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本文根据笔者在参与“亚太地区减轻地震和海啸灾害技术开发及其整合(EqTAP)”大型研究项目所做的1976年中国年唐山地震和1995年日本阪神.淡路地震灾害的比较研究写成,着重论述减轻城市地震灾害的风险管理和实施技术。为了使论述更为全面,本文还联系1990年代发生在美国、土耳其、印度、墨西哥和中国台湾地区的地震灾害,进行了比较和分析讨论。  相似文献   

When designing in situ soil vapor extraction systems, the number and placement of vapor extraction wells arc typically based on the radius of influence determined from some combination of pilot test data, theoretical considerations, and experience. In this report, we examine common methods used to determine the radius of influence, and through examples we illustrate how effective this remedial design approach is. Significant conclusions arc the following: (a) systems designed by radius of influence-based approaches may never achieve desired remedial goals: (b) systems designed by radius of influence-based approaches may result in longer operation times and higher total costs than a system that incorporates remedial goals and some level of fundamentally based predictive modeling: and (c) at best, the radius of influence-based approach ensures containment of contaminant vapors.  相似文献   

Accumulation of a huge amount of welded tuff and subsequent formation of calderas are typical examples of volcanisms on a large scale. Crustal structures which are related to the phenomena may be a key for the study of volcanisms on the earth. In Japan there are some 10 calderas of low gravity anomaly type, large and small in diameter, and accordingly in volume of their ejecta, welded tuff. The low gravity anomalies are very characteristic inside the calderas and just concentric with their rims, and are due to mass deficiency caused by eruptions of a huge amount of ejecta. The author (1957), hitherto, has clarified the subterranean structures resulting from the caldera formations by a gravimetric method. In this paper, the author describes the crustal structures beneath Sikotu Caldera in Hokkaido, Japan, deduced from the gravimetric, geomagnetic, seismic and geologic surveys. And referring several examples of the subterranean structures of the other calderas in Japan, the author wishes to discuss the crustal structures that would produce the caldera formations.  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results of a series of 1g shake table tests on mitigation measures for a model consisting of a 3×3 pile group and a sheet-pile quay wall in which the pile group was subjected to liquefaction-induced lateral spreading. First, general observations associated with the mechanism of lateral spreading and pile response are presented based on tests without remedial measures, followed by in depth discussions. Second, three remedial techniques were deployed to provide an adequate seismic performance of the pile group and the quay wall: (i) mitigating sheet pile of floating type, (ii) mitigating sheet pile of fixed end type, and (iii) anchoring the quay wall to a new pile row. The main objective of these mitigation methods was to restrict ground distortion behind the quay wall, enhancing seismic response of pile group and quay wall. This mitigation philosophy was decided based on the outcome of the first part, which consisted of a series of tests without mitigation measures. In addition, it should be noted that the proposed countermeasures were selected to be applicable for existing vulnerable pile groups, which are at risk of liquefaction and lateral spreading. Results of different mitigation tests are comparatively examined using a parameter called reduction factor, and the effectiveness of each countermeasure is discussed in detail. The results demonstrate that by applying the proposed mitigation measures the seismic performance of both pile group and quay wall can be improved, as a result of reduction in soil displacement and velocity of soil flow.  相似文献   

During the two-week period from March 12 through March 26, 1982, a preliminary conceptual design analysis on various remedial measures for the Lipari Landfill, New Jersey, was performed. This site is currently ranked at the top of the EPA's Superfund Cleanup List. This report demonstrates the practical benefits and limitations of applying models (both analytical and numerical) to a hazardous waste site in a restricted period of time. The numerical model was used to simulate current flow conditions at the site and provide initial conditions for a series of sensitivity simulations. These sensitivity simulations were designed to test (1) a slurry wall, (2) drain location, (3) drain depth, and (4) a clay cap. Analytical solutions were designed to analyze (1) water in place, (2) flow through an underlying layer, the lower Cohansey, (3) draining the lower Cohansey, (4) flushing the contaminated area using wells, and (5) convective arrival time of contaminants to drains. This analysis quantified discharge to drains, flow rates to a swamp downstream of the landfill, time required to drain the landfill, and contaminant travel times that would result from the implementation of each of the remedial measures that were suggested. The conclusions from this study were used by engineers and planners who incorporated, economics and engineering decisions for the various remedial measures considered.  相似文献   

This paper describes an extension to the Combined Hydrology And Stability Model (CHASM) to fully include the effects of vegetation and slope plan topography on slope stability. The resultant physically based numerical model is designed to be applied to site‐specific slopes in which a detailed assessment of unsaturated and saturated hydrology is required in relation to vegetation, topography and slope stability. Applications are made to the Hawke's Bay region in New Zealand where shallow‐seated instability is strongly associated with spatial and temporal trends in vegetation cover types, and the Mid‐Levels region in Hong Kong, an area subject to a variety of landslide mechanisms, some of which may be subject to strong topographic control. An improved understanding of process mechanism, afforded by the model, is critical for reliable and appropriate design of slope stabilization and remedial measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

赵仕万 《华南地震》1992,12(2):65-70
本文概略介绍了日本东京都震害对策的基本内容和主要措施。对某些对策问题作了评述,可供制定城市震害对策时参考。  相似文献   

Where contaminants in sediments correlate with biodiversity reductions, the contamination may not be the cause. Other physical factors may be responsible, and should be investigated so that any remedial action is directed properly. Two examples are given where unusual sediment mobility caused biodiversity reductions in sediments with elevated trace contaminants.  相似文献   

This paper describes the state-of-the-art of studies on earthquake-induced soil liquefaction, with emphasis on experimental results and practical applications through investigations conducted at the Public Works Research Institute in Japan. Following a brief introductory review on previous studies of soil liquefaction, a case history of soil liquefaction during a number of past Japanese earthquakes is summarized.A practical procedure for assessing occurrence of soil liquefaction is proposed, and a procedure for accounting for degree of soil liquefaction is discussed. The procedures can be employed for taking into account the effects of soil liquefaction in structural designing and microzoning. Some examples of the applications are shown.Then, results of shaking table test s on the effects of soil liquefaction on pile foundations and earth embankments are described. Furthermore, several examples of counter measures for reducing the soil liquefaction effects are introduced.Finally, provisions of soil liquefaction specified in current seismic design codes for various structures are summarized. In the conclusions of this paper future subjects on soil liquefaction to be studied are pointed out.  相似文献   

The Golden Horn was once a recreation area and supported a fishery; now it is an open sewer. It receives untreated domestic sewage from a population of more than 600,000 and large volumes of industrial waste. This survey documents the problem and indicates the remedial measures that are needed and envisaged.  相似文献   

In order to preserve the storage capacity of the Nanqin Reservoir for long-term service, several remedial measures have been worked out: (a) measures to control the upstream extension of backwater deposits and to prevent gravel bed load from entering into the reservoir, so that no armour layer will be formed; (b) sediment sluicing by density current to reduce deposits of suspended load; (c) periodical sediment flushing by emptying reservoir to restore the effective storage capacity. In addition, conceptions of flood plain elevation in reservoir, storage volume required in the routing of turbid flow (density flow), the storage capacity that can be restored after being lost by deposition, and the storage volume for sediment regulation are also discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been increasing interest in the application of passive technologies to reduce or remove contaminants from the subsurface environment including soil and ground water. In most cases, the impetus for this interest lies in a perceived savings compared with more traditional remedial alternatives. In a few cases, the infrastructure at contaminated sites, such as buildings, paved areas, and utilities, makes the use of conventional remedial measures difficult and expensive.
To demonstrate that natural processes are effective in reaching established goals, it is necessary to determine that transformation processes are taking place at a rate that is protective of human health and the environment and that these processes will continue for an acceptable period of time. The basic conditions that must be present to confirm natural attenuation processes arc taking place are discussed along with the behavior of contaminated plumes, monitoring requirements, data analysis, rates of degradation, and mathematical modeling.  相似文献   

For Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA), we propose a logic-tree approach to construct tsunami hazard curves (relationship between tsunami height and probability of exceedance) and present some examples for Japan for the purpose of quantitative assessments of tsunami risk for important coastal facilities. A hazard curve is obtained by integration over the aleatory uncertainties, and numerous hazard curves are obtained for different branches of logic-tree representing epistemic uncertainty. A PTHA consists of a tsunami source model and coastal tsunami height estimation. We developed the logic-tree models for local tsunami sources around Japan and for distant tsunami sources along the South American subduction zones. Logic-trees were made for tsunami source zones, size and frequency of tsunamigenic earthquakes, fault models, and standard error of estimated tsunami heights. Numerical simulation rather than empirical relation was used for estimating the median tsunami heights. Weights of discrete branches that represent alternative hypotheses and interpretations were determined by the questionnaire survey for tsunami and earthquake experts, whereas those representing the error of estimated value were determined on the basis of historical data. Examples of tsunami hazard curves were illustrated for the coastal sites, and uncertainty in the tsunami hazard was displayed by 5-, 16-, 50-, 84- and 95-percentile and mean hazard curves.  相似文献   

The subsurface injection of fluid (water, gas, vapour) occurs worldwide for a variety of purposes, e.g. to enhance oil production (EOR), store gas in depleted gas/oil fields, recharge overdrafted aquifer systems (ASR), and mitigate anthropogenic land subsidence. Irrespective of the injection target, some areas have experienced an observed land uplift ranging from a few millimetres to tens of centimetres over a time period of a few months to several years depending on the quantity and spatial distribution of the fluid used, pore pressure increase, geological setting (depth, thickness, and area extent), and hydro-geomechanical properties of the injected formation. The present paper reviews the fundamental geomechanical processes that govern land upheaval due to fluid injection in the subsurface and presents a survey of some interesting examples of anthropogenic uplift measured in the past by the traditional levelling technique and in recent times with the aid of satellite technology. The examples addressed include Long Beach, Santa Clara Valley, and Santa Ana basin, California; Las Vegas Valley, Nevada; Cold Lake and other similar sites, Canada; Tokyo and Osaka, Japan; Taipei, Taiwan; Krechba, Algeria; Upper Palatinate, Germany; Chioggia and Ravenna, Italy.  相似文献   

Pre‐ and post‐remediation data sets are used herein to assess the effectiveness of remedial measures implemented in the headwaters of the Mineral Creek watershed, where contamination from hard rock mining has led to elevated metal concentrations and acidic pH. Collection of pre‐ and post‐remediation data sets generally followed the synoptic mass balance approach, in which numerous stream and inflow locations are sampled for the constituents of interest and estimates of streamflow are determined by tracer dilution. The comparison of pre‐ and post‐remediation data sets is confounded by hydrologic effects and the effects of temporal variation. Hydrologic effects arise due to the relatively wet conditions that preceded the collection of pre‐remediation data, and the relatively dry conditions associated with the post‐remediation data set. This difference leads to a dilution effect in the upper part of the study reach, where pre‐remediation concentrations were diluted by rainfall, and a source area effect in the lower part of the study reach, where a smaller portion of the watershed may have been contributing constituent mass during the drier post‐remediation period. A second confounding factor, temporal variability, violates the steady‐state assumption that underlies the synoptic mass balance approach, leading to false identification of constituent sources and sinks. Despite these complications, remedial actions completed in the Mineral Creek headwaters appear to have led to improvements in stream water quality, as post‐remediation profiles of instream load are consistently lower than the pre‐remediation profiles over the entire study reach for six of the eight constituents considered (aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, and zinc). Concentrations of aluminium, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc remain above chronic aquatic‐life standards, however, and additional remedial actions may be needed. Future implementations of the synoptic mass balance approach should be preceded by an assessment of temporal variability, and modifications to the synoptic sampling protocol should be made if necessary. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fiumara is a kind of gravel-bed river, very steep and short, which flow through the southern Italy mountain chains, in Sicilia and Calabria regions. These streams drain mountain areas only, and are subject to a Mediterranean climate. They have a great transport and erosion capacity because of their flow regime, dominated by episodic flash floods alternated with long periods of inactivity during which their beds become completely dry. During this last century, the natural equilibrium of these particular alluvial environments has undergone notable modifications caused also by human activities. The effects of such works are investigated in terms of river dynamics, and some local examples are reported and discussed; some suggestions are made for recovery measures too.  相似文献   

Tremendous resources have been and continue to be spent investigating and remediating petroleum hydrocarbon compounds (PHCs) in soil and ground water. Investigating and planning a remedial strategy for sites affected by PHCs is often a challenging task because of the complex chemical nature of the PHCs. the complex regulatory environment related to PHC cleanup, and the use of analytical methods that provide quantitation but not identification of PHCs. From a technical standpoint, the PHC impacting soil and/or ground water is frequently inadequately characterised, both in identification as well as in is general properties (solubility, toxicity). From a regulatory standpoint, promulgated or recommended total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) cleanup levels generally relate to assumed properties of specific unweathered products and are inconsistent among different agencies and regions. This produces a prime situation for unwillingly spending more resources on investigation or remediation than may be necessary, especially when the PHC in the subsurface has different properties from unweathered products such as gasoline or diesel.
Accurately identifying the PHC and its nature, a process known as fingerprint characterization, is critical to the determination of appropriate regulatory goals and design of cost-effective remedial approaches. This paper presents several case studies in which fingerprint characterization made a significant difference in the project outcome. In each instance the nature of the organic material was better understood, the regulatory cleanup levels were negotiated based on the nature of the material, and a remedial approach was implemented that differed significantly from and was generally less costly than what would have been required without fingerprint characterization data.  相似文献   

我国农村民居地震安全工作推进现状及国外经验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文考虑农村民居地震安全工作推进方式的差异,对日美、拉丁美洲以及亚非部分国家的民居地震安全进行了简单综述,并对其特点和社会背景进行了简单分析。通过横向比较,得到了关于我国在推进农村民居地震安全工作时可以采取的一些方式;提出主要应该考虑的一些问题。  相似文献   

中外几次重要地震预测与预报结果之启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
马钦忠 《地震学报》2014,36(3):500-513
简述了地震预测的方法与类别, 回顾了20世纪70年代以来国内外几次重要地震预测预报实践特别是地震短临预测预报的情况, 从中凸显了地震短临预报的困难以及对挽救生命的重要性和社会需求的紧迫性. 通过对上述国内外一些大地震预报预测(海城地震、 唐山地震、 日本地震、 美国帕克菲尔德试验场的地震预报实践和汶川地震等)的成功与失败的解读, 试图得到一些有益的启示: 地震预测与预报, 尤其是地震短临预测与预报虽然困难, 但并不是不可能的, 事实说明它存在着很大的可能性.   相似文献   

虽然在有关的文件中已对地震区划图的不适用范围作了规定,但规定条文比较简略,社会上仍存在夸大其适用范围的现象,该文拟通过对地震区划图的不适用范围及补救措施的讲述,来促使更科学合理的运用地震区划图。  相似文献   

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