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Existing data on the distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in marine sediments have been analyzed in order to better understand the physical and chemical processes involved in this aspect of the global carbon cycle. Maps of the global distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in the sediments of world oceans and seas are presented.Correlation analyses of the available information dealing with the distribution of marine sedimentary organic matter has revealed that in terms of bulk parameters (%COrg and %N Kjeldahl), there is an apparent accumulation of organic matter on the continental slope (water column depth 200–2000 m). Specific interactions between clays and organic matter, although indicated in laboratory experiments, have not been detected by these analyses.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of long-term investigations in a small sea of the Arctic Ocean served as a basis for revealing new regularities characteristic of the sedimentary process in the...  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the dynamics of sediments and suspended organic matter and their export from headwater basins in the Andes Mountains to the Amazon River, despite the fact that the Andes are the primary source of sediments to the lower Amazon basin. We measured river discharge as well as the concentration, δ15N, δ13C, %N, and %OC of coarse and fine suspended sediments (CSS and FSS) in the Chorobamba River, located in the central Andean Amazon of Peru. Samples were taken at least weekly over an entire year (July 2004-July 2005), with additional sampling during storms. Concentrations of particulate organic matter (POM) were generally low in the study river, with concentrations increasing by up to several orders of magnitude during episodic rain events. Because both overall flow volumes and POM concentrations increased under stormflow conditions, the export of POM was enhanced multiplicatively during these events. We estimated that a minimum of 80% of annual suspended sediment transfer occurred during only about 10 days of the year, also accounting for 74% of particulate organic carbon and 64% of particulate organic nitrogen transport. Significant differences occurred between seasons (wet and dry) for δ13C of coarse and fine POM in the Chorobamba River, reflecting seasonal changes in organic matter sources. The time series data indicate that this Andean river exports approximately equal amounts of fine and coarse POM to the lower Amazon. The observation that the vast majority of sediments and associated OM exported from Andean rivers is mobilized during short, infrequent storm events and landslides has important implications for our understanding of Amazon geochemistry, especially in the face of incipient global change.  相似文献   

Published and original data on the contents of 50 elements in carbonaceous sediments from seas (Black, Baltic, and Caspian) and fertile oceanic shelves (shelves of Namibia, Peru, Chile, and California) are generalized. The comparison of these results with the average composition of ancient carbonaceous shales reveals both similarities and differences in the distribution of indicator trace elements (Re, Hg, Se, Ag, Cd, Tl, U, Mo, As, Ni, and Zn). Correlation coefficients were analyzed to determine the characteristic element associations. It is established that oceanic carbonaceous sediments are closer in composition to carbonaceous shales than their marine analogues, which is related to the differences in sedimentation conditions, including hydrological, hydrochemical, and biogeochemical factors. The role of anoxic environment in the accumulation of chalcophile elements in sediments is estimated. The comparison of the contents of some mobile trace elements in oceanic water and carbonaceous sediments of modern oceans demonstrates that the water composition affects the composition of carbonaceous sediments and can be used for deciphering the composition of ancient ocean water.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of organic matter in modern marine water columns greatly favors the geobiological evaluation of hydrocarbon source rocks. Biolipids could make great contribution to petroleum hydrocarbons due to their comparable chemical components and the slightly refractory characteristics of biolipids during the microbial/thermal degradation. A variety of environmental factors such as temperature, CO2 and salinity could affect the biochemical contents in microorganisms. As a result, microorganisms living in a changing environmental condition might have a different contribution to the petroleum formation. Organic carbon flux is shown to bear a positive correlation with the primary productivity only within a certain range of biomass volumes in a specific biohabitat. Furthermore, organic matter is degraded much quickly in a water column with oxic conditions. Therefore, the anoxic condition, along with the enhanced biological productivity, would be one of the significant factors in the formation of high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks. The formation of biofilms and microbial mats favors the preservation of sedimentary organic matter by decreasing the degradation rate of organic matter. Identification of biofilms and microbial mats in sedimentary rocks will thus greatly help to understand the depositional processes of organic matter finally preserved in hydrocarbon source rocks. __________ Translated from Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007, 32(6): 748–754 [译自: 地球科学—中国地质大学学报  相似文献   


This study presents data on Fe–Mn nodules first recovered from the northeastern part of the Kara Sea. Analysis of the geochemical indicators of organic matter and major and trace element compositions of nodules showed that samples with strong Mn enrichment (Mn/Fe = 2.38, on average) are dominated by terrestrial organic matter (OM), whereas Fe-rich samples (Mn/Fe = 0.20, on average) are dominated by marine biogenic OM. The variation in the n-alkane abundances in the studied nodules is independent of the sampling sites and nodule morphology. This study was conducted for the first time in the Artic region.


Complex biogeochemical studies including the determination of isotopic composition of Corg in both suspended particulate matter and surface horizon (0–1 cm) of sediments (more than 260 determinations of δ13C-Corg) were carried out for five Arctic shelf seas: White, Barents, Kara, East Siberian, and Chukchi. The aim of this study is to elucidate causes that change the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon at the water-sediment boundary. It is shown that the isotopic composition of Corg in sediments from seas with a high river runoff (White, Kara, and East Siberian) does not inherit the isotopic composition of Corg in particles precipitating from the water column, but is enriched in heavy 13C. Seas with a low river runoff (Barents and Chukchi) show insignificant difference between the value of δ13C-Corg in both suspended load and sediment because of a low content of the isotopically light allochthonous organic matter (OM) in particulates. Complex biogeochemical studies with radioisotope tracers (14CO2, 35S, and 14CH4) revealed the existence of specific microbial filter formed from heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms at the water-sediment boundary. This filter prevents the mass influx of products of OM decomposition into water column, as well as reduces the influx of a part of OM contained in the suspended particulate matter from water into sediment.  相似文献   

Three particle interceptor traps were moored from June to September 1996 along the SE coast of Milos Island (Aegean Sea), in an area known for its extensive seabed geothermal activity. The settling particles collected differed between sites not only in quantity but also in their geochemical composition. In the area directly influenced by warm water vents, the vertical flux of particulate material was almost one order of magnitude higher than that observed at the reference sites 6.5 km away from the vents, with a higher contribution of biogenic material in the former. The neutral lipid fractions exhibited a significant zooplankton biomarker signature (e.g. cholesterol and wax esters), followed by those of microalgal and terrigenous remains. The biogeochemical cycle of sterols included the formation of steroidal ketones, thiols and stanols, the latter two particularly associated with the venting activity. Moreover, the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the particles from the venting area reflected a locally enhanced maturity of the organic matter. Although part of the material collected in the traps may have been exported in the vent waters, the higher fluxes observed in the vicinity of the hydrothermal plumes are mainly the result of an assemblage of zooplankton which, in turn, may contribute significantly to the sedimentation, through fast sinking faecal pellets, of the petrogenic hydrocarbons possibly generated in the vents.  相似文献   

This work describes the evolution of migration forms of true dissolved compounds and colloidal entities using an integrated approach with molecular mass distribution and differences in the association of trace elements with organic matter and Fe-oxide colloids in the soil water-bog-river-lake system. One major problem is obtaining reliable information on the processes of redistribution deposited forms and trace element complexes during the phase transformation of organic humic compounds in a series of high-molecular-weight organic matter of bog soils to colloidal and truly dissolved forms, as well as to the river and lake fine sediment (suspension) as a transit zone and deposit region.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores of up to 550 cm length from an intertidal flat of the German Wadden Sea near the island of Spiekeroog were investigated for the quantity and composition of fossil organic matter (OM). The lowermost parts of the cores are dominated by grey mud of a salt marsh facies containing mainly terrestrial OM estimated to account for 60–75% of the total OM, based on δ13C values and the ratio of short to long chain n-alkanols. The terrigenous origin of the dominant fraction is indicated, among others, by high proportions of C29 sterols and long chain n-alkanes typical of plant waxes. Coarse shell beds overlying the grey mud at 2–2.5 m depth represent a flooding and erosion event possibly related to heavy storm floods in the Middle Ages. Within the intertidal sand-dominated sediments in the upper parts of the cores total organic carbon (TOC) contents are generally low, ranging from 0.1% to 0.5%, and correlate well with the amount of mud fraction (r2 0.90). At the surface, marine OM has not undergone intense diagenetic alteration and so is the dominant fraction. Eroded peat particles are common throughout most of the sequence and values of the Phragmites peat indicator (PPI) > 5 indicate an origin from reed peat due to a high relative abundance of the n-C24 alkane. Changes in the composition of microbial communities over the depth interval investigated are documented by varying compositions of unsaturated fatty acids with 16 and 18 carbons. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was detected along the entire cores and indicates the presence of EPA-producing bacterial strains.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(8):1255-1293
In order to investigate the mechanism of As release to anoxic ground water in alluvial aquifers, the authors sampled ground waters from 3 piezometer nests, 79 shallow (<45 m) wells, and 6 deep (>80 m) wells, in an area 750 m by 450 m, just north of Barasat, near Kolkata (Calcutta), in southern West Bengal. High concentrations of As (200–1180 μg L−1) are accompanied by high concentrations of Fe (3–13.7 mg L−1) and PO4 (1–6.5 mg L−1). Ground water that is rich in Mn (1–5.3 mg L−1) contains <50 μg L−1 of As. The composition of shallow ground water varies at the 100-m scale laterally and the metre-scale vertically, with vertical gradients in As concentration reaching 200 μg L−1 m−1. The As is supplied by reductive dissolution of FeOOH and release of the sorbed As to solution. The process is driven by natural organic matter in peaty strata both within the aquifer sands and in the overlying confining unit. In well waters, thermo-tolerant coliforms, a proxy for faecal contamination, are not present in high numbers (<10 cfu/100 ml in 85% of wells) showing that faecally-derived organic matter does not enter the aquifer, does not drive reduction of FeOOH, and so does not release As to ground water.Arsenic concentrations are high (≫50 μg L−1) where reduction of FeOOH is complete and its entire load of sorbed As is released to solution, at which point the aquifer sediments become grey in colour as FeOOH vanishes. Where reduction is incomplete, the sediments are brown in colour and resorption of As to residual FeOOH keeps As concentrations below 10 μg L−1 in the presence of dissolved Fe. Sorbed As released by reduction of Mn oxides does not increase As in ground water because the As resorbs to FeOOH. High concentrations of As are common in alluvial aquifers of the Bengal Basin arise because Himalayan erosion supplies immature sediments, with low surface-loadings of FeOOH on mineral grains, to a depositional environment that is rich in organic mater so that complete reduction of FeOOH is common.  相似文献   

Parasound profiles across the Shaban Deep in the Red Sea indicate turbiditic transport of surface sediments from the topographic height (basalt ridge) into the interior of the deep. This is supported by petrographical and (isotope-) geochemical evidence in the East Basin of the Shaban Deep where the presence of variable mixtures of authochtonous and allochthonous sediment compounds had been found.The uppermost 170 cm of both sediment cores 17008-1 and 17009-3 reveal “normal” stable oxygen isotope values for the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber near ?1‰ which is indicative for carbonate formation in Red Sea surface water around 27 °C. However, below 182 cm in core 17008-1 highly variable δ 18O values for G. ruber between 0.26 and ?10.68‰ occur which are not the result of temperature-controlled oxygen isotope fractionation between foraminiferal carbonate and Red Sea surface water. The lowest δ18O values of ?10.68‰ measured for highly-altered foraminifera shells suggests carbonate precipitation higher than 90 °C.Organic petrographical observations show a great diversity of marine-derived macerals and terrigenous organic particles. Based on petrographical investigations sediment core 17008-1 can be subdivided in intervals predominantly of authochtonous character (i.e. 1, 3, 5 corresponding to core depths 0–170 cm, 370–415 cm, 69–136 cm), and allochthonous/thermally altered character (e.g. 2 and 4 corresponding to core depths 189–353 cm and 515–671 cm). Allochthonous/thermally altered material displays a wide to an extremely wide range of maturities (0.38–1.42% Rr) and also natural coke particles were found.Similarly, the organic geochemical and pyrolysis data indicate the predominance of well-preserved, immature algal and bacterial remains with a minor contribution of land plant material. Sediments below 170 cm (core 17008-1) contain contributions of re-sedimented pre-heated material most likely from the area of the basaltic ridge. This is documented by individual coke particles reduced hydrogen indices and elevated Tmax values up to 440 °C.An “oil-type” contribution (evidenced by mature biomarkers, hopene/hopane ratios, elevated background fluorescence, n-alkane distribution) is also present in the sediments which most likely originated at greater depth and impregnated the surface sediments.The heat source responsible for recrystallisation of foraminiferal carbonate and maturation of organic particles in Shaban Deep sediments most likely is attributed to modern basalt extrusions which now separate the Shaban Deep subbasins.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were collected from deep-water areas of Lake Chenghai, China in June 1997. The vertical profile of 137Cs activity gives reliable geochronological results. The results also indicate that sediment accumulation rates in deep-water areas of Lake Chenghai were relatively constant in recent decades, averaging 0.43 g cm− 2 y− 1, despite a variable organic carbon influx. 210Pbeq (= 226Ra) activity was relatively constant also, with an average value of 54.3 ± 3.2 Bq kg− 1. Vertical profiles of 210Pbex (= 210Pbtotal − 226Ra) decreased exponentially, resulting in somewhat lower sediment accumulation rates (0.3 g cm− 2 y− 1). These lower rates are likely less reliable, as the relatively large fluctuations in 210Pbex activities correlate closely to the organic carbon (Corg) content of the sediments. For example, the vertical profile of 210Pbex activity displays peaks at mass depths of 3.7-4.7 g cm− 2 (10-12 cm) and 10-11 g cm− 2(25-28 cm), similar to the maxima in the vertical profile of Corg. This phenomenon must be related to the delivery of particulate organic matter (POM) from the water to the sediments, or to watershed soil erosion. Since the mean atomic ratios of Horg / Corg and Corg / Norg in Lake Chenghai sediments are 5.5 and 7.0, respectively, indicating that POM was predominantly derived from the remains of authigenic algae, this eliminates watershed erosion rates as a primary control on lake sedimentation rates as resolved by 210Pbex. Sedimentation fluxes (F(Corg)) of particulate organic carbon since 1970 varied between 60 to 160 g m− 2 y− 1, and appeared to closely influence variations in 210Pbex concentrations. For example, sedimentation fluxes of 210Pbex (F(210Pbex)) showed maxima in the years 1972-1974 and 1986-1989, likely reflecting historical variations of lake biological productivity or carbon preservation.  相似文献   

A geochemical study has been made of fine clay minerals and organic matter in subsurface shale samples from the Canadian Northwest Territories. The mixed layer clays comprise smectite-vermiculite-illite but are transformed during thermal diagenesis to a pseudo-quaternary system (smectitevermiculite-illite-chlorite) by incorporation of amorphous inorganic material. The first clay dehydration occurs prior to hydrocarbon generation and is accompanied by adsorption of K+ and substitution of Al3+ for Si4+ in the clay lattice. Vermiculite is an intermediary in the transformation of smectite to illite and in the presence of Ca2+ ions delays the second dehydration step to the zone where cracking of liquid hydrocarbons to gas occurs.Hydrocarbon generation commences at a vitrinite reflectance level of ? 0.5% R0 maximum in both amorphous and woody-herbaceous organic matter but does not reach a significant level in the latter case until reflectance levels of 0.7% R0 maximum. The pristane to phytane ratio and proportion of n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids increase during hydrocarbon generation from woody-herbaceous organic matter. Anomalous hydrocarbon yields from certain samples are attributed to high concentrations of plant resins. Destructions of liquid hydrocarbons by cracking commences at a reflectance level of 1.0% R0 maximum and is essentially complete by a reflectance level of 1.4% R0 maximum. The proportion of n-alkanes in the saturates decreases during cracking of the liquid hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Evidence from ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges and both fossil and present-day Ocean–Continent Transitions (OCT) demonstrates that mantle serpentinization resulting from the interaction of mantle rock and water during tectonic exhumation is widespread. Observations at white smokers in modern ocean settings suggest that methane produced by serpentinization can support methanotrophic bio-systems, which use methane as the only source of carbon. An important question is whether such bio-systems are more generally pervasive in their association with serpentinized mantle in the subsurface. In this study, we examined whether there is evidence for such a methanotrophic system in exhumed serpentinized mantle at a magma-poor rifted continental margin, by probing for characteristic biological markers in these and associated sedimentary rocks in the Totalp unit of SE Switzerland. This unit represents a remnant of the former OCT of the southern Alpine Tethyan margin and was chosen because of its mild Alpine tectonic and low-grade metamorphic overprint during Alpine orogeny, hence giving potential for the preservation of indigenous organic matter (OM). Totalp samples are characterized by low organic carbon contents of 11–647 ppm. The majority of the samples contain hydrocarbons in the form of n-alkanes in the range C17–C36. Some sediments contain isoprenoids, for example pristane and phytane and a suite of steranes that are consistent with a marine origin for the OM preserved in the rocks. Traces of marine planktonic and bacterial OM are preserved in the serpentinized mantle and overlying sediments of this ancient Tethyan OCT, but there is no evidence that the OM has been generated from methanotrophic bio-systems.  相似文献   

黄海和东海沉积物有机质活性及营养盐再生潜力初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2000年秋季和 2001年春季,对黄海和东海 6个站位的水柱和沉积物样品进行了营养盐、沉积有机碳、有机碳同位素和氨基酸分析.结果表明, 表层沉积物的有机碳含量和有机质活性存在较明显的季节性变化,这主要由春秋两季表层水体生物量的差异引起.在泥质堆积区 E2、 E4、 E5站,春季表层沉积物有机碳的含量与活性均较高,而同期底部沉积物向上的营养盐梯度也明显增大, 显示有机碳的含量及活性与营养盐再生有密切关系.  相似文献   

The organic matter in the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments from the southern Black Sea margin is assigned to the terrestrial-marine/terrestrial range of organic facies. Within this range, the stratigraphic section yields different organic facies types in response to different accumulation and preservation controlling processes. During the Late Companian-Maastrichtian, organic material from the shelf and slope was re-deposited in the deeper oxic parts of the basin. Rapid transport and sedimentation resulted in a higher degree of preservation of lipid-rich, terrestrial components (sporinite, cutinite, resinite) in comparison to the autochthonous sediments. The increase in organic carbon with increasing silt/clay content together with low carbon concentrations in the allochthonous sediments suggest that the accumulation of organic matter in the source areas was controlled by terrigenous influx and that the accumulation conditions were not favorable.In the Eocene (fore-arc basin), the higher content of marine organic matter can be explained by progressive shallowing of the environment and by reduced oxygen content in the bottom waters (reduced bioturbation).In the Miocene and Pliocene (back-arc basin), the organic fraction of the sediments from the basin margin is purely terrestrial and consists mostly of inertinite and reworked terrigenous liptinite indicating oxidative conditions. The dominance of inertodetrinite in the Miocene and of semifusinite in the Pliocene point to a change in the source area or to a higher energy transport or deposition conditions for the Miocene marginal sediments. In the basin interior, the higher content of marine organic matter is due to an oxygen deficiency or anoxic conditions in the bottom waters. Mineral associations indicate complete sulfate reduction and consequent methanogenesis. This is also implied in the hydrocarbon distributions. Periodic oxic conditions lead to a decrease in the marine liptinitic component. In the basin interior, however, the terrigenous fraction is still dominant, implying a continuous influx from the basin margins.The Late Cretaceous to Pliocene sediments are thermally immature (Rm<0.5%, Tmax<435 °C).
Zusammenfassung Die organische Substanz in den Sedimenten der Oberkreide und des Tertiärs der südlichen Schwarzmeerregion ist dem terrestrischen bis marin-terrestrischen Bereich organischer Fazies zuzuordnen. Innerhalb dieses Bereiches weisen die stratigraphischen Abschnitte unterschiedliche organische Faziestypen auf, die auf unterschiedliche, die Akkumulation und den Erhaltungsgrad der organischen Substanz kontrollierende Prozesse zurückzuführen sind.Während des Obercampan-Maastrichtiums und des Paläozäns (fore-arc Becken) wurde organisches Material des Schelf/-hanges in den tieferen oxischen Beckenbereichen resedimentiert. Die rasche Zufuhr und Ablagerung führte zu einem gegenüber den autochthonen Sedimenten höheren Erhaltungsgrad an lipidreichen, terrestrischen Komponenten (Sporinit, Cutinit, Resinit). Die Zunahme an organischem Kohlenstoff mit steigendem Silt-/Tonanteil bei insgesamt niedrigen Kohlenstoffkonzentrationen in den Resedimenten läßt vermuten, daß die Akkumulation organischer Substanz in den Liefergebieten durch terrigene Zufuhr bestimmt wurde und die Akkumulationsbedingungen ungünstig waren.Für das Eozän ist ein erhöhter Eintrag an marinem organischem Material zu verzeichnen, der mit der zunehmenden Verflachung des Ablagerungsraumes (fore-arc Becken) und einer Reduzierung im Sauerstoffgehalt des Bodenwassers (abnehmende Bioturbation) erklärt wird.Für das Miozän und Pliozän (back-arc Becken) ist die organische Fraktion der Ablagerungen des Beckenrandes rein terrestrisch und besteht zum größten Teil aus Inertinit und wieder aufgearbeitetem terrigenem Liptinit, die oxidative Verhältnisse anzeigen. Die Dominanz von Inertodetrinit im Miozän und Semifusinit im Pliozän indiziert eine Änderung im Liefergebiet oder ein höheres Energieniveau beim Transport bzw. im Ablagerungsraum der miozänen Randsedimente. Im Beckeninneren ist ein erhöhter Anteil an mariner organischer Substanz festzustellen, der auf Sauerstoffverarmung oder anoxische Verhältnisse im Bodenwasser zurückgeführt wird. Die Mineralassoziationen in den Sedimenten weisen auf vollständige Sulfatreduktion und nachfolgende Methanogenese hin, die sich auch mit den Kohlenwasserstoffverteilungen nachvollziehen läßt. Periodisch oxische Bedingungen führen zu einer Reduzierung der marin-liptinitischen Komponente. Im Beckeninneren dominiert jedoch auch die terrigene Fraktion (Huminit/Vitrinit, Inertinit), was auf kontinuierliche Zufuhr vom Beckenrand schließen läßt.Die Sedimente der Oberkreide bis Pliozän sind thermisch unreif (Rm<0.5%, Tmax<435 °C).

Résumé La matière organique contenue dans les sédiments du Crétacé supérieur et du Tertiaire de la partie sud de la Mer Noire est à rapporter au domaine de facies organique terrestre à marin-terrestre. La série stratigraphique présente, dans les limites de ce domaine, divers types de facies organiques qui traduisent les divers processus qui régissent l'accumulation et la préservation.Au cours du Campanian supérieur-Maastrichtien, des matériaux organiques provenant du shelf et du talus continental ont été redéposés dans les parties oxygénées plus profondes du bassin. La rapidité du transport et de la sédimentation a entraîné la préservation de composants terrestres riches en lipides (sporonite, cutinite, résinite), dans une mesure plus élevée que dans les sédiments autochtones. L'augmentation de la teneur en carbone organique corrélative à celle de la fraction fine (boue et silt), de même que la faible concentration en carbone des sédiments allochtones indique que, dans la région-source, l'accumulation de matières organiques était régie par un afflux terrigène et que les conditions d'accumulation n'étaient pas favorables.A l'Eocène (bassin d'avant-arc) le contenu en matière organique marine est plus élevé, ce qui s'explique par la diminution progressive de la profondeur et par la réduction de la teneur en oxygène des eaux du fond (bioturbation réduite).Au Miocène et au Pliocène (bassin d'arrière-arc), la fraction organique des sédiments de la bordure du bassin est purement terrestre et consiste principalement en inertinite et en liptinite terrigène remaniée, ce qui indique des conditions oxydantes. La prédominance d'inertodétrinite au Miocène et de semifusinite au Pliocène indique soit une source différente, soit un transport ou un dépôt dans les conditions de plus haute énergie des sédiments miocènes marginaux. Vers l'intérieur du bassin, le contenu plus élevé en matière organique marine est dû à une déficience en oxygène ou à des conditions anoxiques dans les eaux de fond. Les associations minérales indiquent une réduction complète des sulfates et en conséquence une méthanogenèse, ce qui ressort également de la distribution des hydrocarbures. Des conditions oxydantes périodiques provoquent une diminution du composant liptinitique marin. Dans l'intérieur du bassin, toutefois, la fraction terrigène reste dominante, ce qui implique un afflux continu depuis les marges du bassin.Les sédiments d'âge crétacé supérieur à pliocène sont thermiquement immatures (Rm<0,5%; Tmax<435 °C).

, , - . , , . - , . , ( , , ), . , , . , (force-arc Basin) ( ). (back-arc Basin) , . , , . , , . , . . ( , ), . : (Rm<0,5 %; Tmax<435° ).

This paper reports data on the concentrations of organic compounds (organic carbon, Corg; lipids; aliphatic hydrocarbons, AHCs; and polycyclic 0aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs) in snow, ice, and subice waters from the mouth of the Severnaya Dvina River (2005–2007) and Kandalaksha Gulf (Chupa Bay, 2004) at the end of winter. It was established that organic compounds are accumulated in the snow and upper ice layer near the town of Archangelsk. The distribution of molecular markers indicates that pollution was mainly caused by local fallouts. In Chupa Bay, organic compounds are concentrated in the lower ice layers, which is typical of the Arctic snow-ice cover. The high contents of organic compounds in the snow-ice cover of the White Sea are caused by the pollution of its air and water during the winter season.  相似文献   

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