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This paper introduces the results of an integrated project designed to compare high resolution analysis of proxy records of climate change in the sediments of seven mountain lakes across Europe with reconstructed instrumental records of climate change over the last 200 years. Palaeolimnological methods used include radiometric dating (210Pb, 137Cs), mineral magnetics, dry weight, loss-on-ignition, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, pigments, diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, cladocera and chironomids. Changes in fossil assemblages were summarised using principal components analysis. The stratigraphic data were compared with the instrumental record using linear regression techniques. The dated sediment records for each proxy from each site were treated as the response variables and the various attributes of the instrumental climate record as the predictor variables. The predictor variables were generated for each site for the period 1781 to 1997 using temperature reconstructions based on meteorological records. To harmonise the climatic predictors and the response variables, the climatic variables were smoothed along time with a LOESS regression. The results of the various analyses at the seven sites are presented in the following papers. A synthesis of the project and the relative performance of the different proxy methods are discussed in the final paper.  相似文献   

The purpose of the palaeolimnological research project carried out at Øvre Neådalsvatn was to apply a number of physical and biological proxy-climate analyses to recent sediments and to compare the results of these analyses with instrumental records of climate. Using a radiometric chronology to match the sediment core with the calendar ages of the reconstructed instrumental record, and by time-averaging the instrumental record, the statistical significance of the relationships between each of the sediment-climate proxies and the reconstructed instrumental-climate measurements were evaluated.Acid deposition at Øvre Neådalsvatn has been low and its impact limited. Whilst there has been an overall rise in mean annual temperature of about 1 °C since 1900, the physical and biological sediment records studied appear to be insensitive to climate warming of this magnitude. On the one hand, this may be a result of the loss in temporal resolution caused by time-averaging the instrumental data; on the other hand, the lake may be insensitive to the impact of this climate change.  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study of an oligotrophic alpine lake, Paione Superiore (Italy), provided a record of historical changes in water quality. Historical trends in lake acidification were reconstructed by means of calibration and regression equations from diatoms, chrysophycean scales and pigment ratios. The historical pH was inferred by using two different diatom calibration data sets, one specific to the alpine region. These pH trends, together with the record of sedimentary carbonaceous particles and chironomid remains, indicate a recent acidification of this low alkalinity lake.Concentration of total organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, biogenic silica (BSiO2), chlorophyll derivatives (CD), fucoxanthin, diatom cell concentration and number of chironomid head capsules increased during the last 2–3 decades. When expressed as accumulation rates, most of these parameters tended to decrease from the past century to c. 1950, then all except P increased to the present day. A marked increase in sedimentary nitrogen may be related to atmospheric pollution and to the general increases in output of N in Europe. High C/N ratios indicate a prevailing allochthonous source of organic matter.Finally, the increase in measured air temperature from the mid-1800's appeared to be related to lake water pH before industrialization: cold periods generally led to lower pH and vice-versa. The more recent phenomenon of anthropogenic acidification has apparently decoupled this climatic-water chemistry relationship.  相似文献   

The 14 papers in this Special Issue of the Journal of Paleolimnology report new records of Holocene climate and environmental change from Arctic lakes, with emphasis on the last 2000 years. The study sites span the high latitudes of North America and extend into northwestern Europe. The studies rely on multiple proxy indicators to reconstruct past climate, including: varve thicknesses, chironomid, diatom, and pollen assemblages, biogenic-silica and organic-matter content, oxygen-isotope ratios in diatoms, and the frequency of lake-ice-rafted aggregates. These proxies primarily document changes in past summer temperatures, the main control on physical and biological processes in lakes at high latitudes. The records will be integrated into a larger network of paleoclimate sites to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of climate change and to compare the paleoclimate inferences with the output of general circulation models. This is the Introduction to a series of fourteen papers published as a special issue dedicated to reconstructing late Holocene climate change from Arctic lake sediments. The special issue is a contribution to the International Polar Year and was edited by Darrell Kaufman.  相似文献   

Responses to recent climatic changes in the sediment of subarctic Lake Saanajärvi in northwestern Finnish Lapland are studied by comparison of various biological and sedimentological proxies with the 200-year long climate record, specifically reconstructed for the site using a data-set of European-wide meteorological data. The multi-proxy evidence of simultaneously changing diatom, Cladocera, and chrysophyte assemblages along with the increased rates of organic matter accumulation and pigment concentrations suggest that the lake has undergone a distinct typological change starting from the turn of the 20th century. This change, indicating an increase in lake productivity, parallels a pronounced rise in the meteorologically reconstructed mean annual and summer temperatures in the region between ca. 1850 and 1930's. We postulate that, during the Little Ice Age, the lake was not, or was only weakly, thermally stratified during summer, whereas the subsequent increase in air and hence epilimnetic water temperatures resulted in the development of the present summer stratification. The increased thermal stability of the lake created more suitable conditions for the growth of phyto- and zooplankton and changed the overall primary production from benthos to plankton. Mineral magnetic and carbonaceous particle records suggest long-distance pollution, particularly since the 1920's, yet the observed changes in lake biota and productivity can hardly be explained by this very minor background pollution; the 20th century species configurations are typical of neutral waters and do not indicate any response to pollution.  相似文献   

以1992年、2002年、2013年的Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像为基础,人工解译阿尔泰山区三期冰湖边界与类型,叠置获取由SRTM DEM派生的流域、海拔、坡向属性,分析冰湖的时空分布与变化特征,探讨影响该区冰湖演化的因素。研究表明:1目前该区共有冰湖1147片,总面积101.63 km2。近20年冰湖总体数量增多、面积增大。2冰川侵蚀湖与冰碛阻塞湖对气候变化的响应不同。3随着气温升高,冰川侵蚀湖水量盈亏峰值上升至更高海拔,冰碛阻塞湖变化愈不稳定。4西风环流对该区冰湖影响深远,偏西向坡面降水量充足,故偏西向冰川侵蚀湖总体变化量小,而偏西向冰碛阻塞湖则在收入持续大于支出的情况下不断扩张。5相对于中国西部其他高山高原区,该区海拔低,冰湖对气候变化响应十分敏感,各空间单元中冰湖收入与支出水量多少受气温升高与降水减少幅度的影响大。  相似文献   

近50 a来祁连山及河西走廊极端气候的时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
贾文雄 《干旱区地理》2012,35(4):559-567
 在全球变暖背景下,极端气候发生的频率增大,气象灾害造成的损失也随之增加。利用20个气象站1960-2009年的日平均气温和日降水量资料,运用线性趋势法、Spline空间插值法、Morlet小波分析法,对祁连山及河西走廊极端气候的时空变化特征进行了研究。结果表明:极端高温天数呈显著增加趋势,年际变化率为0.79d/a,20世纪90年代中后期之后极端高温天气发生的频率较高;极端低温天数呈显著减少趋势,年际变化率为-0.54d/a, 80年代中后期以来极端低温天气发生的频率较低;极端降水天数也呈显著增加趋势,年际变化率为0.02d/a,70年代中后期之后极端降水天气发生的频率较高。极端气温和降水的年际变化幅度存在区域差异,南部山区比走廊平原对全球气候变暖的响应敏感。极端高温天数和极端低温天数在8a、22a左右周期变化明显,其中22a是第一主周期;极端降水天数在6a、10a、22a左右周期变化明显,其中22a是第一主周期;从22a的周期变化推测,2010年以后11a左右极端高温天数偏少,极端低温天数偏多,极端降水天数偏少。  相似文献   

The study on the relationship of abandoned settlements and climate change in the oases could provide a historical reference for understanding human responses to present and future global warming in the arid zone. A total of 554 abandoned historical settlements in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, were used to examine the relationship between abandoned settlements and temperature change over the past 2000 years. The analysis covered dynastic epochs from the Han Dynasty (206BC–220AD) to the Qing Dynasty (1644AD–1911AD) in the oases of Xinjiang. Greater density of settlements was found at the oases larger than 2000 km2, which were more stable and less sensitive to climate change compared to smaller oases. Settlements flourished at small oases and the middle and lower reaches of rivers during warm periods and shrank back to piedmont basins and upstream alluvial fans during cold periods. These results demonstrated responses of oasis agriculture to climate change.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatom assemblages and measured limnological variables in thirty-three coastal Antarctic lakes from the Vestfold Hills was examined by constructing a diatom-water chemistry dataset. Previous analysis of this dataset by canonical correspondence analysis revealed that salinity accounted for a significant amount of the variation in the distribution of the diatom assemblages. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration of this diatom-salinity relationship was used to establish a transfer function for the reconstruction of past lakewater salinity from fossil diatom assemblages. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration with classical deshrinking provided the best model for salinity reconstructions and this was applied to the fossil diatom assemblages from one of the saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills in order to assess its potential for palaeosalinity and palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   

近50年来气候变化背景下中国大豆生产潜力时空演变特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大豆是中国最重要的粮食兼油料作物之一,随着人口的增长和人们生活水平的提高,中国对大豆产品的消费需求不断增加.全球气候变化给大豆生产带来了一定影响,其中有负面的,也有正面的.本文以2010年中国耕地空间分布遥感监测数据为基础,在1961-2010年的长时间序列气象数据、土壤数据等数据基础上,采用GAEZ模型,综合考虑光、温、水、CO2浓度、病虫害、农业气候限制、土壤、地形等因素,估算了中国大豆生产潜力,进而分析了近50年来气候变化导致的中国大豆生产潜力的时空格局特征.研究表明:①中国大豆生产潜力呈现由南向北、由西向东增加的趋势.东北平原区、长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区是大豆高产区.②近50年来,中国大豆适宜种植面积持续增加,而大豆平均生产潜力却持续下降,大豆生产潜力总量先降后增.③中国大豆生产潜力的变化区域差异明显.东北平原区大豆生产潜力总量居全国第一,长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区分别居第二、三位.本文揭示了近50年来气候变化背景下中国大豆生产潜力的时空格局演变特征,对合理安排大豆种植布局,高效利用气候和土地资源,实现大豆稳产高产具有指导意义.  相似文献   

近50年气候驱动下东北地区玉米生产潜力时空演变分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用GAEZ模型,综合考虑气象、土壤、地形等因素,估算1961-2010年东北玉米生产潜力,分析50年来气候变化导致的东北玉米生产潜力时空格局演变特征。研究发现:① 1961-2010年,东北玉米平均生产潜力波动较大,整体上以每10年80 kg/hm2的线性倾向率增加;② 由于气候变化,20世纪末、21世纪初玉米生产潜力变化较为频繁;③ 玉米生产潜力总值黑龙江省始终处于最高,近50年间增长幅度黑龙江省>吉林省>辽宁省;④ 近50年来,黑龙江省玉米生产潜力的波动较为剧烈,吉林省和辽宁省相对稳定;⑤ 近50年东北玉米适宜种植区有所增加,主要集中在黑龙江省西北地区,高生产潜力区域增加明显,呈现北移趋势。研究可为东北地区高效利用气候和土地资源,优化玉米生产布局提供依据。  相似文献   

Five pollen zones are identified in Yangmu peatland of Mishan region located at 45o34’N, 132o23’E through sporo-pollen analysis. The changing process of paleovegetation and paleoclimate was obtained. Warm-inclined broad-leaved forest predominated in the environment of warm climate with a little dry 3400 yr BP. Deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forests predominated, in which Pinus, Picea and Abies were main species, together with wet meadow in the environment of cool and humid climate during 3400-1940 yr BP. Deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forests predominated in the dry and warm climate environment 1940-1090 yr BP. Broad-leaved forest was predominant, and the climate was warm and humid 1090-545 yr BP. Marsh meadow predominated when the climate changed to cool and dry 545 yr BP. The composition of the upper part of the 143-125 cm of the peat profile presented the cold period in the early Christian era through mutual identification between the records of historical material such as spores and pollens, susceptibility, organic matter and archaeological studies. The composition of the parts of 125-85 cm and 85-38 cm presented the warm climate in the Northern and Southern Dynasty and Sui and Tang dynasties. Since 3400 yr BP because of the frequent human activities in Mishan region, the amount of cultural relics in the Sui and Tang dynasties increased, which indicated that the ancients took much more woods from the forests in the warm climate environment.  相似文献   

The study of global climate change for the last 2000 years is very important for predicting climate evolution in the future. In order to explore the evidence of climate change for that period, the Chinese scientists made convincing statements using high-resolution substitution data such as tree-ring, coral and ice core. Continuous accumulated peat sediment is the better substitution data to provide climate information. Selecting the peatlands with a certain area and less human interference, th…  相似文献   

回顾过去2000年中国气候变化的研究历史,总结了本领域在最近10年的新成果,并对未来研究动向进行了展望。主要内容包括:代用证据采集、过去2000年温度序列重建与冷暖期辨识、降水及干湿序列重建与变化特征分析、过去千年气候变化模拟与机制诊断、历史气候变化影响分析等。主要进展体现在:加密了中国气候变化代用资料的空间覆盖度,提升了2000年气候变化序列重建、资料分析和影响辨识等研究的定量化程度,深化了对中国过去2000年气候在年代—百年尺度的变化特征及其形成机制与影响的认识。为进一步揭示地球系统的变化规律,特别是更深入认识中国气候的时空变化规律提供了更好的基础。  相似文献   

The mountain watersheds of Kaidu River and Urumqi River, which separately originate from the south and north-side of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, are selected as the study area. The characteristics and trends on variation of temperature, precipitation and runoff, and the correlativity between temperature, precipitation, and runoff were analyzed based on the past 40 years of observational data from the correlative hydrological and weather stations in the study areas. Various weather scene combinations are assumed and the response models of runoff to climate change are established in order to evaluate the sensitivity of runoff to climate change in the study areas based on the foregoing analysis. Results show that all variations of temperature, precipitation, and runoff overall present an oscillating and increasing trend since the 1960s and this increase are quite evident after 1990. There is a markedly positive correlation between mountain runoff, temperature, and precipitation while there are obvious regional differences of responding degree to precipitation and temperature between mountain runoff of Urumqi River and Kaidu River Basins. Also, mountain runoff of Urumqi River Basin is more sensitive to precipitation change than that of Kaidu River Basin, and mountain runoff of Kaidu River Basin is more sensitive to temperature change than that of Urumqi River Basin.  相似文献   

利用宁夏全域5个地市1980—2018年逐日白昼气温、相对湿度、风速、日照时数等气象资料,运用温湿指数、风寒指数、着衣指数和综合舒适指数模型,计算出旅游气候适宜期天数,并对其变化趋势及变化原因进行分析。综合舒适指数模型结果表明:石嘴山、银川、吴忠、中卫4市的旅游气候适宜期较为一致,为3月10日~11月7日,持续时长为243 d。固原的旅游气候适宜期为3月27日~10月29日,持续时长为217 d;石嘴山、吴忠、中卫全年旅游适宜天数变化不显著,是由始期、终期适宜天数增加幅度与"凹"面期适宜天数的减少幅度相当所致。银川、固原全年旅游适宜天数显著增加,主要是始期、终期适宜天数增加幅度大于"凹"面期适宜天数的减少幅度所致;各地始期、终期适宜天数显著增加是由气温升高、相对湿度降低和其他要素的差异变化共同作用所致。"凹"面期适宜天数显著减少是由气温升高(高温日数增多)、相对湿度降低和其他要素的差异变化共同作用所致;各地始期、终期、"凹"面期,气温的显著变化对适宜天数显著变化的影响权重最大,达到50%以上,相对湿度、风速、日照时数的影响权重各有差异。  相似文献   

A modern diatom-pH calibration data-set consisting of surface-sediment diatom assemblages from 118 lakes and 530 taxa is presented. The AL:PE data-set is from high-altitude or high-latitude lakes in the Alps, Norway, Svalbard, Kola Peninsula, UK, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Portugal, and Spain (pH range = 4.5-8.0; DOC range = 0.2-3.2 mg l-1). In addition, 92 epilithon samples from 22 high-altitude or high-latitude lakes comprise an AL:PE epilithon diatom-pH data-set. Weighted averaging partial least squares regression is used to develop pH-inference models. The AL:PE data-set has a root-mean-square-error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.33 and a maximum bias of 0.36 pH units and r2 of 0.82, as assessed by leave-one-out cross-validation. The epilithon data-set has, after data-screening and the deletion of one very obvious outlier, a RMSEP of 0.23 and a maximum bias of 0.18 pH units and r2 of 0.88. The 167 sample SWAP diatom-pH data-set from lowland or upland lakes in the UK, Norway, and Sweden has a RMSEP of 0.29 and a maximum bias of 0.23 pH units and r2 of 0.86.The pH optima, as estimated by weighted averaging and Gaussian regression, are compared for the three data-sets (AL:PE, SWAP, AL:PE epilithon). There is a good correspondence between the AL:PE and the AL:PE epilithon optima, but a consistent bias between the AL:PE and SWAP optima, with the SWAP optima being lower than the AL:PE estimates.The predictive performances of the AL:PE and SWAP calibration data-sets are compared using independent test samples and six core sequences, all from high-altitude lakes, one in south-east Siberia and five in eastern Scotland. The results show the importance of using the AL:PE data-set for inferring lake-water pH from diatom assemblages in high-altitude or high latitude lakes with low DOC concentrations.  相似文献   

目前,关于中国全域年际分辨率长时间序列沙漠面积变化及影响机制的研究较少。利用1995-2015年全国土地利用数据对1992-2015年地表覆被数据中的裸地进行校正,并采用2000年和2002年腾格里沙漠遥感影像解译结果对校正后的沙漠面积的精度进行验证,同时分析不同大气环流区沙漠面积变化的气候变化影响机制。结果表明:1992-2015年中国沙漠面积减少了86 704 km2,东部季风区沙漠面积减少最明显,其次是青藏高寒区,西北干旱区减少最小,减少面积分别是46 109、23 470、17 125 km2。其中,东部季风区沙漠面积减少占比最为明显,达到18.13%。土壤湿度是影响西北干旱区和青藏高寒区沙漠面积年际变化的关键因素,降水、相对湿度和土壤湿度对东部季风区沙漠面积变化有直接影响,林业生态建设工程、退耕还林还草等措施也有一定关系。近20年来中国北方风力减小和人类保护可能是东部季风区沙漠面积减少的主要因素。  相似文献   

江河源区达日县近50年气候变化的多尺度分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用墨西哥帽小波对达日县1956~2004年共588个月的气温和降水数据进行多尺度分析,揭示了达日县气候变化多时间尺度的复杂结构,分析了不同时间尺度下降水和气温序列的变化周期和突变点,并确定了各序列中存在的主周期。结果表明:达日县气温和降水的变化趋势与青藏高原以及江河源区气候总体变化基本一致,局部存在较明显的滞后反应,小尺度的变化嵌套在较大尺度的复杂背景之中,不同时间尺度下突变的年份有所差异,小波分析在揭示气候变化的多尺度构型和主周期方面具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

中国北方地区40年来湿润指数和气候干湿带界线的变化   总被引:63,自引:6,他引:57  
本文研究了中国北方地区 196 1~ 2 0 0 0年 4 0年间气候干湿带界线分布和 10年际变化。 4 0年来中国北方地区 ,在东经 10 0°以东地区 ,半干旱区和半湿润区的分界线不断波动向东推进 ,2 0世纪 90年代比 6 0年代向东和向南扩展 ,半干旱区面积扩大 ,半湿润区面积缩小 ,气候趋向干旱化 ;东经 10 0°以西地区 ,极端干旱区面积在缩小 ,湿润指数有增大趋势。如果把温度和湿润指数相结合 ,东经 10 0°以东的黄淮海区和黄土高原区为持续的干暖型 ;东经 10 0°以西的西北地区 ,则由干暖型向湿暖型转变 :河西走廊和东疆盆地转型的时间发生在 2 0世纪 70年代初 ,北疆山地绿洲荒漠地区转型的时间发生 2 0世纪 80年代中期前后。气候干湿带界线的变化取决于降水和潜在蒸发的变化速率。 4 0年来 ,在东经 10 0°以东地区 ,降水和潜在蒸发都呈下降趋势 ,但降水减少速率大于潜在蒸发下降速率 ;在东经 10 0°以西地区变湿的原因 ,研究认为除了降水有所增加外 ,潜在蒸发也在下降 ,而且潜在蒸发下降速率的绝对值大于降水增加速率。  相似文献   

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