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Spectral analysis of Tirunelveli (8.7°N, 77.8°E) MF radar winds for the year 2007 indicate the presence of long-period Kelvin waves with periods ~23 and ~16 days in the low-latitude mesosphere during Indian summer monsoon months. The dominant presence of these slow-phase speed waves at mesospheric altitudes motivated us to investigate their origin and vertical propagation characteristics. Space-time Fourier analysis of NCEP winds and OLR show the presence of these periodicities with zonal wavenumber 1 indicating that tropical convection is the potential source for these waves and westward phase of stratospheric QBO winds might have favoured these waves to reach the mesosphere.  相似文献   

Wind observations made at Gadanki (13.5°N) by using Indian MST Radar for few days in September, October, December 1995 and January, 1996 have been analyzed to study gravity wave activity in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Horizontal wind variances have been computed for gravity waves of period (2–6) h from the power spectral density (PSD) spectrum. Exponential curves of the form eZ/H have been fitted by least squares technique to these variance values to obtain height variations of the irregular winds upto the height of about 15 km, where Z is the height in kilometers. The value of H, the scale height, as determined from curve fitting is found to be less than the theoretical value of scale height of neutral atmosphere in this region, implying that the waves are gaining energy during their passage in the troposphere. In other words, it indicates that the sources of gravity waves are present in the troposphere. The energy densities of gravity wave fluctuations have been computed. Polynomial fits to the observed values show that wave energy density increases in the troposphere, its source region, and then decreases in the lower stratosphere.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the daily rainfall in San Salvador (El Salvador) has been made over a thirty year period 1918–47 in order to determine the dry and wet spells. It has been found that the extreme dry spells on the Pacific Coast of Central America last longer than in other climates, examined byHuttary. The occurrence of a dry spell in San Salvador lasting over half a year is being minutely examined, and the cause of its origin traced to orographic effects during northerly winds.
Resumen Se estudiaron las observaciones diaras de la precipitación en San Salvador (El Salvador), realizadas en los aňos 1918–47. Resulta que en la costa Pacifica Centroamericana los períodos secos duran más que los períodos más largos en los climas estudiados porHuttary. Un período seco que duró más de medio aňo en San Salvador se analiza detenidamente, se supone que éste se habría originado en influencias orográficas efectivos cuando hay viento del norte.

Dr.Heinz Dieterichs, Jefe meteorólogo en el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de El Salvador,San Salvador (El Salvador, Central America).  相似文献   

Observations of atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) are considered through their effect on the horizontal gradient G of the slant total electron content (slant TEC), which can be directly obtained from two-dimensional radio-interferometric observations of cosmic radio-sources with the Nançay radioheligraph (2.2°E, 47.3°N). Azimuths of propagation can be deduced (modulo 180°). The total database amounts to about 800 h of observations at various elevations, local time and seasons. The main results are:a) AGWs are partially directive, confirming our previous results.b) The propagation azimuths considered globally are widely scattered with a preference towards the south.c) They show a bimodal time distribution with preferential directions towards the SE during daytime and towards the SW during night-time (rather than a clockwise rotation as reported by previous authors).d) The periods are scattered but are larger during night-time than during daytime by about 60%.e) The effects observed with the solar radio-sources are significantly stronger than with other radio-sources (particularly at higher elevations), showing the role of the geometry in line of sight-integrated observations.  相似文献   

Two years of contrasting monsoon rainfall over the Indian subcontinent are studied with reference to (a) total precipitable water and precipitation efficiencies during the respective years and (b) the correlation between the dew point temperature at a particular level and the total precipitable water. It is found that the maximum correlation occurs between the dew point temperature at the 850 mb level and the total precipitable water at an individual station. The precipitation efficiencies are less during the year of bad monsoon. A linear regression equation is attempted between the total precipitable water and dew point temperature.  相似文献   

The EISCAT VHF radar (69.4°N, 19.1°E) has been used to record vertical winds at mesopause heights on a total of 31 days between June 1990 and January 1993. The data reveal a motion field dominated by quasi-monochromatic gravity waves with representative apparent periods of 30–40 min, amplitudes of up to 2.5 m s–1 and large vertical wavelength. In some instances waves appear to be ducted. Vertical profiles of the vertical-velocity variance display a variety of forms, with little indication of systematic wave growth with height. Daily mean variance profiles evaluated for consecutive days of recording show that the general shape of the variance profiles persists over several days. The mean variance evaluated over a 10 km height range has values from 1.2 m2s–2 to 6.5 m2s–2 and suggests a semi-annual seasonal cycle with equinoctial minima and solsticial maxima. The mean vertical wavenumber spectrum evaluated at heights up to 86 km has a slope (spectral index) of -1.36 ± 0.2, consistent with observations at lower heights but disagreeing with the predictions of a number of saturation theories advanced to explain gravity-wave spectra. The spectral slopes evaluated for individual days have a range of values, and steeper slopes are observed in summer than in winter. The spectra also appear to be generally steeper on days with lower mean vertical-velocity variance.  相似文献   

During the Conjugate Point Experiment (COPEX) campaign performed at Boa Vista (2.80°N;60.70°W, dip angle 21.7°N) from October to December 2002, 15 medium-scale gravity waves in the OHNIR airglow images were observed. Using a Keogram image analysis, we estimate their parameters. Most of the waves propagate to Northwest, indicating that their main sources are Southeast of Boa Vista. Quasi-simultaneous plasma bubble activities in the OI 630 nm images were observed in seven cases. The distances between the bubble depletions have a linear relationship with the wavelengths of the gravity waves observed in the mesosphere, which suggests a direct contribution of the mesospheric medium-scale gravity waves in seeding the equatorial plasma bubbles.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an extension for the 2D (zonal mean) version of our numerical spectral mode (NSM) that incorporates Hines’ Doppler spread parameterization (DSP) for small-scale gravity waves (GW). This model is applied to describe the seasonal variations and the semi-annual and quasi-biennial oscillations (SAO and QBO). Our earlier model reproduced the salient features of the mean zonal circulation in the middle atmosphere, including the QBO extension into the upper mesosphere inferred from UARS measurements. The model is extended to reproduce the upwelling at equatorial latitudes that is associated with the Brewer–Dobson circulation — which affects significantly the dynamics of the stratosphere as Dunkerton had pointed out. In the presence of GW, this upwelling is produced in our model with tropospheric heating, which generates also zonal jets outside the tropics similar to those observed. The resulting upward vertical winds increase the period of the QBO. To compensate for that, one needs to increase the eddy diffusivity and the GW momentum flux, bringing the latter closer to values recommended in the DSP. The QBO period in the model is 30 months (mo), which is conducive to synchronize this oscillation with the seasonal cycle of solar forcing. Associated with this QBO are interannual and interseasonal variations that become increasingly more important at higher altitudes — and this variability is interpreted in terms of GW filtering that effectively couples the dynamical components of the mesosphere. The computed temperature amplitudes for the SAO and QBO are in substantial agreement with observations at equatorial and extra-tropical latitudes. At high latitudes, however, the observed QBO amplitudes are significantly larger, which may be a signature of propagating planetary waves not included in the present model. The assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium not being imposed, we find that the effects from the vertical Coriolis force associated with the equatorial oscillations are large for the vertical winds and significant for the temperature variations even outside the tropics, but the effects are small for the zonal winds.  相似文献   

A simple technique has been used to investigate gravity waves in the Antarctic and Arctic mesosphere. Data from two meteor radars are used, one at Rothera in the Antarctic (68°S) and one at Esrange in the Arctic (68°N). Observations have been made from 2005 to 2008 in the Antarctic and from 2000 to 2008 in the Arctic. The results reveal a seasonal behaviour with a semi-annual cycle. Over both sites wave activity maximises at the solstices and minimises at the equinoxes. Monthly-mean gravity-wave activity increases with height in all seasons except in summer when gravity-wave variances show little or no increase with height at heights below about 90 km. Above about 90 km in summer there is a rapid increase in wave activity. We suggest that this summer-time behaviour is a consequence of rapid wave growth as gravity waves ascend into the more stable air of the lower thermosphere. Differences between the Arctic and Antarctic gravity-wave field are also evident. In particular, a higher level of gravity-wave activity is observed in the Antarctic spring compared to the Arctic spring. We suggest that these inter-hemispheric differences may be the result of differences in the generation of gravity waves in the polar troposphere and stratosphere.  相似文献   

Radar observations at 46.5 MHz of vertical-velocity perturbations at Aberystwyth (52.4N, 4.1W) have been used to examine the incidence of mountain waves and their dependence on local topography and the wind vector at low heights. A contrast is drawn between the effects of easterly winds passing over major topographical features to the east of the radar site and those of westerly winds crossing low coastal topographical features to the west. Estimates are made of the vertical flux of horizontal momentum associated with mountain waves, and the general influence of mountain-wave activity on vertical-velocity measurements at the site is assessed.  相似文献   


This paper presents the relationship between Indian summer monsoon total rainfall and two parameters from Eurasian snow cover, one being the winter snow cover extent and the other the area of spring snowmelt. Satellite-derived Eurasian snow cover extent and Indian monsoon rainfall data were obtained from the NOAA/NESDIS and the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the period 1966–1985. Seasonal cyclic variations of snow cover showed a higher swing in both the winter and the spring seasons of the cycle as compared to the remaining seasons of the year in the lower region of the cycle. The established inverse relation between winter snow cover and monsoon rainfall during June to September is further extended. Winter snow cover is very strongly correlated with spring snowmelt over Eurasia. Spring snowmelt area is obtained by subtracting the May snow cover extent from that of the previous February. The variations of spring snowmelt were also compared with Indian total monsoon rainfall. The detected correlation is stronger between snowmelt and monsoon rainfall than between the winter snow cover and the monsoon rainfall. There is also a significant multiple correlation among winter snow cover, spring snowmelt and monsoon rainfall. Lastly, a significant multiple correlation suggested a multiple regression equation which might improve the climatic prediction of monsoon rainfall over India.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The present study focuses on the variability of subsurface ocean temperature and associated planetary waves (oceanic Kelvin and Rossby waves) in the Indian Ocean during the boreal...  相似文献   

The paper defines the intertropical convergence zone. (ITCZ) in the Indian monsoon region during the northern summer, identifies it with the northern boundary of the advancing monsoon and suggests that its seasonal movement can serve as an indicator of onset, advance and withdrawal of the monsoon. Evidence suggesting the movement of the ITCZ which is associated with the equatorial trough of low pressure is indirectly furnished by an analysis of the isallobaric or height-tendency field which reveals a distinct gradient towards the north/south during period of advance/withdrawal of the monsoon. A comparative study of the dates of onset of monsoon during two successive years appears to suggest that some of the problems encountered in using rainfall as the sole criterion for determining the onset and advance of the monsoon may be over-come by using the ITCZ concept as proposed in the present paper. Attention is drawn to the effects of synoptic-scale disturbances on the normal dates of onset, advance and withdrawal of the monsoon.  相似文献   

The mechanism of generation of internal gravity waves (IGW) by mesoscale turbulence in the troposphere is considered. The equations that describe the generation of waves by hydrodynamic sources of momentum, heat and mass are derived. Calculations of amplitudes, wave energy fluxes, turbulent viscosities, and accelerations of the mean flow caused by IGWs generated in the troposphere are made. A comparison of different mechanisms of turbulence production in the atmosphere by IGWs shows that the nonlinear destruction of a primary IGW into a spectrum of secondary waves may provide additional dissipation of nonsatu-rated stable waves. The mean wind increases both the effectiveness of generation and dissipation of IGWs propagating in the direction of the wind. Competition of both effects may lead to the dominance of IGWs propagating upstream at long distances from tropospheric wave sources, and to the formation of eastward wave accelerations in summer and westward accelerations in winter near the mesopause.  相似文献   

The advective monthly mean transfer of water vapour in the layer below 700 mbar is investigated for India for the years 1962 to 1972 and for the months January to September. The average zonal and meridional components of the transfer of water vapour for India are obtained. They are further averaged for different combinations of the pre-monsoon months from January to May and are correlated with the summer monsoon rainfall. The correlation coefficients for zonal transfer of water vapour are either negative or small positive for different combinations of the months mentioned above. The correlation coefficients for the meridional transfer of water vapour are positive. The maximum value is 0.74 for the March to May combination and is statistically significant at the 1% level.An extensive investigation is, therefore, made for the March to May averages of water vapour transfer for four broad regions of India. The parameters of water vapour transfer for these regions are compared with the threshold values and the prediction category, normal or drought, for the subsequent summer monsoon season is determined for all years. The correlation coefficient between the index of drought, as determined from parameters of water vapour transport and rainfall departure, is statistically significant at the 2% level.  相似文献   

The NCEP/NCAR R1 reanalysis data are employed to investigate the impact of forced and inertial instability in the lower troposphere over the Arabian Sea on the onset process of Indian summer monsoon(ISM),and to reveal the important role of zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum played in the forced unstable convection.Results show that during the ISM onset the zero absolute vorticity contour(??=0)shifts northward due to the strong cross-equatorial pressure gradient in the lower troposphere over southern Arabian Sea.Thus a region with negative absolute vorticity is generated near the equator in the northern hemisphere,manifesting the evident free inertial instability.When a southerly passes through this region,under the influence of friction a lower convergence that facilitates the convection flourishing at the lower latitudes appears to the north of zero absolute vorticity contour.However,owing to such a traditional inertial instability,the convection is confined near the equator which does not have direct influence on the ISM onset.On the contrary in the region to the north of the zero absolute vorticity contour and to the south of the low pressure center near the surface,although the atmosphere there is inertially stable,the lower westerly jet can develop and bring on the apparent zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum.Both theoretical study and diagnosing analysis present that such a zonal advection of geostrophic momentum is closely associated with the zonal asymmetric distribution of meridional land-sea thermal contrast,which induces a convergence center near and further north of the westerly jet in the lower troposphere over the southwestern coast of the Indian Peninsula,providing a favorable lower circulation for the ISM onset.It illustrates that the development of convection over the Arabian Sea in late spring and early summer is not only due to the frictional inertial instability but also strongly affected by the zonal asymmetric distribution of land-sea thermal contrast.Moreover,before the ISM onset due to the eastward development of the South Asian High(SAH)in the upper troposphere,high potential vorticity is transported to the region over the Arabian Sea.Then a local trumpet-shaped stream field is generated to cause the evident upper divergence-pumping effect which favors the ISM onset.When the upper divergence is vertically coupled with the lower convergence resulted from the aforementioned forced unstable convection development near the southwestern coast of Indian Peninsula,the atmospheric baroclinic unstable development is stimulated and the ISM onset is triggered.  相似文献   

The simulation results of Typhoon Matsa (2005) by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model show that pronounced stratospheric gravity waves (GWs) are generated in the vicinity of the typhoon. Using the model output, we investigate the spatial structures and the temporal variations of the GWs through a three dimensional (3-d) spectral analysis, i.e. the spectrum with respect to two horizontal wavenumbers and frequency. We further derive the momentum flux carried by the GWs. Spectral investigation results show that the power spectral density (PSD) of the GWs exhibits a single-peaked spectrum, which consists primarily of a distinct spectrum at horizontal wavelength of ~1000km, time period of 12-18h, and vertical wavelength of 7-9km. This spectrum is different from the spectra of GWs generated by deep convections disclosed by the previous researches. Both the PSD and momentum flux spectrum are prominent in positive k h portion, which is consistent with the fact that the GWs propagate in the upstream of mean flow. Large momentum flux is found to be associated with the GWs, and the net zonal momentum flux is 0.7845×10 3 Pa at 20km height, which can account for ~26% of the momentum flux that is required in driving the QBO phenomenon.  相似文献   

基于1961-2016年国家气象信息中心整编的气象台站逐日降水以及NCAR/NCEP再分析等资料,对我国典型夏季风影响过渡区夏季降水的异常时空特征及成因进行分析,结果表明:典型夏季风影响过渡区夏季降水EOF展开第一模态呈全区一致性特征,而且该模态时间系数没有明显的长期变化趋势,第二模态呈西北和东南反位相变化特征.相关分析表明夏季中纬度西风带是影响典型夏季风影响过渡区夏季降水异常的最主要因子,高原夏季风为次要因子,东亚夏季风的影响较弱,而且东亚夏季风主要通过其子系统——西太平洋副热带高压的东西摆动来影响.此外在夏季中纬度西风偏弱年,高空急流位置偏南,急流轴在典型夏季风影响过渡区向东南方向发生了"倾斜",对应500 hPa呈异常的西北气流控制,同时由于高空急流在过渡区减弱,使得高层发生异常的气流辐合,低层辐散,通过高低层环流之间的质量和动量调整,垂直场表现为异常下沉运动,低层的辐散也减弱了西南暖湿气流的北上,水汽来源少,最终使得典型夏季风影响过渡区夏季降水偏少,反之亦然.这是夏季中纬度西风带影响典型夏季风影响过渡区夏季降水的可能机理.  相似文献   

孟加拉湾夏季风爆发的判断指标及其年际特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
晏红明  孙丞虎  王灵  李蕊  金燕 《地球物理学报》2018,61(11):4356-4372

利用高低层大气环流、OLR(向外长波辐射)、CMAP降水、SST(海表温度)等资料分析了孟加拉湾地区3—5月多年气候平均大气环流及不同要素的演变特征,定义了一个新的孟加拉湾夏季风(BOBSM,下同)爆发指标为孟加拉湾地区(5°N—15°N,90°E—97.5°E)850 hPa和200 hPa纬向风区域平均的变化同时满足U850 > 3 m·s-1和U200 < -5 m·s-1,并持续5天的第一天即作为BOBSM爆发日期.该季风指数有明确的天气学意义,可以反映孟加拉湾低层西南风持续稳定和南亚高压在青藏高原建立早晚的特征.文章进一步分析了BOBSM爆发的年际特征及其前兆海洋信号特征,结果表明:1981—2010年BOBSM爆发的平均日期为5月10日,季风爆发有显著的年际波动,爆发最早在1999年(4月11日)和最晚在1968年(6月1日),年代际尺度上表现为由爆发偏晚至偏早的变化趋势;BOBSM爆发早(晚)与热带印度洋地区850 hPa的越赤道气流和西风异常加强(减弱),以及200 hPa青藏高原南亚高压的季节性建立偏早(晚)等密切联系;前期冬季赤道西太平洋的海温冷(暖)变化对BOBSM爆发早(晚)有很好的指示意义,前期冬季海温偏高(低)有利于季风偏早(晚),其影响的主要途径是通过热源变化激发纬向垂直环流及其热带印度洋和太平洋低层环流异常,进而影响季风爆发早晚.


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