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The Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil, is presently the largest accumulation of single itabirite-hosted iron ore bodies worldwide. Detailed petrography of selected hypogene high-grade iron ore bodies at, e.g. the Águas Claras, Conceição, Pau Branco and Pico deposits revealed different iron oxide generations, from oldest to youngest: magnetite → martite (hematite pseudomorph after magnetite) → granoblastic (recrystallised) → microplaty (fine-grained, <100 μm) → specular (coarse-grained, >100 μm) hematite. Laser-fluorination oxygen isotope analyses of selected iron ore species showed that the δ18O composition of ore-hosted martite ranges between ?4.4 and 0.9?‰ and is up to 11?‰ depleted in 18O relative to hematite of the host itabirite. During the modification of iron ore and the formation of new iron oxide generations (e.g. microplaty and specular hematite), an increase of up to 8?‰ in δ18O values is recorded. Calculated δ18O values of hydrothermal fluids in equilibrium with the iron oxide species indicate: (1) the involvement of isotopically light fluids (e.g. meteoric water or brines) during the upgrade from itabirite-hosted hematite to high-grade iron ore-hosted martite and (2) a minor positive shift in δ18Ofluid values from martite to specular hematite as result of modified meteoric water or brines with slightly elevated δ18O values and/or the infiltration of small volumes of isotopically heavy (metamorphic and/or magmatic) fluids into the iron ore system. The circulation of large fluid volumes that cause the systematic decrease of 18O/16O ratios from itabirite to high-grade iron ore requires the presence of, e.g. extensive faults and/or large-scale folds.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations (BIFs) are Precambrian chemical marine sedimentary formations that record major transitions of chemical composition, and oxidation–reduction state of oceans at the time of their deposition. In this paper, we report silicon and oxygen isotope compositions of a variety of BIFs from the North China Craton (NCC) in order to deduce the mechanism of their formation. Quartz in the various types of BIFs from the NCC are generally depleted in 30Si, where δ30SiNBS-28 values range from − 2.0‰ to − 0.3‰ (average, − 0.8‰), similar to δ30SiNBS-28 values measured from modern submarine black chimneys and sinters. The δ18OV-SMOW values of quartz in the BIFs are relatively high (8.1‰–21.5‰; average, 13.1‰), similar to those of siliceous rock formed by hydrothermal activities. The δ30SiNBS-28 values of quartz in magnetite bands are commonly lower than those of quartz in adjacent siliceous bands within the same sample, whereas δ18OV-SMOW values are higher in the magnetite bands. A negative correlation is observed between δ30SiNBS-28 and δ18OV-SMOW values of quartz from siliceous and magnetite bands in BIF from Fuping, Hebei Province. The isotopic compositions of silicon and oxygen of quartz in BIFs provide insights for the formation mechanisms of silicon–iron cyclothems in BIFs. After the silicon- and iron-rich hydrothermal solution was injected onto the seabed, the abrupt temperature drop caused oversaturation of silicic acid, resulting in rapid precipitation of SiO2 and deposition of siliceous layers. Ferric hydroxide was precipitated later than SiO2 because of low free-oxygen concentration in the ocean bottom. Progressive mixing of hydrothermal solution with seawater caused a continuous drop in temperature and an increase in Eh values, resulting in gradual oxidation of hydrothermal Fe2 + and deposition of iron-rich layers. In summary, each silicon–iron cyclothem marks a large-scale submarine hydrothermal exhalation. The periodic nature of these exhalations resulted in the formation of regular silicon–iron cyclothems. The widespread distribution of BIFs indicates that volcanism and submarine hydrothermal exhalation were extensive; the low δ30SiNBS-28 and high δ18O V-SMOW values of the BIFs indicate that the temperature of seawater was relatively high at the time of BIF formation, and that concentrations of Fe2 + and H4SiO4 in seawater were saturated.  相似文献   

The discovery of the Gouap banded iron formations(BIFs)-hosted iron mineralization in the northwestern of the Nyong Group(Ntem Complex)in southwestern Cameroon provides unique insights into the geology of this region.In this contribution,we firstly report detailed study of geochemistry,isotopic and geochronology of well preserved samples of the Gouap BIFs collected from diamond drillcores.The Gouap BIFs consist mainly of amphibole BIFs and amphibole-pyrite BIFs characterized by dominant Fe2O3+SiO2contents and variable contents of CaO,MgO and SO3,consistent with the presence of amphibole,chlorite,epidote and pyrite,formed during amphibolite facies metamorphism and overprinted hydrothermal event.The amphibole–pyrite BIFs are typically enriched in trace and rare earth elements(REE)compared to the amphibole BIFs,suggesting the influence of detrital materials as well as secondary hydrothermal alteration.The Post Archean Australian Shale(PAAS)-normalized REE–Y profiles of the Gouap BIFs display positive La,Eu anomalies,weak negative Ce anomalies,indicating a mixture of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids and relatively oxic conditions probably under relative shallow seawater.We present here the first isotopic data of BIFs within the Ntem Complex.Theδ30SiNBS28values of the quartz from the Gouap BIFs vary from-1.5‰to-0.3‰and from-0.8‰to-0.9‰for the amphibole BIFs and amphibole–pyrite BIFs,respectively.The quartz hasδ18OV-SMOW values of 6.8‰–9.5‰(amphibole BIFs)and 9.2‰–10.6‰(amphibole–pyrite BIFs).The magnetite from the Gouap BIFs showsδ18O values ranging from-3.5‰to-1.8‰and from-3‰to-1.7‰for the amphibole BIFs and amphibole–pyrite BIFs,respectively.Moreover,the pyrite grains in the amphibole–pyrite BIFs displayδ34S values of 1.1‰–1.8‰.All isotopic data of the Gouap BIFs confirm that they might have precipitated from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids with detrital input distant from the volcanic activity.According to their geochemical and isotopic characteristics,we propose that the Gouap BIFs belong to the Superior type.In situ U–Pb zircon dating of BIFs was conducted to assess the BIF depositional age based on strong evidence of zircon in thin section.The Gouap BIFs were probably deposited at 2422±50 Ma in a region where sediments extended from continental shelf to deep-water environments along craton margins like the Caue Formation of the Minas Supergroup,Brazil.The studied BIFs have experienced regional hydrothermal activity and metamorphism at 2089±8.3 Ma during the Eburnean–Transamazonian orogeny.These findings suggest a physical continuity between the protocratonic masses of both Sao Francisco and Congo continents in the Rhyacian Period.  相似文献   

The BIF-hosted iron ore system represents the world's largest and highest grade iron ore districts and deposits. BIF, the precursor to low- and high-grade BIF hosted iron ore, consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Algoma-type BIF (e.g., Serra Norte iron ore district in the Carajás Mineral Province), Proterozoic Lake Superior-type BIF (e.g., deposits in the Hamersley Province and craton), and Neoproterozoic Rapitan-type BIF (e.g., the Urucum iron ore district).The BIF-hosted iron ore system is structurally controlled, mostly via km-scale normal and strike-slips fault systems, which allow large volumes of ascending and descending hydrothermal fluids to circulate during Archean or Proterozoic deformation or early extensional events. Structures are also (passively) accessed via downward flowing supergene fluids during Cenozoic times.At the depositional site the transformation of BIF to low- and high-grade iron ore is controlled by: (1) structural permeability, (2) hypogene alteration caused by ascending deep fluids (largely magmatic or basinal brines), and descending ancient meteoric water, and (3) supergene enrichment via weathering processes. Hematite- and magnetite-based iron ores include a combination of microplaty hematite–martite, microplaty hematite with little or no goethite, martite–goethite, granoblastic hematite, specular hematite and magnetite, magnetite–martite, magnetite-specular hematite and magnetite–amphibole, respectively. Goethite ores with variable amounts of hematite and magnetite are mainly encountered in the weathering zone.In most large deposits, three major hypogene and one supergene ore stages are observed: (1) silica leaching and formation of magnetite and locally carbonate, (2) oxidation of magnetite to hematite (martitisation), further dissolution of quartz and formation of carbonate, (3) further martitisation, replacement of Fe silicates by hematite, new microplaty hematite and specular hematite formation and dissolution of carbonates, and (4) replacement of magnetite and any remaining carbonate by goethite and magnetite and formation of fibrous quartz and clay minerals.Hypogene alteration of BIF and surrounding country rocks is characterised by: (1) changes in the oxide mineralogy and textures, (2) development of distinct vertical and lateral distal, intermediate and proximal alteration zones defined by distinct oxide–silicate–carbonate assemblages, and (3) mass negative reactions such as de-silicification and de-carbonatisation, which significantly increase the porosity of high-grade iron ore, or lead to volume reduction by textural collapse or layer-compaction. Supergene alteration, up to depths of 200 m, is characterised by leaching of hypogene silica and carbonates, and dissolution precipitation of the iron oxyhydroxides.Carbonates in ore stages 2 and 3 are sourced from external fluids with respect to BIF. In the case of basin-related deposits, carbon is interpreted to be derived from deposits underlying carbonate sequences, whereas in the case of greenstone belt deposits carbonate is interpreted to be of magmatic origin. There is only limited mass balance analyses conducted, but those provide evidence for variable mobilization of Fe and depletion of SiO2. In the high-grade ore zone a volume reduction of up to 25% is observed.Mass balance calculations for proximal alteration zones in mafic wall rocks relative to least altered examples at Beebyn display enrichment in LOI, F, MgO, Ni, Fe2O3total, C, Zn, Cr and P2O5 and depletions of CaO, S, K2O, Rb, Ba, Sr and Na2O. The Y/Ho and Sm/Yb ratios of mineralised BIF at Windarling and Koolyanobbing reflect distinct carbonate generations derived from substantial fluid–rock reactions between hydrothermal fluids and igneous country rocks, and a chemical carbonate-inheritance preserved in supergene goethite.Hypogene and supergene fluids are paramount for the formation of high-grade BIF-hosted iron ore because of the enormous amount of: (1) warm (100–200 °C) silica-undersaturated alkaline fluids necessary to dissolve quartz in BIF, (2) oxidized fluids that cause the oxidation of magnetite to hematite, (3) weakly acid (with moderate CO2 content) to alkaline fluids that are necessary to form widespread metasomatic carbonate, (4) carbonate-undersaturated fluids that dissolve the diagenetic and metasomatic carbonates, and (5) oxidized fluids to form hematite species in the hypogene- and supergene-enriched zone and hydroxides in the supergene zone.Four discrete end-member models for Archean and Proterozoic hypogene and supergene-only BIF hosted iron ore are proposed: (1) granite–greenstone belt hosted, strike-slip fault zone controlled Carajás-type model, sourced by early magmatic (± metamorphic) fluids and ancient “warm” meteoric water; (2) sedimentary basin, normal fault zone controlled Hamersley-type model, sourced by early basinal (± evaporitic) brines and ancient “warm” meteoric water. A variation of the latter is the metamorphosed basin model, where BIF (ore) is significantly metamorphosed and deformed during distinct orogenic events (e.g., deposits in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero and Simandou Range). It is during the orogenic event that the upgrade of BIF to medium- and high-grade hypogene iron took place; (3) sedimentary basin hosted, early graben structure controlled Urucum-type model, where glaciomarine BIF and subsequent diagenesis to very low-grade metamorphism is responsible for variable gangue leaching and hematite mineralisation. All of these hypogene iron ore models do not preclude a stage of supergene modification, including iron hydroxide mineralisation, phosphorous, and additional gangue leaching during substantial weathering in ancient or Recent times; and (4) supergene enriched BIF Capanema-type model, which comprises goethitic iron ore deposits with no evidence for deep hypogene roots. A variation of this model is ancient supergene iron ores of the Sishen-type, where blocks of BIF slumped into underlying karstic carbonate units and subsequently experienced Fe upgrade during deep lateritic weathering.  相似文献   

The Chandmani Uul deposit is located in Dornogovi province, Southeastern Mongolia. Iron oxide ores are hosted in the andesitic rocks of the Shar Zeeg Formation of Neoproterozoic to Lower‐Cambrian age. Middle‐ to Upper‐Cambrian bodies of granitic rocks have intruded into the host rocks in the western and southern regions of the deposit. The wall rocks around the iron oxide ore bodies were hydrothermally altered to form potassic, epidote, and sericite–chlorite alteration zones, and calcite and quartz veinlets are ubiquitous in the late stage. Since granitic rocks also underwent potassic alteration, the activity of the granitic rocks must have a genetic relation to the ore deposit. The ore mineral assemblage is dominated by iron oxides such as mushketovite, euhedral magnetite with concentric and/or oscillatory zoning textures, and cauliflower magnetite. Lesser amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite accompany the iron oxides. Among all these products, mushketovite is dominant and is distributed throughout the deposit. Meanwhile, euhedral magnetite appears in limited amounts at relatively shallow levels in the deposit. By contrast, cauliflower magnetite appears locally in the deeper parts of the deposit, and is associated with green‐colored garnet and calcite. Sulfide minerals are ubiquitously associated with these iron oxides. The oxygen isotope (δ18O) values of all types of magnetite, quartz, and epidote were found to be ?5.9 to ?2.8‰, 10.5 to 14.9‰, and 3.6 to 6.6‰, respectively. The δ18O values of quartz–magnetite pairs suggest an equilibrium isotopic temperature near 300°C. The calculated values of δ18O for the water responsible for magnetite ranged from 2 to 10‰. All the data obtained in this study suggest that the iron oxide deposit at the Chandmani Uul is a typical iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, and that this deposit was formed at an intermediate depth with potassic and sericite–chlorite alteration zones under the oxidized conditions of a hematite‐stable environment. The δ18O range estimated implies that the ore‐forming fluid was supplied by a crystallizing granodioritic magma exsolving fluids at depth with a significant contribution of meteoric water.  相似文献   

Two epochs of the formation of ferruginous quartzites—Archean-Paleoproterozoic (3.2–1.8 Ga) and Neoproterozoic (0.85–0.7 Ga)—are distinguished in the Precambrian. They are incommensurable in scale: the Paleoproterozoic Kursk Group of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) extends over 1500 km, whereas the extension of Neoproterozoic banded iron formations (BIF) beds does not exceed a few tens of kilometers. Their thickness is up to 200 m and not more than 10 m, respectively. The oldest BIFs are located in old platforms, whereas Neoproterozoic BIFs are mainly confined to Phanerozoic orogenic (mobile) zones. Neoproterozoic BIFs universally associate with glacial deposits and their beds include glacial dropstones. In places, they underlie tillites of the Laplandian (Marinoan) glaciation (635 Ma), but they are more often sandwiched between glaciogenic sequences of the Laplandian and preceding Sturtian or Rapitan glaciation (730–750 Ma). Neoproterozoic BIFs are rather diverse in terms of lithology due to variation in the grade of metamorphism from place to place from low grades of the greenschist facies up to the granulite facies. Correspondingly, the ore component is mainly represented by hematite or magnetite. The REE distribution and (Co + Ni + Cu) index suggest an influence of hydrothermal sources of Fe, although it was subordinate to the continental washout. Iron was accumulated in seawater during glaciations, whereas iron mineralization took place at the earliest stages of postglacial transgressions.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations (BIFs) are chemical marine sediments dominantly composed of alternating iron-rich (oxide, carbonate, sulfide) and silicon-rich (chert, jasper) layers. Isotope ratios of iron, carbon, and sulfur in BIF iron-bearing minerals are biosignatures that reflect microbial cycling for these elements in BIFs. While much attention has focused on iron, banded iron formations are equally banded silica formations. Thus, silicon isotope ratios for quartz can provide insight on the sources and cycling of silicon in BIFs. BIFs are banded by definition, and microlaminae, or sub-mm banding, are characteristic of many BIFs. In situ microanalysis including secondary ion mass spectrometry is well-suited for analyzing such small features. In this study we used a CAMECA IMS-1280 ion microprobe to obtain highly accurate (±0.3‰) and spatially resolved (∼10 μm spot size) analyses of silicon and oxygen isotope ratios for quartz from several well known BIFs: Isua, southwest Greenland (∼3.8 Ga); Hamersley Group, Western Australia (∼2.5 Ga); Transvaal Group, South Africa (∼2.5 Ga); and Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota, USA (∼1.9 Ga). Values of δ18O range from +7.9‰ to +27.5‰ and include the highest reported δ18O values for BIF quartz. Values of δ30Si have a range of ∼5‰ from −3.7‰ to +1.2‰ and extend to the lowest δ30Si values for Precambrian cherts. Isua BIF samples are homogeneous in δ18O to ±0.3‰ at mm- to cm-scale, but are heterogeneous in δ30Si up to 3‰, similar to the range in δ30Si found in BIFs that have not experienced high temperature metamorphism (up to 300 °C). Values of δ30Si for quartz are homogeneous to ±0.3‰ in individual sub-mm laminae, but vary by up to 3‰ between multiple laminae over mm-to-cm of vertical banding. The scale of exchange for Si in quartz in BIFs is thus limited to the size of microlaminae, or less than ∼1 mm. We interpret differences in δ30Si between microlaminae as preserved from primary deposition. Silicon in BIF quartz is mostly of marine hydrothermal origin (δ30Si < −0.5‰) but silicon from continental weathering (δ30Si ∼ 1‰) was an important source as early as 3.8 Ga.  相似文献   

李旭平  陈妍蓉 《岩石学报》2021,37(1):253-268



The geological complexities of banded iron formation (BIF) and associated iron ores of Jilling-Langalata iron ore deposits, Singhbhum-North Orissa Craton, belonging to Iron Ore Group (IOG) eastern India have been studied in detail along with the geochemical evaluation of different iron ores. The geochemical and mineralogical characterization suggests that the massive, hard laminated, soft laminated ore and blue dust had a genetic lineage from BIFs aided with certain input from hydrothermal activity. The PAAS normalized REE pattern of Jilling BIF striking positive Eu anomaly, resembling those of modern hydrothermal solutions from mid-oceanic ridge (MOR). Major part of the iron could have been added to the bottom sea water by hydrothermal solutions derived from hydrothermally active anoxic marine environments. The ubiquitous presence of intercalated tuffaceous shales indicates the volcanic signature in BIF. Mineralogical studies reveal that magnetite was the principal iron oxide mineral, whose depositional history is preserved in BHJ, where it remains in the form of martite and the platy hematite is mainly the product of martite. The different types of iron ores are intricately related with the BHJ. Removal of silica from BIF and successive precipitation of iron by hydrothermal fluids of possible meteoric origin resulted in the formation of martite-goethite ore. The hard laminated ore has been formed in the second phase of supergene processes, where the deep burial upgrades the hydrous iron oxides to hematite. The massive ore is syngenetic in origin with BHJ. Soft laminated ores and biscuity ores were formed where further precipitation of iron was partial or absent.  相似文献   

白云鄂博矿床分布在内蒙地轴北部边缘的过渡带。含矿岩系为元古代海相沉积碳酸盐、碎屑岩建造,主要由石英岩、白云岩和板岩组成,其中白云岩是矿体围岩。 矿床受东西向向斜构造控制。向斜以北为一大背斜构造,沿轴部被断层破坏,出露有古老的片麻岩和片岩。向斜以南的背斜构造轴部有海西期黑云母花岗岩侵入,使背斜构造轴部遭受破坏。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic (593–532 Ma) Dahongliutan banded iron formation (BIF), located in the Tianshuihai terrane (Western Kunlun orogenic belt), is hosted in the Tianshuihai Group, a dominantly submarine siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary succession that generally has been metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Iron oxide (hematite), carbonate (siderite, ankerite, dolomite and calcite) and silicate (muscovite) facies are all present within the iron-rich layers. There are three distinctive sedimentary facies BIFs, the oxide, silicate–carbonate–oxide and carbonate (being subdivided into ankerite and siderite facies BIFs) in the Dahongliutan BIF. They demonstrate lateral and vertical zonation from south to north and from bottom to top: the carbonate facies BIF through a majority of the oxide facies BIF into the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF and a small proportion of the oxide facies BIF.The positive correlations between Al2O3 and TiO2, Sc, V, Cr, Rb, Cs, Th and ∑REE (total rare earth element) for various facies of BIFs indicate these chemical sediments incorporate terrigenous detrital components. Low contents of Al2O3 (<3 wt%), TiO2 (<0.15 wt%), ∑REE (5.06–39.6 ppm) and incompatible HFSEs (high field strength elements, e.g., Zr, Hf, Th and Sc) (<10 ppm), and high Fe/Ti ratios (254–4115) for a majority of the oxide and carbonate facies BIFs suggest a small clastic input (<20% clastic materials) admixtured with their original chemical precipitates. The higher abundances of Al2O3 (>3 wt%), TiO2, Zr, Th, Cs, Sc, Cr and ∑REE (31.2–62.9 ppm), and low Fe/Ti ratios (95.2–236) of the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF are consistent with incorporation of higher amounts of clastic components (20%–40% clastic materials). The HREE (heavy rare earth element) enrichment pattern in PAAS-normalized REE diagrams exhibited by a majority of the oxide and carbonate facies BIFs shows a modern seawater REE signature overprinted by high-T (temperature) hydrothermal fluids marked by strong positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu1PAAS = 2.37–5.23). The low Eu/Sm ratios, small positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu1PAAS = 1.10–1.58) and slightly MREE (middle rare earth element) enrichment relative to HREE in the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF and some oxide and carbonate facies BIFs indicate higher contributions from low-T hydrothermal sources. The absence of negative Ce anomalies and the high Fe3+/(Fe3+/Fe2+) ratios (0.98–1.00) for the oxide and silicate–carbonate–oxide BIFs do not support ocean anoxia. The δ13CV-PDB (−4.0‰ to −6.6‰) and δ18OV-PDB (−14.0‰ to −11.5‰) values for siderite and ankerite in the carbonate facies BIF are, on average, ∼6‰ and ∼5‰ lower than those (δ13CV-PDB = −0.8‰ to + 3.1‰ and δ18OV-PDB = −8.2‰ to −6.3‰) of Ca–Mg carbonates from the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF. This feature, coupled with the negative correlations between FeO, Eu/Eu1PAAS and δ13CV-PDB, imply that a water column stratified with regard to the isotopic omposition of total dissolved CO2, with the deeper water, from which the carbonate facies BIF formed, depleted in δ13C that may have been derive from hydrothermal activity.Integration of petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic data indicates that the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF and part of the oxide facies BIF precipitated in a near-shore, oxic and shallow water environment, whereas a majority of the oxide and carbonate facies BIFs deposited in anoxic but Fe2+-rich deeper waters, closer to submarine hydrothermal vents. High-T hydrothermal solutions, with infusions of some low-T hydrothermal fluids, brought Fe and Si onto a shallow marine, variably mixed with detrital components from seawaters and fresh waters carrying continental landmass and finally led to the alternating deposition of the Dahongliutan BIF during regression–transgression cycles.The Dahongliutan BIF is more akin to Superior-type rather than Algoma-type and Rapitan-type BIF, and constitutes an additional line of evidence for the widespread return of BIFs in the Cryogenian and Ediacaran reflecting the recurrence of anoxic ferruginous deep sea and anoxia/reoxygenation cycles in the Neoproterozoic. In combination with previous studies on other Fe deposits in the Tianshuihai terrane, we propose that a Fe2+-rich anoxic basin or deep sea probably existed from the Neoproterozoic to the Early Cambrian in this area.  相似文献   

Graphite which occurs in the early Precambrian banded iron formation (BIF) (3.1x109yr) at Gongchangling, Anshan, China, can be divided into two genetic types on the basis of its modes of occurrence: biogenic and inorganic; the former occurs in garnet-mica-quartz schist and the latter in rich magnetite ore. The garnet-mica-quartz schist is located at the bottom of the formation. Its original rock is a volcanic tuff-bearing clayey siltstone. Graphite is fairly uniformly disseminated in the schist Chemical analysis of 20 samples of graphite yields an average content of 0.29±0.22%. The average δ13C value of 4 samples is -26.6 ±0.6‰ (PDB). Rich magnetite ore bodies occur in the form of lenses and layers within the banded magnetite quartzite, and wallrock alteration is also noticed. Graphitebearing rich magnetite ore is composed of magnetite, maghemite and minor graphite. Late chlorite and siderite are recognized locally. Disseminated graphite is generally distributed in scaly aggregates interstitial to the grains of magnetite, occasionally found within the grains of magnetite. It is non-uniformly distributed in the horizon of rich ore, mainly in the core. No graphite is found in the outer part of the rich ore, poor ore in the same horizon, wallrock near the rich ore and altered rock, indicating that graphite has a great bearing on the rich ore. Chemical analysis of 15 samples gives an average graphite content of 0.89±0.51%. The average δ13C value of 18 samples is-4.7 ±2.1%.(PDB). This kind of graphite seems to have been formed by the following reaction: 6 FeCO3=2Fe3O4 + 5CO2+C in the primary sedimentary siderite under the condition of amphibole-facies regional metamorphism.  相似文献   

华北克拉通前寒武纪BIF铁矿研究:进展与问题   总被引:11,自引:18,他引:11  
研究表明,BIF铁矿在华北克拉通的分布具有一定规律性.大规模BIF铁矿主要发育在绿岩带分布区的鞍山-本溪、冀东、霍邱-舞阳、五台、鲁西和固阳等地;华北克拉通时代最古老的BIF形成于古太古代,最年轻BIF形成于古元古代早期,但BIF铁矿的峰期为新太古代晚期(2.52 ~2.56Ga);BIF铁矿类型可划分为阿尔戈马型和苏比利尔湖型两类,但华北以晚太古代绿岩带中的阿尔戈马型为主,仅吕梁的古元古代袁家村铁矿具典型苏比利尔湖型铁矿特征.根据BIF在绿岩带序列中的产出部位和岩石组合关系,可将华北BIF划分为:1)斜长角闪岩(夹角闪斜长片麻岩)-磁铁石英岩组合;2)斜长角闪岩-黑云变粒岩-云母石英片岩-磁铁石英岩组合;3)黑云变粒岩(夹黑云石英片岩)-磁铁石英岩组合;4)黑云变粒岩-绢云绿泥片岩-黑云石英片岩-磁铁石英岩组合;5)斜长角闪岩(片麻岩)-大理岩-磁铁石英岩组合等5种类型.华北克拉通BIF形成时代与早前寒武纪岩浆活动的时间基本一致(2.5~2.6Ga),但与华北克拉通陆壳增生的峰期(2.7~2.9Ga)有一定偏差,其原因可能与新太古代晚期华北克拉通构造-热事件十分强烈有关.华北克拉通新太古代BIF大多形成于岛弧环境,但局部地区(如固阳)BIF铁矿可能形成于深部有地幔柱叠加的岛弧环境.华北克拉通BIF富矿主要有三种类型:原始沉积、受后期构造-热液叠加改造和古风化壳等,但总体不发育富铁矿,国外发育的风化壳型富铁在我国甚为少见.本文认为在探讨BIF铁矿类型时,需要从绿岩带发育序列进行综合判别.阿尔戈马型铁矿一般产于克拉通基底(绿岩带)环境,苏比利尔湖型铁矿一般形成于稳定克拉通上的海相沉积盆地或被动大陆边缘.华北克拉通BIF铁矿地球化学研究结果表明,BIF铁矿无Ce负异常且Fe同位素为正值,从而暗示铁矿沉淀的环境为低氧或缺氧环境,而铕正异常可能指示BIFs为热水沉积成因,其机制可能为海水对流循环从新生镁铁质-超镁铁质洋壳中淋滤出F(e)和Si等元素,在海底排泄沉淀成矿,而条带状构造的形成可能归咎于成矿流体的脉动式喷溢.但对于BIF铁矿的物质来源、成矿条件和机制、富铁矿成因、华北克拉通不发育苏比利尔湖型铁矿的原因等方面,仍需深入研究.  相似文献   

The Blue Dot gold deposit, located in the Archean Amalia greenstone belt of South Africa, is hosted in an oxide (± carbonate) facies banded iron formation (BIF). It consists of three stratabound orebodies; Goudplaats, Abelskop, and Bothmasrust. The orebodies are flanked by quartz‐chlorite‐ferroan dolomite‐albite schist in the hanging wall and mafic (volcanic) schists in the footwall. Alteration minerals associated with the main hydrothermal stage in the BIF are dominated by quartz, ankerite‐dolomite series, siderite, chlorite, muscovite, sericite, hematite, pyrite, and minor amounts of chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. This study investigates the characteristics of gold mineralization in the Amalia BIF based on ore textures, mineral‐chemical data and sulfur isotope analysis. Gold mineralization of the Blue Dot deposit is associated with quartz‐carbonate veins that crosscut the BIF layering. In contrast to previous works, petrographic evidence suggests that the gold mineralization is not solely attributed to replacement reactions between ore fluid and the magnetite or hematite in the host BIF because coarse hydrothermal pyrite grains do not show mutual replacement textures of the oxide minerals. Rather, the parallel‐bedded and generally chert‐hosted pyrites are in sharp contact with re‐crystallized euhedral to subhedral magnetite ± hematite grains, and the nature of their coexistence suggests that pyrite (and gold) precipitation was contemporaneous with magnetite–hematite re‐crystallization. The Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio of the dolomite–ankerite series and chlorite decreased from veins through mineralized BIF and non‐mineralized BIF, in contrast to most Archean BIF‐hosted gold deposits. This is interpreted to be due to the effect of a high sulfur activity and increase in fO2 in a H2S‐dominant fluid during progressive fluid‐rock interaction. High sulfur activity of the hydrothermal fluid fixed pyrite in the BIF by consuming Fe2+ released into the chert layers and leaving the co‐precipitating carbonates and chlorites with less available ferrous iron content. Alternatively, the occurrence of hematite in the alteration assemblage of the host BIF caused a structural limitation in the assignment of Fe3+ in chlorite which favored the incorporation of magnesium (rather than ferric iron) in chlorite under increasing fO2 conditions, and is consistent with deposits hosted in hematite‐bearing rocks. The combined effects of reduction in sulfur contents due to sulfide precipitation and increasing fO2 during progressive fluid‐rock interactions are likely to be the principal factors to have caused gold deposition. Arsenopyrite–pyrite geothermometry indicated a temperature range of 300–350°C for the associated gold mineralization. The estimated δ34SΣS (= +1.8 to +2.5‰) and low base metal contents of the sulfide ore mineralogy are consistent with sulfides that have been sourced from magma or derived by the dissolution of magmatic sulfides from volcanic rocks during fluid migration.  相似文献   

冀东地区柞栏杖子BIF出露于绿片岩相—低角闪岩相朱杖子岩群变质岩中。铁矿石主要由石英和磁铁矿组成,还含有少量透闪石和黑云母。主量元素主要为Si O2、Fe2O3和Fe O,其次为少量的Ca O和Mg O。较低的Al2O3含量、极低的Ti O2含量和高场强元素(HFSE)暗示,铁矿石中陆源碎屑物质含量很低。铁矿石的稀土元素含量较低,稀土元素配分模式特征为轻稀土元素相对亏损、重稀土元素相对富集。较明显的Eu正异常、轻微的Y正异常及较高的Y/Ho值的稀土元素特征,类似于高温热液和海水的混合热液,暗示成矿物质主要来自于海水和高温热液。对柞栏杖子BIF矿体夹层黑云斜长变粒岩进行SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年,207Pb/206Pb年龄加权平均值为2572±8Ma(MSWD=5.8),可代表柞栏杖子BIF的形成年龄。综合前人研究,认为冀东地区变质级别不同的BIF物质来源相同、形成年代相近,BIF的变质可能和2500Ma左右华北克拉通东部陆块发生的地幔岩浆底侵事件有关。  相似文献   

山西吕梁袁家村条带状铁建造沉积相与沉积环境分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
山西吕梁作为华北克拉通上条带状铁建造(BIF)的重要产区之一,位于华北中央构造带中。袁家村BIF分布于吕梁岚县袁家村一带,极有可能是华北克拉通内最为典型的Superior型BIF。与华北克拉通其他大多数BIF相比,袁家村BIF具有明显的差异性,其中包括它的形成时代(2.3~2.1Ga)、铁建造类型和低级变质程度(低绿片岩相)等。因此,研究袁家村BIF具有特殊的研究意义,可为探讨大氧化事件之后古海洋氧化还原状态以及国内Superior型BIF的成因提供研究基础。袁家村BIF产于吕梁群袁家村组变沉积岩系的下部,前人根据上覆和下伏含火山岩地层的时代,推测袁家村组的形成时代为2.3~2.1Ga。BIF整体产状陡倾,沿北北东-北东东向呈L形带状分布。依据原生矿物的共生组合及产出特征,可将BIF沉积相划分为氧化物相(60%)、硅酸盐相(30%)和碳酸盐相(10%)。氧化物相是本区BIF最主要的沉积相,主要矿物为赤铁矿、磁铁矿和石英,从而可进一步划分为赤铁矿(24%)和磁铁矿(36%)亚相;硅酸盐相BIF以大量硅酸盐矿物出现为特征,散布于研究区,主要矿物组成除了石英和磁铁矿之外,还有铁黑硬绿泥石、绿泥石、铁滑石、镁铁闪石和阳起石等。在与碳酸盐相BIF构成过渡相的BIF中,还可发现大量的铁白云石。而碳酸盐相主要矿物为菱铁矿、铁白云石和石英等,主要发育于研究区的南部。依据含铁岩系构造格局特点复原获得了原始沉积相分布略图,沉积相主要呈南北向延展,自东向西显示出相变规律,西边为碳酸盐相,东边为氧化物相,其间是过渡的硅酸盐相。通过袁家村BIF的岩相学和含铁矿物化学成分的研究,可大致推测原始沉积的矿物组成为无定形硅胶、水铁矿、与铁蛇纹石和黑硬绿泥石组成类似的铁硅酸盐凝胶、富Al的粘土碎屑和含铁、镁、钙的碳酸盐软泥。这些沉积物在随后的成岩期和绿片岩相的区域变质作用下发生矿物之间的相互转变。BIF中主要含铁矿物的PO-P-Eh 2CO2和pH相关图解说明除了赤铁矿之外,其他矿物均是在较低氧逸度环境中形成的,且所有矿物共存的水体系为中性到弱碱性。袁家村BIF氧化物相中发育豆粒、内碎屑结构和板状交错层理等原始沉积构造,指示氧化相部分是在相对高能的浅水环境下沉积的。但BIF大部分应该形成于浪基面以下(200m)较为深水的环境中,沉淀可能同时发生于上部氧化和下部还原的水体之中,由于还原弱酸性的深部富铁海水在海侵的过程中上升到浅部相对氧化和弱碱性的浅水环境中,因为Eh、pH及氧逸度等物化条件的骤然变化,最终导致铁质的沉淀和沉积相自上而下的变化。  相似文献   

The voluminous 2.5 Ga banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Hamersley Basin (Australia) and Transvaal Craton (South Africa) record an extensive period of Fe redox cycling. The major Fe-bearing minerals in the Hamersley-Transvaal BIFs, magnetite and siderite, did not form in Fe isotope equilibrium, but instead reflect distinct formation pathways. The near-zero average δ56Fe values for magnetite record a strong inheritance from Fe3+ oxide/hydroxide precursors that formed in the upper water column through complete or near-complete oxidation. Transformation of the Fe3+ oxide/hydroxide precursors to magnetite occurred through several diagenetic processes that produced a range of δ56Fe values: (1) addition of marine hydrothermal , (2) complete reduction by bacterial dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR), and (3) interaction with excess that had low δ56Fe values and was produced by DIR. Most siderite has slightly negative δ56Fe values of ∼ −0.5‰ that indicate equilibrium with Late Archean seawater, although some very negative δ56Fe values may record DIR. Support for an important role of DIR in siderite formation in BIFs comes from previously published C isotope data on siderite, which may be explained as a mixture of C from bacterial and seawater sources.Several factors likely contributed to the important role that DIR played in BIF formation, including high rates of ferric oxide/hydroxide formation in the upper water column, delivery of organic carbon produced by photosynthesis, and low clastic input. We infer that DIR-driven Fe redox cycling was much more important at this time than in modern marine systems. The low pyrite contents of magnetite- and siderite-facies BIFs suggests that bacterial sulfate reduction was minor, at least in the environments of BIF formation, and the absence of sulfide was important in preserving magnetite and siderite in the BIFs, minerals that are poorly preserved in the modern marine record. The paucity of negative δ56Fe values in older (Early Archean) and younger (Early Proterozoic) BIFs suggests that the extensive 2.5 Ga Hamersley-Transvaal BIFs may record a period of maximum expansion of DIR in Earth’s history.  相似文献   

鞍山-本溪条带状铁建造(Banded Iron Formation,简称BIF)位于华北克拉通东北缘,是世界上典型BIF之一,也是我国最重要的铁矿资源基地。大孤山位于鞍山地区南部矿带,为新太古代典型的Algoma型BIF,与华北克拉通其它大多数BIF相比,具有较低变质程度(绿片岩相-低角闪岩相)和较完整的沉积相分布特征。因此,通过大孤山BIF的研究有利于追踪Algoma型BIF的原生矿物组成及其后期成岩-变质过程,进而通过分析原生矿物形成的物理化学条件探讨古海洋环境。依据原生矿物共生组合及产出特征,可将大孤山BIF沉积相划分为氧化物相(30%)、硅酸盐相(50%)和碳酸盐相(20%)。氧化物相主要分布于主矿体南部,主要矿物组成为磁铁矿和石英;硅酸盐相分布于主矿体中部,主要矿物组成除了石英和磁铁矿之外,还有黑硬绿泥石、绿泥石、镁铁闪石等;碳酸盐相分布于矿体北部,主要矿物组成为菱铁矿、磁铁矿和石英等。本文通过大孤山BIF岩相学观察和含铁矿物化学成分研究,推测原生沉积物的组成为无定形硅胶、三价铁氢氧化物和富铝粘土碎屑,在经历了成岩和低级变质作用后转变为具不同相带的条带状铁建造。通过分析磁铁矿、菱铁矿和黑硬绿泥石等矿物在不同P_(O_2)-P_(CO_2)和pH-Eh条件下的共生相图可知,这些矿物均是在较低氧逸度、中到弱碱性环境下形成。综合考虑矿物成分、共生组合及受变质作用较弱等信息,本文推测制约原生矿物形成的控制因素主要是古海水氧化还原状态、酸碱度、CO_2含量和硫逸度。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic magnetite–apatite–hematite–pyrolusite–jaspilite deposits in the Bafq mining district (BMD) contain more than 1.7 Gt ores with an average grade of 50 wt.% Fe and 0.01 to 7.78 wt.% P and were probably formed between 635 and 547 Ma in a riftogenic felsic submarine exhalative sequence of the Esfordi Formation. The ore zones occur in proximal zone of magnetite-rich albitized rhyolite (keratophyres), interdistal zone of rhyolitic tuff–tuffaceous sediments and distal zone of pyrolusite–jaspilite. These sequences are covered by the diamictites and cap carbonates. The BIFs are linked to the altered rhyolites–rhyodacites, jaspilites and diamictites and contain magnetite, hematite and apatite. The presence of Spriggina, Dickinsonia, Medusites and Persimedusites chahgazensis (Sennewald and Krüger, 1979; Hahn and, Pflug; McCall, 2006) in the Kushk shale member of the Esfordi Formation conforms to the Australian fauna of the Ediacaran period (635–540). This relative age is supported by some reliable Pb isotopic data (635–547 Ma) on galena, monazite and apatite (Huckriede et al., 1962; Torab, 2008; Stosch et al., 2011). The most frequent structures–textures in the ore zones include felsic autobrecciation, massive, colloidal, banded, detrital and glaciogenic. The BIFs are highlighted by high values of LREE fractionation and no significant Eu and Ce anomalies. The ores show high values of Fe2O3 (14–60%), and SiO2 (4–34%), and low contents of Al (3.32%), Cr (21.48 ppm), Co (42.82 ppm), Ni (125 ppm), V (868 ppm), and Ti (0.13%) similar to those of the Ediacaran–Rapitan BIFs. The cap carbonates show depletion in δ13C, with a range from − 0.43 to − 6.6 per mil and then return to near excursion of about + 2.97‰ in the Lower Cambrian carbonates. These are followed by δ18O values, which range from − 6.64 to − 11.86‰. The presence of jaspilites, diamictites, C and O isotopic signatures, REE patterns, and immobile element relationships highlights a glaciogenic BIF. Importantly, the glaciogenic structures–textures and jaspilites do not support the misconception of the previously proposed magmatic–carbonatitic and metasomatic–hydrothermal IOCG–Kiruna ore deposits.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations (BIFs) within the Lvliang region of Shanxi Province, China, are hosted by sediments of the Yuanjiacun Formation, part of the Paleoproterozoic Lvliang Group. These BIFs are located in a zone where sedimentation changed from clastic to chemical deposition, indicating that these are Superior-type BIFs. Here, we present new major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) data, along with Fe, Si, and O isotope data for the BIFs in the Yuanjiacun within the Fe deposits at Yuanjiacun, Jianshan, and Hugushan. When compared with Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), these BIFs are dominated by iron oxides and quartz, contain low concentrations of Al2O3, TiO2, trace elements, and the REE, and are light rare earth element (LREE) depleted and heavy rare earth element (HREE) enriched. The BIFs also display positive La, Y, and Eu anomalies, high Y/Ho ratios, and contain 30Si depleted quartz, with high δ18O values that are similar to quartz within siliceous units formed during hydrothermal activity. These data indicate that the BIFs within the Yuanjiacun Formation were precipitated from submarine hydrothermal fluids, with only negligible detrital contribution. None of the BIF samples analyzed during this study have negative Ce anomalies, although a few have a positive Ce anomaly that may indicate that the BIFs within the Yuanjiacun Formation formed during the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) within a redox stratified ocean. The positive Ce anomalies associated with some of these BIFs are a consequence of oxidization and the formation of surficial manganese oxide that have preferentially adsorbed Ho, LREE, and Ce4 +; these deposits formed during reductive dissolution at the oxidation–reduction transition zone or in deeper-level reducing seawater. The loss of Ce, LREE, and Ho to seawater and the deposition of these elements with iron hydroxides caused the positive Ce anomalies observed in some of the BIF samples, although the limited oxidizing ability of surface seawater at this time meant that Y/Ho and LREE/HREE ratios were not substantially modified, unlike similar situations within stratified ocean water during the Late Paleoproterozoic. Magnetite and hematite within the BIFs in the study area contain heavy Fe isotopes (56Fe values of 0.24–1.27‰) resulting from the partial oxidation and precipitation of Fe2 + to Fe3 + in seawater. In addition, mass-independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes within pyrite indicates that these BIFs were deposited within an oxygen-deficient ocean associated with a similarly oxygen-deficient atmosphere, even though the BIFs within the Yuanjiacun Formation formed after initiation of the GOE.  相似文献   

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