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We present measurements of the vertical aerosol structure and the aerosol optical depth in the lower troposphere performed above the city of Sofia (an urban area situated in a mountain valley), western Bulgaria by means of a ground-based aerosol lidar operating continuously for a number of years. The lidar measurements were accompanied by measurements of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) in the visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum performed in October 2004 using Microtops II radiometers. The maximum values of the AOD were found to occur 1–2 h before the complete development of the atmospheric boundary layer, i.e. during the residual layer destruction, which confirms our hypothesis concerning the slope circulation effect on the processes taking place in the atmospheric boundary layer. The AOD values obtained by the lidar are lower than those taken by the sun photometer. Further, the AOD exhibits two different types of behaviour. In the case of a ‘clear atmosphere’ (i.e. in the absence of volcanic eruptions and/or dust transport from the Sahara) most of the aerosol accumulated within the atmospheric boundary layer over the urban area considered. The combined use of the two instruments allows the comparison between the optical characteristics of the atmospheric aerosol (e.g. aerosol extinction coefficient, etc.) obtained by the lidar and through an independent method (sun photometer).  相似文献   

The quality of lidar and sodar wind estimates is generally judged through comparisons with mast-mounted instruments, and the resulting regressions. Evaluation of the relative merits of lidars versus sodars is complicated by the fact that lidars are generally placed close to a mast whereas sodars are generally placed some distance from a mast so that acoustic reflections off the mast are reduced. This leads to the two technologies, lidar and sodar, not being compared in similar situations. Differences arising from the two geometries can be expected to be larger in complex terrain, where the wind regime can vary significantly spatially. The current work explores these differences in moderately complex terrain. Lidar–mast comparisons are performed with the lidar close to an 80 m mast, and sodar–mast comparisons performed with the sodar 300 m from the mast. Systematic variations in estimated wind speed are found to occur with height, consistent with predictions from a simple flow model. When the lidar was moved to the sodar location, further from the mast, there were significant changes in the estimated wind speeds and a reduction in correlation with the mast-based wind speeds, as expected. However, the correlation between collocated lidar and sodar winds was high. This finding emphasizes that any comparison of two remote sensing instruments needs to be through similar experiments, and that differences in accuracy often reported for the lidar and sodar technologies are likely to be contaminated due to poor comparison configurations. A method was devised to simulate the sodar being collocated with the mast, by using the lidar–sodar measurements and the lidar–mast measurements. It was found that there was then no statistically detectable difference between lidar–mast regressions and sodar–mast regressions for the particular lidar and sodar tested. Both remote sensing instruments were also found to be good estimators of Weibull parameters, as compared with those derived from mast data. The conclusion is that the sodar measured the winds above the sodar with a similar accuracy to the lidar measuring winds above the lidar.  相似文献   

Airborne measurements of pure Saharan dust extinction and backscatter coefficients, the corresponding lidar ratio and the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) have been performed during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment 2006, with a high spectral resolution lidar. Dust layers were found to range from ground up to 4–6 km above sea level (asl). Maximum AOT values at 532 nm, encountered within these layers during the DLR Falcon research flights were 0.50–0.55. A significant horizontal variability of the AOT south of the High Atlas mountain range was observed even in cases of a well-mixed dust layer. High vertical variations of the dust lidar ratio of 38–50 sr were observed in cases of stratified dust layers. The variability of the lidar ratio was attributed to dust advection from different source regions. The aerosol depolarization ratio was about 30% at 532 nm during all measurements and showed only marginal vertical variations.  相似文献   

The height of the atmospheric boundary layer is derived with the help of two different measuring systems and methods. From radiosoundings the boundary layer height is determined by the parcel method and by temperature and humidity gradients. From lidar backscatter measurements a combination of the averaging variance method and the high-resolution gradient method is used to determine boundary layer heights. In this paper lidar-derived boundary layer heights on a 10 min basis are presented. Datasets from four experiments – two over land and two over the sea – are used to compare boundary layer heights from both methods. Only the daytime boundary layer is investigated because the height of the nighttime stable boundary layer is below the range of the lidar. In many situations the boundary layer heights from both systems coincide within ±200 m. This corresponds to the standard deviation of lidar-derived 10-min values within a 1-h interval and is due to the time and space variability of the boundary layer height. Deviations appear for certain situations and depend on which radiosonde method is applied. The parcel method fails over land surfaces in the afternoon when the boundary layer stabilizes and over the ocean when the boundary layer is slightly stable. An automatic radiosonde gradient method sometimes fails when multiple layers are present, e.g. a residual layer above the growing convective boundary layer. The lidar method has the advantage of continuous tracing and thus avoids confusion with elevated layers. On the other hand, it mostly fails in situations with boundary layer clouds  相似文献   

The biomass carbon (C) stock of forests is one of key parameters for the study of regional and global carbon cycles. Literature reviews shows that inventory-based forest C stocks documented for major countries in the middle and high northern latitudes fall within a narrow range of 36–56 Mg C ha−1 with an overall area-weighted mean of 43.6 Mg C ha−1. These estimates are 0.40 to 0.71 times smaller than those (61–108 Mg C ha−1) used in previous analysis of balancing the global carbon budget. A statistical analysis, using the global forest biomass database, implies that aboveground biomass per hectare is proportional to forest mean height [biomass in Mg/ha = 10.63 (height in m)] in closed-canopy forests in the study regions, indicating that forest height can be a proxy of regional biomass C stocks. The narrow range of C stocks is likely a result of similar forest height across the northern regions. The lower biomass C stock obtained in this study strongly suggests that the role of the northern forests in the global carbon cycle needs to be re-evaluated. Our findings also suggest that regional estimates of biomass could be readily made from the use of satellite methods such as lidar that can measure forest canopy height over large regions.  相似文献   

Lidar Measurements of Aerosols in the Tropical Atmosphere   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Measurements of atmospheric aerosols and trace gases using the Laser radar (lidar) techniques, have been in pro-gress since 1985 at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (18o32’N, 73o51’E, 559 m AMSL), India. These observations carried out during nighttime in the lower atmosphere (up to 5.5 km AGL), employing an Argon ion / Helium-Neon lidar provided information on the nature, size, concentration and other characteristics of the constituents present in the tropical atmosphere. The time-height variations in aerosol concentration and associated layer structure exhibit marked differences between the post-sunset and pre-sunrise periods besides their seasonal va-riation with maximum concentration during pre-monsoon / winter and minimum concentration during monsoon months. These observations also revealed the influence of the terrain of the experimental site and some selected me-teorological parameters on the aerosol vertical distributions. The special observations of aerosol vertical profiles ob-tained in the nighttime atmospheric boundary layer during October 1986 through September 1989 showed that the most probable occurrence of mixing depth lies between 450 and 550 m, and the multiple stably stratified aerosol lay-ers present above the mixing depth with maximum frequency of occurrence at around 750 m. This information on nighttime mixing depth / stable layer derived from lidar aerosol observations showed good agreement with the height of the ground-based shear layer / elevated layer observed by the simultaneously operated sodar at the lidar site.  相似文献   

We question the correlation between vertical velocity (w) on the one hand and the occurrence of convective plumes in lidar reflectivity (i.e. range corrected backscatter signal Pz 2) and depolarization ratio (Δ) on the other hand in the convective boundary layer (CBL). Thermal vertical motion is directly investigated using vertical velocities measured by a ground-based Doppler lidar operating at 2 μm. This lidar provides also simultaneous measurements of lidar reflectivity. In addition, a second lidar 200 m away provides reflectivities at 0.53 and 1 μm and depolarization ratio at 0.53 μm. The time series from the two lidars are analyzed in terms of linear correlation coefficient (ρ). The main result is that the plume-like structures provided by lidar reflectivity within the CBL as well as the CBL height are not a clear signature of updrafts. It is shown that the lidar reflectivity within the CBL is frequently anti-correlated (ρ (w, Pz 2 )) with the vertical velocity. On the contrary, the correlation coefficient between the depolarization ratio and the vertical velocity ρ (w, Δ ) is always positive, showing that the depolarization ratio is a fair tracer of updrafts. The importance of relative humidity on the correlation coefficient is discussed. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of dust key optical properties are presented from measurements during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) by Raman and depolarization lidar at two ground-based sites and by airborne high spectral resolution lidar. One of the sites, Tinfou, is located close to the border of the Sahara in Southern Morocco and was the main in situ site during SAMUM. The other site was Ouarzazate airport, the main lidar site. From the lidar measurements the spatial distribution of the dust between Tinfou and Ouarzazate was derived for 1 d. The retrieved profiles of backscatter and extinction coefficients and particle depolarization ratios show comparable dust optical properties, a similar vertical structure of the dust layer, and a height of about 4 km asl at both sites. The airborne cross-section of the extinction coefficient at the two sites confirms the low variability in dust properties. Although the general picture of the dust layer was similar, the lidar measurements reveal a higher dust load closer to the dust source. Nevertheless, the observed intensive optical properties were the same. These results indicate that the lidar measurements at two sites close to the dust source are both representative for the SAMUM dust conditions.  相似文献   

A change in soil temperature (ST) is a significant indicator of climate change, so understanding the variations in ST is required for studying the changes of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) permafrost. We investigated the performance of three reanalysis ST products at three soil depths (0–10 cm, 10–40 cm, and 40–100 cm) on the permafrost regions of the QTP: the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim), the second version of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction Climate Forecast System (CFSv2), and the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2). Our results indicate that all three reanalysis ST products underestimate observations with negative mean bias error values at all three soil layers. The MERRA-2 product performed best in the first and second soil layers, and the ERA-Interim product performed best in the third soil layer. The spatiotemporal changes of annual and seasonal STs on the QTP from 1980 to 2017 were investigated using Sen’s slope estimator and the Mann–Kendall test. There was an increasing trend of ST in the deeper soil layer, which was less than that of the shallow soil layers in the spring and summer as well as annually. In contrast, the first-layer ST warming rate was significantly lower than that of the deeper soil layers in the autumn and winter. The significantly (P < 0.01) increasing trend of the annual ST indicates that the QTP has experienced climate warming during the past 38 years, which is one of the factors promoting permafrost degradation of the QTP.  相似文献   

Summary Umkehr observations taken during the 1957–2000 period at 15 stations located between 19 and 52° N have been reanalyzed using a significantly improved algorithm-99, developed by DeLuisi and Petropavlovskikh et al. (2000a,b). The alg-99 utilizes new latitudinal and seasonally dependent first guess ozone and temperature profiles, new vector radiative transfer code, complete aerosol corrections, gravimetric corrections, and others. Before reprocessing, all total ozone values as well as the N-values (radiance) readings were thoroughly re-evaluated. For the first time, shifts in the N-values were detected and provisionally corrected. The re-evaluated Umkehr data set was validated against satellite and ground based measurements. The retrievals with alg-99 show much closer agreement with the lidar and SAGE than with the alg-92. Although the latitudinal coverage is limited, this Umkehr data set contains ∼ 44,000 profiles and represent the longest (∼ 40 years) coherent information on the ozone behavior in the stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The 14-months periods following the El-Chichon and the Mt. Pinatubo eruptions were excluded from the analysis. Then the basic climatological characteristics of the vertical ozone distribution in the 44–52° N and more southern locations are described. Some of these characteristics are not well known or impossible to be determined from satellites or single stations. The absolute and relative variability reach their maximum during winter–spring at altitudes below 24 km; the lower stratospheric layers in the middle latitudes contain ∼ 62% of the total ozone and contribute ∼ 57% to its total variability. The layer-5 (between ∼ 24 and 29 km) although containing 20% of the total ozone shows the least fluctuations, no trend and contributes only ∼ 11% to the total ozone variability. Meridional cross-sections from 19 to 52° N of the vertical ozone distribution and its variability illustrate the changes, and show poleward-decreasing altitude of the ozone maximum. The deduced trends above 33 km confirm a strong ozone decline since the mid-1970s of over 5% per decade without significant seasonal differences. In the mid-latitude stations, the decline in the 15–24 km layer is nearly twice as strong in the winter-spring season but much smaller in the summer and fall. The effect of including 1998 and 1999 years with relatively high total ozone data reduces the overall-declining trend. The trends estimated from alg-99 retrievals are statistically not significantly different from those in WMO 1998a; however, they are stronger by about 1% per decade in the lower stratosphere and thus closer to the estimates by sondes. Comparisons of the integrated ozone loss from the Umkehr measurements with the total ozone changes for the same periods at stations with good records show complete concurrence. The altitude and latitude appearances of the long-term geophysical signals like solar (1–2%) and QBO (2–7%) are investigated. Received April 12, 2001 Revised September 19, 2001  相似文献   

Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations of turbulent flow over groups of buildings with different packing densities are reported. The results for a selected packing density are compared with direct numerical simulations (DNS) previously validated against wind-tunnel data. The present study is focused on average properties of the flow, especially on the drag coefficients, and is a first attempt to provide information on these parameters (their values are not generally known) for a range of packing densities, for a given staggered arrangement of cubes using RANS methods. However, some of the limitations of RANS have come to light. Hence, it is recommended that such simulations are ‘calibrated’ against experimental or DNS data, as is done here.  相似文献   

Summary Remotely sensed scanning radiometer and lidar data on cirrus clouds were obtained during the cirrus FIRE IFO experiment in November 1986 from the ER-2 aircraft plat-form.Data were examined particularly on 2 November for an area in the vicinity of Wausau, Wisconsin where unusual effects were noticed in bispectral histograms from various channels in the scanner data.After calibration of the data in spectral channels of both the Scan Cloud Radiometer (SCR) and Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) instruments, including direct comparison between compatible channels in the two instruments, it was found that the 0.856 µm SCR channel gave good data, whereas the 0.665 µm and 0.74 µm SCR channels gave large offsets, when compared with the MCR 0.754 µm data. The latter channel was found to compare well in a second comparison with coincident AVHRR channel satellite data. Similarly, the SCR 11.17 µm data gave consistent results and the SCR 3.74 µm data were carefully calibrated.Bispectral histograms formed between 0.856 µm, 3.74 µm and 11.17 µm SCR channel data indicated that some coherent layers of cirrus clouds were giving enhanced solar reflectance at 3.74 µm, indicative of small (~ <25 µm radius) particles, whereas other neighbouring layers gave little reflectance.A comparison of 0.856 µm reflections with 11.17 µm absorption optical depth indicated that the small particles where probably ice crystals. A comparison of 3.74 µm solar albedo and 11.17 µm absorption optical depths of these layers with theoretical calculations for ice spheres indicated a mode radius of about 8 µm for the cloud particle size distribution. An estimate from similar recent calculations on hexagonal ice crystals indicated that the retrieved effective radius would be increased to 25 µm. The difference between the two retrieved radii was a measure of the uncertainty in the retrievals, considering also differences in the assumed size distributions.Qualitative comparison with ER-2 lidar data gave a tentative identification of the reflecting layers.The results demonstrate the power of the 3.74 µm channel for identification of small-particle layers in cirrus.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Here we present a multi-proxy paleolimnological record from a closed-basin lake (Ebinur Lake) in northwestern China to investigate climate change in this arid region during the last 1,500 years. The 120-cm long sediment core was dated by AMS radiocarbon and 210Pb methods. The fine-grained clay sediments contain 3–17% organic matter (OM) and 9–31% carbonate, and are interrupted by multiple sand and silt layers. These sand/silt layers, having consistently low OM, were found at 700–800, 1000–1100, 1300–1400, and 1700–1750 a.d., with a time spacing of 300–400 years. We interpret that the low OM sand/silt layers were deposited during higher lake levels caused by increased river inflow from the surrounding mountains during wet climate intervals. This interpretation is supported by concurrent decreases in δ 18O and δ 13C of bulk carbonate and in carbonate content. Wet climate intervals at 700–800 a.d. and at 1700–1750 a.d. also correlate with elevated snow accumulation and low δ 18O from Guliya ice core on the NW Tibetan Plateau, both regions strongly influenced by the westerlies. This approximate 400-year periodicity of wet–dry climate oscillations appear to correlate with solar activity as shown by atmosphere 14C concentration and with paleo-moisture records in interior North America. Our results suggest that solar activities might have played a significant role in driving wet–dry climate oscillations at centennial scales in the interior of Eurasian continent.  相似文献   

Summary  The winter wind regime of G?teborg, located on the West coast of Sweden, is composed of three different wind systems besides the ambient wind; a nocturnal low level jet (NLLJ), a winter land breeze (WLB) and an urban heat island circulation (UHIC). An inversion divides the air column into two layers, one between 10 – 50 m and one between 50 – 100 m. The UHIC is located in the lower layer, the WLB in the top layer and the NLLJ above the top layer. The intensity of the interacting processes depends on the stability of each layer as calculated from the bulk Richardson number (BRilow and BRihigh) using continuous data collected during four years (1991 – 94) from two sites (one within and one outside the urban area) and sampled at three levels. In the evening the WLB develops from the ground level and increases in height until after midnight. At about the same time an UHIC develops in the urban area, below the WLB and causing an uplift of the latter. However, at both sites the WLB does not exceed the 100 m level. At this time BRi in both layers are below one resulting in continuous coupling between the WLB, the UHIC layers and the regional wind. Consequently, the exchange of momentum is still effective between all layers and this is highlighted by a change in the wind direction and a regulation of wind-speed to more constant levels. When BRihigh≥1, the layers become frictionally decoupled, as indicated by a return in the wind direction in the top level to the regional wind, and an acceleration of the top wind. The top level then becomes incorporated in to a nocturnal low-level jet (NLLJ) system. The normally acknowledged development of the NLLJ, with a start around sunset, is in this case delayed for several hours at the top level. The reason for this is that there are meso-scale/local wind systems present in layers beneath the jet causing an interaction between the layers. In the morning, when the layers are again coupled the top layer wind is once more influenced by the WLB and therefore changes direction and speed. The local and meso-scale wind systems thus delay the current nocturnal wind development. Received August 24, 1998 Revised March 17, 1999  相似文献   

Summary Latitude-altitude structure of ozone QBO over the tropical-subtropical stratosphere (40° S–40° N) has been explored by analyzing Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) data for the period 1992–1999 using the multifunctional regression model. The inferred ozone QBO shows two maxima located at 22 hPa and 10 hPa with coefficient of 2–3% per 10 m/s centered at the equator. The equatorial maxima are out of phase with each other. Subtropics exhibit two peak structure near 14 hPa but of opposite sign to that of equatorial maximum near 10 hPa. Over the equatorial region, positive (zonal winds westerly) coefficients overlay negative (zonal winds easterlies) coefficients which descend with time. A pattern of equatorial maximum and two subtropical minima appears in the months December to February near 10 hpa and it propagates upward with progression of seasons. Equatorial QBO is seasonally asynchronous while subtropical QBO is seasonally synchronous. Correspondence: Suvarna Fadnavis, Physical Meteorology and Aerology Division, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411008, India  相似文献   

Outdoor smog chamber experiments were performed to investigate gas/particle (G/P) partitioning behavior of aldehyde compounds in atmospheric acidic aerosols. Diesel soot and wood smoke aerosols were selected as acidic aerosols and octanal, decanal, undecanal, and cis-pinonaldehyde for aldehydes compounds. Aerosol acidity was measured with the equivalent sulfuric acid amounts in aerosol mass: 0.2–0.6 wt% in diesel soot and 0.04–0.1 wt% in wood smoke aerosols. Experimentally determined partitioning coefficients of aldehyde along with other classes of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) were compared with the estimation. All experimental G/P partitioning coefficients of aldehyde compounds were 10–200 times higher than estimated partitioning coefficients. Aldehyde partitioning coefficients in wood soot were similar or less than diesel soot aerosols.  相似文献   

Height, time, and latitude dependences are analyzed of zonal mean vertical component of wind velocity for the period of 1992–2006 from the UKMO atmospheric general circulation model. It is shown that the ascending wind speed can provide vertical transport, against gravity, of rather large (up to 3–5μm) aerosol particles with density to 1.0–1.5 g/cm3 in the stratosphere and mesosphere. The wind velocity vertical component is supposedly a significant factor of particle motion up to 30–40–km levels and can affect sedimentation rate and residence time of the aerosol particles in the stratosphere. Structure of the mean vertical component of wind velocity allows occurrence of dynamically stable aerosol layers in the middle stratosphere.  相似文献   

Airborne observations during August 1985 over Greenland and the North American Arctic revealed that dense, discrete haze layers were common above 850 mb. No such hazes were found near the surface in areas remote from local sources of particles. The haze layers aloft were characterized by large light-scattering coefficients due to dry particles (maximum value 1.24 × 10–4m–1) and relatively high total particle concentrations (maximum value 3100 cm–3). Sulfate was the dominant ionic component of the aerosol (0.06 – 1.9 g m–3); carbon soot was also present. Evidence for relatively fresh aerosols, accompanied by NO2 and O3 depletion, was found near, but not within, the haze layers. The hazes probably derived from anthropogenic sources and/or biomass burning at midlatitudes.It is hypothesized that the scavenging of particles by stratus clouds plays an important role in reducing the frequency and intensity of hazes at the surface in the Arctic in summer. Since the detection of haze layers aloft through measurements of column-integrated parameters from the surface (e.g., by lidar) cannot be carried out reliably when clouds are present, such measurements have likely underestimated the occurrence of haze layers in the Arctic, particularly in summer.  相似文献   

In this short communication we highlight the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) “Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Modelling and Applications for Environmental Security”, to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18–22 April 2006 (http:// pbl-nato-arw.dmi.dk) and the “Summer School on Air-Sea Interaction” to be held in Helsinki, Finland, 28 August–1 September 2006 (http://www.scasi.fi). These two events are connected to the ongoing Ev Marie Curie Chair Project “Planetary boundary layers – Theory, modelling and role in earth systems” (PBL – TMRES, Contract MEXC-CT-2003-509742, www.atm.helsinki.fi/PBL/).  相似文献   

Using measures of wind strength and direction taken onboard ships during the 1750–1850 (CLIWOC project) period, preliminary reconstructions are attempted for the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). The reconstructions are based on regression equations developed using similar data from the ICOADS dataset. Although the regression relationships developed over a calibration period (1881–1940) work almost as well over an independent verification period (1941–1997), application to the earlier 1750–1850 period results in barely statistically significant correlation coefficients when compared with a number of other NAO and SOI reconstructions from other proxy and long instrumental sources. A number of possibilities are investigated to attempt to determine the cause, the most likely of which is that the number of observations available for the CLIWOC period is just too low in some regions. As large numbers of ships' logbooks remain to be digitised, the regression relationships will prove useful to focus effort in future digitisation endeavours.  相似文献   

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