level. If this is a QPO, it is the lowest QPO detected from a ULX. The mass of the compact object in ULX X-2 is estimated using the Eddington luminosity and a disk blackbody model in the range (10–80) M .  相似文献   

The Swift/XRT light curve of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5408 X-1 was re-analyzed with two new numerical approaches, the Weighted Wavelet Ztransform and CLEANest, and the results are different from previous studies. Both techniques detected a prominent periodicity with a time scale of 115.5 ± 1.5 days, in excellent agreement with the detection of the same periodicity first reported by Strohmayer . Monte Carlo simulations were employed to test the statisitical confidence of the 115.5-day periodicity, yielding a statistical significance of 99.98% (or 3.8σ). The robust detection of the 115.5-day quasi-periodic oscillations, if they are due to the orbital motion of the binary, would infer a mass of a few thousand M⊙ for the central black hole, implying there is an intermediate-mass black hole in NGC 5408 X-1.  相似文献   

We report the extragalactic radio-continuum detection of 15 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) from recent Australia Telescope Compact Array+Parkes mosaic surveys. These detections were supplemented by new and high-resolution radio, optical and infrared observations which helped to resolve the true nature of the objects. Four of the PNe are located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and 11 are located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Based on Galactic PNe the expected radio flux densities at the distance of the LMC/SMC are up to ∼2.5 and ∼2.0 mJy at 1.4 GHz, respectively. We find that one of our new radio PNe in the SMC has a flux density of 5.1 mJy at 1.4 GHz, several times higher than expected. We suggest that the most luminous radio PN in the SMC (N S68) may represent the upper limit to radio-peak luminosity because it is approximately three times more luminous than NGC 7027, the most luminous known Galactic PN. We note that the optical diameters of these 15 Magellanic Clouds (MCs) PNe vary from very small (∼0.08 pc or 0.32 arcsec; SMP L47) to very large (∼1 pc or 4 arcsec; SMP L83). Their flux densities peak at different frequencies, suggesting that they may be in different stages of evolution. We briefly discuss mechanisms that may explain their unusually high radio-continuum flux densities. We argue that these detections may help solve the 'missing mass problem' in PNe whose central stars were originally  1–8 M  . We explore the possible link between ionized haloes ejected by the central stars in their late evolution and extended radio emission. Because of their higher than expected flux densities, we tentatively call this PNe (sub)sample –'Super PNe'.  相似文献   

There are about 50 galactic planetary nebulae know to have [WR] type nuclei. We have compared their nebular properties with those of the other planetary nebulae in the Galaxy. We have found that the nebular morphological types are similarly distributed in the two groups. Bipolar nebulae constitute only 20% of the total in each group. The distribution of the nebular electron densities and abundance ratios N/O, He/H and C/O are the same in the two groups. The only marked difference is that nebular expansion velocities are larger in the group of planetary nebulae with [WR] central stars. We argue that the WR phenomenon does not preferentially occur in more massive central stars of planetary nebulae, contrary to what has been suggested in some former studies. We demonstrate that, for most of the observed [WR] type objects, the WR phenomenon cannot be triggered by a late helium shell flash event.The results of our investigation are published inAstronomy & Astrophysics 303, 893 (1995) and in the proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Hydrogen-deficient Stars, C.S. Jeffery & U. Heber (eds), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 96, p. 209 (1996).  相似文献   

We show how, given observed equivalent widths of Mgii and Mgi absorptions due to an interstellar cloud in which a late-B star is embedded, the basic physical parameters: kinetic temperature, mean density, electron density, and radius can be constrained. Hydrogen ionization by means of cosmic rays and the effect of the stellar radiation field on the magnesium ionization equilibrium are taken into account.The method is applied to the reflection nebula surrounding the star HD 26676. The resulting solutions for the radius and temperature of the nebulosity are comparable to the typical values derived for diffuse interstellar clouds from optical and 21-cm measurements, if a cosmic-ray ionization rate 10–16s–1 — in agreement with recent determinations — is assumed. The results are not strongly dependent on the gas pressureP forP varying in a range of values typical of interstellar clouds.  相似文献   

The dynamics of clumps observed in planetary nebulae are considered. The possibility that SiO maser spots in evolved stars and the planetary nebula clumps are formed by the Parker instability behind shocks in pulsating stars' atmospheres is raised. Molecular observations of the clumps are suggested. The effects of the ablation of clumps on the global flow structure of a more tenuous plasma in which they are embedded are reviewed.  相似文献   

We have studied small-scale, filamentary features in 14 planetary nebulae and found that some structures are recurrent and shaped like the letters V and Y, with the apex or stem pointing toward the central parts of the nebula. Two such filaments containing dust, one in NGC 3132 and one in NGC 7293, were investigated in more detail. The mass and density of the filaments were obtained from extinction measurements, and their physical properties were derived. We propose that the structures are confined by magnetic fields, and derive magnetic field strengths of about 10−8 T, in line with earlier estimates. We also estimate the magnitude of the electric currents that we expect are generated in these dynamic systems. We propose a theory where the magnetic fields control the sculpting and evolution of small-scale filaments. This theory demonstrates how the substructures may form magnetized flux ropes that are twisted around each other, in the shape of double helices. Similar structures, and with similar origin, are found in many other astrophysical environments.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility of detecting signatures of surviving Uranus/Neptune-like planets inside planetary nebulae. Planets that are not too close to the stars (orbital separation larger than ∼5 au) are likely to survive the entire evolution of the star. As the star turns into a planetary nebula, it has a fast wind and strong ionizing radiation. The interaction of the radiation and wind with a planet may lead to the formation of a compact condensation or tail inside the planetary nebula, which emits strongly in H α , but not in [O  iii ]. The position of the condensation (or tail) will change over a time-scale of ∼10 yr. Such condensations might be detected with currently existing telescopes.  相似文献   

We present observations of three post-Main-Sequence nebulae taken with an intermediate despersion spectrograph mounted on the 2.5 m Isaac Newton Telescope (La Palma, Spain). Our results reveal evidence for high-velocity outflows of 102 km s–1 in the primary shells, and very much greater velocities in the cores, while in one unique souce there also appears to be evidence for a core WC binary.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meeting of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

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