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The objective of this paper is to draw attention to the close similarity between the observable universe and the photon mean free path sphere. It is hoped that by analyzing in depth this apparent connection one will be able to explain why our present epoch appears to have special properties. It is shown that some theoretical arguments point to an equality between the number of particles in the observable universe and the number of particles in the largest self-gravitating photon mean free path sphere (MxPhMFPS.) This equality, supported by observational data, leads to a series of equations that relate in simple manner characteristics of the observable universe with characteristics of the MxPhMFPS, and allows a more precise approximation of the values of the main cosmological parameters. It is also shown that by replacing the protons in the MxPhMFPS with positrons, the radiation resulted by their interaction with the existing electrons has an energy equal to the energy of the electromagnetic radiation in the observable universe.  相似文献   

Here is discussed various ways by which the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation can be use to measure the velocities of matter in the universe. We include some new statistical techniques for using the kinetic Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (kSZ) effect and integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect to determine velocities by correlating wide area CMB maps with overlapping large-scale structure (LSS) surveys.  相似文献   

By combining data from cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments (including the recent WMAP third year results), large scale structure (LSS) and Lyman-α forest observations, we derive upper limits on the sum of neutrino masses of Σmν < 0.17 eV at 95% c.l. We then constrain the hypothesis of a fourth, sterile, massive neutrino. For the third massless +1 massive neutrino case we bound the mass of the sterile neutrino to ms < 0.26 eV at 95% c.l. These results exclude at high significance the sterile neutrino hypothesis as an explanation of the LSND anomaly. We then generalize the analysis to account for active neutrino masses which tightens the limit to ms < 0.23 eV and the possibility that the sterile abundance is not thermal. In the latter case, the constraints in the (mass, density) plane are non-trivial. For a mass of >1 eV or <0.05 eV the cosmological energy density in sterile neutrinos is always constrained to be ων < 0.003 at 95% c.l. However, for a sterile neutrino mass of 0.25 eV, ων can be as large as 0.01.  相似文献   

I present results of new statistical techniques for the interpretation of the temperature and polarization maps and power spectra of the cosmic microwave background. We show that the power deficit at low ℓ in the WMAP1 data is consistent with a statistical fluctuation at the 10% level; that future high S/N maps of the temperature and polarization anisotropies can be combined into a reconstruction of the metric perturbations imprinted during inflation; and that machine learning techniques can accelerate cosmological parameter estimation by orders of magnitude while being highly accurate and robust.  相似文献   

In the era of high precision CMB measurements, systematic effects are beginning to limit the ability to extract subtler cosmological information. The non-circularity of the experimental beam has become progressively important as CMB experiments strive to attain higher angular resolution and sensitivity. The effect of non-circular beam on the power spectrum is important at multipoles larger than the beam-width. For recent experiments with high angular resolution, optimal methods of power spectrum estimation are computationally prohibitive and sub-optimal approaches, such as the Pseudo-Cl method are used. We provide an analytic framework for correcting the power spectrum for the effect of beam non-circularity and non-uniform sky coverage (including incomplete/masked sky maps). The approach is perturbative in the distortion of the beam from non-circularity allowing for rapid computations when the beam is mildly non-circular. We advocate that when the non-circular beams are important, it is computationally advantageous to employ ‘soft’ azimuthally apodized masks whose spherical harmonic transforms die down fast with m.  相似文献   

The COsmic Foreground Explorer (COFE) is a balloon-borne microwave polarimeter designed to measure the low-frequency and low-ℓ characteristics of dominant diffuse polarized foregrounds. Short duration balloon flights from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres will allow the telescope to cover up to 80% of the sky with an expected sensitivity per pixel better than 100 μK/deg2 from 10 GHz to 20 GHz. This is an important effort toward characterizing the polarized foregrounds for future CMB experiments, in particular the ones that aim to detect primordial gravity wave signatures in the CMB polarization angular power spectrum.  相似文献   

Assuming simple dynamics for the growth of density fluctuations, we implement six-dimensional (6D) radiative transfer calculations to elucidate the effects of photon propagation during the reionization of an inhomogeneous universe. The ionizing sources are postulated to be AGN-like in this paper. The present simulations reveal that radiative transfer effects are still prominent considerably after the percolation epoch, in which patchy ionized regions connect with each other. In other words, owing to the collective opacity, the Universe does not become perfectly transparent against ionizing radiation even though strongly self-shielded regions disappear. It turns out that the inhomogeneity of the medium enhances the opacity effects and delays the end of reionization. Owing to such radiative transfer effects, the reionization in an inhomogeneous universe proceeds fairly slowly, in contrast to the prompt reionization in a homogeneous universe, and as a result the surface of reionization is not so sharply edged, but highly uneven. As a signature of the uneven surface of reionization, the cosmic IR background (CIB) radiation, which is produced by Ly photons resulting from radiative recombination, could exhibit strong anisotropies, reflecting the amplitude of density fluctuations at the reionization era. The predicted CIB intensity lies on a level of possible detection by forthcoming IR space telescope facilities.  相似文献   

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) science team has released results from the first year of operation at the Earth–Sun L2 Lagrange point. The maps are consistent with previous observations but have much better sensitivity and angular resolution than the COBE DMR maps, and much better calibration accuracy and sky coverage than ground-based and balloon-borne experiments. The angular power spectra from these ground-based and balloon-borne experiments are consistent within their systematic and statistical uncertainties with the WMAP results. WMAP detected the large angular-scale correlation between the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB caused by electron scattering since the Universe became reionized after the “Dark Ages”, giving a value for the electron scattering optical depth of 0.17 ± 0.04. The simplest ΛCDM model with n=1 and Ωtot=1 fixed provides an adequate fit to the WMAP data and gives parameters which are consistent with determinations of the Hubble constant and observations of the accelerating Universe using supernovae. The time-ordered data, maps, and power spectra from WMAP can be found at http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov along with 13 papers by the WMAP science team describing the results in detail.  相似文献   

Three independent observational studies have now detected a narrow  (Δ z ≃ 0.5)  dip centred at   z = 3.2  in the otherwise smooth redshift evolution of the Lyα forest effective optical depth. This feature has previously been interpreted as an indirect signature of rapid photoheating in the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of He  ii reionization. We examine this interpretation using a semi-analytic model of inhomogeneous He  ii reionization and high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of the Lyα forest. We instead find that a rapid  (Δ z ≃ 0.2)  boost to the IGM temperature  (Δ T ≃ 104 K)  beginning at   z = 3.4  produces a well understood and generic evolution in the Lyα effective optical depth, where a sudden reduction in the opacity is followed by a gradual, monotonic recovery driven largely by adiabatic cooling in the low-density IGM. This behaviour is inconsistent with the narrow feature in the observational data. If photoheating during He  ii reionization is instead extended over several redshift units, as recent theoretical studies suggest, then the Lyα opacity will evolve smoothly with redshift. We conclude that the sharp dip observed in the Lyα forest effective optical depth is instead most likely due to a narrow peak in the hydrogen photoionization rate around   z = 3.2  , and suggest that it may arise from the modulation of either reprocessed radiation during He  ii reionization, or the opacity of Lyman limit systems.  相似文献   

The brightness temperature fluctuations in the 21-cm background related to the neutral hydrogen distribution provide a probe of the physics related to the era of reionization, when the intergalactic medium changed from being completely neutral to partially ionized. We formulate statistics of 21-cm brightness temperature anisotropies in terms of the angular power spectrum, the bispectrum, and the trispectrum. Using the trispectrum, we estimate the covariance related to the power spectrum measurements and show that correlations resulting from non-Gaussianities are below a per cent, at most. While all-sky observations of the 21-cm background at arcminute-scale resolution can be used to measure the bispectrum with a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of the order of a few tens, in the presence of foregrounds and instrumental noise related to first-generation interferometers, the measurement is unlikely to be feasible. For most purposes, non-Gaussianities in 21-cm fluctuations can be ignored and the distribution can be described with Gaussian statistics. Because 21-cm fluctuations are significantly contaminated by foregrounds, such as galactic synchrotron or low-frequency radio point sources, the lack of significant non-Gaussianity in the signal suggests that any significant detection of non-Gaussianity could be the result of foregrounds. Similarly, in addition to the frequency information that is now proposed to separate 21-cm fluctuations from foregrounds, if the non-Gaussian structure of foregrounds is known a priori, this additional information could potentially be used to reduce the confusion further.  相似文献   

We study the statistical properties of the cosmological 21-cm signal from both the intergalactic medium (IGM) and minihaloes, using a reionization simulation that includes a self-consistent treatment of minihalo photoevaporation. We consider two models for minihalo formation and three typical thermal states of the IGM – heating purely by ionization, heating from both ionizing and Lyα photons and a maximal 'strong heating' model. We find that the signal from the IGM is almost always dominant over that from minihaloes. In our calculation, the differential brightness temperature,  δ T b,  of minihaloes is never larger than 2 mK. Although there are indeed some differences in the signals from the minihaloes and from the IGM, even with the planned generation of radio telescopes it will be unfeasible to detect them. However, minihaloes significantly affect the ionization state of the IGM and the corresponding 21-cm flux.  相似文献   

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