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High resolution filtergrams of the solar limb in D3 and off-band H have been used to investigate the spatial structure of the D3 chromosphere. It was found that spicules provide the major contribution to the intensity of the D3 emission band observed above the limb, with the remainder of the emission coming from a semi-homogeneous background component at low heights.The observations can be understood on the basis of the photoionization model, whereby it is found that helium is only slightly ionized at the height of peak intensity in the D3 emission band, and that spicules are at least 3 times denser than their surroundings at this height.In coronal holes, the D3 emission is confined to isolated emission patches, and these patches contain a fine structure resembling normal chromospheric spicules.  相似文献   

A compilation of brightness temperature data in the millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelength ranges is used to obtain an empirical relation T B = C n between brightness temperature and wavelength, valid between 1 mm and 1 cm. An analytically soluble model, giving electron temperatures and densities between 1500 km and 4000 km above the photosphere is derived from this relationship, and eclipse data of Thomas and Athay, of the emission at the head of the Balmer continuum. Although this over-simplified model lacks precision in the height co-ordinate, it allows a scale height of around 1000 km for electrons to be deduced, and supplies a convincing test for the absence of hydrostatic equilibrium throughout the region. A more comprehensive and reliable though still simplified numerical model is then presented, being a modification of previous models accounting only for millimetre data. It shows marked departure from UV derived models in this region, and an explanation for the discrepancy is proposed in terms of thermal inhomogeneities on the scale of the chromospheric supergranulation. The stratified model is then geometrically modified to account for observed centrelimb profiles of the Sun measured throughout the sub-millimetre and millimetre region. The scale of any roughness thus introduced is related to the notable lack of millimetric limb brightening, and observational tests for that scale are suggested here. A qualitative picture of this part of the chromosphere is proposed, consistent with existing observations in the millimetre, visible and UV regions of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Spectroheliograms were obtained in bands centred at 1.2 mm, 0.8 mm and 0.4 mm wavelength during 1969 and 1971. In order to obtain photometrically valid data, a specialized set of reduction techniques was employed, obviating the effects of severe differential attenuation across the disc by atmospheric water vapour and of emission noise from the atmosphere, before taking out the instrumental spread functions of the telescope and detector.Comparison of our maps with those of other observers at 3 mm and 8.6 mm wavelength suggests that the chromospheric brightness temperature increments above active regions show a monotonic increase with increasing height above the photosphere over the normal increase in brightness temperature in the quiet chromosphere. Within the limit of angular resolution of 3 available, no evidence was recorded of normal limb brightening in our three passbands but the presence of isophotes at 50% of the central disc temperature consistently circumscribing the optical limb implies a narrow spike of sub-millimetre brightening close to the limb.  相似文献   

The results of the analysis of 16 H spectra taken with high spatial resolution are presented. The properties of the line profile in the boundary regions of supergranular cells (SGB) are described by the statistical distribution functions and correlation coefficients of four parameters which determine the shape of a suitable fitting curve. Although some of the line profile properties of both H and H in the SGB can be interpreted in terms of a model which was recently proposed by Durrant (1975) the agreement between that theory and our observations is not entirely satisfactory.Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer Institut Nr. 137.  相似文献   

Highly resolved H spectra and filtergrams obtained at the Fraunhofer Observatory on Capri were analysed by a method whose principles have been described before. As a result the tentative conclusion of our previous work has been confirmed: The mottles of the chromospheric fine structure are clouds superimposed on the low chromosphere. Furthermore, it is proposed that the latter is identical with the interior of the supergranular cells whose spatial averages lend themselves to an interpretation in terms of a spherically symmetric model. On the other hand, we present evidence that the boundary regions which are formed by the mottles of the fine structure pattern and which constitute the upper chromosphere are not adequately described by spatial averages. Instead, the properties of the individual structural elements should be taken into account by an appropriate theory, if only in a statistical fashion. Some of these properties, viz. source function, optical thickness, Doppler width and velocity, were measured for a large number of elements. On the basis of indirect evidence we suggest that the spicules seen on limb photographs of chromospheric lines are identical with the elements of the supergranule boundary structure.Mitteilung aus dem Fraunhofer Institut Nr. 116.  相似文献   

Several hundred H spectrograms from areas close to the solar limb were taken with the 35 cm Coudé refractor at Anacapri. The 41 spectra with the greatest spatial resolution were selected and analysed. At the supergranular boundaries a considerable fraction of the line profiles were found to correspond to Beckers Cloud Model (BCM). Moreover, the BCM parameters of the dark mottles at the limb appear to be approximately equal to those from the center of the disk. On the other hand, we also obtained evidence in disagreement with the general applicability of the BCM to all features of the chromospheric fine structure.We attempted to present the large set of observational data in a fashion that permits their interpretation by alternative theoretical models.Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer Institut Nr. 151.  相似文献   

A high resolution profile of the solar Oi 1304.9 Å line has been measured from rocket spectrograms. The profile is nearly flat-topped, showing only a slight solar reversal after instrument effects and absorption due to atomic oxygen in the earth's atmosphere have been allowed for. A theoretical analysis of this line, under the assumption of non-LTE conditions and a homogeneous, spherically symmetric chromosphere, predicts a rather deep solar reversal. The theoretical profile may be made consistent with the observed profile if mass motion is present in the chromospheric region where the line is formed. A Gaussian distribution of up and down velocities with a root mean square velocity of about 7 km/sec gives best agreement between the predicted and observed profile. This result is consistent with the conclusion made from a study of high resolution profiles of solar lines in the visible spectrum that mass vertical velocities increase with height above the photosphere.  相似文献   

Spicules are an important very dynamical and rather cool structure extending between the solar surface and the corona. They are partly filling the space inside the chromosphere and they are surrounded by a transition thin layer. New space observations taken with the SOT of the Hinode mission shed some light on their still mysterious formation and dynamics. Here we restrict the analysis to the most radial and the most interesting polar spicules situated at the base of the fast solar wind of coronal holes.We consider a first important parameter of spicules as observed above the solar visible limb: their apparent diameter as a function of the height above the limb which determines their aspect ratio and leads to the discussion of their magnetic origin using the flux tube approximation. We found that indeed spicules show a whole range of diameters, including unresolved “interacting spicules” (I-S), depending of the definition chosen to characterize this ubiquitous dynamical phenomenon occurring into a low coronal surrounding. Superposition effects along the line of sight have to be taken into account in order to correctly measure individual spicules and look at I-S. We take advantage of the so-called mad-max operator to reduce these effects and improve the visibility of these hair-like features. An excellent time sequence of images obtained above a polar region with the Hinode SOT through the HCaII filter with a cadence of 8 s was selected for analysis. 1-D Fourier amplitude spectra (AS) made at different heights above the limb are shown for the first time. A definite signature in the 0.18–0.25 Mm range exists, corresponding to the occurrence of the newly discovered type II spicules and, even more impressively, large Fourier amplitudes are observed in the 0.3–1.2 Mm range of diameters and spacing, in rough agreement with what historical works were reporting. Additionally, some statistically significant behavior, based on AS computed for different heights above the limb, is discussed.“Time slice or xt diagrams” revealing the dynamical behavior of spicules are also analyzed. They show that most of spicules have multiple structures (similarly to the doublet spicules) and they show impressive transverse periodic fluctuations which were interpreted as upward kink or Alfven waves. Evidence of the helical motion in spicules is now well evidenced, the typical periods of the apparent oscillation being around 120 s. A fine analysis of the time-slice diagram as a function of the effective heights shows an interesting new feature near the 2 Mm height. We speculate on the interpretation of this feature as being a result of the dynamical specificities of the spicule helical motion as seen in these unprecedented high resolution HCaII line emission time series.  相似文献   

Bray  R. J. 《Solar physics》1974,38(2):377-388
High-resolution filtergrams of a sunspot and its surroundings, taken at seven wavelengths in H with the aid of a computer-controlled 1/8 Å filter, have been used to derive the contrast of ten sunspot superpenumbra fibrils as functions of wavelength. The observed contrast profiles are compared with profiles calculated on the basis of three theoretical models, namely, Beckers' (1964) cloud model, Athay's (1970) velocity model, and a pure Doppler shift model. However, none of these models in their present form account for all the observed profiles.Arguments are presented which suggest that, in addition to line-of-sight velocity, the height of a moving chromospheric structure relative to the region over which the H line is formed plays a decisive role in shaping the observed profile. Improvements to existing theoretical treatments are suggested.The nature of the fibril velocity field is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The nonmagnetic interior of supergranulation cells has been thought since the 1940s to be heated by the dissipation of acoustic waves. But all attempts to measure the acoustic flux have failed to show sufficient energy for chromospheric heating. Recent space observations with TRACE, for example, have found 10% or less of the necessary flux. To explain the missing energy it has been speculated that the nonmagnetic chromosphere is heated mainly by waves related to the magnetic field. If that were correct, the whole chromosphere, magnetic as well as nonmagnetic, would be heated mainly by waves related to the magnetic field. But contrary to expectation, the radiation emerging from the nonmagnetic chromosphere shows none of the signatures of magnetic waves, only those of acoustic waves. Nearly all the heating of the nonmagnetic chromosphere must therefore be due to acoustic waves. In the magnetic network on the boundary of supergranulation cells, on the other hand, the small filling factor of the magnetic field in the photosphere implies that only a small fraction of the wave flux that travels upward to heat the chromosphere can be channeled by the magnetic field. Hence, while some of the energy that is dissipated in the magnetic network is in the form of magnetic waves, most of it must be in the form of acoustic waves. Thus, the quiet solar chromosphere, instead of being heated mainly by magnetic waves throughout, must be heated mainly by acoustic waves throughout. The full wave flux heating the quiet chromosphere must travel through the photosphere. In the nonmagnetic medium, this flux is essentially all in the form of acoustic waves; TRACE registers at most 10% of it, perhaps because of limited spatial resolution.  相似文献   

High-quality photographs of the solar limb and neighbouring regions of the disk at various wavelengths in the H line have been obtained through a tunable 1/8 Å filter used in tandem with a 1 Å Halle filter to eliminate parasitic light. The new observations throw further light on (a) the reappearance of the photospheric limb in the wings of H, and (b) the dark band lying immediately above the photospheric limb described by Loughhead (1969) and Nikolsky (1970). On the other hand, taken in isolation they add very little new information bearing on the question of the identification of spicules with disk structures.As a result of small temperature drifts in the 1/8 Å filter the stated wavelengths of the photographs given in Figures 1–4 may be in error by upwards of a few hundredths of an Ångström. Provision has since been made for setting accurately the zero of the wavelength scale by the method described by Bray and Winter (1970); this involves temporarily sliding the Halle filter out of the beam.  相似文献   

Computer control of a tunable 1/8 Å filter is described. The filter is installed in the 30-cm chromospheric telescope of the CSIRO Solar Observatory, Culgoora.  相似文献   

R. M. Straka 《Solar physics》1971,21(2):469-480
Measurements were made of the 7 March, 1970 solar eclipse by the AFCRL Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory in Hamilton, Massachusetts, on the wavelengths of 0.86, 1.95, 3.4, 6.0, 11.1, 21.2, 49.5, and 122.5 cm. Near-total obscuration (m=0.96) occurred at eclipse maximum. Source flux spectra for the intense sources located in McMath plages 10 618(SE), 10617(NE), and 10 607(NW) show gyro-resonance spectral peaking, whereas the less intense bremsstrahlung emission is observed for the weaker sources in plages 10 614 and 10 619. Associated one-dimensional source sizes for these regions vary from 0.8 arc min (at 3.4 cm) to 5.4 arc min (at 49.5 cm); with sizes at a particular wavelength increasing with intensity of the source. An estimated flux spectrum of the undisturbed radio Sun for 7 March, 1970 is given and compared to the spectrum for the solar minimum of 1964. In plage 10 607 a weak halo emission was isolated from the intense emission from the central source over the spot. The measure of emission from the halo above plage 10 607 was calculated to be 7 × 1027 electron2/cm5.  相似文献   

M. Simon 《Solar physics》1971,21(2):297-304
High resolution observations of the Sun at 3.3 mm, 3.5 mm, 1.35 cm, and 1.95 cm which were obtained by tracking narrow beam width antennas on the lunar limb as it occulted the Sun are described. The observations indicate that: (1) the region emitting at these wavelengths is very irregular with typical length scales smaller than one half minute of arc, (2) the number of roughness elements responsible for the irregular structure is small within an area of one half minute of arc square, and (3) the roughness elements observed at wavelengths greater than 1 cm extend to 109 cm beyond the optical limb.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a large number of Caii H line profiles at the sites of the bright points in the interior of the network using a 35-min-long time sequence of spectra obtained at the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) of the Sacramento Peak Observatory on a quiet regon of the solar disc and studied the dynamical processes associated with these structures. Our analysis shows that the profiles can be grouped into three classes in terms of their evolutionary behaviour. It is surmized that the differences in their behaviour are directly linked with the inner network photospheric magnetic points to which they have been observed to bear a spatial correspondence. The light curves of these bright points give the impression that the main pulse, which is the upward propagating disturbance carrying energy, throws the medium within the bright point into a resonant mode of oscillation that is seen as the follower pulses. The main pulse as well as the follower pulses have identical periods of intensity oscillations, with a mean value around 190 ± 20 s. We show that the energy transported by these main pulses at the sites of the bright points over the entire visible solar surface can account for a substantial fraction of the radiative loss from the quiet chromosphere, according to current models.  相似文献   

Cinematographic observation of the spicule occultation by the Moon have been carried out at the partial solar eclipse of October 2, 1978. The relative brightness distribution across a spicule in the light of H + 0.8 Å is first obtained. The diameter values for two spicules have been found to be of 280 ± 40 km and 1200 km.  相似文献   

D3 and H line spectrograms of spicules are analysed. The spectrograms are obtained with a specific device attached to the 53 cm coronagraph of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory. Certain results are derived, based on the observational material consisting of 70 height series spectrograms taken over a period of 44 min in H line and 60 height series spectrograms taken over a period of 30 min in D3. Each series involves 8 spectrograms reflecting the state of spicules at eight different heights in the chromosphere.  相似文献   

Loughhead  R. E. 《Solar physics》1974,35(1):55-61

Measurements have been made of the heights of seven bright mottles photographed beyond the limb on sequences of broad-band Hα filtergrams. They reveal no evidence of a systematic upward or downward motion persisting throughout the lifetime of a mottle, and in no case does the observed change in height exceed 1″ (725 km) over the period of observation. On the other hand, the possibility cannot be excluded that the bright mottles execute vertical oscillations with velocities comparable to those recently deduced from Hα contrast profile analyses by Grossmann-Doerth and von Uexküll (1971) and Bray (1973) provided the periods do not exceed a few tens of seconds.


High-quality H photographs of the solar chromosphere reveal the presence around isolated sunspots of a pattern of elongated dark elements (fibrils) bearing a strong resemblance to a greatly enlarged version of the white-light penumbra. Individual fibrils have a representative length of some 25 of arc (18000 km) and a typical separation of 2–3. Comparison of pairs of photographs separated by intervals ranging from 0.5 min to 42 min shows that the fibrils undergo continual changes in brightness, size, and shape; their average lifetime is about 17 min. The question is raised whether the fibril structure around a spot is related in any way to the observed inflow of material from the surrounding chromosphere (Evershed effect).  相似文献   

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