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描述了美国、德国、联合国及我国突发事件应急指挥体系的现状,总结了统一突发事件应急指挥系统的特点,提出了适应我国国情的统一的突发事件应急反应指挥系统模型,在此基础上设计了地震灾害救援指挥模型框架,描述了一般和重大地震事件救援指挥的层次及信息流向,初步建立了地震生命搜索与救援计算机辅助决策系统,最后,提出了实现救援指挥与辅助决策系统的建议。  相似文献   

鲁娜 《内陆地震》2004,18(1):28-28
20 0 3年 2月 2 4日巴楚—伽师发生 6 .8级强烈地震。这是我区解放以来发生的人员伤亡最大 ,经济损失最重的一次地震。一年后的 2月 2 4日 ,新疆地震灾害紧急救援队成立大会暨授旗仪式在新疆乌鲁木齐隆重举行。中国地震局、公安部消防局、自治区党委、自治区人民政府的领导、自治区防震减灾领导小组成员和新疆地震灾害紧急救援队队员参加了成立大会暨授旗仪式。新疆维吾尔自治区主席司马义·铁力瓦尔地在会上指出 ,新疆是我国地震多发地区之一 ,组建反应迅速、机动性高、突击力强的地震灾害紧急救援队对于保障人民生命财产安全、维护社会稳…  相似文献   

简要回顾了地震灾害紧急救援的由来与发展;讨论了组建广东省地震灾害紧急救援队的必要性、可行性及其对策;提出救援队建设的原则和形式,探讨今后地震救援事业的发展方向。  相似文献   

紧急救援有关问题的探讨与思考   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
首先简要回顾了紧急救援的发展过程;简述了与紧急救援有关的一些概念;讨论了城市搜索与救援、地震灾害紧急救援两个概念的由来和区别;回顾了国家地震灾害紧急救援队的设计并提出了地方救援力量建立的原则。最后是关于紧急救援未来发展的思考,并对保障措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

地震灾害是我国自然灾害的众灾之首,对震后灾情时空分布的快速认识以及紧急应对的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义,也是目前灾害应对领域与政府工作的热点。地震灾害研究是一门交叉综合学科,涉及构造地质学、社会学、灾害学、公共管理和危机管理等众多领域,必须在多学科综合的框架下,研究“地震-地震灾害-地震灾害应对”这个链条上的各个环节。但目前地震灾害时空分布研究的尺度对一次特定地震紧急处置的应用价值有限;构造地质学研究地震发生发展规律,偏重于地震灾害的自然属性,而在震后应急救援中的应用研究比较薄弱;地震紧急救援的指挥布局等也未进行详细分析,缺少可借鉴的理论依据和模式。  相似文献   

关于建设地震紧急救援队伍有关问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对建立专业和社会多级地震紧急救援力量的必要性、作用、任务、组建形式以及灾害综合应急管理等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

(北京 ,2 0 0 4年 7月 1 2~ 1 4日 )姓名性别职称职务工作单位通信地址联系电话传真E mail论文题目专题代码陪同人员人数陪同人员名单及性别宾馆房间类型     宾馆房间类型 :单人间 ,双人间第三届大陆地震、紧急救援暨巨灾保险国际会议国内人员注册表  相似文献   

经国务院批准,由中国地震局主办,科技部、民政部、中国科学院、国家自然科学基金会、中国保监会、中国科协、联合国人道主义事务协调办公室(LINOCHA)、联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)、联合国国际减灾战略(UNISDR)、国际大地测量学与地球  相似文献   

刘佳  钟贻军  张国荣  王兵 《华南地震》2004,24(3):101-106
概述了广东省地震群测群防工作的现状,分析了制约广东省地震群测群防工作发展的主要因素,并对新时期开展地震群测群防工作所面临的新情况、新问题进行了思考,探讨了广东省地震群测群防工作的管理模式和发展思路。  相似文献   

广东省干旱灾害空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江涛  杨奇  张强  黎坤 《湖泊科学》2012,24(1):156-160
利用1956-2005年126个雨量站逐月降水资料,采用标准化降雨指数和经验正交函数分解法,探讨了广东省干旱灾害空间分布规律.结果表明:广东省虽然总体比较湿润,但局部干旱时有发生,且在空间上存在东西差异、南北差异、中部差异的特点;春旱大致呈自西向东、自北向南逐渐加重的趋势;秋旱空间分布特点与春旱相反,由东向西、由南向北逐渐加重;春旱、秋旱在中部地区也有微弱的差异.  相似文献   

利用概率地震危险性分析(CPSHA)方法,对山东某场地进行地震危险性分析,通过对该场地划分潜在震源区,确定地震活动性参数及地震动衰减关系,计算分析地震危险性概率,基本确定对该场地地震动峰值加速度起主要贡献的几个潜在震源区及贡献值,并确定该场地50年超越概率10%的水平向基岩地震动加速度峰值。结果发现,CPSHA方法以具体的构造尺度和更加细致的构造标志来划分潜在震源区,使潜在震源区规模缩减,从而更能反映地震活动在空间分布上的不均匀性。  相似文献   

本文回顾总结了山东地震行政执法工作的建立与发展,探索了防震减灾工作从行政管理到依法管理的新途径。  相似文献   

广东省"十五"项目测震台站台址勘选结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用地震台址勘选过程中产出的地脉动背景噪声数字记录,计算勘选出的各台站背景噪声地脉动速度均方根值(RMS)、噪声功率谱密度等数据.成果在于得出各地震台站的背景噪声水平和等级分类,为将来计算各地震台站的场地响应及震级修正值等测震学研究提供基础资料,是对"广东省数字地震观测网络"项目测震台站勘选工作的总结与评价.  相似文献   

Based on previous observations of the phenomenon of precursory seismic quiescence before crustal main shocks and recent results that indicate an increase in the occurrence of main shocks in the next years, we focus this study on the detection of the seismic quiescence situation in Greece in the beginning of 1999. We use the declustered seismicity catalogue of the Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens (NOA) from 1968–1998, to investigate the significance of seismic quiescence for the region 19°–29°E and 34°–42°N. We searched for seismicity rate changes at every node of the grid by a moving time window and we present the results for the beginning of 1999. The results map four (4) areas having a quiescence which duration ranges from 3.8 to6 years in the beginning of 1999. Three of these areas have been devestated by catastrophic earthquakes 17–21 years ago and significant quiescence also preceded those main shocks. Based on these results, an estimate of the future seismic hazard of these areas is made.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Thailand   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A set of probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Thailand has been derived using procedures developed for the latest US National Seismic Hazard Maps. In contrast to earlier hazard maps for this region, which are mostly computed using seismic source zone delineations, the presented maps are based on the combination of smoothed gridded seismicity, crustal-fault, and subduction source models. Thailand’s composite earthquake catalogue is revisited and expanded, covering a study area limited by 0°–30°N Latitude and 88°–110°E Longitude and the instrumental period from 1912 to 2007. The long-term slip rates and estimates of earthquake size from paleoseismological studies are incorporated through a crustal fault source model. Furthermore, the subduction source model is used to model the megathrust Sunda subduction zones, with variable characteristics along the strike of the faults. Epistemic uncertainty is taken into consideration by the logic tree framework incorporating basic quantities, such as different source modelling, maximum cut-off magnitudes and ground motion prediction equations. The ground motion hazard map is presented over a 10 km grid in terms of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration at 0.2, 1.0, and 2.0 undamped natural periods and a 5% critical damping ratio for 10 and 2% probabilities of exceedance in 50 years. The presented maps give expected ground motions that are based on more extensive data sources than applied in the development of previous maps. The main findings are that northern and western Thailand are subjected to the highest hazard. The largest contributors to short- and long-period ground motion hazard in the Bangkok region are from the nearby active faults and Sunda subduction zones, respectively.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard maps for the Japanese islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probabilistic seismic hazard maps are constructed by utilising a new methodology called the parametric-historic method, since it combines the best features of the ‘deductive’ ([2]) and ‘historic’ ( [4]) procedures.

The technique has been developed specifically for the estimation of seismic hazard at individual sites without the subjective judgment involved in the definition of seismic source zones, when specific active faults have not been mapped or identified, and when the causes of seismicity are not well understood. The combination of historical and instrumental data is permitted. The historical part of the catalogue contains only the strongest events, whereas the complete part can be divided into several subcatalogues, each assumed complete above a specified threshold of magnitude. Uncertainty in the determination of magnitude has also been taken into account. The maximum credible magnitude, mmax, is of paramount importance in this approach.

The seismic hazard maps are based on a long-term earthquake history (599–1997) compiled of the catalogues of Utsu (Utsu T. Catalog of large earthquakes in the region of Japan from 1885 through 1980. Bull Earthq Res Inst, Univ Tokyo, 1982;57:401–63), Usami (Usami T. Materials for comprehensive list of destructive earthquakes in Japan. Tokyo: Tokyo Press, 1996) and JMA for the Japanese islands. The analysis is based on subregions at a grid size of 0.05° along the Japanese islands, for each of which peak ground accelerations and spectral accelerations for natural frequencies of 1, 3, 5 and 10 Hz, are predicted and mapped to occur at a 10% probability in 50 years.  相似文献   

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