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3-D velocity images of the crust and upper mantle of the Tianshan area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(胥颐,朱介寿,刘志坚,张华卿,朱燕)3-DvelocityimagesofthecrustanduppermantleoftheTianshanarea¥YiXU;Jie-ShouZHU;Zhi-JianLIU;Hua-QingZHANGandYa...  相似文献   

Many evidences indicate that the collision of two plates deformed strongly the crust of the SYR, and the deformation has been continued up to the present. In addition, the SYR is in the south segment of the South-North Seismic Zone of China, which is one of the regions in the Chinese mainland, where the seismic activity is very high, and the strong earthquakes frequently occurred. Since the 1970s, a series of large earthquakes with magnitude M>7.0 occurred in SYR, such as the 1970 Tongha…  相似文献   

3DstructuralreconstructionofMohointheTangshanearthquakeareabyusinginversionofcurvedinterfaceXIAOLINGLAI(赖晓玲)XIANKANGZHANG...  相似文献   

3-D velocity structure in the central-eastern part of Qilianshan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Introduction The central-eastern part of Qilianshan, located along the northeastern margin of Qing-hai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau, belongs to the Qilian tectonic zone with active neotectonic move-ment. The main active faults are Haiyuan-Qilian fault, Gulang-Tianjingshan fault and Huang-cheng-Taerzhuang fault. The research area in this paper is a rectangle (Figure 1), the location of the four apex are: A(37.50N, 101.60E), B(36.55N, 103.74E), C(37.20N, 104.20E) and D(38.15N, 102.04E). In…  相似文献   

Theinversionof3┐DcrustalstructureandhypocenterlocationintheBeijing┐Tianjin┐Tangshan┐Zhangjiakouareabygeneticalgo┐rithmYONG-G...  相似文献   

With dense seismic arrays and advanced imaging methods, regional three-dimensional(3D) Earth models have become more accurate. It is now increasingly feasible and advantageous to use a 3D Earth model to better locate earthquakes and invert their source mechanisms by fitting synthetics to observed waveforms. In this study, we develop an approach to determine both the earthquake location and source mechanism from waveform information. The observed waveforms are filtered in different frequency bands and separated into windows for the individual phases. Instead of picking the arrival times, the traveltime differences are measured by cross-correlation between synthetic waveforms based on the 3D Earth model and observed waveforms. The earthquake location is determined by minimizing the cross-correlation traveltime differences. We then fix the horizontal location of the earthquake and perform a grid search in depth to determine the source mechanism at each point by fitting the synthetic and observed waveforms. This new method is verified by a synthetic test with noise added to the synthetic waveforms and a realistic station distribution. We apply this method to a series of M_W3.4–5.6 earthquakes in the Longmenshan fault(LMSF) zone, a region with rugged topography between the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau and the western part of the Sichuan basin. The results show that our solutions result in improved waveform fits compared to the source parameters from the catalogs we used and the location can be better constrained than the amplitude-only approach. Furthermore, the source solutions with realistic topography provide a better fit to the observed waveforms than those without the topography, indicating the need to take the topography into account in regions with rugged topography.  相似文献   

IntroductionOn September 27, 2003, an earthquake of MS=7.9 struck the border area of China, Russia and Mongolia. According to the field investigation from the Earthquake Administration of XinjiangAutonomous Region, the whole northern Tianshan region felt the hit. Buildings and structures within six counties and one city in Altay region, which is total about 0.11×106 km2 area, were damaged to different extent and caused certain economic losses. The epicenter determined by China National …  相似文献   

Earthquakes hit urban centres in Europe infrequently, but occasionally with disastrous effects. Obtaining an unbiased view of seismic hazard (and risk) is therefore very important. In principle, the best way to test probabilistic seismic hazard assessments (PSHAs) is to compare them with observations that are entirely independent of the procedure used to produce PSHA models. Arguably, the most valuable information in this context should be information on long-term hazard, namely maximum intensities (or magnitudes) occurring over time intervals that are at least as long as a seismic cycle. The new observations can provide information of maximum intensity (or magnitude) for long timescale as an input data for PSHA studies as well. Long-term information can be gained from intact stalagmites in natural caves. These formations survived all earthquakes that have occurred over thousands of years, depending on the age of the stalagmite. Their ‘survival’ requires that the horizontal ground acceleration (HGA) has never exceeded a certain critical value within that time period. Here, we present such a stalagmite-based case study from the Little Carpathians of Slovakia. A specially shaped, intact and vulnerable stalagmite in the Plavecká priepast cave was examined in 2013. This stalagmite is suitable for estimating the upper limit of horizontal peak ground acceleration generated by prehistoric earthquakes. The critical HGA values as a function of time going back into the past determined from the stalagmite that we investigated are presented. For example, at the time of Jók? event (1906), the critical HGA value cannot have been higher than 1 and 1.3 m/s2 at the time of the assumed Carnuntum event (~340 AD), and 3000 years ago, it must have been lower than 1.7 m/s2. We claimed that the effect of Jók? earthquake (1906) on the location of the Plavecká priepast cave is consistent with the critical HGA value provided by the stalagmite we investigated.The approach used in this study yields significant new constraints on the seismic hazard, as tectonic structures close to Plavecká priepast cave did not generate strong earthquakes in the last few thousand years. The results of this study are highly relevant given that the two capitals, Vienna and Bratislava, are located within 40 and 70 km of the cave, respectively.  相似文献   

Introduction Tengchong is one of youngest volcanic areas in Chinese mainland. Since Pliocene, the volcanoes have erupted several times. Nowadays, the thermal activity is very intensive there. The possibility of re-eruption and the reserve of geothermal energy in the area are the questions to which the publics pay much attention, and the volcanists and seismologists dedicated. HAN, et al (1996) reviewed all of the studies carried out in Tengchong area. In the late 1990s, an integrative volca…  相似文献   

IntroductionSouthwestern China and its adjacent areas studied in the paper is the range of 10(N-36(N, 70(E-110(E, which includes southwestern areas of China (Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi Provinces, southwestern Shaanxi Province and so on), India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia countries and oceanic areas of Bay of Bengal and Beibu Gulf. The collision and extrusion of India plate and Eurasia plate makes the geological tectonic complex in this area (Figure 1…  相似文献   

The average layered structure of the intracratonic Paraná Basin, SE Brazil, is investigated with surface-wave group velocities from a small regional earthquake recorded by two broadband stations. Rayleigh and Love waves in the period range 1–4.2 s are used to infer average properties down to about 4 km. Genetic algorithm techniques are used to find the best fitting 1-D S-wave model. The inverted 1-D models show fair correlation with the average properties of the propagation paths as expected from geology and borehole information. However, different S-wave velocity models are obtained for the different inversion parameterizations. Since lateral heterogeneities are expected along the paths, several synthetic tests are performed with heterogeneous propagation paths. For approximately homogenous path (i.e., little lateral variation), the main features of the average synthetic model can be retrieved for different model parameterizations. For strong lateral variations, however, the average dispersion curve can produce very different 1-D inverted models depending on the parameterization. Also, the 1-D inverted models may differ significantly from the average properties of the inhomogeneous path, and wrong depths to interfaces may be inferred. For real data inversions, it is then suggested that various different parameterizations should be tested. If the resulting models show consistent features, this probably indicates homogeneity in the propagation path. But, if very different and unstable features are obtained in the 1-D inversions, then strong lateral variation may be present in the propagation path, and the average 1-D model may not represent average properties along the path.  相似文献   

Introduction Study and observation of solar eclipse geomagnetic effects in China begun in 1936, and since then the total eclipse and total-annular eclipse occurred in Chongan of Fujian Province in 1941j, 1958, 1968, 1980, 1987, 1997 in succession. For these events, modern geomagnetic observations have been made with sufficient preparation. Plentiful solar eclipse data of geomagnetic field variation and research results have been obtained (ZHANG, et al, 1983, LIU, et al, 1986, YANG, DU, …  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the Matese seismic sequence in southern Italy for the period of December 2013–January 2014. We estimate the focal mechanisms of 31 earthquakes with local magnitudes related to the Matese earthquake seismic sequence (December 2013–January 2014) in Southern-Central Italy which are recorded by the broadband stations of the Italian National Seismic Network and the Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet) run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The solutions show that normal faulting is the prevailing style of seismic deformation in agreement with the local faults mapped out in the area. Comparisons with already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to properly interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. The results are compatible with the major tectonic domain of the area.  相似文献   

Dong Di 《中国地震研究》2006,20(4):435-448
According to the epicenter distance and the site classification, the 404 groups of earthquake recordings of the main shock of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan China earthquake in 1999 are catalogued. Based on these data, we analyze the statistical features of duration, PGA, envelopes and the response spectra ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the acceleration recordings. The results of these analyses show that the effect of site classification on the acceleration of various components is obvious; furthermore, fault direction also has certain effects on the characteristics of the horizontal components of ground motion. The detailed research results are as follows: ( 1 ) the duration of the horizontal components of acceleration records increases with the softening of the site; (2) the direction of fault slip has some effects on PGA's attenuation features; (3) the average envelopes of acceleration records at different distances and site dames are basically single peak functions of time and the envelopes of horizontal and vertical components of ground motion are obviously different; (4) with the same epicenter distance, EW/NS response spectrum ratios tend to approximate 1.0 as the site becomes softer and the period shorter. V/H response spectrum ratios in short periods (〈 0. 1s) increase with the softening of site, however, V/H ratios within the long-period range ( 〉 characteristic period) decrease with the softening of the site, and the decrease of V/EW ratio speeds up relatively.  相似文献   

From the literature, we found that PGV–PD3 regressions for on-site earthquake early warning (EEW) can be quite different depending on the presumption whether or not PGV–PD3 data from different regions should be “mixable” in regression analyses. As a result, this becomes a source of epistemic uncertainty in the selection of a PGV–PD3 empirical relationship for on-site EEW. This study is aimed at examining the influence of this epistemic uncertainty on EEW decision-making, and demonstrating it with an example on the use of PGV–PD3 models developed with data from Taiwan, Japan, and Southern California. The analysis shows that using the “global” PGV–PD3 relationship for Southern California would accompany a more conservative EEW decision-making (i.e., early warning is activated more frequently) than using the local empirical model developed with the PGV–PD3 data from Southern California only. However, the influence of this epistemic uncertainty on EEW is not that obvious for the cases of Taiwan and Japan.  相似文献   


Radar quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) were assessed using reference values established by means of a geostatistical approach. The reference values were estimated from raingauge data using the block kriging technique, and the reference meshes were selected on the basis of the kriging estimation variance. Agreement between radar QPEs and reference rain amounts was shown to increase slightly with the space–time scales. The statistical distributions of the errors were modelled conditionally with respect to several factors using the GAMLSS approach. The conditional bias of the errors presents a complex structure that depends on the space–time scales and the considered geographical sub-domains, while the standard deviation of the errors has a more homogeneous behaviour. The estimation standard deviation of the reference rainfall and the standard deviation of the errors between radar and reference rainfall were found to have the same magnitude, indicating the limitations of the available network in terms of providing accurate reference values for the spatial scales considered (5–100 km2).
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Delrieu, G., Bonnifait, L., Kirstetter, P.-E., and Boudevillain, B., 2013. Dependence of radar quantitative precipitation estimation error on the rain intensity in the Cévennes region, France. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1300–1311. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.827337  相似文献   

~~Experimental remolding on the caprock’s 3D strain field of the Indosinian-Yanshanian epoch in Tongling deposit concentrating area1.Chang,Y.F.,Liu,X.P.,Wu,Y.C,The Cu,Fe Metallogenic Belt in the Middle-Lower Reaches of Yangtze River(in Chinese with English abstract),Beijing:Geological Publishing House,1991,1-379. 2.Yin,H.F.,Wu,S.B.,Du,Y.S.,South China is the part of multi-islands and multi-oceans system of Tethys,Earth Sciences(in Chinese),1999,24(1):1-12. 3.Wu,G G,Zha…  相似文献   

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