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To investigate the physical properties of HII regions and some PNe about 4' in size, a DEFPOS Fabry-Perot spectrometer has been redesigned and set up at the (Antalya/Bakirlitepe, Turkey), The spectrometer has a 4' circular field of view and a velocity resolution of 27.27 km s- 1 (a spectral resolving power of 11000) over a 200 km s-1 spectral window near Hα. This work presents the details of the newly redesigned inphysical results of our new Hα observations selected from the Reynolds et al. (2005) and Fich et al. (1990) papers. The DEFPOS system has been fully tested and the first observations of HII regions and PNe in the Galaxy are used to illustrate the power of the instrument. We feel that our first Fabry-Perot observations can provide a powerful tool for the study of objects with small angular size. In the future, we are planning to prepare a catalog including some physical properties such as radial velocity, line width, and intensity of some PNe and HII regions close to the 4' field of view.  相似文献   

The synthetic equivalent width (W H) of the line H in emission is obtained for Hii regions opaque to the Lyman photon flux, with embedded OB associations with different initial chemical compositions and initial mass functions. The variation ofW H as a function of the evolution of the ionizing stars is analysed. The observations ofW H for M33, M101, and M51 by Searle (1971) are discussed.  相似文献   

We have obtained H emission line profiles from R Aquarii, a Mira variable surrounded by a complex nebulosity, using a very high-resolution Fabry-Pérot spectrometer. A new feature that was seen in our observations is the fact that the line profile shows a splitting which we interpret as due to two expanding shells surrounding the star with velocities of 5 km s–1 and 15 km s–1. The expansion velocities show an acceleration outwards due perhaps to the radiation pressure caused momentum transfer. Possible periodic variation of radial velocity derived from observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Quasi simultaneous H and radio observations of LSI+61o303 during August-September 1993 are presented. The radio data show that during the studied epoch the outburst has peaked at radio phase 0.6, at level100 mJy. No significant variations in the H profile at phases 0.5 to 0.65 have been detected. A remarkable increase of the EW and FWHM of the H blue peak is observed at radio phase 0.23. Possible reasons are considered.  相似文献   

The extensive H166 line, several points in each region, and 1.4 GHz continuum observations from nineteenHII regions were carried out with the 30-m antenna of the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Physical parameters of the low-density ionized gas associated to the sources, were obtained from these observations. From these results, and those of the northern and southern H166 surveys (Hart and Pedlar, 1976b; Lockman, 1976; Cersosimoet al., 1989), we can assume that the physical conditions of the low-density ionized gas, seen both in direction to and away from discrete sources, are similar.  相似文献   

J.- P. Wülser 《Solar physics》1988,114(1):115-126
H line profile observations of solar flares with high temporal resolution are an important tool for the analysis of the energy transport mechanism from the site of the flare energy release to the chromosphere. A specially designed instrument (imaging spectrograph) allows two-dimensional imaging of an active region simultaneously in 15 spectral channels along the H line profile with a temporal resolution of 5.4 s. Two flares have been observed in November 1982. The first one shows H signatures which one would typically expect in the case of explosive chromospheric evaporation produced by massive injection of non-thermal electrons. The observations of the other flare indicate that the heating of the upper chromosphere is dominated by thermal conduction, although during the impulsive hard X-ray burst there are also signatures of heating by non-thermal electrons.  相似文献   

Observations of the reconnection process between two magnetic fluxes are presented. The lower reconnecting flux seemed to be a rising post-flare loop system, the upper one a giant magnetic loop of the active region. The interaction produced a giant arch visible in the H line center.  相似文献   

We present H filtergram observations of a number of the Type III-RS (reverse slope) bursts that occurred on August 12, 1975. Solar radio emission was peculiar on that date in that a large number, and proportion, of the usually rare reverse slope bursts were observed (Tarnstrom and Zehntner, 1975). We show that the radio bursts coincide in time with a homologous set of H flares located at the limbward edge of spot group Mt. Wilson 19598. We propose a model in which the reverse slope bursts are the downward branches of U bursts, whose upward branches are hidden behind the coronal density enhancement over the spot group.  相似文献   

M. Graeter 《Solar physics》1990,130(1-2):337-346
We observed in Ha the impulsive phase of a 1N/M2.0 limb flare on September 8, 1988 with high temporal resolution. With an imaging spectrograph line profiles have been acquired every 2.3 s. The temporal evolution in the blue and red wing has been correlated with hard X-ray data from HXRBS. It is shown that a prominent spike in the blue wing of H was delayed with respect to the corresponding hard X-ray burst by 7–8 s. With the exception of the spike in the blue wing of H, the temporal development of the line profile is compatible with the predictions for nonthermal electron heating during the impulsive phase.  相似文献   

Using narrow-band H filtergrams, we develop a quantitative non-LTE approach to determine the physical conditions prevailing at the tops of (post)-flare loops observed against the solar disc. At temperatures 10000–15000 K, the tops of flare loops turn to emission at H line center when the gas pressure P g reaches 1 dyn cm–2 and should be clearly visible for P g 3 dyn cm–2, independently of the loop diameter. This situation corresponds to the electron density of the order 1012 cm–3. The contrast of flare-loops (in projection on the disc) at H line center is mainly the function of P g , while in the line wings (H ± 1 Å) the loop can be visible in absorption or emission only when rather strong microturbulence is present or for unrealistically high gas pressures. Finally, we briefly discuss our diagnostical results in frame of the latest (post)-flare loop model.  相似文献   

Almost simultaneous height sequences of 69 spicules in the Hα line have been studied. The spectra are obtained at six heights during 6 s on the east side of the solar disk with the 53-cm Lyot coronagraph of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory. Radial velocities V r, total intensities or equivalent widths W, full widths at half maximum of intensity (FWHM) at all heights are determined (about 300 profiles of the Hα line). It is found that:
  1. Absolute values of radial velocities increase linearly with the height (see Equation (1));
  2. variation of the sign of the radial velocity along single spicules was never observed.
These results combined with the findings on the spicules radial velocities and shifts obtained earlier (Kulidzanishvili and Nikolsky, 1978; Nikolsky and Platova, 1970) led us to the conclusion that the 5-min tangential oscillations of spicules involve the entire spicule at once. The intensity height scales for single spicules and for the chromosphere ‘in toto’ are determined; they turned out to be 2.5 × 103 km and 1.9 × 103 km respectively (see Equations (2) and (3)). The dependence curve of the Hα line half-widths Δλ on the height h is drawn. The Hα line half-width for those spicule groups which are traced at all heights (10 spicules) decreases with the height (Figure 4); for the majority (~60 spicules) it remains essentially constant. Non-thermal ‘turbulent’ velocities V t, in Hα spicules are defined. A mean value of the ‘turbulent’ velocity V t at T = 6000° appeared to be 20–30km s?1. The hydrogen concentration in the spicules at 5000 km is 6 × 1011 cm?3.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the installation and observations of a new solar telescope installed on 2014 October 7 at the Kodaikanal Observatory. The telescope is a refractive type equipped with a tunable Lyot Hα filter. A CCD camera with size 2k×2k acquires images of the Sun and has a pixel size of 1.21′′pixel-1and a full field-of-view of 41′. The telescope is equipped with a guiding system which keeps the image of the Sun within a few pixels throughout the observations. The FWHM of the Lyot filter is 0.4 A? and the filter is motorized, capable of scanning the Hα line profile at a smaller step size of 0.01 A?. Partial-disk imaging covering about 10′is also possible with the help of a relay lens kept in front of the CCD camera. In this paper, we report the detailed specifications of the telescope, filter unit, the installation, observations and the procedures we have followed to calibrate and align the data. We also present preliminary results with this new full-disk telescope.  相似文献   

Estimates of magnetic fields for a number of active galactic nuclei are presented. These estimates are based on the observed polarization degrees and position angles of broad Hα lines and in the nearby continuum and on asymptotic analytical formulas for the Stokes parameters of the radiation emerging from a magnetized accretion disk (the Milne problem in a magnetized atmosphere). The characteristic observed feature of the wavelength dependence of the polarization degree inside the line—a minimum at the center and a fast increase of the position angle from one wing to another—can be explained by the superposition of resonance emission from two or more clouds located in the right (Keplerian velocity directed away from the observer) and left (Keplerian velocity directed toward the observer) parts of the orbit in the rotating magnetized accretion disk. The main component in our mechanism is the azimuthal magnetic field in the disk. The presence of a magnetic field perpendicular to the disk plane (which is usually weaker than the azimuthal field) results in the asymmetry of the distribution of the polarization degree and position angle inside the line. The inferred magnetic field strengths at the galactocentric distances where broad lines are emitted can be used to estimate the magnetic fields in the region of the centermost stable orbit and at the horizon of the central black hole, using the power-law dependence of the magnetic field strength corresponding to the standard model of the accretion disk.  相似文献   

Kejun  Li  Schmieder  B.  Malherbe  J.-M.  Roudier  Th.  Wiik  J.-E. 《Solar physics》1998,183(2):323-338
The Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass spectrograph (MSDP) is designed to observe line profiles in a 2D field of view with a good spatial and temporal resolution. In order to deal with this unique opportunity, we introduce a new method for fitting the hydrogen H line formed in prominences and deriving various plasma parameters from line profile observations. A quiescent prominence was observed on 5 June 1996, at the Pic du Midi during an international campaign between 09:30 UT and 11:00 UT with the MSDP spectrograph operating in H at the Turret Dome. Using the new fitting method, we show that the temperature, column density of hydrogen atoms and microturbulent velocity of the prominence are respectively about 8500 K, 1.4×1012 cm–2, and 10 to 20 km s–1. The electron density of the prominence is about 1.8×1010 cm–3.  相似文献   

We report results of the H2CO and H110α survey toward 281 UCHII regions using the Urumqi 25m radio telescope.We obtained 37 new H2CO detections,and H110α was simultaneously detected in eight of them.Only H110α was detected in another UCHII region.We calculated kinematic distances of nine UCHII regions with the detected H110α and resolved the kinematic distance ambiguity for six of them.The detection rate of H2CO of our observation was 13.2%,which is low compared with one of the other authors.The possible re...  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

Intriguing work on observations of 4.83 GHz formaldehyde (H2CO) absorptions and 4.87 GHz H110α radio recombination lines (RRLs) towards 6.7 GHz methanol (CH3OH) maser sources is presented. Methanol masers provide ideal sites to probe the earliest stages of massive star formation, while 4.8 GHz formaldehyde absorptions are accurate probes of physical conditions in dense (103–105 cm?3) and low temperature molecular clouds towards massive star forming regions. The work is aimed at studying feature similarities between the formaldehyde absorptions and the methanol masers so as to expand knowledge of events and physical conditions in massive star forming regions. A total of 176 methanol maser sources were observed for formaldehyde absorptions, and formaldehyde absorptions were detected 138 of them. 53 of the formaldehyde absorptions were newly detected. We noted a poor correlation between the methanol and formaldehyde intensities, an indication that the signals (though arise from about the same regions) are enhanced by different mechanisms. Our results show higher detection rates of the formaldehyde lines for sources with stronger methanol signals. The strongest formaldehyde absorptions were associated with IRAS sources and IRDCs that have developed HII regions, and that do not have EGOs.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure of magnetic field and vertical electric currents in two active regions through a comparison of the observed transverse field with the potential field, which was computed according to Neumann boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation using the observed H z -value. Electric currents were calculated from the observations of the transverse magnetic field.There exist two systems of vertical electric currents in active regions: a system of local currents and a global one. The global current is about 2 × 1012 A. In the leading part of the active regions it is directed upward, and in the tail downward.Flare activity is closely connected with the value and direction of both local and global currents: the flares tend to apear in places with upward currents. The luminosity of H flocculi is also connected with vertical electric currents; the brighter the flocculi, the more frequently they appear in places of upward electric currents.The sensitivity of H emission to the sign of the current suggests that charged particles accelerated in the upper parts of magnetic loops may be responsible for these formations. Joule heating might be important for flocculi, if plasma conductivity is about 5 × 108 c.g.s.e.A model of a flare is suggested based on current redistribution in a system of emerging loops due to changes of loop inductance.  相似文献   

The evolutional characteristics of the red asymmetry of H flare line profiles were studied by means of a quantitative analysis of H flare spectra obtained with the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory. Red-shifted emission streaks of H line are found at the initial phase of almost all flares which occur near the disk center, and are considered to be substantial features of the red asymmetry. It is found that a downward motion in the flare chromospheric region is the cause of the red-shifted emission streak. The downward motion abruptly increases at the onset of a flare, attains its maximum velocity of about 40 to 100 km s-1 shortly before the impulsive peak of the microwave burst, and rapidly decreases before the intensity of H line reaches its maximum. Referring to the numerical simulations made by Livshits et al. (1981) and Somov et al. (1982), we conclude that the conspicuous red-asymmetry or the red-shifted emission streak of H line is due to the downward motion of the compressed chromospheric flare region produced by the impulsive heating by energetic electron beam or thermal conduction.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 258.  相似文献   

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