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Sequence stratigraphy which began in the late seventies of the previous century has not only enriched and widened the scope of stratigraphy, but also has been widely used in sedimentary geology, basin analy-sis, exploration of oil and gas, and other fields of ge-ology. In the last two decades and more, sequence stratigraphy, as a new branch of stratigraphical disci-pline, has become a cornerstone of modern stratigra-phy, and has produced more profound influences than all others. The currently …  相似文献   

OpendTect系统在层序地层研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在等时层序格架建立的基础上,利用地震资料研究各体系域内部沉积体的空间展布、叠置样式和沉积演化过程,进而预测各体系域中砂体的分布,是层序地层学应用于勘探实践的重要内容.OpendTect系统在三维地震倾角扫描的基础上,①以地震采样点空间信息为导向,实现了层序界面控制下的地震小层自动追踪,可以精细刻画出体系域内部沉积体地震反射结构和空间展布;②通过对各层序单元内部地震小层追踪结果进行层拉平,实现了时间域到Wheeler域的自动变换,可以更加直观地分析地层沉积演化历史;③通过沿沉积体内部小层面提取地震属性,实现了等时地层切片的提取,减少了地震属性多解性,提高了预测精度.OpendTect系统提供了一种新的基于层序地层的地震综合解释技术和思路.  相似文献   

Based on detailed field observation and multidisciplinary studies of integrated stratigraphy, the marine Lower and Middle Triassic of Lower Yangtze region is divided into five third-order sequences, the general approach of the outcrop sequence stratigraphical study of carbonate ramp is proposed, the pattern in the development of the Early and Middle Triassic sequence under the major regression is summarized, and the sequence stratigraphical and chronostratigraphical frameworks across various paleogeographical facies zones on the marginal platform are established. Project supported by the Stake Key Project “SSLC” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49502022, 49632070).  相似文献   

The Permian in slope facies area of southern Guizhou consists of 16 third order sequences, which can be grouped as four sequence sets and further into two mesosequences. Most of them are delineated by conformable or submarine erosion surfaces, and well controlled by conodont and fusulinid zones. Four important sea-level falls are recognized in the area, which occur respectively at the basalSweetognathodus whitei zone, lowerS.aff.hanzhongensis zone, middleJinogondolella xuanhanensis zone and the basalClarkina yini zone. Among the recognized transgression events, three are regarded as the most significant. They occur respectively at the basalNeogondolella exculptus zone, basalJinogondolella nankingensis zone and the lowerClarkina postbitteri zone, and are all accompanied by faunal turnovers. The key surfaces in sequences can be used to fine-tune the boundaries of bio-chronozones, stages and series.  相似文献   

The steps and methods for the establishment of the global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) are summed up briefly as follows. (i) Select rock sequences of approximately the same age duration in a region, make a thorough study of their properties or attributes in order to establish the high-resolution stratigraphic units reflecting the natural rhythms in Earth's history, and proceed by multidisciplinary comprehensive studies to reveal the relationship, including time-space relation and possible mutual causality, among the various stratigraphic units and the different natural rhythms established. (ii) Seek for the "natural break" that represents the "major natural changes in the historical development of the Earth" in shallow marine facies areas, which is frequently the third-order sequence boundaries. (iii) Trace from shallow marine facies areas toward the continental slope and bathyal areas to seek for a continuous depositional sequence that corresponds in time span to the "natural break" of shallow marine facies areas. (iv) Seek for a horizon within the continuous depositional sequence that approximately coincides with the maximum regressive point in the "natural break". This horizon is commonly within a lowerstand systems tract (LST) or a shelf margin systems tract (SMST) of the relevant third-order sequence. (v) Seek immediately above this horizon of maximum marine regression for an organic radiation or explosion event closely related to the natural boundary, which is generally the first flooding surface (FFS) of the relevant third-order sequence. (vi) Select within the organic event deposits closely related to the FFS the base boundary of a fossil taxon with widest geographical range as the Leading Group biozone for designation of the stratigraphic boundary. (vii) Select from among the sections with continuous depositional sequence formed under similar sedimentary palaeogeographic background (in general continental slope or bathyal environments) the section which possesses the shortest distance between the base boundary of the Leading Group biozone and the immediately underlying FFS of the relevant third-order sequence as the global stratotype section. The first appearance datum (FAD) of the Leading Group biozone species in the section may be regarded as the ideal GSSP. The steps suggested above are a supplement and improvement of the currently used procedures and methods for establishing GSSP. The GSSP established by using the steps and methods suggested here would make the stratigraphic boundaries better reflect the "major natural changes in the historical development of the Earth", more readily distinguishable and easily operable in recognition and correlation, and at the same time also make the designation of boundaries more objective.  相似文献   

地震资料在层序地层学中的应用进展   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
在层序地层学的发展过程中,地震资料的应用始终起着关键性的作用。在储层规模的高精度层序地层学研究中,地震反射波的运动学、动力学以及统计学特征的应用对解决薄层分析、岩性预测、物性预列、压力预列、含油气性预列等一系列问题提供了可行的手段。尽管该方面的研究取得了一定的进展,但还存在一些问题,本文最后对该方面研究做了简要的评述与展望。  相似文献   

In-Chang Ryu 《Island Arc》2003,12(4):398-410
Abstract Sandstone petrography considered within a sequence stratigraphic framework provides a better understanding of the characteristics of the Eocene Tyee Basin, an accretionary and forearc sequence, southern Oregon Coast Range. Detailed comparison of the relative abundance of major framework grains documents a marked difference in the sandstone composition of each depositional sequence. Such a difference is mainly due to an abrupt change in provenance, from a local Klamath Mountains metasedimentary source to a more distant extrabasinal Idaho Batholith‐Clarno volcanic arc source. Furthermore, the composition of framework grains varies systematically from the lowstand systems tract to the highstand systems tract within a depositional sequence. This suggests that relative sea level change in the depositional basin, and tectonics in the source area, can affect the patterns of sedimentation and sandstone composition. In addition, the Eocene Tyee Basin sandstones have a down‐section distribution of authigenic minerals, consisting of early formed zeolites and late‐stage quartz, as well as a change in the abundance of smectite to mixed‐layer chlorite/smectite with increasing burial depth. The down‐section distribution of authigenic minerals is also causally linked to the compositional variation of framework grains in each depositional sequence with increasing burial temperature. Much primary porosity has been filled with these authigenic minerals, which diminishes the permeability of potential reservoir rocks. Reservoir‐quality porosities and permeabilities, however, are present locally in the basin. The development of these reservoir‐quality sandstones within the Eocene Tyee Basin sequence is due to a complex burial diagenesis, which is directly related to temporal and spatial variations in original detrital mineralogy, in sedimentation pattern, and in burial temperature in the basin.  相似文献   

Division and correlation of terrestrial J-K bound are a knotty-argued problem. The key to solving the problem is to find a deposition-continuous section. Owing to stratigraphic hiatus and organism-phylogeny break, we have been discussing the problem without any unitary criterion for several decades. Tectonic ac-tivities occurring strongly in the J-K transitional pe-riod caused commonly sedimentary omissions and frequently volcanic eruptions in northern Hebei Prov-ince, western Liaoning Prov…  相似文献   

The Cambrian and Ordovician on the northern Tarim Platform are mainly composed of carbonates. On the basis of detailed outcrop analysis, the sequence stratigraphic system of the Cambrian-Ordovician in the northern Tarim Platform is outlined in this paper. Altogether 35 third-order sequences, 12 supersequences, 4 supersequence sets and 2 megasequences are recognized. The characteristics of the major sequence boundaries have been documented with an integrated examination of outcrop, seismic and borehole data, and the ages of these sequence boundaries have been calibrated through the combination of sequence stratigraphy with biostratigraphy. It is discovered that there is good correlation of the sequence stratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician among Tarim, Yangtze and North China platforms. This may illustrate that the development of the Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate sequences in these three platforms is mainly controlled by regional or global sea level changes. This forms the theoretical basis for the construction of high-resolution chronostratigraphic system of the Cambrian-Ordovician in the three platforms in China.  相似文献   

本文改进了单尺度分数高斯小波变换奇异性分析算法,在原有奇异点位置及奇异性指数探测算法的基础上,实现了对奇异性极性的探测.分析认为测井曲线的奇异性信息具有明确的地质意义:测井曲线中奇异点的位置指示层序界面,奇异性指数的大小与沉积环境间存在一定的对应关系,而奇异性极性信息可用于判断基准面的升降方向.提出了利用不同尺度下测井曲线的奇异性特征来识别和研究不同级次沉积旋回的方法,该方法弥补了常规方法的缺陷,为高分辨率层序地层划分提供了定量分析工具,实际资料的成功应用验证了本方法的有效性.  相似文献   

After the severest mass extinction event in the Phanerozoic, biotic recovery from the extinction at the Permian–Triassic boundary required approximately 5 my, which covers the entire Early Triassic. It is important to obtain information on the superocean Panthalassa, which occupied most of the world ocean, to explore paleoenvironmental changes during the Early Triassic at the global scale. In order to establish the continuous lithostratigraphy of pelagic sediments in Panthalassa during the Early Triassic, high‐resolution reconstruction of the Lower Triassic pelagic sequence in Japan was conducted for the first time based on detailed field mapping and lithostratigraphic correlation in the Inuyama area, central Japan. The reconstructed Early Triassic sequence is approximately 9.5 m thick, consists of five rock types, and is divided into eight lithological units. For the reconstructed continuous sequence, measurement of carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter (δ13Corg) was carried out. Stratigraphic variation of the δ13Corg value shows large‐amplitude fluctuations between ?34.4 and ?21.0‰ throughout the sequence. In order to establish a higher resolution age model for the reconstructed Lower Triassic pelagic sequence, we correlated δ13Corg records in the Inuyama area with high‐resolution isotopic profiles of carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) from shallow‐marine carbonate sequences in southern China based on the similarity in general variation patterns with age constraints by radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy. The result provides a high‐resolution time scale for the pelagic sequence of Panthalassa during the Smithian and Spathian. The age model suggests a drastic increase in sedimentation rate during the late Smithian, which should have been caused by the increase in terrigenous input to this site.  相似文献   

With a comprehensive geological and geophysical data base,the Paleogene in the Liaodong Bay area,which consists of the Kongdian,Shahejie and Donghying Formations from the base to top,was divided into 4 second-order sequences and 8 third-order sequences based on the characteristics of the se-quence boundaries. Each third-order sequence is subdivided into the lowstand,lake transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The Lowstand systems tract (LST) is mainly composed of progradational parasequence sets,while the lake transgressive systems tract (TST) largely consists of the retrograda-tional parasequence sets and the highstand systems tract (HST) is dominated by the progradational parasequence sets. The main types of depositional systems include the shallow lake,semi-deep lake,deep lake,delta,fan delta,braided fluvial delta and nearshore subaqueous fan. The braided fluvial delta and fan delta depositional systems are mainly confined to the sequences of the lower SEs4-Ek,SEs3 and SEs1 2,while the sequences of SEd3,SEd2 and SEd1 are dominated by the delta and nearshore subaqueous fan depositional systems with the latter being developed at the downthrown side of the basin-bounding fault in each sequence. The evolution of the depositional systems is always con-trolled by the paleo-tectonic setting and the ancient landform in the space and geological time. It is concluded that the most favorable reservoirs are distributed in the Liaoxi low uplift and the central Liaozhong sag.  相似文献   

浊积岩分序级描述技术是在前人研究与勘探实践基础上,以层序地层学理论为指导,结合较为前沿的地震沉积学理论,分析层序内部结构,明确了浊积岩发育序级的划分原则、对比和划分方法;以地震资料为基础,充分发挥了井震结合的优势,形成了浊积岩的地震识别模式的建立方法.本次研究建立了东营凹陷沙三段和沙四上不同类型浊积岩的地震响应模式,形成了浊积岩分序级描述技术;该技术可以用来预测新的浊积岩发育区.东营凹陷油气勘探实践证明,在浊积岩分序级描述的基础上进行勘探优化部署,可以有效的提高浊积岩油藏的勘探成功率.  相似文献   

This paper describes the significant depositional setting information derived from well and seismic survey data for the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene forearc basin sediments in the central part of the Sanriku‐oki basin, which is regarded as a key area for elucidating the plate tectonic history of the Northeast Japan Arc. According to the results of well facies analysis utilizing cores, well logs and borehole images, the major depositional environments were of braided and meandering fluvial environments with sporadically intercalated marine incursion beds. Seismic facies, reflection terminations and isopach information provide the actual spatial distributions of fluvial channel zones flowing in a north–south trending direction. The transgression and regression cycles indicate that the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene successions can be divided into thirteen depositional sequences (Sequences SrCr‐0 to SrCr‐5, and SrPg‐1 to SrPg‐7). These depositional sequences demonstrate three types of stacking patterns: Types A to C, each of which shows a succession mainly comprising a meandering fluvial system, a braided fluvial system with minor meandering aspects in the upper part, and major marine incursion beds in the middle part, respectively, although all show an overall transgressive to regressive succession. The Type C marine incursion beds characteristically comprise bay center and tidal‐dominated bay margin facies. Basin‐transecting long seismic sections demonstrate a roll up structure on the trench slope break (TSB) side of the basin. These facts suggest that during the Cretaceous to Eocene periods, the studied fluvial‐dominated forearc basin was sheltered by the uplifted TSB. The selective occurrences of the Type C sequences suggest that when a longer‐scale transgression occurred, especially in Santonian and early Campanian periods, a large bay basin was developed, creating accommodation space, which induced the deposition of the Cretaceous Kuji Group along the arc‐side basin margin.  相似文献   

Trace fossils represent both sedimentological and paleontological entities, representing a unique blending of potential environmental indicators in the rock record. Trace fossils and trace fossil suites can be employed effectively to aid in the recognition of various discontinuity types and to assist in their genetic interpretation. Ichnology may be employed to resolve surfaces of stratigraphic significance in two main ways: 1) through the identification of discontinuities using substrate-controlled ichnofacies, and 2) through careful analysis of vertical softground (penecontemporaneous) ichnologic successions (analogous to facies successions). Ichnological analysis is a valuable tool in genetic stratigraphic studies. Integrating the data derived from substrate-controlled ichnofacies with paleoecological data from vertical ichnologic successions greatly enhances the recognition and interpretation of a wide variety of stratigraphic surfaces. When this is coupled with conventional facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy, a powerful approach to the interpretation of the rock record is generated.  相似文献   

南黄海Heuksan盆地的地震地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南黄海中的南HEUKSAN盆地是一个介于矩形到菱形之间、大小大致为32 km×13 km的盆地.这个盆地有两个最厚的沉积中心;一个在盆地西部中央,地震双程到时2.2 s的部位;另一个在盆地东部中央位置.二者之间以中央隆起相隔.盆地的地震剖面可以进一步划分为古生代到三叠纪时期的前地堑相沉积,新生代的地堑充填沉积及中新世到上新世时期的的内凹沉积.地堑充填时期的沉积可以分为两个地震层序A和B.层序A和B又可以进一步划分为3到4个亚层序.在南HEUKSAN盆地利用地震层序学的方法对上始新统地震剖面进行了较为详细的分析.认为古水流大部分是从盆地的西部流入的.因此推断其沉积物源主要来自西北部地区,其次来自于盆地的北部.顶积层为三角洲相.根据反射地震剖面的连续性、振幅和反射频率等在上始新统的地震剖面上划分出4个地震相带.地震相A区主要位于两大沉积中心部位.为三角洲前缘泥砂.相带B位于沉积区的西北边缘为平坦三角洲的沙砾.相带C2沿着南部的盆地边缘断裂带分布,为冲积扇.结论认为:始新统的地震解释剖面表明当时主要为三角洲沉积.主要沉积物来自西北的陆源区和南HEUKSAN盆地的西北部.在盆地的南部边缘,沿着盆地的边界断层发育有冲积扇的沉积环境.  相似文献   

隐蔽油气藏勘探要以高分辨率地震资料为基础,以层序地层学理论为指导,结合测井和沉积学综合研究.本文讨论了层序地层学在陆相湖盆隐蔽油气藏勘探中的的理论基础和工作方法,并将其应用于海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷北部大磨拐河组隐蔽油气藏识别中,指出大磨拐河组为一套完整的二级层序,由低水位体系域、水进体系域和高水位体系域组成,其中低水位体系域发育的湖底扇和斜坡带发育的岩性上倾尖灭砂体为研究区主要的隐蔽油气藏类型.  相似文献   

高分辨率地震勘探技术是进行浅部地质勘探较经济有效的方法,应用DAS-1型高分辨率数字地震仪对平潭海域地层层序进行了探测研究.通过地震资料的解释,根据地震反射波及反射界面特征,共划分出T01、T11、T02、T03、T04、T05及Tg等七个反射界面,其中以角度不整合界面T03为界将本区的沉积地层划为两大套,二者之间曾经发生过一次规模较大的构造运动;Tg为地震勘探的声波基底.依据地震层序划分原则和方法,自上而下将基底反射界面以上的地震反射层划为不同的七个地震层序,即:Ⅰ(海底面~T01)、Ⅱ(T01~T11)、Ⅲ(T11~T02)、Ⅳ(T02~T03)、Ⅴ(T03~T04)、Ⅵ(T03、T04~T05)及Ⅶ(T05~Tg)层序.经与研究区内以及相邻海域已知地质资料的对比分析,大致确定该海域七个不同地震层序的地质年代分别为:Q3~Q4、Q2、N2、N1、E2、E1、K2,研究区域的沉积基底可能由中生代(J3~K1)中酸性火山岩系及燕山期中酸性侵入岩或混合岩组成.  相似文献   

Net accumulation measurements from two glaciers located on opposite sides of the New Zealand Southern Alps were used to explore processes controlling spatial variability. The degree of variability, as measured by the spatial variogram, differed in each of the three successive years, but the lowest variance occurred on both glaciers in March 2008, after a hot and dry summer. Strong relationships between net accumulation and elevation within the accumulation area were only found on Franz Josef Glacier (FJG), despite this being the primary control used in glacier mass balance modelling. Interaction between wind and topography was found to be important to the distribution of net accumulation on both glaciers. The crevasse stratigraphy method is an ideal way to gain good spatial coverage of net accumulation, and particularly suited to glaciers with high annual precipitation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Reservoirs in the southern Pennines have been investigated to determine their potential for reconstructing a history of atmospheric pollution. A selection procedure has been used to identify sites with the best chance of obtaining a usable sedimentary record prior to sample collection. Five reservoirs were selected for core collection and sediment analysis using magnetic susceptibility (χlf), particle size, spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) analysis and radiometric dating. Analysis reveals that largely undisturbed sedimentary records exist in the deepest zones of these reservoirs, thus reservoir sediments represent a valuable resource for investigating pollution histories in the southern Pennines.  相似文献   

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