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The mean seasonal cycle and distribution of various life history stages of C. finmarchicus throughout the Georges Bank (GB)-Gulf of Maine (GOM) region were characterized based on 5966 MARMAP zooplankton samples collected during 106 surveys over a 10-year period (autumn 1977–autumn 1987). A high degree of seasonal and spatial variability in C. finmarchicus abundance throughout the region was evident in contoured portrayals of data, grouped into standard stations and 2-month “seasons”.Eight subareas of the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region were identified through cluster analysis of standard stations having similar seasonal patterns in mean abundance of C. finmarchicus stages C3, C4, C5 and adults. These were the northern Gulf of Maine (Northern GOM); southern Gulf of Maine (Southern GOM); Scotian Shelf-coastal Gulf of Maine (Scotian-Coastal GOM); Mass Bay; tidally mixed Georges Bank (Mixed GB); tidal front on the Bank separating mixed from seasonally stratified water (Tidal Front GB); seasonally stratified water on the Bank (Stratified GB) and the Continental Slope adjacent to Georges Bank (SLOPE).A distinct seasonal abundance cycle was present in all subareas, but, the magnitude and timing of annual maxima varied greatly among subareas. Peak abundance was reached early (March–April) in Mixed GB, Tidal Front GB and Mass Bay, and late (July–August) in Northern GOM and Scotian-Coastal GOM. Remaining subareas had maxima in May–June. Abundance increased 10-fold from January–February to March–April and decreased sharply from July–August to September–October in all areas except southern GOM and northern GOM. The amplitude of the annual cycle was weakest in northern GOM and southern GOM, where high concentrations of C. finmarchicus persisted year-round, and strongest in the tidally mixed shallow water on GB, where the sparsest densities of C. finmarchicus occurred most of the year. Abundance curves for the various areas converged in March–April, when C. finmarchicus was ubiquitously very abundant (> 104/10 m2), and diverged from September to December.C. finmarchicus stage distribution in the GB-GOM area was highly negatively correlated with mean water column temperature during the stratified season. This seemed more related to the hydrography of the region, which isolates warmer well mixed Georges Bank from the Gulf of Maine and the stratified areas on the Bank, than to temperature, because Calanus abundances decline on the Bank before water temperatures exceed their preferences.A large part of the spatial and seasonal variation in C. finmarchicus abundance and age structure appears to be tightly coupled to major hydrographic regimes and to major circulation patterns in the region. There was a sharp ecotone between well-mixed Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine as defined by C. finmarchicus abundance patterns and life history distributions. The ecotone is present year-round but is most apparent during the stratified season (May–October), when thermohaline density gradients and the near-surface current jet along the northern flank are generally strongest. The Gulf of Maine had the highest abundances of C. finmarchicus, and lowest spatial and seasonal variation in the region, while tidally mixed Georges Banks displayed the opposite pattern. This indication of stable population centers in the Gulf of Maine would make it a major source of Calanus in the region, particularly during March–April. Distributional patterns also suggest a strong Calanus influence from Scotian Shelf water in northern Gulf of Maine and on the southern flank of Georges Bank.  相似文献   

Molecular population genetic analysis has provided evidence that the copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, of the Labrador Current, Gulf of St Lawrence, Scotian Shelf, Gulf of Maine, and Georges Bank constitute a single, interbreeding population. The DNA sequence of a 350 base pair portion of the mitochondrial large subunit (16S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene was determined for a total of 72 individuals collected in 1992, and 110 individuals collected in 1993 from these regions. There was significant heterogeneity in haplotype frequencies among the samples collected in 1992, but this heterogeneity did not resolve into regional patterns. The only regional differences seen were between pooled samples of the western N. Atlantic and those of the Norwegian Sea. There were no significant differences in haplotype frequencies among the samples collected in 1993, and fewer haplotypes were observed in these samples. Intraspecific molecular variation was typical of other marine species: there were 29 haplotypes among the 182 individuals sequenced. The frequency distribution of the haplotypes was highly skewed: 128 individuals shared one haplotype and 19 individuals were unique. There were 24 variable sites among the 350 bases sequenced; estimated nucleotide diversity was 0.0042. The genetic character of C. finmarchicus populations in the western N. Atlantic was stable over time in that three of the haplotypes (including the most abundant) occurred in both 1992 and 1993. However, haplotype frequencies differed significantly between the two years. The lack of regional structure in the 1992 samples and the genetic homogeneity of samples collected in 1993 across the domain from the Labrador Current to the Gulf of St Lawrence to Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine indicated that there is significant gene flow across this region. The persistent genetic pattern suggests that the Gulf of St Lawrence may be an important source region for recruitment of C. finmarchicus to Georges Bank. Determination of zooplankton dispersal patterns within high gene flow species will provide information that may not be determined by conventional oceanographic analyses.  相似文献   

The “C-Plane” is a submerged variable depth ocean current turbine that is tethered to the sea floor and uses sustained ocean currents to produce electricity. As part of the development of a 130th scale physical model of the C-Plane, a mathematical model and dynamics simulation of the prototype was developed and is presented in this paper. This three-dimensional mathematical model represents the C-Plane as a rigid body with moveable control surfaces that is moored with three linear elastic cable elements. Gravitational, buoyancy, hydrodynamic, cable, gyroscopic, and inertial forces are included and a PC-based dynamics simulation is created. The simulation demonstrates that the C-Plane is stable and capable of changing depth in all expected operating conditions. The C-Plane prototype can fly level from a height of 3 to 6 m using the configuration suggested in this paper. The maximum ascent rates of the C-Plane with a water speed of 0.3 m/s are 0.015 m/s when the pitch is fixed at 0° and 0.030 m/s when the pitch is fixed at 4°. The maximum descent rates of the C-Plane are 0.018 m/s when the pitch is held at 0° and 0.031 m/s if the pitch is held at −4°.  相似文献   

Major sequence boundaries associated with eustatic sea level changes are correlated to the general stratigraphy of the north-eastern Gulf of Mexico. The details of a Middle Cretaceous Flooding Surface, marking a major break in sedimentation, are documented. The sequence stratigraphic work provides an example of the ‘stratigraphic signature of the Neogene’. Three major episodes of sediment accumulation are represented by: (1) Late Jurassic (150.5 Ma) to Middle Cretaceous (94 Ma) aggradation and progradation of sediments with significant sediment accumulation in the present shelf and slope areas; (2) an extended period of starved sedimentation during 94-30 Ma corresponding to Middle Cretaceous flooding events (93.5 and 91.5 Ma) and the lack of sediment supply; and (3) since Late Oligocene time, unusually rapid sedimentation rates that characterize the deep water study area. These patterns of sediment accumulation directly affect the formation of allochthonous salt in the study area.  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004, not only affected the Bay of Bengal coast of India but also part of the Arabian Sea coast of India. In particular, the tsunami caused loss of life and heavy damage on some parts of the Kerala coast in southwest India. The tsunami traveled west, south of Sri Lanka, and some of the tsunami energy was diffracted around Sri Lanka and the southern tip of India and moved northward into the Arabian Sea. However, tsunami, being a long gravity wave with a wave length of a few hundred kilometers, has to take a wide turn. In that process, it missed the very southern part of the Kerala coast and did not achieve large amplitudes there. However, further north, the tsunami achieved amplitudes of upto 5 m and caused loss of life and significant damage. Here we identify the physical oceanographic processes that were responsible for selective amplification of the tsunami in certain locations.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of copecod nauplii and water properties were sampled at well-mixed and stratified sites on Georges Bank using a pumping system, CTD and in vivo fluorometer during a four day period in late May 1992. At each stratified station at least one sample was taken within the thermocline and the fluorescence maximum, which usually co-occurred. Well-mixed sites had low average concentrations of nauplii, ca 41−1, and showed little variation of abundance with depth. Stratified sites had from 4 to 16 times the integrated (0–50 m) abundance of nauplii compared to well-mixed sites and showed strong vertical patterns of distribution. Maximum concentrations of nauplii, up to 1601−1, were associated with the thermocline at 7 of the 9 stratified stations. At the two remaining stratified sites the naupliar maximum was in the upper mixed layer, sampled at 5 m depth. The encounter rate between early feeding cod (Gadus morhua) larvae and their naupliar prey was calculated with and without turbulence. Turbulence was estimated from two sources: wind stress in the upper layer (calculated from wind observations during our cruise) and tidal shear in the lower layer (estimated initially from a tidal mixing equation). We ultimately replaced the lower layer estimates with turbulence data from a series of measurements made in 1995. The latter are more robust and had the advantage of providing dissipation rates for the pycnocline as well as the lower layer. Theory predicts an increase in encounters between a predator and its prey with the addition of turbulence parameters into standard models of encounter. We combined turbulence profiles with the vertical distribution of nauplii to examine the potential contribution of turbulent kinetic energy to predator-prey encounter rates at various depths in stratified and mixed water columns. Our calculations suggest the following increases due to turbulence at stratified sites on Georges Bank during our cruise: from 34 to 219% in the upper mixed layer, depending on wind speed and depth; approximately 8% in the pycnocline; and approximately 110% below the pycnocline. Mixed sites experience increases of at least 110% (tide only), but greater increases (118–192% in this study) occur when the wind blows because of the combined (spatially overlapped) effects of wind and tidal mixing at these sites. The absolute values for encounter rates and their modification by turbulence are sensitive to a number of assumptions in the models. We used a series of stated assumptions to generate estimates that range from 0.6 to 26.5 prey h−1, depending on geographical location, physical forcing and depth.  相似文献   

The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is one of the few community ocean general circulation models for which a 4-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) capability has been developed. The ROMS 4D-Var capability is unique in that three variants of 4D-Var are supported: a primal formulation of incremental strong constraint 4D-Var (I4D-Var), a dual formulation based on a physical-space statistical analysis system (4D-PSAS), and a dual formulation representer-based variant of 4D-Var (R4D-Var). In each case, ROMS is used in conjunction with available observations to identify a best estimate of the ocean circulation based on a set of a priori hypotheses about errors in the initial conditions, boundary conditions, surface forcing, and errors in the model in the case of 4D-PSAS and R4D-Var. In the primal formulation of I4D-Var the search for the best circulation estimate is performed in the full space of the model control vector, while for the dual formulations of 4D-PSAS and R4D-Var only the sub-space of linear functions of the model state vector spanned by the observations (i.e. the dual space) is searched. In oceanographic applications, the number of observations is typically much less than the dimension of the model control vector, so there are clear advantages to limiting the search to the space spanned by the observations. In the case of 4D-PSAS and R4D-Var, the strong constraint assumption (i.e. that the model is error free) can be relaxed leading to the so-called weak constraint formulation. This paper describes the three aforementioned variants of 4D-Var as they are implemented in ROMS. Critical components that are common to each approach are conjugate gradient descent, preconditioning, and error covariance models, which are also described. Finally, several powerful 4D-Var diagnostic tools are discussed, namely computation of posterior errors, eigenvector analysis of the posterior error covariance, observation impact, and observation sensitivity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the fisheries management process with multiple, informed stakeholders and socio-economic, political, and scientific complexity can be considered a governance network. This exploratory study applied communication network analysis (CNA) measures and methods to assess two cases of US federal fishery management in the Northwest Atlantic—Atlantic herring and sea scallop. Through questionnaires and interviews, CNA maps were constructed and quantitative measures of network structure and function (density, weighted average path length) and centrality measures for individual network members (degree, betweenness) were derived using InFlow software. The results show that fishery governance networks are horizontally and vertically integrated across levels of government and public–private–nonprofit sectors. The findings validated existing understanding of fisheries management as a contested, competitive management context among stakeholders, and provided new insights about the effectiveness of information sharing across the network and the critical role of bridgers connecting disparate subgroups. Fisheries management can be conceptualized and analyzed as governance networks, and the paper discusses additional research questions, refinements needed for application of the research methods, and ramifications for managers (e.g., can resource managers manage networks).  相似文献   

This study examined the awareness of, use by, and influence on stakeholders in coastal and marine policy-making in Eastern Canada and the United States of environmental publications produced by government agencies. Research was conducted in collaboration with government agencies and the publications evaluated were: (1) The 2009 State of Nova Scotia's Coast Report, released by the Government of Nova Scotia; and (2) The State of the Gulf of Maine Report, released by the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. Studying the use and influence of such reports is essential to assure accountability for use of public funds and for environmental protection. Interviews and surveys, web analytics, media scans, and citation analysis were conducted shortly after public release of the reports. The views of multiple stakeholders were considered, including policy and decision makers, scientists, industry, and the public. While produced for different audiences and in different formats, the two reports are important sources of baseline information on regional coastal issues. The methods used to promote awareness of the reports targeted the “interested public”, which included individuals and groups who usually respond to government requests for input, who may be better able to inform policy, and who are already active in coastal zone conservation. Raising awareness and use of information was challenged by the need to communicate environmental information to diverse audiences and to engage the general public (stakeholders and individuals outside of established networks). Results are presented within the context of communication and information pathways at the “science-policy interface”.  相似文献   

The Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS) is configured to simulate the circulation of the Scotia Sea and environs. This is part of a study designed to test the hypothesis that Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) populations at South Georgia in the eastern Scotia Sea are sustained by import of individuals from upstream regions, such as the western Antarctic Peninsula. Comparison of the simulated circulation fields obtained from HOPS with observations showed good agreement. The surface circulation, particularly through the Drake Passage and across the Scotia Sea, matches observations, with its northeastward flow characterized by three high-speed fronts. Also, the Weddell Sea and the Brazil Current, and their associated transports match observations. In addition, mesoscale variability, an important component of the flow in this region, is found in the simulated circulation and the model is overall well suited to model krill transport. Drifter simulations conducted with HOPS showed that krill spawned in areas coinciding with known krill spawning sites along the west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf can be entrained into the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF). They are transported across the Scotia Sea to South Georgia in 10 months or less. Drifters originating on the continental shelf of the Weddell Sea can reach South Georgia as well; however, transport from this region averages about 20 months. Additional simulations show that such transport is sensitive to changes in wind stress and the location of the SACCF. The results of this study show that krill populations along the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea are possible source populations that can provide krill to the South Georgia population. However, successful transport of krill to South Georgia is shown to depend on a multitude of factors, such as the location of the spawning area and timing of spawning, and variations in the location of the SACCF. Therefore, this study provides insight into which environmental factors control the successful transport of krill across the Scotia Sea and with it a better understanding of krill distribution in the region.  相似文献   

The present paper is Part I of a series of three papers prepared by the authors on the methods useful for ultimate limit state assessment of marine structures, that have been developed in the literature during the last few decades. It is considered that such methods are now mature enough to enter day-by-day design and strength assessment practice. The aims of the three papers are to conduct some benchmark studies of such methods on ultimate limit state assessment of (unstiffened) plates, stiffened panels, and hull girders of ships and ship-shaped offshore structures, using some candidate methods such as ANSYS nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA), DNV PULS, ALPS/ULSAP, ALPS/HULL, and IACS common structural rules (CSR) methods. As an illustrative example, an AFRAMAX-class hypothetical double hull oil tanker structure designed by CSR method is studied. In the present paper (Part I), the ultimate limit state assessment of unstiffened plates under combined biaxial compression and lateral pressure loads is emphasized using ANSYS, DNV PULS, and ALPS/ULSAP methods, and their resulting computations are compared. Part II will deal with methods for the ultimate limit state assessment of stiffened panels under combined biaxial compression and lateral pressure using ANSYS, DNV PULS, and ALPS/ULSAP methods, and Part III will treat methods for the progressive collapse analysis of the hull structure using ANSYS, ALPS/HULL, and IACS CSR methods.  相似文献   

We describe an operational ocean data assimilation system for the Kuroshio and its validation using a nine-year reanalysis (historical run from 1993 to 2001) dataset of upper-ocean state estimation in the North Pacific. The horizontal structure of volume transport of the Ryukyu Current System (RCS) is shown from the reanalysis: The RCS is connected to the flow of the subtropical gyre, and its volume transport gradually increases from south-east of Okinawa (5–10 Sv) to the east of Amami-Ohshima Island (20 Sv). Comparing the reanalysis with independent observations on the southeast slope of the Amami-Ohshima Island indicates that the root mean square differences (RMSDs) are 0.076 (0.037) m/s in the period of December 1998 to November 1999 (November 1999 to November 2000) respectively. The reanalysis field has a bias (3.1 Sv) of the volume transport of the RCS and the RMSD (3.5 Sv) which is larger than the observed variability (2.81 Sv). Surface velocity and the Kuroshio axis south of Japan are also examined. Comparison of the reanalysis and ADCP data gave maximum RMSD of 0.749 (0.271) m/s in the strong (weak) current regions, respectively. The annual mean value of the axis error is 19 km in 1998. The RMSD of the error is at most 50 km, in 294 cases in the observation period, which is smaller than the observed root mean square variability of the axis (64 km). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fate of Prudhoe Bay crude oil. labelled with n(1−14C)-hexadecane and dispersed with Corexit 9527, was studied for 24 days in a polyethylene bag enclosure of sea water by time-series observations of the alkane composition of the crude oil, oil fluorescence, 14C-labelled hexadecane in the particulate phase, bacterial biomass, amounts of sedimented material and parameters of temperature, salinity, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, and nutrients. By the seventh day, convective and diffusive mixing, important mechanisms for the dispersion of oil, resulted in a fairly homogeneous distribution of oil throughout the enclosed water column. Rapid bacterial biodegradation removed the n-alkane fraction initially, while oil-Corexit dispersion suppressed phytoplankton growth. After 7 days, with the recovery of phytoplankton growth, much of the aged oil sedimented with sinking of diatoms.  相似文献   

The asteroid Patiria miniata was used to develop a static bioassay for various crude oil water-soluble fractions (WSF). The criterion used is the size of 48-h exposed embryos. The reasons for choosing this species and the growth criterion are discussed. Experiments show that the body length of 48-h exposed embryos is inversely proportional to hydrocarbon concentration of the WSF and the time of exposure. It is also shown that the toxicity of the WSF decreases with the age of the preparation and that the first 12 h following fertilisation are most sensitive to the effects of WSF.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential adaptation of harvest tags to the Gulf of Mexico recreational reef fish fishery. The discussion addresses conceptual, theoretical, and practical issues surrounding the application of harvest tags, as well as challenges and opportunities related to the design of tag programs. A review of hunting and fishing tag programs around the world and analysis of Gulf recreational fisheries suggests that tags have the potential to improve control over total catches, increase economic benefits and provide better information for fishery management. Results also provide insight into potential use of fish tags in large-scale recreational fisheries nationwide.  相似文献   

The Tsunami of December 26, 2004, in the Indian Ocean arrived on the coast of Kerala in southwest India some three hours after the tsunami was generated. The tsunami activity persisted throughout that day and, in some locations, even into the early morning of the next day. Based on interviews with eye witnesses, arrival times of tsunami waves are presented here followed by some preliminary analysis of the results.  相似文献   

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