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Fundamental Concepts of Well Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

As part of a study of the flow dynamics and sampling environment around a high-capacity irrigation well, it was necessary to design and install a multi-level monitoring well network close to the production well. A requirement of the monitoring well network was the capability of continuous pumping over periods typical of those used during water sample collection. This was accomplished through the use of a control valve and air manifold system connected 10 a common gasoline engine-operated air compressor. The system provided adequate air pressure to operate 24 half-size bladder pumps to depths between 21 feet (6.4 m) and 56 feet (17.1 m) below the surface. Preliminary data collected from the monitoring well network indicate that the system will meet the requirements of the high-capacity well study.  相似文献   

Determination of the nature, extent, and rate of off-site chemical migration are common objectives of hazardous waste site investigations. Chemical analyses of water samples from monitoring wells and measurements of hydraulic head and hydraulic conductivity provide the basis for making these determinations. Accurate site assessment, therefore, depends upon the appropriate monitoring well design and sampling and testing procedures.
During the course of remedial investigations in Niagara Falls, New York, it has been necessary to evaluate the ground water quality and hydraulic characteristics of 5- to 30-feet thick overburden formations. Many of the monitoring wells completed to these formations consist of a partially penetrating screen (5 feet at the base of the formation) with a fully penetrating sandpack. Questions regarding how this well design influences the source of sampled ground water and hydraulic tests were examined using an extremely fine axisymmetric grid with SATURN, a two-dimensional, finite-element ground water model, and a particle tracking post-processor.
A discrete sensitivity analysis was made to determine how flow patterns induced by pumping at 1 gpm are affected by: different screen and sandpack configurations, the ratio of sandpack to formation hydraulic conductivities, heterogeneity, anisotropy, and sandpack thickness. The simulations show that the source (and chemistry given a non-uniform chemical distribution) of ground water sampled will vary considerably depending on a number of factors. Analysis of simulated drawdowns in the monitoring well during purging shows that calculated transmissivities for the range of well designs and conditions modeled will be accurate to within one-half order of magnitude.  相似文献   

A community-based, real-time, groundwater level monitoring network consisting of 11 sites was built in Nova Scotia, Canada, using privately owned domestic wells and low-cost, custom-made water level meters. The real-time meters use an ultrasonic sensor to measure water levels and an Internet-of-Things device to transmit the data to the Internet by WiFi or cellular connection. The water level data are plotted in real-time on a time-series graph and are available immediately for online viewing and downloading. Based on observations at three sites, the real-time water level meter data compare well to pressure transducer measurements, with mean absolute errors of less than 0.02 m. The meters are simple to build, and components are readily available from online suppliers at low cost.  相似文献   

Analytical studies for well design adjacent to river banks are the most significant practical task in cases involving the efficiency of riverbank filtration systems. In times when high pollution of river water is joined with increasing water demand, it is necessary to design pumping wells near the river that provide acceptable amounts of river water with minimum contaminant concentrations. This will guarantee the quality and safety of drinking water supplies. This article develops an analytical solution based on the Green's function approach to solve an inverse problem: based on the required level of contaminant concentration and planned pumping time period, the shortest distance to the riverbank that has the maximum percentage of river water is determined. This model is developed in a confined and homogenous aquifer that is partially penetrated by the stream due to the existence of clogging layers. Initially, the analytical results obtained at different pumping times, rates and with different values of initial concentration are checked numerically using the MODFLOW software. Generally, the distance results obtained from the proposed model are acceptable. Then, the model is validated by data related to two pumping wells located at the first riverbank filtration pilot project conducted in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Arsenic in groundwater is a serious problem in New England, particularly for domestic well owners drawing water from bedrock aquifers. The overlying glacial aquifer generally has waters with low arsenic concentrations but is less used because of frequent loss of well water during dry periods and the vulnerability to surface‐sourced bacterial contamination. An alternative, novel design for shallow wells in glacial aquifers is intended to draw water primarily from unconsolidated glacial deposits, while being resistant to drought conditions and surface contamination. Its use could greatly reduce exposure to arsenic through drinking water for domestic use. Hypothetical numerical models were used to investigate the potential hydraulic performance of the new well design in reducing arsenic exposure. The aquifer system was divided into two parts, an upper section representing the glacial sediments and a lower section representing the bedrock. The location of the well, recharge conditions, and hydraulic properties were systematically varied in a series of simulations and the potential for arsenic contamination was quantified by analyzing groundwater flow paths to the well. The greatest risk of arsenic contamination occurred when the hydraulic conductivity of the bedrock aquifer was high, or where there was upward flow from the bedrock aquifer because of the position of the well in the flow system.  相似文献   

For a well in the vicinity of a surface water body, a formula is developed that relates the share of bank filtrate on total pumpage, that is, the discharge ratio, on one side, to basic well and aquifer characteristics on the other. The application of the formula is demonstrated for solving the inverse problem: for an aimed discharge ratio, well characteristics (pumping rate, distance to shore) can be determined. Other useful applications of the formula are outlined.  相似文献   

Alow-cost rapid response system to remotely collect piezometric head data in compressible porous media has been constructed. The system is based on low-cost temperature compensated pressure transducers, standard low-cost CMOS logic devices, low-cost commercially available two-way radios and a portable microcomputer. The basic system operation involves encoding a pressure transducer output, which is then transmitted on command via two-way FM radios to a base station located up to one-half mile away. The base station includes a TRS-80 Model 100 microcomputer which controls the network of remote stations and decodes and stores the information. This information is partially processed in the microcomputer and may be readily transferred to a mainframe for further data analysis. The base station interrogates as many as 16 remote stations at a specified sampling rate. The versatility of the system also allows it to be used to operate any remote instrumentation system having a suitable voltage output.  相似文献   

Soil venting, in addition to removing volatile organic compounds, has secondary effects on soil temprature and moisture content. A simple enthalpy balance model is used to illustrate the maganitude and direction of temperature and moisture content changes in the soil during ordinary venting and with several potential modifications to venting. Because of the importance of latent heat of vaporization, injection of warm, dry air into the substance is generally ineffective in heating the soil. In contrast, injection of humidified, slightly heated air is found to result in significant soil warming even at low flow rates. Soil warming is thought to be an important mechanism for enhancing remediation, particularly in the final or tail stage of cleanup where concentrations slowly decline wiht time. A variety of soil venting alternatives are simulated at hypothetical sites in Chicago, Illinois, and Tucson, Arizona, including simple humidification, humidification with solar heating, and venting under positive pressure. All there methods result in higher final soil temperatures than the control case of normal soil venting. Humidification of the input air at the rates applied does not result in significant change in average soil moisture content or saturation of the soil wtih water.  相似文献   

Abstract. We have developed a program which aids in the design and analysis of pumping tests and slug tests. In design mode, the program emphasizes calculation and plotting of the sensitivities of drawdown (or head) to well function parameters. In analysis mode, the program can analyze a given set of experimental data. For pumping tests, the program allows multiple observation wells and multiple variable-rate pumping wells. The program is written in a modular fashion, allowing easy addition of well functions to the currently existing library. An example based on a hypothetical pumping test illustrates the utility of sensitivity analysis for well test design.  相似文献   

An upsurge in oil- and gas-well drilling in northwestern Pennsylvania and western New York has been accompanied by several incidents of contamination of ground water by methane. Determining which well is causing the contamination is extremely difficult if more than one gas or oil well is present in the area.
The fact that the solubility of methane decreases as the pressure on ground water decreases provides a quantitative basis for monitoring changes in the amount of methane in the ground water. Quantitative measurements of the volume of methane given off by ground water pumped from a well as the water enters atmospheric pressure permit detection of temporal changes in the gas content which are too subtle to be detected visually. These gas volume changes may, in some cases, be correlated with variations in the pressure of methane in the annulus of nearby individual gas/oil wells and thus may provide a means of pinpointing the gas/oil well that is causing the methane contamination.
The basic principle of the gas-volume monitoring apparatus (GVMA) described in this paper is that as a measured amount of ground water enters atmospheric pressure the gas which comes out of solution is trapped and measured. The GVMA can be constructed of materials costing less than $100 and requires no special skills to assemble or operate. In a recent study conducted in a western New York village, four homeowners were able to collect quantitative gas-volume data from their household water wells daily in about one-half hour. Unlike laboratory analyses for dissolved methane, there is no cost involved in monitoring with the GVMA beyond the initial instrument cost and operator time. Another advantage is that the data are available immediately.  相似文献   

Ground water circulation wells (GCWs) provide an appealing alternative to typical pump-and-treat ground water remediation systems because of the inherent resource-conservative nature of the GCW systems. GCW performance prediction is challenging because the consideration of extraction and recharge in a single well is unusual for most practitioners, the technology is relatively new, and a meaningful body of literature has not been published. A three-part evaluation process using state-of-the-practice numerical ground water flow and mass transport models was developed for application during GCW pilot studies at the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant site. A small-scale ground water flow model was developed during the pilot study planning process to predict the system performance and to locate performance-measuring monitoring wells. Key predictions included the capture zone predicted to develop upgradient of the GCW, the downgradierit GCW recharge zone, and the circulation zone centered on the GCW. The flow model was subsequently verified using ground water elevation data and contaminant concentration data collected during pilot study operation. Aquifer parameters were reestimated as a result of the verification process. Those parameter values were used as input to a larger scale model, which was used to develop a remedial alternative consisting of multiple GCW systems.  相似文献   

Transient Flow to a Horizontal Water Well   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M.W. Kawecki 《Ground water》2000,38(6):842-850

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