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本文介绍我国农业用水状况、节水灌溉及节水灌溉技术,通过分析我国节水灌溉发展趋势,指出了在我国农业节水灌溉推广中出现的节水灌溉技术水平偏低、节水灌溉的投入不足、节水灌溉制度建设滞后、农业灌溉水价低、农户节水意识不强等问题,并针对出现的一系列问题,提出了加强节水灌溉技术研究、多渠道增加资节水灌溉的资金投入、加强宣传力度、落实管理责任等对策。  相似文献   

为全面贯彻落实中央领导和国家有关节约集约用地的要求,同时配合栖霞市争创山东省国土资源节约集约模范市,栖霞市国土资源局创新思路,积极适应新常态,走节约集约利用土地的内涵挖潜式路子,有效缓解了建设用地供需矛盾、有力保证了栖霞市经济社会的更好更快发展。  相似文献   

无人机倾斜摄影测量应用于农村房地一体测量中具有较大优势,通过选用大疆M600无人机搭载飞思相机开展山地丘陵测区倾斜摄影测量与立测,得出以下结论:无人机倾斜摄影在山地有较好的成像效果,地物信息显示较为清晰;通过立体测绘与外业调绘,得到具有较高精度的测区数字线划图;无人机倾斜摄影技术在山地丘陵地区也有较高的应用精度与效率,对倾斜摄影测量相关项目有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

2002年度山东省地质科学实验研究院承担了国土资源大调查项目2个,国土资源部科技项目2个,省自然科学基金项目1个,省直矿产资源补偿费勘查项目2个,省直矿产资源补偿费保护项目2个,地市矿产资源补偿费勘查项目3个,地质市场项目12个。在地质遗迹调查与保护、矿产资源调查评价、土壤地球化学调查、测试技术与资源化研究、矿产资源总体规划、土地利用总体规划、土地开发整理规划等方面取得了丰硕成果。1 地质遗迹调查与保护1.1 山东省地层标准剖面调查与保护本年度选择调查了部分断代地层标准剖面,主要为:栖霞市新太古代胶东岩群2个岩组剖面,烟台…  相似文献   

本文以Landsat TM/ETM+数据和HJ-1卫星CCD数据,系统分析了2000-2010年新疆地区陆地生态系统变化。10年间,新疆地区建设用地、农田和湿地生态系统迅速扩张,分别增加了30.5%、26.7%和10.2%;草地与灌丛生态系统则大量减少,分别减少了2.4%和5.1%;冰川积雪减少也较为明显,减少了1.6%;荒漠和森林生态系统变化较小。生态系统变化热点区域主要分布在传统绿洲区,尤其是天山南北麓的绿洲区。水利设施改善与灌溉节水技术进步,以及国家西部开发战略导致灌草地被大量开垦为农田,人口增长则是建设用地增加的主因;全球气候变暖使冰川积雪减少明显,20世纪60年代至今面积减少了16.7%~32.5%,导致山区湿地生态系统增加;国家生态环境保护工程则有效地遏制了林地与荒漠生态系统的恶化趋势。山地水源涵养区除了要严格控制森林砍伐外,还要严格禁止灌草的开垦,控制绿洲农田的增加和重视生态过渡带的保护,并加强全球气候变化对新疆水资源影响的研究,以制定相关对策。  相似文献   

一、基本情况 《黑龙江省农垦前锋农场土地整理项目》总面积1968.9823hm^2,建设规模为1961.5361hm^2,项目共分为8个区。因地表水匮乏,地下水丰富,项目区全部采用打机井灌溉,预算投资2933.3145万元。项目实施后,粮食产量每年可增加456.15万公斤,年增加产值1061.44万元。该项目经国土资源部批准后,目前正在实施中,本文以第一区为例,介绍机井灌溉设计。  相似文献   

9月18日至19日,省政府参事由省国土资源厅助理巡视员高延德陪同,对我省土地开发整理项目建设情况进行了视察。实地调研了大通县北川河土地复垦项目、互助县塘拉滩基本农田整理项目、化隆县甘都镇土地开发整理项目和循化县查汗都斯乡土地整理项目,听取了项目县和建设单位的项目建设情况汇报,翔实询问了工程建设规模、项目总投资和项目效益情况和当前项目建设遇到的困难和问题。  相似文献   

浚县钜桥镇省级土地整理项目,位于浚县钜桥镇火龙岗丘陵区,建设规模78.65公顷,该项目已竣工。为防止出现“重建设、轻管理,一年建、两年弃、三年之后没效益”的局面,浚县国土资源局采取有效的管护措施,为项目长期产生效益,使农业长期增产、农民长期增收提供了有效保障。  相似文献   

陈超  钟毅  李晓敏 《国土资源》2007,(12):34-35
项目效益后评价不仅是加强项目管理、提高项目运营效益的一个内在要求,同时也是促进产业可持续发展的一个重要条件。2001-2005年,我国已经安排国家投资的土地开发、整理和复垦项目2832个,建设规模合计238.02万公顷。但自我国最早的一批土地整理项目实施以来,完工的项目是否实现了预定的目  相似文献   

1.解决水资源矛盾,当务之急是开展节水.提高水资源利用率。 南水北调三条线:东线易,中线难,西线艰。 我国耕地20亿亩,北多南少。其中1/3为灌溉耕地,2/3为非灌溉耕地。耕地灌溉的极限为8-9亿亩。 水资源矛盾集中体现为农业缺水,工业用水挤占农业用水。一方面,南水北调代价高昂,缓解缺水矛盾的能力十分有限。  相似文献   

The Hexi Corridor is an important base of agriculture development in Northwest China. According to recent statistics, there are 65.94×108m3 of water resources available in the Hexi Corridor. At present, net consumption in development and utilization is 43.33×108m3. Water supply and demand reach a balance on the recent level of production, but loss of evaporation and evapotranspiration is as much as 25.69×108m3. So net use efficiency of water resources is 59%. Based on analyzing balance between water and land considering ecological environment at present, there exists the serious water shortage in the Shiyang River system where irrigation lands have overloaded. There is a comparative balance between supply and demand of water resource in the Heihe River system; and the Sule River system has some surplus water to extend irrigation land. Use of agriculture water accounts for 83.3% and ecological forest and grass for 6.9%. The Hexi Corridor still has a great potential for water saving in agriculture production. Water-saving efficiency of irrigation is about 10% by using such traditional technologies as furrow and border-dike irrigation and small check irrigation, and water-saving with plastic film cover and techniques of advanced sprinkler and drip/micro irrigation etc. cansave more than 60% of irrigated water. Incremental irrigation area for water-saving potential in the Hexi Corridor has been estimated as 56% – 197% to original irrigation area. So the second water sources can be developed from water saving agriculture in the Hexi Corridor under Development of the Western Part of China in large scale. This potential can be realized step by step through developing the water-saving measures, improving the ecological condition of oasis agriculture, and optimizing allocation of water resources in three river systems. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Key innovation Project Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZcx-1-10-03) Biography: GAO Qian-zhao (1942 –), male, a native of Changzhou, Jiangsu, Professor and supervisor of Ph. D students. His research interests include hydrology and rational utilization of water resources in the arid zone.  相似文献   

通过对山东栖霞滑石矿矿区水文地质条件的调查以及63线井-200中段工作面发生矿井突水造成的灾害分析,综合研究分析了矿井突水灾害基本特征及成因,在此基础上,探讨了矿井突水地质灾害的防治对策。  相似文献   

根据矿坑热水水质、水量、水温,立足矿山实际,因地制宜提出了综合开发利用方式:赵楼煤矿矿坑水可向巨野县城提供洗浴用水;彭庄煤矿矿坑水宜作为种植冬暖式大棚蔬菜的热源;经热能梯级利用后,郭屯煤矿矿坑水可与低氟水混合后作为水产养殖用水;龙堌煤矿矿坑排水量大,距巨野县城较近,经降酸处理后可作为城镇工业供水水源。矿坑水经全部梯级利用后,可节省地下水资源及煤炭资源费2 493.84万元/a。  相似文献   

Serious desertification caused by human activity and climate change, in addition to water loss and soil erosion related to arsenic sandstone in the Mu Us Sandy Land, lead to severe scarcity of soil and water resources, which causes worse local agricultural conditions accordingly. Many physical properties of arsenic sandstone is complementary with that of sand, arsenic sandstone is therefore supposed to be blended to enhance water productivity and arability of sandy land. Container experiments are carried out to study the enhancement of water holding capacity of the mixture, the blending ratio of arsenic sandstone and sand, and the proper size of the arsenic sandstone particles, respectively. The results of the experiments show that particle size of 4 cm with a ratio of 1 : 2 between arsenic sandstone and sand are the proper parameters on blending. Both water content and fertility increase after blending. Water use efficiency in the mixture is 2.7 times higher than that in sand by the water release curves from experiments. Therefore, a new sand control and development model, including arsenic sandstone blending with sand, efficient water irrigation management and reasonable farming system, is put forward to control and develop sandy land so that water-saving agriculture could be developed. Demonstration of potato planting about 153.1 ha in area in the Mu Us Sandy Land in China indicates that water consumption is 3018 m3/ha in the whole growth period. It means that about 61% of irrigation water can be saved compared with water use in coarse sand without treatment. Recycle economic mode and positive feedback of sand resource-crop planting-soil resource are constructed, which changes sand into arable soil and make it possible to develop water-saving agriculture on it. The proposed model will be helpful for soil-water resources utilization and management in the Mu Us Sandy Land.  相似文献   

Water management in general and in the Indus Basin in particular is concerned with the energy-efficient transportation of hydrologically exploitable resources from the upper zone to climatically favourable areas where irrigation helps to supersede arid conditions for the cultivation of crops and watering of meadows. In other words: Human intervention sets the stage for the allocation of water from a wider catchment area in a smaller habitat where this resource is deficient. Emphasis on mountain irrigation practices is counteracted with developments in the forelands where different frame conditions prevail and peculiar development problems occur. In dealing with the importance of water from the mountain regions three dimensions have to be evaluated: 1) natural factors and their validity for the environmental frame conditions and technological adaptation processes; 2) social factors and their impact on culture, economy and equitability; 3) institutional factors and their importance for sustainable growth and for the implementation of development projects. In the study of decentralized irrigation systems in high mountain regions of the Indus Basin a systems theoretical approach values the complexity of interrelationships between different systems elements. Human activities in arid mountain regions are restricted by limiting ecological factors and are characterized by certain utilization and adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

曲潭测区内地形较平坦,多为第四系覆盖,表层土质较均匀,接地条件较好,选择五极纵轴电测深法在区内寻找岩溶地下水,通过视电阻率及激电二次场的测量,对物探异常的解译和深部钻孔验证,成功找到日出水量达千吨以上的岩溶地下水,为今后在灰岩地区寻找岩溶地下水提供借鉴意义。采用物探方法寻找岩溶地下水是一种不可替代的勘查方法,可以减少单纯钻探成井的盲目性,提高找水的成功率。  相似文献   

I INTRODUCTIONNatllral environment and water transform in theworld have changed faster and faster under the effect ofhuman activities. The study on effect of human activities to hydrological processes, and its extent and tendency has been more and more important as one of theresearch projects of hydrology in the world (RAI et al.,1998, BASS et al., 1998, WANGet al.,, 1998; HILLet al., 1998; LIU, 1997). It became one of the mainresearch program of international Hydrological Decade(…  相似文献   

井工煤矿对生态系统的影响和破坏主要为采空区导致地表变形、地面塌陷、地裂缝等地质灾害,地下水系统破坏和"三废"排放等。该文认为人们对矿区生产及闭坑后地下水污染对农业的危害未能引起足够的重视,急需强行关闭用作灌溉的污染水井,然后需要进行监测、封堵、治污等工作,逐渐提高矿区地下水质量;认为煤矿高岩温岩体作为地热能的主要赋存体,具有较好的热导率,通过水源热泵系统提取循环水中的热量,可以将采空区周边的地温能加以提取利用,让煤矿在生产及闭坑后均能产生地热能源;认为制约煤矿采空塌陷积水区治理的关键问题是解决充填积水区和井下采空区填充物问题,提出改造鲁南运河,将黄河泥沙输送到济宁及周边矿区;认为治理历史遗留矸石山的关键问题是爆破削坡过程中发生崩塌、滑坡、扬尘等灾害,可以利用高压水枪,配合破岩机和挖掘机联合作业来解决。  相似文献   

Interactions between surface water and groundwater are dynamic and complex in large endorheic river watersheds in Northwest China due to the influence of both irrigation practices and the local terrain. These interactions interchange numerous times throughout the middle reaches, making streamflow simulation a challenge in endorheic river watersheds. In this study, we modified the linear-reservoir groundwater module in SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tools, a widely used hydrological model) with a new nonlinear relationship to better represent groundwater processes; we then applied the original SWAT and modified SWAT to the Heihe River Watershed, the second largest endorheic river watershed in Northwest China, to simulate streamflow. After calibrating both the original SWAT model and the modified SWAT model, we analyzed model performance during two periods: an irrigation period and a non-irrigation period. Our results show that the modified SWAT model with the nonlinear groundwater module performed significantly better during both the irrigation and non-irrigation periods. Moreover, after comparing different runoff components simulated by the two models, the results show that, after the implementation of the new nonlinear groundwater module in SWAT, proportions of runoff components changed-and the groundwater flow had significantly increased, dominating the discharge season. Therefore, SWAT coupled with the non-linear groundwater module represents the complex hydrological process in the study area more realistically. Moreover, the results for various runoff components simulated by the modified SWAT models can be used to describe the hydrological characteristics of lowland areas. This indicates that the modified SWAT model is applicable to simulate complex hydrological process of arid endorheic rivers.  相似文献   

栖霞地区金矿点繁多,但仅有两处规模近中型的金矿床。根据对马家窑、台前金矿床特征及成矿地质条件的分析,并与招莱地区金矿床进行类比,认为栖霞地区金矿成矿条件与招莱地区基本相似,但由于重熔花岗岩体侵位较深,含矿热液未能运移至浅部,因而热液矿床赋存深度较大,地表及浅部金矿呈现“矿点多,规模小”的分布特点。栖霞地区深部找金潜力很大,重点勘查区应为隐伏的深熔、重熔花岗岩发育区,以及NE、NNE向断裂及其下盘次级断裂所在部位。  相似文献   

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