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基于流域DEM对各个集水区进行划分,提取流域沟壑长度、平均高程、平均坡度等信息,并运用EXCEL、SPSS对这些信息进行分析处理,计算出沟壑密度、流域相对高程、面积-高程积分值,并结合流域侵蚀产沙数据以及实地考察情况,借助地貌学的相关理论,分析流域不同区域内、不同尺度流域地貌发育及侵蚀产沙情况.研究发现,流域左右两岸支流的发育数目、形状受邻近流域的影响;面积-高程积分值的大小能反应流域的地貌现状与侵蚀趋势,蛇家沟与岔巴沟的面积-高程积分值分别为0.547 5、0.463 7,但面积-高程积分值的大小及变化趋势还与流域最低点是否达到基岩有关;沟壑发育分为长度发育与宽度发育两个阶段,沟壑密度只是衡量地貌的一个重要指标,沟壑密度对流域侵蚀产沙的影响与沟壑的发育阶段有关;一般情况下产沙模数的大小与流域面积大小没有直接的关系,主要看流域内的地貌的发育阶段.  相似文献   

以往坡、沟侵蚀关系研究主要限于水沙关系的探讨 ,有关原型尺度小流域坡、沟地貌侵蚀演化关系的定量研究甚少 ,尤其是坡、沟地貌特征对流域切割程度的综合影响与交互作用的定量研究尚属空白。本文在 3S技术支持下 ,根据晋西王家沟小流域 196 7年 1∶5 0 0 0正摄影像图 (DOM )、高程数字化模型 (DEM )和同期、同比例尺地形图 ,利用正交多项式回归分析方法 ,定量分析了坡、沟地貌特征对流域切割程度的影响与交互作用。研究表明 ,沟谷地在流域地貌演化及地表切割程度中起主导作用 ,在沟间地面积相同时 ,沟谷地面积约为0 1km2 是影响流域切割裂度侵蚀演化强度最大的区域 ,流域面积愈小影响流域地表破碎的程度最大。其沟道流域坡、沟地貌演化机制可用坡、沟水流动能的地貌指标的综合影响与交互作用来解释  相似文献   

黄河中游流域地貌形态对流域产沙量的影响   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
卢金发 《地理研究》2002,21(2):171-178
在黄河中游地区 ,选择了 5 0多个面积约 5 0 0~ 2 5 0 0平方公里的水文测站流域 ,分别代表 6种不同自然地理类型 ,在流域沟壑密度、沟间地坡度小于 15°面积百分比等地貌形态指标量计的基础上 ,进行了流域产沙量与地貌形态指标相关分析。结果表明 ,对于不同类型流域 ,流域产沙量随流域地貌的变化遵循不同的响应规律 ,而且视流域其它下垫面环境条件的均一程度 ,其相关程度和响应速率各不相同。受地面物质、植被、地貌发育阶段等流域其它下垫面环境条件的制约 ,除沟壑密度外 ,流域产沙量与流域地貌形态的关系都没有人们以前所预期的好。  相似文献   

地貌演化是地貌学研究的重要内容之一。通过选择若干反映地貌演化特征综合性较强的指标,以30 m分辨率的DEM数据为基础,对内蒙古十大孔兑流域的地貌演化格局进行了研究。在借助灰色GM(1,1)模型对研究区地貌演化特征的空间变化规律进行分析的同时,进一步结合构造活动、岩性特征及气候演变对孔兑流域地貌景观的成因机制及形成效应进行了探讨。结果表明:十大孔兑各流域目前除罕台川为接近壮年期的幼年地貌以及壕庆河为老年期地貌之外尚处于壮年期演化阶段,孔兑流域在未来较长时期内产沙潜力仍然巨大,其入黄泥沙中来自上游砒砂岩区的粗砂及库布齐沙漠沙分别在长短期尺度上扮演着重要角色;孔兑区所受的内外营力对抗作用或侵蚀强度以西部大于东部、中上游区表现突出为特点,其原因主要与西侧地表隆升程度较高有关,而降雨的空间差异对地貌演化效应的影响相对较小;与之相反,主沟纵剖面却以东部流域演化程度较高为特点,这主要与东部地表本身抬升程度低而慢有关,其次与东部降雨量略多以及岩性特征可能也存在一定关系。此外,从地貌景观的西高东低格局的形成时间考虑,其演化和发育时间主要集中在第四纪以来,期间由于气候变化可能经历过若干次“慢-快”发育的交互变化过程。  相似文献   

喀斯特流域水系分形, 熵及其地貌意义   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
梁虹  卢娟 《地理科学》1997,7(4):310-315
把分形理论和熵有机地结合起来,系统地研究了喀斯特流域和非喀斯特流域的干谷水系、常流水系和地下水系的分形结构及其熵的地貌意义,初步揭示了流域水系的形成与地貌发育演化之间的关系,认为仅利用水系的分维值来分析地貌演化是不够的,还应考虑流域水系的熵值变化.  相似文献   

基于DEM,分别以不同的沟壑发育所需的汇水面积为阈值,提取岔巴沟流域等6个不同空间尺度流域的沟壑.并求出不同级别沟壑的差值.结合黄河子洲观测站多年的水沙观测资料,分析不同级别的沟壑及沟壑的不同部位在不同时间尺度下对流域侵蚀产沙的影响.分析结果表明:沟壑密度并不是简单地随着流域面积的增大而减小.沟壑密度的空间尺度效应与所提取沟壑的级别有关;黄土丘陵沟壑区梁峁坡、沟坡的次暴雨产沙量占流域产沙总量的比重与降雨特性有关;重力侵蚀多发生在毛沟的中、上部及沟头处,而支沟、干沟主干道的沟坡比较稳定,且其发生的重力侵蚀对流域产沙的影响多为"无效"部分;沟壑发育汇水面积的阈值为1500、1800、2000个栅格提取的沟壑对流域侵蚀产沙的作用较大,同时沟壑对流域侵蚀产沙的影响与时间尺度有关,在多年平均尺度下,高级别沟壑只起到泥沙输送通道的作用.  相似文献   

祁连山北麓地貌信息熵与山体演化阶段分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用定量化的手段分析地貌演化的阶段和趋势,是地貌学研究领域的一个重大的理论课题。在地理信息系统软件ArcGIS和ArcView的支持下,利用数字高程模型提取祁连山北麓的河网和流域。利用Strahler积分计算了各个流域的地貌信息熵,按照主夷平面的高度将祁连山北麓的各个流域分为不同的部分,它们具有不同的地貌信息熵值。结果显示,祁连山地区正在进入戴维斯侵蚀旋回的幼年期阶段。  相似文献   

黄土高原流域地貌系统的地貌演化特征十分复杂,尚有诸多科学问题有待进一步深入研究。以往研究大多集中在流域地貌演化的侵蚀和发育特征等某一方面,缺乏从流域地貌系统及其势能信息熵的视角深入剖析野外多岩土层黄土小流域地貌演化特征的研究。为此,基于系统论的观点和方法,构建多岩土层黄土小流域地貌系统及其势能信息熵的数学模型,并以辛店沟小流域为例,对其地貌演化特征进行研究。结果表明:(1)构建的野外多岩土层黄土小流域地貌系统的概念模型及其势能信息熵的数学模型能够有效对辛店沟小流域进行数值模拟。(2)以黄土侵蚀作用为主的辛店沟小流域从2000—2019年的地貌演化过程是其势能信息熵的熵减过程和黄土地貌不断侵蚀的过程。(3)辛店沟小流域的势能信息熵能较好地反映该小流域的地貌演化阶段和地貌侵蚀过程。  相似文献   

一种基于数学形态学的沟壑密度提取算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沟壑密度是反映地表破碎程度的重要因子 ,在土壤侵蚀、地貌演变等研究中有重要作用。本文介绍基于数学形态学的沟壑密度提取算法 ,从TM影像中提取沟谷线信息 ,从而有效地解决了土壤侵蚀评价中下垫面表征因子提取问题。并以黄河流域某小流域沟壑密度的计算作了实例验证。  相似文献   

地貌信息熵在地震后泥石流危险性评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地貌信息熵可以表示流域地貌面受侵蚀的程度,是判断地貌发育演化阶段的量化指标之一。基于流域系统地貌信息熵的原理和方法,采用GIS技术和Matlab、SPSS软件,对"5·12"汶川地震后都江堰市深溪沟流域内41个子流域的面积-高程积分值和地貌信息熵进行计算,研究了各个子流域的地貌发育演化基本特征和泥石流发育情况,并将分析结果和地震后野外实际调查的成果进行了对比研究,结果表明:在烈度为Ⅺ的都江堰深溪沟地震重灾区,地震引发的大量崩塌、滑坡导致松散固体物质广泛堆积于沟道内,不仅为泥石流提供丰富的物源,而且使沟道局部的地貌发生了突变,但通过"地貌信息熵"这种方法无法表达丰富物源的变化和沟道地貌的突变,因此,根据地貌信息熵判断地震后泥石流的危险性具有一定的局限性。为了使地震区泥石流危险性评价的结果更加真实、可靠与可信,必须结合流域的实际情况,对地貌信息熵判定的危险性结果进行综合分析与修正,或者通过多种评价方法进行对比论证和分析。  相似文献   

Gully erosion in the Black Soil Region of China has posed a threat to food security. This study aimed to determine the spatial distribution and morphologic characteristics of gullies in the region and their topographic thresholds. A 28 km2 watershed was surveyed and 117 gullies measured. The results showed that: (1) Gullies were distributed equally on both hillslope and valley floor positions, with a total gully density of .66 km/km2. (2) The mean depth, width, and cross-sectional area of gullies were .74 m, 2.39 m, and 2.43 m2, respectively. These characteristics varied among gullies according to their topographic positions and slope gradients. Individual gully volume (V) was well predicted from gully length (L) by V = 2.08L0.96 (r2 = .66). Total gully volume (V) of each sub-watershed was predicted from mean slope gradient (S) and drainage area (A) as V = 275800S ? 8600A (r2 = .73). (3) Gully erosion was more serious in steeper sub-watersheds and steeper hillslope positions. Gullies were wider in regions with relatively larger drainage areas, except for those developed in the main valley. The topographic threshold for gully initiation was S = .10A?0.34, which indicated gully erosion was dominated by surface runoff. (4) Human activities, such as road construction, played a significant role in gully erosion.  相似文献   

Medium-term evolution of a gully developed in a loess-derived soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Field surveys in the Belgian loess belt revealed the presence in many forested areas of large, permanent gully systems, most of which are currently inactive. In cultivated areas, such gullies can only be observed in cross-sectional soil profiles through hollows, as virtually all such large gullies are currently infilled with colluvium. Little is known about the spatial distribution, initiation and temporal evolution of these large, permanent gully systems on loess-derived soils. Therefore, the medium-term evolution of a gully initiated in a cultivated area on loess-derived soils southwest of Leuven (Belgium) in May–June 1986, was studied over 13 years. Two intense rainfall events created this (ephemeral) gully, which was not erased by subsequent tillage. Between June 1986 and the December 1999, eight field surveys were conducted to measure gully dimensions. During two surveys, topographic indices (e.g., slope and drainage area) were also measured. Daily rainfall for the measuring period were obtained from a rainfall station located some 10 km southwest of the gully. Analysis of rainfall data showed that no extreme rainfall event was required to initiate such large (permanent) gullies, as observed in forested areas and through cross-sectional profiles in cultivated fields in the Belgian loess belt. Return periods of the event that caused the gully varied between <1 year and 25 years, depending on the assumptions used for defining event rain intensity. Once established, length, surface area and volume of the studied gully evolved with time, cumulative rainfall or cumulative runoff, following a negative exponential relation. This accords with observations reported for gullies in Australia and the USA. This study shows that a degressive increase of gully extension, can be largely explained by the evolution of a “slope–drainage area” factor (S×A, which is proportional to stream power) with time. While gully length and gully surface area asymptotically evolve towards a final value, gully volume decreased at a given point in time. From this, it is inferred that sediment deposition will potentially infill the gully to such an extent that the farmer can drive across it. From this moment on, the combined effect of water and tillage erosion in the gully drainage area, will lead towards rapid infilling. This expected evolution of a gully in cultivated fields accords with observations of large infilled gully systems in cultivated areas in eastern Belgium. The permanent gullies observed under forest are attributed to the fact that after severe gully erosion, this area was reforested or abandoned. Therefore, the sediment source was cut off and the gully was not filled in by sediment deposition.  相似文献   


Characterizing gully cross sections (GCs) is essential for calculating the volume and erosion rate of the gully. However, little research has focused on modeling the morphology of GCs. This study investigated 456 GCs with a laser distance meter located at the mouth, middle, and head of 152 gullies in the Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley of China; mapped them with AutoCAD software; fitted them with 2nd–6th degree polynomial functions, and discussed the correlation between the coefficients and the morphology of GCs. The results showed that: (1) using a 2nd-degree polynomial function (y = ax2 + bx + c) to describe the morphology of GCs produced a better result than other polynomial functions; (2) the coefficient a of 2nd-degree polynomial function was correlated with depth (r = ?0.226, p < 0.01), gradient (r = 0.545, p < 0.01), and activities; and (3) the symmetry axis (?b/2a) of 2nd-degree polynomial function increased with gully change from left-deflection to right-skewed, and the absolute value showed the asymmetrical degree (r = 0.216, p < 0.01). This study will not only help to understand the morphology and evolution of gullies, but will also provide a scientific basis for prevention of gully erosion.  相似文献   

A data set on soil losses and controlling factors for 58 ephemeral gullies has been collected in the Belgian loess belt from March 1997 to March 1999. Of the observed ephemeral gullies, 32 developed at the end of winter or in early spring (winter gullies) and 26 ephemeral gullies developed during summer (summer gullies). The assessed data have been used to test the physically based Ephemeral Gully Erosion Model (EGEM) and to compare its performance with the value of simple topographical and morphological indices in the prediction of ephemeral gully erosion.Analysis shows that EGEM is not capable of predicting ephemeral gully cross-sections well. Although conditions for input parameter assessment were ideal, some parameters such as channel erodibility, critical flow shear stress and local rainfall depth showed great uncertainty. Rather than revealing EGEM's inability of predicting ephemeral gully erosion, this analysis stresses the problematic nature of physically based models, since they often require input parameters that are not available or can hardly be obtained.With respect to the value of simple topographical and morphological indices in predicting ephemeral gully erosion, this study shows that for winter gullies and summer gullies, respectively, over 80% and about 75% of the variation in ephemeral gully volume can be explained when ephemeral gully length is known. Moreover, when previously collected data for ephemeral gullies in two Mediterranean study areas and the data for summer gullies formed in the Belgian loess belt are pooled, it appears that one single length (L)–volume (V) relation exists (V=0.048 L1.29; R2=0.91). These findings imply that predicting ephemeral gully length is a valuable alternative for the prediction of ephemeral gully volume. A simple procedure to predict ephemeral gully length based on topographical thresholds is presented here. Secondly, the empirical length–volume relation can also be used to convert ephemeral gully length data extracted from aerial photos into ephemeral gully volumes.  相似文献   

东北漫岗黑土区切沟侵蚀发育特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
随着人们对土壤侵蚀空间尺度认识的加深, 发育在更大空间尺度上的切沟愈来愈受到重视。切沟是土壤侵蚀的重要组成部分, 但现有的土壤侵蚀模型尚未包括切沟侵蚀部分。本研究利用高精度差分GPS, 在对东北典型漫岗黑土区切沟监测的基础上, 借助GIS 平台生成DEM, 通过DEM 的叠加分析, 探讨了沟内蚀积变化特征。并在此基础上, 提出了东北切沟侵蚀的概念模型, 认为冬春季冻融侵蚀产生沟内堆积-雨季径流产生侵蚀的过程可能是该区切沟发育的一种重要模式。  相似文献   

This study assessed gully erosion susceptibility in Southern Gombe State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: (1) prepare gully inventory of Southern Gombe State, (2) apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process to assess the contribution of gully erosion predisposing factors, and (3) produce a gully erosion susceptibility map of Southern Gombe State. Based on geomorphological study involving interpretation of Google Earth images and field surveys, 127 gullies were identified and 13 gully erosion predisposing factors assumed to influence gully erosion susceptibility were selected. Identified gullies were randomly split into training (89 or 70 per cent) and validation (38 or 30 per cent) datasets. The contribution of each gully erosion predisposing factor was obtained using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. The results indicated that slope (0.130), stream density (0.121), and distance from stream (0.121) play crucial roles in gully erosion susceptibility. By overlaying the gully erosion susceptibility factor maps, a gully erosion susceptibility map was created. A natural break method was then used to classify gully erosion areas into relatively safe (6.04 km2), less susceptible (3332.46 km2), moderately susceptible (1811.49 km2), highly susceptible (1146.35 km2), and extremely susceptible (1726.77 km2) categories. Field verification confirmed that the map accurately classified 92.11 per cent of the validation datasets, signifying the Analytical Hierarchy Process as a reliable method for gully erosion susceptibility assessment. The created gully erosion susceptibility map can assist land planners to identify critical gully erosion areas where prevention and mitigation actions should be implemented.  相似文献   

中国东北漫岗黑土区切沟侵蚀发育特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, short-term gully retreat was monitored from the active gullies selected in representative black soil area, using differential global positioning system (GPS). With the support of geographic information system (GIS), multi-temporal digital elevation models (DEM) were constructed from the data collected by GPS and used for further analysis. Based on the analysis of multi-temporal DEM, we discussed the erosion-deposition characteristics within gully and a developing model for black soil gully area of Northeast China was proposed. The results are: (1) The analysis of the monitored gully data in 2004 indicated that the retreat of gully head reached more than 10 m, gully area extended 170–400 m2, net gully eroded volume 220–320 m3, and gully erosion modulus 2200–4800 t·km−2·a−1. (2) Compared with the mature gully the initial gully grows rapidly, and its erosion parameters are relatively large. The erosion parameters have not only to do with flow energy, but also with the growth phase. (3) There are significant seasonal differences in gully erosion parameters. The extension of gully area and width dominates in winter and spring without marked net erosion while changes mainly occur in gully head and net erosion in rainy season. (4) It is remarkable for freeze-thaw erosion in the black soil area of NE China. The gully wall of SG2 extended 0.45 m under freeze-thaw effect in 2004, and the distance of gully head retreated maximally 6.4 m. (5) Due to freeze-thaw action and snowmelt, gully is primarily in the interior adjustment process in winter and early spring. There are much more depositions compared with that during rainy season, which can almost happen throughout the gully, while erosion mostly occurs near head, esp. for gullies having a relatively long history of development. On the other hand, the process of energy exchange with exterior dominates in rainy season. It is considered that this cyclic process is an important mechanism for gully growth in high latitude or/and high attitude regions. Foundation: Key Project for National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40235056; The Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, No.20030027015; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, No.20070410482; Doctoral Foundation of University of Jinan, No.B0620; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40672158; Key Subject Foundation Supported by Shandong Province Author: Hu Gang (1976–), Ph.D and Associate Professor, specialized in soil erosion, environmental evolution and regional planning.  相似文献   


With the recent technological advances offered by SfM-photogrammetry, we now have the possibility to study gully erosion at very high spatial and temporal scales from multi-temporal DEMs, and thus to enhance our understanding of both gully erosion processes and controls. Here, we examine gully degradation and aggradation at a gully headcut and at four re-incisions along a gully reach in Northern Ethiopia. Environmental controls recorded are topography rainfall, runoff, land use and cover, land management, and soil characteristics. The overall vulnerability of the catchment to erosion is low as calculated from the RUSLE (average 11.83 t ha?1 y?1). This reflects the successful land management of the past years. The runoff coefficient was on average 7.3% (maximum 18.2%). Runoff events caused most geomorphic change in the gully, but slumping of the gully bank also occurred on dry days. Most geomorphic change was caused by one major rainfall event of 54.8 mm d?1, and smaller runoff events caused both degradation and aggradation, often asynchronous between studied sites. Although most research focuses on gully heads alone, re-incisions at lower locations can still cause important gully degradation, which ultimately will reach the gully head and cause instability.  相似文献   

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