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By using Tsyganenko's model for the magnetosphere's magnetic field, which links two hemispheres of the ionosphere, and adopting a practical boundary condition for the electric potential around the polar cap, we developed a new ionosphere–magnetosphere coupling model based on prairie view dynamo code (PVDC). The new model takes the variations in solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, as well as the geomagnetic activity, into account. Rather than the previous version of PVDC that is useful only for quiet conditions, the new model enables to calculate the electric potential and currents in the ionosphere and the field-aligned current (FAC) off the ionosphere in quiet and disturbed times. Comparison of the calculated FAC with the measurements of Space Technology 5 (ST5) mission shows a good agreement.  相似文献   

The Global Coupled Ionosphere–Thermosphere-Electrodynamics Model developed at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GCITEM-IGGCAS), is introduced in this paper. This new model self-consistently calculates the time-dependent three-dimensional (3-D) structures of the main thermospheric and ionospheric parameters in the height range from 90 to 600 km, including neutral number density of major species O2, N2, and O and minor species N(2D), N(4S), NO, He and Ar; ion number densities of O+ ,O2+, N2+, NO+, N+ and electron; neutral, electron and ion temperature; and neutral wind vectors. The mid- and low-latitude electric fields can also be self-consistently calculated. GCITEM-IGGCAS is a full 3-D code with 5° latitude by 7.5° longitude cells in a spherical geographical coordinate system, which bases on an altitude grid. We show two simulations in this paper: a March Equinox one and a June Solstice one, and compare their simulation results to MSIS00 and IRI2000 empirical model. GCITEM-IGGCAS can reproduce the main features of the thermosphere and ionosphere in both cases.  相似文献   

We report on the first comprehensive numerical simulation of a space weather event, starting with the generation of a CME and subsequently following this transient solar wind disturbance as it evolves into a magnetic cloud and travels through interplanetary space towards Earth where its interaction with the terrestrial magnetosphere–ionosphere system is also predicted as part of the simulation.  相似文献   

The plasma sheet moves earthward (equatorward in the ionosphere) after enhancements in convection, and the electrodynamics of this response is strongly influenced by Region 2 magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling. We have used Poker Flat Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) observations associated with two relatively abrupt southward turnings of the IMF to provide an initial evaluation of aspects of this response. The observations show that strong westward sub-auroral polarization streams (SAPS) flow regions moved equatorward as the plasma sheet electron precipitation (the diffuse aurora) penetrated equatorward following the IMF southward turnings. Consistent with our identification of these flows as SAPS, concurrent DMSP particle precipitation measurements show the equatorial boundary of ion precipitation equatorward of the electron precipitation boundary and that westward flows lie within the low-conductivity region between the two boundaries where the plasma sheet ion pressure gradient is expected to drive downward R2 currents. Evidence for these downward currents is seen in the DMSP magnetometer observations. Preliminary examination indicates that the SAPS response seen in the examples presented here may be common. However, detailed analysis will be required for many more events to reliably determine if this is the case. If so, it would imply that SAPS are frequently an important aspect of the inner magnetospheric electric field distribution, and that they are critical for understanding the response of the magnetosphere–ionosphere system to enhancements in convection, including understanding the earthward penetration of the plasma sheet. This earthward penetration is critical to geomagnetic disturbance phenomena such as the substorm growth phase and the formation of the stormtime ring current. Additionally, for one example, a prompt electric field response to the IMF southward turnings is seen within the inner plasma sheet.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present results derived from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the response of the magnetosphere to magnetic clouds. The simulations were driven with solar wind data from 10 January 1997 and 4 May 1998. Both periods were major magnetic storms. We find that during moderate periods of magnetic merging between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and the magnetospheric magnetic field, the simulated magnetosphere responds with a loading–unloading behavior characteristic of substorms. However, during periods of strong, sustained, southward IMF, the simulation evolves to a directly driven state, without the loading–unloading component. This behavior is the same as that of the real magnetosphere (Bargatze, L.F., Baker, D.N., McPherron, R.L., Hones, E.W., Jr., 1985. Magnetospheric response for many levels of geomagnetic activity. J. Geophys. Res., 90, 6387–6394), thus providing compelling evidence that the simulation is accurately representing the fundamental features of solar wind–magnetosphere coupling.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The process of resonant transformation of fast magnetosonic (FMS) waves originating from the solar wind in Alfvén and slow magnetosonic (SMS) oscillations in the...  相似文献   

A statistical investigation of the location of onset of intermediate and gyrating ion populations in the Earths foreshock is presented based on Fixed Voltage Analyzer data from ISEE 1. This study reveals the existence of a spatial boundary for intermediate and gyrating ion populations that coincides with the reported ULF wave boundary. This boundary position in the Earths foreshock depends strongly upon the magnetic cone angle BX and appears well defined for relatively large cone angles, though not for small cone angles. As reported in a previous study of the ULF wave boundary, the position of the intermediate-gyrating ion boundary is not compatible with a fixed growth rate of the waves resulting from the interaction between a uniform beam and the ambient plasma. The present work examines the momentum associated with protons which travel along this boundary, and we show that the variation of the boundary position (or equivalently, the associated particle momentum) with the cone angle is related to classical acceleration mechanisms at the bow shock surface. The same functional behavior as a function of the cone angle is obtained for the momentum predicted by an acceleration model and for the particle momentum associated with the boundary. However, the model predicts systematically larger values of the momentum than the observation related values by a constant amount; we suggest that this difference may be due to some momentum exchange between the incident solar-wind population and the backstreaming particles through a wave-particle interaction resulting from a beam plasma instability.  相似文献   

Vertical coupling in the low-latitude atmosphere–ionosphere system driven by the 5-day Rossby W1 and 6-day Kelvin E1 waves in the low-latitude MLT region has been investigated. Three different types of data were analysed in order to detect and extract the ∼6-day wave signals. The National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) geopotential height and zonal wind data at two pressure levels, 30 and 10 hPa, were used to explore the features of the ∼6-day waves present in the stratosphere during the period from 1 July to 31 December 2004. The ∼6-day wave activity was identified in the neutral MLT winds by radar measurements located at four equatorial and three tropical stations. The ∼6-day variations in the ionospheric electric currents (registered by perturbations in the geomagnetic field) were detected in the data from 26 magnetometer stations situated at low latitudes. The analysis shows that the global ∼6-day Kelvin E1 and ∼6-day Rossby W1 waves observed in the low-latitude MLT region are most probably vertically propagating from the stratosphere. The global ∼6-day W1 and E1 waves seen in the ionospheric electric currents are caused by the simultaneous ∼6-day wave activity in the MLT region. The main forcing agent in the equatorial MLT region seems to be the waves themselves, whereas in the tropical MLT region the modulated tides are also of importance.  相似文献   

First results are presented from a 3-D, time dependent, high resolution, nested grid model that has been developed to study mesoscale processes in the global, coupled thermosphere–ionosphere system. This new Thermosphere–Ionosphere Nested Grid (TING) model, which is an extension of the National Center for Atmospheric Researchs thermosphere–ionosphere general circulation model (NCAR–TIGCM), runs on a UNIX workstation. The TING model simultaneously calculates global (coarse resolution) and local (high resolution) distributions of neutral and plasma winds, temperature and composition. It is comprised of two coupled codes—a global TIGCM and an adjustable nested grid code which uses the same solvers as the TIGCM, but has higher spatial and temporal resolution. The size, location and level of nesting of the high resolution grid(s) are adjustable to suit the specific application. The coupling between the coarse (TIGCM) grid and the nested interior grids is via a one-way interaction scheme. In this scheme, the TIGCM output influences the nested grid model by providing initial conditions and temporally evolving boundary conditions, but the outputs from the nested grid are not permitted to influence the TIGCM. Diurnally-reproducible results of the TING model are presented for solar-maximum, winter solstice, geomagnetically-quiet conditions. The TING model successfully simulates well-known thermosphere–ionosphere features that are smeared or not modeled at the spatial resolutions used in standard TIGCMs. These include the sub-auroral electron density trough, the polar cap hole and the polar cap tongue of ionization.  相似文献   

The Northern current is the main circulation feature of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. While the large-scale to mesoscale variability of the northern current (NC) is well known and widely documented for the Ligurian region, off Nice or along the Gulf of Lions shelf, few is known about the current instabilities and its associated mesoscale dynamics in the intermediate area, off Toulon. Here, we took advantage of an oceanographic cruise of opportunity, the start of a HF radar monitoring programme in the Toulon area and the availability of regular satellite sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a data, to evaluate the realism of a NEMO-based regional high-resolution model and the added value brought by HF radar. The combined analysis of a 1/64° configuration, named GLAZUR64, and of all data sets revealed the occurrence of an anticyclonic coastal trapped eddy, generated inside a NC meander and passing the Toulon area during the field campaign. We show that this anticyclonic eddy is advected downstream along the French Riviera up to the study region and disturbs the Northern current flow. This study aims to show the importance of combining observations and modelling when dealing with mesoscale processes, as well as the importance of high-resolution modelling.  相似文献   

Over two campaigns in 1998 and 1999, multiple sporadic sodium events were observed by the Arecibo Observatory sodium density lidar while simultaneously monitoring the plasma density using the incoherent scatter radar. In this paper, we test the theoretical explanation proposed by Cox and Plane (1998) where Na+ in a plasma layer is neutralized via an ion–molecule mechanism to form a sporadic sodium layer. A particular challenge is to interpret observations made in a Eulerian frame of observation where the spatial and temporal characteristics of events cannot easily be separated. The reaction scheme in the original mechanism is modified to include the reactions NaO++N2→Na+·N2+O and NaO++O2→Na++O3, following the results of theoretical quantum calculations. Six unique case studies of sporadic sodium layers are presented here, and excellent agreement between simulation and observations was obtained for five of them.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the study of the generation of the equatorial noise—electromagnetic emission below the LHR frequency observed near the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere at distances of ~4RE. According to accepted views, the generation of the equatorial noise is related to the instability of ring current protons. In this work, a logarithmic distribution of energetic protons over the magnetic moment with an empty loss cone is proposed, and arguments for the formation of such a distribution are presented. The main result of the work is the calculation and analysis of the instability growth rate of waves forming the equatorial noise. The growth rate obtained in this work significantly differs from that encountered in the literature.  相似文献   

In view of composition measurements in the night-time equatorial ionosphere, the role of molecular ions on the collisional Rayleigh–Taylor instability is examined using a linear perturbation analysis and a growth rate expression in the presence of double-ion species is obtained. The expression reveals that the growth rate depends on the number densities of both the ion species. This is in contrast to a single ionic constituent wherein the growth rate is independent of number density. The numerical calculation under realistic conditions reveals that the growth rate of the instability reduces with the introduction of the second dominant ion species and never exceeds the growth rate corresponding to a single ionic constituent. Further, the growth of the plasma instability is feasible even when the scale length of the second dominant ion is negative.  相似文献   

Using daily distributions of noctilucent cloud fields obtained for 2007–2012 by the AIM satellite, we analyzed temporal changes in the area of the global field of mesospheric noctilucent clouds. These clouds have been shown to be characterized by some common features that can be approximated mathematically by simple functions reflecting the seasonal course of the temperature and humidity regime of the high-latitude mesosphere, allowing a clear physical interpretation. We discuss the specific features of changes in the cloud field area for individual seasons.  相似文献   

We study a set of 47 nightside inverted-V events using the Freja F7 (Two-dimensional Electron Spectrometer; TESP) electron detector. For each data point, we determine the peak potential, the source plasma density and temperature, and the field-aligned current density. We show that the temperature and peak potential are correlated, which is in line with previous studies: the temperature is on the average 3.3 times smaller than eV, where V is the peak potential. On the contrary, the current density is statistically quite independent of the potential. Thus, based on Freja F7 data, the observational current–voltage relationship is that the current is constant with respect to the voltage in an average sense. The formation of a parallel electric field, represented by the voltage, is more related to the source plasma density and temperature and density than the current. Our results concern energies up to 8.7 keV.  相似文献   

Global GPS-derived ionosphere maps (GIM) of total electron content (TEC) were transformed into magnetic latitude (MLAT) versus magnetic local time (MLT) frame. TEC enhancement or depletion marked by W index show dominant electron content depressions and the ionosphere–plasmasphere storms increasing by nighttime, at high magnetic latitudes and over the crests of equatorial anomaly. Based on W maps, the planetary Wp index was produced and used for derivation of a catalogue of more than 140 TEC storms during 1999–2009. In total 33 space weather intense storms and 35 moderate storms are revealed with four series of indices (AE, Ap, Dst and Wp) but more than half Wp storms were either partially overlapping in time with magnetic storm or observed autonomously under non-storm magnetosphere conditions. Relation between an annual number of intense Dst storms and Wp storms has been used for their prediction towards the peak of the forthcoming 24th solar cycle.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of studies of wave disturbances in the electron concentration N in the ionosphere during a prominent geospace storm, in the process of which the electron concentration decreased by a factor of 6–7, whereas the temperatures of ions and electrons at night increased up to 2000 and 3000 K, respectively. The height-time variations in the parameters of wave disturbances are also analyzed. It is shown that the geospace storm was accompanied by a substantial change in wave activity in the ionosphere. In the period of negative ionospheric storms, the amplitude Δ N decreased by a factor of 2–10. At the same time, the relative amplitude δ N = ΔN/N changed insignificantly and was within the limits 0.05–0.10 during day-time. At night, δ N reached 0.25–0.30 and sometimes even 0.4–0.5. During both disturbed and undisturbed days, quasi-periodic processes with a period of 40–60 and 80–120 min prevailed. The maximum values of the absolute and relative amplitudes were achieved at a height of 200–270 km. A soliton-like disturbance formed near the main phase of the magnetic storm on November 10, 2004 was detected. Its appearance was related to the oblique coherent reflection of sounding signals.  相似文献   

The statistical features of the magnetic field and ion flux fluctuations in the boundary regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere have been studied on different timescales based on the Interball satellite measurements. Changes in the form and parameters of the probability density function have been studied for the periods when the satellite was in the solar wind plasma, different magnetosheath regions, and the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) at the polar cusp outer boundary. Variations in the probability density function maximum (P 0) and the kurtosis value as characteristics of the turbulence property evolution on different timescales have been studied. Two asymptotic regimes of P 0, which are characterized by different power laws, have been found. The structural functions of different orders and the types of diffusion processes in different regions, depending on time variations in the generalized diffusion coefficient, have been studied in order to analyze the character of diffusion processes. For the magnetosheath regions, TBL, and polar cusp, it has been found that the diffusion coefficient increases in the course of time (i.e., the regime of superdiffusion has been obtained). In the foreshock region before the main shock, turbulent processes are described by the Kolmogorov model of classical diffusion.  相似文献   

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