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本文回顾了地震反应分析理论发展的三个阶段,指出反应谱理论仍然是许多国家现阶段抗震设计的理论依据,我国规范也主要采用反应谱法进行抗震设计分析。进一步讨论了反应谱与抗震设计反应谱的联系和区别。把我国《建筑抗震设计规范(GB50011—2001)》中有关地震影响系数分别与ISO 3010:2001(E)和美国的建筑抗震设计规范中的地震影响系数做了对比,发现我国规范有些地方考虑得还不够全面,还需要不断地完善。提出在抗震设计中运用地震动参数代替地震烈度来进行计算能更好地反映工程实际情况。 相似文献
基于随机地震动模型的结构随机地震反应谱及其应用 总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13
本文考虑给定地震烈度下地震地面运动的随机过程性,得强震记录统计确定的地震持时和我国地震规范采用的地震地面最大加速度平均值,确定了平稳过滤有色噪声地震动模型的参数;通过大量计算和回归分析,得到了单质点振子均方地震位移的实用计算公式,提出了随机地震反应谱,等效随机地震静荷载及结构地震随机反应和可靠性分析的实用方法,把结构在随机地震动作用下的动力可靠性分析转化成了结构在等效随机地震静荷载作用下的静力可靠 相似文献
场地类别划分与抗震设计反应谱的讨论 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
介绍了新的抗震设计规范(2001—07—20发布,2002—01—01实施)中场地类别划分和地震影响系数的有关内容,指出其中一些不相协调之处。最后,针对不同的问题建议相应的解决办法。 相似文献
This paper presents a methodology for constructing seismic design spectra in near-fault regions.By analyzing the characteristics of near-fault pulse-type ground motions,an equivalent pulse model is proposed,which can well represent the characteristics of the near-fault forward-directivity and fling-step pulse-type ground motions.The normalized horizontal seismic design spectra for near-fault regions are presented using recorded near-fault pulse-type ground motions and equivalent pulse-type ground motions,which are derived based on the equivalent pulse model coupled with ground motion parameter attenuation relations.The normalized vertical seismic design spectra for near-fault regions are obtained by scaling the corresponding horizontal spectra with the vertical-to-horizontal acceleration spectral ratios of near-fault pulse-type ground motions.The proposed seismic design spectra appear to have relatively small dispersion in a statistical sense.The seismic design spectra for both horizontal and vertical directions can provide alternative spectral shapes for seismic design codes. 相似文献
不同抗震标准下的海洋石油平台设计地震动参数研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在海洋石油平台抗震标准方面,中国与美国规范之间存在一定的差异。本文首先介绍了两国抗震规范中的相关内容。以渤海某油田为例,根据渤海及邻区的地震构造、地震活动环境及地震动衰减关系,利用概率方法进行地震危险性分析;采用一维等效线性化方法,根据场地土动力性能试验资料,确定不同抗震标准下的设计地震动参数。最后分析不同抗震标准下的地震动参数关系,以及对工程设计的影响。结合我国渤海与美国南加利福尼亚地区的地震活动性对比分析,对我国海洋石油平台的设防地震水准提出建议。 相似文献
本文在统计了大量强震记录的基础上,分别研究了双规准加速度反应谱和双规准速度反应谱的特性,进行了对比分析,并分别得出了定量分析的结果。研究结果表明,双规准加速度反应谱在短周期段有很好的统一性,而双规准速度反应谱在长周期段的统一性较好,这种规律性对于认识地震动的特性、改进抗震设计反应谱具有重要的意义。 相似文献
In recent years, more and more studies are focused on the performance in seismic design instead of the strength of structures. People have realized that the structure deformation (displacement) can describe the damage more properly and directly than the strength (force). The displacement design spectra need to be constructed within more wide range of the period and the damping for the displacement-based seismic design. 相似文献
Contour maps of PSV (Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectrum) amplitudes during the Northridge, California, earthquake of 17 January 1994 are presented, based on strong motion recordings throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area. These maps indicate that the PSV amplitudes do not attenuate uniformly with distance, but may be locally amplified or deamplified by interference of waves reflected from discontinuities and irregularities in the geological structure (boundaries of sedimentary basins, hills and mountains and vertical offsets of basements along faults). The contour maps in this paper represent one interpretation of the distribution of PSV amplitudes based on a limited number of unequally spaced data points, and thus do not capture all details of the actual ground motion (this would require a much denser distribution of strong motion stations). Yet, at locations where there were no strong motion recordings, based on these maps, one can estimate the ground motion more accurately than based on one or few close by recordings. These maps can be used by earthquake engineers to ‘construct’ a PSV spectrum at any site of interest within the area covered. They can also be used for validation of computer codes for simulation of ground motion in basins using simplified geologic models of the area covered by the maps in this paper. 相似文献