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U–Pb geochronology and trace element chemistry of zircons in a microscale analysis were applied to the Ishizuchi caldera in the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan in order to estimate the timescale of the magma process, in particular, the magma differentiation. This caldera is composed mainly of ring fault complexes, major pyroclastic flow deposits, and felsic intrusion including central plutons. Using SHRIMP‐IIe, our new U–Pb zircon ages obtained from the major pyroclastic flow deposits (Tengudake pyroclastic flow deposits), granitic rocks from central plutons (Soushikei granodiorite and Teppoishigawa quartz monzonite), and rhyolite from the outer ring dike (Tenchuseki rhyolite) and the inner ring dike (Bansyodani rhyolite) are 14.80 ±0.11 Ma, 14.56 ±0.10 Ma, 14.53 ±0.12 Ma, 14.55 ±0.11 Ma and 14.21 ±0.19 Ma, respectively. Based on the U–Pb ages, the Hf contents and the REE patterns of the zircons, three stages are recognized in the evolutionary history of the magma chamber beneath the Ishizuchi caldera: (i) climactic Tengudake pyroclastic flow eruption; (ii) Tenchuseki rhyolite intrusion into the outer ring dike and central pluton intrusion; and (iii) Bansyodani rhyolite intrusion in the inner ring dike. These results indicate a magma evolution history of the Ishizuchi caldera system which took at least ca 600 kyr from the climatic caldera‐forming eruption to the post‐caldera intrusions. Our new geochronological data suggest that the Ishizuchi caldera formed as part of the voluminous and episodic magmatism that occurred in the wide zone along the Miocene forearc basin of Southwest Japan during the inception of the young Philippine Sea Plate subduction.  相似文献   

A new U–Pb dating and oxygen isotope analysis of zircons collected from a granitic mylonite and an undeformed granite in the Kamioka area, in the Hida Belt of southwest Japan, was conducted using a sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) to restrict the timing of the mylonitization in the Funatsu Shear Zone, which is situated on the eastern and southeastern margins of the Hida Belt. Here, undeformed granite intrudes into the granitic mylonite deformed by mylonitization in the Funatsu Shear Zone. The granitic mylonite and the undeformed granite yielded U–Pb zircon ages of 242.6 ±1.9 Ma and 199.1 ±1.9 Ma, respectively. The granitic mylonite and the undeformed granite also yielded zircon oxygen isotope ratios (δ18OVSMOW) of 7.74 ±0.37 ‰ and 5.74 ±0.17 ‰, which suggests that these rocks are derived from different magmas. Therefore, the timing of the mylonitization in the Funatsu Shear Zone is constrained to be at least 242.6–199.1 Ma, which is consistent with other data from the Tateyama area. The U–Pb zircon ages of the banded gneiss in the Kamioka area also reveals that the protolith is a sedimentary rock deposited at approximately 256 Ma, and regional metamorphism occurred at 245.0 ±6.6 Ma, which indicates that the mylonitization in the Funatsu Shear Zone occurred after the metamorphism in the Hida Belt. These geochronological and geochemical data give new insight into the relationship between the Hida Belt and the eastern margin of the Asian continent: the geochronological and geochemical data in this study support the possibility that the Funatsu Shear Zone is comparable with the Cheongsan Shear Zone located at the center of the Ogcheon Belt on the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

Within the north‐eastern part of the Palawan Continental Terrane, which forms the south‐western part of the Philippine archipelago, several metamorphic complexes are exposed that are considered to be rifted parts of the Asian margin in South‐East China. The protolith age(s) and correlations of these complexes are contentious. The largest metamorphic complex of the Palawan Continental Terrane comprises the Mindoro Metamorphics. The north‐eastern part of this metamorphic complex has recently been found to be composed of protoliths of Late Carboniferous to Late Permian protolith age. However, meta‐sediments exposed at the westernmost tip and close to the southern boundary of the exposure of the Mindoro Metamorphics contain detrital zircons and with U–Pb ages, determined by LA–ICP–MS, in the range 22–56 Ma. In addition, zircons as young as 112 Ma were found in a sample of the Romblon Metamorphics in Tablas. As the youngest detrital zircons provide an upper age limit for the time of deposition in meta‐sediments, these results suggest that the Mindoro and Romblon Metamorphics comprise protoliths of variable age: Late Carboniferous to Late Permian in NE Mindoro; Eocene or later in NW Mindoro; Miocene at the southern margin of the Mindoro metamorphics; and Cretaceous or later on Tablas. The presence of non‐metamorphic sediments of Late Eocene to Early Oligocene age in Mindoro (Lasala Formation), which are older than the youngest metasediments, suggests that metamorphism of the young meta‐sediments of Mindoro is the result of the collision of the Palawan Continental terrane with the Philippine Mobile Belt in Late Miocene. Similarities of the age spectra of zircons from the Eocene to Miocene metamorphics with the Eocene to Early Miocene Lasala Formation suggest that the protoliths of the young metamorphics may be equivalents of the Lasala Formation or were recycled from the Lasala Formation.  相似文献   

Diagnostic mineral assemblages, mineral compositions and zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages are reported from an ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) spinel–orthopyroxene–garnet granulite (UHT rock) from the South Altay orogenic belt of northwestern China. This Altay orogenic belt defines an accretionary belt between the Siberian and Kazakhstan–Junggar Plates that formed during the Paleozoic. The UHT rock examined in this study preserves both peak and retrograde metamorphic assemblages and microstructures including equilibrium spinel + quartz, and intergrowth of orthopyroxene, spinel, sillimanite, and cordierite formed during decompression. Mineral chemistry shows that the spinel coexisting with quartz has low ZnO contents, and the orthopyroxene is of high alumina type with Al2O3 contents up to 9.3 wt%. The peak temperatures of metamorphism were >950°C, consistent with UHT conditions, and the rocks were exhumed along a clockwise P–T path. The zircons in this UHT rock display a zonal structure with a relict core and metamorphic rim. The cores yield bimodal ages of 499 ± 8 Ma (7 spots), and 855 Ma (2 spots), with the rounded clastic zircons having ages with 490–500 Ma. Since the granulite was metamorphosed at temperatures >900°C, exceeding the closure temperature of U–Pb system in zircon, a possible interpretation is that the 499 ± 8 Ma age obtained from the largest population of zircons in the rock marks the timing of formation of the protolith of the rock, with the zircons sourced from a ~500 Ma magmatic provenance, in a continental margin setting. We correlate the UHT metamorphism with the northward subduction of the Paleo‐Asian Ocean and associated accretion‐collision tectonics of the Siberian and Kazakhstan–Junggar Plates followed by rapid exhumation leading to decompression.  相似文献   

Supracrustal rocks around the North Pole Dome area, Western Australia, provide valuable information regarding early records of the evolution of crustal processes, surface environments, and biosphere. Owing to the occurrence of the oldest known microfossils, the successions at the North Pole Dome area have attracted interest from many researchers. The Paleoarchean successions (Warrawoona Group) mainly comprise mafic‐ultramafic greenstones with intercalated cherts and felsic lavas. Age constraints on the sediments have been mainly based on zircon U–Pb geochronology. However, many zircon grains have suffered from metamictization and contain anomalously high contents of common Pb, which makes interpretation of the U–Pb data complicated. In order to provide more convincing chronological constraints, an U–Pb Concordia age is widely accepted as the best estimate. Most zircons separated from two adamellites also suffered from severe metamictization. In our analyses, less metamictized domains were selected using a pre‐ablation technique in conjunction with elemental mapping, and then their U–Pb isotopic compositions were determined with a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Most analyzed domains contained certain amounts of common Pb (204Pb/206Pb > 0.000 1), whereas three and five U–Pb data points with less common Pb (204Pb/206Pb < 0.000 1) were obtained. These U–Pb datasets yielded U–Pb Concordia ages of ca 3 445 Ma and 3 454 Ma, respectively. These ages represent the timing of the adamellite intrusion, and constrain the minimum depositional age of the Warrawoona Group. In addition, a single xenocrystic zircon grain showed a 207Pb/206Pb age of ca 3 545 Ma, supporting the idea that the sialic basement of the Pilbara Craton existed prior to 3 500 Ma. The in situ U–Pb zircon dating combined with the pre‐ablation technique has the potentials to identify non‐metamictized parts and to yield precise and accurate geochronological data even from partially metamictized zircons.  相似文献   

Zircons separated from Cretaceous granitoids are dated from a south‐central transect of the Abukuma metamorphic and granitic terrane. The zircon ages do not follow ‘older’ and ‘younger’ granitoid ages that are used conventionally. In the western part of the study area (Zones I, II and III) where the Takanuki and Gosaisho metamorphic rocks are exposed, the Iritono quartz dioritic stock intruding the greenschist facies rocks in Zone III exhibits the oldest age of 121 Ma in the studied region. Quartz diorite located northward shows 112 Ma, but the other four granitoids intruding into the Takanuki and Gosaisho metamorphic rocks are younger and 103–99 Ma. Two‐mica and biotite granites belong to the youngest age group of 99 Ma. The granitic activities of both the Abukuma and Ryoke belts were initiated by intrusion of quartz dioritic magmas and were ended by two‐mica granite activity. The ages of the eastern two batholiths vary from 110 to 106 Ma (four samples), and show no age common to the Kitakami granitoids farther to the north. Throughout the Japanese Islands arc, Cretaceous granitic activities became younger toward the marginal sea side from the Kitakami Mountains, to the Abukuma Highland, and the Ryoke Belt, then to the Sanin belt of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan.  相似文献   

The Lengshuikeng Ag‐Pb‐Zn ore field is located in the North Wuyi Mesozoic volcanic belt south of the Qinzhou–Hangzhou suture zone between the Yangtze and Cathaysia paleo‐plates. Previous zircon U–Pb geochronological studies on ignimbrites and tuffs from this area have yielded conflicting ages of 157–161 Ma (Early Upper Jurassic) and 137–144 Ma (Early Lower Cretaceous). Volcanic rocks in the ore field have even been proposed to include both ages. Our SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating of the ignimbrite and tuff samples from the ore field, along with field observations and results from geochronological work on other volcanic and sub‐volcanic rocks in the region, shows that two populations of magmatic zircons, one autocrystic and the other xenocrystic, are present in the pyroclastic rocks. The autocrystic zircons have ages suggesting formation/eruption at approximately 140 Ma, whereas the xenocrystic zircons give ages of 155–159 Ma, indicating intrusion of granitic porphyries in the Early Upper Jurassic. Therefore, the pyroclastic rocks in the Lengshuikeng Ag–Pb–Zn ore field formed in the Early Lower Cretaceous. The youngest zircon U–Pb ages from pyroclastic rocks may not represent the formation/eruption ages of the host rock, depending most likely on the existence and/or abundance of juvenile or vitric pyroclasts in the rocks.  相似文献   

Granitoids in the Hida region of Japan encompass two main rock types: younger type‐1 granites and older type‐2 granites. Sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb zircon dating of older type‐2 granites collected from the Tateyama area show similar ages of 245 ± 2 Ma and 248 ± 5 Ma for two gneissose granites, while a significantly younger intrusion age of 197 ± 3 Ma was determined for the younger type‐1 granites collected from the Hayatsukigawa River which belongs to the Okumayama pluton. A felsic gneiss sample (07HI‐3) collected from the right bank of the Hayatsukigawa River yielded multiple complex ages at 330 ± 6 Ma, indicating the timing of the Hida regional tectono‐thermal events that formed the Hida gneisses; 243 ± 8 Ma, representing the timing of intrusion of the augen granite; and 220 Ma, indicating the timing of regional dextral ductile shearing that caused a repeated recrystallization of metamorphic rocks in the study area. Considering the geochronological data, the rock types and assemblages, basement, and Sr–Nd isotopic constraints, we propose that the Hida Belt separated from the Jiamushi massif, which is located in the eastern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

The South Kitakami Belt in the northeast Japan is unique in presence of a thick Paleozoic–Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. The Permian sedimentary succession in the Maiya area of this belt is divided into the Nishikori, Tenjinnoki, and Toyoma formations, in ascending stratigraphic order. The Tenjinnoki Formation includes the Yamazaki Conglomerate Member containing granitic clasts. We performed U–Pb dating for detrital zircon of one sample of tuffaceous sandstone from the Nishikori Formation, six samples of sandstone from the Tenjinnoki and Toyoma formations, and five granitic clasts from the Yamazaki Conglomerate using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Our dating results show that the tuffaceous sandstone sample has two age peaks at 287 and 301 Ma for the Nishikori Formation, three age peaks at 320–300, 290, and 270 Ma for the Tenjinnoki and Toyoma Formation, and ages of 311, 300, and 270 Ma from granitic clasts of the Yamazaki Conglomerate. In addition, older ages of 452–435 and 380 Ma were obtained from some zircon grains of the sandstone and granitic clasts. Our results suggest igneous activity in these periods. The South Kitakami Belt's origin with respect to continental blocks has been discussed in regard of the margin of North China Block or South China Block. Based on the stratigraphic ages and timing of igneous activity, we conclude that during the Permian the South Kitakami Belt was located at the margin of the South Central Asian Orogenic Belt, near the Solonker-Xra Moron-Changchun suture and the North China Block in East Asia.  相似文献   

Accurate pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) paths of rocks from sedimentation through maximum burial to exhumation are needed to determine the processes and mechanisms that form high‐pressure and low‐temperature type metamorphic rocks. Here, we present a new method combining laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb with fission track (FT) dates for detrital zircons from two psammitic rock samples collected from the Harushinai unit of the Kamuikotan metamorphic rocks. The concordant zircon U–Pb ages for these samples vary markedly, from 1980 to 95 Ma, with the youngest age clusters in both samples yielding Albian‐Cenomanian weighted mean ages of 100.8 ± 1.1 and 99.3 ± 1.0 Ma (2σ uncertainties). The zircon U–Pb ages were not reset by high‐P/T type metamorphism, because there is no indication of overgrowth within the zircons with igneous oscillatory zoning. Therefore, these weighted mean ages are indicative of the maximum age of deposition of protolithic material. By comparison, the zircon FT data yield a pooled age of ca. 90 Ma, which is almost the same as the weighted mean age of the youngest U–Pb age cluster. This indicates that the zircon FT ages were reset at ca. 90 Ma while still at their source, but have not been reset since. This conclusion is supported by recorded temperature conditions of less than about 300 °C (the closure temperature of zircon FTs), as estimated from microstructures in the deformed detrital quartz grains in psammitic rocks, and no shortening of fission track lengths in the zircon. Combining these new data with previously reported white mica K–Ar ages indicates that the Harushinai unit was deposited after ca. 100 Ma, and underwent burial to its maximum depth before being subjected to a localized thermal overprint during exhumation at ca. 58 Ma.  相似文献   

The dating of radiolarian biostratigraphic zones from the Silurian to Devonian is only partially understood. Dating the zircons in radiolarian‐bearing tuffaceous rocks has enabled us to ascribe practical ages to the radiolarian zones. To extend knowledge in this area, radiometric dating of magmatic zircons within the radiolarian‐bearing Hitoegane Formation, Japan, was undertaken. The Hitoegane Formation is mainly composed of alternating beds of tuffaceous sandstones, tuffaceous mudstones and felsic tuff. The felsic tuff and tuffaceous mudstone yield well‐preserved radiolarian fossils. Zircon grains showing a U–Pb laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry age of 426.6 ± 3.7 Ma were collected from four horizons of the Hitoegane Formation, which is the boundary between the Pseudospongoprunum tauversi to Futobari solidus–Zadrappolus tenuis radiolarian assemblage zones. This fact strongly suggests that the boundary of these assemblage zones is around the Ludlowian to Pridolian. The last occurrence of F. solidus is considered to be Pragian based on the reinterpretation of a U–Pb sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon age of 408.9 ± 7.6 Ma for a felsic tuff of the Kurosegawa belt, Southwest Japan. Thus the F. solidus–Z. tenuis assemblage can be assigned to the Ludlowian or Pridolian to Pragian. The present data also contribute to establishing overall stratigraphy of the Paleozoic rocks of the Fukuji–Hitoegane area. According to the Ordovician to Carboniferous stratigraphy in this area, Ordovician to Silurian volcanism was gradually reduced to change the sedimentary environment into a tropical lagoon in the early Devonian. And the quiet Carboniferous environment was subsequently interrupted, throwing it once more into the volcanic conditions in the Middle Permian.  相似文献   

A new U–Pb zircon geochronological study for the Hida metamorphic and plutonic rocks from the Tateyama area in the Hida Mountains of north central Japan is presented. The U–Pb ages of metamorphic zircon grains with inherited/detrital cores in paragneisses suggest that a metamorphic event took place at around 235–250 Ma; the cores yield ages around 275 Ma, 300 Ma, 330 Ma, 1 850 Ma, and 2 650 Ma. New age data, together with geochronological and geological context of the Hida Belt, indicate that a sedimentary protolith of the paragneisses is younger than 275 Ma and was crystallized at around 235–250 Ma. Detrital ages support a model that the Hida Belt was located in the eastern margin of the North China Craton, which provided zircon grains from Paleoproterozoic to Paleozoic rocks and also from Archean and rare Neoproterozoic rocks. Triassic regional metamorphism possibly reflects collision between the North and South China Cratons.  相似文献   

We report Permian (ca. 272 Ma ±5.4 Ma) felsic dykes that intrude into the Neoproterozoic (ca. 750 Ma) magmatic suite of the Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex (NPIC), the western extension of the Malani Igneous Suite (MIS). The NPIC consists of Neoproterozoic basement amphibolites and granites (riebeckite–aegirine gray granites and the biotite–hornblende pink granites), all of which are intruded by several generations of mafic and felsic dykes. Granitic magmatism occurred in the Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 750 Ma) due to the subduction‐, followed by the rift‐related tectonic regime during the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. U–Th–Pb zircon and monazite CHIME age data of 700–800 Ma from the earlier generation porphyritic felsic dykes suggest the dyke intrusion was coeval or soon after the emplacement of the host granites. Our findings of Permian age orthophyric felsic dykes provide new insights for the prevalence of active tectonics in the MIS during late Paleozoic. Textural features and geochemistry also make the orthophyric dykes distinct from the early‐formed porphyritic dykes and the host granites. Our newly obtained age data combined with geochemistry, suggest the existence of magmatism along the western margin of India (peri‐Gondwana margin) during Permian. Like elsewhere in the region, the Permian magmatism in the NPIC could be associated with the rifting of the Cimmerian micro‐continents from the Gondwana.  相似文献   

To constrain the timing of the tectonothermal events and formation process of a plutonic suite, U–Pb dating was carried out by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined with cathodoluminescence imaging on zircon grains extracted from the Bato pluton, northern Yamizo Mountains, Japan. The Bato pluton consists of gabbro and diorite. Zircon grains separated from a gabbro sample had a unimodal 238U–206Pb age (105.7 ±1.0 Ma). It was interpreted as the solidification age of the gabbro. Cathodoluminescence observation showed that the zircon grains from a diorite sample were characterized by anhedral cores, oscillatory zoned mantles, and dark rims. The 238U–206Pb age of the anhedral cores ranged from 2 165 Ma to 161 Ma, indicating the assimilation of surrounding sedimentary rocks. The 238U–206Pb ages of the oscillatory zoned mantles and dark rims are 109.0 ±1.3 Ma and 107.7 ±1.3 Ma, respectively. Observation under polarizing microscopy suggests that the anhedral cores occurred before plagioclase and hornblende, and the oscillatory zones around the anhedral cores had crystallized at the same time as the crystallization of biotite. Moreover, the dark rims formed at the same time as the crystallization of quartz and K‐feldspar. The formation process of the gabbro‐diorite complex in the Bato pluton was inferred as follows. (i) A mafic initial magma intruded into Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and the assimilation of these sedimentary rocks led to geochemical variation yielding a dioritic composition. Subsequently, plagioclase and hornblende of the diorite were crystallized before 109.0 ±1.3 Ma. (ii) Biotite crystallized in the middle stage around 109.0 ±1.3 Ma. (iii) Quartz and K‐feldspar of the diorite were crystallized at 107.7 ±1.3 Ma. The gabbroic magma solidified (105.7 ±1.0 Ma) after solidification of the diorite.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group in the Amakusa‐Kamishima Island area, southwest Japan is subdivided into the Hinoshima and Amura Formations. In order to determine the numerical depositional age of the formations, zircon U–Pb ages were investigated using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) for acidic tuff samples from the lower part of the Hinoshima Formation and the upper part of the Amura Formation. Although the two samples contain some accidental zircons, the samples have a definite youngest age cluster and their weighted mean ages are 85.4 ± 1.3 and 81.5 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively (errors are 95 % confidence interval). These age data indicate that the Himenoura Group in the Amakusa‐Kamishima Island area was deposited mainly in the early Santonian to early Campanian which is consistent with biostratigraphic ages. Additionally, zircon age distributions of the two tuff samples from the upper part of the Hinoshima Formation do not show a distinct youngest peak of eruption age but characteristics of detrital zircons suggestive of maximum depositional age of the host sediments. These results demonstrate that the mean age of the youngest zircon age cluster of a tuff sample does not always indicate depositional age of the tuff, and statistical evaluation of age data is effective to determine depositional age of a tuff bed using zircon U–Pb ages.  相似文献   

The 161 ka explosive eruption of the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) ejected a minimum of 60 km3 of rhyolitic magma, a minor amount of andesitic magma and incorporated more than 3 km3 of vent- and conduit-derived lithic debris. The source formed a caldera south of Kos, in the Aegean Sea, Greece. Textural and lithofacies characteristics of the KPT units are used to infer eruption dynamics and magma chamber processes, including the timing for the onset of catastrophic caldera collapse.The KPT consists of six units: (A) phreatoplinian fallout at the base; (B, C) stratified pyroclastic-density-current deposits; (D, E) volumetrically dominant, massive, non-welded ignimbrites; and (F) stratified pyroclastic-density-current deposits and ash fallout at the top. The ignimbrite units show increases in mass, grain size, abundance of vent- and conduit-derived lithic clasts, and runout of the pyroclastic density currents from source. Ignimbrite formation also corresponds to a change from phreatomagmatic to dry explosive activity. Textural and lithofacies characteristics of the KPT imply that the mass flux (i.e. eruption intensity) increased to the climax when major caldera collapse was initiated and the most voluminous, widespread, lithic-rich and coarsest ignimbrite was produced, followed by a waning period. During the eruption climax, deep basement lithic clasts were ejected, along with andesitic pumice and variably melted and vesiculated co-magmatic granitoid clasts from the magma chamber. Stratigraphic variations in pumice vesicularity and crystal content, provide evidence for variations in the distribution of crystal components and a subsidiary andesitic magma within the KPT magma chamber. The eruption climax culminated in tapping more coarsely crystal-rich magma. Increases in mass flux during the waxing phase is consistent with theoretical models for moderate-volume explosive eruptions that lead to caldera collapse.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb ages of two acidic tuff and two turbidite sandstone samples from the Nakanogawa Group, Hidaka Belt, were measured to estimate its depositional age and the development of the Hokkaido Central Belt, northeast Japan. In the northern unit, homogeneous zircons from pelagic acidic tuff from a basal horizon dated to 58–57 Ma, zircons from sandstone from the upper part of the unit dated to 56–54 Ma, and zircons from acidic tuff from the uppermost part dated to 60–56 Ma and 69–63 Ma. Both of the tuff U–Pb ages are significantly older than the youngest radiolarian fossil age (66–48 Ma). Therefore, the maximum depositional age of the turbidite facies in the northern unit is 58 Ma and the younger age limit, estimated from the fossil age, is 48 Ma. In the southern unit, homogeneous zircons from turbidite sandstone dated to 58–57 Ma. Thus the depositional age of this turbidite facies was interpreted to be 66–56 Ma from the fossil age, probably close to 57 Ma. Most of the zircon U–Pb ages from the Nakanogawa Group are younger than 80 Ma, with a major peak at 60 Ma. This result implies that around Hokkaido volcanic activity occurred mainly after 80 Ma. Older zircon ages (120–80 Ma, 180–140 Ma, 340–220 Ma, 1.9 Ga, 2.2 Ga, and 2.7 Ga) give information about the provenance of other rocks in the Hidaka Belt. It is inferred that the Nakanogawa Group comprises protoliths of the upper sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone, which therefore has the same depositional age as the Nakanogawa Group (66–48 Ma). The depositional ages of the lower sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone and the Nakanogawa Group are probably the same.  相似文献   

We have estimated the timescale of material circulation in the Sanbagawa subduction zone based on U–Pb zircon and K–Ar phengite dating in the Ikeda district, central Shikoku. The Minawa and Koboke units are major constituents of the high‐P Sanbagawa metamorphic complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. For the Minawa unit, ages of 92–81 Ma for the trench‐fill sediments, are indicated, whereas the age of ductile deformation and metamorphism of garnet and chlorite zones are 74–72 Ma and 65 Ma, respectively. Our results and occurrence of c. 150 Ma Besshi‐type deposits formed at mid‐ocean ridge suggest that the 60‐Myr‐old Izanagi Plate was subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate at c. 90 Ma, and this observation is consistent with recent plate reconstructions. For the Koboke unit, the depositional ages of the trench‐fill sediments and the dates for the termination of ductile deformation and metamorphism are estimated at c. 76–74 and 64–62 Ma, respectively. In the Ikeda district, the depositional ages generally become younger towards lower structural levels in the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex. Our results of U–Pb and K–Ar dating show that the circulation of material from the deposition of the Minawa and Koboke units at the trench through an active high‐P metamorphic domain to the final exhumation from the domain occurred continuously throughout c. 30 Myr (from c. 90 to 60 Ma).  相似文献   

We report the zircon Hf-O isotopic data for mafic enclaves from the Taihang Yanshanian intermediate to felsic plutons, and use them, along with the petrological, whole-rock chemical and Nd-Sr isotopic data, to reveal the petrogenesis of mafic enclaves. Mafic enclaves show magmatic textures and are finer-grained than host rocks. In places they are highly elongated due to stretching within the partially crystallized, convective felsic magma, but show no solid-state deformation. These data suggest that mafic e...  相似文献   

The Bangong–Nujiang suture (BNS) between the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes is an important boundary and its petrogenesis is controversial. Diabase from the accretionary prism in the southern Qiangtang terrane yields a zircon U–Pb age of 181.3 ± 1.4 Ma. All the diabases show tholeiitic basalt compositions, gentle enrichment patters of light rare earth elements (REE), variable enrichment in incompatible element concentrations (e.g. Th and Rb), and no anomaly in high field strength elements (e.g. Nb and Ta), similar to that of enriched mid‐ocean ridge basalt (E‐MORB). They have relatively homogeneous whole rock Nd (εNd(t) = 7.3–9.1) and zircon Hf–O isotopic compositions (εHf(t) = 14.8–16.1, and δ18O = 4.57–6.12‰), possibly indicating melting of the depleted mantle and no significant crustal contamination during the petrogenesis. The element variations suggest that the diabases were formed by plume–ridge interaction at a mid‐ocean ridge within the Bangong–Nujiang ocean.  相似文献   

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