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Photometric BV light curves of BO CVn obtained in 1992 and new times of minima are presented. The primary minimum shows a transit, whereas the secondary minimum, shows an occultation. The system may be classified as an A‐type W UMa system. A complete study of minima allows one to detect a possibly increasing period by about 0.037 s/yr. This indicates that the conservative mass transfer rate from the less massive component to the more massive one is 1.57 10—10M /yr. Because of the variable period, the new ephemeris is determined for future observations. Using the Wilson‐Devinney code a simultaneous solution of the B and V light curves is also performed. The analysis shows that the system is in a contact configuration with q = 0.205 ± 0.001 and fillout factor (f) = 0.18, T1 = 7240 K (fixed), T2 = 7150± 10 K. The high orbital inclination i = 87°.54 ± 0.26 was con firmed by photometric observations of the secondary minimum.  相似文献   

This study presents the absolute parameters of the contact binary system V376 And. CCD photometric observations were made at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory in 2004. The instrumental magnitudes of all observed stars were converted into standard magnitudes. New BV light curves of the system were analysed using the Wilson–Devinney method supplemented with a Monte Carlo type algorithm. Since there are large asymmetries between maxima (i.e., O’Connell effect) in these light curves, two different models (one with a cool spot and one with a hot spot) were applied to the photometric data. The best fit, which was obtained with a large hot spot on the secondary component, gives V376 And as an A sub-type contact binary in poor thermal contact and a small value of the filling factor (f  0.07). Combining the solutions of our light curves and Rucinski et al. (2001)’s radial velocity curves, the following absolute parameters of the components were determined: M1 = 2.44 ± 0.04 M, M2 = 0.74 ± 0.03 M, R1 = 2.60 ± 0.03 R, R2 = 1.51 ± 0.02 R, L1 = 40 ± 4 L and L2 = 5 ± 1 L. We also discuss the evolution of the system, which appears to have an age of 1.6 Gyr. The distance to V376 And was calculated as 230 ± 20 pc from this analysis, taking into account interstellar extinction.  相似文献   

We report on the results from a five-night campaign of high-speed spectroscopy of the 17-min binary AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn), obtained with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma.
We detect a kinematic feature that appears to be entirely analogous to the 'central spike' known from the long-period, emission-line AM CVn stars GP Com, V396 Hya and SDSS J124058.03−015919.2, which has been attributed to the accreting white dwarf. Assuming that the feature indeed represents the projected velocity amplitude and phase of the accreting white dwarf, we derive a mass ratio   q = 0.18 ± 0.01  for AM CVn. This is significantly higher than the value found in previous, less direct measurements. We discuss the implications for AM CVn's evolutionary history and show that a helium star progenitor scenario is strongly favoured. We further discuss the implications for the interpretation of AM CVn's superhump behaviour, and for the detectability of its gravitational-wave signal with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ).
In addition, we demonstrate a method for measuring the circularity or eccentricity of AM CVn's accretion disc, using stroboscopic Doppler tomography. We test the predictions of an eccentric, precessing disc that are based on AM CVn's observed superhump behaviour. We limit the effective eccentricity in the outermost part of the disc, where the resonances that drive the eccentricity are thought to occur, to   e = 0.04 ± 0.01  , which is smaller than previous models indicated.  相似文献   

The photometric solutions of W UMa-type binary BW Dra have been determined by applying the Wilson and Devinney Code toUBV observations of Rucinski and Kaluzny.It is shown that BW Dra is corresponding to a system with an overcontact configuration and smaller mass ratioq=0.392 andUBV light curves give the converging solutions with non-zero third light.It is proved that the components of BW Dra are older stars (the spectral types are G0 and G3, respectively). They could come into contact later stage of evolution. The photometric solution is similar to the results of Kaluzny and Rucinski. According to the photometric solution and spectroscopic results of Batten and Lu, the absolute parameters are presented too.  相似文献   

New photoelectric BVR light curves and radial velocity curves were obtained for the HIPPARCOS discovery DN Boo at the TÜBİTAK1 National Observatory of Turkey (TUG) and Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO), respectively, to determine physical nature of the variable. The character of the obtained light curves and double-lined spectroscopic structures in the obtained spectra are revealed that DN Boo is a genuine EW type eclipsing binary. During the analysis of our new observations a simultaneous solution were derived for the photometric and spectroscopic data by using the Wilson–Devinney code and orbital parameters with absolute dimensions of the system were determined for the first time. Finally, the importance of very low mass-ratio contact binaries in the late stages of close binary evolution was discussed.  相似文献   

New photoelectric observations of CK Bootis (a binary star suspected of a spot activity) obtained in 1988 at Mt. Suhora Observatory are presented. On the basis of the spectroscopic observations made in May 1990 at the Toru University Observatory the spectral class F6V of the primary component was estimated. The physical parameters of the system with a circular spot were derived making use of the Wilson-Devinney code.  相似文献   

We show that the observed K velocities and periodicities of AM CVn can be reconciled given a mass ratio   q ≈ 0.22  and a secondary star with a modest magnetic field of surface strength   B ∼ 1 T  . We see that the new mass ratio implies that the secondary is most likely semidegenerate. The effect of the field on the accretion disc structure is examined. The theory of precessing discs and resonant orbits is generalized to encompass higher order resonances than 3 : 2 and shown to retain consistency with the new mass ratio.  相似文献   

When the total angular momentum of a binary system   J tot= J orb+ J spin  is at a certain critical (minimum) value, a tidal instability occurs which eventually forces the stars to merge into a single, rapidly rotating object. The instability occurs when   J orb= 3 J spin  , which in the case of contact binaries corresponds to a minimum mass ratio   q min≈  0.071–0.078. The minimum mass ratio is obtained under the assumption that stellar radii are fixed and independent. This is not the case with contact binaries where, according to the Roche model, we have   R 2= R 2( R 1, a , q )  . By finding a new criterion for contact binaries, which arises from  d J tot= 0  , and assuming   k 21≠ k 22  for the component's dimensionless gyration radii, a theoretical lower limit   q min= 0.094–0.109  for overcontact degree   f = 0–1  is obtained.  相似文献   

Based on long-term high-resolution spectroscopic observations obtained during five observing runs from 2001 to 2004,we study optical flare events and chromospheric activity variability of the very active RS CVn star UX Ari.By means of the spectral subtraction technique,several optical chromospheric activity indicators(including the He I D_3,Na I D_1,D_2 doublet,Hα and Ca II IRT lines) covered in our echelle spectra were analyzed.Four large optical flare events were detected on UX Ari during our observations,which show prominent He I D_3 line emission together with great enhancement in emission of the Hα and Ca II IRT lines and strong filled-in or emission reversal features in the Na I D_1,D_2 doublet lines.The newly detected flares are much more energetic than previous discoveries,especially for the flare identified during the 2002 December observing run.Optical flare events on UX Ari are more likely to be observed around two quadratures of the system,except for our optical flares detected during the 2004 November observing run.Moreover,we have found rotational modulation of chromospheric activity in the Hα and Ca II IRT lines,which suggests the presence of chromospherically active longitudes over the surface of UX Ari.The change in chromospherically active longitudes among our observing runs,as well as the variation in chromospheric activity level from 2001 to 2004,indicates a long-term evolution of active regions.  相似文献   

The present study is an analysis of V-band CCD observations of new W UMa contact binary OQ Dra. To carry out the analysis, Primary and secondary minimum were obtained and new epoch was calculated. The computed period of system was 0.33967 day. Light curve analysis was performed using Binary Maker 3 and PHOEBE that uses the latest Wilson–Devinney code. We obtained photometric mass ratio of qptm = 0.55.O’Connell effect also was seen in the fitted model. Finally, the best model was achieved by introducing 2 spots on each component.  相似文献   

CCD (V) light curve of the EW‐type eclipsing variable DF CVn was obtained during seven nights in April–May, 2004. With our data we were able to determine 4 new times of minimum light. The light curve appears to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect, with Maximum I brighter than Maximum II by 0.013 mag. in V. TwoWilson‐Devinney (WD) code working sessions, using the V light curve, were done with and without spots. The analysis of the results shows that the best fit was obtained with the spotted solution and indicates contact geometry. The photometric mass ratio of the system is found to be q = 0.347 and its inclination i = 72°, the primary minimum shows a transit. The star may be classified as an A‐type W Uma system. Assuming a reasonable value for the mass of the primary component an estimate of the absolute elements of DF CVn has been made, with the assumption that the primary has a mass corresponding to its spectral type according to Straizys and Kuriliene (1981). (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New light curves and photometric solutions of the contact binary AZ Vir are presented in this paper. The light curves appear to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect, with Maximum I being 0.021 mag (V) and 0.023 mag (B) brighter than Maximum II, respectively. From the observations, six times of minimum light were determined and from the present times of minimum light and those collected from the references, the light elements of the system were improved. The light curves were analyzed by means of the Wilson‐Devinney program. The results suggest that AZ Vir is a W‐subtype contact binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.623(2). The asymmetry of the light curves is explained by star spot models. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The contact binary XY Boo is observed photoelectrically, and variations of the orbital period and the light curves are indicated. NewBV light curves and those of Binnendijk (1971) and Winkler (1977) are analysed by used of the light curve synthesis method. Combining the derived photometric elements with the spectroscopic elements of McLean and Hilditch (1983), we obtain values of the masses and the radii of the components of the system.  相似文献   

We present new photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary system AB Cas, together with an analysis of the light curves. Using the available times of light minimum reported in the literature together with our own minima, period changes are monitored, and the possible third-body parameters are obtained. The absolute properties of the system and the delta-Scuti behavior of the primary are also discussed.  相似文献   

Over four hundred photoelectric observations of U Peg in B and V were secured with a 0.6M reflector at Beijing Observatory in 1978. Four times of minima were determined. A period study of the times of minima from 1896 to 1980 was performed. The system was found to have a secular period decrease, Δp/p of ?1.32 ¢ 10?1 or ?4.16 × 10?3 sec/yr, as well as a short term (17 years) sinusoidal oscillation with a semi-amplitude of 0.00323 day. It is suggested that oscillating term is caused by the light-time effect of an unseen third body. The third body may be a M6 main sequence star with a mass of 0.16 M. The longterm secular change in period may be associated with slow mass transfer.The analysis of the 1978 light curves together with the 1958 light curves of Binnendijk suggest that the system U Peg has an overcontact configuration of about 9%. It has the characteristics of a W-type W UMa system. The photometric mass ratio, m2m1, is between 3 and 2.5. If we correct the Struve et al. γ-velocity from 0 km/sec to about ?40 km/sec the estimated spectroscopic mass ratio would agree with the photoelectric value. Based on the above assumption the absolute dimensions of U Peg are of 0.6 and 1.8 M and of 0.8 and 1.4 R, for components 1 and 2 respectively. The physical dimensions indicate that the components are main sequence stars.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary V 1073 Cyg have been carried out inB andV colours at the Ege University Observatory. The light curves were analyzed with the Wilson-Devinney approach. A period study reveals that the orbital period of the system is decreasing at the rate of (3.21 ± 0.17) second per century.  相似文献   

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